WASD Scripting Environment


A‘Abstract’ in WASD Scripting Environment
 9.2.1 Activating Perl
 ‘Apache License, Version 2.0’ in WASD Scripting Environment
 13. Attribution and Acknowledgement
 ‘Authenticated User Scripting’ in Persona Scripting
B‘Bjöern Höehrmann’ in 13. Attribution and Acknowledgement
 2.2.3 Bulk Content Output
 ‘BYTLM’ in 5.1 Multi-Client WebSocket Applications
C‘C-RTL Features’ in 2.2.1 CGI Compliant Output
 1.4 Caching Script Output
 ‘Careful of third-party script locations’ in 1.6 Script Mapping
 ‘Carriage Control’ in 11. Raw TCP/IP Socket
 9.1.3 Carriage Control
 ‘Caution!’ in 8.1.1 Proxy Access
 ‘Caution!’ in 8.4 User Scripts
 8.2 CGI
 2. CGI
 6. CGI Callouts
 2.2.1 CGI Compliant Output
 9.2.2 CGI Environment
 ‘CGI Environment Variables’ in 2.1 CGI Environment Variables
 2.1 CGI Environment Variables
 2.4 CGI Function Library
 ‘CGI Function Library’ in 3.1 CGIplus Programming
 ‘CGI Variable Demonstration’ in 2.1 CGI Environment Variables
 ‘CGI Variables’ in 2.1 CGI Environment Variables
 3. CGIplus CGIplus
 ‘CGIplus Example’ in 4. Run-Time Environments
 9.1.1 CGIplus Only
 ‘CGIplus Output’ in 3.2 Code Examples
 ‘CGIplus Performance’ in 3. CGIplus
 3.1 CGIplus Programming
 ‘CGIplus Rule Mapping’ in 3.3 Other Considerations
 7.1 CGIsapi
 ‘CGIsapi Considerations’ in 7.2 Writing ISAPI Scripts
 2.5 CGIUTL Utility
 5.4.1 Chat Chat
 ‘Clark Cooper,’ in 13. Attribution and Acknowledgement
 1.2.7 Client Recalcitrance
 ‘Code Example’ in 10. Request Redaction
 6.2 Code Examples
 3.2 Code Examples
 1.9 Content Security Policy (CSP)
 ‘Controlling Script Caching’ in 1.4 Caching Script Output
D‘DCL procedure’ in 4.2 Server Configuration
 ‘DCL Procedure Embedded’ in 9.2.1 Activating Perl
 ‘DCL Procedure Wrapped’ in 9.2.1 Activating Perl
 1.12 DCL Processing of Requests
 8. DECnet & OSU
 8.1.2 DECnet Objects
 ‘DECnet Performance’ in 8. DECnet & OSU
 ‘DECnet-Plus (OSI/Phase-V)’ in 8.1.2 DECnet Objects
 8.1.4 DECnet/OSU Startup
 ‘Default Accounts’ in 1.1 Scripting Accounts
 ‘Deprecated and Discouraged’ in 11. Raw TCP/IP Socket
 ‘Directly’ in 9.2.1 Activating Perl
 ‘Does this browser support WebSocket?’ in 5.4 WebSocket Application Examples
E5.4.2 Echo Echo
 1.5 Enabling A Script
 ‘Enabling Persona Scripting’ in Persona Scripting
 ‘Example DCL Scripts’ in 2.2.1 CGI Compliant Output
 ‘Examples’ in 1.4 Caching Script Output
F‘Free Software Foundation’ in 13. Attribution and Acknowledgement
G‘GATEWAY_SYMBOLS List’ in 2.1 CGI Environment Variables
H‘Hard Limit’ in 1.2.1 Process Management
 ‘Hint!’ in 3.2 Code Examples
 ‘Hint!’ in 3.3 Other Considerations
 ‘Hint!’ in 7.2 Writing ISAPI Scripts
I12. Index
 1. Introduction
 ‘IPC Tickler’ in 2.2.1 CGI Compliant Output
J9.1 Java
K‘Known Working Scripts’ in 8.3 OSU (DECthreads) Emulation
L‘License’ in WASD Scripting Environment
 ‘Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0’ in 13. Attribution and Acknowledgement
 ‘Lifetimes’ in 1.2.1 Process Management
 ‘Local System’ in 8. DECnet & OSU
M‘Mapping Local or Third-Party Scripts’ in 1.6 Script Mapping
 ‘Minimise available scripts’ in 1.5 Enabling A Script
 5.4.3 Mouse
 5.1 Multi-Client WebSocket Applications
N‘NEVER substitute...’ in 1.12 DCL Processing of Requests
 ‘NEVER substitute...’ in 9.2.2 CGI Environment
 ‘NEVER, EVER substitute...’ in 2.1 CGI Environment Variables
 2.2.2 Non-Parsed-Header Output
 ‘None of the following licensing appears incompatible with the Apache License’ in 13. Attribution and Acknowledgement
 ‘Not Supported?’ in 11. Raw TCP/IP Socket
 ‘Note’ in 4.2 Server Configuration
 ‘Note’ in 5.8 WASD "Raw"Socket
 ‘Note’ in 8. DECnet & OSU
 ‘NPH C Script’ in 2.2.2 Non-Parsed-Header Output
 ‘NPH DCL Script’ in 2.2.2 Non-Parsed-Header Output
O‘Ohio State University’ in 13. Attribution and Acknowledgement
 ‘Online Search’ in WASD Scripting Environment
 ‘OpenSSL Project’ in 13. Attribution and Acknowledgement
 8.3 OSU (DECthreads) Emulation
 ‘OSU - General Comments’ in 8.3 OSU (DECthreads) Emulation
 ‘OSU Setup’ in 8.3 OSU (DECthreads) Emulation
 3.3 Other Considerations
 9. Other Environments
 ‘Output and HTTP/1.1’ in 2.2.1 CGI Compliant Output
P‘Paul E. Jones’ in 13. Attribution and Acknowledgement
 9.2 Perl Persona Scripting
 ‘Phase-IV’ in 8.1.2 DECnet Objects
 ‘Please Note’ in 9.2 Perl
 9.2.3 POSTed Requests
 ‘Postscript’ in 2.2.3 Bulk Content Output
 ‘Privileged User Scripting’ in Persona Scripting
 ‘Process Management’ in 1.2.3 Process Scripting
 1.2.1 Process Management
 1.2.2 Process Nomenclature Process Priorities
 1.2.3 Process Scripting
 ‘Proctor Configuration’ in 1.3 Script Proctor
 ‘Proctor Example’ in 1.3 Script Proctor
 8.1.1 Proxy Access
 ‘Proxy Access’ in 8.4 User Scripts
Q‘Query String Variables’ in 2.1 CGI Environment Variables
R2.3 Raw HTTP Input (POST Processing)
 11. Raw TCP/IP Socket
 5.8.1 RawSocket Application
 5.8.3 RawSocket Application Examples
 5.8.4 RawSocket Configuration
 5.8.2 RawSocket Library
 ‘Recommendation’ in Restricting Persona Scripting
 ‘Record-Mode CGIplus’ in 3.1 CGIplus Programming
 ‘Record-Mode Code’ in 3.2 Code Examples
 ‘Redact Rationale’ in 10. Request Redaction
 ‘REDACT-SIZE: Callout’ in 10. Request Redaction
 ‘REDACT: Callout’ in 10. Request Redaction
 9.2.4 Reducing Latency
 8.1.3 Reducing Script Latency
 ‘Remember’ in 1.3 Script Proctor
 10. Request Redaction
 6.1 Requests and Responses
 9.2.5 Requirements
 9.1.2 Requirements
 ‘Requirements when using CGIplus’ in 3.1 CGIplus Programming Restricting Persona Scripting
 ‘RSA Data Security’ in 13. Attribution and Acknowledgement
 ‘RTE Example’ in 4. Run-Time Environments
 4.1 RTE Programming
 ‘Rule Mapping’ in 8. DECnet & OSU Run-Time Environment
 4. Run-Time Environments
S‘Script File Extensions’ in 1.7 Script Run-Time
 1.6 Script Mapping
 2.2 Script Output
 1.2.4 Script Process Default
 1.2.5 Script Process Parse Type
 1.2.6 Script Process Run-Down
 1.3 Script Proctor
 1.7 Script Run-Time
 8.1 Script System Environment
 ‘Script-Control:’ in 2.2.1 CGI Compliant Output
 1.14 Script-Requested, Server-Generated Error Responses
 ‘Scripting Account’ in 8. DECnet & OSU
 1.1 Scripting Accounts
 1.13 Scripting Function Library
 1.10 Scripting Logicals
 1.2 Scripting Processes
 1.11 Scripting Scratch Space
 4.2 Server Configuration
 7.3 Server Configuration
 ‘Shared scratch areas’ in 1.11 Scripting Scratch Space
 ‘Soft Limit’ in 1.2.1 Process Management
 ‘Struct-Mode CGIplus’ in 3.1 CGIplus Programming
 ‘Struct-Mode Code’ in 3.2 Code Examples
 ‘Stuart Langridge’ in 13. Attribution and Acknowledgement
 ‘Summary’ in 4. Run-Time Environments
 ‘SYLOGIN and LOGIN Procedures’ in 1.2.3 Process Scripting
 ‘Symbol Truncation’ in 2.1 CGI Environment Variables
T‘Table of Content’ in WASD Scripting Environment
 ‘Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa’ in 13. Attribution and Acknowledgement Terminal Server
U‘Unique File Names – C Language’ in 1.11 Scripting Scratch Space
 ‘Unique File Names – DCL’ in 1.11 Scripting Scratch Space
 ‘UNIQUE_ID Symbol’ in 2.1 CGI Environment Variables
 1.8 Unix Syntax
 ‘User Account Scripting’ in Persona Scripting
 8.4 User Scripts
V‘VMS Apache (CSWS) Compliance’ in 2.1 CGI Environment Variables
 ‘VMS V7.3-1 and earlier …’ in 2.1 CGI Environment Variables
 ‘VMS V7.3-2 and later …’ in 2.1 CGI Environment Variables
W‘"Wrapping" Local or Third-Party Scripts’ in 1.6 Script Mapping
 5.8 WASD "Raw"Socket
 ‘WASD Scripting Environment’ in WASD Scripting Environment
 ‘WASD Specifics’ in 2.2.1 CGI Compliant Output
 ‘WASD VMS Web Services – Copyright © 1996-2024 Mark G. Daniel’ in 13. Attribution and Acknowledgement
 5. WebSocket
 ‘WebSocket - does this browser support?’ in 5.4 WebSocket Application Examples
 5.2 WebSocket Application
 5.4 WebSocket Application Examples
 5.5.2 WebSocket Command-Line
 5.5 WebSocket Configuration
 5.3 WebSocket Library
 5.7 WebSocket References
 5.5.1 WebSocket Throttle
 5.6 WebSocket Throughput
 5.5.3 WebSocket Version
 7.2 Writing ISAPI Scripts
Y‘YMMV’ in 2.2.3 Bulk Content Output