|set|insight=0| |set|chunked=0| |set|toc=format=1…………………| |set|PDF=0| |set|idx=collate=+00112233445566778899| |style|._smiley::after \ { font-size:150%; vertical-align:middle; content:'\\263a' }| |style|._frowny::after \ { font-size:150%; vertical-align:middle; content:'\\2639' }| |01&font-size:140%;.WASD Install and Update| |^ For version 12.2 release of WASD VMS Web Services. |^ Published January 2024 |^ Document generated using |'wasdoc.wasDOC| version |insert|wasdoc=version| |0Abstract| |^ This document provides detailed installation and update instructions for the WASD Web Services package. |^ For WASD configuration see |link%|../config/|WASD Web Services - Configuration| |^ For the more significant features and facilities available with the WASD Web Services package see |link%|../features/|WASD Web Services - Features| |^ For information on CGI, CGIplus, ISAPI, OSU, etc., scripting, see |link%|../scripting/|WASD Web Services - Scripting| |^ And for a description of WASD Web document, SSI and directory listing behaviours and options, |link%|../env/|WASD Web Services - Environment| |0Online Search| |^ |table-&border:1px #808080 solid;background-color:#eeeeee;margin-bottom:1.5em;| |row| |data&padding:0.5em;| |if|dynamic| |"
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|| |!table| |^ |*WASD VMS Web Services |-| Copyright \© 1996-2024 Mark G. Daniel| |9Apache License, Version 2.0| |9License| |^ Licensed under the |*Apache License||, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |quote&font-size:0.9em;width:49em;margin:-0.5em 0 0 1em;| you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |^ |link%&margin-left:1em;|https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0| |^ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. |!quote| |^ |mailto:Mark.Daniel@wasd.vsm.com.au| |^- |*/A pox on the houses of all spamers. Make that two poxes.| |^ All copyright and trademarks within this document belong to their rightful owners. See |link|Attribution and Acknowledgement||. |if|dynamic| |if|single| |^ This is a dynamic, single document. |^- Alternative |link|/cgi-bin/wasdoc/wasd_root/wasdoc/install/000/|multi-part| dynamic and |link|/wasd_root/wasdoc/install/|static| documents. |elif|multi| |^ This is a dynamic, multipart document. |^- Alternative |link|/cgi-bin/wasdoc/wasd_root/wasdoc/install/|single| dynamic and |link|/wasd_root/wasdoc/install/|static| documents. |endif| |endif| |if|static| |if|single| |^ This is a static (file), single document. |^- Alternative |link|/wasd_root/wasdoc/install/install.html|multi-part| static and |link|/cgi-bin/wasdoc/wasd_root/wasdoc/install/|dynamic| documents. |elif|multi| |^ This is a static (file), multipart document. |^- Alternative |link|/wasd_root/wasdoc/install/|single| static and |link|/cgi-bin/wasdoc/wasd_root/wasdoc/install/|dynamic| documents. |endif| |endif| |^- Links followed by \⤤ open in a new page. |01&font-size:120%;.Table of Content| |toc| |^-|insight@|