Directory: TCPIP$LIBPCAP_EXAMPLES (SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.TCPIP.LIBPCAP]) File: $$TCPIP$LIBPCAP_EXAMPLES.TXT Creation Date: 15-Mar-2004 Last Updated: 07-Jul-2004 The TCPIP$LIBPCAP_EXAMPLES directory contains example libpcap programs for advanced TCP/IP programmers. * Example Program ldev Use to compile and link. * Example build and run: $ @BUILD_LDEV $ RUN LDEV DEV: WE0 NET: MASK: $ * Example Programs testpcap1, testpcap2, testpcap3 Use to compile and link. * Example build and run: $ @BUILD_TESTPCAP TESTPCAP1 Building TESTPCAP1 ... $ @BUILD_TESTPCAP TESTPCAP2 Building TESTPCAP2 ... $ @BUILD_TESTPCAP TESTPCAP3 Building TESTPCAP3 ... $ testpcap1 DEV: WE0 Grabbed packet of length 63 Recieved at ..... Wed Jul 7 17:31:47 2004 Ethernet address length is 14 Ethernet type hex:800 dec:2048 is an IP packet Destination Address: 0:1:30:40:e3:0 Source Address: 0:0:f8:75:d7:d6 $ testpcap2 10 1, 2, 3, 4, Come on baby sayyy you love me!!! 5, 6, 7, Tiiimmmeesss!! 8, 9, 10, Done processing packets... wheew! $ testpcap3 "ip and tcp port 23" tcpdump: Filtering in user process 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, *Interrupt* $ testpcap3 "ip and tcp port 1" tcpdump: Filtering in user process *Interrupt*