??FI~~MSGHLP$$T_KEY_FACILITY "MSGHLP$$L_KEY_RECORD_ID TCPIP,TCP/IPServicesDatabaseConversion3Thedatabaseconversionforversion'version-id'ofTCP/IPServicescompletedsuccessfully.4None.ΠffHfff1CONVFAIL,efailedtocomplete'version-id'databaseconversion 2TCPIP,TCP/IPServicesDatabaseConversion3;? E???FE??E EE$ffHfff1ACNTABORT,l'username'accountcreationabortedbyuser 2TCPIP,TCP/IPServicesConfiguration3YouenteredCtrl/CorCtrl/Ytoabortcreationofthespecifieduseraccount.4None.i}WTCPIP, ANALYZE Commap41NPANA_ABORT, ANALYZE aborted!nd=The ANALYZE MAIL command encountered a fatal error, including1one of the error conditions previously described.3See the error conditions above for specific action.X[1?ANA_ADENTR, file 'string' submitted to queue 'string' as entry 'string' !nd>During the ANALYZE MAIL/REPAIR command, the specified file wasrequeued to the SMTP queue.None.5EH1GCANA_BMP_BADBCGSIZE, problem: bad bitmap cell group allocation (cg:B 'inode_number'! solution: will be rebuilt)nd=The bitmap cell group claims space already allocated to otherfiles.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.H1l8ANA_BMP_BADBITMAP, problem: bitmap allocation from cellC 'cell_number' to cell 'cell_number' 'bad_value'5 solution: will be re-allocatednd:The bitmap file has the wrong cell allocation information.;The bitmap file indicates the cell was allocated, but it isactually free.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.$H1UW 5ANA_BMP_BADBMPCGRPCHKSUM, problem: bitmap cell groupC (cg: 'cell_group_number') has mismatchedD checkbytes: 'chksum1' not equal 'chksum2'C solution: will set checkbytes to same valuend;The front checkbyte of the bitmap cell group does not match>its rear checkbyte byte. The bitmap file may contain corrupteddata.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.`H1!7ANA_BMP_BADBMPCGRPSIZE, problem: bad bitmap cell groupC (cg: 'cell_group_number') cell group size:D 'bad_value' solution: replace by correct, value: 'good_value'nd:The size field of the bitmap cell group does not correctly$describe the size of the cell group.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.NH1l7ANA_BMP_BADBMPCGRPTYPE, problem: bad bitmap cell groupC (cg: 'cell_group_number') cell group type:C 'bad_type' solution: replace by correct* type: 'good_type'nd9The type field of the bitmap cell group does not identifyitself as a bitmap.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.VH1p.ANA_BMP_BADDCGRPCHKSUM, problem: deleted cellA (cg: 'cell_group_number') has mismatchedC cell group checkbyte solution: will set1 checkbytes to same valuendDue to problems detected in the bitmap file, a new bitmap file was created.None.&H1CANA_BADVMSDIR, problem: cannot read OpenVMS directory 'directory',A probably corrupted solution: directory and itsD subdirectories will be removed from 'container_file' container filend=The OpenVMS directory in the CFS file system is not readable.:The directory is probably corrupted. Enter the DCL ANALYZE DISK command.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.'141bd0ANA_COMPLE, ANALYZE completed on host 'string'!nd3This message occurs whenever ANALYZE mail finishes.None.(FJ1wyEANA_DELENT, entry 'entry_name' deleted from the queue 'queue_name' !nd=The ANALYZE MAIL command deleted the specified entry from the SMTP queue.None.)Vf1During the ANALYZE MAIL/DELETE command, the specified file was&deleted from the postmaster directory.None.*,1]_+ANA_DELQEN, deleted 'number' queue entriesnd8This message prints the number of SMTP queue entries for=which a mail file does not exist. The SMTP queue entries weredeleted.None.+yH1j?ANA_DIR_ALLOCERR, problem: directory cell group 'cell_pointer'D allocation error: duplication or out of container8 file size solution: will be clearedndThe front checkbyte of the directory cell group does not match contains bad file size: 'bad_value' bytesA solution: will be replaced by the correct' size: 'good_value'nd5The directory's inode contains the wrong size for the directory in the container file.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.,0H1>>ANA_DIR_BADDOTINUM, problem: bad 'string' entry inode number:B 'string' (cg: 'string')! /!_solution: will be? replaced by correct inode number: 'string'nd8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.k1=H15}DANA_DIR_BADDOTLEN, problem: bad '. or ..' entry length: 'bad_value'B (cg: 'cell_group_number') solution: will be< replaced by correct length: 'good_value'ndH1^CANA_DIR_BADDOTNAM, problem: directory 'cell_pointer' has bad '. orE ..' entry name solution: will be replaced by '. or ..'nd=The directory entry should have "." or ".." as the file name.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.3BH1_@ANA_DIR_BADDOTNAMLEN, problem: bad '. or ..' entry name length:< 'bad_value' (cg: 'cell_group_number')? solution: will be replaced by correct+ length: 'good_value'nd9The directory's "." or ".." entry has the wrong file namelength.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.4|H1>ANA_DIR_BADDOTNUM, problem: bad '. or ..' entry inode number:@ 'bad_inode_number' (cg: 'cell_group_number')@ solution: replace by correct inode number:' 'good_inode_number'nd8The "." or ".." entry contains an inode number that does9not correspond to the inode number of the directories "."or "..".8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.u5mH1?@ANA_DIR_BADENTNAME, problem: bad directory 'cell_pointer' entry@ name: 'up to 10 chars' solution: will be clearedndANA_DIR_BADHIERARCHY, problem: directory hierarchy corrupted:B multiple directory tree found! solution:@ will place files not connected to root in+ lost+found directorynd>The directory hierarchy does not form a unique tree structure.>The hierarchy is broken into disconnected trees. Some files or6directories lost the link to their parent directories.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.""9H1,ANA_DIR_BADMAXERROS, problem: bad directoryD (cg: 'cell_group_number'); cannot be recoveredA solution: will be deleted. All its files5 will be moved to lost and foundnd=The directory is completely corrupted and cannot be repaired. 'bad_value' bytes solution: will be> replaced by correct size: 'good_value'nd=The raw data's inode contains the wrong size for the raw datafile.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.$$4;BH1FBANA_DIR_BADRAWCG, problem: bad raw data file 'cell_group_pointer'E (cannot be corrected) solution: will be deletednd7The raw data file is completely corrupted and cannot be repaired.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.%%<H1=ANA_DIR_BADRAWCHKSUM, problem: raw data 'cell_group_pointer'1 has mismatched checkbytes:E 'chksum1' not equal 'chksum2' solution: will3 set checkbytes to same valuend7The front checkbyte of the raw data cell group does notWH1  d1ANA_DIR_BADRAWTYPE, problem: raw data cell groupB 'cell_group_pointer' has bad type: 'bad_type'C solution: will be replaced by correct type: 'good_type'nd;The type field of the raw data cell group does not identifyitself as a raw data file.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.((^?{1jp3ANA_DIR_BADROOT, problem: root directory corruptedF solution: will be re-created; its files will be placed in lost+foundnd6The root directory is completely corrupted. A new rootCorrupted mail files can be an indication of either a hardware"problem or a software dysfunction.22IB^1suAANA_FILDEL, deleted 'string' files from the Postmaster directorynd>This message prints the number of mail files that were deletedfrom the Postmaster directory.None.33J11bd0ANA_FILHLD, holding 'string' files in directorynd9This message prints the number of mail files that have noThis message displays the number of mail files found for which*there were no matching SMTP queue entries.None.55YL;H1#k@ANA_FIN_BADNLINK, problem: bad inode 'inode_number' link count:A 'wrong_value' solution: will be replaced by1 correct value: 'correct_value'nd:The inode contains the wrong number of links to this file.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.66Mvy1KEANA_FIN_FORIEGN, cannot delete bad directory: contains non-CFS UNIX-A style files; directory removed from CFS but not deletedndANA_HOLDFL, file 'string' is kept in the Postmaster directoryndis the timestamp taken when the file was created, user name isBEFORE and SINCE keywords used with the /DELETE and/or /REPAIR qualifiers.>U?w1pr>ANA_INO_BADBUFSFILENAM, warning: bad BUFS file name: 'string'nd>The name of the OpenVMS file in the container file system does7not have the correct container file system name format.Restore from backup.??V_H1tAANA_INO_BADCGSIZE, problem: bad 'file_type' inode 'inode_number'C inode cell group size: 'bad_value' solution:: will be replaced by initial inode size 'good_value'nd9The size field of the inode cell group does not correctly$describe the size of the cell group.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.@@uWMH1?CANA_INO_BADCGTYPE, problem: bad 'file_type' inode cell group type:@ 'bad_value' solution: will be replaced by9 correct cell group type: 'good_value'nd8The type field of the inode cell group does not identifyitself as an inode.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.AAX}H1.ANA_INO_BADCHKSUM, problem: 'file_type' inode< 'inode_number' has mismatched checkbytesD 'chksum1' notequal 'chksum2' solution: will set, checkbytes to same valuend9The front checkbytes of the inode cell group do not matchtrailer checkbyte byte. The inode is either a symbolic link or1an imported file that may contain corrupted data.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.CCyZZH1CDANA_INO_BADCTIME, problem: 'file_type' inode has wrong change time:@ 'wrong_time' solution: will be replaced by/ correct time: 'correct_time'nd:The file's change time attribute in the inode is differentfrom the actual creation time.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.DD[cH1)+BANA_INO_BADEXTMPTR, problem: extension map pointer of 'file_type'B inode 'inode_number' contains the wrong size:A 'bad_value' solution: will be replaced by/ correct size: 'good_value'nd9The inode's extension map pointer contains the wrong cell(group size for the extension cell group.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.EE\ob1E=ANA_INO_BADFID, problem: 'file_type' inode contains bad FID:C 'bad_FID' solution: will be replaced by correct FID: 'good_FID'nd8The OpenVMS file identification (FID) of the file in the5file's inode does not match the real FID of the file.>If the /CONFIRM option is set, you are prompted to confirm the"solution before it is implemented.FF]SH1q?ANA_INO_BADFILESIZE, problem: 'file_type' inode 'inode_number'9 contains bad file size: 'bad_value'? bytes solution: will be replaced by the0 correct size: 'good_value'ndThe symbolic link or imported file inode contains invalid file name length.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.QQ3hH1CEE/ANA_INO_BADOWNINUM, problem: 'file_type' inode@ cg: 'cell_group_number' contains bad owning= inode number: 'bad_value' solution: will@ be replaced by correct owning inode number:! 'good_value'nd9Each inode with its extensions has a dynamic portion that;contains the inode number of the inode. The inode number in9the dynamic portion does not match the inode's real inodenumber.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.RRviCH1@?ANA_INO_BADPTRSUP, problem: Bad Super Block inode map pointer:C 'bad_map_pointer' solution: will be replacedE by map pointer to super block: 'good_map_pointer'nd6The superblock inode contains a bad map pointer to the superblock.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.SSjH1{@ANA_INO_BADSEGNO, problem: Bad 'file_type' inode 'inode_number'2 segment number: 'bad_seg_value'@ solution: will be replaced by correct segment number: 'string'nd 'directory' not found in container directoryA solution: will remove the directory from the% container directorynd7The OpenVMS container directory contains an entry for a*directory that does not exist on the disk.7Enter the ANALYZE DISK command. If you use the /CONFIRM=qualifier, ANALYZE prompts you to confirm the solution beforeit is implemented.VVmb1tBANA_INO_NOVMSFILE, problem: OpenVMS directory inconsistency: file= 'file' not found in directory 'directory'> solution: will remove the file from VMS directory.nd9The OpenVMS container directory contains no entry for the'file, which does not exist on the disk.7Enter the ANALYZE DISK command. If you use the /CONFIRM=qualifier, ANALYZE prompts you to confirm the solution beforeit is implemented.fff1ANA_FIN_BADNLINK,problem:badinode'inode_number'olinkcount: 'wrong_value'solution:willbereplacedbycorrectvalue:'correct_value'2TCPIP,ANALYZECommand3Theinodecontainsthewrongnumberoflinkstothisfile.4None.Theerrorisrepairedautomaticallyifthe/REPAIRoptionisset.MŠffHfff1ANA_FIN_FORIEGN,cannotdeletebaddirectory:containsnon-CFSUNIX- stylefiles;directoryremovedfromCFSbutnotdeleted2TCPIP,ANALYZECommand3Non-NFSfilesystemfileswereplacedintheNFSfilesystemdirectory.Asaresult,thedirectorycannotbedeleted.4Removethenon-NFSfilesystemfilesfromtheNFSfilesystemdirectoriesandentertheANALYZECONTAINERcommandagain.NffHfff1ANA_FIN_NOBMP,problem:bitmapfileentryisnotfoundintheroot directorysolution:willaddthebitmapfileentrytotherootdirectory2TCPIP,ANALYZECommand3Therootdirectoryhasnoentryforthebitmapfile.4None.Theerrorisrepairedautomaticallyifthe/REPAIRoptionisset.OܠffHfff1ANA_FIN_NFFTCPIP, ANALYZE Comma Management Co Remote Shell Simple Mail T TN3270 Compon CONTAINS INODE_NUMBER REQUIRED =)},&TCPIP, ANALYZE CommanNb1CDANA_INO_NULVMSOWNER, problem: File/directory has invalid owner UIC:B [xx,xx] solution: will be replaced by the9 parent directory owner UIC:[xx,xx].nd=An OpenVMS directory or file in the container file system hasan invalid UIC.>If the /CONFIRM option is set, you are prompted to confirm the"solution before it is implemented.o$Z71UW#ANA_INTERR, internal ANALYZE errornd>The ANALYZE MAIL command failed an internal consistency check,indicating a possible bug.6Report this problem to your HP support representative.p5D~1fh*4ANA_NOENTR, No queue entry found for file 'string/'ndCheck the consistency of the SMTP queues and ensure that there2is no logical name conflict with the queue name(s)s%4+1VX$ANA_NOUSER, no such user 'string' !nd3The user name specified for analysis does not exist*Check the user name and retry the command.t9E`1jl8ANA_PSDIRC, postmaster directory access error 'string'!nd9An error occurred while attempting to lock the Postmaster directory.>Check that the file privileges on the Postmaster directory are correct and reenter the command.u7L1hj6ANA_PSDIRL, postmaster directory 'string' is locked !nd=The ANALYZE MAIL command locked the user Postmaster directory for analysis.None. v9Q1jl8ANA_PSDIRN, postmaster directory 'string' is unlocked !nd:The ANALYZE MAIL command released the previous lock on thePostmaster directory.None. w+ED1\^*ANA_QUEACC, queue 'string' access failurend=An error occurred while attempting to lock the specified SMTPqueue.:Check that the file privileges are correct and reenter thecommand. x&K1WY%ANA_QUEUEL, queue 'string' is lockednd/ANA_QUIT, problem: unable to continue analysisnd7An ANALYZE CONTAINER command was unable to complete the9analysis due to fatal errors found in the container file.)See other error messages generated by the>ANALYZE CONTAINER command to determine the appropriate action.#{:41km59ANA_RESERR, ANALYZE resource allocation error (memory) !nd3ANALYZE MAIL has failed to allocate dynamic memory.8Check system and process parameters to possibly increase9available process virtual memory, including VIRTUALPAGCNT and the process page file quota.|+M1\^*ANA_RUNING, ANALYZE runs on host 'string'ndThe type field of the super block cell group does not identifyitself as super block.>None. The error is repaired automatically if /REPAIR option isset.D1not match its rear checkbyte byte. The super block may containcorrupted data.>None. The error is repaired automatically if /REPAIR option isset.\H1[DANA_SUP_BADDCGSIZE, problem: bad initial directory cell group size: 'bad_value'C solution: will be replaced by default value! 'good_value'nd5Super block contains an invalid value for the initial%directory cell group allocation size.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.pY@1BDANA_SUP_BADECGSIZE, problem: bad initial extension cell group size:A 'bad_value' solution: will be replaced by. default size 'good_value'ndThe OpenVMS file identification (FID) of the container file in;the super block does not match the real container file FID.>If the /CONFIRM option is set, you are prompted to confirm the"solution before it is implemented. {jH1E;ANA_SUP_BADHIBK, problem: bad maximum container file size:> 'bad_value' solution: will be replaced by, default value 'good_value'nd>The value in the super block for the maximum size to which the*container file can be expanded is invalid.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.!!z\H1DAANA_SUP_BADIICGSIZE, problem: bad initial inode cell group size:B 'bad_value' solution: will be replaced by/ default size 'good_value'nd9The super block contains an invalid value for the initial!inode cell group allocation size.8None. The error is repaired automatically if the /REPAIRoption is set.""wG1^AANA_SUP_BADRTHRESH, problem: bad directory relocation threshold:A 'bad_value' solution: will be replaced by/ default value 'good_value'nd=The super block contains an invalid value for the directory's8relocation threshold that controls the directory's size.>None. The error is repaired automatically if the REPAIR optionis set.##gg1CANA_SUP_BADSUPBLK, problem: super block irremediably corrupted. **" End ANALYZE **nd6The super block is totally unrecognizable. The ANALYZE/CONTAINER command cannot continue the analysis.6Create a new container file using the CREATE CONTAINER;command, delete (or save) the corrupted container file, and(run the ANALYZE CONTAINER command again.=The ANALYZE CONTAINER command analyzes the container file and:moves the entire directory hierarchy to the lost and found>directory. This means the root directory is under the lost and=found directory, but all files and directories under root areintact.$$|=1iEANA_SUP_BADVERSION, problem: bad container file version: 'bad_value'A Current version is 'good_value' solution:1 will abort ANALYZE CONTAINERnd=The container file version number in the super block is not a=valid version number or a currently supported version number.If the /CONFIRM option is set, you are prompted to confirm the"solution before it is implemented.Vj+fwsZoKGCGAtu1 r&_f w 62diLkkt8 |w7B};+`  KR cHl8J 7RWT&ˆPB. Yfo1Jk֏`r3ݛa+Zҭz.aryGQL75b:X.o][Y'lvYH紗znFכ)cfbVbUtڇ 0 )0 @~JC0'ALpnʿ%=V` } PIoms?:OUE:q|2 ^\eӦ]/=E\w>I >Niٖ“mJc0FPB4Z0Y^5^Fz|!Q)&~wX-08YʼnՁ%\I3fΛƾ+;9]ḿFhCb]2{-t3HVHQfq4Y}ܱ1G[pa.3C|8OQɈhaxGXKuJa; i2[;F-fS G$vOu &>H#BԪ!=Y>r!;a "E&D'7D 3h9d F"ȓmC2?qKGяݛ,uXglhmΗOuį_G΢WZV<L 3Zm^ڶfF</7z^#^CBZEZa?0UN* UHwh3W%^Cys`zP+c8Ϟg2"FY2B$RO2vf̜he{/d`Hy1.Njշ=,6 BQ9 GrxTMYSt&J[UBBi~.U  kjx&iWV3<*^EQt峿g* ''"KZy5[iXE|xdl_e - N3dhw|uiE. 2t#Boݟz݁xgm t9eNWX|ڔ,A;:{oqC oe.Q'l "gi$_lU עuDuY?Q-HD FƋ@!U֩;]PLdٚ_+ e1tА"rau+SpѸ_"k^yBiH0X4_a3u'v׌vaQM-W9`)ZY"7/9jY=2Ә *26{b^߀BW9M1~!h5ЪtT3~!5Ͷ媧C͕dN_YLr@7A))m 5W2qyfRkfB۔EZzG5W At] G5_ASjLDǂodvaXNB!H"m$)3ʠ0K + X>LL/fE<='Av-5g'SL."CB<W@u|Innc^E{[ =%aۏs)C> ;% B>.bKROwBg?$*lӹ?f$ٺQLe%tt3țMs3z/OM8TŧCLN㉛yջD42;ǽBQEeيJĴ9|waqis9H ,r*ahGU0T)~:h&rsKw(^*b6C?YtBpӭ KрwQ[iou u b\ #8 .X|&,YM&Mrh;^?<;?|. BqPE/=j\C P?X7WvUz8>8t:@ ʩhW Ԧ M:@C u\\-i{ W+dܩVb.:90p줣\A@6f^Dw A"@ o vž!àh Ò hZp@xnk*UaA `Ù`~kslGnAJCoA(TCH @ <6{q lͳ.G x!Ԋ'wy)Ta͸9咚%i>|oTCPIP, BIND Name Ser#J1TW"BIND_EAI_AGAIN, temporary failureverA non-recoverable error occured when attempting to resolve thename.2Verify that the BIND Server is operating properly./'L1`c.BIND_EAI_FAMILY, address family not supportedver&The address family was not recognized.-Specify a valid address family in the call toget[addr|name]info() routine.!\&1RU BIND_EAI_MEMORY, memory failurever=There was a memory allocation failure when trying to allocatestorage for the return value.%Verify your systems memory resources.0*X1[^B)BIND_EAI_NONAME, unknown name or servicever>The name does not resolve for the supplied parameters. Neither:nodename nor servname were supplied. At least one of thesemust be supplied.;Specify at least one of nodename of servname in the call toget[addr|name]info routine.6E\1gj 5BIND_EAI_SERVICE, service not supported for socktypever>The service passed was not recognized for the specified sockettype.o1RU BIND_EAI_SYSTEM, system failurever=A system error occured; the error code can be found in errno./Check error code in errno after the call to the>get[addr|name]info routine for the specific error information. ,oU1]`$+BIND_HOST_NOT_FOUND, no such host is knownver:A query was made to look up a host name and the local host3database was searched, but the host name was found.=One or more of the following actions may resolve the problem:of resource records associated with it, but not the particular(record type for which you were querying.1cf1BIND_NO_RECOVERY, unexpected name server failurever.An unrecoverable name server failure occurred.=Check with the name server's system or network administrator.I11beE[0BIND_NO_ZONEXFR, zone transfer was unsuccessfulver2A zone transfer was initiated but did not complete$successfully. This could be because:;o The requesting host is not authorized to receive the zone: transfer. Some BIND servers have the ability to restrict" who can perform a zone transfer.7o The server receiving the zone transfer request is not' configured to perform zone transfers.:o The server receiving the zone transfer request could not= access its database files because of data corruption in the BIND database.5Verify with the system or network administrator that:5o The requesting host is authorized to receive a zone transfer from the server.3o The server receiving the zone transfer request is' configured to perform zone transfers..o The zone database files exist on the server.?g@1ps>BIND_NONAUTH, server was changed, but it is non-authoritativeverloopback interface.) Another reason may be that a bad argumentwas used in the command.7Reenter the command with the correct interface name andthe client to communicate with a server. If the server is down:or if the network is slow or nonfunctional,the DHCP client:will not be able to fulfill the request within the timeoutperiod.9If the command requires the DHCP client to talk to a DHCPtrying. You may want to inform your system administrator about9the situation. If the command does not require the client:to talk to a server ( as with most DHCPCONF commands) thenThe FTP client supports only one active control connection. It1tried to establish another connection but failed.9Disconnect the connection with the FTP DISCONNECT commandfirst.%%71hh/6FTP_FDLGEN, failed to generate an FDL file for 'file';The FTP client failed to generate an FDL file for the local;file that has to be transferred. This error could be due tospecified and no FDL file is on the remote host. Error seen inthe FTP client.!Determine if the FDL file exists.((#,qg1]]5+FTP_OUTPROCF, error processing output file,8The FTP Client encountered an error creating, opening or9writing a local output file. This error is signalled from7several places which handle RMS errors from SYS$CREATE,:SYS$CONNECT, SYS$PUT, SYS$WRITE, and so forth. If there is;a problem creating or writing a remote output file, the FTP5j1oo=FTP_ACPCON, error accepting data connection from remote host:An error occurred in the FTP client. The maximum number of:active device sockets is controlled by the system manager.:When the device socket exceeds the limit set by the system(1oo)=FTP_CREPRC, error in creating a child process 'process_name'occurs when insufficient system dynamic memory is available tocomplete the service.'Increase the size of the nonpaged pool.44\b91(@FTP_ECNSES, QIO failure; failed to continue session for 'host'. Error: 'code';An error occurred in the network that caused the session to%close. Error occurred in the TP host.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.55[*91?FTP_ESTSES, QIO failure; failed to start a session for 'host'. Error: 'code')The FTP server failed to start a session.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.66;8#1ii*M7FTP_EXQUOT, exceeded session quota; connection refused=The maximum number of sessions has been exceeded. You can set=the maximum number of FTP sessions by editing the appropriate9parameter in the SYS$MANAGER:UCX$FTPD_STARTUP.COM command procedure."Wait for a session to become free.77.6'1__-FTP_GETDVI, error getting device information5Failed to get the device information for the mailbox.&Check to see if a mailbox was created.88(3(1YY'FTP_GETHST, error in getting host name2The FTP server failed to get the host information.'Check whether the host database exists.99y,(1]]+FTP_GETUAI, error getting user information'FTP failed to get the user information.None.::(<91YY'FTP_GPRNAM, error in getting peer name;The FTP server failed to get the name of the remote system.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.;;*.91[[)FTP_GSCKNM, error in getting socket name-The FTP server failed to get the socket name.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.<<TT91=FTP_HSTINF, failed to get host information for 'string' from database=An error occurred in the FTP client. The server failed to getthe host information.8Check whether a valid entry exists in the host database.==7G31hh6FTP_IDLTIMERR, unable to parse TCPIP$FTPD_IDLETIMEOUT=The value specified for the TCPIP$FTP_IDLETIMEOUT logical wasinvalid.2None. The default value (15 minutes) will be used.>>x 1OOjFTP_INCPWD, incorrect passwdThe password is incorrect.Reenter the password correctly.??Y^1NN kFTP_INVCMD, invalid command9Log in to the remote host failed. An invalid user name or=password results in this kind of failure. The log in requests;also gets rejected if the user does not have network access privilege.=Log in with a valid user name and password. Check whether youhave network access privileges.@@7\1hhK6FTP_LOGFAL, remote interactive login failure 'string'=An error occurred in the FTP server. Remote interactive login=failed. An invalid user name or password results in this kind>of failure. The log in requests also gets rejected if the user'does not have network access privilege.invalid user name or password results in this kind of failure.;If the user has no network access privilege, then the login>request is also rejected. Server: The login to the remote hostFTP supports NONPRINT forms only. If the specified form is not-supported, NONPRINT becomes the default form.None.OO+h1\\*FTP_SUPMOD, FTP supports only 'mode' mode;FTP supports STREAM mode only. If the specified mode is not+supported, STREAM becomes the default mode.None.PP5s1ff4FTP_SUPSTR, FTP supports only 'structure' structureIf the error persists, contact your support representative and-describe the conditions leading to the error.WWwV1DFTP_UNIXCONV, error in conversion from UNIX to OpenVMS path formatr *XX LPD/LPR PrintAO1r|@LPD_ERRCLJBC, error closing job: entry 'string', queue 'string'ing SystemDESTGATE, destination: 'remote_host', gateway: 'gateway_name'ntrol ProgramInformational.None.``Y! 1O\ekDETAIL, detailed informationntrol ProgramSuccess.None.aaX!-1CDHCPCONFERR, DHCP client failed to configure interface 'interface_ name'ntrol Program,An attempt to configure an interface failed.bbp/!1`m|.DHCPCONFIG, DHCP is configured on this systemntrol ProgramInformational.None.ccA!1r@DHCPINTER, interface 'interface_name' configured by DHCP clientntrol ProgramInformational.None.ddo/& 1`r{.DIRCREATE, directory 'directory_name' createdntrol Program, NFSSuccess.None.ee &zN1TADIRECTORY, path name specified for container directory operationC resolves to a directory; reenter using target data file namentrol Program, NFS=A path name that is a directory was specified for a container;directory operation that requires a data file as an object.command, and reenter the command with the correct information.iiA 7!iu1huS6DUPALLHOST, file system already exported to all hostsntrol Program;A new record was added to the export database; however, the,directory was already exported to all hosts.9None. However, you may want to review the export database:entries for this directory to eliminate duplicate entries.jj}_!p1 BDUPCOMMUNITY, duplicate entry found in community address list for 'IP address'ntrol Program;The TCPIP command SET CONFIGURATION SNMP attempted to add a3duplicate IP address to the community address list.9Verify that you entered the correct IP address. If the IP>address was incorrect, reenter the command with the correct IPaddress.kk9!~1jwI8DUPHIEXPO, file system already exported at higher levelntrol Program;A new record was added to the export database; however, the=directory was already exported to the host at a higher level.>For example, the new record specified /a/b when /a was alreadypresent in the database.9None required. However, you may want to review the export:database entries for this directory to eliminate duplicateentries.ll4W!XY1FDDUPHOST, duplicate entry in hosts database (TCPIP$HOST) for 'host', ignoredntrol Program8Information specified in the SET HOST command is alreadypresent in the hosts database.;None. However, you may want to review the hosts database toeliminate duplicate entries.mmm<!u1mz ;DUPHOSTEXPO, file system already exported at specific hostntrol Program>A new host record, specified with a wildcard, was added to thes#Iŧ=]8!M;B@'޽Ecm/3Ll e`֋ 0*>/!!( /4fE㘞bfߴ 5KaC6w ^֓}%?ع2 /q/qa{ŏx! =  S9̠SD @>ض"= z7 ^p'v.)L2bLa#EE 9NQB=Avc?JJ'U h@`Ib$ ;?LJ4λJA* Gyӹ|;P:5]Bc#7 {[ᣵڧUN4~JlԁwF#;8^qN9HDz+p?ih: lo6v|+[ 6@VU@)0 H(^ÂWn`0 :)$:bW{U/a@gɓr>]il5. *8KbdPBXCN!8 CV!D Cc!p$.D9R &dv>ԍ$GM$P -JH"d։><ОRtRQS})k)ȔO+;*VWt*VW ڡ(X-% rGmQM2)e*ZUKyRy~ lfMN$a:(jաCL ن}z~ޟxO8\v:9v9qېȣGV=B=}8}} ?D (Y q N!"PHk$)T{R -9HfuR#"FvFzFEx",v45B2z: :1=pPlOr'ɜ'v& SN(PERB5)*e6⛩OjS|)I+I*WJS7U CPsPqE-F\2Q\Q(Ҕi5%iGuQ;ڍFΣrQYE+zډalūRR֒gL~aK%C4 [223 .N,'OӵvbN"K0jPݠmtmQ$I*}>枌:V94tu8s@@C'd(SöDZ"Y+dw;G"pԈrRrRZY)-TK1*-%f%?sbkk{;i;y>0 I(QN%I\&S(QCP9e(:VUX2֢Jo6eZ(IJR!jS-aI}JNRiRjRԸ+R) ,Z[k-_-].vEi8pƒ'c03}.nC7!g2231%:7ۍStd;xa;$nj8y!Z xz9 i,)U!G j)Y[pqjdFecP"hhF@  L\oi[ ZO=9CS%pUu=) pR -JbvՍ]٢܂ٮ+1T% z:ѿM1q1rithFCH_tqc hq;KҽcX+ci?b}{ZTCPIP, Management Co;!~1lyH:DUPLOEXPO, file system(s) already exported at lower levelntrol Program9A new record was added to the export database. However, aFor example, the new record specified /a when /a/b was alreadypresent in the database.9None required. However, you may want to review the export:database entries for this directory to eliminate duplicateentries.d!\1=DUPNETWORK, duplicate entry 'network_name' found in networks% database (TCPIP$NETWORK)ntrol Program9Information specified in a SET NETWORK command is already!present in the networks database.None.F!l1wEDUPQUEUE, conflicting or duplicate queue information for host 'node'ntrol Program>This node already has a complete SMTP configuration and is now,being configured into an SMTP cluster queue.None."!DN1S`!DUPRECORD, duplicate informationntrol Program6You attempted to enter a record that has duplicate key information.Information was added to the export database even though therewere some warning messages.None. ,&[1]o+EXPORTERROR, cannot process export requestntrol Program, NFS>Information was added to the export database even though therewere some warning messages.None. e$!1Ubqw#FILE, path name resolves to a filentrol ProgramInformational.None. $Z!NP16EFLDTRN, maximum field size exceeded; field value has been truncated : 'string'ntrol Program9The specified string or integer value is greater than themaximum field size.;Make the specified string or integer value smaller than themaximum field size. &!1Wd%GEN_ALIAS, alias name does not existntrol Program=An alias name was returned that does not actually exist in anINTEREQDHCP, primary DHCP interface requires the use of /DHCPntrol Program7Either a SET CONFIGURATION INTERFACE or a SET INTERFACE6command attempted to set the primary attribute for an-interface without setting the DHCP attribute..Reenter the command using the /DHCP qualifier.|*;!1ly:INTERIGNORED, interface configuration information ignoredntrol ProgramInformational.None.+0!01an+/INVADR, invalid internet address: 'IP_address'ntrol Program/The IP address specified has an invalid format.>Correct the IP address. See the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS9Management Command Reference manual for an explanation ofvalid IP addresses.,$!F{1Ub##INVBRDMASK, invalid broadcast maskntrol Program5An error occurred in the specification of an internetbroadcast mask.9See the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Command:Reference guide for a description of an internet broadcastmask.,-F!91w>EINVCLUST, invalid cluster definition for interface: 'interface_name'ntrol Program8The cluster host for the interface could not be defined.9See the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Command=Reference manual for more information about the SET INTERFACEcommand..-!1^k,INVDIR, error referencing OpenVMS directoryntrol Program5An error occurred in translating an OpenVMS directory;specification. Typically, this error is caused by a logical*name being the same as the directory name.=Examine the directory specification for errors. If this errorEnter the SHOW DEVICE command for a list of valid OpenVMS disknames.0/!6}1`m .INVETHER, invalid Ethernet address: 'address'ntrol Program5The Ethernet address specified has an invalid format.!%1o|R=INVETHERNAM, too many protocols or protocol already assignedntrol Program$A TCPIP$UCP internal error occurred.=Report the problem to your HP support representative. Include>a copy of the command that was entered when the error occurred3along with a listing from a SHOW INTERFACE command. 2C!<:1tBINVGATEWAY, specify gateway with host address not network addressntrol Program;The SET ROUTE command was specified with a network address.9Reenter the SET ROUTE command and specify a host address.!!3*!BJ1[h)INVHOSTENT, HOSTENT structure is invalidntrol Program7An invalid hostent structure was returned from the BIND resolver.'Select a different BIND server with the!SET NAME_SERVICE/SERVICE command.""46!AZ1gt5INVINTER, error defining interface: 'interface_name'ntrol Program7An error occurred during the processing of an interfacerequest.8Other messages are printed with this error. Review these messages to correct the problem.##5%!+;1Vc$INVINTERNAM, invalid interface namentrol Program*The specified interface name is not valid.:Review the list of supported TCPIP interface device names.$$6!=1N[INVKEY, invalid informationntrol ProgramFor a description of the /FLAGS qualifier to the SET INTERFACE:command, see the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS ManagementCommand Reference manual.((:"!=g1S`!INVNETMASK, invalid network maskntrol ProgramFor a description of internet network masks, see the HP TCP/IP'Services for OpenVMS Management manual.))!;/!>1`m3.INVPARM, invalid parameter value for 'string'ntrol Program=A parameter value from a command line could not be processed.9See the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Command>Reference manual for a complete description of the command youwant to enter.**<!)>1MZINVPATH, invalid path namentrol Program(The path name was incorrectly specified.=Reenter the command with the correct path-name specification.++=0!>1an+/INVQUAL, invalid qualifier value for 'command'ntrol Program=A qualifier value from a command line could not be processed.9See the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Command=Reference manual for a description of the command you want toenter.,,> !AF1Q^INVRECORD, invalid informationntrol Program:An RMS error occurred while RMS tried to access a databasefile.6The error message contains the RMS status. See the RMSdocumentation.--?!!'1R_ INVSOCKNAM, invalid socket namentrol Program&The socket specification is incorrect.8Reenter the command with the correct device socket name.8Execute a SHOW DEVICE command to obtain a list of devicesockets on your system...@!(Y1KXIOCTLERR, error in ioctlntrol Program'The call to interactive ioctl() failed.7Contact your HP support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.//{A:!1kx9KERNEL, informational message received from TCPIP kernelntrol ProgramInformational.None.00,B-!51^k >,LISTEXISTS, 'list_name' list already existsntrol Program=A reject list is specified when an accept list for that class;already exists or an accept list is specified when a reject#list for that class already exists.4Enter a SHOW command to see existing security lists.11C2!1cp 1LOADSERV, loading TCPIP server proxy informationntrol Program:An internet startup is in progress, and all records in the>proxy database that apply to communication will be loaded intothe internet proxy cache.None.22D!T1P]LOOPACT, 'host_name' is aliventrol Program;The LOOP operation to the specified host is successful, andthe host has responded.None.33E*!;Z1[h)LOOPERROR, error processing loop requestntrol Program:An error occurred during the processing of a LOOP request.8Other messages are printed with this error. Review these messages to correct the problem.44F)!_1Zg(LOOPINACT, 'host_name' does not respondntrol Program;The LOOP operation to the specified host is successful, but"the remote host has not responded.None.55GA!;1r@MALLERR, cannot allocate memory; check available virtual memoryntrol Program:The system failed to allocate memory before an ioctl call.Check the memory allocation.66H)!`/1Zg(MISNAME, name service database mismatchntrol Program8A new version of TCP/IP Services was installed without a&proper shutdown of an earlier version..Shut down TCP/IP Services and then restart it.77I9!:.1jw8MISQUAL, '/qualifier' qualifier required when 'command'ntrol Program9Without the '/qualifier', the command cannot be executed.-Include the '/qualifier' on the command line.88jJ2!O1cp-|1MISROUTE, routes database (TCPIP$ROUTE) mismatchntrol Program7An inconsistency exists in the routes database. This is>normally due to an entry in the routes database that specifies;a host or network that is no longer present in the internet database.7Enter the SHOW ROUTE command and examine the display todetermine the problem.99rK,&1]o~+MOUNTED, 'file_system' mounted on 'device'ntrol Program, NFSInformational.None.::L&&U*1Wi%MXERROR, error processing MX requestntrol Program, NFS:An error occurred in the processing of a command involvingaccess to an MX database.)The secondary error explains the problem.;;M+!i1\i*NAMESTARTED, name service already startedntrol Program>A START NAME_SERVICE command was entered, and the NAME_SERVICE)data structures were already initialized.None.<<N+!d1\i*NAMESTOPPED, name service already stoppedntrol Program=A STOP NAME_SERVICE command was entered, and the NAME_SERVICE%data structures were not initialized.None.== O0!Q\1an/NETWORKERROR, error processing network requestntrol Program=An error occurred in an operation that requires access to thenetworks database.8Other messages are printed with this error. Review these"messages to determine the problem.>>P)&Z51Zl(NFSMBX, cannot open NFS command mailboxntrol Program, NFS7The TCPIP component has insufficient privileges to find!information about the NFS server.4Check the process privileges and the process quotas.??zQV!q1>NOCOMMUNITY, no entry found in community address list for 'IP address'ntrol Program;The TCP/IP command SET CONFIGURATION SNMP tried to delete a4nonexistent address from the community address list.9Verify that the IP address entered on the command line is8correct. If incorrect, enter the command again using thecorrect IP address.@@hR+!o1\i z*NOINTEADDR, interface address not definedntrol Program=The TCPIP command SET INTERFACE attempted to define a network>mask or broadcast address without first specifying an internet$address for the specified interface.4Specify an internet address for the interface before9attempting to define a network mask or broadcast address.AAS>!1o|=NOTUCX, command UCX is not supported; valid command is TCPIPntrol ProgramInformational.None.BBT$!41Ub#NOAPPLIC, TCPIP PAK is not enabledntrol Program3The command requires the product PAK to be enabled.Enable the product PAK.CCU*!1[h)NOARP, no entries found in the ARP tablentrol ProgramEnter SHOW MAP to find the container file's OpenVMS directory.GG Y"!B{1S`!NOCONVERT, specify /UNIX or /VMSntrol Program;The CONVERT command was entered without specifying /UNIX or/VMS.9See the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Command7Reference manual for more information about the CONVERTcommand.HHZ%!@Z1Vc$NOCREATE, could not create databasentrol Program9An error occurred during the creation of a TCPIP databasefile.8Other messages are printed with this error. Review these messages to correct the problem.II7[\!dK1IBNODELQUEUE, queues on host 'host_name' cannot be deleted - serves other nodesntrol Program>An attempt was made to delete an SMTP configuration for a node$that is serving other OpenVMS nodes.;Enter the SHOW SMTP command to see the SMTP cluster membersfor this node.JJ\8!JV1iv7NODESERVED, service is configured via host 'host_name'ntrol Program9This node is already included in the configuration of thespecified node.5Remove this node's configuration information from thespecified node's configuration.KKv],!}1]j+NODESTNAM, destination name is not definedntrol Program6The host or network name that was specified with a SET;ROUTE command has not been defined in the hosts or networks database.define the network name with the SET NETWORK command. Finally,$enter the SET ROUTE/ADDRESS command.LL^#!Kb1Ta"NODEVLOCL, local device not foundntrol Program=A LOOP command is being requested, and the local interface is not defined.=Execute the SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$INET_SET_INTERFACES.COM command#procedure to define the local host.MM_5!1fs4NOFILE, cannot access 'database_name' database filentrol Program8The logical name that points to a TCPIP database has not9been defined, or a logical name points to a database file-specification that has no corresponding file.>Check all database logical name definitions. See the HP TCP/IP>Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual for&a list of logical database file names.NN `"&Vb1Se!NOFUNCTION, unsupported functionntrol Program, NFS=CFS does not have the functionality to process a command sentby the TCPIP component.:Check to see that the TCPIP and NFS processes were derived&from the same TCPIP component release.OO/aD!eZ1uACNOGATENAM, gateway name not defined in hosts database (TCPIP$HOST)ntrol ProgramYou attempted to perform an internet command, and the internet-software has not been installed or activated.Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual for instructions.QQc9!01jw8NOINETADDR, could not resolve address for host 'string'ntrol Program/Host lookup failed for the specified host name.None.RRnd-!1^kz,NOLOCK, network lock manager is not runningntrol ProgramInformational.None.SSe.!'Z1_l-NOMOD, value for 'record' cannot be modifiedntrol Program&The specified value cannot be changed.8Delete the record containing this value, and reenter the information using the new value.TTnf!>1ENOMORE, parameter or qualifier 'string' no longer supported; see the< documentation for valid options and reenter commandntrol Program=A command was entered with obsolete parameters or qualifiers.9See the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Command=Reference manual for a list of valid options, and reenter thecommand.UUgS!v1 =NOMOREACC, parameter or qualifier no longer supported; value acceptedntrol Program7Informational. The value was supplied using an obsolete=command; however, the value will be accepted by the software.None.VVh!!%1R_ NONFS, NFS server is not activentrol Program$The NFS server has not been started.Start the NFS server.WWi$!41Ub#NONFSLIC, TCPIP PAK is not enabledntrol Program3The command requires the product PAK to be enabled.Enable the product PAK.XXj!;`1IVNOPATH, no files foundntrol Program:No files were present for the specified DIRECTORY command.A wildcard character is not a valid value for the parameter orqualifier you specified.+Reenter the command with an explicit value.ffx6!P1gt5OPENINPUT, unable to open file 'file_name' for inputntrol Program9The specified file does not exist, or the file protectionrights were violated.8Verify the protection applied to the file and change the:protection if necessary. If this error persists, even when=the file and privileges are specified correctly, contact yourHP support representative.gg=y8!A1ivO7OPENOUTPUT, unable to open file 'file_name' for outputntrol Program:A privilege violation occurred during the creation of thisfile.1gt5QUALREQ, qualifier value for 'qualifier' is requiredntrol Program:For the command you want to enter, the specified qualifierrequires a value.=Reenter the command with both the qualifier name and a value.qq(!,*1Yf'QUEUE, error processing queue 'string'ntrol Program+An error occurred during a queue operation.)The secondary error explains the problem.rrY!1%>READDF, cannot add proxy record for account 'user_account' to dynamic databasentrol Program;The record was not added to the dynamic database for one ofthe following reasons:4o The record already exists in the dynamic database.o The dynamic memory failed.;o The product failed to get the information for the account from the UAF file.;o Either the account was not in the UAF file or the account was disabled.#o The host names limit was reached. o Incorrect input data was used.=Depending on the reason that the add operation failed, choosefrom the following actions::o If the record already exists in the dynamic database, no action is necessary.9o If the dynamic memory allocation failed, provide enough6 memory for the process either by increasing the page8 file quotas in the NFS startup file or by using SYSGEN% to increase the virtual page count.:o If the account is not in the SYSUAF, add the account. If. the account is disabled, enable the account.!UL1o|=SEQERR, NFS transaction sequence error; reenter last commandntrol Program;There is an internal communication message mismatch betweenTCPIP and NFS processes.:Reenter the last command. If the problem persists, restartTCP/IP Services.yy+!n1\i*SERVERROR, cannot process service requestntrol Program4An error occurred in accessing the services database8(TCPIP$SERVICE). A secondary error explains the problem.None.zzh'!1Xetz&SERVICEOK, all TCPIP PAKs are enabledntrol ProgramInformational.None.ZG#Z.TCPIP, Management CoA!TY1r,@SERVLOADED, auxiliary server loaded with 'string' proxy recordsntrol Program6The auxiliary server's proxy cache was loaded with thespecified number of entries.=Enter the SHOW PROXY/COMMUNICATION command if you want to seewhich entries were loaded.Zd#!1Tapv"SETCOMMD, setting security devicentrol ProgramInformational.None.Zj)!1Zgv|(SETCOMMO, setting communication optionsntrol ProgramInformational.None.Zm,!1]jy+SETCOMMP, setting communication parametersntrol ProgramInformational.None.Zk*!1[hw})SETCOMMS, setting 'string' security listntrol ProgramInformational.None.Zm,!1]jy+SETLOCAL, setting domain and/or local hostntrol ProgramInformational.None.Zh'!1Xetz&SETPROTP, setting protocol parametersntrol ProgramInformational.None.Ze$!1Ubqw#SETPROXC, setting proxy cache sizentrol ProgramInformational.None. Zg&!1Wdsy%STARTDROUT, starting dynamic routingntrol ProgramInformational.None. Z@Z!Rh1RESTARTED, command cannot be not processed while the internet software is activentrol Program8A command was attempted that requires the TCPIP internetsoftware to be inactive.7Execute the SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$INET_SHUTDOWN.COM command/procedure to stop the TCP/IP Services software. Z3!T1dq2STARTERROR, error starting 'service_name' servicentrol Program7The START SERVICE command was entered and the specifiedservice was already active.None. Ze$!1Ubqw#STARTGATED, starting GATED routingntrol ProgramInformational.None. Zc"!1S`ou!STARTNAME, starting name servicentrol ProgramInformational.None.Z2!O1cp1STOPERROR, error stopping 'service_name' servicentrol Program>The STOP SERVICE command was entered and the specified servicewas not active.None.Z~=!1n{The IP address specifies a host address when a network address is required.-Reenter the command with the network address.Z0!L+1an/ADR_NETW, internet address specifies a networkntrol Program>The IP address specified a network address when a host address is required.*Reenter the command with the host address.Z$!j1Ub#ALIAS, name is an alias for a hostntrol Program:The host or network information returned from the database.came from an alias of a host or network entry.None.Z^k!71p9ARPERROR, cannot process ARP request as entered; see ARP0 documentation and reenter the commandntrol Program6An error occurred during processing of an ARP command.9See the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Commanddatabase files, if the command involved one or more databases.ZY&c1;CCF_ILLFTYPE, file type not allowed in container directory specificationntrol Program, NFS1The CREATE CONTAINER command requires a directory0specification to create a container file system.2You specified an invalid file specification rather0than a directory specification. Specify only the9directory name of the container file system; for example,DRA0:[MYLOGIN.CFSNAME].Z&P^1L^ CMDERR, NFS command errorntrol Program, NFS=NFS does not have the functionality to process a command sentby the component.8Check to make sure that the TCPIP and NFS processes were$derived from the same TCPIP release.Z2&x1cu1CMDERROR, error executing 'command_name' commandntrol Program, NFS7A management control program command failed. Subsequent7messages provide more information about why the commandfailed.None.ZQh&wA1"cECOMERR, command mailbox not created because NFS server initializing;! wait and reenter commandntrol Program, NFS=NFS is still in an initialization state. It has not created a8mailbox to which the TCPIP component can enter commands.7Wait until NFS completes initialization and reenter thecommand.Z5!H31fs4CONFIGERROR, error processing configuration requestntrol Program>An error occurred during the processing of a SET CONFIGURATIONcommand.2The secondary error message describes the problem.Z-!BQ1^k,CONFLICT, conflicting qualifiers in commandntrol Program;You specified conflicting qualifiers on the initial commandline.;Check the documentation for the correct command syntax, andreenter the command.Z!0H1N[CONNREF, connection refusedntrol Program/The remote host refused to accept a connection.:Ask the system manager to enable the Finger service on the remote host. Zm'&1Xjy&CONTACREATE, container 'name' createdntrol Program, NFSInformational.None.!!Z:`!w71LDCREATELOG, cannot create log file 'log_file_name'; check privileges and disk spacentrol Program=The system was unable to create the log file. This can be due8to incorrect file privileges or insufficient disk space.6Check privileges, disk space, and reenter the command.""Z!1P]WCRSOCK, error creating socketntrol Program=TCP/IP failed to create an endpoint communication. This error#occurs in the following situations:o If there is a network error.&o If the network has not been started.;o When the device socket quota exceeds the limit set by the system manager.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.;Increase the value of the socket quota limit. If you cannot7change it, ask the system manager to change it for you.P client:will not be able to fulfill the request within the timeoutperiod.9If the command requires the DHCP client to talk to a DHCPtrying. You may want to inform your system administrator about9the situation. If the command does not require the client:to talk to a server ( as with most DHCPCONF commands) thenThe FTP client supports only one active control connection. It1tried to establish another connection but failed.9Disconnect the connection with the FTP DISCONNECT commandfirst.%%71hh/6FTP_FDLGEN, failed to generate an FDL file for 'file';The FTP client failed to generate an FDL file for the local;file that has to be transferred. This error could be due tospecified and no FDL file is on the remote host. Error seen inthe FTP client.!Determine if the FDL file exists.((#,qg1]]5+FTP_OUTPROCF, error processing output file,8The FTP Client encountered an error creating, opening or9writing a local output file. This error is signalled from7several places which handle RMS errors from SYS$CREATE,:SYS$CONNECT, SYS$PUT, SYS$WRITE, and so forth. If there is;a problem creating or writing a remote output file, the FTP5j1oo=FTP_ACPCON, error accepting data connection from remote host:An error occurred in the FTP client. The maximum number of:active device sockets is controlled by the system manager.:When the device socket exceeds the limit set by the system(1oo)=FTP_CREPRC, error in creating a child process 'process_name'occurs when insufficient system dynamic memory is available tocomplete the service.'Increase the size of the nonpaged pool.44\b91(@FTP_ECNSES, QIO failure; failed to continue session for 'host'. Error: 'code';An error occurred in the network that caused the session to%close. Error occurred in the TP host.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.55[*91?FTP_ESTSES, QIO failure; failed to start a session for 'host'. Error: 'code')The FTP server failed to start a session.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.66;8#1ii*M7FTP_EXQUOT, exceeded session quota; connection refused=The maximum number of sessions has been exceeded. You can set=the maximum number of FTP sessions by editing the appropriate9parameter in the SYS$MANAGER:UCX$FTPD_STARTUP.COM command procedure."Wait for a session to become free.77.6'1__-FTP_GETDVI, error getting device information5Failed to get the device information for the mailbox.&Check to see if a mailbox was created.88(3(1YY'FTP_GETHST, error in getting host name2The FTP server failed to get the host information.'Check whether the host database exists.99y,(1]]+FTP_GETUAI, error getting user information'FTP failed to get the user information.None.::(<91YY'FTP_GPRNAM, error in getting peer name;The FTP server failed to get the name of the remote system.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.;;*.91[[)FTP_GSCKNM, error in getting socket name-The FTP server failed to get the socket name.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.<<TT91=FTP_HSTINF, failed to get host information for 'string' from database=An error occurred in the FTP client. The server failed to getthe host information.8Check whether a valid entry exists in the host database.==7G31hh6FTP_IDLTIMERR, unable to parse TCPIP$FTPD_IDLETIMEOUT=The value specified for the TCPIP$FTP_IDLETIMEOUT logical wasinvalid.2None. The default value (15 minutes) will be used.>>x 1OOjFTP_INCPWD, incorrect passwdThe password is incorrect.Reenter the password correctly.??Y^1NN kFTP_INVCMD, invalid command9Log in to the remote host failed. An invalid user name or=password results in this kind of failure. The log in requests;also gets rejected if the user does not have network access privilege.=Log in with a valid user name and password. Check whether youhave network access privileges.@@7\1hhK6FTP_LOGFAL, remote interactive login failure 'string'=An error occurred in the FTP server. Remote interactive login=failed. An invalid user name or password results in this kind>of failure. The log in requests also gets rejected if the user'does not have network access privilege.invalid user name or password results in this kind of failure.;If the user has no network access privilege, then the login>request is also rejected. Server: The login to the remote hostFTP supports NONPRINT forms only. If the specified form is not-supported, NONPRINT becomes the default form.None.OO+h1\\*FTP_SUPMOD, FTP supports only 'mode' mode;FTP supports STREAM mode only. If the specified mode is not+supported, STREAM becomes the default mode.None.PP5s1ff4FTP_SUPSTR, FTP supports only 'structure' structureIf the error persists, contact your support representative and-describe the conditions leading to the error.WWwV1DFTP_UNIXCONV, error in conversion from UNIX to OpenVMS path formatr *XX LPD/LPR PrintAO1r|@LPD_ERRCLJBC, error closing job: entry 'string', queue 'string'ing SystemDESTGATE, destination: 'remote_host', gateway: 'gateway_name'ntrol ProgramInformational.None.``Y! 1O\ekDETAIL, detailed informationntrol ProgramSuccess.None.aaX!-1CDHCPCONFERR, DHCP client failed to configure interface 'interface_ name'ntrol Program,An attempt to configure an interface failed.bbp/!1`m|.DHCPCONFIG, DHCP is configured on this systemntrol ProgramInformational.None.ccA!1r@DHCPINTER, interface 'interface_name' configured by DHCP clientntrol ProgramInformational.None.ddo/& 1`r{.DIRCREATE, directory 'directory_name' createdntrol Program, NFSSuccess.None.ee &zN1TADIRECTORY, path name specified for container directory operationC resolves to a directory; reenter using target data file namentrol Program, NFS=A path name that is a directory was specified for a container;directory operation that requires a data file as an object.command, and reenter the command with the correct information.iiA 7!iu1huS6DUPALLHOST, file system already exported to all hostsntrol Program;A new record was added to the export database; however, the,directory was already exported to all hosts.9None. However, you may want to review the export database:entries for this directory to eliminate duplicate entries.jj}_!p1 BDUPCOMMUNITY, duplicate entry found in community address list for 'IP address'ntrol Program;The TCPIP command SET CONFIGURATION SNMP attempted to add a3duplicate IP address to the community address list.9Verify that you entered the correct IP address. If the IP>address was incorrect, reenter the command with the correct IPaddress.kk9!~1jwI8DUPHIEXPO, file system already exported at higher levelntrol Program;A new record was added to the export database; however, the=directory was already exported to the host at a higher level.>For example, the new record specified /a/b when /a was alreadypresent in the database.9None required. However, you may want to review the export:database entries for this directory to eliminate duplicateentries.ll4W!XY1FDDUPHOST, duplicate entry in hosts database (TCPIP$HOST) for 'host', ignoredntrol Program8Information specified in the SET HOST command is alreadypresent in the hosts database.;None. However, you may want to review the hosts database toeliminate duplicate entries.mmm<!u1mz ;DUPHOSTEXPO, file system already exported at specific hostntrol Program>A new host record, specified with a wildcard, was added to theI >Niٖ“mJc0FPB4Z0Y^5^Fz|!Q)&~wX-08YʼnՁ%\I3fΛƾ+;9]ḿFhCb]2{-t3HVHQfq4Y}ܱ1G[pa.3C|8OQɈhaxGXKuJa; i2[;F-fS G$vOu &>H#BԪ!=Y>r!;a "E&D'7D 3h9d F"ȓmC2?qKGяݛ,uXglhmΗOuį_G΢WZV<L 3Zm^ڶfF</7z^#^CBZEZa?0UN* UHwh3W%^Cys`zP+c8Ϟg2"FY2B$RO2vf̜he{/d`Hy1.Njշ=,6 BQ9 GrxTMYSt&J[UBBi~.U  kjx&iWV3<*^EQt峿g* ''"KZy5[iXE|xdl_e - N3dhw|uiE. 2t#Boݟz݁xgm t9eNWX|ڔ,A;:{oqC oe.Q'l "gi$_lU עuDuY?Q-HD FƋ@!U֩;]PLdٚ_+ e1tА"rau+SpѸ_"k^yBiH0X4_a3u'v׌vaQM-W9`)ZY"7/9jY=2Ә *26{b^߀BW9M1~!h5ЪtT3~!5Ͷ媧C͕dN_YLr@7A))m 5W2qyfRkfB۔EZzG5W At] G5_ASjLDǂodvaXNB!H"m$)3ʠ0K + X>LL/fE<='Av-5g'SL."CB<W@u|Innc^E{[ =%aۏs)C> ;% B>.bKROwBg?$*lӹ?f$ٺQLe%tt3țMs3z/OM8TŧCLN㉛yջD42;ǽBQEeيJĴ9|waqis9H ,r*ahGU0T)~:h&rsKw(^*b6C?YtBpӭ KрwQ[iou u b\ #8 .X|&,YM&Mrh;^?<;?|. BqPE/=j\C P?X7WvUz8>8t:@ ʩhW Ԧ M:@C u\\-i{ W+dܩVb.:90p줣\A@6f^Dw A"@ o vž!àh Ò hZp@xnk*UaA `Ù`~kslGnAJCoA(TCH @ <6{q lͳ.G x!Ԋ'wy)Ta͸9咚%i}{TTCPIP, Network File ( 1Ye<R'NFS_ABORT, NFS server 'server' abortedSystem (NFS)Change the virtual memory limit or page file quotas in the NFS startup file.( 801Ye'NFS_AUTHER, invalid RPC authenticationSystem (NFS)7The NFS server supports only UNIX style authentication./Reconfigure or replace the NFS client software.2 Y1co1NFS_BCPCHH, cannot assign channel to mailbox 'n'System (NFS)An OpenVMS system call failed.6Examine the error code returned. Check process quotas,!privileges, and available memory.& Y1Wc%NFS_BCPMBR, cannot read from mailboxSystem (NFS)An OpenVMS system call failed.6Examine the error code returned. Check process quotas,!privileges, and available memory. ' Y1Xd&NFS_BCPMBW, cannot write into mailboxSystem (NFS)An OpenVMS system call failed.6Examine the error code returned. Check process quotas,!privileges, and available memory. 4 Y1eq3NFS_BCPWAA, cannot set write attention for mailboxSystem (NFS)An OpenVMS system call failed.6Examine the returned error code. Check process quotas,!privileges, and available memory. 68 C1iuH7NFS_BFSCAL, operation 'string' failed on file 'string'System (NFS):The NFS server provides mapping between RMS errors and NFSerrors.:Depends on the RMS error code returned by the NFS process.:To analyze the problem, supply the system manager with theexpanded RMS error codes.  &1P\'NFS_BFSCLS, cannot close fileSystem (NFS)>An error occurred in closing a file. The error could be caused>by a file protection violation or the file being accessed when&an attempt was made to close the file.%See the error code that was returned. A 9*1r~@NFS_DEAMEM, cannot deallocate virtual memory in module 'module'System (NFS)8An internal NFS error occurred when deallocating memory.6Contact your HP support representative and provide thefollowing information:=o Attempt to isolate the cause of the error to one client and the sequence of steps.disabled and remains disabled until the SET NFS_SERVER command is entered.>Examine the OpenVMS error message and take appropriate action./: 11kwA9NFS_EXPBCP, cannot access export database (TCPIP$EXPORT)System (NFS)0An error occurred accessing the export database.=Take action based upon the RMS error code returned by the NFSExamine the OpenVMS status code and determine the cause of theerror.5 :31fr4NFS_INETAS, cannot assign channel to network deviceSystem (NFS)9NFS failed to assign a new channel to the network device.2Check the channel quotas available to the process.9 F1jv8NFS_INETST, error creating or setting socket parametersSystem (NFS)An OpenVMS system call failed.NFS_INETWR, error writing to host 'string' on socket 'string'System (NFS);An error occurred writing to the network device. An OpenVMS-error message will follow this error message. Examine the returned error code.e5 [1frw4NFS_INICMB, cannot create mailbox 'mailbox_address'System (NFS)=The NFS process failed to create a communication channel withthe TCPIP management module.8Correct the problem specified by the OpenVMS error code.Check the output specified in the service record. For example: $ TCPIP SHOW SERVICE /FULL NFS!!B> sf1o{T=NFS_INIEXP, cannot initialize export database (TCPIP$EXPORT)System (NFS)>An error occurred during the initialization stage of accessing3the export data base. See the returned status code.8Verify the export file accessibility including presence,,device, protection, and internal RMS errors.""@> ni1o{R=NFS_INIGPI, cannot create system logical name 'logical_name'System (NFS)=The OpenVMS system call failed to create the logical name. An/OpenVMS error message will follow this message.=Examine the OpenVMS error message and take appropriate action*based on the content of the OpenVMS error.##4 :71eq3NFS_INIINE, cannot establish network communicationSystem (NFS)9Failed to initialize the internet communication software.6Examine the error message and take appropriate action.$$2 v1co*1NFS_INILNM, cannot find server host logical nameSystem (NFS))Neither of the server host logical names,2TCPIP$INET_HOST or TCPIP$NFS_HOST, are defined. IfCheck the presence and value of all default logical names that6are set by the NFS startup process. Correct the error.%%8 A71iu7NFS_INIMAN, cannot initialize NFS management subsystemSystem (NFS)8Failure to initialize connection with the NFS managementmodule.6Examine the error message and take appropriate action.&&6j 1)HBNFS_INIMEM, cannot create virtual memory zone or allocate virtual& memory in module 'module'System (NFS);The cause of the error could be a virtual memory allocation:failure caused within the NFS process or a page file quota violation.Change the NFS process quotas.''8 2.1iu7NFS_INIPDB, cannot access proxy database (TCPIP$PROXY)System (NFS)1The NFS process cannot access the proxy database.-Verify the proxy database file accessibility.((T d<11=NFS_INIRDB, rights information for user 'user' not in rights databaseSystem (NFS)9The OpenVMS rights database does not include the expected)rights identifier for the specified user.;Verify the rights database information for account account.))U <1|Check that the default logical values for TCPIP$NFS_THREAD and>TCPIP$NFS_XID are valid and that the NFS process parameters in!the NFS startup file are correct.--< T71my;NFS_INIUAI, cannot get account information for user 'user'System (NFS)9The account was not found. Any proxy database entry usingaccount will be disabled.6Verify that the account is in the OpenVMS SYSUAF file...< b71my;NFS_INIVDB, cannot initialize proxy database (TCPIP$PROXY)System (NFS)9Failed to initialize the proxy database. An OpenVMS error'message will follow this error message.6Examine the error message and take appropriate action.// (1DNFS_INTRUD, client host name and IP address are not consistent with; hosts database (TCPIP$HOST) or DNS informationSystem (NFS)'The host IP address cannot be verified.00-C ?1t?BNFS_LGFCLO, file name specified is invalid, cannot close log fileSystem (NFS)=An OpenVMS error follows this error. The log file is disabled8and remains disabled until the SET NFS_SERVER command isentered.>Examine the OpenVMS error message and take appropriate action.11$ ?1Ua-#NFS_LGFCRE, cannot create log fileSystem (NFS)=An OpenVMS error will follow this error. The log file becomes:disabled and will remain disabled until the SET NFS_SERVERcommand is entered.>Examine the OpenVMS error message and take appropriate action.22C BA1tBNFS_LNMDBG, cannot translate logical name TCPIP$NFS00000000_DEBUGSystem (NFS)5The logical name TCPIP$NFS00000000_DEBUG could not be translated.:Check the value of the logical name in the startup commandfile.33C BA1tBNFS_LNMERR, cannot translate logical name TCPIP$NFS00000000_ERRORSystem (NFS)5The logical name TCPIP$NFS00000000_ERROR could not be translated.:Check the value of the logical name in the startup commandfile.44N @A1 *NFS_LNMGID, cannot translate logical name" TCPIP$NFS00000000_GIDSystem (NFS)3The logical name TCPIP$NFS00000000_GID could not be translated.:Check the value of the logical name in the startup commandfile.55O AA1*NFS_LNMHST, cannot translate logical name# TCPIP$NFS00000000_HOSTSystem (NFS)4The logical name TCPIP$NFS00000000_HOST could not be translated.:Check the value of the logical name in the startup commandfile.66U GA1*NFS_LNMINA, cannot translate logical name) TCPIP$NFS00000000_INACTIVITYSystem (NFS)The logical name5TCPIP$NFS00000000_INACTIVITY could not be translated.:Check the value of the logical name in the startup commandfile.77P BA1*NFS_LNMOPC, cannot translate logical name$ TCPIP$NFS00000000_OPCOMSystem (NFS)5The logical name TCPIP$NFS00000000_OPCOM could not be translated.:Check the value of the logical name in the startup commandfile.88S EA1*NFS_LNMSEC, cannot translate logical name' TCPIP$NFS00000000_SECURITYSystem (NFS)8The logical name TCPIP$NFS00000000_SECURITY could not be translated.:Check the value of the logical name in the startup commandfile.99 T IA1*NFS_LNMTDF, cannot translate logical name( TCPIP$NFS_TIME_DIFFERENTIALSystem (NFS)The logical name7TCPIP$NFS00000000_DIFFERENTIAL could not be translated.:Check the value of the logical name in the startup commandfile.::R DA1*NFS_LNMTHR, cannot translate logical name& TCPIP$NFS00000000_THREADSSystem (NFS)7The logical name TCPIP$NFS00000000_THREADS could not be translated.:Check the value of the logical name in the startup commandfile.;;N @A1 *NFS_LNMUID, cannot translate logical name" TCPIP$NFS00000000_UIDSystem (NFS)3The logical name TCPIP$NFS00000000_UID could not be translated.:Check the value of the logical name in the startup commandfile.<<N @A1 *NFS_LNMXID, cannot translate logical name" TCPIP$NFS00000000_XIDSystem (NFS)3The logical name TCPIP$NFS00000000_XID could not be translated.:Check the value of the logical name in the startup commandfile.==m- 1^jy,NFS_MNTSUC, mounted file system 'directory'System (NFS)Informational.None.>>5 HI1fr4NFS_NOACNT, no NFS clients authorized to use serverSystem (NFS)=There are no records in the proxy database with valid OpenVMS accounts.4Check the proxy database and OpenVMS accounts in theAUTHORIZATION file.??e z1"@NFS_NOAMAP, cannot set file ownership because user not in proxy# database (TCPIP$PROXY)System (NFS)=An error occurred when a client tried to set ownership of the;file to a user who is not registered in the proxy database.None.@@T 0418NFS_NOCMAP, cannot find client record in proxy database (TCPIP$PROXY)System (NFS)/The client has no record in the proxy database.3Make an entry for the client in the proxy database.AAY 1UDNFS_NODLIM, exceeded maximum host limit, not all clients can access serverSystem (NFS)logical TCPIP$NFS_HOST in the NFS startup file and restart the NFS server.BBE F:1vDNFS_NODNAM, host name in the hosts database (TCPIP$HOST) = 'string'System (NFS)=The RPC request for the procedure is not supported by the NFSserver.9Verify that the client supports the NFS software version.CC. F:1_k-NFS_NOPROC, unknown procedure in RPC messageSystem (NFS)=The RPC request for the procedure is not supported by the NFSserver.9Verify that the client supports the NFS software version.DD/ F:1`l.NFS_NOPROG, requested RPC program unavailableSystem (NFS)=The RPC request for the procedure is not supported by the NFSserver.9Verify that the client supports the NFS software version.EE8a 15J@NFS_PORTNP, the server received a remote service request from a nonprivileged portSystem (NFS):The security logical name was set to disable nonprivileged>ports from connecting to the NFS server and there is a messagefrom the nonprivileged port.Identify the client.FF0 aJ1am/NFS_PROGVS, invalid RPC program version numberSystem (NFS)There is no information in the proxy database. No clients willbe able to access the server.%Create and populate a proxy database.HH9 91jv8NFS_READDS, account 'account' added to dynamic databaseSystem (NFS)8The account 'account' was added to the dynamic database.None.IId 41ANFS_RPCHDR, xid = 'string' program = 'string' version = 'string'! procedure = 'string'System (NFS)3The record record was added to the dynamic databaseNone.JJ= ?B1nzThe NFS client cached and used a file handle, but the file did not exist.None.PPG RLOGIN UtilitAjoA1 LEnsure that the directory is specified according to the remote&system's directory naming conventions.WW"'v %\14ARCP_FILPARSEFAIL, cannot parse file name 'file_name'; use remote3 system conventions for file nametility (RCP)$The file specification is incorrect.9Ensure that the file is specified according to the remote!system's file naming conventions.XX( /1Q]RCP_INCPWD, incorrect passwordtility (RCP).The password for the remote host is incorrect.Specify the correct password.YY)D #:1uCRCP_INSEARCHFAIL, cannot find input file 'string'; check file nametility (RCP)"RCP could not find the input file.9Verify that you have identified the input file correctly.ZZ*0 d1am}/RCP_INVMOD, invalid mode; retry file operationtility (RCP)Internal error.=Retry the file operation. If this condition persists, contact%your software support representative.[[+W .V1BRCP_INVRESP, remote system cannot execute copy request; check log filestility (RCP)-The remote system could not execute the copy.;Check the TCPIP$REXEC(*).LOG and TCPIP$RSH(*).LOG files forthe cause of the failure.\\,% 4L1Vb$RCP_INVUSAGE, invalid command usagetility (RCP)3The combination of command parameters is incorrect.of network communication. If the remote host is reachable, trythe operation again.__/7 d1ht6RCP_MDNTDEL, mode not delimited; retry file operationtility (RCP)Internal error.=Retry the file operation. If this condition persists, contact%your software support representative.``0# 11T`"RCP_NEWFILES, 'n' file(s) createdtility (RCP)0The specified number of files have been created.aa1* *1[g)RCP_NORMAL, normal successful completiontility (RCP))The file operation completed successfullyNonebb2/ 2y1`l.RCP_NOTCOPIED, error copying file 'file name'tility (RCP)1The file operation did not complete successfully.;RCP uses this message when the /LOG qualifier is specified.D1jv8RCP_SETATTR, cannot set attributes for file 'file_name'tility (RCP)=RCP could not create the file attributes for the output file.:Use local procedures to verify that the source file is notcorrupt.jj:8 d1iu7RCP_TIMNTDEL, time not delimited; retry file operationtility (RCP)Internal error.=Retry the file operation. If this condition persists, contact%your software support representative.kk;) &U1Zf(RCP_UNKNWNREXEC, unknown service: REXECtility (RCP)%RCP could not find the REXEC service.;Start DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS on the local hostand retry the operation.ll<% $U1Vb$RCP_UNKNWNRSH, unknown service: RSHtility (RCP)#RCP could not find the RSH service.;Start DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS on the local hostand retry the operation.mm=5 1fr4RCP_UNSUPPORTED, option is not supported : 'option'tility (RCP):RCP does not support the requested operation. In addition,;RCP does not support local-to-local file operations and the/AUTHENTICATE qualifier.nn3>A cd1r~E@RCP_UPDATIM, error updating date and time; retry file operationtility (RCP):RCP created the file successfully but encountered an error'updating the file creation information.=Retry the file operation. If this condition persists, contact%your software support representative.oo?c ;;1DRCP_USRINFO, invalid user name-password combination on remote host; retry operationtility (RCP):Invalid user name and password combination on remote host.:Verify remote account information and retry the operation.pp@3 [H1dp2RCP_WRITEERR, error during write; retry operationtility (RCP)9RCP was able to create the output file but encountered an error while writing to the file.could be due to a network (DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS8software startup) problem or the inability to manage the terminal.your terminal type is supported by the DIGITAL TCP/IP Services9for OpenVMS software (that is, your terminal must be on a;terminal port that is supported by OpenVMS systems, such as4LTx (LAT), VTx, FTx (pseudoterminals), TXx, or TTx).uuH(!<<1Yf'RSH_IVESCAPE, invalid escape characterUtility (RSH);The /ESCAPE_CHARACTER qualifier specifies an invalid value.;Use a valid character with the /ESCAPE_CHARACTER qualifier.vvI,![1]j+RSH_IVHOST, invalid or unknown host 'host'Utility (RSH)7The host specified in the RSH command line could not be"translated to an internet address.7Check with your system manager or network manager that:;o You have the correct host name or IP address. If the name( or address is correct try again later.5o Verify that TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is running.wwJ-!a_1^k+,RSH_IVHOSTENT, HOSTENT structure is invalidUtility (RSH)=The HOSTENT structure obtained by calling gethostbyname() was"not in the format expected by RSH.=Retry the operation. If this condition persists, contact your software support representative.xxK(!E1Yf'RSH_LCLCLOSED, local connection closedUtility (RSH);The user terminated the local RLOGIN session with an escapecommand.None.yy"L%!V{1Vc4$RSH_NOLICENSE, license check failedUtility (RSH);The mandatory license to use RSH was not valid or active atthe time RSH was invoked.>Notify your system manager that the license for DIGITAL TCP/IP;Services for OpenVMS was not installed properly or expired.zz-M0!V{1an?/RSH_QUOTES_STRIPPED, quotes have been strippedUtility (RSH);The mandatory license to use RSH was not valid or active atthe time RSH was invoked.>Notify your system manager that the license for DIGITAL TCP/IP;Services for OpenVMS was not installed properly or expired.Y9Aؠ< bۇs VAN |E?o\ ɜ?:Iu(GCL3py`8os_#f>s#Iŧ=]8!M;B@'޽Ecm/3Ll e`֋ 0*>/!!( /4fE㘞bfߴ 5KaC6w ^֓}%?ع2 /q/qa{ŏx! =  S9̠SD @>ض"= z7 ^p'v.)L2bLa#EE 9NQB=Avc?JJ'U h@`Ib$ ;?LJ4λJA* Gyӹ|;P:5]Bc#7 {[ᣵڧUN4~JlԁwF#;8^qN9HDz+p?ih: lo6v|+[ 6@VU@)0 H(^ÂWn`0 :)$:bW{U/a@gɓr>]il5. *8KbdPBXCN!8 CV!D Cc!p$.D9R &dv>ԍ$GM$P -JH"d։><ОRtRQS})k)ȔO+;*VWt*VW ڡ(X-% rGmQM2)e*ZUKyRy~ lfMN$a:(jաCL ن}z~ޟxO8\v:9v9qېȣGV=B=}8}} ?D (Y q N!"PHk$)T{R -9HfuR#"FvFzFEx",v45B2z: :1=pPlOr'ɜ'v& SN(PERB5)*e6⛩OjS|)I+I*WJS7U CPsPqE-F\2Q\Q(Ҕi5%iGuQ;ڍFΣrQYE+zډalūRR֒gL~aK%C4 [223 .N,'OӵvbN"K0jPݠmtmQ$I*}>枌:V94tu8s@@C'd(SöDZ"Y+dw;G"pԈrRrRZY)-TK1*-%f%?sbkk{;i;y>0 I(QN%I\&S(QCP9e(:VUX2֢Jo6eZ(IJR!jS-aI}JNRiRjRԸ+R) ,Z[k-_-].vEi8pƒ'c03}.nC7!g2231%:7ۍStd;xa;$nj8y!Z xz9 i,)U!G j)Y[pqjdFecP"hhF@  L\oi[ ZO=9CS%pUu=) pR -JbvՍ]٢܂ٮ+1T% z:ѿM1q1rithFCH_tqc hq;KҽcX+ci?)TCPIP, Remote Shell N)!11Zg(RSH_REMCLOSED, remote connection closedUtility (RSH)0The server terminated the remote RLOGIN session.None.=O=!K1n{OThe STOP SERVICE command was entered and the specified servicewas not active.None.Z~=!1n{The IP address specifies a host address when a network address is required.-Reenter the command with the network address.Z0!L+1an/ADR_NETW, internet address specifies a networkntrol Program>The IP address specified a network address when a host address is required.*Reenter the command with the host address.Z$!j1Ub#ALIAS, name is an alias for a hostntrol Program:The host or network information returned from the database.came from an alias of a host or network entry.None.Z^k!71p9ARPERROR, cannot process ARP request as entered; see ARP0 documentation and reenter the commandntrol Program6An error occurred during processing of an ARP command.9See the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Commanddatabase files, if the command involved one or more databases.ZY&c1;CCF_ILLFTYPE, file type not allowed in container directory specificationntrol Program, NFS1The CREATE CONTAINER command requires a directory0specification to create a container file system.2You specified an invalid file specification rather0than a directory specification. Specify only the9directory name of the container file system; for example,DRA0:[MYLOGIN.CFSNAME].Z&P^1L^ CMDERR, NFS command errorntrol Program, NFS=NFS does not have the functionality to process a command sentby the component.8Check to make sure that the TCPIP and NFS processes were$derived from the same TCPIP release.Z2&x1cu1CMDERROR, error executing 'command_name' commandntrol Program, NFS7A management control program command failed. Subsequent7messages provide more information about why the commandfailed.None.ZQh&wA1"cECOMERR, command mailbox not created because NFS server initializing;! wait and reenter commandntrol Program, NFS=NFS is still in an initialization state. It has not created a8mailbox to which the TCPIP component can enter commands.7Wait until NFS completes initialization and reenter thecommand.Z5!H31fs4CONFIGERROR, error processing configuration requestntrol Program>An error occurred during the processing of a SET CONFIGURATIONcommand.2The secondary error message describes the problem.Z-!BQ1^k,CONFLICT, conflicting qualifiers in commandntrol Program;You specified conflicting qualifiers on the initial commandline.;Check the documentation for the correct command syntax, andreenter the command.Z!0H1N[CONNREF, connection refusedntrol Program/The remote host refused to accept a connection.:Ask the system manager to enable the Finger service on the remote host. Zm'&1Xjy&CONTACREATE, container 'name' createdntrol Program, NFSInformational.None.!!Z:`!w71LDCREATELOG, cannot create log file 'log_file_name'; check privileges and disk spacentrol Program=The system was unable to create the log file. This can be due8to incorrect file privileges or insufficient disk space.6Check privileges, disk space, and reenter the command.""Z!1P]WCRSOCK, error creating socketntrol Program=TCP/IP failed to create an endpoint communication. This error#occurs in the following situations:o If there is a network error.&o If the network has not been started.;o When the device socket quota exceeds the limit set by the system manager.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.;Increase the value of the socket quota limit. If you cannot7change it, ask the system manager to change it for you.P client:will not be able to fulfill the request within the timeoutperiod.9If the command requires the DHCP client to talk to a DHCPtrying. You may want to inform your system administrator about9the situation. If the command does not require the client:to talk to a server ( as with most DHCPCONF commands) thenThe FTP client supports only one active control connection. It1tried to establish another connection but failed.9Disconnect the connection with the FTP DISCONNECT commandfirst.%%71hh/6FTP_FDLGEN, failed to generate an FDL file for 'file';The FTP client failed to generate an FDL file for the local;file that has to be transferred. This error could be due tospecified and no FDL file is on the remote host. Error seen inthe FTP client.!Determine if the FDL file exists.((#,qg1]]5+FTP_OUTPROCF, error processing output file,8The FTP Client encountered an error creating, opening or9writing a local output file. This error is signalled from7several places which handle RMS errors from SYS$CREATE,:SYS$CONNECT, SYS$PUT, SYS$WRITE, and so forth. If there is;a problem creating or writing a remote output file, the FTP5j1oo=FTP_ACPCON, error accepting data connection from remote host:An error occurred in the FTP client. The maximum number of:active device sockets is controlled by the system manager.:When the device socket exceeds the limit set by the system(1oo)=FTP_CREPRC, error in creating a child process 'process_name'occurs when insufficient system dynamic memory is available tocomplete the service.'Increase the size of the nonpaged pool.44\b91(@FTP_ECNSES, QIO failure; failed to continue session for 'host'. Error: 'code';An error occurred in the network that caused the session to%close. Error occurred in the TP host.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.55[*91?FTP_ESTSES, QIO failure; failed to start a session for 'host'. Error: 'code')The FTP server failed to start a session.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.66;8#1ii*M7FTP_EXQUOT, exceeded session quota; connection refused=The maximum number of sessions has been exceeded. You can set=the maximum number of FTP sessions by editing the appropriate9parameter in the SYS$MANAGER:UCX$FTPD_STARTUP.COM command procedure."Wait for a session to become free.77.6'1__-FTP_GETDVI, error getting device information5Failed to get the device information for the mailbox.&Check to see if a mailbox was created.88(3(1YY'FTP_GETHST, error in getting host name2The FTP server failed to get the host information.'Check whether the host database exists.99y,(1]]+FTP_GETUAI, error getting user information'FTP failed to get the user information.None.::(<91YY'FTP_GPRNAM, error in getting peer name;The FTP server failed to get the name of the remote system.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.;;*.91[[)FTP_GSCKNM, error in getting socket name-The FTP server failed to get the socket name.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.<<TT91=FTP_HSTINF, failed to get host information for 'string' from database=An error occurred in the FTP client. The server failed to getthe host information.8Check whether a valid entry exists in the host database.==7G31hh6FTP_IDLTIMERR, unable to parse TCPIP$FTPD_IDLETIMEOUT=The value specified for the TCPIP$FTP_IDLETIMEOUT logical wasinvalid.2None. The default value (15 minutes) will be used.>>x 1OOjFTP_INCPWD, incorrect passwdThe password is incorrect.Reenter the password correctly.??Y^1NN kFTP_INVCMD, invalid command9Log in to the remote host failed. An invalid user name or=password results in this kind of failure. The log in requests;also gets rejected if the user does not have network access privilege.=Log in with a valid user name and password. Check whether youhave network access privileges.@@7\1hhK6FTP_LOGFAL, remote interactive login failure 'string'=An error occurred in the FTP server. Remote interactive login=failed. An invalid user name or password results in this kind>of failure. The log in requests also gets rejected if the user'does not have network access privilege.invalid user name or password results in this kind of failure.;If the user has no network access privilege, then the login>request is also rejected. Server: The login to the remote hostFTP supports NONPRINT forms only. If the specified form is not-supported, NONPRINT becomes the default form.None.OO+h1\\*FTP_SUPMOD, FTP supports only 'mode' mode;FTP supports STREAM mode only. If the specified mode is not+supported, STREAM becomes the default mode.None.PP5s1ff4FTP_SUPSTR, FTP supports only 'structure' structureIf the error persists, contact your support representative and-describe the conditions leading to the error.WWwV1DFTP_UNIXCONV, error in conversion from UNIX to OpenVMS path formatr *XX LPD/LPR PrintAO1r|@LPD_ERRCLJBC, error closing job: entry 'string', queue 'string'ing SystemDESTGATE, destination: 'remote_host', gateway: 'gateway_name'ntrol ProgramInformational.None.``Y! 1O\ekDETAIL, detailed informationntrol ProgramSuccess.None.aaX!-1CDHCPCONFERR, DHCP client failed to configure interface 'interface_ name'ntrol Program,An attempt to configure an interface failed.bbp/!1`m|.DHCPCONFIG, DHCP is configured on this systemntrol ProgramInformational.None.ccA!1r@DHCPINTER, interface 'interface_name' configured by DHCP clientntrol ProgramInformational.None.ddo/& 1`r{.DIRCREATE, directory 'directory_name' createdntrol Program, NFSSuccess.None.ee &zN1TADIRECTORY, path name specified for container directory operationC resolves to a directory; reenter using target data file namentrol Program, NFS=A path name that is a directory was specified for a container;directory operation that requires a data file as an object.command, and reenter the command with the correct information.iiA 7!iu1huS6DUPALLHOST, file system already exported to all hostsntrol Program;A new record was added to the export database; however, the,directory was already exported to all hosts.9None. However, you may want to review the export database:entries for this directory to eliminate duplicate entries.jj}_!p1 BDUPCOMMUNITY, duplicate entry found in community address list for 'IP address'ntrol Program;The TCPIP command SET CONFIGURATION SNMP attempted to add a3duplicate IP address to the community address list.9Verify that you entered the correct IP address. If the IP>address was incorrect, reenter the command with the correct IPaddress.kk9!~1jwI8DUPHIEXPO, file system already exported at higher levelntrol Program;A new record was added to the export database; however, the=directory was already exported to the host at a higher level.>For example, the new record specified /a/b when /a was alreadypresent in the database.9None required. However, you may want to review the export:database entries for this directory to eliminate duplicateentries.ll4W!XY1FDDUPHOST, duplicate entry in hosts database (TCPIP$HOST) for 'host', ignoredntrol Program8Information specified in the SET HOST command is alreadypresent in the hosts database.;None. However, you may want to review the hosts database toeliminate duplicate entries.mmm<!u1mz ;DUPHOSTEXPO, file system already exported at specific hostntrol Program>A new host record, specified with a wildcard, was added to theA remote sender failed to access headers in the temporary mail1oo~=SMTP_SYMBRUN, symbiont is running the queue 'symbiont_queue'Informational.None.)Xt$1UUdj#SMTP_SYMBSTOP, symbiont is stoppedInformational.None. ) erver File S691grn5CFS_ATTRFAIL, cannot 'read or write' file attributesystem (NFS)7The NFS file system attempted to read or write a file's>attributes using the appropriate Files-11 QIO, and it receivedTake action based on the primary and secondary error messages. )3@?1do2CFS_CLUSTER, virtual blocks 'start' through 'end'ystem (NFS)6Supplementary information related to the primary errormessage.>Take action based on the primary and secondary error messages. ) 2@?1cn1CFS_CONTAINERID, container 'device-file-ID-spec'ystem (NFS)6Supplementary information related to the primary errormessage.>Take action based on the primary and secondary error messages. )^ %`1Vap$CFS_DASSGN, cannot deassign channelystem (NFS)>The file system received an error message when it attempted to=deassign a channel as part of deaccessing a file. A secondary1message follows that further describes the error.The file system attempted to read or write virtual blocks of a>file, and it received an error message that it did not expect.=A secondary message follows that further describes the error.indicates an internal problem. The message text is variable. A;secondary message follows that further describes the error.;In most cases, you should report this error to a HP supportrepresentative.),@?1]h+CFS_FHANDLE, file handle 'hex-file-handle'ystem (NFS)6Supplementary information related to the primary errormessage.>Take action based on the primary and secondary error messages.)](@1Ydo'CFS_FILEID, file 'device-file-ID-spec'ystem (NFS)6Supplementary information related to the primary errormessage.>Take action based on the primary and secondary error messages.8Check the RMS error and act accordingly. This may be the9result of an access conflict with another process such asthe SMTP queue symbiont.)2@?1cn1CFS_FILESYSTEM, file system 'file-system-string'ystem (NFS)6Supplementary information related to the primary errormessage.>Take action based on the primary and secondary error messages.)&@?1Wb%CFS_INODE, inode number 'hex-number'ystem (NFS)6Supplementary information related to the primary errormessage.>Take action based on the primary and secondary error messages.)(?1Yd.'CFS_IVCHAN, invalid CFS channel numberystem (NFS)Take action based on the primary and secondary error messages.)&j41Wb%CFS_IVRESSTS, invalid resource stateystem (NFS)7This message indicates an internal problem. A secondary1message follows that further describes the error.3Report the error to your HP support representative.)6@51q|H?CFS_LCKDEQ, attempt to $DEQ lock failed, lock ID 'hex-lock-ID'ystem (NFS)5An unexpected error was returned when the file system>attempted to $DEQ a resource lock. A secondary message follows!that further describes the error.4Report this error to your HP support representative.)|>?1ozO=CFS_LCKENQ, attempt to $ENQ lock failed; check process quotaystem (NFS)5An unexpected error was returned when the file system5attempted to $ENQ a resource lock. Often this message>indicates that a process quota is too low. A secondary message)follows that further describes the error.>Take action based on the primary and secondary error messages.)e9?1ju8w8CFS_LCKLCKD, attempt to lock resource previously lockedystem (NFS)=An error occurred when an attempt was made to lock a resource;on which a lock was already held by the current file system=operation. A secondary message follows that further describes the error.>Take action based on the primary and secondary error messages.)X?1YBCFS_LCKNCVT, attempt to $ENQ lock from 'lock-mode' to 'lock-mode' failedystem (NFS)>An error occurred when an attempt to change the lock mode of aTake action based on the primary and secondary error messages.)_Q?1+CCFS_LOCKSTS, lock mode 'lock-mode', 'number/number' granted status 'hex-number'ystem (NFS)9This messages is supplementary information related to theprimary error message.>Take action based on the primary and secondary error messages.);P?1lw:CFS_OFFSET, file offset 'hex-number', length 'hex-number'ystem (NFS)8This message is supplementary information related to theprimary error message.>Take action based on the primary and secondary error messages.),P?1]h+CFS_PATHNAME, path name 'path-name-string'ystem (NFS)8This message is supplementary information related to theprimary error message.>Take action based on the primary and secondary error messages.)A*1r}@CFS_PRCEXIT, process exit forced due to unrecoverable conditionystem (NFS)9The file system code executing in EXECUTIVE mode detected:a condition from which it could not recover. It deemed the>situation severe enough to terminate the process. This message;was reported as a courtesy to the system manager to explain.the reason for the disappearance of a process.)Report to your HP support representative. )@@?1q|?CFS_RDCB, resource descriptor address 'hex-number', type (0-4)ystem (NFS)6Supplementary information related to the primary errormessage.>Take action based on the primary and secondary error messages.!!)>@?1oz=CFS_THREAD, service 'service-name-string', sequence 'number'ystem (NFS)6Supplementary information related to the primary errormessage.>Take action based on the primary and secondary error messages."")+B51s~=ACFS_ULCKNLCKD, attempt to release resource not previously lockedystem (NFS)6An error occurred when an attempt was made to unlock a;resource on which no lock is currently held for the currentfile system operation.4Report this error to your HP support representative.##) @1q| ?CFS_UNXBLKAST, unexpected blocking AST received for type '0-4'ystem (NFS)>A blocking AST was received, indicating that the file system's=notion of a resource lock's state was not consistent with thesystem's view.$$)!B+1s~ACFS_VMSDIRFMT, inconsistent format within OpenVMS directory fileystem (NFS)=The contents of an OpenVMS ODS2 directory do not appear to be;valid. This message is generated to warn the system manager7that the file system attempted to read a directory (NFS9READDIR) that did not contain valid contents. A secondary1message follows that further describes the error.*Enter the ANALYZE /DISK_STRUCTURE command.%%)"= +1nyContact your HP support representative and provide information6describing the conditions under which this message was generated.'')v$*1UX#NOSERVSTART, 'serv_id' not startedown)The service you specified is not started.None.(()(M1Y\'SHUTDONE, 'serv_id' shutdown completedown>The shutdown command procedure for service 'serv_id' completed successfully.None.)))(T,1Y\'SHUTFAIL, failed to shutdown 'serv_id'ownyou may disable the server to avoid the message. Otherwise use>the MAP command or the SET CONFIGURATION MAP command to create1mapping information for one or more file systems.//)!I11RT NONETSTART, network not startedup>You attempted to start a service without first starting TCP/IP Services.0Start TCP/IP Services; then retry the operation.00)ii]1{BNOSSLSHARE, secure 'service_name' features not available, 'image-% file-spec' not installedupThe service you specified does not have a record in the TCP/IPservice database.>Create a database record for the specified service; then retrythe operation.22)/?n1`b.NOSTARTUP, startup procedure did not completeup4The specified service failed to complete its startup sequence.An error occurred while initializing a queue for the specifiedservice.8Determine why the service queue failed to initialize and,correct the problem; then start the service.55)+Da1\^*QUESTRTERR, error starting service queuesup:An error occurred while starting a queue for the specifiedservice.;Determine why the service queue failed to start and correct$the problem; then start the service.66)5W71fh4REJSERVFILE, 'serv_id' database files need updatingup=The specified service database file(s) must be updated beforethe service can be used.6Update service database files; then start the service.77)|'.1XZ&SERVEXISTS, 'serv_id' already startedup-The service you specified is already started.None.88)(L1Y['STARTDONE, 'serv_id' startup completedup=The startup command procedure for service 'serv_id' completed successfully.None.99)&S,1WY%STARTFAIL, failed to start 'serv_id'up;The startup command procedure for service 'serv_id' did notcomplete successfully.+Take action based on accompanying messages.::)~ hared by sev0#1ap/ACCSSTERR, cannot access service startup tableeral facilities8An error occurred while attempting to access the service=startup table. The service startup table is used to determinethe set of active services.>Contact your HP support representative and provide information6describing the conditions under which this message was generated.;;)'#=1Xg%&CREACPERR, error creating ACP processeral facilitiesContact your HP support representative and provide information6describing the conditions under which this message was generated.<<)6#4/1gv5CREDIRERR, error creating directory 'directory-name'eral facilities3A request to create the specified directory failed..Take action based on the accompanying message.==),#//1]l+CREFILERR, error creating file 'file-spec'eral facilities.A request to create the specified file failed..Take action based on the accompanying message.>>)2#@,1cr1DBINSTERR, error installing database 'file-spec'eral facilities7A request to install the specified TCP/IP database filefailed.+Take action based on accompanying messages.??)/#?,1`o.DBNOTCRE, error creating 'file-spec' databaseeral facilities6A request to create the specified TCP/IP database filefailed.+Take action based on accompanying messages.@@)5#-,1fu4DIRNOTCRE, 'output-file' directory file not createderal facilities,A request to create a directory file failed.+Take action based on accompanying messages.AA)5#H/1fu4DRVLOADERR, error loading driver 'driver-file-spec'eral facilities8An error occurred while attempting to load the specifieddevice driver..Take action based on the accompanying message.BB)3#K01ds2IMGDINSTERR, error deinstalling 'image-file-spec'eral facilities=An error occurred while attempting to deinstall the specified known image./Take action based on the accompanying messages.CC)0#Y01ap/IMGINSTERR, error installing 'image-file-spec'eral facilities;An error occurred while attempting to install the specifiedimage file as a known image./Take action based on the accompanying messages.DD)&#?^1Wf%NOFILE, cannot find file 'file-spec'eral facilities8Cannot find an existing (or new) file with the specifiedname.;Make sure the file exists and is accessible, or take action!based on an accompanying message.EE)3#<d1ds2NOIMAGE, cannot find image file 'image-file-spec'eral facilities;Cannot find an existing image file with the specified name.:Make sure the image file exists and is accessible, or take(action based on an accompanying message.FF)O!#h1Raa NOLICENSE, license check failederal facilities8A license for the product has not been activated with an.automatic or interactive LICENSE LOAD command.The 'startup_p1' system parameter specifies the type of systemThe OpenVMS Mail session was interrupted. The control file was;deleted and the message will not be submitted to the queue.Resend the message.SS)V[+V1A=SMTP_BADADDR, recipient address is illegal. unparsed string: 'string_text'ransfer Protocol (SMTP)=The recipient address does not conform to any of the accepted8patterns (SMTP, MAIL11, distribution list). The unparsed&string shows where the parsing failed.>Refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS User's Guide foraddressing guidelines.TT)4WV+1>FASMTP_BADCLNT, client IP address 'ip_address' matched Bad Clients listransfer Protocol (SMTP)>Mail was received from an SMTP client whose IP address matches:an IP address or network address in the SMTP server's Bad-%Clients lists. The mail was rejected.add the client's IP address or network address to the server'sGood-Clients list.UU)XF+>>1w ESMTP_BADLIST, distribution list illegal contains illegal address(es)ransfer Protocol (SMTP)=The distribution list contains one or more illegal addresses.=Edit the distribution list and correct the illegal addresses.VV)YD+1uCSMTP_BADMF, "MAIL FROM:'email_addr' matched Reject Mail From list"ransfer Protocol (SMTP)=Mail was received from an SMTP client whose MAIL FROM commandThe sum of the initial interval and retry interval exceeds theretry maximum.;Enter the TCP/IP command SET CONFIGURATION SMTP/INTERVAL to8reset one or all of the intervals so that the sum of the:initial interval and retry interval is less than the retrymaximum.XX)[,+X1]t+SMTP_CFERROR, control file error in 'file'ransfer Protocol (SMTP) Recv: 550 No such user here[[)]`++1\sto*SMTP_ERROR, error processing SMTP requestransfer Protocol (SMTP)7Check the symbiont log. If that does not provide enough>information, turn on symbiont trace diagnostics (DEFINE/SYSTEM>TCPIP$SMTP_SYMB_TRACE) as documented in the HP TCP/IP Services=for OpenVMS Management, send mail, and check the symbiont logagain.\\)aF+1wESMTP_EXCMAXHOP, maximum number of hops exceeded; mail loop suspectedransfer Protocol (SMTP):The number of RFCs received by headers in an incoming mail;message exceeded the SMTP configuration's HOP_COUNT_MAXIMUMsetting.9Probably the mail recipient has set up mail in a way that=causes looping. Check for a mail loop. For example, joe@host16has mail forwarded to joe@host2 and joe@host2 has mailforwarded to joe@host1.]])b+d`12ESMTP_FWDLOOP, user 'user' has forwarded mail back to themself on the? local system creating a mail loop; bouncing mailransfer Protocol (SMTP)7A user has set up his local and remote mail accounts to+forward mail via SMTP to the other account. SET FORWARD/USER=username^^)c+Y1PgSMTP_INTERNAL, internal errorransfer Protocol (SMTP)An internal error occurred.7Contact your HP support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error.__);db+/t1MBSMTP_LINEWRAP, line contains more then 1000 bytes, splitting into multiple linesransfer Protocol (SMTP);The SMTP protocol (RFC 821) does not support message bodies;with single lines longer than 998 characters (or 1000 lines;if the closing characters are included). When TCP/IP>SMTP detects lines longer than 998 characters, it splits those;lines into multiple lines in the SMTP message that is sent.:If the split lines cause a problem for the recipient, then8encode the file before sending and decode it on receipt.``)&g2+,1cz81SMTP_NOFORG, SMTP does not support foreign file.ransfer Protocol (SMTP)+SMTP does not support foreign file formats.;Send the message through client software that supports file;formats other than ASCII, or encode the file before sendingand decode it on receipt.aa)Eh5+R1f}W4SMTP_NORECIPIENT, no address to send mail to 'user'ransfer Protocol (SMTP),The error is caused by one of the following:;o The SMTP client read a control file that does not contain' any recipients. This indicates a bug. commands. This is an error on the remote client.2If the control file is empty, call your HP support;representative. If the incoming message did not include any:valid addresses, turn on receiver diagnostics (TCPIP$SMTP_7RECV_DEBUG) as documented in the HP TCP/IP Services for7OpenVMS Management. Look at TCPIP$SMTMP_RCV_RUN.LOG for address or addresses were rejected.bb)io+1c BSMTP_NOSPAMRLY, relay to 'ip_address' from client IP address 'ip_+ address' is suspected SPAMransfer Protocol (SMTP) command to the SMTP;server and received a failure response from the server with=a protocol reply code that starts with the number 5. The user;name portion of the recipient address was not recognized asdisabling of the remote user account, or some other problem onthe remote server.:Check for typographical errors. Ensure the recipient still=has an account on the remote system if possible. Send mail toUse the OpenVMS Convert utility to convert the file to anotherNotify your system manager that the license for DIGITAL TCP/IP;Services for OpenVMS was not installed properly or expired.Vj+fwsZoKGCGAtu1 r&_f w 62diLkkt8 |w7B};+`  KR cHl8J 7RWT&ˆPB. Yfo1Jk֏`r3ݛa+Zҭz.aryGQL75b:X.o][Y'lvYH紗znFכ)cfbVbUtڇ 0 )0 @~JC0'ALpnʿ%=V` } PIoms?:OUE:q|2 ^\eӦ]/=E\w>I >Niٖ“mJc0FPB4Z0Y^5^Fz|!Q)&~wX-08YʼnՁ%\I3fΛƾ+;9]ḿFhCb]2{-t3HVHQfq4Y}ܱ1G[pa.3C|8OQɈhaxGXKuJa; i2[;F-fS G$vOu &>H#BԪ!=Y>r!;a "E&D'7D 3h9d F"ȓmC2?qKGяݛ,uXglhmΗOuį_G΢WZV<L 3Zm^ڶfF</7z^#^CBZEZa?0UN* UHwh3W%^Cys`zP+c8Ϟg2"FY2B$RO2vf̜he{/d`Hy1.Njշ=,6 BQ9 GrxTMYSt&J[UBBi~.U  kjx&iWV3<*^EQt峿g* ''"KZy5[iXE|xdl_e - N3dhw|uiE. 2t#Boݟz݁xgm t9eNWX|ڔ,A;:{oqC oe.Q'l "gi$_lU עuDuY?Q-HD FƋ@!U֩;]PLdٚ_+ e1tА"rau+SpѸ_"k^yBiH0X4_a3u'v׌vaQM-W9`)ZY"7/9jY=2Ә *26{b^߀BW9M1~!h5ЪtT3~!5Ͷ媧C͕dN_YLr@7A))m 5W2qyfRkfB۔EZzG5W At] G5_ASjLDǂodvaXNB!H"m$)3ʠ0K + X>LL/fE<='Av-5g'SL."CB<W@u|Innc^E{[ =%aۏs)C> ;% B>.bKROwBg?$*lӹ?f$ٺQLe%tt3țMs3z/OM8TŧCLN㉛yջD42;ǽBQEeيJĴ9|waqis9H ,r*ahGU0T)~:h&rsKw(^*b6C?YtBpӭ KрwQ[iou u b\ #8 .X|&,YM&Mrh;^?<;?|. BqPE/=j\C P?X7WvUz8>8t:@ ʩhW Ԧ M:@C u\\-i{ W+dܩVb.:90p줣\A@6f^Dw A"@ o vž!àh Ò hZp@xnk*UaA `Ù`~kslGnAJCoA(TCH @ <6{q lͳ.G x!Ԋ'wy)Ta͸9咚%in nTCPIP, Simple Mail Tuj+W17SMTP_UNBKTRNSIP, client IP address 'ip_address' is not1 backtranslatable to a host nameransfer Protocol (SMTP)>An SMTP client host whose IP address cannot be translated into>a DNS hostname tried to send mail through the SMTP server. The>SMTP server configuration has the Reject-Unbacktranslatable-IP*switch set to TRUE. The mail was rejected.8If the result is correct, no action is necessary. If the7result is not desired, contact the postmaster at the IP>address in question and inform them that their PTR records arespecified domain or had an unqualified domain. The SMTP server:configuration does not have the Accept-Unqualified-Sendersswitch set to TRUE.8If the result is correct, no action is necessary. If the8result is not correct, inform the postmaster at the SMTP7client host about the problem. Optionally, set the SMTP;server's configuration Accept-Unqualified-Senders switch toTRUE.nPw?+1ptb>SMTP_UNRSLVMF, MAIL FROM:'ip_address' has unresolvable domainransfer Protocol (SMTP)The IP address specifies a host address when a network address is required.-Reenter the command with the network address.Z0!L+1an/ADR_NETW, internet address specifies a networkntrol Program>The IP address specified a network address when a host address is required.*Reenter the command with the host address.Z$!j1Ub#ALIAS, name is an alias for a hostntrol Program:The host or network information returned from the database.came from an alias of a host or network entry.None.Z^k!71p9ARPERROR, cannot process ARP request as entered; see ARP0 documentation and reenter the commandntrol Program6An error occurred during processing of an ARP command.9See the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management Commanddatabase files, if the command involved one or more databases.ZY&c1;CCF_ILLFTYPE, file type not allowed in container directory specificationntrol Program, NFS1The CREATE CONTAINER command requires a directory0specification to create a container file system.2You specified an invalid file specification rather0than a directory specification. Specify only the9directory name of the container file system; for example,DRA0:[MYLOGIN.CFSNAME].Z&P^1L^ CMDERR, NFS command errorntrol Program, NFS=NFS does not have the functionality to process a command sentby the component.8Check to make sure that the TCPIP and NFS processes were$derived from the same TCPIP release.Z2&x1cu1CMDERROR, error executing 'command_name' commandntrol Program, NFS7A management control program command failed. Subsequent7messages provide more information about why the commandfailed.None.ZQh&wA1"cECOMERR, command mailbox not created because NFS server initializing;! wait and reenter commandntrol Program, NFS=NFS is still in an initialization state. It has not created a8mailbox to which the TCPIP component can enter commands.7Wait until NFS completes initialization and reenter thecommand.Z5!H31fs4CONFIGERROR, error processing configuration requestntrol Program>An error occurred during the processing of a SET CONFIGURATIONcommand.2The secondary error message describes the problem.Z-!BQ1^k,CONFLICT, conflicting qualifiers in commandntrol Program;You specified conflicting qualifiers on the initial commandline.;Check the documentation for the correct command syntax, andreenter the command.Z!0H1N[CONNREF, connection refusedntrol Program/The remote host refused to accept a connection.:Ask the system manager to enable the Finger service on the remote host. Zm'&1Xjy&CONTACREATE, container 'name' createdntrol Program, NFSInformational.None.!!Z:`!w71LDCREATELOG, cannot create log file 'log_file_name'; check privileges and disk spacentrol Program=The system was unable to create the log file. This can be due8to incorrect file privileges or insufficient disk space.6Check privileges, disk space, and reenter the command.""Z!1P]WCRSOCK, error creating socketntrol Program=TCP/IP failed to create an endpoint communication. This error#occurs in the following situations:o If there is a network error.&o If the network has not been started.;o When the device socket quota exceeds the limit set by the system manager.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.;Increase the value of the socket quota limit. If you cannot7change it, ask the system manager to change it for you.P client:will not be able to fulfill the request within the timeoutperiod.9If the command requires the DHCP client to talk to a DHCPtrying. You may want to inform your system administrator about9the situation. If the command does not require the client:to talk to a server ( as with most DHCPCONF commands) thenThe FTP client supports only one active control connection. It1tried to establish another connection but failed.9Disconnect the connection with the FTP DISCONNECT commandfirst.%%71hh/6FTP_FDLGEN, failed to generate an FDL file for 'file';The FTP client failed to generate an FDL file for the local;file that has to be transferred. This error could be due tospecified and no FDL file is on the remote host. Error seen inthe FTP client.!Determine if the FDL file exists.((#,qg1]]5+FTP_OUTPROCF, error processing output file,8The FTP Client encountered an error creating, opening or9writing a local output file. This error is signalled from7several places which handle RMS errors from SYS$CREATE,:SYS$CONNECT, SYS$PUT, SYS$WRITE, and so forth. If there is;a problem creating or writing a remote output file, the FTP5j1oo=FTP_ACPCON, error accepting data connection from remote host:An error occurred in the FTP client. The maximum number of:active device sockets is controlled by the system manager.:When the device socket exceeds the limit set by the system(1oo)=FTP_CREPRC, error in creating a child process 'process_name'occurs when insufficient system dynamic memory is available tocomplete the service.'Increase the size of the nonpaged pool.44\b91(@FTP_ECNSES, QIO failure; failed to continue session for 'host'. Error: 'code';An error occurred in the network that caused the session to%close. Error occurred in the TP host.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.55[*91?FTP_ESTSES, QIO failure; failed to start a session for 'host'. Error: 'code')The FTP server failed to start a session.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.66;8#1ii*M7FTP_EXQUOT, exceeded session quota; connection refused=The maximum number of sessions has been exceeded. You can set=the maximum number of FTP sessions by editing the appropriate9parameter in the SYS$MANAGER:UCX$FTPD_STARTUP.COM command procedure."Wait for a session to become free.77.6'1__-FTP_GETDVI, error getting device information5Failed to get the device information for the mailbox.&Check to see if a mailbox was created.88(3(1YY'FTP_GETHST, error in getting host name2The FTP server failed to get the host information.'Check whether the host database exists.99y,(1]]+FTP_GETUAI, error getting user information'FTP failed to get the user information.None.::(<91YY'FTP_GPRNAM, error in getting peer name;The FTP server failed to get the name of the remote system.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.;;*.91[[)FTP_GSCKNM, error in getting socket name-The FTP server failed to get the socket name.8Make sure network communication is active on the system.<<TT91=FTP_HSTINF, failed to get host information for 'string' from database=An error occurred in the FTP client. The server failed to getthe host information.8Check whether a valid entry exists in the host database.==7G31hh6FTP_IDLTIMERR, unable to parse TCPIP$FTPD_IDLETIMEOUT=The value specified for the TCPIP$FTP_IDLETIMEOUT logical wasinvalid.2None. The default value (15 minutes) will be used.>>x 1OOjFTP_INCPWD, incorrect passwdThe password is incorrect.Reenter the password correctly.??Y^1NN kFTP_INVCMD, invalid command9Log in to the remote host failed. An invalid user name or=password results in this kind of failure. The log in requests;also gets rejected if the user does not have network access privilege.=Log in with a valid user name and password. Check whether youhave network access privileges.@@7\1hhK6FTP_LOGFAL, remote interactive login failure 'string'=An error occurred in the FTP server. Remote interactive login=failed. An invalid user name or password results in this kind>of failure. The log in requests also gets rejected if the user'does not have network access privilege.invalid user name or password results in this kind of failure.;If the user has no network access privilege, then the login>request is also rejected. Server: The login to the remote hostFTP supports NONPRINT forms only. If the specified form is not-supported, NONPRINT becomes the default form.None.OO+h1\\*FTP_SUPMOD, FTP supports only 'mode' mode;FTP supports STREAM mode only. If the specified mode is not+supported, STREAM becomes the default mode.None.PP5s1ff4FTP_SUPSTR, FTP supports only 'structure' structureIf the error persists, contact your support representative and-describe the conditions leading to the error.WWwV1DFTP_UNIXCONV, error in conversion from UNIX to OpenVMS path formatr *XX LPD/LPR PrintAO1r|@LPD_ERRCLJBC, error closing job: entry 'string', queue 'string'ing SystemDESTGATE, destination: 'remote_host', gateway: 'gateway_name'ntrol ProgramInformational.None.``Y! 1O\ekDETAIL, detailed informationntrol ProgramSuccess.None.aaX!-1CDHCPCONFERR, DHCP client failed to configure interface 'interface_ name'ntrol Program,An attempt to configure an interface failed.bbp/!1`m|.DHCPCONFIG, DHCP is configured on this systemntrol ProgramInformational.None.ccA!1r@DHCPINTER, interface 'interface_name' configured by DHCP clientntrol ProgramInformational.None.ddo/& 1`r{.DIRCREATE, directory 'directory_name' createdntrol Program, NFSSuccess.None.ee &zN1TADIRECTORY, path name specified for container directory operationC resolves to a directory; reenter using target data file namentrol Program, NFS=A path name that is a directory was specified for a container;directory operation that requires a data file as an object.command, and reenter the command with the correct information.iiA 7!iu1huS6DUPALLHOST, file system already exported to all hostsntrol Program;A new record was added to the export database; however, the,directory was already exported to all hosts.9None. However, you may want to review the export database:entries for this directory to eliminate duplicate entries.jj}_!p1 BDUPCOMMUNITY, duplicate entry found in community address list for 'IP address'ntrol Program;The TCPIP command SET CONFIGURATION SNMP attempted to add a3duplicate IP address to the community address list.9Verify that you entered the correct IP address. If the IP>address was incorrect, reenter the command with the correct IPaddress.kk9!~1jwI8DUPHIEXPO, file system already exported at higher levelntrol Program;A new record was added to the export database; however, the=directory was already exported to the host at a higher level.>For example, the new record specified /a/b when /a was alreadypresent in the database.9None required. However, you may want to review the export:database entries for this directory to eliminate duplicateentries.ll4W!XY1FDDUPHOST, duplicate entry in hosts database (TCPIP$HOST) for 'host', ignoredntrol Program8Information specified in the SET HOST command is alreadypresent in the hosts database.;None. However, you may want to review the hosts database toeliminate duplicate entries.mmm<!u1mz ;DUPHOSTEXPO, file system already exported at specific hostntrol Program>A new host record, specified with a wildcard, was added to thes#Iŧ=]8!M;B@'޽Ecm/3Ll e`֋ 0*>/!!( /4fE㘞bfߴ 5KaC6w ^֓}%?ع2 /q/qa{ŏx! =  S9̠SD @>ض"= z7 ^p'v.)L2bLa#EE 9NQB=Avc?JJ'U h@`Ib$ ;?LJ4λJA* Gyӹ|;P:5]Bc#7 {[ᣵڧUN4~JlԁwF#;8^qN9HDz+p?ih: lo6v|+[ 6@VU@)0 H(^ÂWn`0 :)$:bW{U/a@gɓr>]il5. *8KbdPBXCN!8 CV!D Cc!p$.D9R &dv>ԍ$GM$P -JH"d։><ОRtRQS})k)ȔO+;*VWt*VW ڡ(X-% rGmQM2)e*ZUKyRy~ lfMN$a:(jաCL ن}z~ޟxO8\v:9v9qېȣGV=B=}8}} ?D (Y q N!"PHk$)T{R -9HfuR#"FvFzFEx",v45B2z: :1=pPlOr'ɜ'v& SN(PERB5)*e6⛩OjS|)I+I*WJS7U CPsPqE-F\2Q\Q(Ҕi5%iGuQ;ڍFΣrQYE+zډalūRR֒gL~aK%C4 [223 .N,'OӵvbN"K0jPݠmtmQ$I*}>枌:V94tu8s@@C'd(SöDZ"Y+dw;G"pԈrRrRZY)-TK1*-%f%?sbkk{;i;y>0 I(QN%I\&S(QCP9e(:VUX2֢Jo6eZ(IJR!jS-aI}JNRiRjRԸ+R) ,Z[k-_-].vEi8pƒ'c03}.nC7!g2231%:7ۍStd;xa;$nj8y!Z xz9 i,)U!G j)Y[pqjdFecP"hhF@  L\oi[ ZO=9CS%pUu=) pR -JbvՍ]٢܂ٮ+1T% z:ѿM1q1rithFCH_tqc hq;KҽcX+ci?c}uTCPIP, TCP/IP Servic9^>1jt8DOREBOOT, reboot system before starting TCP/IP Serviceses Startup7The BG network driver currently loaded and the Internet%Services execlet are not compatibile.=Reboot the system before attempting to start TCP/IP Services.=*k1n19DRVMISMATCH, BG driver and Internet Services execlet are incompatiblees Startup;The BG network driver and the Internet Services execlet arenot compatibile.=Reboot the system before attempting to start TCP/IP Services.6*\1g}5CONVDONE, 'version-id' database conversion completedes Database Conversion:The database conversion for version 'version-id' of TCP/IP Services completed successfully.None.701hr#6INETACPERR, INETACP process error (status = 'stsval')es StartupCONVFAIL, failed to complete 'version-id' database conversiones Database Conversion:The database conversion for version 'version-id' of TCP/IPServices did not complete..Take action based on the accompanying message.8S,1is7IPV6CONFERR, error configuring IPv6 network componentses Startup>An error occurred while attempting to configure and start IPv6network components.+Take action based on accompanying messages.8$N1iy7ACNTABORT, 'username' account creation aborted by useres Configuration5You entered Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Y to abort creation of thespecified user account.None. x%$1V`$NETSTARTED, network already startedes Startup#TCP/IP Services is already started.None. /$[,1`p.CREACNTERR, error creating 'username' accountes Configuration7An error occurred while attempting to create a new user"account for the specified service.+Take action based on accompanying messages. J-T1^h\,NOCONFIG, TCP/IP Services is not configuredes Startup4You attempted to start TCP/IP Services without firstconfiguring it on your system.Prerequisite network interface configuration does not exist inTCP/IP database files./Take action based on the accompanying messages.+$,1\l*NOACNT, 'username' account not configuredes Configuration7An error occurred while attempting to create a new user;account for the specified service. The user account was not configured.+Take action based on accompanying messages.)501Zd(NONETDB, missing network database fileses Startup4Prerequisite network database files cannot be found./Take action based on the accompanying messages.  ?$o,1p>NOACNTID, identifier for account not found in rights databasees Configuration:The identifier name for the specified user account was not3found in the rights database file (RIGHTSLIST.DAT).+Take action based on accompanying messages. 0T1ak/NOSERVICES, no services configured for startupes Startup:No services are configured for automatic startup by TCP/IPServices on your system.None. *$},1[k)NOUICGRP, failed to set UIC group numberes Configuration7An error occurred while attempting to create a new userChanging the value of ARB_SUPPORT from 2 or 3 (the default) to9any other value can affect the operation of this product.=Set the ARB_SUPPORT system parameter to 3 (the default); thenThe 6to4 address prefix you specified does not match the high-/order 48 bits of its assigned 6to4 site prefix.>Specify a valid 6to4 address prefix, then retry the operation. a]1CUNSUPPORTED, system parameter INTSTKPAGES is 'intstkpageval'; must be at least 12es Startup:(VAX only) The number of interrupt stack pages required to!start TCP/IP Services is too low.>Set the INTSTKPAGES system parameter to 12 or more by adding aThe network address you specified is invalid for the indicated3address family (for example, 6to4, IPv4, and IPv6).9Specify a valid network address for the indicated address!family, then retry the operation.()2?1Yn'BADPREFIX, invalid IPv6 address prefixes IPv6 Configuration1The IPv6 address prefix you specified is invalid.>Specify a valid IPv6 address prefix, then retry the operation.2)H,1cx1BADPREFIXLEN, invalid IPv6 address prefix lengthes IPv6 Configuration>The prefix length you specified for the IPv6 address prefix isinvalid.+Take action based on accompanying messages.DD)ic1uVCBADTUNADDR, tunnel source and destination addresses were identicales IPv6 ConfigurationOUTRANGE, prefix length is not within range of 'min' to 'max'es IPv6 Configuration>The prefix length you specified is not a decimal number withinthe indicated range.:Specify a valid prefix length that is within the indicated range, then retry the operation.$$.)S1_tx-PRIVADDR, private IPv4 address was specifiedes IPv6 Configuration8You specified a private IPv4 address while attempting toThe startup/shutdown command procedure for TCP/IP Services was+unable to delete the service startup table.>Contact your HP support representative and provide information6describing the conditions under which this message was generated.&&aS!'31Re@s NOSERVNAM, missing service namees Startup/Shutdown7You failed to specify the name of the customer-supplied>service to start/shut down. Supply the service name when using:the TCPIP$CUSTOMER_SERVICE_STARTUP.COM and TCPIP$CUSTOMER_(SERVICE_SHUTDOWN.COM command procedures.2Supply the service name; then retry the operation.''wT%'D1ViE$NOTCUSTSERV, not a customer servicees Startup/Shutdown=The service you specified is not a customer-supplied service.=Services bundled with TCP/IP Services cannot be used with the>TCPIP$CUSTOMER_SERVICE_STARTUP.COM and TCPIP$CUSTOMER_SERVICE_ SHUTDOWN.COM command procedures.8Specify only a customer-supplied service; then retry the operation.((y%$1Va$NETSTOPPED, network already stoppedes Shutdown#TCP/IP Services is already stopped.None.))11bm&0NOSERVLST, cannot generate service startup listes Shutdown=The shutdown command procedure for TCP/IP Services was unableContact your HP support representative and provide information6describing the conditions under which this message was generated.**8K1it7SHUTDONE, TCP/IP Services shutdown completed at 'time'es ShutdownChi1tPBUNSUPPORTED, shutdown from this terminal session is not supportedes Shutdown7You cannot shut down TCP/IP Services from this terminal/session; it uses a facility of TCP/IP Services.