% Librarian I01-47_܇18_܇1 5sAbout_nslookup`exit ^finger lslserver rootserver set(_܇11 About_nslookup@ nslookup is a tool to interactively query domain name servers (BIND servers).E Note: Commands are recognized only in all lowercase or UPPERCASE, not mIxEd case.C Unrecognized commands are treated as host query requests. FORMAT: help or ? ww(_܇11 exitC The exit command exits the program. has the same effect. FORMAT: exitww(_܇11  < Display information for using the default server or using if specified. FORMAT: [] Example:( gatekeeper.dec.com named.loon.dec.comww(_܇11 server4 Change the default server to the specified server.< If necessary, this command uses the current default server9 to translate the specified server name into an address. FORMAT: server ww(_܇1 1 lserver4 Change the default server to the specified server.< If necessary, this command uses the initial default server9 to translate the specified server name into an address. FORMAT: lserver ww(_܇11 root: Change the server for the root of the domain name space." The host ns.nic.ddn.mil is used. FORMAT: rootww(_܇11 finger; finger one or all users on a host. A host us is the last9 host for which information was requested. If a name is= specif ied, detailed information is displayed for that user.B If no name is specified, a list of logged on users is displayed. FORMAT: finger [name]ww8_܇11 ls; Lists the information available for the domain specified.F The default output contains host names and their Internet addresses. FORMAT:) ls [ -adhlms ] domain [ > [ > ] file ]+ ls [ -t [type] ] domain [ > [ > ] file ]> -a Lists canonical names and aliases in the domain.. -d  Lists all entries in the domain.@ -h Lists CPU and operating system information for the$ domain, HINFO entries.> -m Lists mail exchangers in the domain, MX entries.C -s Lists well known services in the domain, WKS entries.4 -t Lists information of a specified type,3 the default is the default querytype.; > file direct the output to the specified file; >> file append the output to the speci fied fileB If you redirect the output to a file, hash marks are printed for, every 50 records received from the server.ww8_܇11 set3 Change the options that affect lookup operations.@ The current options are displayed with `set all' or `set ALL'. FORMAT: set keyword[=value] OPTIONS:B all, debug, d2, defname, recurse, vc, domain, search, srchlist,9 root, retry, timeout, querytype, type, class, ignoretc2 all9 Displays the current value s of the nslookup options and/ information about the current default server.3 set ALL also prints the server state information. FORMAT: set all or set ALL2 debug: Turns on debugging mode. Verbose information is printed? about the packet sent to the server and the resulting answer. FORMAT: set [no]debug DEFAULT: set nodebug2 d2% Turns on exhaustive debugging mode. FORMAT: set [no]d2 DEFAULT: set nod2 2 defname2 !Appends the default domain name to every lookup. FORMAT: set [no]defname DEFAULT: set nodefname 2 recurse; Tells the BIND/Hesiod server to query other servers if it does not have the information. FORMAT: set [no]recurse DEFAULT: set recurse2 vc< Uses a TCP connection when sending requests to the server. FORMAT: set [no]vc DEFAULT: set novc2 domain: Changes the default domain to the domain name specified.3 The default domain name is appended to all lookup( requests if the defname option is set. FORMAT: set domain=name DEFAULT:* set domain=2 search> If a lookup request contains at least one period but doesn't< end with a trailing period, append the domain manes in the1 domain search list until an answer is received. FORMAT: set [no]search DEFAULT: set search 2 srchlist; Changes the set of domains that are searched if a name is" not found in the default domain. FORMAT:+ set srchlist=N1[/N2[/N3[/N4[/N5[/N6]]]]]@ The default search list is the domain of the current node, and5 up to two successive parent domains up to the root.2 root6 Changes the name of the root server to the host name, specified. This affects the root command. FORMAT: set root=host DEFAULT: set root=ns.nic.ddn.mil2 retry5 Sets the number of retries to the number specified.: If a reply to a request is not received within a certain; amount of time (changed with set timeout), the request is; resent. The retry value controls how many times a request# is to be resent before giving up. FORMAT: set retry=number DEFAULT: set retry=2 2 timeout: Changes the time-out interval for waiting for a reply to$ the number specified (in seconds). FORMAT: set timeout=number DEFAULT: set timeout=10 2 querytype8 Changes the type of information returned from a query. FORMAT: set querytype=value Allowed values are:! ANY Matches any type! A Internet address& AAAA IPv6 internet address, CNAME Canonical name for an alias! HINFO Host information) MX Mail routing information# PX X.400 mail mapping) NAPTR Naming authority pointer* NS Authoritative name server NSAP NSAP address$ " PTR Domain name pointer( SOA Start of authority zone! SRV Server Selection TXT Text strings% WKS A well known service DEFAULT: set querytype=A2 type A synonym for querytype.2 class9 Changes the class of information returned from a query. FORMAT: set class=value Allowed values are: IN Internet HS Hesiod ANY any DEFAULT: set c lass=IN 2 ignoretc" Ignore packet truncation errors. FORMAT: set [no]ignoretc DEFAULT: set noignoretcww