VSI SSL111 for OpenVMS V1.1-1W Release Notes September 2023 Based on OpenSSL 1.1.1W VSI SSL111 V1.1-1W for OpenVMS x86-64 VSI-X86VMS-SSL111-V0101-1W-1.PCSI ---------------------------------------------------------- VMS Software, Inc. is pleased to provide you with the latest release of VSI SSL111 for OpenVMS. VSI SSL111 (Secure Sockets Layer) is based on the 1.1.1W release from the OpenSSL Group. See http://www.openssl.org for information about OpenSSL. There are post installation activities that need to be performed. This includes the following items that are described in detail: - Ensuring SSL111 startup and logical name creation files are executed - Updating or copying the necessary startup, shutdown, and configuration files from the installed template files - Running the Installation Verification Program (IVP) The SSL111 installation creates the following directory structure and files in PCSI$DESTINATION, which defaults to SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VMS$COMMON]: [SSL111] - Top-level SSL111 directory [SSL111.X86_EXE] - Contains the images for the x86-64 platform* [SSL111.COM] - Directory to hold the various command procedures [SSL111.DEMOCA] - Directory structure to demo SSL111's CA features [SSL111.DEMOCA.CERTS] - Directory to hold the certificates and keys [SSL111.DEMOCA.CONF] - Contains the configuration files [SSL111.DEMOCA.CRL] - Contains revoked certificates and CRLs [SSL111.DEMOCA.PRIVATE] - Directory for private keys and random data [SSL111.DOC] - OpenSSL.org provided documentation and information [SSL111.INCLUDE] - Contains the C Header (.H) files [SSL111.LIB] - Contains static libraries (.OLB) files [SSL111.TEST] - Contains the files used during the IVP [SYS$STARTUP] - Startup and shutdown templates and files [SYSHLP] - Release notes [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.SSL111] - SSL111 crypto and secure session examples [SYSLIB] - SSL111 shareable image files [SYSTEST] - SSL111$IVP.COM test files * Note: Each system will have only one xxx_EXE.DIR, depending on the architecture of the system. SSL111 startup, shutdown, and logical names ------------------------------------------- Add SSL111$STARTUP.COM to SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM to define SSL111$ logical names and install shareable images. Also, add SSL111$SHUTDOWN.COM to SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM to remove installed images and deassign the SSL111$ logical names at system shutdown. SSL111 Symbols -------------- SSL111 foreign symbols are defined with the SSL111 command procedure SSL111$COM:SSL111$UTILS.COM as follows: $ @SSL111$COM:SSL111$UTILS.COM Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) ----------------------------------------- Normally the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) is executed when SSL111 is installed. To run the SSL111 IVP manually, type the following command: $ @SYS$TEST:SSL111$IVP.COM Note that the IVP would not be executed at installation time if the PCSI qualifier /NOTEST was utilized. Removing SSL111 --------------- To remove SSL111 from the system disk or destination directory, type the following command: $ PRODUCT REMOVE SSL111 Note that some files may remain and will not be removed when the VSI SSL111 product is removed. These are generated files such as SSL111$IVP.LOG that gets created by running the IVP test program and other files such as certificates that have been created in the SSL111$CERTS directory.