% Librarian I01-47َDَ,J-5YCONNECT ,DIAL_OUT  DISCONNECTEXITHELPSET#SHOW"Lَ 1 CONNECT> Establishes a network connection to a device located on the2 current physical port or specified remote port. Format CONNECT device-name[:] 2 Parameter device-name[:]D Optional. Supplies the name of a device through which the networkA connection is made. The device name has the form ddcu where ddD is the device code, c is the controller designation, and u is theC unit number. LAN devices are specified as the name of the deviceB that is unit 0. For example, the first terminal device on a LAN, is specified as TTA0, the second as TTB0. 2 Qualifiers None. 2 Example PPPD> CONNECT TTA1:A %PPPD-I-CONNECTTERM, converting connection on device _TTA1: to a Point-to-Point connection< The command in this example creates a temporary network= connection to the serial port TTA1. The port is ready to@ receive the PPP setup negotiations initiated by the host at, the other end of the serial connection. ww"Lَ 1 DIAL_OUTC Provides access to a specific physical device to dial a modem or link to an external device. Format DIAL_OUT device-name[:] 2 Parameter device-name[:]B Supplies the name of a device over which the network connectionD is made. The device name has the form ddcu where dd is the deviceC code, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number.C LAN devices are specified as  the name of the device that is unitB 0. For example, the first terminal device on a LAN is specified as TTA0, the second as TTB0. 2 Qualifiers /BREAK /BREAK=break-characterC Specifies a character sequence that you can use to interrupt theD signal being currently transmitted. To interrupt the signal, typeB Ctrl/break-character. You can select any ASCII character from @B though Z, except C, M, Q, S, and Y. The default break character is ~. /DIS CONNECT& /DISCONNECT=disconnect-character? Specifies a character sequence that you can use to terminate? DIAL_OUT mode. To disconnect the call, type Ctrl/disconnect-A character. You can select any ASCII character from @ though Z,C except C, M, Q, S, and Y. The default disconnect character is \. /SWITCH /SWITCH=switch-character@ Specifies a character sequence that you can use to switch the< line to PPP mode. To activate PPP mode, type Ctrl/switch-A character. You can select any ASCII character from @ though Z,? except C, M, Q, S, and Y. The default switch character is @.< Similar to the CONNECT command, this qualifier switches a< line into PPP mode. If the packet negotiations fail, PPPDA exits and the line is left in terminal mode. If line is set to@ /MODEM and /NOHANGUP, this can result in extraneous data, the@ ASCII representation of Internet Protocol (IP) packets, being$ transmitted across the open line. ww3sَ 1 DISCONNECT- Terminates the current network connection. Format DISCONNECT device-name[:] 2 Parameter device-name[:]B Optional. Indicates the name of a device over which the networkB connection occurred. The device name has the form ddcu where ddD is the device code, c is the controller designation, and u is theC unit number. LAN devices are specified as the name of the deviceB that is unit 0. For example, the first terminal device on a LAN, is specified as TTA0, the second as TTB0. 2 Qualifiers None. PPPD> DISCONNECT TTA1:= The command in this example terminates the current network7 connection established through the serial port TTA1.& NOTEB A user must have the same UIC as the one on the ASNn: deviceB for the connection, or have SYSPRV privilege to disconnect a serial port. ww3sَ1 EXIT= Stops the execution of PPPD and returns control to the DCL? command level. You can only enter Ctrl/Z if the line has not% already been switched to PPP mode. Format EXIT 2 Parameters None. 2 Qualifiers None. PPPD> EXITB The command in this example leaves the PPPD utility and returns$ control to the DCL command level. ww3sَ1 HELP@ Provides online help information for using the PPPD commands. Format HELP [command-name...] 2 Parameter command-nameB The name of a PPPD command or PPPD command and command keyword.B If you enter the HELP command with a command name only, such as@ HELP SET, PPPD displays a list of all of the command keywords used with the SET command. PPPD> HELP DISCONNECT: In this example, the HELP DISCONNECT command produces a> description of the DISCONNECT command and shows the command format. ww3sَ1 SET= Sets the communication line characteristics for a specific terminal device. Format SET device-name[:] 2 Parameter device-name@ Indicates the name of the device whose characteristics are toC be set. The device name has the form ddcu where dd is the deviceC code, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number.C LAN devices are specified as the name of the device that is unitB 0. For example, the first terminal device on a LAN is specified  as TTA0, the second as TTB0. 2 Qualifiers /ADDRESS_COMPRESSION$ /ADDRESS_COMPRESSION (default) /NOADDRESS_COMPRESSIONC Indicates whether the address and control fields are compressed. /CLEAR_COUNTERS# /CLEAR_COUNTERS=(keyword,...)< Determines which counters to clear when trying to resolveC performance problems. The default is to clear all counters. With? this qualifier, you can specify one or more of the following keywords:  Keyword Description( ALL Resets all counters.@ BAD_FCS_PACKETS Resets the count of packets with a bad frame) check sequence (FCS).A DATA_LOST Resets the count of lost characters that were) reported by hardware.C DROPPED_ Resets the count of all characters thrown away. CHARACTERS? FRAMING_ERRORS Resets the count of characters with framing errors.? LONG_PACKETS Resets the count of packets longer than the? current maximum receive unit (MRU) setting.? RECEIVED_ Resets the count of total packets received. PACKETS< RUNT_PACKETS Resets the count of packets with too few characters.@ TOTAL_ Resets the count of all characters received. CHARACTERSB TRANSMITTED_ Resets the count of total packets transmitted. PACKETS /CONNECTD Sets the line parameters and binds the ASN device to the physical terminal. /ECHO+ /ECHO=(FAILURE=value, INTERVAL=value)D Specifies the number of Link Control Protocol (LCP) echo requests> and the interval between requests that must be sent withoutB response before the line is considered down. The default number of echo requests is 0. /FLOW_CONTROL" /FLOW_CONTROL=control-option< Indicates the type of flow control used over the physical@ link. You can specify one of the following keywords with this qualifier: Keyword DescriptionC HARDWARE Uses RTS/CTS flow control. If using this control, theA transmit Asynch Control Character Map (ACCM) can beD 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60000000. Only valid for lines set to# /MODEM or /COMMSYNCH.@ XON_XOFF Uses band flow control. If using this control, theE (de- optimal transmit ACCM is 0xA0000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60000000.0 fault) Only valid for asynchronous lines. /H ANGUP /HANGUP /NOHANGUPB Determines the action that occurs when a session is terminated.@ This qualifier notifies the ASN driver when a modem hangup is> necessary due to an idle device. For example, when the last? network connection is closed on a transient line that is setB to /NOHANGUP, the line switches back to the terminal driver butA the modem remains connected. This allows users to reaccess the? line and log in without having to redial and reestablish the connection.@ To use this qualifier, you must have PHY_IO privilege, or the. line must have TT2$M_MODHANGUP already set. /MAGIC_NUMBER_RETRIES! /MAGIC_NUMBER_RETRIES=value= Specifies the number of attempts made to negotiate a magicD number. Magic numbers are used to detect looped back connections.B If you specify 0, no negotiations are made. If you specify 255,D negotiation continues until a number is found. The default number of attempts is 5.  /MAXCONFIGURE /MAXCONFIGURE=valueA Indicates the number of configure-request packets sent without@ receiving a valid configure-ack, configure-nak, or configure-@ reject before assuming the peer is unable to respond. SpecifyB a value in the range of 0 to 255. The default number of packets sent is 10. /MAXFAILURE /MAXFAILURE=value= Indicates the number of configure-nak packets sent without; receiving a valid configure-ack before assuming that the@ configuration is not converging. Specify a value in the range8 of 0 to 255. The default number of packets sent is 5. /MAXTERMINATE /MAXTERMINATE=valueA Indicates the number of terminate-request packets sent withoutD receiving a terminate-ack before assuming that the peer is unableD to respond. Specify a value in the range of 0 to 255. The default number of packets is 2. /MRU /MRU=sizeC Specifies the largest packet that can be received over the line.> This value is used as part of the line negotiation, and theA actual MRU setting can vary. Specify a value in the range of 6, to 1500. The default packet size is 1500. /MTU /MTU=size@ Specifies the largest packet that can be transmitted over theD line. This value is used as part of the line negotiation, and theA actual maximum transfer unit (MTU) setting can vary. Specify aD value in the range of 6 to 1500. The default packet size is 1500. /NETWORK_PROTOCOL' /NETWORK_PROTOCOL=(protocol-name)@ Specifies the the protocol allowed over the link. The default network protocol is TCP/IP. /PASSIVE /PASSIVE /NOPASSIVE (default)C Notifies the PPP driver how to handle the PPP connection. It canA either actively initiate the connection or wait for the remote host to start the connection. /PERMANENT /PERMANENT /NOPERMANENTD Determines how the link is handled when a connection is closed orB lost. If you specify /PERMANENT, the link remains in place withC the PPP driver in control. If you specify /NOPERMANENT, the linkD is treated as a transient connection, and the terminal reverts to the terminal driver. /PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION% /PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION (default) /NOPROTOCOL_COMPRESSIONA Specifies whether the two octet protocol fields are compressed into a single octet. /RECEIVE_ACCM /RECEIVE_ACCM=ma sk-value? Identifies the starting Asynch Control Character Map (ACCM).B This mask is used by the PPP driver to negotiate the final ACCM@ for asynchronous ports. Specify a mask in the range of 0x0 to> 0xFFFFFFFF. The default mask value is 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0,B 0x60000000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0. The masks are ordered from low-orderC longword to high-order longword. Specify the longword mask untilA the last mask bits are set. The remaining longwords are set to@ 0. With 8 longwords,  there is 1 bit for every ASCII characterC position (from 0 to 255). The ASCII characters 0x20 through 0x3F and 0x5E cannot be quoted. /RESTART_TIMER /RESTART_TIMER=msecsA Interval in milliseconds (msecs) used to time the transmissionD of configure-request and terminate-request packets. Expiration ofB the restart timer results in a timeout event and retransmissionB of the packet. Specify a value from 1 to 90. The default is 30 E (.03 seconds), which is intende!d for relatively slow speed links. 6 For smaller, faster links, specify a smaller value. /SPEED% /SPEED=(input-rate,output-rate)C Allows you to control the input and output speed of the line forB asynchronous ports. To use this qualifier, you must have PHY_IO? privilege, or the line must already have TT2$M_SETSPEED set.C Specify one of the following speeds: 50, 75, 100, 134, 150, 300,? 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 19200, 38400,@ 57600, 76 "800, or 115200. If your line allows split speed, youA can specify different speeds for input and output. If you only; specify one speed, it is used for both input and output. /TRANSMIT_ACCM# /TRANSMIT_ACCM=mask-value,...D Identifies the starting Asynch Control Character Map (ACCM). ThisA mask is used by the PPP driver to negotiate the final transmitB ACCM for asynchronous ports. Specify a mask in the range of 0x0A to 0xFFFFFFFF. The default mask value is 0xFFFFFF #FF, 0x0, 0x0,B 0x60000000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0. The masks are ordered from low-orderC longword to high-order longword. Specify the longword mask untilA the last mask bits are set. The remaining longwords are set to@ 0. With 8 longwords, there is 1 bit for every ASCII characterC position (from 0 to 255). The ASCII characters 0x20 through 0x3F and 0x5E cannot be quoted. PPPD> SET/PERMANENT TTA0:C %PPPD-I-CONNECTTERM, converting connection on device _TTA0: to a Point-to-Po$int connection= In this example, the SET command is setting up a permanent0 network connection over the serial port TTA0. wwDَ1 SHOW@ Allows you to display the communication characteristics for a specific terminal. Format SHOW device-name[:] 2 Parameter device-name[:]? Supplies the name of the device whose characteristics are toB be displayed. The device name has the form ddcu where dd is theB device code, c is t%he controller designation, and u is the unitC number. LAN devices are specified as the name of the device that@ is unit 0. For example, the first terminal device on a LAN is) specified as TTA0, the second as TTB0. 2 Qualifiers /ADDRESS_COMPRESSION: Indicates whether the address compression is on or off. /ALL /ALL[=BRIEF] (default) /ALL[=LONG]D Displays all the current device and communication settings. BRIEFC formats the output for the sc&reen. LONG displays each setting on a separate line. /COUNTERS /COUNTERS=(keyword,...)= Shows the current values for the specified counter(s). You> can specify one or more of the following keywords with this qualifier: Keyword Description* ALL Displays all counters.@ BAD_FCS_PACKETS Displays the count of packets with bad frame) check sequence (FCS).C DATA_LOST Displays the count of lost character 's that were) reported by hardware.? DROPPED_ Displays the count of all characters thrown CHARACTERS away.A FRAMING_ERRORS Displays the count of characters with framing errors.A LONG_PACKETS Displays the count of packets longer than the? current maximum receive unit setting (MRU).A RECEIVED_ Displays the count of total packets received. PACKETS> RUNT_PACKETS Displays the count of (packets with too few characters.B TOTAL_ Displays the count of all characters received. CHARACTERSD TRANSMITTED_ Displays the count of total packets transmitted. PACKETS /ECHO+ /ECHO=(FAILURE=value, INTERVAL=value)D Specifies the number of Link Control Protocol (LCP) echo requestsC and the interval (in milliseconds) between requests that must be< sent without response before the line is considered down. /FCS_SIZE); Shows the current receive and transmit FCS size in bits. /FLOW_CONTROL! /FLOW_CONTROL=(keyword,...)D Shows the current flow control setting used over the asynchronousD physical link. You can specify one of the following keywords with this qualifier: Keyword DescriptionC HARDWARE Uses RTS/CTS flow control. If using this control, theA transmit Asynch Control Character Map (ACCM) can beD 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60000000. Only vali*d for lines set to# /MODEM or /COMMSYNCH.@ XON_XOFF Uses band flow control. If using this control, theE (de- optimal transmit ACCM is 0xA0000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60000000.0 fault) Only valid for asynchronous lines. /HANGUP@ Displays the action that occurs when a session is terminated. /MAGIC_NUMBER_RETRIESB Shows the number of attempts that are made to negotiate a magic number. /MAXCONFIGURE= Shows the number of configure-request+ packets sent withoutB acknowledgment before assuming that the peer is not responding. /MAXFAILUREC Displays the number of configure-nak packets sent before sendingD a configure-ack and before assuming that the configuration is not converging. /MAXTERMINATE= Shows the number of terminate-request packets sent without@ acknowledgment before assuming the peer is unable to respond. /MRU9 Displays the largest packet that the line can receive. /M,TU: Displays the largest packet that the line can transmit. /NETWORK_PROTOCOL< Displays the current network protocol(s) allowed over the physical link. /PASSIVE6 Indicates whether this is a passive or active line. /PERMANENTD Indicates whether this is a permanent or transient (nonpermanent) line. /PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION2 Shows the status of protocol field compression. /RECEIVE_ACCMB Displays the value of the current receive ACCM for asynchronous ports. /RESTART_TIMER= Displays the interval used to time transmission of request packets. /SPEED= Indicates the current input and output speeds of the line. /TRANSMIT_ACCMC Displays the value of the current transmit ACCM for asynchronous ports.ww