% Librarian I01-47Lf5JBIND DEALLOCATEEXIT2HELP >SHOW UNBINDs1 BIND$ Format: BIND service-name/qualifier<The BIND command creates a device associated with a virtual 2service and creates a logical name pointing to the<device. The BIND command also displays the logical name that it created. 2 service-name-The name associated with the virtual service.2 /ASYNCHRONOUS Format: /[NO]ANSYNCHRONOUSCThis qualifier specifies wheter or not write requests will completeCimmediately. If /ASYNCHROUNOUS is specified, the write request is Dcompleted to the user immediately. If /NOASYNCHRONOUS is specified,Ethe user request is not completed until all I/O to the physical disk over the network is completed.%The default value is /NOASYNCHRONOUS. 2 /CONNECTCIf /CONNECT is specified, LADCP will immediately attempt a network ?connection to the service and return the status of the attempt.2 /DISKAThis qualifier indicates that the service to bind to is a virtual9disk container. This is the default for the BIND command2 /GROUP Format: /GROUP7The /GROUP qualifier places the logical name created by1the BIND command in the group logical name table.)This qualifier requires GRPNAM privilege. 2 /PASSWORD$ Format: /PASSWORD="password-string"7This qualifier specifies a password associated with thevirtual disk. 2 /PERMANENT Format: /[NO]PERMANENTFThe /PERMANENT qualifier will create a client device UCB that can onlyFbe deleted with the UNBIND command of the LADCP utility. The default Gis /NOPERMANENT which will cause a client device UCB to be deleted when@the device Reference Count goes to 0 following a DISMOUNT/UNLOAD@command. This qualifier must be used when performing backups toDInfoServer Client devices that contain removable media and will spanmore than one piece of media. 2 /SYSTEM Format: /SYSTEM9The /SYSTEM qualifier places the logical name created by 2the BIND command in the system logical name table.)This qualifier requires SYSNAM privilege.2 /TAPE>The /TAPE qualifier indicates that the service to bind to is avirtual tape service. 3 /ALLOCATE Format: /[NO]ALLOCATEAThis qualifier controls the LastPort Tape session behaviour. TheGdefault of /ALLOCATE will leave a session to an InfoServer tape serviceGactive until the MAD device is unbound with the UNBIND verb of LADCP orDthe LADCP DEALLOCATE command is issued. The use of /NOALLOCATE willGcause the session to be disconnected when a IO$_UN LOAD or IO$_AVAILABLEDis issued to the client device. The use of /ALLOCATE is required toperform multi-volume backups.2 /UNIT Format: /UNIT=n CThis qualifier will attempt to create a client device with the unitCnumber specified. For disk client devices the format of the clientFdevice is _DADn: and for tape client devices the format is _MADn:. IfDthe unit specified already exists an error is returned. The defaultFbehaviour is to assign a unit number starting at 1 and increas ing by 1Feach time a unit is created. Valid unit numbers are positive integersin the range of 1 thru 32767. examples:LADCP> bind/unit=354 fred@%LADCP-I-BIND, service bound to logical unit DAD$FRED (_DAD354:)LADCP> bind/unit=4 harry)%LADCP-E-UNITEXISTS, device _DAD4: exists2 /WRITE_ENABLE Format: /[NO]WRITE_ENABLEFThis qualifier specifies if the service is to be write enabled or not.FFor disk clients the default value of /NOWRITE_ENABLED means that the Jservice is rea d-only. For tape clients the default value of /WRITE_ENABLED.means that the service is both read and write.The qualifier is negatable. 2 example$ LADCP BIND CD_DOC_00661<This command creates a read-only logical disk pointed to by "the logical name DAD$CD_DOC_00661.'$ LADCP BIND VIRTUAL_DISK/WRITE/NOASYNC9This command will create a device for the service name of<VIRTUAL_DISK. It will create a logical name DAD$VIRTUAL_DISK@that will point to this device. It also instruct th at any writeCrequest performed will written before the write request completes. $$ LADCP BIND/TAPE/CONNECT TAPE_DRIVE=This command creates a read/write logical tape pointed to by 8the logical name MAD$TAPE_DRIVE. The LADCP utility will8attempt to form a connection to the service immediately.ww1 SHOW Format: SHOW option@The SHOW command will display information about the local client9system or the network, based on the SHOW option selected. 2 SERVICES  Format: SHOW SERVICES=The SHOW SERVICES command will display all services available?on the network that can be connected to from the client system.=Services are listed by each server node that offers them, and>includes information such as ratings and device types that theservices are offered on.3 /DISKAThe services displayed will be disk services. This is the defaultdisplay.3 /TAPE-The services displayed will be tape services.3 /ALL Displays all available services.ww1 UNBIND Format: UNBIND client-deviceJUse this command to unbind a client device from a service name and deletesAthe device. This command breaks any existing connections for theHclient device, and deletes it when all channels to the device have been deassigned.KYou cannot UNBIND a device that has been mounted. Once a client device hasFbeen mounted, the VMS command DISMOUNT/UNLOAD will handle deleting theMclient device. UNBIND handles the case where a device is not mounted, if for4example the service name were entered incorrectly. IFor tape clients, this is the only way to break the network connection to the service and delete the unit.Available client devices are: DADn: - Disk client MADn: - Tape client 2 example UNBIND DAD3:AThis command disassociates DAD3: from the service name associated;with it (using the BIND command). The UNBIND command also !deletes the unit. UNBIND MAD2:AThis command diassociates MAD3: from the service name associated;with it (using the BIND command). The UNBIND command also !deletes the unit. ww1 EXIT command Format: EXITExits the LADCP utility.ww1 DEALLOCATE command Format: DEALLOCATE MADn:IThis command will work with tape client devices only. If a Lastport TapeHsession is active this command will cause the session to end but the UCB>will be left in a state to attempt a reconnect to the service.ww1 HELP! Format: HELP {topic {topic}...}@The LADCP image is the controlling program for the LADDRIVER and?DADDRIVER software. It provides commands that enable you to dothe following:  -offer a service  -connect to a service -remove a service -show information. ww