% Librarian I01-47fʗYZ 5hCREATEDELETE"0EXIT"HELP"SAVE/SET<SHOWNRSPAWNO START. 1 CREATE 2 SERVICE9 Creates a service for a specified device or partition. Usage Rules:A o All devices must be mounted systemwide to prevent them from/ being dismounted when a process logs out.C o A device that has read/write service must be mounted /FOREIGN+ so that it is not visible to OpenVMS.@ o A device that has read-only service must be mounted eitherB /NOWRITE or /FOREIGN to OpenVMS so that no one can change it  locally.C o A partition can be served off a disk mounted for either read-+ only or read/write access to OpenVMS.8 o Support for partitions is limited in this release. Privileges Required LOG_IO Format8 CREATE SERVICE serviceName device-or-partitionName 3 Parameters serviceNameD The name by which the service is known to the local area network.> The service name can consist of alphanumeric characters andA dollar signs ($). It can be 255 characters or fewer in length.device-or-partitionName? The device or partition name is the name of the OpenVMS disk> device or partition being served to the local area network.= The name of the device or partition must have been created previously.5 Explanations of device and partition names follow. o Device names? Devices served to the local area network are OpenVMS disk; devices; use OpenVMS device names when you specify an InfoServer device name.1 A disk specification must end with a colon. o Partition namesD Partitions are container files that are served to the network.D As such, they have OpenVMS file names with a default file typeA of ".ESS$PARTITION". Partition names, including the device,B directory, and file name, can be no more than 242 characters in length.E Support for partitions is limited in this version. VSI stronglyB suggests that you use LD devices to support partitioned hard? drives. See the DCL command LD HELP for more information. 3 Qualifiers/CLASS /CLASS=className> Specifies a subset of the complete LASTport Disk (LAD) name space.A The purpose of class names is to subdivide name spaces so thatD clients see only those names that are meaningful to them. The useD of class names also allows two services to have the same name and! not conflict with one another.@ You can, for example, use different class names for different: on-disk structures that several client systems use. You= might use SERVICEA/CLASS=ODS-2 for some client systems and@ SERVICEA/CLASS=ISO_9660 for other client systems. The serviceB has the same name, SERVICEA, but the class names are different.C The class name you use depends upon the client systems that will? connect to the service being created. The default class nameB is ODS_2. For example, OpenVMS systems use the ODS_2 name spaceC when attempting to mount an InfoServer device. Note that OpenVMS@ clients can solicit only those services that are in the ODS_2 service class.' Valid class names are the following:D V2.0 Names understood by PCSA MS-DOS Clients7 Unformatted Virtual disk has no format0 MSDOS MSDOS virtual disks. ODS_2 VMS virtual disks/ UNIX UNIX virtual disks/ ISO_9660  ISO 9660 CD format- HIGH_SIERRA MS-DOS CD format1 APPLE Macintosh HFS format' SUN Sun format/ENCODED_PASSWORD! /ENCODED_PASSWORD=hexstringA The SAVE command creates this qualifier. Because passwords areA not stored in plain text, the hashed password value is written? out as part of the SAVE operation so that the service can be, recreated without revealing the password.D Note that if you edit the command procedure that the SAVE commandB creates and change the service name, the encoded password value> is no longer valid. You need to set another password on the( service using the /PASSWORD qualifer. /PASSWORD /PASSWORD=passwordString /NOPASSWORD (default)A Specifies an optional access control password for the service.< The client system must specify the password to access the service.A The password string can be up to and including 39 alphanume ric? ASCII characters in length. If no password is specified, theD client system is not required to provide a password to access the service.> The text password is hashed and stored in encrypted form in- memory with the other service information./RATING /RATING=DYNAMIC /RATING=STATIC=valueD Clients use the service rating to select a service in the case ofC multiple matching services. The service with the highest service rating is selected.C  The system adjusts the dynamic service rating based on load. YouD can also set a static rating between 0 and 65535. The system does not adjust static ratings.@ One use of static ratings is to migrate clients from one copy> of a service to another. If you set a static rating of 0 onA services you want to migrate clients away from, no new clientsC will connect to a 0-rated service; instead, they will connect toD higher-rated services. When all current clients have disconnected, from a service, you can safely delete it. /READAHEAD /READAHEAD (Default) /NOREADAHEADA When a disk read is required to fill a cache block, /READAHEADB specifies that the read is to be from the first block requested< to the end of the bucket boundary. Readahead can speed upC sequential operations by pre-loading disk blocks that are needed into the cache.< If you specify both /READAHEAD and /READBEHIND, any blockA requested within a cache bucket causes the entire bucket range' of blocks to be read into the cache. /READBEHIND /READBEHIND /NOREADBEHIND (default)B When a disk read is required to fill a cache block, /READBEHIND< specifies that the read is to include all blocks from theA beginning of the cache bucket boundary up to and including the requested blocks.< If you specify both /READAHEAD and /READBEHIND, any blockA requested within a cache bucket causes the entire bucket range' of blocks to be read into the cache./READERS, /READERS=number (default READERS 1000) /NOREADERSB Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous client connectionsC allowed for read access. The default is 1000 readers. A value of! 0 indicates write-only access.D If a client requests read-only or read/write access to a service,( the system counts this as one reader./WRITERS /WRITERS /NOWRITERS (default)D Specifies that the service is to allow access to a single writer. 3 Examples$ 1.$ SHOW DEVICE MOVMAN$DQA0:/fullJDisk MOVMAN$DQA0:, device type Compaq CRD-8322B, is online, file-orientedJ device, shareable, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is enabled.6 Error count 0 Operations completedE Owner process "" Owner UIC [SYSTEM]E Owner process ID 00000000 Dev Prot S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,WE Reference count 0 Default buffer size 512E Total blocks 16515072 Sectors per track 63E Total cylinders 16384 Tracks per cylinder 16" $ MOUNT/SYSTEM dqa0 OVMSIPS11 Volume is write locked) OVMSIPS11 mounted on _MOVMAN$DQA0: $ InfoServer: InfoServer> CREATE SERVICE VMS_SIPS_V11 _MOVMAN$DQA0:D %INFOSRVR-I-CRESERV, service VMS_SIPS_V11 [ODS-2] created for _MOVMAN$DQA0:.D This example shows commands you might enter to create a service for a CD device:D o The SHOW DEVICE . . . /FULL command displays a complete list1 of information about the _MOVMAN$DQA0 CD.; o The MOUNT/SYSTEM mounts the OVMSIPS11 volume on the _MOVMAN$DQA0: CD.C o The InfoServer CREATE SERVICE command creates the VMS_SIPS_+ V11 service on the _MOVMAN$DQA0 CD.! 2. $LD CREATE KIT1/SIZE-100000 $DIRECTORY KIT1 Directory DKB0:[DISKS]? KIT1.DSK;1 100000/100008 29-APR-2005 14:14:43.49- Total of 1 file, 100000/100008 blocks. $LD CONNECT KIT13 %LD-I-UNIT, Allocated device is MOVMAN$LDA1:* $INITIALIZE/SYSTEM MOVMAN$LDA1: kit1- $MOUNT/SYSTEM/NOWRITE MOVMAN$LDA1: kit16 %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, KIT1 mounted on _MOVMAN$LDA1:- $CREATE SERVICE TEST_KIT_1 MOVMAN$LDA1:B %INFOSRVR-I-CRESERV, service TEST_KIT_1 [ODS-2] created for _MOVMAN$LDA1:D This example shows commands you might enter to create a service$ for a logical disk (LD) device:C o The LD CREATE KIT1 command creates a contiguous file, KIT1,+ that can be used as a logical disk.C o The DIRECTORY KIT1 command provides information about KIT1.D o The LD CONNECT KIT1 connects the logical disk file, KIT1, to- the logical disk device MOVMAN$LDA1:.B o The INITIALIZE command formats the MOVMAN$LDA1: LD device.; o The MOUNT command makes the LD device available for processing.D o The CREATE SERVICE command creates the TEST_KIT_1 service on# the _MOVMAN$LDA1 LD device.wwU 1 DELETE 2 SERVICE Deletes one or more services. Privileges Required LOG_IO Format: DELETE SERVICE serviceName [device-or-partitionName] 3 Parameters serviceNameD The name by which the service is known to the local area network.? The service name can consists of alphanumeric characters and@ dollar signs ($). It can be up to and include 255 characters.+ Wildcards are permitted in this command.device-or-partitionName? The device or partition name is the name of the OpenVMS disk= device or partition as it is to be known to the local areaC network. The name of the device or partition that you enter must have been created previously.5 Explanations of device and partition names follow. o Device names? Devices served to the local area network are OpenVMS disk; devices; use OpenVMS device names when you specify anC InfoServer device name. Note that the device name must eitherD match exactly the name that the SHOW SERVICES command displaysA or must contain wildcards. (Wildcards are permitted in this command.)1 A disk specification must end with a colon. o Partition namesD Partitions are container files that are served to the network.D As such,  they have OpenVMS file names with a default file typeA of ".ESS$PARTITION". Partition names, including the device,B directory, and file name, can be no more than 242 characters in length.< The partition name can be used to further identify theB specific service selected. Support for partitions is limitedD in this version, however. VSI strongly recommends that you use@ LD devices to support partitioned hard drives. See the DCL+ command LD HELP for more information. 3 Qualifiers/CLASS /CLASS=className> Specifies a subset of the complete LASTport Disk (LAD) name space.A The purpose of class names is to subdivide name spaces so thatD clients see only those names that are meaningful to them. The useD of class names also allows two services to have the same name and! not conflict with one another.@ You can, for example, use different class names for different: on-disk structures that several cli ent systems use. You= might use SERVICEA/CLASS=ODS-2 for some client systems and@ SERVICEA/CLASS=ISO_9660 for other client systems. The serviceB has the same name, SERVICEA, but the class names are different.C The class name you use depends upon the client systems that will? connect to the service being created. The default class nameB is ODS_2. For example, OpenVMS systems use the ODS_2 name spaceC when attempting to mount an InfoServer device. Note that OpenVMS@ clients  can solicit only those services that are in the ODS_2 service class.' Valid class names are the following:D V2.0 Names understood by PCSA MS-DOS Clients7 Unformatted Virtual disk has no format0 MSDOS MSDOS virtual disks. ODS_2 VMS virtual disks/ UNIX UNIX virtual disks/ ISO_9660 ISO 9660 CD format- HIGH_SIERRA MS-DOS CD format1  APPLE Macintosh HFS format' SUN Sun format/CONFIRM /CONFIRM (default) /NOCONFIRMC Confirm the deletion of a service. If there are any connections,? even though /NOCONFIRM has been entered, the system forces a confirmation.D Controls whether a request is issued before each delete operation< to confirm that the operation should be performed on that. service. The following responses are valid: YES NO  QUIT" TRUE FALSE Ctrl/Z 1 0 ALL Return (key) Usage Notes:D o You can use any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters> for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to@ one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE);2 however, these abbreviations must be unique.@ o Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE, and 1. Negative answers0 include NO, FALSE, 0, and pressing Return.A  o Entering QUIT or pressing Ctrl/Z indicates that you want to0 stop processing the command at that point.@ o When you respond by entering ALL, the command continues to4 process, but no further prompts are displayed. /DISCONNECT /DISCONNECT /NODISCONNECT (default)B Overrides the default prompting for confirmation if you attempt> to delete a service that has sessions connected to it. If a? service has connected sessions and the /DISCONNECT qualifie!rA is not supplied, you are prompted to confirm service deletion.A To delete services without being prompted at all, specify both- the /NOCONFIRM and /DISCONNECT qualifiers. 3 Example $ InfoServer SHOW SERVICES: Service Name [Service Class] Device or File: -------------------- --------------- --------------9 CURRENT_KIT [ODS-2] _MOVMAN$LDA2:: CURRENT_KIT [ODS-2] _MOVMAN$LDA42:+ %INFOSRVR-I-FOU"ND, 2 services found., $ DELETE SERVICE CURRENT_KIT _MOVMAN$LDA42:= Delete service CURRENT_KIT [ODS-2] for _MOVMAN$LDA42:? [N]:YC %INFOSRVR-I-DELSERV, service CURRENT_KIT [ODS-2] deleted for _MOVMAN$LDA42:.+ The first command displays 2 services.> The second command deletes the CURRENT_KIT service on the= _MOVMAN$LDA42: device. The system prompts you to confirm@ your deletion command. After you do so, the system displays= a messages indicating tha"#t the service has been deleted.wwU1 EXITA Terminates the program. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl/Z to exit from the program. Format EXITwwU1 HELP$Choose from the topics listed below. CREATE DELETE EXIT SAVE SET SHOW SPAWN STARTww|1 SAVEC Saves the current set of active services as a set of commands inD a command procedu$re. You can then invoke the command procedure to= reproduce the current services when you reboot the system. Format SAVE [procedureName] Privileges Required:4 PHY_IO when any service points to an LD device. 2 Parameters procedureName? Creates a command procedure that restores the current serverD state. The procedure name is the OpenVMS file name of the commandD procedure to be created. If a file type is not supplied, the type defaults to .CO%M.6 The default procedure name is ESS$LAD_SERVICES.COM. 2 Examples 1.$SHOW SERVICES: Service Name [Service Class] Device or File: -------------------- --------------- --------------8 BASELEVEL_A [ODS-2] _INFOS$LDA1:8 BASELEVEL_B [ODS-2] _INFOS$LDA2:8 BASELEVEL_C [ODS-2] _INFOS$LDA3:8 BASELEVEL_D [ODS-2] _INFOS$LDA4:8 FIELD_TEST_BASELEVEL [ODS-2] & _INFOS$LDA2:8 CURRENT_BASELEVEL [ODS-2] _INFOS$LDA3: EXPERIMENTAL_BASELEVEL8 [ODS-2] _INFOS$LDA4:+ %INFOSRVR-I-FOUND, 7 services found.D The SHOW SERVICES command in this example displays the services@ that are currently offered by the server. There is a set ofA software baselevels, each on its own logical disk and served@ to the LAN. The baselevels are labeled a through d, but, inD addition, names hel'p users so that they do not need to remember the corresponding letters.= Note that devices LDA2, LDA3, and LDA4 have two services assigned to each one. 2.$SAVE BASELEVELS> The following example has been annotated. The individual9 numbers that appear in the example correspond to the3 numbered explanations that follow the example.@$! Created by the OpenVMS InfoServer SAVE command on 22-APR-2005 14:34:02.48 $ Set NoOn$ Infoserver := $ESS$INFOS (ERVER$!A$! The comment for each service includes the current device name.$!A$!***************************************************************($! BASELEVEL_A [ODS_2] - _BILBO$LDA1: 1A$!***************************************************************:$ LD Connect/Symbol _BILBO$DKB0:[DISKS]BASELEVEL_A.DSK;1 2$ LD_UNIT_1 := LDA'LD_UNIT': 3?$ If $STATUS Then Mount/System/NoWrite 'LD_UNIT_1' BASELEVELA 48 $ INFOSERVER Create Service BASELEVEL_A 'LD_UNIT_1' - 5- /Class=ODS_2/Readers )=1000/NoWriters -! /Readahead/NoReadbehind - /Rating=DynamicA$!***************************************************************&$! BASELEVEL_B [ODS_2] - _BILBO$LDA2:A$!***************************************************************8$ LD Connect/Symbol _BILBO$DKB0:[DISKS]BASELEVEL_B.DSK;1$ LD_UNIT_2 := LDA'LD_UNIT':=$ If $STATUS Then Mount/System/NoWrite 'LD_UNIT_2' BASELEVELB5$ INFOSERVER Create Service BASELEVEL_B 'LD_UNIT_2' -- /Class=ODS_2/Readers=1000/NoWrit *ers -! /Readahead/NoReadbehind - /Rating=DynamicA$!***************************************************************&$! BASELEVEL_C [ODS_2] - _BILBO$LDA3:A$!***************************************************************8$ LD Connect/Symbol _BILBO$DKB0:[DISKS]BASELEVEL_C.DSK;1$ LD_UNIT_3 := LDA'LD_UNIT':=$ If $STATUS Then Mount/System/NoWrite 'LD_UNIT_3' BASELEVELC5$ INFOSERVER Create Service BASELEVEL_C 'LD_UNIT_3' -- /Class=ODS_2/Readers=1000/NoWriters -! + /Readahead/NoReadbehind - /Rating=DynamicA$!***************************************************************&$! BASELEVEL_D [ODS_2] - _BILBO$LDA4:A$!***************************************************************8$ LD Connect/Symbol _BILBO$DKB0:[DISKS]BASELEVEL_D.DSK;1$ LD_UNIT_4 := LDA'LD_UNIT':=$ If $STATUS Then Mount/System/NoWrite 'LD_UNIT_4' BASELEVELD5$ INFOSERVER Create Service BASELEVEL_D 'LD_UNIT_4' -- /Class=ODS_2/Readers=1000/NoWriters -! /Readahe ,ad/NoReadbehind - /Rating=Dynamic -* /Encoded_Password=481C6B9081E742C2. ! Invalid if service name changes 6A$!***************************************************************/$! FIELD_TEST_BASELEVEL [ODS_2] - _BILBO$LDA2:A$!***************************************************************@$ INFOSERVER Create Service FIELD_TEST_BASELEVEL 'LD_UNIT_2' - 7- /Class=ODS_2/Readers=1000/NoWriters -! /Readahead/NoReadbehind - /Rating=DynamicA$!** -*************************************************************;$ INFOSERVER Create Service CURRENT_BASELEVEL 'LD_UNIT_3' -- /Class=ODS_2/Readers=1000/NoWriters -! /Readahead/NoReadbehind - /Rating=DynamicA$!***************************************************************1$! EXPERIMENTAL_BASELEVEL [ODS_2] - _BILBO$LDA4:A$!***************************************************************@$ INFOSERVER Create Service EXPERIMENTAL_BASELEVEL 'LD_UNIT_4' -- /Class=O.DS_2/Readers=1000/NoWriters -! /Readahead/NoReadbehind - /Rating=Dynamic -* /Encoded_Password=01F1D7374C0B81EC- ! Invalid if service name changes 8$ Exit@ The numbers in the example correspond to the numbers of the following explanations.C 1 The comment for each device contains the name of the deviceA at the time the SAVE command was executed. LD devices areD pseudo disk devices and might change unit numbers every time / they are connected.D 2 This command connects an LD device to the container file and: assigns the unit number to the DCL symbol LD_UNIT.@ 3 A unique symbol is created for each device assigned to a container file.B 4 This command mounts the device specifying the label of theC volume that the device had at the time of the SAVE command.; 5 The InfoServer service is recreated for the device.C 6 The experimental baselevel services ar0e password-protected.; For security, the password is stored in the command? procedure in pre-hashed format. Note that both services: have the same password, but the hash is different.A 7 Because FIELD_TEST_BASELEVEL and BASELEVEL_B point to theD same LD device, no attempt is made to create another device,C and the correct unit (symbol LD_UNIT_2) is used to refer to$ the previously created unit. 8 See #6.ww|11 SET 2 SERVICE2 Modifies the attributes of an existing service. Format7 SET SERVICE serviceName [device-or-partitionName] 3 Parameters serviceNameD The name by which the service is known to the local area network.D The service name can consist of alphanumeric characters or dollar7 signs ($). It can be up to 255 characters in length.device-or-partitionName? The device or partition name is the name of the OpenVMS disk= device or parti 2tion as it is to be known to the local areaC network. The name of the device or partition that you enter must have been created previously.6 Explanations of device and partitions names follow. o Device names? Devices served to the local area network are OpenVMS disk; devices; use OpenVMS device names when you specify anC InfoServer device name. Note that the device name must eitherD match exactly the name that the SHOW SERVICES command displays 3or must contain wildcards.@ In the InfoServer utility, wildcards, where supported, are@ those used in OpenVMS. The % character matches exactly oneA character. The * character matches zero or more characters.1 A disk specification must end with a colon. o Partition namesD Partitions are container files that are served to the network.D As such, they have OpenVMS file names with a default file typeA of ".ESS$PARTITION". Partition names, including 4the device,B directory, and file name, can be no more than 242 characters in length.< The partition name can be used to further identify theB specific service selected. Support for partitions is limitedD in this version, however. VSI strongly recommends that you use@ LD devices to support partitioned hard drives. See the DCL+ command LD HELP for more information. 3 Qualifiers/CLASS /CLASS=className> Specifies a subset of the com 5plete LASTport Disk (LAD) name space.A The purpose of class names is to subdivide name spaces so thatD clients see only those names that are meaningful to them. The useD of class names also allows two services to have the same name and! not conflict with one another.@ You can, for example, use different class names for different: on-disk structures that several client systems use. You= might use SERVICEA/CLASS=ODS-2 for some client systems and@ SERVICEA/CLASS=ISO_96 660 for other client systems. The serviceB has the same name, SERVICEA, but the class names are different.C The class name you use depends upon the client systems that will? connect to the service being created. The default class nameB is ODS_2. For example, OpenVMS systems use the ODS_2 name spaceC when attempting to mount an InfoServer device. Note that OpenVMS@ clients can solicit only those services that are in the ODS_2 service class.' Valid class names are the fol7lowing:D V2.0 Names understood by PCSA MS-DOS Clients7 Unformatted Virtual disk has no format0 MSDOS MSDOS virtual disks. ODS_2 VMS virtual disks/ UNIX UNIX virtual disks/ ISO_9660 ISO 9660 CD format- HIGH_SIERRA MS-DOS CD format1 APPLE Macintosh HFS format' SUN Sun format /PASSWORD /P8ASSWORD=passwordString /NOPASSWORDD Specifies an optional service access control password. The client: system must specify the password to access the service.D The password string can be up to 39 alphanumeric ASCII characters< in length. If no password is specified, the client is not8 required to provide a password to access the service.> The text password is hashed and stored in encrypted form in- memory with the other service information./RATING /R9ATING=DYNAMIC /RATING=STATIC=value@ Clients use service rating to select a service in the case ofB multiple matching services. The service with the higher service rating is selected.? The system adjusts the dynamic service rating based on load.> A static rating between 0 and 65535 can also be set. Static* ratings are not adjusted by the system. /READAHEAD /READAHEAD /NOREADAHEADD When a disk read is required to fill a cache lock, specifies th:atB the read should be from the first block requested to the end ofD the bucket boundary. Readahead can speed up sequential operations= by pre-loading disk blocks that are needed into the cache.> If both /READAHEAD and /READBEHIND are specified, any blockA requested within a cache bucket causes the entire bucket range' of blocks to be read into the cache. /READBEHIND /READBEHIND /NOREADBEHIND@ When a disk read is required to fill a cache block, speci;fiesD that the read should include all blocks from the beginning of theA cache bucket boundary up to and including the requested block.> If both /READAHEAD and /READBEHIND are specified, any blockA requested within a cache bucket causes the entire bucket range' of blocks to be read into the cache./READERS /READERS=numberA Specifies the maximum number of client connections allowed for read access. 3 Example* $ INFOSERVER SET SERVICE FUNDY/NOPASSWO<RD& Service FUNDY [ODS-2] modified.& $ INFOSERVER SHOW SERVICES FUNDY/FULL> FUNDY [ODS-2] Access: Read-only6 File or device: _MOVERS$LDA1: [750000 blocks]@ Flags: 00000000D2 {No Writers,Static Rating,Readbehind,8 Readahead}@ Rating: Static, 42 Password: Disabled@ Max Readers: 1000 Max Writers: 0@ Curr Readers: 0 = Curr Writers: 0@ Reads: 0 Writes: 0@ Blocks Read: 0 Blocks Written: 0D The first command in this example modifies the FUNDY service soD that the client does not need to enter a password to access theB service. The second command displays the FUNDY service, which< indicates that the use of a password has been disabled.ww1 SHOW 2 SERVERB Displays inform>ation about the server (that is, the system that provides services). Format SHOW SERVER 3 Example $ INFOSERVER SHOW SERVERC Node MOVERS [COMPAQ Professional Workstation XP1000] running OpenVMS XALD-BL2' LASTport/Disk Server Version 1.2; Max Services: 64 Write Quota: 0B Cache Buckets: 4096 Cache Bucket Size: 32 blocks# Cache Size: 67108864 bytes< Hits: 478 Hi?t Percentage: 59% Misses: 328= Current Sessions: 0 Peak Sessions: 1. Read Write. Requests: 40 0. Blocks: 319 0. Errors: 0 0. Aborted: 0 0. Conflicts: 0 0? The command in this example displays information about theA server that provides @services to the client. The information& displayed includes the following:< o The maximum number of services this server can offer simultaneously% o The current size of the cache& o Cache effectiveness statisticsB o Current and maximum historical number of clients connected simultaneously o I/O statistics 2 SERVICESB The SHOW SERVICES command displays service-specific informationB for one or all services offered by the servAer. This information? includes the device associated with the service, the service/ class, and the number of connected sessions.B The SHOW SERVICES command supports wildcard expressions. In theA InfoServer utility, wildcards, where supported, are those usedC in OpenVMS. The % character matches exactly one character. The *- character matches zero or more characters. Format. SHOW SERVICES [serviceName] [options...] 3 Parameters serviceNameD The nBame by which the service is known to the local area network.A The service name consists of alphanumeric characters or dollarC signs ($). It can be up to 255 characters in length. If omitted,- the service name defaults to all services.C In the InfoServer utility, wildcards, where supported, are thoseB used in OpenVMS. The % character matches exactly one character.3 The * character matches zero or more characters. 3 Qualifiers/BRIEF /BRIEF (default)? TChe BRIEF option provides an abbreviated one-line summary of? information for each service selected. BRIEF is the default./FULLD The FULL option provides all the service-specific information for the services selected. /SINGLE_LINEA /SINGLE_LINE prints the same information as /BRIEF but with no@ attempt at clean formatting. Useful for parsing the output of a SHOW SERVICES command./OUTPUT /OUTPUT=filespecA Redirects the output from SHOW SERVICES to Dthe specified file.= The file specification is required. In the absence on the8 /OUTPUT qualifier, all data is written to SYS$OUTPUT. 3 Example INFOSERVER> SHOW SERVICES: Service Name [Service Class] Device or File: -------------------- --------------- --------------: HUDSON [ODS-2] _MOVERS$LDA1:: BAFFIN [ODS-2] _MOVERS$LDA1:: FUNDY [ODS-2] _MOVERS$LDA1: 3 E services found. INFOSERVER> SHOW SERVICES/FULL@ HUDSON [ODS-2] Access: Read-only6 File or device: _MOVERS$LDA1: [750000 blocks]1 Flags: 0000000082 {No Writers,Readahead}C Rating: Dynamic, 65535 Password: DisabledB Max Readers: 1000 Max Writers: 0B Curr Readers: 0 Curr Writers: 0B Reads: 0 Writes: 0B F Blocks Read: 0 Blocks Written: 0? BAFFIN [ODS-2] Access: Read-only6 File or device: _MOVERS$LDA1: [750000 blocks]1 Flags: 0000000082 {No Writers,Readahead}C Rating: Dynamic, 65535 Password: DisabledB Max Readers: 1000 Max Writers: 0B Curr Readers: 0 Curr Writers: 0B Reads: 0 Writes: G 0B Blocks Read: 0 Blocks Written: 0? FUNDY [ODS-2] Access: Read-only6 File or device: _MOVERS$LDA1: [750000 blocks]@ Flags: 00000000D2 {No Writers,Static Rating,Readbehind,& Readahead}B Rating: Static, 42 Password: EnabledB Max Readers: 1000 Max Writers: 0B Curr Readers: 0 Curr Writers: H 0B Reads: 0 Writes: 0B Blocks Read: 0 Blocks Written: 0 3 services found.B The first command in this example displays the 1-line default: BRIEF summary of all the services that are connected.D The second command in this example displays all of the service-B specific information for all the services that are connected.@ Notice that passwords are disabled on the HUDSON and BAFFIN/I services and enabled on the FUNDY service. 2 SESSIONS@ Displays information about client nodes that are connected to services. Format< SHOW SESSIONS [serviceName] [device-or-partitionName]] 3 Parameters serviceNameD The name by which the service is known to the local area network.B The service name can consist of alphanumeric characters, dollar> signs ($), and wildcards. It can be up to 255 characters inA length. If omitted, the service namJe defaults to all services.C In the InfoServer utility, wildcards, where supported, are thoseB used in OpenVMS. The % character matches exactly one character.3 The * character matches zero or more characters.device-or-partitionName? The device or partition name is the name of the OpenVMS disk= device or partition as it is to be known to the local areaC network. The name of the device or partition that you enter must have been created previously.5 Explanation Ks of device and partition names follow. o Device names? Devices served to the local area network are OpenVMS disk; devices; use OpenVMS device names when you specify anC InfoServer device name. Note that the device name must eitherD match exactly the name that the SHOW SERVICES command displays or must contain wildcards.@ In the InfoServer utility, wildcards, where supported, are@ those used in OpenVMS. The % character matches exactly oneA L character. The * character matches zero or more characters.1 A disk specification must end with a colon. o Partition namesD Partitions are container files that are served to the network.D As such, they have OpenVMS file names with a default file typeA of ".ESS$PARTITION". Partition names, including the device,B directory, and file name, can be no more than 242 characters in length.E Support for partitions is limited in this version. VSI strMonglyB suggests that you use LD devices to support partitioned hard? drives. See the DCL command LD HELP for more information. 3 Qualifiers/ALLA Display all services that match the selection criteria even ifB no clients have connections. If this qualifier is omitted, only; those services with clients connected will be displayed. 3 Example $ INFOSERVER SHOW SESSIONS> HUDSON [ODS-2] _MOVERS$LDA1: [ 1 Connection] 1 serviceN found. $ INFOSERVER SHOW SESSIONS/ALL> HUDSON [ODS-2] _MOVERS$LDA1: [ 1 Connection]. BAFFIN [ODS-2] _MOVERS$LDA1:. FUNDY [ODS-2] _MOVERS$LDA1: 3 services found.? The command in the first example displays only the session= that has a client connection, HUDSON. The command in theD second example displays all sessions, even those with no client connections. 2 VERSION3 Displays the version of theO InfoServer software. 3 Example $INFOSERVER SHOW VERSIONww1 SPAWNC Spawns a process to execute a DCL command. If you do not enter aD command, the command terminal is attached to the spawned process.A If you do enter a command, that command is executed, and, uponD completion of the command, control returns to the parent process. Format SPAWN [DCL Command] 2 Example InfoServer> SPAWN DIRECTORY . .P . (output) . . . InfoServer>B The command in this example spawns a process to execute a DCLC DIRECTORY command. Following execution of the command, control' returns to the InfoServer process.wwʗ1 START 2 SERVER@ This command starts the LASTport/Disk server and sets various$ server and cache characteristics.< Usually, this command is executed by SYS$STARTUP:ESS$LAD_? STARTUP Q.COM using data from SYS$STARTUP:ESS$LAD_STARTUP.DAT.A VSI strongly recommends that you make all modifications in the( SYS$STARTUP:ESS$LAD_STARTUP.DAT file.@ You can use the START SERVER command interactively to use itsB qualifiers to change server settings so long as no services are currently defined.& NOTE> If you enter the START SERVER command directly, you must? specify all four qualifiers, or the system will revert to Rusing default values. Format START SERVER 3 Qualifiers /BUFFER_SIZE /BUFFER_SIZE=nA The InfoServer block cache is structured as an array of fixed-A size buffers (also called buckets.) The /BUFFER_SIZE qualifier; determines the size of each bucket. (The /CACHE qualifer% determines the number of buckets.)B The numeric value of this parameter is an integer between 3 andB 8 inclusive, representing the bucket size in 512-byte blocks as folSlows: 3 - 8 blocks (default) 4 - 16 blocks 5 - 32 blocks 6 - 64 blocks 7 - 128 blocks 8 - 256 blocks The default value is 3.B Bucket sizes that are larger than 32 blocks are not appropriate@ for most users. The OpenVMS client segments I/O requests thatB are larger than 31 blocks into 31-block chunks, and the default< bucket readahead behavior might result in unnecessary I/O activity to the disk./CACHE0 /CACHE = numTber-of-buckets (default = 512): The InfoServer block cache is structured as an array of@ fixed-size buffers (also called buckets. The /CACHE qualifierB determines the number of buckets in the cache. The /BUFFER_SIZE0 qualifier determines the size of each bucket.> Numbers larger than 16384 can adversely affect performance.> Consider increasing the /BUFFER_SIZE qualifier to reach the desired cache size./MAXIMUM_SERVICES4 /MAXIMUM_SERVICES = maxservice (default = U256)= Sets the maximum service count for the server. This is the> maximum number of services that can be defined at one time.C Each service descriptor consumes non-paged pool; however, unused+ service slots consume only 4 bytes each. The maximum value is 1024. /WRITE_QUOTA$ /WRITE_QUOTA = n (default = 0)A Number of simultaneous synchronous writes permitted within theB server. The default of zero means that all write operations are performed synchronousVly. 3 Example $ InfoServer SHOW SERVERF Node BILBO [HP rx2600 (900MHz/1.5MB)] running OpenVMS XAR8-D2Y' LASTport/Disk Server Version 1.2= Max Services: 64 Write Quota: 0D Cache Buckets: 2048 Cache Bucket Size: 32 blocks$ Cache Size: 33554432 bytes> Hits: 0 Hit Percentage: 0% Misses: 0= Current Sessions: 0 Peak Sessions: 0W0 Read Write0 Requests: 0 00 Blocks: 0 00 Errors: 0 00 Aborted: 0 00 Conflicts: 0 0/ $ InfoServer START SERVER/MAXIMUM_SERVICES=128 /CACHE=2048/BUFF=5/WRITE=09 %INFOSRVR-I-STARTED, LASTport/Disk server started. $ InfoServer SHOW SERVERF Node BILBO [HP rx2600X (900MHz/1.5MB)] running OpenVMS XAR8-D2Y' LASTport/Disk Server Version 1.2: Max Services: 128 Write Quota: 0A Cache Buckets: 2048 Cache Bucket Size: 32 blocks! Cache Size: 33554432 bytes; Hits: 0 Hit Percentage: 0% Misses: 0: Current Sessions: 0 Peak Sessions: 0- Read Write- Requests: 0 0- Y Blocks: 0 0- Errors: 0 0- Aborted: 0 0- Conflicts: 0 0; The first command in this example displays the current@ information about the server. The second command starts the@ server and increases the maximum number of services for theA server. The third command displays the new information aboutB the server, showing the increases maximum number of services.ww