% Librarian A09-32Th1hIJ 5W<@COPY&CREATE(BDEBUG0DELETE3 DIRECTORY;(DISMOUNT EFI$CP<PELSE<BENDIFError_Messages>rExamplesp FAT_Filenames>Further_ReadingS6HELP=:IFA> INITIALIZEV MOUNT  Release_NotesxRENAMEzSET{SHOWSPAWNV^VersionWRITE Th 1 EFI$CP> This EFI$CP utility allows system managers and VSI Customer? Services to create and to manage the Intel Itanium Processor< Family Extensible Firmware Initiative (EFI) console media: and volume structure, per Extensible Firmware Interface Specification.? This EFI bootable media uses the File Allocation Table (FAT)= volume structure, as described in the Microsoft Extensible@ Firmware Initiative FAT32 File System Specification document.; S pecifically, both FAT12 and FAT16 volume structures areA supported by this EFI$CP version 6.0-3, while FAT32 structures are presently not supported.= Commands, command syntax, and command processing including? command recall, command continuation and command editing are0 all intended to follow typical OpenVMS norms.< In addition to the command help available here, extensive@ information on error messages and recovery is also available. wweɴh1 R elease_NotesD This section contains EFI$CP release notes, changes, limitations, and known problems.D EFI$CP is not supported for customer use, and should only be used9 under the explicit direction of VSI Customer Services. Version V6.0-3 NotesB Help text The HELP text has been revised, fixing a0 number of minor errors5 INITIALIZE The OEM name is now VSI VMSD INITIALIZE Fixed a corruption in the generated volume? label when less than eight characters Version V6.0-2 NotesA Full Disk If the contents of a FAT volume exceeds@ 32k cluster units, files created afterB that point will be corrupted when EFI$CPD is exited. The IO logic was truncating theB length of the file allocation table to a' uint16 value.> SHOW FAT  Changed to make /CACHE the default -? /STATIC does not do what anyone wouldB expect unless debugging obscure problems> COPY Checks for disk available disk spaceB before copying a file into a FAT volume.= Added additional error checking and! returns Version V6.0-1 Notes> Major Fixes This version fixes many problems. It>  now appears to be solid and can pass? regression tests that read files backD out and do binary compares. EFICHK is also1 happy with the results.@ Fix Copy COPY will actually copy and record the@ correct length of the file. EFICHK now8 passes. No more corrupt files.7 Performance Improve COPY performance 3.5X= COPY  Add /ERROR=EXIT to COPY. Will cause? COPY to exit EFI$CP - used in command> procedures. $STATUS is set correctly@ and the names of the failing files are1 captured in DCL symbols< DELETE Add /SUBDIR /TREE /PROMPT /LOG and- wildcards to DELETEC CRE/DIR Remove requirement for trailing backslash?  in CREATE/DIRECTORY. Made /NOWARN the6 default for CREATE/DIRECTORYA RENAME Fix RENAME of a file. It used to end upC with the old entry in place with a length2 and no storage allocatedB SET VOLUME Fix SET VOLUME - did not update the diskB SHOW FAT Add /NOBLOCK and /NOLOG to SHOW FAT. AddD /SYMBOLS to SHOW FAT. This will create DCLA  symbols with the free space and size of( the FAT volume@ MOUNT Add /CHECK and /REPAIR to MOUNT. Mount? now contains EFICHK-like capabilitiesB to detect and fix broken disks. If MOUNTA detects that the FAT volume was created< with an old version of EFI$CP - itA will automatically try to fix it unless/  /NOCHECK is specified@ LOGGING Turned off /LOG as the default for any" commandsB Clean Shutdown Flag Statusis NO LONGER displayed on mount byC default. It was always wrong before - theB code read the flag, but always preservedB its state! Now it is correct - we set itB on DISMOUNT. The flag state is shown for@  MOUNT/LOG and it is USED to implicitly( select /CHECK.A EFI This version has been tested for use onC the EFI or DIAGNOSTIC partition - and hasB NOT been tested on conventional floppiesC or other physical FAT media... nor has itC been tested with partitioned FAT volumes.B None of this is required for the purposeB  of this application. They will be testedA for the next version of OpenVMS if time: permits but not in this ECO kit.? More Fixed many, many bugs in the code and, tweaked the logic. wweɴh1 Further_Reading= The following are documents associated with the support of= OpenVMS I64 bootstraps using FAT volumes, and particularly? with bootstraps from th e FAT SYS$EFI.SYS bootable partition.A Generic discussions of bootstrap operations are also included.C These documents are provided for informational purposes, and are@ intended to provide background for OpenVMS I64 bootstraps and3 Extensible Firmware Initiative (EFI) operations.@ o Extensible Firmware Interface Specification, version 1.10,$ 1-Dec-2002, Intel Corporation.9 o Microsoft Extensible Firmware Initiative FAT32 File? System Specification, version 1.03, 6-Dec-2000, Microsoft Corporation.7 o ISO-9660, ISO, version and date to be determined.B o El Torito Bootable CD-ROM Format Specification, version 1.0,4 25-Jan-1995, Phoenix Technologies Ltd and IBM.B o BIOS Enhanced Disk Drive Specifications, version 1.1, 9-May-% 1995, Phoenix Technologies Ltd.B o Constructing a Bootable CD, version 0.5, 6-Jun-1995, Phoenix Technologies Ltd.A o The HP Integrity platform documentation for your particular system(s).> This list and these documents are subject to change without notice. wweɴh1 FAT_Filenames@ FAT filenames referenced within EFI$CP always use a device orC device alias name, and use backslashes as directory and filename delimiters.A When referencing a directory, a trailing backslash is expected< and must be present. If no trailing backslash is present,> the trailing portion of the specification located after the@ final backslash is assumed to be a filename. The exception isD CREATE/DIR which will assume a trailing backslash if not present.D Both FAT short and long filenames are permitted, as are filenames> containing various special characters as defined in the FAT9 specifications. FAT is case-preserving and case-blind. ddcu:\dir\subdir\file ddcu:\dir\subdir\file.ext ddcu:\dir\subdir\subdir2\! "ddcu:\long name with spaces\" 2 Description@ Example filenames are available in the example. The first twoB example specifications reference FAT filenames, while the third? example shown references a directory. The final shows use ofB double quotes, which are needed when the specification contains@ characters such as spaces, to specify a particular directory.C Relative directory specifications and multiple FAT device mountsD are not presently available; all FAT specifications are absolute,B and only one FAT device can be mounted within EFI$CP at any one. time. No wildcards are presently available. wweɴh1 @> Opens the specified file, reading and invoking zero or more- EFI$CP commands contained within the file. Format @ filename 2 Parameter filename= The name of the RMS file that contains the EFI$CP commands> to be invoked. Fields not specified within the RMS filename? are defaulted, with the default filename specification being SYS$DISK:[].EFI$COM.C The comment chara cter for use within the file is the exclamation> character. All characters located after any exclamationA embedded within a record are silently ignored. Any blank lines; found present within the file are also silently ignored. 2 DescriptionB The <@> command is used to invoke sequences of EFI$CP commands.3 Procedures can be nested up to four levels deep.@ Note that specifying the @ command on the EFI$CP command line@ will not accomplish the same thing as from the EFI$CP prompt.B When an @ is used from the DCL command, DCL processes the @ andB only the first line of the data file will be passed as input to7 EFI$CP and the rest will be treated as DCL commands. EFI$CP> @COPY_FILES.EFI$COM wweɴh1 COPY. Copies the specified files between volumes. Format, COPY source-path-name target-path-name 2 Parameter source-path-name, The name of the file that will be copied. target-path- name1 The name of the new file that will be created. 2 DescriptionB The COPY command transfers files from the OpenVMS volume to the< FAT volume, or from the FAT volume to the OpenVMS volume.: When executing a group of commands as part of a commandA procedure, the /ERROR quaifier makes it possible to detect the> failure to copy a file by terminating EFI$CP execution with@ a valid status and with DCL symbols containing the source and target filenames.6 No file ! format or record conversions are performed. Wildcards are not permitted.@ EFI$CP supports binary files (generally fixed length 512-byte@ records) and stream files. It does block binary transfers forB all file types and does not do record IO. It preserves the end-A of-file markers when possible. In general, files types created@ by FTP from a UNIX or DOS/Windows system to VMS are the types? suitable for EFI$CP. OpenVMS executables and binary firmware files work as expec "ted.@ When transfering from FAT to RMS the default file format will> be fixed length 512-byte records. Use the /ASCII command to? set the attributes to STREAM_LF and the /TEXT command to set= the attributes to STREAM. The switches are not useful when( transfering from RMS to a FAT volume.A There are basic checks for the the file organization made whenA copying files from OpenVMS onto the FAT volume, and files that@ are likely incompatible with typical FAT tools can trig #ger an+ INCOMPATFAT error such as the following:"copy sys$login:login.com bar:\efi\N%EFI-W-INCOMPATFAT, record organization or file structure not supported by FAT@ Incompatible files will still be copied, however applicationsC reading the files will have no means of knowing how to treat theC contents. When copied back out to an RMS file they will not haveB the correct file or record attributes and may also be unusable.B The most frequent error of this type is copying an Op$enVMS textB file with the standard variable length records. Use the OpenVMS< CONVERT command to convert the files before using EFI$CP. 2 Qualifiers /BINARY /BINARY (default)@ Transfers the file from FAT to RMS in BINARY mode. The output) will be fixed length 512-byte records. /ASCIIC Transfers the file from FAT to RMS in STREAM_LF mode. The output will be STREAM_LF. /TEXT@ Transfers the file from FAT to RMS in STREAM mode. The ou%tput will be STREAM. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default)= Controls whether log messages are displayed as the file is copied. /ERROR /ERROR=EXIT /ERROR=CONTINUE (default)@ Determines if EFI$CP will continue processing or exit when an> error occurs in during the copy. The default is to continue execution.? When executing a set of commands from a procedure, it can be> useful to exit EFI$CP when an error occurs. The /ERROR=EXIT' & qualifier will cause this to happen.> In addition, two global DCL symbols will be created (if not< already existant) that will contain the source and target filenames that failed:< EFICP$COPY_SOURCE will contain the name of the input file= EFICP$COPY_TARGET will contain the name of the output file /REPLACE /REPLACE /NOREPLACE (default)B Controls whether an existing FAT file is deleted before the new. file is copied to the target FAT directory.'BEFI$CP> COPY SYS$UPDATE:VMS_LOADER.EFI EFI:\EFI\VMS\VMS_LOADER.EFI<EFI$CP> COPY/ASCII EFI:\STREAM_LF_FILE.TXT SYS$LOGIN:FOO.TXT.EFI$CP> COPY SYS$SCRATCH:VMSFILE.COM FOO:\EFI\N%EFI-W-INCOMPATFAT, record organization or file structure not supported by FATEFI$CP>(EFI$CP> copy/error=exit xxx.dat efi:\efi:%EFI-E-NOTFOUND, specified file or directory was not found$ wweɴh 1 CREATE 2 /DIRECTORY Creates a directory file.C Nested Directory Creation O(perations Are Not Implemented. Please( create one directory level at a time.A The trailing backslash is optional. If not present, it will be appended. Format CREATE/DIRECTORY path-name 3 Description@ The CREATE/DIRECTORY command creates the specified directory. 3 Qualifiers /WARNINGS /WARNINGS /NOWARNINGS (default): Specification of /NOWARNINGS disables certain non-fatal CREATE/DIRECTORY errors.CREATE/DIRECTORY L)DA250:\EFI\!CREATE/DIRECTORY LDA250:\EFI\VMS\ wweɴh1 DEBUG- Enables the integrated debugging displays. Format DEBUG 2 DescriptionA This command is subject to change without notice, reserved forA use during VSI debugging and regression testing, and should beB specified only under the direction of the VSI Customer Support.A The DEBUG command enables various integrated debugging display? capabilities. The output of this command *is not intended for? general use nor for general viewing, and the command and the? output and the output format are all subject to change or to removal without notice.Deletes single file:DELETE LDA250:\A.TXT,Deletes all files with the extension .INI in&\EFI\HPOFM and all its subdirectories:+EFI$CP> del/subdir/log efi:\efi\hpofm\*.ini4%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\CFG\COLORS.INI deleted (1496 bytes)4%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\CFG\DRVCFG.INI deleted (1451 bytes)>%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\CFG\EXTERNALU+TILITIES.INI deleted (642 bytes)1%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\CFG\HELP.INI deleted (598 bytes)7%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\CFG\HPOFMLCL.INI deleted (36305 bytes)1%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\CFG\MENU.INI deleted (854 bytes)3%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\CFG\PCI.INI deleted (143397 bytes)7%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\CFG\PCITABLE.INI deleted (17269 bytes)1%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\CFG\SPU.INI deleted (1377 bytes),%EFI-I-TOTAL, 9 files deleted (203389 bytes)EFI$CP>(Deletes all files in \EFI\HPOFM, and all(subdirectories and the directory itself:$EF ,I$CP> del/tree/log efi:\efi\hpofm\=%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\FIRMWARE\FRMFILELIST.TXT deleted (293 bytes)F%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\FIRMWARE\FWBUNDLEDESCRIPTOR.XML deleted (25517 bytes)?%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\FIRMWARE\HM_FLASHER.EFI deleted (246742 bytes)=%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\FIRMWARE\HM_IPF.FRM deleted (12584000 bytes)<%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\FIRMWARE\HM_PDHC.FRM deleted (806332 bytes)@%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\FIRMWARE\M_CELL_JTAG.FRM deleted (836134 bytes)@%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\FIRMWARE\M_CELL_LPM.FRM deleted (1467263 bytes)@%EFI-I-FIL -DEL, ~\FIRMWARE\M_CELL_PDH.FRM deleted (5246318 bytes):%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\FIRMWARE\M_CIO.FRM deleted (827778 bytes)9%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\FIRMWARE\M_ED.FRM deleted (454928 bytes)<%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\FIRMWARE\M_EMMUX.FRM deleted (821051 bytes);%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\FIRMWARE\M_GPM.FRM deleted (1463679 bytes)@%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\FIRMWARE\M_IO_LPM_0.FRM deleted (1463679 bytes)@%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\FIRMWARE\M_IO_LPM_1.FRM deleted (1463679 bytes):%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\FIRMWARE\M_MP.FRM deleted (5694784 bytes)N%EFI-I-FILDEL, . ~\FIRMWARE\M_IPF_SX2000_3_1_RLS_NOTES.TXT deleted (25938 bytes)1%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\HPOFM\FIRMWARE deleted (0 bytes)2%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\CONFIGUTILS\CFG deleted (0 bytes)3%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\CONFIGUTILS\HELP deleted (0 bytes)>%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\CONFIGUTILS\FW10XX.EFI deleted (767488 bytes)@%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\CONFIGUTILS\SHELLENV.EFI deleted (703488 bytes)4%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\HPOFM\CONFIGUTILS deleted (0 bytes)8%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\HPOFM\HPOFM.EFI deleted (2169856 bytes),%EFI-I-FILDEL, ~\EFI\HPOFM deleted (0 by/tes)/%EFI-I-TOTAL, 24 files deleted (37068947 bytes)EFI$CP> 2 Qualifiers /DUMP /DUMP /NODUMP (default)B Causes various internal I/O transfer operations to be dumped to the display.A The DEBUG command enables various integrated debugging display? capabilities. The output of this command is not intended for? general use nor for general viewing, and the command and the? output and the output format are all subject to change or to rem0oval without notice. /LEVEL /LEVEL=value /NOLEVELD The higher the integer value, the greater the volume of debuggingB output. Integer values of the range of zero (0) to ten (10) areC typical, with /LEVEL=0 and /NOLEVEL disabling the debugging, and4 /LEVEL=10 providing substantial debugging output.A The DEBUG command enables various integrated debugging display? capabilities. The output of this command is not intended for? general use nor for general v1iewing, and the command and the? output and the output format are all subject to change or to removal without notice. DEBUG/LEVEL=5 wwvh 1 DELETEB Deletes the specified file, directory, directory tree, or group of files. Format DELETE path-name 2 Parameter path-name8 Specification of the EFI$CP directory or EFI$CP file. 2 DescriptionD Deletes a single file or (empty) directory. It can also delete anC e2ntire directory tree and all its files, or to delete files in a directory tree.C Limited wildcards are permitted of the form "*", "*.*", "FILE.*": and "*.EXT". Partial wildcards are not yet implemented. 2 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default)@ Controls whether log messages are displayed after the file is deleted. /TREE: This deletes all the files in the directory and all its+ subdirectories and the directory itself.> The spe3cification must be a directory or a fully wildcarded= filename. This is the nuclear option - use /SUBDIR for the neutron version. /SUBDIRECTORY= This deletes all the files in the directory and in all itsC subdirectories but does not delete any of the directory entries.B If /TREE is the nulcear option, /SUBDIR is the neutron version.A Removes the files but leaves the directory structure standing. /PROMPT/ Controls whether to prompt for file deletion '4wwvh 1 DIRECTORY4 Displays the contents of the specified directory. Format DIRECTORY path-name 2 Parameter path-name) Specification of the EFI$CP directory. Optional. 2 Description4 Displays the contents of the specified directory. 2 Qualifiers /FULL! Displays detailed information. /SHOW /SHOW=keywordB Determines the specifics of the files that will be selected for display 5.> The default display specifically selects the user files for? display, and is accordingly appropriate for nearly all uses.; System files, hidden files, and directory structures not8 representing user files are not displayed by default. Keyword Results; ALL Displays all types of directory file entries.A DOTS Displays the dot and dot-dot directory entries thatE are present within all FAT subdirectories, but that are seldom6 displayed.= HIDDEN Displays files that are marked as hidden files.= SYSTEM Displays files that are marked as system files.. VOLUME Displays the volume label entry.= The following shows example directory output for a typical OpenVMS I64 directory.EFI$CP> dir dva0:\efi\vms\ Directory vms, 3-NOV-2004 02:42:01.08 tools. 3-NOV-2004 02:42:01.08 3127296 ipb.exe- 3-NOV-2004 02:42:01.08 update5 3-NOV-2004 02:42:01.03 7 838656 vms_loader.efi3 3-NOV-2004 02:42:00.00 248832 vms_bcfg.efi2 3-NOV-2004 02:42:01.06 227328 vms_set.efi3 3-NOV-2004 02:42:01.08 224256 vms_show.efiEFI$CP>C The following shows the default directory output for a sparsely-> populated directory file, and particularly shows the string: quoting needed as the target filename contains a space.EFI$CP> dir "dva0:\New Folder"Directory dva0:\New Folder110-JUN-2003 15:36:01.83 New Folde8rEFI$CP>B The following shows a brief-format output of all files present.= You will notice that the Dot (.) and DotDot (..) directory@ entries found in all FAT subdirectories are now visible-whileA surprisingly not marked as hidden, these two directory entries? are deliberately and explicitly masked by most FAT displays.'EFI$CP> dir "dva0:\New Folder"/show=allDirectory dva0:\New Folder(10-JUN-2003 15:36:00.23 .)10-JUN-2003 15:36:00.23 . 9.110-JUN-2003 15:36:01.83 New FolderEFI$CP>: The Dot (.) directory entry is an alias for the current@ directory; for the directory that contains the Dot entry. The> DotDot (..) entry is an alias for the parent directory; for> the directory that contains the current directory file. DotB and DotDot are required to exist in all subdirectories, and areB further explicitly required to be absent from within the volume< Master File Directory (MFD) of any FAT12 or F:AT16 volume.( The following shows more information.-EFI$CP> dir "dva0:\New Folder"/show=all/fullDirectory dva0:\New Folder .Directory file+Created at : 15-APR-2005 08:53:01.07+Modified at : 15-APR-2005 08:53:00.00+Last accessed at : 15-APR-2005 00:00:00.00First Cluster : 0x00000003File Attribute(s) : 0x00000010" : Directory FileFile 8.3 synonym : . ..Directory file+Created at : 15-APR-2005 08:53:01.0;7+Modified at : 15-APR-2005 08:53:00.00+Last accessed at : 15-APR-2005 00:00:00.00First Cluster : 0x00000000File Attribute(s) : 0x00000010" : Directory FileFile 8.3 synonym : .. New FolderDirectory file+Created at : 10-JUN-2003 15:36:01.83+Modified at : 10-JUN-2003 15:37:00.00+Last accessed at : 10-JUN-2003 00:00:00.00First Cluster : 0x00000003File Attribute(s) : 0x00000010" : Directory FileFile 8.3 synonym %<: NEWFOL~1EFI$CP> wwvh 1 DISMOUNT4 Makes the specified FAT disk volume inaccessable. Format DISMOUNT disk-name 2 Parameter disk-nameA Specifies the disk device that is to be made accessable to the EFI$CP environment. 2 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGC Controls whether logging messages are displayed during dismount. 2 DescriptionB This command causes EFI$CP to disconnect $=from the specified FAT disk volume. DISMOUNT DVA0: wwvh1 ELSE+ Provides conditional command processing. Format ELSE 2 Description/ Provides conditional command interpretation.4 See IF for command details, syntax, and examples. wwvh1 ENDIF+ Provides conditional command processing. Format ENDIF 2 Description/ Provides conditional command interpretation.4 See IF fo>r command details, syntax, and examples. wwvh1 IF+ Provides conditional command processing. Format IF condition state 2 Parameter condition> This is a keyword specifying the particular condition to be evaluated.: Specific conditions can have prerequisites, such as the; specification of an additional parameter, or requiring a specified volume be mounted.& This keyword cannot be abbreviated. stateD ? A keyword that specifies the particular condition; the particularA state for the the test condition. The state can be specific to the particular condition.& This keyword cannot be abbreviated. 2 Description/ Provides conditional command interpretation.( Keyword Condition Resulting Action; FAT [NO]COMPATDetermines if the target FAT volumeA structure was initialized by OpenVMS, and? if the version meets minim @um structuralB requirements. If the version meets currentD volume structure compatibility requirements,1 the IF evaluates as TRUE.@ FAT volume structures not initialized by> OpenVMS EFI$CP will evaluate as FALSE.; This includes any volume structuresA initialized by the EFI Shell environment,0 or by MicrosofAt Windows.< Requires the specified FAT volume be mounted.A VERSION MINIMUM Determines if the running version matches9 the specified version, or higher.? Specification of ELSE is optional. Specification of ENDIF is required.1 The nesting of IF constructs is not supported.EFI$CP> IF FAT COMPATIBLE foo:4EFI$CP> WRITE "Commands performed if FAT compatible" EFI$CP> ELSE5EFI$CP> WRITE "Commands perforBmed if not compatible,".EFI$CP> WRITE "or if not intialized by EFI$CP" EFI$CP> ENDIFPEFI$CP> ! initialize the target FAT volume foo:, if found not current/compatible EFI$CP> IF FAT NOCOMPATIBLE foo:4EFI$CP> WRITE "Performing volume (re)initialization"EFI$CP> INITIALIZE... EFI$CP> ENDIF wwvh 1 INITIALIZE$ Initializes the specified volume. Format) INITIALIZE device-name label-string 2 Parameter device-name- Specification o Cf the target EFI$CP device.C Only FAT12 and FAT16 operations are supported by this version of: EFI$CP, as are long file names. FAT32 is not supported.C The FAT12 volume structure does not permit arbitrary capacities.@ Disks and partitions with fewer than 4085 clusters are alwaysD FAT12, and the selected capacity must match one of the predefined devices.? For operations on disk devices or partitions with capacitiesB within the FAT12 capacity range (1 to 8399 blocks, Dor from 1 toD 4084 clusters, inclusive), the disk capacity must match that of aC recognized floppy device. Most commonly, this is either the 1.44C megabyte (2880 blocks) or the 2.88 megabyte (5760 blocks) floppyC disk, or an LD partition of a matching size, or a partition fileB of a matching size. FAT12 access and initialization is entirelyB table-based, per Microsoft Extensible Firmware Initiative FAT32 File System Specification.@ For operations in the FAT16 range (of 8E400 to 4194304 blocks,7 inclusive), arbitrary disk capacities are supported.B FAT32 operations are not supported. Disks using FAT32, or equal4 or larger than 4194304 blocks cannot be accessed.? Disks equal or larger than 2097152 blocks will often defaultB to FAT32, though EFI$CP will force disks in this capacity range? to FAT16 up to the FAT16 addressing limit of 4194304 blocks, inclusive.B For additional related information, please see the EFI$_UNRECRX error.F label-stringC Alphanumeric string of from one to eleven characters, inclusive.? While permissible within the FAT specifications, EFI$CP doesA not presently accept spaces and special characters within this string.D If the label parameter is specified as a null string, the default@ volume label NO NAME will be used; an unlabeled volume is not permitted. 2 Description- Formats the contents of the target volume.C This is the OpenVMS analog of the fdiskG utility on various other platforms. 2 Qualifiers /CONTIGUOUSC Requests the target partition be created contiguously. When used@ to create SYS$EFI.SYS or SYS$DIAGNOSTICS.SYS or other similar= partition directly, the partition file must be contiguous.A Partition file volumes that will not be used for console-level? bootstrap operations or files that will be copied to another= volume (contiguously) before use for bootstrap need not be created contiguHously.' Must be specified only with /CREATE. /CREATE- Requests the creation of a partition file.- Must be specified only with /DEVICE_ALIAS. /DEVICE_ALIAS /DEVICE_ALIAS=alias /NODEVICE_ALIAS (default)> This qualifier selects the device name alias to be used for? references to a directly-accessed partition file; for direct? access to a partition file. The specified string will be the' device name for subsequent accesses.D The perImissible character set for this string is that of devices;? the same symbol character set used for logical names. Like aD logical name, there is no requirement to mimic the OpenVMS device name fields.5 The specified alias must include a trailing colon. /LABEL /LABEL=(item[=keyword])A Specifies a volume label string to be synthesized, or a volume7 label string to be obtained from an external source.D HOST_ DENSE Use the current OpenVMS host ver Jsion string,B VERSION less any punctuation characters or spaces,= as the volume label, or as the suffix= portion of the volume label string. AD maximum of up to the first six characters ofC the version string is used. Can be combined@ with PREFIX_STRING, though the aggregateA label name string length limit remains 11# K characters.= HOST_ UNDERSCORESUse the current OpenVMS host version> VERSION string, replacing all punctuation with? underscores, as the volume label, or as> the suffix portion of the volume labelB string. A maximum of up to the first eightA characters of the version string is used.B Can be combined with PREFIX_STRING, thoughD the Laggregate label name string length limit. remains 11 characters.@ LOGICAL_ LNM Translates the specified logial name or,@ NAME if no string is specified, translate theB logical name EFI$INIT_VOLUME_LABEL. Cannot5 be combined with other items.B PREFIX_ PFX Use the specified string as the prefix forB STRING the volume label. A total of 11 charactersD Mcan be specified. Can be combined with HOST_@ VERSION, though the aggregate label nameB string length limit remains 11 characters. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGD Displays status-related and informational messages resulting from the INITIALIZE request. /OVERRIDE /OVERRIDE=keyword@ When used with the keyword GEOMETRY, this operation overrides? the FAT12 disk volume geometry requirement check. So longN asC the FAT12 volume matches the FAT12 volume size requirements, theC volume structures will be initialized using the designated FAT12 geometry requirements values.B The geometry reported by the target device will not be altered.A To subsequently MOUNT the volume, see MOUNT/OVERRIDE=GEOMETRY. /SIZE /SIZE=sizeB Specifies the target volume size for a partition file creation." Must be specified with /CREATE.= Within the range of volume capacities res Otricted to use of@ the FAT12 volume structure, the specified size must match theA capacity of the recognized floppy devices. Typical floppy diskB capacities are 720, 1440, 2400, 2880, and 5760 blocks, with theB 2880 block double-sided high density 3.5 inch floppy disk being the most common choice.? To create a FAT16 volume, the specified size must be between@ 8400 and 1048576 blocks (512 megabytes) for the default FAT16D structures, though this tool does allow volumes to Pbe FAT16 up toC 4194304 blocks (2 gigabytes); up to the theoretical limit of the FAT16 volume structure.? Attempts to create volumes above 2 gigabytes in capacity areB rejected; this is a hard upper-capacity limit within this tool.B Volumes of 2 gigabytes through larger must utilize FAT32 volumeD structures, and this tool does not presently support the creation5 of nor any operation with FAT32 volume structures.' Must be specified only with /CREATE. /STRUCTURE Q@ /STRUCTURE=(header=keyword,partition=digit,volume=keyword)- Determines the specifics of the structure.! Qualifier Not Yet Implemented.< HEADER GPT reserved for MBR-GPT header creation> HEADER MBR Creates an MBR-format partition headerB HEADER NONE No partition header is created; the entire' volume is used.D PARTITION digit Specifies a partition entry; a digit between/ zero and four incl Rusive7 VOLUME EFI Creates an EFI-typed FAT volume; VOLUME FAT Creates a natively-typed FAT volume! VOLUME DIAGNOSTIC reserved EFI$CP> INITIALIZE DVA0: "HELLO"EFI$CP> MOUNT DVA0: HELLO0%EFI-I-SEEKMBR, searching for Master Boot RecordK%EFI-I-ONEPART, single-partition volume; no Master Boot Record partitioning2%EFI-I-SEEKBPB, searching for BIOS Parameter Block5%EFI-I-SEEKBPBOK, valid BIOS Parameter Block detected1%EFI-I-MOUNTED, FAT volume HELLO has been Smounted8-EFI-I-NOPARTITION, the target volume is not partitioned7%EFI-I-MOUNTED, FAT volume HELLO has been mountedEFI$CP> INITIALIZE DVA0: ""EFI$CP> MOUNT DVA0:/OVERRIDE=ID0%EFI-I-SEEKMBR, searching for Master Boot RecordK%EFI-I-ONEPART, single-partition volume; no Master Boot Record partitioning2%EFI-I-SEEKBPB, searching for BIOS Parameter Block5%EFI-I-SEEKBPBOK, valid BIOS Parameter Block detected7%EFI-I-MOUNTED, FAT volume NO NAME has been mounted8-EFI-I-NOPARTITION, Tthe target volume is not partitioned wwh1 HELP3 This is the help library for the EFI$CP utility.C EFI$CP is not supported for general customer use, and is subject( to change at any time without notice.= This EFI$CP utility should only be used under the explicit& direction of VSI Customer Services.B This utility can potentially render core OpenVMS I64 FAT volumeA structures erased, invalid and/or otherwise corrupted, and can6 potentially U prevent OpenVMS I64 from bootstrapping.: EFI$CP is a utility that permits you to access the File? Allocation Table (FAT) volume structures associated with the@ Extensible Firmware Initiative (EFI) console environment used@ on HP Integrity systems. EFI$CP permits operations with FAT12C and FAT16 partition structures and FAT devices that are used for? bootstrapping OpenVMS I64 systems. (FAT32 is not supported.)B The HELP command available within the EFI$CP utility is used toVB acquire an introduction to EFI$CP, to display information about9 the available EFI$CP commands, and to obtain examples. Format HELP [topic] 2 Parameter topic; Specifies the topic or command name about which you want information. 2 DescriptionC To display the list of all available EFI$CP commands and topics,D enter the HELP command without a parameter. To obtain informationB about individual commands or topics, enter HELP followed byW the command or topic name. 2 Qualifiers None. HELP wwh 1 VersionB This is the help library for EFI$CP Version 6.0-3. The contents; of this library text were generated on November 9, 2023. wwh1 MOUNT; Makes the specified FAT disk volume or the specified FAT@ partition file accessable. To mount a FAT partition file, you, must specify the /DEVICE_ALIAS qualifier.> EFI$CP is presently limited to a maxiXmum of one mounted FAT device at any one time. Format& MOUNT target label-name log-name 2 Parameter targetA Specifies the disk device that is to be made accessable to theC EFI$CP environment, or the FAT partition file specification when* used in conjunction with /DEVICE_ALIAS.C The FAT12 volume structure does not permit arbitrary capacities.@ Disks and partitions with fewer than 4085 clusters are always7 FAT12, and must match one of the predef Yined devices.? For operations on disk devices or partitions with capacities@ within the FAT12 capacity range, the disk capacity must match= that of a recognized floppy device. Most commonly, this isD either the 1.44 megabyte (2880 blocks) or the 2.88 megabyte (5760C blocks) floppy disk, or an LD partition of a matching size, or a% partition file of a matching size.= For read-only operations or operations involving partition? files located on DVD or other read-only medZia, /NOWRITE must be specified.B For additional related information, please see the EFI$_UNRECRX error. label-name3 Specifies the volume label for the target volue.C If the label value contains spaces or other reserved characters,# the label string must be quoted.A The label specification match operation is both case-blind andA space-filled. In particular, if the length of the label stringC specified is less than the length of the volume label, the sh [ort; of the two specifications is assumed to be space-padded.D If the target volume label is not known, you can can consider theD use of /OVERRIDE=IDENTIFICATION to override the volume label, and mount the volume.@ The volume label is used to create an OpenVMS logical name of> the format EFI$DISK$vollab. Whitespace and other characters? not permissible within typical OpenVMS logical names will beD replaced with underscores within the resulting logical name. ThisA log\ical name can be used to reference the target device within' the remainder of the EFI$CP session.< This logical name is particularly useful if you choose to@ sequentially activate or to nest command procedure calls (seeA @), with one procedure used to initialize and mount the targetD device, and one or more subsequent procedures to perform a series? of operations-without specific regard to the target physical- device name used by the initial procedure. log-name< ] Specifies a logical name to be created. If specified, the; translation of this logical name will contain the device specification.? If the label-name parameter value is to be overridden (using> /OVERRIDE=IDENTIFICATION), the label-name parameter must beB specified (as a null string) if this log-name parameter is alsoB to be specified. With /OVERRIDE=IDENTIFICATION, the null string8 specified within the label-name parameter is ignored. 2 Description; This command ^causes EFI$CP to access and to read in data8 structures needed for processing the FAT disk volume.B For EFI partition files such as SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYS$EFI.SYS@ and SYS$MAINTENANCE:SYS$DIAGNOSTICS.SYS, you can use software@ such as the OpenVMS LD component to render the partition file9 accessable as a (usually foreign-mounted) disk device.@ If the volume FAT data is found corrupted, MOUNT will attemptB to read the FAT data from a shadow copy of the FAT sector. MostB F _AT volumes have two copies of FAT data present, and MOUNT will> attempt to use all available copies upon receipt of FAT I/O failures within the FAT data.D MOUNT does not compare the FAT data across copies of the FAT uponA successful I/O operations. Comparison is not attempted as withD typically only two copies of FAT data present, and as there is noC checksumming and no ECC within FAT, there is no way to determineD which copy of the FAT is correct. EFI$CP does write modified `data# to all copies of the FAT present@ Should MOUNT detect sector read I/O errors in all copies of a? FAT sector, MOUNT will synthesize a block of FAT EOC (End ofC Cluster Chain) markers to replace the missing FAT data, and willD continue with the MOUNT attempt. This EOC sector will effectivelyD truncate any files using cluster chain data stored within the badB FAT sector, but may allow access to other files and to parts ofD any files that reference (valid) cluster chain adata prior to thatC stored within the failed sector. Should this recovery processingB be triggered, you will obviously want to immediate relocate all# remaining data onto other media.> Mount can also check the integrity of the files when /CHECK= or /REPAIR are specified in the command. If the volume wasA not cleanly dismounted, the check will be done unless the userC explicitly uses /NOCHECK. Some older versions of EFI$CP may haveB created files with incorrect lengths whbich show up as errors inC EFICHK (a utility in the VMS UTILITIES area that can be run fromD the EFI command shell). If EFI$CP detects that the FAT volume was? created with an old version of EFI$CP, it will automatically> check and repair the volume (unless /NOWRITE or /NOCHECK is> specified) and update the volume information to the current version of EFI$CP. 2 Qualifiers /CACHE /CACHE /NOCACHE (default)B This qualifier causes EFI$CP to cache c critical volume data dataA in memory, rather than writing the data and the changes out to> the partition or the disk volume after each EFI$CP command.A Selecting /CACHE provides better performance (and particularlyC with slow devices, such as floppy disk volumes), though there isC an increased risk of exposure to inconsistent or incomplete dataD should an application or a system problem arise before the cachesC are flushed; should the application exit unexpectedly prior to ad DISMOUNT operation.C If you choose MOUNT/CACHE, you will want to specify the DISMOUNTA command to dismount the device or the partition; to effect theC necessary cache flush. Failure to cleanly flush the volume cache5 can result in volume corruptions and/or data loss. /DEVICE_ALIAS /DEVICE_ALIAS=alias /NODEVICE_ALIAS (default)> This qualifier selects the device name alias to be used for? references to a directly-accessed partition file; for direcet? access to a partition file. The specified string will be the' device name for subsequent accesses.D The permissible character set for this string is that of devices;? the same symbol character set used for logical names. Like aD logical name, there is no requirement to mimic the OpenVMS device name fields.5 The specified alias must include a trailing colon. /DIAGNOSTICS /DIAGNOSTICS /NODIAGNOSTICS (default)C This qualifier is subject to chfange without notice, reserved forB use during VSI regression testing, and should be specified only3 under the direction of the VSI Customer Support.; This command causes additional messages to be displayed. /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOGD Displays status-related and informational messages resulting from the MOUNT request.B When not specified, some operations will still be logged - suchD as problems found by the /CHECK qualifier. By specifying /NOLOG -g% absolutly no logging will be done. /OVERRIDE /OVERRIDE=keyword@ When used with the keyword IDENTIFICATION, this overrides the) requirement to specify a volume label.9 If the label-name parameter is to be overridden (using@ /OVERRIDE=IDENTIFICATION), then the label-name parameter mustD be specified (as a null string) if the log-name parameter is alsoB to be specified. With /OVERRIDE=IDENTIFICATION, the null string8 specified within the label-name param heter is ignored.@ When used with the keyword GEOMETRY, this operation overrides? the FAT12 disk volume geometry requirement check. So long asC the FAT12 volume matches the FAT12 volume size requirements, the volume can be mounted.B The geometry reported by the target device will not be altered.9 When used with the keyword CORRUPTIONS, this operationC overrides various FAT volume structure checks inherent in volumeC processing, and to thus permit continued operations i with certain= questionable or potentially corrupt FAT volume structures.@ Thus mechanism can bypass isolated, specific and very limited? corruptions found within the FAT volume structure. This doesC not provide a generic mechanism for repairing or recovering from. arbitrary FAT volume structure corruptions.A Use of the /OVERRIDE=CORRUPTIONS mechanism is not recommended.B This mechanism should be used only under explicit directions of the VSI Customer Support. /RjEGRESSION_TESTING /REGRESSION_TESTING% /NOREGRESSION_TESTING (default)C This qualifier is subject to change without notice, reserved forB use during VSI regression testing, and should be specified only3 under the direction of the VSI Customer Support.? This qualifier alters command output and particularly altersB the date and time values displayed, explicitly and only for use/ during EFI$CP regression-testing operations. /SYSTEM_ALIAS /SYSTEkM_ALIAS=alias /NOSYSTEM_ALIAS (default)> This qualifier selects the device name alias to be used for= references to a directly-accessed partition file, and sets; the partition name to SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYS$EFI.SYS or' SYS$MAINTENANCE:SYS$DIAGNOSTICS.SYS.A When this qualifier is specified, the device name parameter is ignored.8 This qualifier is otherwise similar to /DEVICE_ALIAS. /WRITE /WRITE (default) /NOWRITE= The target volumel is mounted read- and write-accessable by> default. Specification of /NOWRITE permits the target to beA marked as read-only storage, thus preventing any unintentional modifications to the volume.7 When mounting a partition file located on DVD media,) specification of /NOWRITE is required. /CHECKB Forces the FAT file structure to be validated. It is implicitlyB done if the version of EFI$CP used to create the volume is out-> of-date. Unless the /NOCHECK qualifiemr is used - which will> prevent all checking. Older versions of EFI$CP got the fileB lengths wrong. It also screwed up the RENAME operation on files? (leaving a stale file with 0 length). The /CHECK option does6 essentially what EFICHK will do from the EFI shell.A Use /NOCHECK or /WRITELOCK if you are concerned about changing the contents. /REPAIR /REPAIR (default) /NOREPAIRA When the volume is CHECKED (see above) the /REPAIR option will" fix p nrolems that can be solved.? Older versions of EFI$CP got the file lengths wrong. It alsoD screwed up RENAME. The /CHECK option does essentially what EFICHK! -F will do from the EFI shell.A Use /NOCHECK or /WRITELOCK if you are concerned about changing the contents./EFI$CP> mount/log dva0:/override=identification0%EFI-I-SEEKMBR, searching for Master Boot RecordK%EFI-I-ONEPART, single-partition volume; no Master Boot Record partitioning2%EFI-I-SEEKBPB, searching for BIOS P oarameter Block5%EFI-I-SEEKBPBOK, valid BIOS Parameter Block detected4%EFI-I-MOUNTED, FAT volume NO NAME has been mounted8-EFI-I-NOPARTITION, the target volume is not partitionedEFI$CP>#EFI$CP> mount/log lda251: "NO NAME"0%EFI-I-SEEKMBR, searching for Master Boot RecordK%EFI-I-ONEPART, single-partition volume; no Master Boot Record partitioning2%EFI-I-SEEKBPB, searching for BIOS Parameter Block5%EFI-I-SEEKBPBOK, valid BIOS Parameter Block detected4%EFI-I-MOUNTED, FAT volume NO NAME phas been mounted8-EFI-I-NOPARTITION, the target volume is not partitionedEFI$CP>?EFI$CP> mount/log/override=id sys$loadable_images:sys$efi.sys -/device_alias=foo:0%EFI-I-SEEKMBR, searching for Master Boot RecordK%EFI-I-ONEPART, single-partition volume; no Master Boot Record partitioning2%EFI-I-SEEKBPB, searching for BIOS Parameter Block5%EFI-I-SEEKBPBOK, valid BIOS Parameter Block detected4%EFI-I-MOUNTED, FAT volume SYS$EFI has been mounted8-EFI-I-NOPARTITION, the target volume is n qot partitionedEFI$CP> directory foo:\hThis shows the results of mounting the EFI partition from an OpenVMS V8.2 system. Note that despite thefdire warnings, the contents of the files turns out to be OK. The older version of EFI$CP got the file'size wrong, but copied the contents OK.CEFI$CP> mou/repair/over=id/dev=efi: sys$loadable_images:sys$efi.sysG%MOUNT-I-NODISM, volume was not cleanly dismounted. Check in progress.x%EFICP-W-BADCCNT, EFI:\efi\vms\tools\biosutil.efi actual clusterr count of 104 does not match the file allocation of 105.l Filesize of 213504 bytes, requires 420 blocks (rounded to the cluster factor of 4)j 420 blocks shown allocated, but 104 actual clusters (416 blocks) counted in filef The disk storage (212992 bytes) is smaller than the file size (213504 bytes)M Truncating file! ***CHECK CONTENTS FOR VALIDITY***v%EFICP-W-BADCCNT, EFI:\efi\vms\tools\efichk.efsi actual cluster count of 463 does not match the file allocation of 464.m Filesize of 949248 bytes, requires 1856 blocks (rounded to the cluster factor of 4)l 1856 blocks shown allocated, but 463 actual clusters (1852 blocks) counted in filef The disk storage (948224 bytes) is smaller than the file size (949248 bytes)M Truncating file! ***CHECK CONTENTS FOR VALIDITY***t%EFICP-W-BADCCNT, EFI:\efit\vms\tools\ftpd.efi actual cluster count of 470 does not match the file allocation of 471.m Filesize of 963072 bytes, requires 1884 blocks (rounded to the cluster factor of 4)l 1884 blocks shown allocated, but 470 actual clusters (1880 blocks) counted in filef The disk storage (962560 bytes) is smaller than the file size (963072 bytes)M Truncating file! ***CHECK CONTENTS FOR VALIDITY***w%EFICP-Wu-BADCCNT, EFI:\efi\vms\tools\tcpipv4.efi actual cluster count of 650 does not match the file allocation of 651.n Filesize of 1331712 bytes, requires 2604 blocks (rounded to the cluster factor of 4)l 2604 blocks shown allocated, but 650 actual clusters (2600 blocks) counted in fileh The disk storage (1331200 bytes) is smaller than the file size (1331712 bytes)M Truncating file! ***CHECK CONTENTS FOvR VALIDITY***r%EFICP-W-BADCCNT, EFI:\efi\vms\vms_bcfg.efi actual cluster count of 123 does not match the file allocation of 138.l Filesize of 282624 bytes, requires 552 blocks (rounded to the cluster factor of 4)j 552 blocks shown allocated, but 123 actual clusters (492 blocks) counted in filef The disk storage (251904 bytes) is smaller than the file size (282624 bytes)M Truncating file! ***CHECKw CONTENTS FOR VALIDITY***q%EFICP-W-BADCCNT, EFI:\efi\vms\vms_set.efi actual cluster count of 111 does not match the file allocation of 121.l Filesize of 247296 bytes, requires 484 blocks (rounded to the cluster factor of 4)j 484 blocks shown allocated, but 111 actual clusters (444 blocks) counted in filef The disk storage (227328 bytes) is smaller than the file size (247296 bytes)M Truncating filxe! ***CHECK CONTENTS FOR VALIDITY***r%EFICP-W-BADCCNT, EFI:\efi\vms\vms_show.efi actual cluster count of 110 does not match the file allocation of 121.l Filesize of 247296 bytes, requires 484 blocks (rounded to the cluster factor of 4)j 484 blocks shown allocated, but 110 actual clusters (440 blocks) counted in filef The disk storage (225280 bytes) is smaller than the file size (247296 bytes)M Tryuncating file! ***CHECK CONTENTS FOR VALIDITY***q%EFICP-I-FATCHECK, 7 errors found, 7 fixed. 14 files in 3 folders checked, 11510462 total bytes in 5623 clustersEFI$CP> wwAh 1 RENAMEA Renames a file or directory within the same directory, or into another existing directory. Format, COPY source-path-name target-path-name 2 Parameter source-path-name? Specification of the source EFI$CP directory or EFI$CP file. targetz-path-name? Specification of the target EFI$CP directory or EFI$CP file. 2 Description+ Renames the specified file or directory.> The operation must occur on the same FAT12 or FAT16 device;: RENAME operations cannot span devices. RMS-level RENAME6 operations are not permitted and are not supported. 2 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG@ Controls whether log messages are displayed after the file is deleted.! Qualifier Not Yet{ Implemented."RENAME LDA250:\A.TXT LDA250:\B.TXT> The following example shows a directory being renamed. (The0 directory contents are preserved, of course.)EFI$CP> directory dva0:Directory DVA0:*16-OCT-2003 14:04:00.06 FOO"EFI$CP> rename dva0:\foo dva0:\barEFI$CP> directory dva0:\Directory DVA0:\*16-OCT-2003 14:04:00.06 BAREFI$CP> wwAh1 SET" Allows changes to be performed. 2 Description< The S"|ET command is intended to allow various alterations. 2 VOLUME' Allows changes to volume attributes. Format SET VOLUME volume 3 Parameter volume) The target FAT volume for the command. 3 Description? The SET VOLUME command is intended to alter the label of the target volume.%EFI$CP> SET VOLUME/LABEL=label LDA1:(EFI$CP> SET VOLUME/LABEL="vol lab" FOO: wwAh1 SHOW 2 BPB5 Displays the contents } of the BIOS Parameter Block. Format SHOW BPB volume 3 Parameter volume) The target FAT volume for the command. 3 Qualifiers /BLOCK /BLOCK=lbnC The sector to be formatted as the BIOS Parameter Block (BPB). IfC not specified, the default will be the calculated sector for the current disk. 3 Description? The SHOW BPB command is a diagnostic, and used to review the- contents of the disk BIOS Parameter Block.&~ NOTE= Not immediately useful to users. This command is solelyA intended as a low-level disk diagnostic and debugging tool.EFI$CP> sho bpb efi:BPB: BIOS Parameter BlockOEM Name : Sector Size : 512 BytesCluster Size : 4 Sectors;Allocation unit : 2048 Bytes (sector size * cluster size)Reserved Sectors : 1&Max Directories : 512 (Root Entries)FAT copies : 2Media Code : Hard Disk/Jump Instruction : 0xeb (normal/expected)FAT Sectors 16 : 0x00faSectors per Track : 22Heads : 23Sectors Hidden : 0Total Sectors 16 : 0Total Sectors 32 : 256000"Volume Size : 256000 Sectors# : 131072000 BytesFAT16 has been detectedVolume claims to be .FAT16 Boot Record Extension:Logical Drive : 0Boot Signature : 0x29,Volume Serial # : BA51-3A45 (0xba513a45))Volume Label : V8_4_2L1 (bootsig)'End Marker : 0xaa55 (valid)OpenVMS EFI$CP Version!EFI$CP Version : EFI$CP V6.0-3FAT Variant : 1 2 CHAINA Displays the contents of the FAT chain for the specified file. Format SHOW CHAIN filename 3 Parameter filename filename= The name of the file associated with the target FAT chain. 3 DescriptionA The SHOW CHAIN command is a diagnostic, and used to review the' contents of the FAT disk structures.& NOTE= Not immediately useful to users. This command is solelyA intended as a low-level disk diagnostic and debugging tool. EFI$CP> show chain login.com Cluster chain for ! File Attribute(s) : 0x00000020/ : Modified; Archive Needed- File Size : 7418 Bytes, 15 sectorsF : 250 bytes used in partially-written last sector! First cluster : 0x00000006'  --- Cluster : Next Cluster ---! 0x00000006 : 0x00000007! 0x00000007 : 0x00000008! 0x00000008 : 0x00000009 0x00000009 : EOC! Allocated Storage : 4 clusters! : 16 sectors+ : 512 bytes per sector, : 4 sectors per cluster EFI$CP> 2 FAT$ Displays the contents of the FAT. Format SHOW FAT volume 3 Parameter volume) The target FAT volume for the command. 3 Description= The SHOW FAT command is used to review the contents of the@ primary File Allocation Table (FAT). This command can be used0 to display a lot of detail or just a summary. 3 Qualifiers /NOBLOCK The block dump is omitted /NOLOG Output is supressed /SYMBOLS? Creates global DCL symbols that contain the size information about the volume.. EFICP$CLUSTER_SIZE - size of a disk cluster? EFICP$FREE_BYTES - Number of bytes available for use on disk0 EFICP$FREE_CLUSTERS - Number of free clusters4 EFICP$TOTAL_BYTES - Total amount of bytes on diskEFI$CP> SHOW FAT EFI:0Current Contents of FAT16 File Allocation Table:IDump of disk map: key: Bad(?); Reserved(=); Free(-); Occupied(+); EOC(*)(0x0000: ==-*****++++++++++++++++++++++++ . . .(0x1660: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(0x1680: ++++*******---------------------1 Block of 1814 free FAT entries suppressed"0xf960: --------------------------:FAT size: 250 sectors, 128000 bytes&FAT array size: 64000$FAT bytes per sector: 512"FAT sectors per cluster: 4%FAT bytes per cluster: 2048&FAT clusters available: 638660FAT total disk space: 130797568 bytes"FAT reserved cluster count: 2"FAT first free cluster: 2&FAT free cluster count: 58096*FAT bytes available on disk: 118980608EFI$CP>EFI$CP> sho fat/noblock efi:0Current Contents of FAT16 File Allocation Table::FAT size: 250 sectors, 128000 bytes&FAT array size: 64000$FAT bytes per sector: 512"FAT sectors per cluster: 4%FAT bytes per cluster: 2048&FAT clusters available: 638660FAT total disk space: 130797568 bytes"FAT reserved cluster count: 2"FAT first free cluster: 2&FAT free cluster count: 58096*FAT bytes available on disk: 118980608EFI$CP>"EFI$CP> sho fat/nolog/symbols efi: EFI$CP> Exit$ sho sym eficp$* EFICP$CLUSTER_SIZE == "2048"! EFICP$FREE_BYTES == "118980608" EFICP$FREE_CLUSTERS == "58096"" EFICP$TOTAL_BYTES == "130797568"$ 2 GPTA Formats and displays the contents of the specified sector as a% GUID Partition Table (GPT) sector.; This GPT is assumed located within the target FAT volume? structure as mounted by this utility, and accordingly may orA may not be the same as the GPT structure found at the front of the physical volume. Format SHOW GPT volume 3 Parameter volume) The target FAT volume for the command. 3 Qualifiers /LOGICAL_IOD Specifies that the target GPT is to be accessed using Logical I/O operations.B If neither /LOGICAL_IO nor /VIRTUAL_IO is specified, GPT access? using Virtual I/O will be attempted first and followed by an> attempt to use Logical I/O if [000000]GPT.SYS is not found.C If the file [000000]GPT.SYS is correctly placed on the disk, the: output of /LOGICAL_IO and /VIRTUAL_IO will be the same. /VIRTUAL_IOD Specifies that the target GPT is to be accessed using Virtual I/O operations.B If neither /LOGICAL_IO nor /VIRTUAL_IO is specified, GPT access? using Virtual I/O will be attempted first and followed by an> attempt to use Logical I/O if [000000]GPT.SYS is not found.C If the file [000000]GPT.SYS is correctly placed on the disk, the: output of /LOGICAL_IO and /VIRTUAL_IO will be the same. 3 Description? The SHOW GPT command is a diagnostic, and used to review the> contents of the disk GUID Partition Table for the specified target partition or device.& NOTE; This command is not immediately useful to users. This? command is solely intended as a low-level disk diagnostic and debugging tool. EFI$CP> show gpt foo:M Master Boot Record (MBR) not present or not valid; disk is not partitioned EFI$CP> 2 MBRB Displays the contents of the default or of the specified sector+ as a Master Boot Record (MBR) structure.& NOTE; The FAT partition typically mounted with this utility? does not include a Master Boot Record (MBR) structure. An? entire OpenVMS I64 system disk will include a Legacy or a= Protective MBR, however. To display the contents of theA disk-level bootblock structures, please see the SYS$SETBOOT foreign-command interface. Format SHOW MBR volume 3 Parameter volume) The target FAT volume for the command. 3 Qualifiers /BLOCK /BLOCK=lbn? The sector to be formatted as a Master Boot Record (MBR). IfC not specified, the default will be the calculated sector for the current disk. 3 Description? The SHOW MBR command is a diagnostic, and used to review theC contents of the disk Master Boot Record for the specified target partition or device.& NOTE= Not immediately useful to users. This command is solelyA intended as a low-level disk diagnostic and debugging tool. EFI$CP> show mbr foo:M Master Boot Record (MBR) not present or not valid; disk is not partitioned EFI$CP> 2 VERSION/ Displays the version of the EFI$CP software. Format SHOW VERSION 3 Description> The SHOW VERSION command displays the version of the EFI$CP software presently in use. wwih1 SPAWN> Creates a subprocess of the current process. The context ofA the subprocess is copied from the current process. You can use? the SPAWN command to leave EFI$CP temporarily, perform otherD functions (such as reading your mail), and then return to EFI$CP. Format SPAWN [command] 2 Parameter command@ Specifies the DCL command string that executes in the createdD subprocess. When the command completes, the subprocess terminatesC and control is returned to the parent process. If this parameterC is not specified, a subprocess is created that transfers control to the DCL command level. 2 Qualifiers /INPUT /INPUT=filespec= Specifies an input file containing one or more DCL commandC strings to be executed by the spawned subprocess. If you specifyC a command string along with an input file, the command string isD processed before the commands in the input file. After processing- is complete, the subprocess is terminated. /LOGICAL_NAMES /LOGICAL_NAMES (default) /NOLOGICAL_NAMES@ Specifies whether the logical names of the parent process areC copied to the subprocess. When you do not want the subprocess toC use the logical names of the parent process, enter the qualifier /NOLOGICAL_NAMES. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=filespec? Identifies the output file to which the results of the SPAWNC operation are written. If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, outputC is written by default to the current SYS$OUTPUT device. WheneverA you use the /NOWAIT qualifier, you should also use the /OUTPUTC qualifier to specify a new output destination. Doing so prevents= output from being displayed on your terminal while you are entering /PROCESS /PROCESS=subprocess-name@ Specifies the name of the subprocess. The default name of the subprocess is USERNAME_n. /SYMBOLS /SYMBOLS (default) /NOSYMBOLSD Determines whether the system passes DCL global and local symbols. to the subprocess. The default is /SYMBOLS. /WAIT /WAIT (default) /NOWAITB Controls whether EFI$CP waits until the subprocess is completedB before allowing more EFI$CP commands to be entered. The /NOWAIT> qualifier allows you to enter new EFI$CP commands while the? specified subprocess is running. If you specify /NOWAIT, youD should also use the /OUTPUT qualifier to direct the output streamA to a file rather than to your terminal. Doing so prevents yourD terminal from being used by more than one process simultaneously. EFI$CP> SPAWN $ SHOW TIME $ LOGOUT; Process DJONES_1 logged out at 25-APR-2003 16:59:17.37 EFI$CP> wwih!1 WRITE- Displays the specified quoted text string. Format WRITE [text] 2 Parameter text1 A quoted string containing the text to display 2 Description? Displays the specified and quoted text string on the current process output channel. 2 Qualifiers None.6 EFI$CP> WRITE "Hello, this is a quoted text string"& Hello, this is a quoted text string wwih1 Error_Messages@ This section describes the various error messages that can be4 reported by the components of the EFI$CP package. 2 4GIGABYTES;FAT32 limits the maximum native file size to four gigabytes> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: the specified data file size is larger than theB largest native file size permissible within the Microsoft FAT32 version 1.03 specification.= User Action: Persuade Microsoft to extend FAT and Intel toD support and to use the newer format, or persuade Intel to support? an additional disk volume structure for use within the Intel@ Itanium EFI environment, or persuade HP to design and provide? FAT extensions specific to the HP OpenVMS FAT support and HPB systems based on Intel Itanium. Alternatively, consider the useD of multiple smaller files for the data storage, and also considerA the applicability of data compression. Only the use of smallerD files should be assumed to be compatible and transportable across3 platforms supporting FAT32 version 1.03 volumes. 2 ALREXISTS*specified file or directory already exists> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program4 Explanation: the specified object already exists.< User Action: specify a file or directory name that is not present. 2 ALRMOUNTEDvolume volume already mounted> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program8 Explanation: the specified volume is already mounted.C User Action: The particular command or operation is incompatibleD with a volume that is already mounted, or an incorrect volume wasC specified. Specify the correct target device for the command, or? DISMOUNT the specified device and then re-issue the command. 2 AMBPARTYP9ambiguous partition type; multiple matching types present> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: you have specified a particular partition type, and@ there are several matching partitions present. The first such match has been selected.@ User Action: At present, there is no way to access subsequentD matching partitions. No way short of patching the type code field, of the Master Boot Record (MBR), that is. 2 ASSUMEinternal assumption failure> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program< Explanation: An internal assumption necessary for correct operation has failed.C User Action: An internal error has been detected. Please contactC support. If this error can be reproduced with a specific commandA or a specific command sequence, please provide the reproducer. 2 BADBLK bad block> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program6 Explanation: bad FAT disk storage block encounteredC User Action: If this error can be reproduced and is not a result1 of invalid data input, please contact support. 2 BADBPB7invalid or corrupt target BIOS Parameter Block detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: A series of verification operations is performed toC detect faulty or corrupted BIOS Parameter Block (BPB) structure.B (The BPB is a critical system data structure for the FAT volume= structure.) This message indicates that one or more of theA verifications has failed, and that the target FAT partition isB apparently corrupted, or that the target partition structure is not a valid FAT partition.A User Action: Verify that the target volume or target partition? is consistent and uncorrupted, and particularly that the FATD partition is correct using the SHOW BPB command or another volumeD structure verification utility. If the volume partition is valid,C please contact the customer support center. Consider restorationD from archives or a data recovery service, and reinitialization of# the FAT volume or FAT partition. 2 BADCOPSYNinvalid COPY syntax> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: both parameters are F11 file specifications, or bothC are FAT file specifications. The COPY command presently supportsD only copies from or copies to a FAT volume, and not F11-to-F11 or FAT-to-FAT copies.A User Action: Respecify the command, with corrected parameters. 2 BADDATE2bad date detected; specified date value is illegal> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: A bad or a null date value has been detected, and> assumed to indicate a FAT volume corruption. The particularC operation that detected the corruption has been terminated. ThisB message is the error variant of the BADDATE2 informational, and: is used when MOUNT/IGNORE=CORRUPTIONS is not requested.C User Action: locate and correct the source of the bad date, Indy 2 BADDATE22null date detected; date value reset to 1-Jan-1980> Fac ility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: A null date value has been detected, is consideredD illegal, and has been repaired. The Windows epoch date 1-Jan-1980A has been substituted. This message is the non-fatal version ofB the BADDATE error, and is used when MOUNT/IGNORE=CORRUPTIONS is requested.> User Action: The FAT volume is providing a null date value.? Short of contacting the vendor and/or reworking the softwareD that created the FAT volume data structure(s) involved, there are' comparatively few options available. 2 BADDBGDEV/invalid or unexpected debugging device detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program< Explanation: A DECwindows call used within debugging codeA returned an unexpected device name, or no debugging device was available.? User Action: An internal error has apparently been detected.A Please contact support. If this error can be reproduced with aB specific command or a specific command sequence, please provide the reproducer. 2 BADDEVALIASbad device alias specified> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: this message reports the specified device alias name is invalid.D User Action: Specify a valid device-like name (with colon) as the device alias. 2 BADDIRSPECinvalid directory specification> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: an invalid or unrecognized directory specification has been encountered@ User Action: Please respecify the command, using the expected syntax. 2 BADF11NAMinvalid OpenVMS filename> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program< Explanation: an invalid or unrecognized filename has been encounteredC User Action: If this error can be reproduced and is not a result1 of invalid data input, please contact support. 2 BADF12SIZE6specified volume partition size is too small for FAT12> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: the specified partition volume creation size request) is too small to be for a FAT12 volume.C User Action: Specify a valid partition file size. For FAT12, the@ volume size is typically either 1440 or (more commonly) 2880. 2 BADF16SIZE6specified volume partition size is too large for FAT16> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: the specified partition volume creation size request) is too large to be for a FAT16 volume.C User Action: Specify a valid partition file size. For FAT16, the< volume size must be less than or equal to 4194304 blocks. 2 BADFAT@FAT sector unavailable, synthesizing a FAT sector of EOC entries> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: this message reports a device error reading the@ File Allocation Table (FAT), and the generation of a block ofC End Of Cluster Chain (EOC) end of file entries in the FAT table;C all files involving FAT entries within the failed FAT sector are effectively truncated.D User Action: Attempt to copy all user data off the FAT volume, as( it appears the FAT volume is failing. 2 BADFATNAMinvalid FAT filename> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program< Explanation: an invalid or unrecognized filename has been  encounteredC User Action: If this error can be reproduced and is not a result1 of invalid data input, please contact support. 2 BADFATSPEC+invalid FAT file or directory specification> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: an invalid or unrecognized FAT file or directory% specification has been encountered@ User Action: Please respecify the command, using the expected syntax. 2 BADFILSPECinvalid file specification> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: an invalid or unrecognized directory specification has been encountered@ User Action: Please respecify the command, using the expected syntax. 2 BADGPTOPT6select MBR-only operations, or re-INITIALIZE this disk> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: GPT.SYS is present but apparently ill-formed or ill-sized.D User Action: Use the DCL comm ands DIRECTORY and DUMP to determineB if the file is present, if the file is writable, and if storage= is allocated to all blocks of the file. In particular, try@ to DUMP/BLOCK=START=lastblock the last block of the file. (IfB this dump of the last block fails, you cannot use GPT bootstrap@ structures with this disk, and you must either select and useD MBR-only operations or you must reinitialize the entire disk with% a valid GPT and reload the files.) 2 BADGPTSYS1[00000 0]GPT.SYS incorrectly placed on target disk> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: The GPT.SYS file is not correctly located on the> target disk. When present, this file must have at least two? extents, with the lowest extent covering the first 33 blocksB rounded up to the disk cluster factor, and the last extent mustD occupy the last 33 logical blocks, rounded up to the disk cluster factor.C User Action: The specified disk structure is not compatible with@ GPT-based bootstraps, and must either use the traditional MBRD bootstrap or must be reinitialized with the GPT option specified.@ There is no mechanism available that can retrofit the GPT.SYSA file onto an existing disk without requiring reinitialization. 2 BADINDEXF1INDEXF.SYS file incorrectly placed on target disk> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: The INDEXF.SYS file is not correctly located on the target disk.D User Action: The specified disk volume structure appears corrupt. 2 BADLFDEPTH2permissible long filename directory depth exceeded> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: Too many subdirectories have been specified in the file path.C User Action: If this error can be reproduced and is not a result1 of invalid data input, please contact support. 2 BADLFNAM+invalid or unsupported long filename syntax> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: an invalid or unrecognized long filename has been encounteredC User Action: If this error can be reproduced and is not a result1 of invalid data input, please contact support. 2 BADPARAM bad parameter> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: an internal argument-passing error has occured, and@ the specified operation or internal call cannot be completed.D User Action: If the problem can be reproduced, please contact the! support center for assistance. 2 BADPARTITION1invalid or corrupt target volume partition record> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: this message indicates that the target volume is not@ partitioned, or that the partition header has been corrupted.? User Action: Verify that the target volume is consistent and= uncorrupted, and particularly that the partition record isA correct using SHOW MBR or another verification utility. If the@ volume partition record is valid, please contact the customer support center. 2 BADPARTVALpartition specification invalid> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program; Explanation: the specified partition value is not valid.? This typically means that the specified value is outside theD permissible range of values for the particular type of partition.B User Action: The partition specification is not compatible with? the volume format. Usually, the specification is outside theB range that is valid for the target volume. Respecify within the? valid range. Additional messages will typically indicate the, range for the specified volume structure. 2 BADPATH(path component dir is missing or invalid> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program> Explanation: A component of a syntactically valid file path@ specification is not valid. Most commonly, the path component? does not match an existing directory. This is not permitted.* User Action: Please respecify the path. 2 BADPOOL/an internal memory corruption has been detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: integrity checks associated with a memory allocationB or a deallocation operation have detected an application memory pool corruption.? User Action: an internal applic ation memory management error< has been detected. If you are an engineer supporting thisC application, this error can also be easily triggered by a change@ to a core data structure that has not been followed by a fullB source rebuild. If you are a user of this application, you willB want to contact the support center, and you will likely need toC restart the application, as this error indicates a fatal problemD within the application run-time environment. If this error can be6 reproduced, please provide details of this process. 2 BADROOTDIRinvalid root directory> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: an invalid or unrecognized root directory has been encounteredC User Action: If this error can be reproduced and is not a result1 of invalid data input, please contact support. 2 BADSFNAM,invalid or unsupported short filename syntax> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: an invalid or unrecognized short filename has been encounteredC User Action: If this error can be reproduced and is not a result1 of invalid data input, please contact support. 2 BADVBNMAP!VBN scatter-gather map is corrupt> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program; Explanation: This indicates an internal error within theB processing, and particularly that a core mapping data structure" has been found to be corrupted.B User Action: If the condition can be reproduced, please contact support. 2 BADWILDCARD;invalid wildcard use in FAT file or directory specification> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: an invalid use of wildcards was used. The only validD uses currently are for the filename portion - they cannot be usedC in the path - and only the simple forms of wildcards can be usedA - that is the name or extension cannot be partially wildcarded but must fully be wildcarded.@ User Action: Please respecify the command, using the expected syntax. 2 CLNSHUT volume reports improper dismount> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: the specified volume was not properly dismounted,( and may not be in a consistent state.@ User Action: Check the target volume for structural validity. 2 CLUSALLOsuccessful storage allocation> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program. Explanation: allocation operation succeededD User Action: consider the acquisition of additional disk storage,> as certain of the available storage has just been utilized. 2 COPIEDcopied srcfile to dstfile> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program: Explanation: This informational message is displayed as@ requested, and indicates the specified source file was copied to the specified target file.: User Action: Informational. No user action is required. 2 CREATERRcreation error> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program2 Explanation: cannot create the specified objectA User Action: resolve the problems cited with the messages that accompany this one. 2 CREERRCreation failure> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program; Explanation: An error was detected within the FAT volume? structure volume processing during FAT file or FAT directory= creation, and the associated command operation has failed.C User Action: If this error can be reproduced and is not a result1 of invalid data input, please contact support. 2 DELETEDdeleted deleted> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program; Explanation: the FAT file or directory has been deleted.- User Action: informational output for /LOG 2 DELETERRdeletion error> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program2 Explanation: cannot delete the specified objectA User Action: resolve the problems cited with the messages that accompany this one. 2 DEVNOTALLdevice is not allocatable> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program> Explanation: The specified target volume does not appear to> be capable of being allocated; the device is either alreadyA allocated by another user, or the device is mounted shareable.B User Action: Check the target device name specified, and ensure9 the device is appropriate for the requested operation. 2 DEVNOTFOD%device is not a files-oriented device> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: The specified target volume does not appear to be@ capable of file storage, and is apparently unsuitable for the specified operation.B User Action: Check the target device name specified, and ensure9 the device is appropriate for the requested operation. 2 DEVNOTRDY-device not ready, not mounted, or unavailable> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: the target device is not ready, not mounted, not' available or otherwise inaccessable.D User Action: Please check the device specification used and check: the status of the target device, and resolve the error. 2 DEVTOOSMALL(specified target FAT volume is too small> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: the target device is too small to be a FAT device,* or an internal error has been detected.A User Action: If the volume is large enough to be a FAT device,) please contact support for assistance. 2 DFUDEFLBN1files can be aligned with DFU DEFRAGMENT /LBN=lbn> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: This message provides a command which can align a? disk file onto a particular disk logical block number (LBN).@ User Action: This message is normally associated with another; error. Please resolve the primary error. The DFU utility< installation kit is available on various OpenVMS Freeware distributions. 2 DIRFULLdirectory file is full> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: the directory file has insufficient room for the8 requested additional file(s), and cannot be extended.< User Action: delete some files, or use shorter filenames. 2 DIRNOTEMT specified directory is not empty> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: The specified directory object contains files, and thus cannot be deleted.B User Action: delete the files first, then delete the directory. 2 DIRNOTFOU!cannot locate specified directory> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: the target directory is not found, not available or otherwise inaccessable.B User Action: Please check the file specification used and check< the contents of the target device, and resolve the error. 2 DISMOUNTvolume volume dismounted> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program> Explanation: the specified volume was dismounted, and is no longer accessable.@ User Action: when you next wish to access the contents of theA now-dismounted volume, you will want to first remount it using the MOUNT command. 2 DRVERR+drive error error reading FAT sector sector> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: this message reports a device error reading theA File Allocation Table (FAT). If multiple copies of the FAT are@ present, similar errors are being reported across all copies.D User Action: Attempt to copy all user data off the FAT volume, as( it appears the FAT volume is failing. 2 DRVERRETRY7drive error reading FAT sector sector, attempting retry> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: this message reports a device error reading theC File Allocation Table (FAT). This is ominous. If multiple copies? of the FAT are present, there will be an attempt to read theC required FAT data from the same sector within an another copy of the FAT.D User Action: Attempt to copy all user data off the FAT volume, as( it appears the FAT volume is failing. 2 DRVERRSEC0attempting to read FAT table table sector sector> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: this message is usually reported in conjunctionA with other messages, and is typically displayed when there areC errors reading the File Allocation Table (FAT). These errors areA ominous. If multiple copies of the FAT are present, there willC be an attempt to read the required FAT data from the same sector? within an another copy of the FAT. (The FAT table display isC zero-based, and the sector display is the relative sector within the FAT.)D User Action: Attempt to copy all user data off the FAT volume, as( it appears the FAT volume is failing. 2 DRVERRSTSdrive error error reading FAT> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: this message reports a device error reading theC File Allocation Table (FAT). This is ominous. If multiple copies? of the FAT are present, there will be an attempt to read theC required FAT data from the same sector within an another copy of the FAT.D User Action: Attempt to copy all user data off the FAT volume, as( it appears the FAT volume is failing. 2 DUPLTAIL3unable to generate unique numeric tail for filename> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: There are too many files of similar long file namesC on the FAT volume, and the associated unique 8. 3 filename cannot be generated as required.A User Action: Use additional and unique long file names, or use? additional FAT volumes. The short name is generated from theD first one to up to six characters of the long filename, and it isC the numbers of duplicate strings within this portion of all longC filenames presently in use that is triggering this error. Use ofB filenames that are not unique within the first one to up to sixC characters will inherently reduce the performance of various FAT volume operations, as well. 2 EOF end of file> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program: Explanation: an end of file condition has been detected: User Action: resolve messages associated with this one. 2 ERRALIAS&invalid specification of /DEVICE_ALIAS> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: the specification of /DEVICE_ALIAS is incorrect in this context.@ User Action: This message is expected to be associated with aB command syntax error. Please verify the command syntax, and re- enter the specified command. 2 ERRCREATE'partition creation error error detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: the partition creation has failed with the specified error@ User Action: This message is expected to be associated with aB command syntax error. Please verify the command syntax, and re- enter the specified command. 2 ERRCRESIZ(specification of partition size required> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: specification of the size of the created partition is required.@ User Action: This message is expected to be associated with aB command syntax error. Please verify the command syntax, and re- enter the specified command. 2 ERRDEVICE7specification of a device or of a partition is required> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program< Explanation: specification of either the device or of the partition is required.@ User Action: This message is expected to be associated with aB command syntax error. Please verify the command syntax, and re- enter the specified command. 2 ERRIVDEV,invalid specification of device or partition> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: an invalid specification of either the device or of the partition was detected.@ User Action: This message is expected to be associated with aB command syntax error. Please verify the command syntax, and re- enter the specified command. 2 ERRLABEL&specification of volume label required> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: the specification of the volume label is required@ User Action: This message is expected to be associated with aB command syntax error. Please verify the command syntax, and re- enter the specified command. 2 ERRLABOVR>specification of volume label or of label override is required> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: specification of either the volume label or of the1 appropriate volume label override is required.@ User Action: This message is expected to be associated with aB command syntax error. Please verify the command syntax, and re- enter the specified command. 2 F12RSCNOT1#invalid FAT12 reserved sector count> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: Per EFI FAT specifications, the FAT12 volume canB have any reserved sector count greater than zero, but the value= is usually 1. Specifications allege other values can cause. incompatibilities in certain circumstances.B User Action: No action is required. The valid is valid, and the6 volume will be correctly processed by this utility. 2 F16RSCNOT1#invalid FAT16 reserved sector count> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: Per EFI FAT specifications, the FAT16 volume canB have any reserved sector count greater than zero, but the value= is usually 1. Specifications allege other values can cause. incompatibilities in certain circumstances.B User Action: No action is required. The valid is valid, and the6 volume will be correctly processed by this utility. 2 F32RSCNOT320valid but unexpected FAT32 reserved sector count> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: Per EFI FAT specifications, the FAT32 volume canB have any reserved sector count greater than zero, but the value> is usually 32. Specifications allege other values can cause. incompatibilities in certain circumstances.B User Action: No action is required. The valid is valid, and the6 volume will be correctly processed by this utility. 2 FAT12MAX!Cluster count too large for FAT12> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: FAT12 has a capacity limit on the numbers of storage@ allocation units (clusters), and this limit has been reached.@ User Action: You must specify or utilize volumes with smaller@ cluster counts, or switch to a FAT structure that permits the required number of clusters. 2 FAT16MAX!Cluster count too large for FAT16> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: FAT16 has a capacity limit on the numbers of storage@ allocation units (clusters), and this limit has been reached.@ User Action: You must specify or utilize volumes with smaller@ cluster counts, or switch to a FAT structure that permits the required number of clusters. 2 FAT32MAX!Cluster count too large for FAT32> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: FAT32 has a capacity limit on the numbers of storage@ allocation units (clusters), and this limit has been reached.B User Action: You must specify or utilize volumes with a smaller< cluster required number of clusters; the attempted volume1 structure is beyond the upper limits of FAT32. 2 FAT32MIN!Cluster count too small for FAT32> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: FAT32 has a capacity limit on the numbers of storage@ allocation units (clusters), and this limit has been reached.A User Action: You must specify or utilize volumes with a larger? cluster count, or switch to a FAT structure that permits theA required number of clusters; the attempted volume structure is$ beyond the lower limits of FAT32. 2 FATNYI:FAT volume structure not recognized or not yet implemented> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program= Explanation: The FAT volume structure that was detected isC either not a recognized FAT volume structure, or is a FAT volume: structure that is not yet implemented within this tool.B User Action: Use a FAT volume structure supported by this tool,2 or formally request an enhancement to the tool. 2 FATOVF/FAT value value overflows supported limit value> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program6 Explanation: internal FAT data structure corruptionC User Action: An internal error has been detected. Please contactC support. If this error can be reproduced with a specific commandA or a specific command sequence, please provide the reproducer. 2 FATTYPFAT structure type code> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program= Explanation: This message normally accompanies one or more> additional messages, and provides addititional information.< Resolve the condition(s) associated with the accompanying message(s).9 User Action: This particular message is informational. 2 FATTYPERR1corrupted FAT volume structure type code detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program= Explanation: An internal consistency check has detected anC unsupported or an invalid FAT type code. This error is generallyD fatal, as a correct determination of the particular flavor of FAT; for the current volume is central to correct operations.? User Action: If this is a supported FAT volume structure, anD internal erro r has been detected. Please contact support. If this@ error can be reproduced with a specific command or a specificB command sequence and particularly using a FAT version supported/ by this tool, please provide the reproducer. 2 FILNOTALI0file is not aligned to specified sector boundary> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: the target file is not aligned with the specifiedC sector boundary. This most commonly arises when the input v olume@ cluster factor is not a multiple of the specified output diskA sector size; when the input file is not aligned on a 2048-byte? (four block) sector boundary. (Given that files involved are> expected to be marked /NOMOVE, the tool will not attempt toC perform a MOVEFILE or similar low-level operation; the tool will1 not attempt to correct the positioning error.)A User Action: Either relocate the file to a sector boundary, orA reinitialize the input volume to use a multiple of four as theC volume cluster factor. The DFU command DEFRAGMENT/LBN=lbn can be- used to locate a file onto a specific LBN. 2 FILNOTFOUcannot locate specified file> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program> Explanation: the target file is not found, not available or otherwise inaccessable.B User Action: Please check the file specification used and check< the contents of the target device, and resolve the error. 2 FIXEDDATE7 fixed date date selected for regression test processing> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program9 Explanation: This informational is displayed only when< diagnostics are enabled, and when an actual date and timeB value is being replaced with a value intended solely for easing# processing for regression tests.? User Action: Informational. No user action is required. This? message should never be displayed in normal operations, onlyD appearing when user diagnostics and regression testing mechanisms! are both explicitly requested. 2 FLUSHFAT0flushing FAT volume caches out to the FAT volume> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: The preceding operation has caused a requirement for@ the FAT file system caches to be flushed out to the FAT disk.: User Action: Informational. No user action is required. 2 GETUNRARCH1unrecognized or unsupported architecture detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: This application has detected an unrecognized or an unsupported architecture.A User Action: Confirm that the target target system device is a" valid and bootable system disk. 2 GPTIOERR6attempt to write to or to erase [000000]GPT.SYS failed> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: GPT.SYS is present, but is apparently ill-formed or ill-sized.D User Action: Use the DCL commands DIRECTORY and DUMP to determineB if the file is present, if the file is writable, and if storage= is allocated to all blocks of the file. In particular, useA DUMP/BLOCK=START=lastblock to dump the last allocated block of? the file. (If this dump of the last block fails, the GPT.SYSD file likely overhangs the end of the disk, and you cannot use GPTB bootstrap structures with this disk. You must either select andC use MBR-only operations or you must reinitialize the entire disk* with a valid GPT and reload the files.) 2 GPTVERSGPT version vers detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program< Explanation: This message displays the version of the GPT4 structure, and often accompanies another message.6 User Action: In isolation, this message is entirelyC informational. If there is another error message, please resolve that issue. 2 HIGHERVERS8unexpected GPT bootblock data struct ure version detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: The specified bootblock contains what appear to beB GPT data structures, but the data structure version code is not one that was expected.A User Action: The command or request may not be able to operateD as requested. If the target volume contains valid GPT structures,@ then the version of this tool is apparently incompatible with? that of the target structures. Depending on the context, the. utility may attempt to continue processing. 2 HRDERRvolume reports a hard error> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: the specified volume reports a structural error, and$ may not be in a consistent state.@ User Action: Check the target volume for structural validity. 2 ICFNEST5indirect command file nesting exceeds max level limit> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program> Explanation: the number of indirect command file levels has8 exceeded the hardcoded limits within the application.C User Action: specify fewer levels of nesting, or contact support? and request that the hardcoded maximim permissible number of/ indirect command file nestings be increased. 2 ILLIOFUNC&illegal or corrupted I/O function code> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: an internal error has been detected, and an I/O* function code is illegal, or corrupted.C User Action: An internal error has been detected. Please contactC support. If this error can be reproduced with a specific commandA or a specific command sequence, please provide the reproducer. 2 INCOMPATFAT:record organization or file structure not supported by FAT> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: The target file has an RMS record format or fileC structure that is not supported by FAT, nor by operating systems? or environments or applications typically accessing files on> FAT volumes. As a result, the file contents are unlikely toA be easily accessable within these environments, and may or may@ not be viewable by or by accessable these applications. It is? unlikely that the record attributes and file structures willA restored correctly should the file be subsequently copied backC onto an OpenVMS disk, as well; the record attributes and detailsC of the file structure may or will be lost. While most any modernC platform does support one or more sequential file formats, thereA can be and often are record-level differences within the bytesC associated with a particular sequential file storage format on a@ particular platform. The file record format for the specified> file is expected to be unique to OpenVMS. Files using blockD formats, or files of Stream or Stream Linefeed record formats areC generally the most compatible forma ts across the most platforms.> This message is only generated when copying file(s) from an8 OpenVMS volume structure onto a FAT volume structure.= User Action: No particular user action is required, though= the conversion to and the use of a record format supported= more directly by applications using FAT would certainly be> recommended. You can protect OpenVMS structures using a zipD archive to protect the attributes, or you can potentially restoreD the attributes by using either CONVERT/FDL or SET FILE/ATTRIBUTESD to restore lost record attributes on any files imported back into OpenVMS. 2 INCOMPMOUNT>incompatibly-mounted target volume; mounted private or foreign> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program> Explanation: The target volume for the operation is mountedB privately or is mounted foreign, and only a subset of bootblockB operations are available on such volumes. The current operation> is not one of the operations permitted on such volumes-file> contiguity checks and file size checks are not permitted on) foreign-mounted volumes, for instance.A User Action: This message is typically associated with another error. 2 INCVOLLABELincorrect volume label> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: The label specified does not match the label on the volume.A User Action: Verify that the correct volume is mounted; verify@ the label entered. Repeat the request, specifying the correct+ volume label or specifying /OVERRIDE=ID. 2 INSFMEMinsufficient free memory> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program= Explanation: there is insufficient memory available for an> allocation request, either due to insufficiently-configuredA process address space or (far less likely) due to a corruption of the process memory pool.@ User Action: configure additional process memory, log out and( back in, and restart the application. 2 INTIL3OVFinternal itemlist overflow> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program= Explanation: An internal consistency check has detected anB itemlist overflow, and the size of the particular itemlist data$ structure involved is hard-coded.C User Action: An internal error has been detected. Please contactC support. If this error can be reproduced with a specific commandA or a specific command sequence, please provide the reproducer. 2 INVCACHE)invalid or mismatched file cache detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: the contents of the file cache do not reflect the current fileC User Action: If this error can be reproduced and is not a result1 of invalid data input, please contact support. 2 INVCHAINinvalid cluster chain detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program: Explanation: the contents of the file cluster chain are corrupted.C User Action: If this error can be reproduced and is not a result1 of invalid data input, please contact support. 2 INVF12CF#invalid FAT12 volume cluster factor> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: Per EFI FAT specifications, no FAT12 volume canD offer more than 4084 clusters, and this volume erroneously offers0 more. The FAT volume is apparently corrupted.C User Action: Reinitialize the FAT12 volume with a larger cluster; factor, or reinitialize the volume using FAT16 or FAT32. 2 INVF12RSC#invalid FAT12 reserved sector count> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: Per EFI FAT specifications, no FAT12 volume can have@ a reserved sector count of zero. The FAT volume is apparently corrupted.. User Action: Reinitialize the FAT12 volume. 2 INVF16CF#invalid FAT16 volume cluster factor> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: Per EFI FAT specifications, no FAT16 volume can> offer less than 4085 clusters nor more than 65524 clusters,@ and this volume is outside the valid range. The FAT volume is apparently corrupted.A User Action: Reinitialize the FAT16 volume with a cluster size? that will produce a cluster factor in the required range, or0 reinitialize the volume using FAT12 or FAT32. 2 INVF16RSC#invalid FAT16 reserved sector count> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: Per EFI FAT specifications, no FAT16 volume can have@ a reserved sector count of zero. The FAT volume is apparently corrupted.. User Action: Reinitialize the FAT12 volume. 2 INVF32CF#invalid FAT32 volume cluster factor> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: Per EFI FAT specifications, no FAT32 volume canA  offer less than 65525 clusters, and this volume is outside the7 valid range. The FAT volume is apparently corrupted.< User Action: Reinitialize the FAT32 volume with a smallerA cluster size; with a cluster factor within the required range,3 or reinitialize the volume using FAT12 or FAT16. 2 INVF32RSC#invalid FAT32 reserved sector count> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: Per EFI FAT specifications, no FAT32 volume can have@ a reserved sector count of zero. The FAT volume is apparently corrupted.. User Action: Reinitialize the FAT12 volume. 2 INVLBNinvalid logical block number> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: The specified logical block number is invalid. This? generally points to an internal error, or to an error in the volume structure.A User Action: Retry. Dismount and remote the volume, and retry.C If the problemc persists, reinitialize the entire volume. If the7 condition can be reproduced, please contact support. 2 INVVBNinvalid virtual block number> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: The specified virtual block number is invalid. This? generally points to an internal error, or to an error in the volume structure.A User Action: Retry. Dismount and remote the volume, and retry.C If the problemc persists, reinitialize the entire volume. If the7 condition can be reproduced, please contact support. 2 INVVOLInvalid volume format> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program> Explanation: One or more of the volume structure checks has? failed. Failures normally indicate that the specified targetC disk is not a recognized or supported format, or the target disk volume is corrupted.8 User Action: Repair or reinitialize the target volume? appropriately, or transfer the contents of the FAT volume to: one of the recognized and supported FAT volume formats. 2 ISDIRtarget is a directory> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program9 Explanation: the specified target file is a directory.@ User Action: This particular message is informational, and is, normally associated with another message. 2 ISMFDtarget is master file directory> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program5 Explanation: the specified file is the volume MFD.@ User Action: This particular message is informational, and is, normally associated with another message. 2 LBLOCKED9logical block I/O operations to target device are blocked> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program; Explanation: All logical block read and write operations. targeting the specified device are disabled@ User Action: An internal safety interlock has been triggered.A Please contact support. If this error can be reproduced with aB specific command or a specific command sequence, please provide the reproducer. 2 LOWERVERS1Bad GPT bootblock data structure version detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: The specified bootblock contains what appear to beB GPT data structures, but the data structure version code is too old.A User Action: The command or request may not be able to operateD as requested. If the target volume contains valid GPT structures,@ then the version of this tool is apparently incompatible with? that of the target structures. Depending on the context, the. utility may attempt to continue processing. 2 LOWVER%specified software version is too low> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program: Explanation: the software version does not meet minimal requirements.? User Action: Check that the specified software version meets< minimal requirements, and upgrade the software as needed. 2 MBRPART.valid Master Boot Record partitioning detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program> Explanation: the specified volume has MBR disk partitioning9 User Action: This particular message is informational. 2 MCMLXXX_MMCVII7Year year exceeds FAT architectural limits for the date> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program= Explanation: The specified date is outside of the FAT year> limits, and most likely the date has exceeded the Year 2107D (MCMLXXX) expiration date. This condition can also arise when theD specified year is prior to 1980 (MMCVII); when the year specifiedD precedes the earliest year permitted within the FAT architecture.> User Action: exchange the current FAT disk volume structure> for a new file system or for an updated FAT file system (if< available), or set the system time to a date between 1980? and 2107, inclusive. For additional information, consult any available Y2K archives. 2 MFDFULLmaster file directory is full> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: the master file directory file has insufficient roomA for the requested additional file or directory, and the master@ file directory cannot be extended on FAT12 and FAT16 volumes.< User Action: delete some files, or use shorter filenames. 2 MNTCOMMENT)please load the FAT volume into the drive> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: we here ask the operator nicely, seeking to have the3 FAT volume loaded into the specified disk drive.? User Action: this message is intended to be displayed to theD system operators upon problems mounting the specified FAT volume. 2 MOUNTED"FAT volume volume has been mounted> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: the specified FAT-format volume has been mounted.? User Action: The FAT-format storage volume has been mounted, typically at user request. 2 MOVEABLE%file is erronously marked as moveable> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program: Explanation: The file attributes erroneously permit theA relocation of the bootfile by a disk defragmentation tool, and7 the target volume is thus vulnerable to corruptions.B User Action: Use the DCL command SET FILE/NOMOVE to pre vent theD file from being relocated. Failure to mark the bootfile as NOMOVE@ can lead to stale information stored in the boot block and to@ corresponding problems with subsequent bootstraps. Should theB bootfile actually be relocated, you will have to bootstrap fromC another OpenVMS system disk or from an OpenVMS distribution kit,, and update the contents of the bootblock. 2 MUSTBEDIR4specification must be a directory for TREE or SUBDIR> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program= Explanation: the user provided a filename when only a pathB name can be specified. The /SUBDIR command can use a wildcarded, filename but not a fully specificed name.@ User Action: Please respecify the command, using the expected syntax. 2 NESTED9nested partitions are incompatible with some EFI firmware> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: Certain versions of EFI firmware and all currentC versions of SETBOOT are intolerant of any attempts to nest MBRs.! User Action: Do not nest MBRs. 2 NEWALIAS+new EFI console boot alias will be required> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: A request to preserve existing signatures has beenC made, but no existing signatures have been found. New signaturesA have been generated, and any existing EFI console boot aliasesC will have to be recreated or new aliases created. This typi cally> indicates there were no existing EFI GPT structures, or the) structures were found to be corrupted.= User Action: The requested operation completed and the EFIC bootstrap structures written to the disk are valud, though thereD are new disk signatures and any existing EFI console boot aliasesB referencing existing signatures could not be preserved. Use theB EFI console to delete the old boot aliases, and then to add the4 new boot alias associated with the new signature. 2 NOBOOACC no bootblock access is available> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: attempts to access the bootblock data structures? stored in LBN0 via virtual I/O and the GPT.SYS or INDEXF.SYS= files and via direct logical I/O read access for LBN0 haveB failed. This prevents the determination of the target bootblock> architecture, and any other similar derivative information.< User Action: Please target a disk with accessable GPT.SYS< or INDEXF.SYS structures, or please operate from within aA process context possessing LOG_IO privilege or other necessary privileges. 2 NOBTBALPHA:target volume does not contain the Alpha VAX BTB bootblock> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program= Explanation: The specified target does not contain the BTB9 structures associated with an OpenVMS Alpha bootstrap.C User Action: The command or request cannot operate as requested.C If the target volume contains BTB structures, then the volume is apparently corrupted. 2 NOBTBVAX4target volume does not contain the VAX BTB bootblock> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program= Explanation: The specified target does not contain the BTB7 structures associated with an OpenVMS VAX bootstrap.C User Action: The command or request cannot operate as requested.C If the target volume contains BTB structures, then the volume is apparently corrupted. 2 NOCLUSFREE$no clusters available for allocation> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program< Explanation: There are no storage units available for theD requested operation; the disk is too full to process the request.? User Action: There is insufficient storage for the requestedB operation. Release some storage, delete some files, or move the1 contents of this disk to a larger disk volume. 2 NOCOLON6ensure the device alias specification includes a colon> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: this message is usually associated with a report3 that the specified device alias name is invalid.D User Action: Specify a valid device-like name (with colon) as the device alias. 2 NODISKSIGno valid disk signature found> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program> Explanation: A request to preserve existing disk signaturesA has  been made, but no existing signatures have been found. NewD signatures have been generated, and any existing EFI console bootA aliases will have to be recreated or new aliases created. ThisD typically indicates there were no existing EFI GPT structures, or- the structures were found to be corrupted.= User Action: The requested operation completed and the EFIC bootstrap structures written to the disk are valud, though thereD are new disk signatures and any existing EFI console boot aliasesB referencing existing signatures could not be preserved. Use theB EFI console to delete the old boot aliases, and then to add the4 new boot alias associated with the new signature. 2 NODISMOUNTcannot dismount volume volume> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program4 Explanation: the specified volume is not mounted.C User Action: The particular command or operation is incompatibleD with a volume that is already mounted. Specify the correct targetD device for the command, or DISMOUNT the specified device and then re-issue the command. 2 NOEFIBOOT:target volume does not contain an MBR or GPT EFI partition> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: The specified target does not contain the structures; associated with an OpenVMS EFI MBR or EFI GPT bootstrap.C User Action: The command or request cannot operate as requested.C If the target volume contains MBR structures, then the volume is apparently corrupted. 2 NOEFISIZ-unable to determine size for SYS$EFI.SYS file> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program> Explanation: The software is not able to determine the size? of the SYS$EFI.SYS file, and no size has been provided. ThisC condition most commonly arises when the target volume is mounted foreign.? User Action: If using the callable interface with a foreign-@ mounted volume, please specify the size. If using the command6 interface, please remount the target volume native. 2 NOFATCACHEFAT cache not allocated> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program; Explanation: This indicates an internal error within the@ processing, and particularly that a core cache data structure6 has been found to be unallocated and uninitialized.B User Action: If the condition can be reproduced, please contact support. 2 NOFATDEVno FAT dev ice is mounted> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program; Explanation: there is no FAT device known to the utilityD User Action: You must issue the MOUNT command within the utility,1 and you can then re-issue the failing command. 2 NOFATVER2FAT partition version information is not available> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: the FAT partition was not built with the EFI$CP: tool, and compatibility wit h OpenVMS cannot be assumed.A User Action: Initialize the FAT partition with the appropriate* OpenVMS tools, and retry the operation. 2 NOFILESno matching files were found> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: The specified directory is empty, or the specified file was not found.= User Action: This can be entirely normal. If the directory@ should have files or the file should exist, the volume and/or1 the directory is co rrupt. Restore from BACKUP. 2 NOGPT.specified target volume does not contain a GPT> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: The specified target volume does not contain the- structures associated with an OpenVMS GPT.C User Action: The command or request cannot operate as requested.C If the target volume contains GPT structures, then the volume isB apparently corrupted. If the target volume does not contain GPT< structures, then  the command cannot operate as requested. 2 NOMBR$target volume does not contain a MBR> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: The specified target volume does not contain the- structures associated with an OpenVMS MBR.C User Action: The command or request cannot operate as requested.C If the target volume contains MBR structures, then the volume isB apparently corrupted. If the target volume does not contain MBR< structures, the n the command cannot operate as requested. 2 NOMBRPART3selected Master Boot Record partition not available> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: the requested partition was not detected on the target volume.D User Action: Re-enter the command with no partition specified, or> with a partition specification valid for the target volume. 2 NOMEMDISK0invalid x86 System Disk missing MemoryDisk file.> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: x86 system disks must contain a MemoryDisk file: SYS$MD.DSKB User Action: it may be possible to create a new MemoryDisk fileB using SYS$MD.COM but this should be done with guidance from VSI Support personel. 2 NONCONTIG!file must be marked as contiguous> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program> Explanation: The file is comprised of two or more ranges of0 blocks, or could otherwise become fragmented.@ User Action: Use COPY/CONTIGUOUS or similar command to ensure6 that the file is contiguous, and retry the command. 2 NONCONTIGDIAG1diagnostic partition must be marked as contiguous> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: The SYS$DIAGNOSTICS hardware diagnostic partitionC is comprised of two or more ranges of blocks, or could otherwise become fragmented.@ User Action: Use COPY/CONTIGUOUS or similar command to ensure= that the diagnostic partition is contiguous, and retry the command. 2 NONFAT,target does not reside on a known FAT device> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: the device specified for a FAT operation is not a@ recognized FAT device specification. The target is either notA a FAT device, or not a FAT device that has been mounted withinA the current utility environment. This is incompatible with the command requirements.B User Action: Respecify the command, with a corrected FAT device= name or with a corrected FAT file specification parameter,< or mount the target FAT device within the current utility environment. 2 NONSECTORIAL"sector size bytes is not supported> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: the expected and sole supported sector size is 512? bytes. The target FAT disk is using a different sector size.7 User Action: the format of the specified FAT disk is( incompatible, and cannot be accessed. 2 NOPARTITION$the target volume is not partitioned> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: this message indicates that the target volume is not partitioned.D User Action: This message can be associated with another message,C usually BADPARTVAL. If so, Resolve the associated and underlying error. 2 NOSUREFIX3recovery from corruption may or may not be possible> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: this message is usually reported in conjunctionA with other messages, and is typically displayed when there areC errors reading the File Allocation Table (FAT). These errors are ominous.D User Action: Attempt to copy all user data off the FAT volume, as( it appears the FAT volume is failing. 2 NOTACHANspecified channel is invalid> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: an attempt was made to perform an I/O operation on an invalid channel.C User Action: An internal error has been detected. Please contactC support. If this error can be reproduced with a specific commandA or a specific command sequence, please provide the reproducer. 2 NOTCONTIGfile is not contiguous> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: The specified file must be comprised of a contiguous: series of disk blocks, and the file has been found non- contiguous.? User Action: Use the DCL command COPY/CONTIGUOUS to create aC contiguous file from the current non-contigous file, and reissue@ the failing command. If there is insufficient contiguous free? space on the target disk, you may have to delete or relocate; existing files, defragment the disk using a tool such as BACKUP/IMAGE, or both. 2 NOTFOUND)specified file or directory was not found> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program> Explanation: absent or not, the heart does not grow fonder.A User Action: specify a file or directory name that is present. 2 NOTMOUNTED)target volume is not mounted or not ready> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program< Explanation: The specified target volume must be mounted.= User Action: Use the DCL commands SHOW DEVICE and MOUNT toA determine the device status, and to mount the specified volume on the target device. 2 NOVBNMAP$VBN scatter-gather map not allocated> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program; Explanation: This indicates an internal error within theB processing, and particularly that a core mapping data structure6 has been found to be unallocated and uninitialized.B User Action: If the condition can be reproduced, please contact support. 2 NULLNAM3part or all of a path or file specification is null> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program> Explanation: parsing has found in invalid or incorrect file specification.A User Action: Respecify the pathname or filename after checking the syntax. 2 NULLTARGspecified target is null> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: an internal search target is null, and should not be.C User Action: An internal error has been detected. Please contactC support. If this error can be reproduced with a specific commandA or a specific command sequence, please provide the reproducer. 2 NYIFeature not yet implemented> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: The requested feature or requested operation is not available.= User Action: You will not be able to perform the requested operation. 2 ODDITY#internal structural oddity detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program: Explanation: A fatal internal processing error or other3 unexpected internal condition has been detected.C User Action: An internal error has been detected. Please contactC support. If this error can be reproduced with a specific commandA or a specific command sequence, please provide the reproducer. 2 OFFLINE3environment offline, unavailable and/or unsupported> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: The particular command or requested operation is notA available, is explicitly disabled, or is presently unsupported' within the current run-time context.: User Action: The particular command or operation is not available. 2 ONEPART;single-partition volume; no Master Boot Record partitioning> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program= Explanation: the specified volume has does not utilize MBR? disk partitioning. This informational message applies to theD configuration of the volume or of the partition that was mounted.9 User Action: This particular message is informational. 2 PARTITION the target volume is partitioned> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: this message indicates that the target volume is partitioned.D User Action: This message can be associated with another message,= usually BADPARTVAL or MOUNTED. If associated with an error7 status, resolve the associated and underlying error. 2 PARTNOTAVAIL(the specified partition is not available> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: A valid partition was selected and a valid partitionA header was found, but the selected partition does not exist on this volume.D User Action: Select a partition that exists on the target volume.> If the partition header is valid and the selected partition? actually does exist  on the target volume, please contact the* customer support center for assistance. 2 PERILCLUS@cluster count within 16 clusters of required FAT format cut-over> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: The specified FAT volume has a valid format, thoughA the count of clusters is within 16 clusters of a required cut-B over to the next larger or next smaller FAT format. Per EFI FATA specifications, this condition can cause instability wh en thisB volume is accessed from certain erronously-coded FAT utilities.B All FAT12 volumes must have fewer than 4085 clusters, all FAT16C volumes must have between 4085 and 65524 clusters inclusive, andC all FAT32 volumes must have at least 65525 clusters. This volume? is perilously close to one of these cluster count cut-overs.A User Action: While no action is specifically required, the EFIC FAT specifications do recommend reinitializing the volume with aD new cluster  size, and specifically with a cluster size calculatedA to avoid a cluster count in proximity to one of the FAT format cut-overs. 2 RENAMERR rename error> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program2 Explanation: cannot rename the specified objectA User Action: resolve the problems cited with the messages that accompany this one. 2 RSVDCLUSReserved cluster> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanati!on: an attempt to operate on a reserved storage cluster@ has occured. This can indicate a volume structure error, or a5 volume structure corruption, or an internal error.@ User Action: If this condition is not a result of a corruptedD FAT volume structure or media error and can be reproduced, please contact the support center. 2 SBDEFdefault: defname> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: This is the default specification for "a particular8 command. This specification is combined with the file5 specification to produce the target specification.? User Action: This message is typically a secondary error andD associated with a primary error message. This message is intendedD to provide additional information useful in the resolution of the primary error. 2 SBTRGseeking: filename> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: This is the name of the target# filename or of the* target device for a particular command.? User Action: This message is typically a secondary error andD associated with a primary error message. This message is intendedD to provide additional information useful in the resolution of the primary error. 2 SECTORBYTES#expected sector size is bytes bytes> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: this message reports the expected sector size. ThisD message can$ be caused by a volume that does not have the requiredA sector size, or by a corrupted volume, or by an unsupported or unrecognized volume format.D User Action: this message is informational, normally accompanying another message. 2 SEEKBPB"searching for BIOS Parameter Block> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: this message indicates the status of the processing.9 User Action: This particular message is informational. % 2 SEEKBPBNG%invalid BIOS Parameter Block detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: the specified volume does not utilize a recognized" BIOS Parameter Block structure.@ User Action: Check the target volume for structural validity. 2 SEEKBPBOK#valid BIOS Parameter Block detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: this message indicates the status of the processing.9 User Ac&tion: This particular message is informational. 2 SEEKMBR searching for Master Boot Record> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: this message indicates the status of the processing.9 User Action: This particular message is informational. 2 SEEKMBROK!valid Master Boot Record detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: this message indicates the status of the processing.9 User 'Action: This particular message is informational. 2 SETUNRARCH5cannot write unrecognized or unsupported architecture> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program; Explanation: This application does not support writing a: bootblock for the specified architecture; the specified3 architecture is not recognized or not supported.> User Action: Please select a supported architecture. If theB architecture is supported, please confirm the minimum necessary(= software revision of OpenVMS is present for the particular architecture. 2 SFNAMDEPTH3permissible short filename directory depth exceeded> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: Too many subdirectories have been specified in the file path.C User Action: If this error can be reproduced and is not a result1 of invalid data input, please contact support. 2 SKIPPINGskipping command processing> Facility: EFI$C)P, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Explanation: This condition code is used within the utility, and@ flags processing specific to the IF, ELSE and ENDIF commands.A User Action: This condition is used within the utility, and is@ not expected to be displayed to the user; this is an internal informational message. 2 SUCCESSsuccess> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program, Explanation: normal successful completionD User Action*: if you had intended to cause this operation to fail, please try harder next time. 2 SYNTAXinput command syntax error> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: an invalid or unrecognized command or command option was specified.B User Action: Please verify the command syntax, and re-enter the specified command. 2 SYSDIAGSYSSYS$DIAGNOSTICS.SYS> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program= Exp+lanation: This message displays the name of the OpenVMS@ I64 diagnostics partition file, and often accompanies another message.6 User Action: In isolation, this message is entirelyC informational. If there is another error message, please resolve that issue. 2 SYSEFISYS SYS$EFI.SYS> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: This message displays the name of the OpenVMS I64C bootstrap partition file, and often accompanies ano,ther message.6 User Action: In isolation, this message is entirelyC informational. If there is another error message, please resolve that issue. 2 TARGETREQ$target device specification required> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramA Explanation: The target device or device and primary bootstrap" file specification is required.; User Action: You must specify the target for the SETBOOT operation. 2 TPAEXITsuccessful tparse -transition> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: an internal state transition match has succeededA within the parsing logic; the attempted transition matches the input data.D User Action: this status is internal to the FAT filename parsing,D and should not be generally visible outside the application. ThisB message indicates a state transition match, and this status hasA little direct meaning outside of its use within the lib$table_. parse processing. 2 TPAFAIL-lib$table_parse parse state transition failed> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: an internal state transition match has failed withinA the parsing logic; the attempted transition does not match the input data.D User Action: this status is internal to the FAT filename parsing,D and should not be generally visible outside the application. ThisD message indicates a state transition failure, and/ this status hasA little direct meaning outside of its use within the lib$table_ parse processing. 2 TRYFIXFAT/trying to recover from a severe disk corruption> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: this message is usually reported in conjunctionA with other messages, and is typically displayed when there areC errors reading the File Allocation Table (FAT). These errors are ominous.D User Action: Attempt to copy all user0 data off the FAT volume, as( it appears the FAT volume is failing. 2 TRYMBR9only MBR-only boot block operations possible; invalid GPT> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program: Explanation: Consider requesting an MBR-only boot block initialization.? User Action: This message is typically a secondary error andD associated with a primary error message. This message is intended< to provide additional information useful in one potential$ resol1ution for the primary error. 2 UNEXPCOND,unexpected internal condition value detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program< Explanation: An internal operation should have returned a? particular status condition value and did not. This tends to1 indicate an internal error or data corruption.? User Action: An internal error has apparently been detected.A Please contact support. If this error can be reproduced with aB specific command or a s2pecific command sequence, please provide the reproducer. 2 UNKFATTYPFAT type type is not supported> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program= Explanation: the target FAT disk does not use a recognized> format, or the FAT format used is not one supported by this utility.7 User Action: the format of the specified FAT disk is( incompatible, and cannot be accessed. 2 UNKGPT5unknown, unsupported or unrecognized GPT partitioning> F3acility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: the specified volume does not utilize a recognized GPT disk partitioning scheme.@ User Action: Check the target volume for structural validity. 2 UNKIOFUNC4unknown, unrecognized or corrupted I/O function code> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program? Explanation: an internal error has been detected, and an I/O< function code is unrecognized, unsupported, or corrupted.C 4 User Action: An internal error has been detected. Please contactC support. If this error can be reproduced with a specific commandA or a specific command sequence, please provide the reproducer. 2 UNKIOTARG"unknown or unrecognized I/O target> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramD Explanation: an internal error has been detected, and the type of4 target for an I/O operation cannot be determined.C User Action: An internal error has been detecte5d. Please contactC support. If this error can be reproduced with a specific commandA or a specific command sequence, please provide the reproducer. 2 UNKMPFMT3unknown file header mapping pointer format detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: A mapping pointer in the file header is using an6 unrecognized or unsupported mapping pointer format.B User Action: There is no particular recovery for this error, ifA this is the6 most current version of this tool. This version ofC the tool is incompatible with the OpenVMS file header format, orA there is a corruption within the file header, or other similar error. 2 UNKPART1unknown, unsupported or unrecognized partitioning> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramB Explanation: the specified volume does not utilize a recognized disk partitioning scheme.@ User Action: Check the target volume for structural validity.7 2 UNKRMSORG/unknown RMS organization FAB$B_ORG org detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: an internal error has been detected; an RMS file; organization is unrecognized, unsupported, or corrupted.; User Action: An internal error has been detected. PleaseA check the integrity of all RMS files involved with the currentC operation. If all files are valid and consistent, please contactC support. If this error can be rep8roduced with a specific commandA or a specific command sequence, please provide the reproducer. 2 UNRECRX7unrecognized FAT12 floppy disk volume geometry detected> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: One or more of the FAT12 volume structure checks< has detected a volume geometry that is not recognized, asC EFI$CP supports only a subset of the available FAT12 floppy disk devices.< User Action: FAT12 volumes have predesignat 9ed geometries,= and this FAT12 volume has an unrecognized geometry. Repair? or reinitialize the target volume appropriately, or transfer@ the contents of the FAT volume onto one of the recognized and> supported FAT volume formats (and the associated geometry).B The 2HD 1.44 megabyte RX26 floppy disk drive is the most common2 floppy disk typically found on OpenVMS systems. 2 UNRGPTVERS2target volume contains an unrecognized GPT version> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS E:FI Partition Control Program> Explanation: The specified target volume appears to contain; a GPT, but the embedded version number is unexpected and unsupported.C User Action: The command or request cannot operate as requested.C If the target volume contains GPT structures, then the volume isB apparently corrupted, or can contain data structures that could' differ from the expected structures. 2 UNSUPBPB;unsupported or corrupt target BIOS Parameter Block detecte;d> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program> Explanation: One or more of the volume structure checks has? detected a volume format that is recognized, but that is not supported.8 User Action: Repair or reinitialize the target volume? appropriately, or transfer the contents of the FAT volume to: one of the recognized and supported FAT volume formats. 2 UNSUPVOLunsupported volume format> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Contr<ol Program> Explanation: One or more of the volume structure checks has? detected a volume format that is recognized, but that is not supported.8 User Action: Repair or reinitialize the target volume? appropriately, or transfer the contents of the FAT volume to: one of the recognized and supported FAT volume formats. 2 VALPARTITION9valid partition values must be between 0 and 3, inclusive> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control ProgramC Expla=nation: this message indicates the range of valid partition values.> User Action: This message is always associated with anotherC error, usually BADPARTVAL. Resolve the associated and underlying error. 2 VOLINIT&FAT volume volume has been initialized> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program8 Explanation: the specified FAT-format volume has been initialized.C User Action: The FAT-format storage volume has been initialized,8 typical>ly at user request. This particular message is informational. 2 VOLLABELFAT volume has label label> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program3 Explanation: The volume has the specified label.A User Action: Verify that the correct volume is mounted; verifyC the label entered. If this is not the label you expected, please> dismount this volume and find and mount the volume with the expected label. 2 WRITELOCKtarget volume is write-l?ocked> Facility: EFI$CP, The OpenVMS EFI Partition Control Program@ Explanation: an operation writing write access failed, as the0 target volume is currently mounted read-only.B User Action: evaluate if the target volume should be dismountedC and mounted writable, or if the operation is appropriate for the specified volume. ww1h 1 ExamplesA This section describes various example sequences used with theA EFI$CP package, and shows sequences s@imilar to what is used toA initialize the core bootstrap partition file, and the hardware diagnostic partition file. 2 DeviceC EFI$CP permits access to OpenVMS I64 bootable device structures.B The example shows use of the LD logical disk capabilities and aD backing file, though EFI$CP operations with a device are entirely+ similar once the LD device is connected.D This section contains both an example and a detailed description. 3 Example($ LD CREATE SYAS$SCRATCH:LD.DAT/SIZE=2880%$ LD CONNECT SYS$SCRATCH:LD.DAT LDA1:$ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:EFI$CP"EFI$CP> initialize LDA1: EFI/NOLOGEFI$CP> mount LDA1: EFI/NOLOG#EFI$CP> CREATE/DIRECTORY LDA1:\EFI\'EFI$CP> CREATE/DIRECTORY LDA1:\EFI\VMS\EFI$CP> DISMOUNT LDA1: EFI$CP> EXIT 3 Description= The example creates, connects, initializes and creates two? directories on an LD logical disk device. The LD device sizeB shown was explicitly chosen to match a common FAT12 floppy disk& bloBck size, per FAT12 requirements.> This particular FAT12 volume is presently too small for theB current OpenVMS I64 bootstrap files IPB.EXE and VMS_LOADER.EFI. 2 SYS$EFI.SYSD SYS$EFI.SYS is the core bootstrap partition found on OpenVMS I64,C and it is comprised of a FAT partition containing various files.@ The location of this file must be registered in the bootblockD structures using the DCL command SET BOOTBLOCK or by invoking the sys$setboot.exe image.D This Csection contains both an example and a detailed description. 3 Example$ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:EFI$CP4EFI$CP> initialize sys$common:[sys$ldr]sys$efi.tmp -4 /device_alias=efi:/create/size=256000/contiguous - vmsefi /nolog/EFI$CP> mount sys$common:[sys$ldr]sys$efi.tmp - /device_alias=efi: vmsefi0%EFI-I-SEEKMBR, searching for Master Boot Record%EFI-I-ONEPART, single-4partition volume; no Master Boot Record partitioning2%EFI-I-SEEKBPB, searching for BIOS Parameter Block5%EFI-I-SEEDKBPBOK, valid BIOS Parameter Block detected2%EFI-I-MOUNTED, FAT volume VMSEFI has been mounted8-EFI-I-NOPARTITION, the target volume is not partitioned"EFI$CP> CREATE/DIRECTORY EFI:\EFI\&EFI$CP> CREATE/DIRECTORY EFI:\EFI\VMS\)EFI$CP> COPY VMS_LOADER.EFI EFI:\EFI\VMS\"EFI$CP> COPY IPB.EXE EFI:\EFI\VMS\EFI$CP> DISMOUNT EFI: EFI$CP> EXIT1$ SET FILE/NOMOVE SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR]SYS$EFI.TMP"$ SET BOOTBLOCK SYS$SYSDEVICE:/I64 3 DescriptionA The example creates, initializes and popula Etes the SYS$EFI.TMP@ bootstrap partition with the two core directories and the two? core files IPB.EXE and VMS_LOADER.EFI. (The actual bootstrap" partition name is SYS$EFI.SYS.)B The above example deliberately shows the hypothetical partition@ filename SYS$EFI.TMP and not the actual SYS$EFI.SYS partition> filename. Corruption of the actual bootstrap partition will1 likely prevent OpenVMS I64 from bootstrapping.A When a new bootable partition is created on the system disk F orA when an existing bootable partition is relocated on the system@ disk, use the SET BOOTBLOCK command or invoke the sys$setbootA image directly to update the OpenVMS I64 bootblock and relatedB structures accordingly. An existing bootable partition need not? be re-registered, whether or not the partition contents have> been modified. Use the SET FILE/NOMOVE command to prevent a= defragmentation tool from erroneously relocating the file. 2 SYS$DIAGNOSTICS.SYSD SYS G$DIAGNOSTICS.SYS is an optional hardware diagnostics partitionB found on various OpenVMS I64 system disks. It is comprised of aC FAT partition, potentially containing various diagnostics files.@ The location of this file must be registered in the bootblock@ structures using the DCL command SET BOOTBLOCK or by invoking> the sys$setboot.exe image. If the file is deleted, then the> bootblock must also be updated by invoking SET BOOTBLOCK or sys$setboot.exe.D This section coHntains both an example and a detailed description. 3 Example$ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:EFI$CP=EFI$CP> initialize sys$common:[sysmaint]sys$diagnostics.tmp -8 /device_alias=efidiag:/create/size=256000/contiguous - idiag /nolog EFI$CP> exit:$ SET FILE/NOMOVE SYS$COMMON:[SYSMAINT]SYS$DIAGNOSTICS.TMP"$ SET BOOTBLOCK SYS$SYSDEVICE:/I64 3 DescriptionD The example creates and initializes an empty hardware diagnosticsB partition SYS$DIAGNOSTICS.TMP within the cluster-common area of IC the target system disk. (The actual diagnostic partition name isA SYS$DIAGNOSTICS.SYS.) The diagnostic partition is comprised ofD 256,000 blocks, and is subsequently registered within the OpenVMS@ I64 bootblock structures using the DCL command SET BOOTBLOCK.C As with the SYS$EFI.SYS example, this example deliberately showsB the hypothetical partition filename SYS$DIAGNOSTICS.TMP and not? the actual partition SYS$DIAGNOSTICS.SYS partition filename.> Use of the actual par tition name would replace any existing diagnostics partition.A When a new diagnostic partition is created, or is relocated on@ the system disk, or is deleted, use the SET BOOTBLOCK commandA or invoke the sys$setboot image directly to update the OpenVMS@ I64 bootblock and related structures accordingly. Use the SET= FILE/NOMOVE command to prevent a defragmentation tool from# erroneously relocating the file.ww