% Librarian I01-47 2 /OVERDRAFT: This qualifer allows the user to specify how many blocks : (decimal) that a user with a given UIC may use on a given7 volume, OVER AND ABOVE the user's PERMQUOTA limit. If< this qualifier is not present or no value is specified, the5 PERMQUOTA value of the default record [0,0] is used. EXAMPLE: ADD [11,17] /OVERDRAFT=200; This will add a quota record to a volume allowing the user> with UIC = [11,17] an overdraft of 200 blocks and a permanent quota of the default value. 2 /PERMQUOTA: This qualifier allows the user to specify how many blocks@ (decimal) that a user with a given UIC may use on given volume.< this qualifier is not present or no value is specified, the5 OVERDRAFT value of the default record [0,0] is used. EXAMPLE: ADD [11,17] /PERMQUOTA=25000A This will add a quota record to a volume allowing the user with = UIC = [11,17] 25000 blocks of storage and an overdraft limit equal to the default.ww*ud1 CREATE@ Create a quota file on a volume. The file is called QUOTA.SYS,? and will be created on the default volume. The default volume% may be selected via the USE command. FORMAT: CREATEww*ud 1 DISABLE> Disable diskquotas on the default volume. The default volume% may be selected via the USE command. FORMAT: DISABLEww*ud1 ENABLEA Enable diskquotas on the default volume. The default volume may? be selected via the USE command. Once a quota file is created= on a volume, diskquotas are assumed ENABLED until explicitly DISABLED. FORMAT: ENABLEww*ud1 EXIT? This command causes the DISKQUOTA utility to exit, and return = the user to the previous command level. CTRL-Z has the same effect. FORMAT: EXITww*ud1 MODIFY< Modify an existing quota record. The UIC must be specifed;> it may contain wild cards. Only those attributes of the quota. record explicitly specified will be modified. FORMAT:- MODIFY EXAMPLE:! MODIFY [11,17] /PERMQUOTA=30000< This will set the permquota limit for UIC [11,17] to 30000.% The overdraft limit is not modified. 2 /OVERDRAFT: This qualifer allows the user to specify how many blocks : (decimal) that a user with a given UIC may use on a given7 volume, OVER AND ABOVE the user's PERMQUOTA limit. If< this qualifier is not present or no value is specified, the% field in the record is not modified. EXAMP LE: MODIFY [11,17] /OVERDRAFT=200= This will modify the quota record for UIC [11,17] to set the overdraft limit to 200 blocks. 2 /PERMQUOTA: This qualifier allows the user to specify how many blocks@ (decimal) that a user with a given UIC may use on given volume.< this qualifier is not present or no value is specified, the% field in the record is not modified. EXAMPLE:! MODIFY [11,17] /PERMQUOTA=25000= This will modify the quota record for UIC [11,17] to set the! permane nt quota to 25000 blocks.ww*ud 1 REBUILD< Rebuilds the volume quota file from the information in the > volume's index file. The volume may be selected via the USE command. FORMAT: REBUILDww*ud1 REMOVE; Remove a quota record from a quota file. The UIC must be & specified; it may contain wild cards. FORMAT: REMOVE EXAMPLE: REMOVE [11,17]8 Remove the quota record from the current volume for UIC [11,17].ww *ud1 SHOW9 Display the current usage and authorization of the quota7 record of a given UIC. The UIC may contain wild cards. FORMAT: SHOW EXAMPLE: SHOW [11,17]9 Display the current usage and authorization of the quota record for user [11,17]. SHOW [200,*]< Display the current usage and authorization of all users in group 200.ww*ud1 USE< Specifies a volume to be used as the default volume for all; succeeding commands. If the US E command is not used, then the default volume is SYS$DISK. FORMAT: USE  ; Where is some device spec. or a logical name that8 translates to a device spec. The device must have some media MOUNTed on it. EXAMPLE: USE DBA1:ww