% Librarian I01-42$4:$4@A 59 Aboutframe CSHGlossaryOverview$4 1 Aboutframe=Title About Using Help=INCLUDE overview=INCLUDE overview over_basics" Software Version: VMS Version 5.3 / 1988, 1989 by Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved.4 For more information about Using Help, double click6 on Overview of Using Help from the list of additional topics below. 2 Trademark=TITLE Trademark3=TITLE Additional Trademark and Product Information=INCLUDE Overview4 The information herein is subject to change without3 notice and should not be construed as a commitment4 by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment5 Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors" that may appear in this document.1 The software described here is furnished under a5 license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.8 No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability1 of software on equipment that is not supplied by0 Digital Equipment Corporation or its af filiated companies.6 Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by6 the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set4 forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in5 Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013.2 The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation:, CDA MASSBUS VAX3 DDIF PrintServer 40 VAXcluster0 DEC Q-bus VAX RMS3 DECnet  ReGIS VAXstation, DECUS ULTRIX VMS+ DECwindows ULTRIX-11 VT, DIGITAL ULTRIX-32 XUI LN03 UNIBUS ULTRIX Worksystem Software7 PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.6 UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the USA and other countries.. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.ww#$4 DECWBLD Aboutframe$4 DECWBLD CSH!($4 DECWBLD Glossary!$4 DECWBLD Overview $41 CSH =nosearch'=title Context-Sensitive Overhead Topic6 This topic is an overview frame for help topics which8 would normally only be accessed using context-sensitive7 help. This topic in particular is never referenced, so7 can only be accessed through some form of search list.7 You are recommended to go back to that search list and select another topic. 2 resizing=title Resizing Icon9=include overview over_guide_functions over_guide_window N=include overvie w over_guide_functions over_guide_window over_guide_help_frame6 The resizing icon allows you to change the dimensions of the window. 4 Click on the icon, then, with the button held down,5 move the cursor outside the window. You will find an5 outline of the window follows the cursor, so that as6 you move the cursor, the outline demonstrates the new8 size and shape. When you release the button, the window will resize to the new shape. 6 You can make the window smaller, by moving the cursor7 inside the current window, but you must first move the4 cursor outside to collect the outline. Then move it6 back inside the window border to shrink the window to your new requirements. 2 error#=TITLE Acknowledging Error Messages=INCLUDE overview1=INCLUDE overview menus_search menus_search_title3=INCLUDE overview menus_search menus_search_keyword=INCLUDE overview menus_file( Any error message you receive should be self-explanatory.6 Click on the Acknowledged button to dismiss the error4 message, then retry the operation using a different title, keyword, or file name./ You cannot do anything else in Help or in your0 application until you click on the Acknowledged button.ww($4 1 Glossary=Title Help Glossary1 This is a glossary for DECwindows Help terms. No, generic DECwindows terms are defined here. 8 Select the term you require from the list of additional topics below. 2 Glossary_item=title Glossary=keyword glossary=include glossary7 The Glossary, like any other glossary, is a collection7 of terms and their definitions. The terms are specific to the application.7 Note: Not all applications use the Glossary menu item.6 In these cases, the Visit Glossary menu item from the6 View menu and the Glossary... menu item from the Help menu are dimmed or missing.2 topic =title Topic=keyword topic6 A topic is a basic unit in the help library. If it is7 longer than the window, use the scroll bar to view the rest of the topic. 2 Go_back=title Go Back=keyword Go Back5=include overview over_guide_functions buttons_goback5 Pressing Go Back button displays the previous topic.4 Every time you perform a Visit Topic or Go To Topic5 operation, Help records the topic title. The list of5 titles that this creates is called a History. The Go7 Back button uses this history to display each previous topic as you request it.2 Go_to =title Go To=keyword Go To(=include overview menus_go menus_go_goto7 To perform a Go To Topic operation on a topic means to7 finish with the topic you are currently viewing, close7 it, and open a new window containing the requested new topic. 9 This is  to be compared to Visit Topic, where the current8 window remains open, and an additional window is opened% to display the requested new topic. 2 history=title History=keyword history3=include overview menus_search menus_search_history4 Every time you perform a Visit Topic or Go To Topic7 operation on a help topic, Help records the title. The6 list of titles that this creates is called a history.5 The Go Back button and menu item use this history to0 display each previous topic as you request it. 4 You can also access the history through the history2 menu item of the Search menu. This enables you to6 quickly return to a topic which is a long way back in the history list. 2 keyword=title Keyword=keyword keyword3=include overview menus_search menus_search_keyword3 Many help topics have keywords associated to them.6 These provide an additional way to find the topic you6 are looking for, when you are not sure what the title of such a topic might be. 0 Keywords can be viewed and searched through the* Keyword... menu item of the search menu. 2 title =title Title=keyword title1=include overview menus_search menus_search_title7 The title of a topic is displayed on the topic's first line.5 Titles are also listed for selection in the Title... option in the Search menu.2 topic =title Topic=keyword topic&=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions=INCLUDE overview6 A topic is a basic unit in the Help library. If it is6 longer than the window, the scroll bar can be used to view the rest of the topic.2 Visit =title Visit=keyword visit)=include overview menus_go menus_go_visit7 To Visit a topic means to leave the current topic open8 in its window, and open an additional window to display the requested new topic. 9 This is to be compared to Go To Topic, where the current8 topic window is closed, and the new topic replaces it. ww:$4 1 Overview=Title Overview of Using Help=keyword overview5=include overview over_guide_functions buttons_goback-=include overview over_guide_functions cshelp3=include overview over_guide_functions buttons_exit1 This is the Using Help overview. The Help system/ works in much the same way as other DECwindows6 applications, so learning how Help behaves will teach0 you a lot about how to use other applications. 2 You need to be able to perform four basic tasks:  - Select an additional topic - Return to a previous topic - Use context-sensitive help - Exit from Help3 For more information on any of these tasks, double8 click MB1 on the appropriate additional topic below. If8 you want help on all of the tasks, start with Selecting Additional Topics.  7 To dismiss Using Help click on the Exit button below. 2 over_basics=TITLE DECwindows Basics$=keyword basics session manager help=include overview&=include overview Over_guide_functions-=include overview Over_guide_functions cshelp7 Information about using DECwindows, such as how to use5 windows, dialog boxes, and scroll bars, is available4 from Session Manager help. A glossary of DECwindows6 terms is also available. To get Session Manager help:5 1. Move the pointer to the Session Manager icon (the5 icon that contains a small key in it) in the Icon Box.7 2. Press mouse button 1 (MB1) twice quickly to display the Session Manager window.5 3. Move the pointer to the Help menu; press and hold MB1 to pull down this menu.2 4. Move the pointer to the Overview menu item and2 release MB1 to display information about using DECwindows.2 Over_guide_functions"=Title Selecting Additional Topics=keyword selecting topics5 Most help topics include a list of related topics in0 the additional topics area. To see one of these7 additional topics, position the pointer over the topic you want and double click MB1.6 To see a list of all topics, choose Title... from the Search menu.7 To continue on this tour, double click on Returning to3 Previous Topics from the list of additional topics below. 3 buttons_goback#=Title Returning to Previous Topics=keyword buttons goback-=include overview over_guide_functions cshelp3=include overview menus_search menus_search_history3=include overview over_guide_functions buttons_exit8=include overview over_guide_functions over_guide_window=INCLUDE overview&=I NCLUDE overview over_guide_functions8 There are two buttons at the bottom of the Help window, labeled Go Back and Exit. 5 Clicking on the Go Back button displays the previous7 topic. This is useful if you want to review something,6 or if you find that you have taken the wrong path and8 you are not getting the help you thought you were going to get.  4 Each time you click on the Go Back button, the next5 previous topic is displayed, until you return to the8 first frame. If the topic you want to see is a long way5 back, use the History... menu option from the Search menu.3 cshelp&=TITLE What is Context-Sensitive Help?=KEYWORD context,sensitive=INCLUDE overview'=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions 3=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions buttons_exit/ Context-sensitive help is a way of getting the/ information you need without starting from the4 overview topic. It allows you to access information* based on the context you are working in. 6 To use this  feature, you press the Help button on the3 keyboard, move the pointer over the subject on the3 screen that you want help on, then click MB1. This0 operation is just like using the Shift key on a7 typewriter. You hold down the Help key until you press- and release MB1, then release the Help key. 6 If context-sensitive help is available on the subject5 you have chosen, it is displayed by the Help system,8 just as it would be if you had found the information by navigating from the Overv iew. 5 If there is no context-sensitive help on your chosen6 topic, nothing will happen. In this case, access help7 by choosing the Overview menu item from the Help menu.3 buttons_exit=Title Exiting Help=keyword buttons goback8=include overview over_guide_functions over_guide_window5=include overview over_guide_functions buttons_goback-=include overview over_guide_functions cshelp&=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit!=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search7 There are two buttons in the Help window, labeled Exit and Go Back. 1 Selecting the Exit button closes the Help window0 and returns control to the application you were" running when you asked for help. 0 For information on other Help features, make an2 appropriate selection from the list of additional0 topics. Select one of the menus to look at some advanced help features. !!"! The next section is the Windows!! s"ection of the Help menu item.!!3 Over_guide_window=Title Help Window=keyword window help=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search5=include overview over_guide_functions buttons_goback3=include overview over_guide_functions buttons_exit7 The Help window is split into three sections. Like all8 DECwindows applications, the top section is a menu bar.5 The menus in the Help menu bar are File, Edit, View,# Search, and Using Help.8 Under the menu bar is the topic title and the help text6 describing the particular topic. For example, this is6 the second paragraph of help text in the topic titled Help Window.3 Under the help text is a section called Additional7 Topics. This is a list of other topic titles that are4 relevant to the information provided in the current7 topic. For example, two of the additional topics below5 are called Help Texts and List of Additional Topics. 8 To $find out more about a particular section of the help( window, select it from the list below. 4 over_guide_help_frame=title Help Texts=keyword topic L=include overview over_guide_functions over_guide_window over_guide_list_box5=include overview over_guide_functions buttons_goback3=include overview over_guide_functions buttons_exit=include csh resizing2 The help text is the part of the window where the! information itself is displayed. 4 over_guide_list_box =title List of Add%itional Topics=keyword additionaltopics list N=include overview over_guide_functions over_guide_window over_guide_help_frame5=include overview over_guide_functions buttons_goback3=include overview over_guide_functions buttons_exit=include overview menus_go9 The list of additional topics identifies topics that can* be selected from the current help topic. & Double click on a topic to select it.!! ! The next section is the Menus!! section of the Help menu item.!!2 Me&nus_File =Title File Menu=keyword file save=include overview menus_edit=include overview menus_go=include overview menus_search=include overview menus_help6 The File menu contains two menu items, Save As... and Exit.5 The Save As... menu item saves a copy of the current7 help topic in a file. You can use topics saved in this5 way as input to other documents, or to print out the4 information contained in a particularly useful help topic.  8 The Exit menu item closes the' current Help window. Note5 that this does not affect any other Help window that! might be open at the same time. 2 Menus_Edit=Title Edit Menu =keyword edit=include overview menus_go=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_search=include overview menus_help3 The Edit menu consists of two menu items. The Copy6 menu item copies a selected portion of text into the # clipboard. 1 The Select All menu item copies the whole of the9 current help (topic to the clipboard. 6 For further details, select the appropriate menu item from the list below. 3 Menus_Edit_Copy=Title Copy Menu Item =keyword copy.=include overview menus_edit menus_edit_select=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include overview menus_go=include overview menus_search=include overview menus_help8 The Copy menu item in the Edit menu copies the selected% portion of text into the clipboard. 0 This is useful fo)r copying details into another6 application, for example to fill in a text block in a5 paint program, or to insert a detail into a Calendar meeting agenda.5 If you want to copy the whole topic, it is easier to use the Select All menu item.3 Menus_Edit_Select=Title Select All Menu Item=keyword select copy=include overview menus_edit,=include overview menus_edit menus_edit_copy=include overview=include overview menus_go=include overview menus_search=include overview menus_*help5 The Select All menu item in the Edit menu is an easy6 way to select the whole of the current help topic. It& can then be copied to the clipboard. 3 Like Copy, this is useful for copying details into3 another application, for example to fill in a text7 block in a paint program, or to insert a detail into a Calendar meeting agenda. 2 Menus_Go=Title View Menu =keyword view=include overview menus_search=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include ove +rview menus_help6 The difference between Go To Topic and Visit Topic is6 that Go To Topic replaces the current help topic with6 a new one, while Visit Topic creates a new window for6 the new topic, so that both the current topic and the/ new one are displayed simultaneously. 7 Overview is the top level help topic, and the Glossary6 is a list of terms specific to the application. 7 For more information on any View menu item, select the, appropriate menu item from the list b,elow. 3 Menus_Go_Goto=Title Go To Topic Menu Item=keyword Go To(=include overview menus_go menus_go_back,=include overview menus_go menus_go_gotoover)=include overview menus_go menus_go_visit.=include overview menus_go menus_go_visitgloss=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include overview menus_go=include overview menus_search=include overview menus_help1 After you have selected a topic from the list of4 additional topics, you can perform a Go To Topic -or8 Visit Topic operation on that selection. If no topic is7 selected, these menu items are dimmed. Double clicking7 on the selected topic has the same result as selecting7 a topic and then selecting the Go To Topic menu item. . If you perform a Go To Topic operation on the8 selection, the current help topic in the Help window is replaced by the new topic. 7 In the Help system, performing a Go To Topic operation4 is the most common operation. So in Help, selecting7 something from th.e list of additional topics by double/ clicking MB1 performs a Go To Topic operation. 5 See the Visit Topic menu item for the alternative to Go To Topic. 3 Menus_Go_Back=Title Go Back Menu Item=keyword go back)=include overview menus_go menus_go_visit(=include overview menus_go menus_go_goto,=include overview menus_go menus_go_gotoover.=include overview menus_go menus_go_visitgloss=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include overview menus_go=include o /verview menus_search=include overview menus_help1 Go Back replaces the current help topic with the2 preceding help topic. It is possible to step back, through all the help topics you have seen. 6 Stepping back through previous topics in this way can5 also be achieved using the Go Back button, which has3 exactly the same function as this menu item, or by6 using the History... menu item from the Search menu. 7 Both these methods can be quicker than using this menu7 item, particularly 0if you want to go a long way back. 3 Menus_Go_Visit=Title Visit Topic Menu Item=keyword visit.=include overview menus_go menus_go_visitgloss,=include overview menus_go menus_go_gotoover(=include overview menus_go menus_go_goto(=include overview menus_go menus_go_back=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include overview menus_go=include overview menus_search=include overview menus_help1 After you have selected a topic from the list of7 additional topics, yo1u can perform a Visit Topic or Go5 To Topic operation on that selection. If no topic is( selected, these menu items are dimmed. 7 When you perform a Visit Topic operation on a selected3 topic, the Help system displays the new topic in a6 separate window, so that you can see both old and new8 topics at the same time. This makes it possible to read) two or more help topics simultaneously. 5 See the Go To Topic menu item for the alternative to Visit Topic. 3 Menus_Go_Gotoover=T2itle Go To Overview Menu Item=keyword overview Go To)=include overview menus_go menus_go_visit.=include overview menus_go menus_go_visitgloss(=include overview menus_go menus_go_goto(=include overview menus_go menus_go_back=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include overview menus_go=include overview menus_search=include overview menus_help1 Choosing the Go To Overview menu item causes the7 current help topic to be replaced by the Overview help7 topic for t3he current application. This topic provides1 access to the whole help library for the current application. 3 Menus_Go_Visitgloss=Title Visit Glossary Menu Item=keyword glossary visit Go To=include overview menus_go(=include overview menus_go menus_go_goto(=include overview menus_go menus_go_back,=include overview menus_go menus_go_gotoover)=include overview menus_go menus_go_visit=include overview=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include overview 4menus_search=include overview menus_help1 Choosing the Visit Glossary menu item causes the2 current application glossary to be displayed in a7 separate Help window. A term can then be selected from5 the glossary, and its definition is displayed in the Glossary window. 7 Note: Not all applications use the Glossary menu item.6 In these cases, the Visit Glossary menu item from the6 View menu and the Glossary... menu item from the Help menu are dimmed or missing. 2 Menus_Search=T5itle Search Menu=keyword search=include overview menus_help=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include overview menus_go/ The Search menu contains three menu items. The6 History... menu item allows you to search through and7 choose from a list of the help topics you have already seen.4 The Title... and Keyword... menu items allow you to6 search through lists of the titles or keywords of the current help library.4 For further details, select the requisite6 menu item+ from the list of additional topics below. 3 Menus_Search_History=Title History... Menu Item1=include overview menus_search menus_search_title3=include overview menus_search menus_search_keyword=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include overview menus_go=include overview menus_search=include overview menus_help7 Every topic that you select while in a Help session is4 recorded by the History... menu item. Selecting the1 History... menu item gi7ves you see this record. 7 Choose the History... menu item. A dialog box appears,6 listing all the topics viewed during the current Help1 session. The list is in chronological order, but duplicates are discarded. 5 Select a topic in the usual way: double click on the/ topic to Go To Topic, or single click and then4 choose an operation by clicking on the desired push buttons. 4 The Go Back button also uses the history record, in1 this case stepping back one topic at a time. The87 History... menu item provides a short cut if the topic you want is a long way back. 3 Menus_Search_Title=Title Title... Menu Item=keyword search title3=include overview menus_search menus_search_keyword3=include overview menus_search menus_search_history=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include overview menus_go=include overview menus_search=include overview menus_help5 Every help topic has a title. The Title... menu item0 can be used to find a p9articular topic quickly.8 Selecting the Title... menu item causes a dialog box to5 appear. Click on the Apply button to display all the0 titles in the current help library in the box. 7 To make a more specific search, enter a word or phrase8 in the Title field, and click on the Apply button. Only5 those titles containing your word or phrase are then listed. 7 After you have found the topic you require, select the5 topic in the usual way: double click on the topic to0 Go To Topic:, or single click and then choose an4 operation by clicking on the desired push buttons. 3 Menus_Search_Keyword=Title Keyword... Menu Item=keyword search keyword=include overview menus_search3=include overview menus_search menus_search_history1=include overview menus_search menus_search_title=include overview=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include overview menus_go=include overview menus_help8 The Keyword... dialog box finds help topics that relate ;1 to a keyword you choose from a list of keywords.6 The available keywords are displayed in a list in the3 Keyword... dialog box. To use the keywords, either7 select one from the list, or enter one directly in the7 Keyword field at the top of the box. Then click on the Apply button. 7 The Topic Titles list will then display all the titles" which match your chosen keyword. 7 After you have found the topic you require, select the5 topic in the usual way: double click on the topic< to0 Go To Topic, or single click and then choose an4 operation by clicking on the desired push buttons. 2 Menus_Help=Title Help Menu =keyword help=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include overview menus_go=include overview menus_search7 The Help menu contains three menu items. The Help menu2 item provides access to the overview topic of the% current application help library. 8 The Glossary menu item visits the current application's glossary. >= 3 The About menu item provides copyright information) about the current application software. 6 For further details, select the appropriate menu item from the list below. 3 Menus_Help_Help=Title Overview Menu Item =keyword help0=include overview menus_help menus_help_glossary-=include overview menus_help menus_help_about=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include overview menus_go=include o >verview menus_search=include overview menus_help4 Choosing the overview causes a Help window to open,4 displaying the overview topic. All the help for the6 application is available from this topic. You make an2 appropriate selection from the list of additional topics. . Not all the topic titles are displayed in the2 additional topics lists---the lists would get too7 long. If you do not see what you are looking for, pick5 something close, and then scan the additional topics8 list of t ?he new topic. Alternatively, do a title search- by selecting Title... from the Search menu. 4 For example, in the overview topic for the Calendar6 application, only the menu names are displayed in the2 list, not the individual menu items. So here, you6 would choose the menu name first, and then select the3 menu item you are looking for from the next list. 3 Menus_Help_Glossary=Title Glossary Menu Item=keyword glossary-=include overview menus_help menus_help_about,=include overvie@w menus_help menus_help_help=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include overview menus_go=include overview menus_search=include overview menus_help0 Choosing the Glossary menu item causes the Help8 Glossary to be displayed in a separate Help window. You5 can then select a term from the Glossary, which will5 cause its definition to be displayed in the Glossary window. 3 Menus_Help_About=Title About Menu Item=keyword about=include overview menus_help,=i nclude overview menus_help menus_help_help0=include overview menus_help menus_help_glossary=include overview=include overview menus_file=include overview menus_edit=include overview menus_go=include overview menus_search3 The About menu item provides information about the5 current application software, for example the name,3 the copyright notice, and additional trademark and5 product information. This information provides legal& protection for application software. ww