% Librarian I01-47&mf "# 5 W DCREATE DECRAM!EXIT!6HELP Read_MeRECOVERSHOW  Vⱥ 1 Read_MeD All commands can be issued from the VMS prompt, $, or the memory . disk driver user interface prompt, DECRAM>.@ You can access the DECram interface by defining a DCL foreign( command symbol such as the following: $ DECRAM == "$MDMANAGER" $ DECRAM DECRAM>A Requires AUDIT, CMKRNL, SYSLCK, SYSPRV, and PHY_IO privileges.C You need to include only as much of the command as necessary to 3 make it unique. Commands are not case sensi tive.A If you get the following, "%SYSTEM-E-UNSUPPORTED, unsupported C operation or function" it means you entered an incorrect commandC parameter, qualifier, or combination that is not supported. ReadC the help on all the selected commands and/or qualifiers and then retry the command.wwVⱥ 1 CREATE 2 DISK@ Create or modify a virtual disk, memory disk, of a specified < capacity in local private memory or Galaxy shared memory. Format CREATE DISK disk-name 3 Parameters disk-nameA The name of the memory disk that you want to create or modify.C The disk name must begin with MD followed by a controller letterA between A and Z followed by the disk number from 0 to 9999 for> served devices such as MDC256. The non-served device number limit is 32767.3 Description@ The CREATE DISK command creates or modifies a memory disk in B local private memory or Galaxy shared memory The command can be> further refined with the available qualifiers. The command < can be entered from the VMS prompt or the DECRAM> prompt.A Requires AUDIT, CMKRNL, SYSLCK, SYSPRV, and PHY_IO privileges. 3 Qualifiers /CAPACITY /CAPACITY=blocksF This qualifier is required. You must specify the size of the memoryB disk to create or modify in blocks (512 bytes). Capacity=0 will- return the memory to the operating system./MEMORY /MEMORY=typeE This qualifier is not r equired and defaults to local. LOCAL means G create the memory disk in local private memory. SHARED means create I the memory disk in Galaxy shared memory. Local memory can be accessed G on only the node or instance where it resides. Shared memory can be H accessed from any Galaxy instance that attaches to the shared memory.G Shared memory requires VMS Galaxy software to be loaded and running./PERSIST /[no]PERSIST? This qualifier is not required and defaults to /PERSIST. It ? controls whether or not the disk is restored after a reboot.: Note that /nopersist and /serve are mutually exclusive./SERVE /[no]SERVE> This qualifier is not required and defaults to /NOSERVE. It= controls whether or not disk serving is available for the 9 VMSCluster. When /SERVE is selected, the disk is MSCP @ served. Once a disk is selected /SERVE it cannot be selected /NOSERVE.? Note that /nopersist and /serve are mutually exclusive. Also6 n ote that served device numbers cannot exceed 9999. /ALLOCLASS /ALLOCLASS=number@ This qualifier is not required and defaults to 99. It is only@ allowed for SHARED memory type disks. Note that associating a@ particular controller letter with a specific allocation class> is valid for all time! All time means as long as the sharedD memory section exists or the MDRECOVER.DAT file exists. Selecting@ an allocation class equal to the node's allocation class for & shared memory disks is not allowed./WRITEBUFFERED /[no]WRITEBUFFEREDC This qualifier is not required and defaults to /NOWRITEBUFFERED.C It is selected to help reduce write recovery time after a power E fail or system crash. Application recovery techniques and OpenVMS C Volume Shadowing can also be used to reduce write recovery time  after a power fail./RAD /RAD=stripe (default) /RAD=number /RAD=home /RAD=(,,,)? This qualifier is not required and defaults to striping theE memory disk across all available RADs for local and shared disks.D It is only effective when RAD SUPPORT is enabled on the system. F It is used to specify a single RAD (i.e., a number such as 2) for D both local and shared memory, or a comma separated list of RADs G for shared memory only. It can also be used to select the home RAD / or to change from a single RAD to striping. 3 ExamplesD 1. $ decram create disk mdf1111 /capacity=16777216 /memory=local -:  /serve /nopersist /rad=2D This example creates an 8 gigabyte memory disk mdf1111 in localF memory with an allocation class equivalent to the node allocationE class. It is issued from the VMS prompt. It will not persist at D the next reboot but disk serving to the VMScluster is enabled. C If the system has RAD SUPPORT enabled then RAD 2 will be used ? to create the disk otherwise OpenVMS will pick the RAD(s).A 2. DECRAM> create disk m da0 /cap=1000034 /mem=shared /rad=(0,1)E This example creates memory disk $99$mda0 in shared memory RAD 0D and RAD 1 with a size of 1,000,034 blocks and allocation class E 99. It is issued from the DECRAM> prompt. It will persist at theC next reboot but disk serving to the VMScluster is not enabled.> 3. DECRAM> create disk mdb0 /cap=10000 /mem=shared /alloc=13> DECRAM> create disk mdb1 /cap=10000 /mem=shared /alloc=13 $ init $13$mdb0 $13$mdb09 $ mount dsa0: /shadow=($13$mdb0:,$13$mdb1:) $13$mdb0B This example creates two 10000 block shared memory disks with> allocation class 13. One of them is initialized and a VMSD Volume shadow set is made from the two memory disks. The memory) disks are not served to the cluster. 4. VMS Galaxy Instance 0= $ decram create disk mdb0 /capacity=10000 /memory=shared $ init mdb0 mdb0 $ mount /cluster mdb0 mdb0 $ show device mdb0F Device Devic e Error Volume Free Trans MntF Name Status Count Label Blocks Count CntE $99$MDB0: (BANG) Mounted 0 MDB0 9967 1 2 VMS Galaxy Instance 1= $ decram create disk mdb0 /capacity=10000 /memory=shared $ show device mdb0F Device Device Error Volume Free Trans MntF Name Status Count Label Blocks Count CntE $99$MDB0: (BIG1) Mounted 0 MDB0  9967 1 2B This example assumes a two instance VMS Galaxy with DECRAM V3D installed on both instances. It creates two 10000 block shared F memory disks with allocation class 99. One of them is created on @ instance 0 and the other on instance 1. The shared disk is D initialized and mounted cluster-wide from instance 0. Note that< if a shared disk has been created on each instance the F "$ decram create disk" command is only necessary on one instance.wwf 1 SHOW2 DISKF Shows information about a memory disk(s) in both DECRAM$RECOVER.DATD and MDRECOVER.DAT recovery files. The recovery files are searched. at boot time for memory disk(s) to restore. Format SHOW DISK disk-device 3 Parameter disk-device> The memory disk(s) that you want to show information about.3 DescriptionE The DECRAM SHOW DISK command shows the following information aboutE the specified memory disk. Note that if the disk-device parameter F is not specified it will return a brief status on all disks in the  recovery file.A o Its disk name; this is the name you specified on the DECRAM CREATE DISK command line. o Its capacity in blocks.. o Its current volume label (if available). o Local or Shared memory.3 o Its persist, serve, and writebuffered status. 3 Examples? If there is no output from this command it means that there < was no DECRAM$RECOVER.DAT file, no MDRECOVER.DAT file, or they were empty. 1.DECRAM> SHOW DISK mda0* From SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]MDRECOVER.DAT% Disk $4$MDA0 Size 110 Label MDA06 Local memory, persist, serve, writebuffered. 2.$ decram show disk* From SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]MDRECOVER.DAT% Disk $4$MDA0 Size 110 Label MDA0) Disk $4$MDF0 Size 100 Label MDF0MDF0) Disk $4$MDF1 Size 100 Label MDF1MDF1) Disk $4$MDF2 Size 100 Label MDF2MDF2& Disk $99$MDE0 Size 100 Label MDE0 2 DRIVERE Shows driver load status for device drivers necessary for complete memory disk functionality. Format SHOW DRIVER driver-name 3 Description: Shows if the driver(s) needed for complete memory disk @ functionality are installed. The Galaxy driver is needed for = shared memory support. The Multipath driver is needed for E remote multipath support. Without remote Multipath only the local A path is available. The memory disk driver is needed to create  memory disks. 3 ExamplesD If there is no output from this command it means that none of theB drivers needed to create or support memory disks are installed. 1.DECRAM> show driver' SYS$GALAXY.EXE loaded and running.) SYS$MDDRIVER.EXE loaded and running. 2.$ decram show driver galaxy' SYS$GALAXY.EXE loaded and running.wwf 1 RECOVER7 Create or modify disks in SYS$MANAGER:MDRECOVER.DAT.2 Des criptionE The DECRAM RECOVER command restores all the disks in MDRECOVER.DATF with the PERSIST attribute. In other words, the MDRECOVER.DAT file E is read and a memory disk is created (including memory allocation)D for each entry in the file with the PERSIST attribute. It is the D same command that is run during startup under SYSMAN. You cannot D delete memory disks once created without a reboot. A memory disk D entry in MDRECOVER.DAT cannot be deleted but its size or capacityD can be set to zero so that it does not use any system resources. ? The VMScluster operates with maximum recovery capability if E MDRECOVER.DAT is on a VMScluster shared physical disk (see User's  manual for details). 2 ExamplesB If there is no output from this command it means that no disks 5 were recovered or there was no MDRECOVER.DAT file. 1.$ decram recover1 Recovering $4$MDD1 Size 50000 Label MDD1MDD13 Recovering $99$MDE1 Size 20000 Label $99$MD!E1:wwf 1 DECRAM4 Copy disks in DECRAM$RECOVER.DAT to MDRECOVER.DAT2 DescriptionA All disks copied from DECRAM$RECOVER.DAT to MDRECOVER.DAT are = entered as local memory disks with /capacity=0, /persist, @ /nowritebuffered, and /serve status. DECRAM$RECOVER.DAT only E contains unit numbers 1000 to 1999. This command is used primarily; during installation to copy DECRAM$RECOVER.DAT disks to A MDRECOVER.DAT. At startup the DECRAM$RECOVER.DAT is" renamed to DECRAM$RECOVER.DAT_VMS. 2 ExamplesB If there is no output from this command it means that no disks 9 were entered in MDRECOVER.DAT from DECRAM$RECOVER.DAT. 1.$ decram decram( $4$MDA1000 entered in MDRECOVER.DAT( $4$MDD1008 entered in MDRECOVER.DATwwf 1 HELP Invokes this help file. Examples 1.$ decram helpwwf 1 EXITA Exits the memory disk driver user interface. You can also exitA  from the memory disk driver user interface by pressing CTRL/Z. Examples 1.DECRAM> exit 2.DECRAM> ^Zww