%μ Librarian I01-47<²ͺ‘φΈμ_¬‘φΈr5·AGAINdBACKDOWNΰDUMP €Examples¨EXIT.File_StructureξFIRSTJHELP>NEXT tPOSITION zRadix ˜REST ψTOP FUP­ά8¬‘φΈ1 AGAIN3Redisplays the structure you are currently viewing. ww­ά8¬‘φΈ1 BACKBDisplays a previous structure at the current level, if one exists. Format BACK [n] 2 Parameter nA Specifies the number of times that the structure pointer movesA back. You can use the optional parameter n instead of enteringB multiple BACK commands. For example, the command BACK 6 has the$ same effect as six BACK commands. ww­ά8¬‘φΈ1 DOWNAMoves the structure pointer down to the next level. From the FILEDHEADER level, the first command you enter is the DOWN command, which8moves the structure pointer to the FILE ATTRIBUTE level. Format DOWN [branch] 2 Parameter branchA Specifies the branch you want to follow when the current level? has several branches. If there are several branches from the> current level and you do not specify a value for the branchD parameter, the Analyze/RMS_File utility prompts you by displaying a list of possible branches.D You can also use a question mark after the DOWN command to obtain# a list of the possible branches. ww­ά8¬‘φΈ1 DUMP;Displays a hexadecimal dump of the specified virtual block. Format DUMP n 2 Parameter nA Specifies the virtual block number from which you want a dump.= The number can be decimal or hexadecimal. The format for a  hexadecimal number is %Xn. ww­ά8¬‘φΈ1 File_Structure; The Analyze/RMS_File utility imposes a hierarchical treeA structure on top of the internal RMS file structure. This tree? structure allows you to easily wander around in the RMS fileB and inspect the various data structures. Each data structure inA the file represents a node in the tree, with a branch for each pointer in the structure.A The interactive mode of the Analyze/RMS_File utility mainta"insA an item called the "structure pointer". The commands allow youB to move this pointer through the tree structure and examine the file. ww­μ_¬‘φΈ1 EXITEnds an interactive session. ww­μ_¬‘φΈ1 FIRST2Displays the first structure on the current level. ww­μ_¬‘φΈ1 HELP9Displays help information about the interactive commands. Format HELP [keyword...] 2 Parameter keyword8 Specifies the interactive command you want help with. ww­μ_¬‘φΈ1 NEXT@Displays the next structure at the current level, if one exists.?Because NEXT is the default command, pressing the Return key is'equivalent to executing a NEXT command. Format NEXT [n] 2 Parameter n< Specifies the number of times the structure pointer movesD forward. You can use the optional parameter n instead of enteringB multiple NEXT commands. For example, the comman d NEXT 6 has theC same effect as six NEXT commands (or pressing the Return key six times). ww­μ_¬‘φΈ 1 POSITION 2 /BUCKETCDirectly positions the structure pointer to a specific bucket of an indexed file or a relative file. Format+ POSITION/BUCKET bucket_vbn [/INDEX=n] 3 Parameter bucket_vbn@ The virtual block number (VBN) of the selected bucket. If theD bucket includes more than one block, specify the VBN of the first  block. 3 Qualifier /INDEX /INDEX=n@ Specifies the relative key for the bucket of an indexed file.? The /INDEX qualifier is necessary only when the index number@ information is unavailable in the bucket header. For example,D you use this qualifier to analyze a Prolog 1 or Prolog 2 file (noD bucket header) or a Prolog 3 file with a corrupted bucket header.D You can also use this qualifier to override the index number in a Prolog 3 file bucket header. > The number you use specifies the key. For example, /INDEX=0? specifies that the bucket is a primary index or primary dataA bucket, and /INDEX=1 specifies that the bucket is found in the# first alternate index structure. 2 /RECORDDPositions the pointer at a specific record in an indexed or relativefile. Format# POSITION/RECORD record-offset@ The offset (in bytes) from the beginning of the bucket to theA desired record. By default, the offset is a dec imal number. IfB you want to use hexadecimal notation to specify the offset, use the format %Xn. ww­μ_¬‘φΈ1 RadixC All numbers entered as arguments to interactive the Analyze/RMS_? File utility commands are assumed to be in decimal notation.C You can enter a hexadecimal number using the form %Xn (e.g. NEXT% %X2F) or %X'n' (e.g. NEXT %X'2F'). ww­μ_¬‘φΈ1 REST6Sequentially displays structures at the current level. ww­μ_¬‘φΈ1 TOPDisplays the FILE HEADER level. ww­μ_¬‘φΈ1 UP6Displays the data structures at the next higher level. ww­μ_¬‘φΈ 1 ExamplesB 1.$ ANALYZE/RMS_FILE/INTERACTIVE/OUTPUT=INVENTORY INVENTORY.DAT> This command begins an interactive session during which you< can examine the structure of the data file INVENTORY.DAT.; A transcript of the session is placed in the output file INVENTORY.ANL.& 2.$ ANALYZE/RMS_FILE/NOOUTPUT  *.*;*A This command verifies the structural integrity of all files in! the current default directory.% 3.$ ANALYZE/RMS_FILE/FDL PARTS.DATB This command produces the FDL file PARTS.FDL from the data fileA PARTS.DAT. Assuming that PARTS.DAT is an indexed file, the new@ FDL file contains two special sections that FDL files created> with the Edit/FDL utility do not have: ANALYSIS_OF_AREA and@ ANALYSIS_OF_KEY. You can use these sections with the EDIT/FDLA Optimize script to tune your original data file, PARTS.DAT. To? complete the tuning cycle, enter the following DCL commands:6 $ EDIT/FDL/ANALYSIS=PARTS/SCRIPT=OPTIMIZE PARTS& $ CONVERT/FDL=PARTS PARTS.DAT *1 4.$ ANALYZE/RMS_FILE DENVER::DB1:[PROD]RUN.DATC This command analyzes the structure of the file RUN.DAT residing at remote node DENVER.+ 5.$ ANALYZE/RMS_FILE/FDL/OUTPUT=TEST.FDL) $_File(s): DENVER::DB1:[PROD]RUN.DATD This command analyzes the structure of the file RUN.DAT at remote? node DENVER and generates the FDL file TEST.FDL at the local node.ww