/*****************************************************************************/ /* other.c Miscellaneous functions for soyMAIL. COPYRIGHT --------- Copyright (C) 2005-2024 Mark G.Daniel This program, comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 3, or any later version. VERSION HISTORY --------------- 05-SEP-2023 MGD bugfix; EscapeForJavaScript() unicode 22-JUL-2022 MGD strsame() now implemented using str[n]casecmp() 22-AOR-2021 MGD OpcomMessage() 12-MAY-2019 MGD MemPrint() 17-DEC-2013 MGD StatusInfoPanel() JavaScript disabled indicator 11-AUG-2013 MGD SoyMailLogo() strsame() instead of !strcmp() 09-JUN-2013 MGD SoyMailStyleStuff() add [site-style-sheet] load 05-MAR-2010 MGD StatTimer() include CgiLibVeeMem..() current and peak 19-FEB-2010 MGD SoyMailLogo() 13-JUL-2008 MGD StatusInfoPanel() optional username info 09-JUL-2008 MGD ReadFileIntoMemory() optimise for stream format files 14-AUG-2007 MGD SoyMailJavaScriptStuff() has a kludge for detecting Opera child windows - also supported by MainMenuPageBegin() 18-JUN-2006 MGD maximum count on JavaScript 'working' status (periods) 16-APR-2006 MGD ErrorExit() change HTTP status from 200 to 403 14-APR-2006 MGD strzcpy() truncate on overflow 06-APR-2006 MGD refine targetBlank() using timed event to ensure refreshSoyMailForm() is activated and target reset 23-MAR-2006 MGD make setWorking() progress dots a little more generic 01-FEB-2005 MGD initial */ /*****************************************************************************/ #ifdef SOYMAIL_VMS_V7 #undef _VMS_V6_SOURCE #define _VMS_V6_SOURCE #undef __VMS_VER #define __VMS_VER 70000000 #undef __CRTL_VER #define __CRTL_VER 70000000 #endif #pragma nomember_alignment /* standard C header files */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* VMS related header files */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* application header file */ #include "soymail.h" #include "cgilib.h" #include "callmail.h" #include "config.h" #include "lang.h" #include "other.h" #define FI_LI __FILE__, __LINE__ /* global storage */ char *SoyMailStatusPtr; /* prototypes */ /* external storage */ extern BOOL Debug, WatchEnabled; extern int VmsVersion; extern char *CgiEnvironmentPtr, *SoyMailScriptPath; extern char *LangArray[]; extern char DocType[], SoftwareCopy[], SoftwareEnv[], SoftwareVn[], SoyMailQueryVersion[], Utility[]; extern CONFIG_DATA SoyMailConfig; extern VMS_MAIL_USER VmsMailUser; int vsnprintf (__unknown_params); /*****************************************************************************/ /* Watch CGI values as they are accessed. */ char* SoyCgiVar (char *NamePtr) { char *DupPtr, *ValuePtr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ ValuePtr = CgiLibVar (NamePtr); if (ValuePtr[0] && CgiLibBodyIsMultipartFormData()) { /* shouldn't de-entify inside the CGI variable repository!! */ DupPtr = CgiLibVeeMemCalloc (strlen(ValuePtr)+1); if (!DupPtr) ErrorExit (SS$_BUGCHECK, FI_LI); strcpy (DupPtr, ValuePtr); CgiLibHtmlDeEntify (ValuePtr = DupPtr); } if (WatchEnabled) WatchThis ("CGIVAR !AZ=!AZ", NamePtr, ValuePtr); return (ValuePtr); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Watch CGI values as they are accessed. */ char* SoyCgiVarNull (char *NamePtr) { char *DupPtr, *ValuePtr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ ValuePtr = CgiLibVarNull (NamePtr); if (ValuePtr && CgiLibBodyIsMultipartFormData()) { DupPtr = CgiLibVeeMemCalloc (strlen(ValuePtr)+1); if (!DupPtr) ErrorExit (SS$_BUGCHECK, FI_LI); strcpy (DupPtr, ValuePtr); CgiLibHtmlDeEntify (ValuePtr = DupPtr); } if (WatchEnabled) WatchThis ("CGIVAR !AZ=!AZ", NamePtr, ValuePtr ? ValuePtr : "(null)"); return (ValuePtr); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* JavaScript used to manage some of the message folder and list pages enhanced functionality. Although there is no effort to suppress all JavaScript code scattered throughout soyMAIL any major chunks that don't require too much if-then-else-ing are not output if the client does not indicate it supports JavaScript. */ void SoyMailJavaScriptStuff (REQUEST_DATA *rdptr) { BOOL PrintMedia = FALSE; USER_OPTIONS *uoptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (WatchEnabled) WatchThis ("SoyMailJavaScriptStuff()"); /* messages in double-quotes to allow use of ' in non-English messages */ fprintf (stdout, "\n\ \n\ \n", SoftwareVn, LangFor("requires_javascript"), SoyMailScriptPath, SoyMailQueryVersion, LANG_FOR_CONFIRM("close"), LANG_FOR_CONFIRM("javascript_incompat"), LangFor("logout_disabled"), LangFor("no_more_messages"), LangFor("not_applicable"), LANG_FOR_CONFIRM("sure?"), LangFor("working_on_it"), SoftwareVn, SoyMailScriptPath, rdptr->FormAction); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* CSS definitions that are used internally by soyMAIL. */ void SoyMailStyleStuff ( REQUEST_DATA *rdptr, char *ThemePtr ) { BOOL PrintMedia = FALSE; USER_OPTIONS *uoptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (WatchEnabled) WatchThis ("SoyMailStyleStuff()"); uoptr = &rdptr->UserOptions; if (ThemePtr) if (!strcmp (ThemePtr, "print")) PrintMedia = TRUE; /* basic soyMAIL styles */ fprintf (stdout, "\n", SOY_PATH, "soymail.css", SoyMailQueryVersion); if (PrintMedia) fprintf (stdout, "\n", uoptr->FontFamily); else fprintf (stdout, "\n", uoptr->FontFamily, uoptr->FontSize); if (ThemePtr) fprintf (stdout, "\n", SOY_THEME_PATH, ThemePtr, SoyMailQueryVersion); /* loaded after and so also may be used to override theme styles */ if (SoyMailConfig.SiteStyleSheet) fprintf (stdout, "\n", SoyMailConfig.SiteStyleSheet); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ void SoyMailLogo (REQUEST_DATA *rdptr) { char *cptr; USER_OPTIONS *uoptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ uoptr = &rdptr->UserOptions; for (cptr = uoptr->Theme; *cptr && *(cptr+1); cptr++); if (*cptr == '2' || strsame (uoptr->Theme, "default", -1)) if (rdptr->UserAgent == SOY_USER_AGENT_MSIE && rdptr->UserAgent != SOY_USER_AGENT_MSIE10) fprintf (stdout, "soyMAIL"); else fprintf (stdout, "soyMAIL"); else if (!strcmp (SOY_MAIL, "soyMAIL")) fprintf (stdout, "so\ yMAIL"); else fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", SOY_MAIL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Generate the text used in the HTML page ... Use $fao() to avoid configuration string overflows. Return a pointer to static storage. */ char* SoyMailPageTitle (REQUEST_DATA *rdptr) { static char PageTitle [SIZEOF_SOYMAIL_PAGE_TITLE]; static $DESCRIPTOR (PageTitleFaoDsc, "!AZ!AZ!AZ!AZ\0"); static $DESCRIPTOR (PageTitleDsc, PageTitle); /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (WatchEnabled) WatchThis ("SoyMailPageTitle()"); if (rdptr && rdptr->PrevPageIdent == PAGE_HELP) sys$fao (&PageTitleFaoDsc, 0, &PageTitleDsc, SOY_MAIL, " ", LangFor("help"), SOYMAIL_TITLE_BETA); else if (rdptr && rdptr->NewMailNoticed) strcpy (PageTitle, LangFor("n_e_w_m_a_i_l")); else if (SoyMailConfig.SoyMailAtTitle) sys$fao (&PageTitleFaoDsc, 0, &PageTitleDsc, SOY_MAIL, " @ ", SoyMailConfig.SoyMailAtTitle, SOYMAIL_TITLE_BETA); else sys$fao (&PageTitleFaoDsc, 0, &PageTitleDsc, SOY_MAIL, " @ ", CgiLibVar("HTTP_HOST"), SOYMAIL_TITLE_BETA); PageTitle[SIZEOF_SOYMAIL_PAGE_TITLE-1] = '\0'; return (PageTitle); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Display the status panel. Opera (at least v9) does not support window.opener!! Kludge some propagating data for establishing whether a particular window is a child. JavaScript function childWindow() uses an HTML form field to propagate an integer value from request to request. If the value is 0 (zero) it is a GET method request and child windows are not created. If a 1 (one) it's a POST and the history object length is checked, and if zero then it's (most probably) a new child window and the value is changed to 2 (two). Subsequent requests in the same window will have a non-zero history and so not alter the value again. If the history is more than zero then it's (most probably) a parent window and the value left at 1 (one). Where there's a will ... */ void StatusInfoPanel (REQUEST_DATA *rdptr) { static char TimeString [32]; static $DESCRIPTOR (TimeStringDsc, TimeString); static $DESCRIPTOR (TimeFaoDsc, "!#AZ !8%T\0"); int dnum; unsigned long DayOfWeek; char *aptr, *cptr, *sptr, *zptr, *OperaChildPtr, *PostMasterPtr, *SpanPtr, *SpanEndPtr, *InfoPtr; char UserNameInfo [128]; REQUEST_DATA *sdptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (WatchEnabled) WatchThis ("StatusInfoPanel()"); sdptr = (REQUEST_DATA*)rdptr->StateDataPtr; if (rdptr->PostMaster) PostMasterPtr = "\ POSTMASTER  "; else PostMasterPtr = ""; lib$day_of_week (0, &DayOfWeek); cptr = LangFor("weekdays"); for (dnum = 1; dnum < DayOfWeek; dnum++) { while (*cptr && *cptr != ' ') cptr++; while (*cptr && *cptr == ' ') cptr++; } for (sptr = cptr; *sptr && *sptr != ' '; sptr++); sys$fao (&TimeFaoDsc, 0, &TimeStringDsc, sptr-cptr, cptr, 0); if (SoyMailConfig.UserNameInfo) { zptr = (sptr = UserNameInfo) + sizeof(UserNameInfo)-1; if (SoyMailConfig.UserNameInfo < 0 && rdptr->LoginAliasLength) { /* login alias name */ for (cptr = rdptr->LoginAlias; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++); } else { /* VMS user name */ for (cptr = rdptr->UserName; *cptr && islower(*cptr); cptr++); if (*cptr) for (cptr = rdptr->UserName; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++); else for (cptr = rdptr->UserName; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = toupper(*cptr++)); } for (cptr = "  "; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++); *sptr = '\0'; } else UserNameInfo[0] = '\0'; SpanPtr = SpanEndPtr = ""; if (!(InfoPtr = SoyMailStatusPtr)) { InfoPtr = SoftwareEnv; SpanPtr = ""; SpanEndPtr = ""; } else if (*InfoPtr == '!') { InfoPtr++; SpanPtr = ""; SpanEndPtr = ""; } else if (rdptr->PrivateAccess) { if (!sdptr->StateSaveCount) { aptr = SoyMailConfig.InitialGreeting; if (!aptr) aptr = LangFor("greeting"); if (*aptr) InfoPtr = aptr; } } /* see description in SoyMailJavaScriptStuff() */ if (!strcmp (rdptr->CgiRequestMethodPtr, "POST")) { CGIVARNULL (cptr, "FORM_OPERA_CHILD"); if (!cptr || *cptr == '0') OperaChildPtr = "1"; } else OperaChildPtr = "0"; fprintf (stdout, "\n\

\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\
%s\ %s%s\ %s%s%s\    \ JavaScript\ \ \

\n\ \n\ \n\n", TimeString, PostMasterPtr, UserNameInfo, SpanPtr, InfoPtr, SpanEndPtr); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ char* SoyMailTempFileName () { int AdditionalUniquifier = 0; static $DESCRIPTOR (FileNameFaoDsc, "!AZ!AZ!8XL!8XL!UL.TMP\0"); unsigned short slen; unsigned long BinTime [2]; char *cptr; char FileName [256]; $DESCRIPTOR (FileNameDsc, FileName); /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (WatchEnabled) WatchThis ("SoyMailTempFileName()"); /* generate a file name suitable for the "Sent Items" scratch file */ sys$gettim (&BinTime); sys$fao (&FileNameFaoDsc, &slen, &FileNameDsc, VmsMailUser.VmsMailFullDirectory, "SOYMAIL_", BinTime[1], BinTime[0], ++AdditionalUniquifier); if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "|%s|\n", FileName); cptr = CgiLibVeeMemCalloc (slen); if (!cptr) ErrorExit (vaxc$errno, FI_LI); strcpy (cptr, FileName); return (cptr); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Generate a soyMAIL information or error status message intended for display in the status panel by StatusInfoPanel(). */ void StatusMessage ( char *SourceFileName, int SourceLineNumber, int OverwriteFlag, char *FormatString, ... ) { static char MessageBuffer [512]; int argcnt, len, NameLength; char *cptr, *sptr, *zptr; char FaoBuffer [256]; va_list argptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (!SourceFileName && !SourceLineNumber) { /* (CGIplus) initialise */ SoyMailStatusPtr = NULL; return; } if (WatchEnabled) { if (OverwriteFlag < 0) cptr = "OVERWRITE"; else if (OverwriteFlag == 0) cptr = "INFORM"; else if (OverwriteFlag > 0) cptr = "ERROR"; WatchThis ("STATUS !AZ !AZ:!UL !AZ", cptr, SourceFileName, SourceLineNumber, FormatString); } va_count (argcnt); if (argcnt < 3) ErrorExit (SS$_BUGCHECK, FI_LI); /* only ever overwrite a 'normal' status message with an 'error' */ if ((SoyMailStatusPtr && SoyMailStatusPtr[0] == '!') || (SoyMailStatusPtr && OverwriteFlag == 0)) return; if (OverwriteFlag > 0) { FaoBuffer[0] = '!'; strcpy (FaoBuffer+1, FormatString); cptr = FaoBuffer; } else cptr = FormatString; va_start (argptr, FormatString); len = vsprintf (MessageBuffer, cptr, argptr); if (OverwriteFlag > 0) { /* get just the name from the __FILE__ macro */ for (cptr = SourceFileName; *cptr && *cptr != ']'; cptr++); if (*cptr) cptr++; if (!*cptr) cptr = SourceFileName; for (sptr = cptr; *sptr && *sptr != '.'; sptr++); SourceFileName = cptr; NameLength = sptr - cptr; len += sprintf (MessageBuffer + len, "\n\n\n\n", NameLength, NameLength, SourceFileName, SourceLineNumber); } if (len >= sizeof(MessageBuffer)) ErrorExit (SS$_BUGCHECK, FI_LI); SoyMailStatusPtr = MessageBuffer; if (WatchEnabled) WatchThis ("STATUS !AZ", SoyMailStatusPtr); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Output the statistics. */ void StatTimer (BOOL ShowStat) { extern int CgiPlusUsageCount, ContextCacheCount, ContextCacheCurrent; extern unsigned long CgiLib__VeeMemCurrent; extern unsigned long CgiLib__VeeMemPeak; static unsigned long JpiPidItem = JPI$_PID; static $DESCRIPTOR (Stat1FaoDsc, "REAL:!%D CPU:!UL.!2ZL DIO:!UL BIO:!UL FAULTS:!UL MEM:!UL/!UL\0"); static $DESCRIPTOR (Stat2FaoDsc, "REAL:!%D CPU:!UL.!2ZL DIO:!UL BIO:!UL FAULTS:!UL PEAK:!UL CGIPLUS:!UL \ CONTEXT:!UL/!UL PID:!8XL\0"); static unsigned long CgiContext, CgiPlusContext, JpiPid, VeeMemPeak; static unsigned long LibStatTimerReal = 1, LibStatTimerCpu = 2, LibStatTimerBio = 3, LibStatTimerDio = 4, LibStatTimerFaults = 5; int status; unsigned long CpuBinTime, CountBio, CountDio, CountFaults; int64 RealTime64; char StatString [128]; $DESCRIPTOR (StatStringDsc, StatString); /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "StatTimer()\n"); if (!ShowStat) { if (!JpiPid) lib$getjpi (&JpiPidItem, 0, 0, &JpiPid, 0, 0); lib$init_timer (&CgiContext); if (CgiPlusUsageCount && !CgiPlusContext) lib$init_timer (&CgiPlusContext); return; } /* post-processing reset */ lib$stat_timer (&LibStatTimerReal, &RealTime64, &CgiContext); lib$stat_timer (&LibStatTimerCpu, &CpuBinTime, &CgiContext); lib$stat_timer (&LibStatTimerBio, &CountBio, &CgiContext); lib$stat_timer (&LibStatTimerDio, &CountDio, &CgiContext); lib$stat_timer (&LibStatTimerFaults, &CountFaults, &CgiContext); sys$fao (&Stat1FaoDsc, 0, &StatStringDsc, &RealTime64, CpuBinTime/100, CpuBinTime%100, CountDio, CountBio, CountFaults, CgiLib__VeeMemCurrent, CgiLib__VeeMemPeak); fprintf (stdout, "\n", stdout); return; } if (CgiLib__VeeMemPeak > VeeMemPeak) VeeMemPeak = CgiLib__VeeMemPeak; lib$stat_timer (&LibStatTimerReal, &RealTime64, &CgiPlusContext); lib$stat_timer (&LibStatTimerCpu, &CpuBinTime, &CgiPlusContext); lib$stat_timer (&LibStatTimerBio, &CountBio, &CgiPlusContext); lib$stat_timer (&LibStatTimerDio, &CountDio, &CgiPlusContext); lib$stat_timer (&LibStatTimerFaults, &CountFaults, &CgiPlusContext); sys$fao (&Stat2FaoDsc, 0, &StatStringDsc, &RealTime64, CpuBinTime/100, CpuBinTime%100, CountDio, CountBio, CountFaults, VeeMemPeak, CgiPlusUsageCount, ContextCacheCurrent, ContextCacheCount, JpiPid); fprintf (stdout, "
%s\'\n", StatString); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Print to string/ using $FAO directives. */ int PrintFao ( char *PrintBuffer, int SizeOfPrintBuffer, char *FaoString, ... ) { int argcnt, status; char LocalBuffer [4096]; unsigned short ShortLength; unsigned long *vecptr; unsigned long FaoVector [64]; $DESCRIPTOR (BufferDsc, LocalBuffer); $DESCRIPTOR (FaoStringDsc, FaoString); va_list argptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ va_count (argcnt); if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "PrintFao() %d |%s|\n", argcnt, FaoString); if (!FaoString) ErrorExit (SS$_BUGCHECK, FI_LI); if (argcnt > 64) ErrorExit (SS$_BUGCHECK, FI_LI); vecptr = FaoVector; va_start (argptr, FaoString); for (argcnt -= 3; argcnt; argcnt--) *vecptr++ = (unsigned long)va_arg (argptr, unsigned long); va_end (argptr); if (PrintBuffer) { BufferDsc.dsc$a_pointer = PrintBuffer; BufferDsc.dsc$w_length = SizeOfPrintBuffer-1; } FaoStringDsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(FaoString); status = sys$faol (&FaoStringDsc, &ShortLength, &BufferDsc, (unsigned long*)&FaoVector); if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "sys$fao() %%X%08.08X\n", status); if (!(status & 1) || status == SS$_BUFFEROVF) ShortLength = sprintf (BufferDsc.dsc$a_pointer, "$FAO() %%X%08.08X\n", status); else PrintBuffer[ShortLength] = '\0'; if (!PrintBuffer) fputs (LocalBuffer, stdout); return (ShortLength); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Print to dynamically allocated memory. Return -1 if a printing error. Return the current size of the resulting string (0..n) for success. Multiple prints append. Reset print structure (deallocate memory) with |fmt| NULL. */ int PrintMem ( PRINT_MEM *pmptr, char *fmt, ... ) { #define USE_CGILIB_VEEMEM int argcnt, result, size; va_list args; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (!fmt) { #ifdef USE_CGILIB_VEEMEM if (pmptr->buffer) CgiLibVeeMemFree (pmptr->buffer); #else if (pmptr->buffer) free (pmptr->buffer); #endif pmptr->buffer = NULL; return (pmptr->length = pmptr->size = 0); } va_count (argcnt); if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "PrintMem() %d |%s|\n", argcnt, fmt); va_start (args, fmt); size = vsnprintf (NULL, 0, fmt, args); va_end (args); if (size < 0) return (-1); if (pmptr->length + size > pmptr->size) { while (pmptr->length + size > pmptr->size) pmptr->size += PRINTMEM_INCR; #ifdef USE_CGILIB_VEEMEM pmptr->buffer = CgiLibVeeMemRealloc (pmptr->buffer, pmptr->size); #else pmptr->buffer = realloc (pmptr->buffer, pmptr->size); #endif if (!pmptr->buffer) ErrorExit (vaxc$errno, FI_LI); } va_start (args, fmt); result = vsprintf (pmptr->buffer + pmptr->length, fmt, args); va_end (args); if (result < 0) return (-1); if (result != size) ErrorExit (SS$_BUGCHECK, FI_LI); pmptr->length += size; if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "%d |%s|\n", pmptr->length, pmptr->buffer); return (pmptr->length); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Ensure the input string has single and double quotes, newlines, etc., are escaped using a preceding backslash. Designed to ensure JavaScript string literals do not contain an unescaped quote. If the input string contains any of these a dynamic buffer is allocated and the string escaped while copied. If it contains none the original string is returned. */ char* EscapeForQuotes (char *string) { int cnt; char *bptr, *cptr, *sptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "EscapeForQuotes()\n"); cnt = 0; for (cptr = string; *cptr; cptr++) if (*cptr == '\"' || *cptr == '\'' || *cptr == '\\' || *cptr == '\n') cnt++; if (!cnt) return (string); bptr = sptr = CgiLibVeeMemCalloc (cptr - string + cnt + 1); for (cptr = string; *cptr; cptr++) { if (*cptr == '\"' || *cptr == '\'' || *cptr == '\\') *sptr++ = '\\'; if (*cptr == '\n') *sptr++ = ' '; else *sptr++ = *cptr; } *sptr = '\0'; return (bptr); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Ensure the input string has single and double quotes, newlines, etc., are escaped using a preceding backslash. Designed to ensure JavaScript string literals do not contain an unescaped quote. If the input string contains any of these a dynamic buffer is allocated and the string escaped while copied. If it contains none the original string is returned. */ char* EscapeForJavaScript (char *string) { int cnt; char *bptr, *cptr, *sptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "EscapeForJavaScript() |%s|\n", string); cnt = 0; for (cptr = string; *cptr; cptr++) { if (*cptr == '\"' || *cptr == '\'' || *cptr == '\\') cnt += 2; else if (*(uchar*)cptr <= 31) cnt += 4; else cnt++; } if (!cnt) return (string); bptr = sptr = CgiLibVeeMemCalloc (cptr - string + cnt + 1); for (cptr = string; *cptr; cptr++) { if (*cptr == '\"' || *cptr == '\'' || *cptr == '\\') { *sptr++ = '\\'; *sptr++ = *cptr; } else if (*(uchar*)cptr <= 31) sptr += sprintf (sptr, "\\x%02.02x", *(uchar*)cptr); else *(uchar*)sptr++ = *(uchar*)cptr; } *sptr = '\0'; if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "bptr |%s|\n", bptr); return (bptr); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Ensure the input string has single and double quotes, newlines, etc., are escaped using a preceding backslash. Designed to ensure JavaScript string literals do not contain an unescaped quote. If the input string contains any of these a dynamic buffer is allocated and the string escaped while copied. If it contains none the original string is returned. */ char* EscapeForHtml (char *string) { int cnt; char *bptr, *cptr, *sptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "EscapeForQuotes()\n"); cnt = 0; for (cptr = string; *cptr; cptr++) if (*cptr == '<' || *cptr == '>' || *cptr == '&') cnt += 5; if (!cnt) return (string); bptr = sptr = CgiLibVeeMemCalloc (cptr - string + cnt + 1); for (cptr = string; *cptr; cptr++) { if (*cptr == '<') { memcpy (sptr, "<", 4); sptr += 4; } else if (*cptr == '>') { memcpy (sptr, ">", 4); sptr += 4; } else if (*cptr == '&') { memcpy (sptr, "&", 5); sptr += 5; } else *sptr++ = *cptr; } *sptr = '\0'; return (bptr); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Return a pointer to a calloc()ed string containing the message component of the status message of the supplied value. String has 15 additional unused bytes. */ char* SysGetMsg (int StatusValue) { int status; unsigned short Length; char *cptr; char StatusMsg [256]; $DESCRIPTOR (StatusMsgDsc, StatusMsg); /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "SysGetMsg() %%X%08.08X\n", StatusValue); switch (StatusValue) { case MAIL$_NOSUCHUSR : strcpy (StatusMsg, "No such user"); break; case MAIL$_NOTEXIST : strcpy (StatusMsg, "No such folder"); break; case MAIL$_OPENIN : strcpy (StatusMsg, "No such mail file"); break; default: status = sys$getmsg (StatusValue, &Length, &StatusMsgDsc, 1, 0); if (!(status & 1)) ErrorExit (status, FI_LI); StatusMsg[Length] = '\0'; StatusMsg[0] = toupper(StatusMsg[0]); if (cptr = strstr (StatusMsg, "!/!_")) *(ULONGPTR)cptr = '. '; } cptr = CgiLibVeeMemCalloc (strlen(StatusMsg)+16); if (!cptr) ErrorExit (vaxc$errno, FI_LI); strcpy (cptr, StatusMsg); return (cptr); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Return a pointer to an allocated string in the RFC/Unix-style format (e.g. "31 Mar 2005 20:35:16 +0930") for the supplied VMS binary time (current if NULL). */ char* LocalRfcBinDate (unsigned long *VmsBinTimePtr) { static char TimeString [64]; static $DESCRIPTOR (TimeStringDsc, TimeString); static $DESCRIPTOR (TimeFaoDsc, "!#AZ, !2ZL !#AZ !4UL !2ZL:!2ZL:!2ZL\0"); int cnt, DayNameLength, MonthNameLength; unsigned short slen; char *cptr, *sptr, *DayName, *MonthName; unsigned short NumTime [7]; unsigned long DayOfWeek; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "MtaRfcBinDate()\n"); sys$numtim (&NumTime, VmsBinTimePtr); lib$day_of_week (VmsBinTimePtr, &DayOfWeek); cptr = LangFor("weekdays"); for (cnt = 1; cnt < DayOfWeek; cnt++) { while (*cptr && *cptr != ' ') cptr++; while (*cptr && *cptr == ' ') cptr++; } for (sptr = cptr; *sptr && *sptr != ' '; sptr++); DayName = cptr; DayNameLength = sptr - cptr; cptr = LangFor("months"); for (cnt = 1; cnt < NumTime[1]; cnt++) { while (*cptr && *cptr != ' ') cptr++; while (*cptr && *cptr == ' ') cptr++; } for (sptr = cptr; *sptr && *sptr != ' '; sptr++); MonthName = cptr; MonthNameLength = sptr - cptr; sys$fao (&TimeFaoDsc, &slen, &TimeStringDsc, DayNameLength, DayName, NumTime[2], MonthNameLength, MonthName, NumTime[0], NumTime[3], NumTime[4], NumTime[5]); sptr = CgiLibVeeMemCalloc (slen); strcpy (sptr, TimeString); return (sptr); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Exit after reporting the source code module name and line number. */ /* strictly this is a no-no */ extern int CgiLib__Environment; ErrorExit ( int StatusValue, char *SourceFileName, int SourceLineNumber ) { int NameLength; char *cptr, *sptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ /* get just the name from the __FILE__ macro */ for (cptr = SourceFileName; *cptr && *cptr != ']'; cptr++); if (*cptr) cptr++; if (!*cptr) cptr = SourceFileName; for (sptr = cptr; *sptr && *sptr != '.'; sptr++); SourceFileName = cptr; NameLength = sptr - cptr; if (CgiLib__Environment) cptr = CgiLibVarNull ("SERVER_SOFTWARE"); else cptr = NULL; if (cptr) { /* running as a CGI, report to client */ CgiLibResponseHeader (403, "text/html"); fprintf (stdout, "%s\n\ \n\ \n\ %s\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ %s\n\ \n\ \n\ %s:  %s.\n\ \n\ \n\ \n", DocType, CgiLibXUACompatible(NULL), SoftwareEnv, CgiEnvironmentPtr, SoftwareCopy, LangFor("lang_name"), LangFor("lang_author"), SoyMailPageTitle(NULL), "Fatal soyMAIL Error", SysGetMsg(StatusValue), NameLength, NameLength, SourceFileName, SourceLineNumber); exit (SS$_NORMAL); } fprintf (stdout, "%%%s-E-EXIT, %%X%08.08X %*.*s:%d\n", Utility, StatusValue, NameLength, NameLength, SourceFileName, SourceLineNumber); exit (StatusValue); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Hmmm, idea look familiar? :-) */ int WatchThis ( char *FaoString, ... ) { static int WatchCount; int argcnt, status; char *cptr, *sptr, *zptr; char Buffer [16384], FaoBuffer [256]; unsigned long *vecptr; $DESCRIPTOR (BufferDsc, Buffer); $DESCRIPTOR (FaoBufferDsc, FaoBuffer); unsigned long FaoVector [32]; va_list argptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ va_count (argcnt); if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "WatchThis() %d |%s|\n", argcnt, FaoString); if (!FaoString) { if (WatchCount) { /* post-processing reset */ WatchThis ("WATCH end"); WatchEnabled = WatchCount = 0; } else { /* pre-processing initialize */ WatchCount = 1; CgiLibResponseSetRecordMode (1); CgiLibResponseHeader (200, "text/plain", "Script-Control: X-content-encoding-gzip=0\n"); WatchThis ("WATCH begin"); } return (SS$_NORMAL); } vecptr = FaoVector; *vecptr++ = WatchCount++; *vecptr++ = 0; va_start (argptr, FaoString); for (argcnt -= 1; argcnt; argcnt--) *vecptr++ = (unsigned long)va_arg (argptr, unsigned long); va_end (argptr); zptr = (sptr = FaoBuffer) + sizeof(FaoBuffer)-3; for (cptr = "|!4ZL|!%T|"; *cptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++); for (cptr = FaoString; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++); *sptr++ = '|'; *sptr++ = '\n'; *sptr++ = '\0'; FaoBufferDsc.dsc$a_pointer = FaoBuffer; FaoBufferDsc.dsc$w_length = sptr - FaoBuffer; status = sys$faol (&FaoBufferDsc, 0, &BufferDsc, (unsigned long*)&FaoVector); if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "sys$fao() %%X%08.08X\n", status); if (!(status & 1)) exit (status); fputs (Buffer, stdout); return (status); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Ditto? :-) */ int WatchDump ( char *DataPtr, int DataLength ) { int cnt, len; char *cptr, *lptr, *sptr; char WatchBuffer [256]; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "WatchDump() %d\n", DataLength); cptr = DataPtr; len = DataLength; while (len) { sptr = WatchBuffer; lptr = cptr; cnt = 0; while (cnt < 32) { if (cnt < len) sptr += sprintf (sptr, "%02.02X", (unsigned char)*cptr++); else { *sptr++ = ' '; *sptr++ = ' '; } if (!(++cnt % 4)) *sptr++ = ' '; } *sptr++ = ' '; cptr = lptr; cnt = 0; while (cnt < 32 && cnt < len) { if (isprint(*cptr)) *sptr++ = *cptr; else *sptr++ = '.'; cptr++; cnt++; } if (len > 32) len -= 32; else len = 0; *sptr++ = '\n'; *sptr = '\0'; fputs (WatchBuffer, stdout); } return (1); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Read the file contents specified by 'FileName' into memory, set the pointer at 'FileTextPtr' to the contents and the file size at 'FileSizePtr'. Returns a VMS status value that should be checked. */ int ReadFileIntoMemory ( char *FileName, char **FileTextPtr, int *FileSizePtr ) { int status, Bytes, BytesRemaining, BufferCount; char *cptr, *sptr, *BufferPtr, *LinePtr; FILE *FilePtr; stat_t StatBuffer; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "ReadFileIntoMemory() |%s|\n", FileName); if (FileTextPtr != NULL) *FileTextPtr = NULL; if (FileSizePtr != NULL) *FileSizePtr = 0; if (stat (FileName, &StatBuffer) < 0) { status = vaxc$errno; if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "stat() %%X%08.08X\n", status); return (status); } if (StatBuffer.st_fab_rfm == FAB$C_VAR || StatBuffer.st_fab_rfm == FAB$C_VFC) FilePtr = fopen (FileName, "r", "shr=put"); else FilePtr = fopen (FileName, "r", "shr=put", "ctx=bin"); if (FilePtr == NULL) { status = vaxc$errno; if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "fopen() %%X%08.08X\n", status); return (status); } Bytes = StatBuffer.st_size; if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "%d bytes\n", Bytes); /* a little margin for error ;^) */ BufferPtr = CgiLibVeeMemCalloc (Bytes+32); if (BufferPtr == NULL) ErrorExit (vaxc$errno, FI_LI); BufferCount = 0; if (StatBuffer.st_fab_rfm == FAB$C_VAR || StatBuffer.st_fab_rfm == FAB$C_VFC) { BytesRemaining = Bytes; LinePtr = BufferPtr; while (fgets (LinePtr, BytesRemaining, FilePtr) != NULL) { /** if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "|%s|\n", LinePtr); **/ if (!*LinePtr) break; for (cptr = LinePtr; *cptr; cptr++); BufferCount += cptr - LinePtr; BytesRemaining -= cptr - LinePtr; LinePtr = cptr; } } else { status = fread (BufferPtr, Bytes, 1, FilePtr); if (status == 1) BufferCount = Bytes; } fclose (FilePtr); if (StatBuffer.st_fab_rfm == FAB$C_STMLF) { /* text file, newlines only (check first 512 characters and quit) */ for (cptr = BufferPtr; *cptr && cptr < BufferPtr+512; cptr++) if (*(USHORTPTR)cptr == '\r\n') { sptr = cptr; while (*cptr) { if (*(USHORTPTR)cptr == '\r\n') cptr++; *sptr++ = *cptr++; } *sptr = '\0'; BufferCount = sptr - BufferPtr; break; } } if (Debug) if (BufferCount < 50000) fprintf (stdout, "%d |%s|\n", BufferCount, BufferPtr); else fprintf (stdout, "%d || TOO LARGE!\n", BufferCount); if (FileTextPtr != NULL) *FileTextPtr = BufferPtr; if (FileSizePtr != NULL) *FileSizePtr = BufferCount; return (SS$_NORMAL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ char* FileSpecSearch ( int NameOnly, char *DirSpec, char *FileSpec ) { static char ExpFileName [255+1], RetFileName [255+1], ResFileName [255+1]; static struct FAB SearchFab; static struct NAM SearchNam; int status; char *cptr, *sptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "FileSpecSearch()\n"); if (FileSpec) { SearchFab = cc$rms_fab; SearchFab.fab$l_dna = DirSpec; SearchFab.fab$b_dns = strlen(DirSpec); SearchFab.fab$l_fna = FileSpec; SearchFab.fab$b_fns = strlen(FileSpec); SearchFab.fab$l_nam = &SearchNam; SearchNam = cc$rms_nam; SearchNam.nam$l_esa = ExpFileName; SearchNam.nam$b_ess = sizeof(ExpFileName)-1; SearchNam.nam$l_rsa = ResFileName; SearchNam.nam$b_rss = sizeof(ResFileName)-1; if (VMSnok (status = sys$parse (&SearchFab, 0, 0))) { if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "sys$parse() %%X%08.08X\n", status); return (NULL); } SearchNam.nam$l_ver[SearchNam.nam$b_ver] = '\0'; if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "|%s|\n", ExpFileName); } if (VMSok (status = sys$search (&SearchFab, 0, 0))) { SearchNam.nam$l_ver[SearchNam.nam$b_ver] = '\0'; if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "|%s|\n", ResFileName); sptr = RetFileName; if (NameOnly) { for (cptr = ResFileName; *cptr; cptr++); while (cptr > ResFileName && *cptr != ']') cptr--; if (*cptr == ']') { cptr++; while (*cptr) *sptr++ = *cptr++; *sptr = '\0'; } else ErrorExit (SS$_BUGCHECK, FI_LI); } else { for (cptr = ResFileName; *cptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++); *sptr = '\0'; } while (sptr > RetFileName && *sptr != ';') sptr--; *sptr = '\0'; return (RetFileName); } if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "sys$search() %%X%08.08X\n", status); return (NULL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Translate a logical name using LNM$FILE_DEV. Returns a pointer to the value string, or NULL if the name does not exist. If 'LogValue' is supplied the logical name is translated into that (assumed to be large enough), otherwise it's translated into an internal static buffer. 'IndexValue' should be zero for a 'flat' logical name, or 0..127 for interative translations. */ char* TrnLnm ( char *LogName, char *LogValue, int IndexValue ) { static unsigned short ValueLength; static unsigned long LnmAttributes, LnmIndex; static char StaticLogValue [256]; static $DESCRIPTOR (LogNameDsc, ""); static $DESCRIPTOR (LnmFileDevDsc, "LNM$FILE_DEV"); static struct { short int buf_len; short int item; void *buf_addr; unsigned short *ret_len; } LnmItems [] = { { sizeof(LnmIndex), LNM$_INDEX, &LnmIndex, 0 }, { sizeof(LnmAttributes), LNM$_ATTRIBUTES, &LnmAttributes, 0 }, { 255, LNM$_STRING, 0, &ValueLength }, { 0,0,0,0 } }; int status; char *cptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "TrnLnm() |%s| %d\n", LogName, IndexValue); LnmIndex = IndexValue; LogNameDsc.dsc$a_pointer = LogName; LogNameDsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(LogName); if (LogValue) cptr = LnmItems[2].buf_addr = LogValue; else cptr = LnmItems[2].buf_addr = StaticLogValue; status = sys$trnlnm (0, &LnmFileDevDsc, &LogNameDsc, 0, &LnmItems); if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "sys$trnlnm() %%X%08.08X\n", status); if (!(status & 1) || !(LnmAttributes & LNM$M_EXISTS)) { if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "|(null)|\n"); return (NULL); } cptr[ValueLength] = '\0'; if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "|%s|\n", cptr); return (cptr); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Set an integer reflecting the major, minor version and update release of VMS (e.g. 600, 610, 620...730, 731, 732, etc.) */ int GetVmsVersion () { #define SYI$_VERSION 4096 static char SyiVersion [16]; static VMS_ITEM_LIST3 SyiItems [] = { { 8, SYI$_VERSION, &SyiVersion, 0 }, { 0,0,0,0 } }; int status, version; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "GetVmsVersion()\n"); if (VMSnok (status = sys$getsyiw (0, 0, 0, &SyiItems, 0, 0, 0))) exit (status); SyiVersion[8] = '\0'; if (SyiVersion[0] == 'V' && isdigit(SyiVersion[1]) && SyiVersion[2] == '.' && isdigit(SyiVersion[3])) { /* e.g. "V7.3" */ version = ((SyiVersion[1]-48) * 100) + (SyiVersion[3]-48) * 10; /* if something like "V7.3-2" */ if (SyiVersion[4] == '-') version += SyiVersion[5]-48; } else /* unknown format, assume it's version 6.0 */ version = 600; if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "|%s| %d\n", SyiVersion, version); return (version); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Return a pointer to a buffer containg a string describing the hardware and VMS version. */ char* GetPlatformDescription () { #define SYI$_HW_NAME 4362 #define SYI$_VERSION 4096 static unsigned short SyiHwNameLength; static char Description [61+9+5], SyiHwName [61], SyiVersion [9]; static VMS_ITEM_LIST3 SyiItems [] = { { sizeof(SyiHwName)-1, SYI$_HW_NAME, &SyiHwName, &SyiHwNameLength }, { sizeof(SyiVersion)-1, SYI$_VERSION, &SyiVersion, 0 }, { 0,0,0,0 } }; int status, version; char *cptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "GetPlatformDescription()\n"); if (Description[0]) return (Description); if (VMSnok (status = sys$getsyiw (0, 0, 0, &SyiItems, 0, 0, 0))) exit (status); SyiHwName[SyiHwNameLength] = '\0'; SyiVersion[8] = '\0'; for (cptr = SyiVersion; *cptr && *cptr != ' '; cptr++); *cptr = '\0'; sprintf (Description, "%s VMS %s", SyiHwName, SyiVersion); return (Description); } /****************************************************************************/ /* $FAO formatted print statement to OPCOM. A fixed-size, internal buffer of 986 bytes maximum is used and the result output as an OPCOM message. If the format string begins with "S/" it is sent to SOFTWARE, otherwise CENTRAL. */ void OpcomMessage ( char *FormatString, ... ) { static $DESCRIPTOR (FaoDsc, ""); static $DESCRIPTOR (OpcomDsc, ""); static $DESCRIPTOR (OpcomMsgDsc, ""); int status, argcnt, target; unsigned short ShortLength; unsigned long *vecptr; unsigned long FaoVector [31+1]; va_list argptr; struct { unsigned long TargetType; unsigned long RequestId; char MsgText [986+1]; } OpcomMsg; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ va_count (argcnt); if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "OpcomMessage() |%s| %d\n", FormatString, argcnt); if (argcnt > 31+1) exit (SS$_OVRMAXARG); vecptr = FaoVector; va_start (argptr, FormatString); for (argcnt -= 1; argcnt; argcnt--) *vecptr++ = va_arg (argptr, unsigned long); va_end (argptr); *vecptr = 0; if (*(USHORTPTR)FormatString == 'S/') { target = OPC$M_NM_SOFTWARE; FormatString += 2; } else target = OPC$M_NM_CENTRL; FaoDsc.dsc$a_pointer = FormatString; FaoDsc.dsc$w_length = strlen(FormatString); OpcomMsgDsc.dsc$a_pointer = (char*)&OpcomMsg.MsgText; OpcomMsgDsc.dsc$w_length = sizeof(OpcomMsg.MsgText)-1; status = sys$faol (&FaoDsc, &ShortLength, &OpcomMsgDsc, &FaoVector); if (VMSnok (status)) exit (status); OpcomMsg.MsgText[ShortLength] = '\0'; if (Debug) fprintf (stdout, "%d |%s|\n", ShortLength, OpcomMsg.MsgText); OpcomMsg.TargetType = OPC$_RQ_RQST + ((target & 0xffffff) << 8); OpcomMsg.RequestId = 0; OpcomDsc.dsc$a_pointer = (char*)&OpcomMsg; OpcomDsc.dsc$w_length = ShortLength + 8; status = sys$sndopr (&OpcomDsc, 0); if (VMSnok (status)) exit (status); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Trace of call stack for debug purposes. Include call in code to use :-) The output is buffered, sized to be included in an OPCOM message. */ #include /* VSI C V7.4-002 on OpenVMS Alpha V8.4-2L1 %CC-I-IMPLICITFUNC, In this statement, the identifier "snprintf" is implicitly declared as a function. */ int snprintf (char*, size_t, const char*, ...); char* StackTrace ( char* module, int line ) { static char *bufptr; static char buf [32]; int status; char *bptr, *bzptr; struct invo_context_blk icb; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (!bufptr) bufptr = calloc (1, 900); bzptr = (bptr = bufptr) + (900-16); bptr += sprintf (bptr, "%s:%d\r\n", module, line); #ifdef __ALPHA lib$get_curr_invo_context (&icb); while (lib$get_prev_invo_context (&icb), !icb.libicb$v_bottom_of_stack) bptr += snprintf (bptr, bzptr-bptr, "%08.08X%08.08X\r\n", icb.libicb$q_program_counter[1], icb.libicb$q_program_counter[0]); #endif #ifdef __ia64 lib$i64_init_invo_context (&icb, LIBICB$K_INVO_CONTEXT_VERSION); lib$i64_get_curr_invo_context (&icb); while (lib$i64_get_prev_invo_context (&icb), !icb.libicb$v_bottom_of_stack) bptr += snprintf (bptr, bzptr-bptr, "%08.08X%08.08X\r\n", ((ULONGPTR)&icb.libicb$ih_pc)[1], ((ULONGPTR)&icb.libicb$ih_pc)[0]); #endif #ifdef __x86_64 lib$x86_init_invo_context (&icb, LIBICB$K_INVO_CONTEXT_VERSION); lib$x86_get_curr_invo_context (&icb); while (lib$x86_get_prev_invo_context (&icb), !icb.libicb$v_bottom_of_stack) bptr += snprintf (bptr, bzptr-bptr, "%08.08X%08.08X\r\n", ((ULONGPTR)&icb.libicb$ih_ip)[1], ((ULONGPTR)&icb.libicb$ih_ip)[0]); #endif if (bptr >= bzptr) sprintf (bptr, "TRUNCATED!"); else sprintf (bptr, "COMPLETE"); return (bufptr); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Copies null-terminated string 'SrcPtr' to 'DestPtr'. Returns length of copied string. Truncate on overflow! */ int strzcpy ( char *DestPtr, char *SrcPtr, int SizeOfDest ) { char *cptr, *sptr, *zptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ zptr = (sptr = DestPtr) + SizeOfDest-1; for (cptr = SrcPtr; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++); *sptr = '\0'; return (sptr - DestPtr); } /****************************************************************************/ /* Does a case-insensitive, character-by-character string compare and returns true if two strings are the same, or false if not. If a maximum number of characters are specified only those will be compared, if the entire strings should be compared then specify the number of characters as 0. */ BOOL strsame ( char *sptr1, char *sptr2, int count ) { /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (count > 0) return (strncasecmp (sptr1, sptr2, count) == 0); else return (strcasecmp (sptr1, sptr2) == 0); } /*****************************************************************************/