/******************************************************************************/ /* config.h */ /******************************************************************************/ #ifndef INCLUDE_CONFIG_H #define INCLUDE_CONFIG_H /*******************/ /* data structures */ /*******************/ #ifndef __VAX # pragma member_alignment __save # pragma member_alignment #endif typedef struct STRUCT_CONFIG_DATA { BOOL LoginAcmeNoRestrict, LoginAliasSmtpFrom, LoginAutoComplete, LoginNoPwdExp, LogoutDisabled, PrivateRequest, PublicRequest, UserNameInfo, VmsNewMsg, VmsOccluded; int ComposeContactsAfter, ComposeContactsSize, ComposeUserFrom, ContextCacheSeconds, DiskQuotaPercent, LoginIdleSeconds, LoginType, LoginVerifySeconds, ImageInline, MessageFlags, SearchEnabled, SearchHeaderOnly, SearchKeywordOnly, SearchPriority, SelectNotSearch; char /* file specification of access log */ *AccessLogFile, /* browser's internally handled MIME types */ *AttachmentMimeTypes, /* default charset for message folder listing */ *CharSetDefault, /* string containing comma-separated character sets */ *CharSetsRightToLeft, /* string containing comma-separated character sets */ *ComposeCharSets, /* string containing (non-digit) separated numbers */ *ComposeEditCols, /* string containing (non-digit) separated numbers */ *ComposeEditRows, /* string containing (non-digit) separated numbers */ *ComposeWrapAt, /* disables soyMAIL and provides announcement */ *DowntimeMessage, /* default font family */ *FontFamilyDefault, /* additional font family specifications (non-en language?) */ *FontFamilyLocal, /* site-specific text on help about page */ *HelpAboutSite, /* .. JavaScript for HMTL text editor */ *HtmlEditorLoad, /* "welcome to soyMAIL" */ *InitialGreeting, /* ACME domain of interpretation */ *LoginAcmeDoi, /* external agent to perform login authentication */ *LoginAgent, /* list of alias-to-login user names */ *LoginAlias, /* location of password change page HTML content */ *LoginChangePage, /* langauge file used on login page */ *LoginLanguage, /* location of login page HTML content */ *LoginPage, /* string used for RC4 encryption of authentication credentials */ *LoginSecret, /* string used in logout 'realm=".."' challenge */ *LogoutRealm, /* text in separate panel at bottom of message list page */ *MessageListFooter, /* superior line in main menu panel */ *PageTitle1, /* pushes 1 to the left and 2 to the right */ *PageTitle2, /* text header for printed messages */ *PrintFooter, /* text footer for printed messages */ *PrintHeader, /* authenticated (CGI remote-) user to VMS user name mapping */ *PrivateAccess, /* folders that are publically accessable */ *PublicAccess, /* text in separate panel at bottom of message list page */ *PublicFooter, /* the administrator can set public access options */ *PublicOptionsDefault, /* where public access is authorized but the user has no access */ *PublicNoAccessPage, /* controls the level of searching permitted */ *SearchControl, /* site-specific CSS */ *SiteStyleSheet, /* name ("user") without domain defaults ("user@host-name") */ *SmtpDefaultHost, /* mail shows "From: user@host-name" */ *SmtpFromHost, /* SMTP server host name or address for outging Internet Mail */ *SmtpServerHost, /* for "soyMAIL @ " in page title bar */ *SoyMailAtTitle, /* update the SYSUAF last login represented by 'I' or 'N' */ *UpdateLastLogin, /* the administrator can preset personal options */ *UserOptionsDefault, /* the administrator can override personal options */ *UserOptionsOverride; } CONFIG_DATA; #ifndef __VAX # pragma member_alignment __restore #endif /**************/ /* prototypes */ /**************/ BOOL ConfigBoolean (char*); void ConfigLoad (REQUEST_DATA*); char* ConfigTextParse (char**, char**, char**); BOOL ConfigPrivateAccess (REQUEST_DATA*); BOOL ConfigPublicAccess (REQUEST_DATA*); void ConfigSetAccess (REQUEST_DATA*); int ConfigWriteEscaped (FILE*, char*); #endif /* INCLUDE_CONFIG_H */ /******************************************************************************/