$!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $! BUILD_ASDW.COM $! $! P1 == LINK or BUILD or empty (builds) $! P2 == OBJECT to build object module $! P3 == SSL to build TLS-capable $! $! 18-MAR-2022 MGD initial $!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- $! $ on controly then exit 44 $ on error then continue $! $ @wasd_root:[src]archer.com "ASDW" $! $ p1 = f$edit(p1,"upcase") $ p2 = f$edit(p2,"upcase") $ p3 = f$edit(p3,"upcase") $! $ build_datetime = "BUILD_DATETIME=""""""""""""" +- f$extract(0,10,f$cvtime()) + ":" +- f$extract(11,8,f$cvtime()) + """""""""""""" $! $ defines = " /define=(__VMS_VER=70000000," +- "__CRTL_VER=70000000,CGILIB_OBJECT_MODULE," +- "''BUILD_DATETIME')" $! $ if p2 .eqs. "OBJECT" $ then $ defines = defines - ")" + ",ASDW_OBJECT)" $ object = "_OBJECT" $ else $ object = "" $ endif $! $ includes = " /include=[src.misc]" $ warnings= " /warning=(disable=(preoptw,implicitfunc," +- "needconstext,addrconstext))" $ warnings= " /warning=(disable=(preoptw))" $! $ cc_options = "/decc /optimize /stand=relaxed /prefix=all /names=as_is" +- includes + defines + warnings $! $ if p1 .eqs. "" .or. p1 .eqs. "BUILD" .or. p1 .eqs. "COMPILE" $ then $ set verify $ cc 'cc_options' /object='object_dir'asdw'object' asdw $! 'f$verify(0) $ set on $ endif $! $ if p1 .eqs. "" .or. p1 .eqs. "BUILD" .or. p1 .eqs. "LINK" $ then $ set verify $ link /notrace /executable=[.obj_'wasd_arch_name']asdw.exe - [.obj_'wasd_arch_name']asdw,- ssl3$lib:SSL3$LIBSSL32.OLB/LIBRARY,- ssl3$lib:SSL3$LIBCRYPTO32.OLB/LIBRARY $! 'f$verify(0) $ endif $! $!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------