VMS Help  —  SET  TERMINAL  Qualifiers  /DEVICE_TYPE

    Informs the system of the terminal type and sets characteristics
    according to the device type specified. You can specify any of
    the following terminal types:

       UNKNOWN     LA100      PRO_SERIES      VT102      VT200
       FT1-FT8     LA120      VT05            VT105      VT300
       LA12        LA210      VT52            VT125      VT400
       LA34        LN01K      VT55            VT131      VT500
       LA36        LN03       VT100           VT132
       LA38        LQP02      VT101           VT173

    The default characteristics for the VT100-, VT102-, and VT125-
    series terminals are as follows:

    /BROADCAST       /CRFILL=0       /ECHO
    /FULLDUP         /NOHOSTSYNC     /LFFILL=0
    /LOWERCASE       /NODMA          /PAGE=24
    /SPEED=9600      /TAB            /TTSYNC
    /TYPE_AHEAD      /WIDTH=80       /WRAP
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