1 PRODUCT PCSI creates, installs, and manages software products. You can use it to do the following: o Install and reconfigure software products. o Remove software products. o Display information from the software product database, such as the names of installed products, the names of patches applied, product dependencies, the names of files provided by product, and historical information about past operations. o Locate software product kits. o Create a software product kit in sequential, compressed, or reference format. o List the contents of a software product kit or extract files from the kit, such as release notes or files you specify. o Perform other operations such as establishing default configuration choices offered by a product, copying a product kit or converting it to a different format, and registering information about a product in the product database. o Uninstall the last patch or set of patches applied to a product. To use PCSI from the DCL prompt, enter the PRODUCT command, a subcommand, and any required parameters and optional qualifiers. For example: $ PRODUCT INSTALL FORTRAN /VERSION=V7.2-3 /SOURCE=DISK1:[KITS] This command installs FORTRAN V7.2-3 on your system from a product kit located in DISK1:[KITS]. 2 Description The PRODUCT command is used to install, remove, or display products which are part of the OpenVMS environment. The PRODUCT command is the interface to the POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) utility. To install products, patches, or mandatory updates, use the PRODUCT INSTALL command. To uninstall complete products, including any patches or mandatory updates that might have been applied to them, use the PRODUCT REMOVE command. To uninstall patches or mandatory updates while still retaining the original product that was installed, use the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command. However, to use PRODUCT UNDO PATCH, you must have created and retained recovery data sets for these patches. (By default, the PRODUCT INSTALL command creates a recovery data set when patch kits are installed.) For more information about the use of recovery data sets, see the description of the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command. 2 Parameters subcommand Specifies an operation you want PCSI to perform. If you do not supply a subcommand, the utility prompts you to select one from a list. product-name Specifies the name of the product to which you want to apply the activity. Some subcommands do not require this parameter. You can use the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters for all or part of the product-name. You can specify a list of products separated by commas (,). The product name is the same as the third component of the file name of the product kit. For example, the product name parameter that you would use to refer to a kit named DEC-AXPVMS- FORTRAN-V0702-3-1.PCSI is FORTRAN. A product name can include an underscore character (_) but never a hyphen (-). For example, VMS73_DRIVER is the name of a remedial kit for OpenVMS whose file name is DEC-AXPVMS-VMS73_DRIVER-V0300-4.PCSI. 2 ANALYZE 3 PDB Verifies the structural integrity of the product database and, in some circumstances, performs minor repairs on the files in the database. Format PRODUCT ANALYZE PDB [/qualifiers] 4 Description The product database refers to an interrelated set of files named *.PCSI$DATABASE. These files ordinarily reside in SYS$SYSTEM. When you use this command, PCSI does the following: o Reads *.PCSI$DATABASE files referenced by the root database file PCSI$ROOT.PCSI$DATABASE and checks all fields for correct syntax. o Automatically performs minor repairs when a known corruption pattern can be identified and if a repair is feasible. o Provides instructions for rebuilding the database if an unrecoverable corruption is found. The PRODUCT ANALYZE PDB command always reads the PCSI$ROOT.PCSI$DATABASE file, even if you also select a subset of the database files for analysis. 4 Parameters None. 4 Qualifiers /LOCATION /LOCATION=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the location of the product database files to be analyzed. Include only a device and directory name. This qualifier is useful if you copy the product database to a temporary directory to perform verification and repair on the copy rather than on the original files. If you do not use this qualifier, the default location of the product database files is SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE]. If you omit the device name, PCSI uses your current default device. If you omit the directory name, PCSI uses your current default directory. /PDB_TYPE /PDB_TYPE=keyword Specifies that a subset of the product database files is to be analyzed. By default, all database files referenced by the root database file PCSI$ROOT.PCSI$DATABASE are analyzed. Keywords are as follows: FILE_SYSTEM Selects the PCSI$FILE_SYSTEM.PCSI$DATABASE file for analysis. PROCESSOR Selects the PCSI$PROCESSOR.PCSI$DATABASE file for analysis. PRODUCT=(product- Selects the product specific database files name[,...]) for the named products for analysis. Wildcard characters are permitted in the product name. ROOT Selects the PCSI$ROOT.PCSI$DATABASE file for analysis. /REMOTE /REMOTE /NOREMOTE (default) Selects the product database located on a privately mounted system disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for the product database. When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined: o PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command. o PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root: PCSI$SYSDEVICE:[SYSx.] 4 Examples 1.$ PRODUCT ANALYZE PDB Analyzing product database files in DISK$V83SYS:[VMS$COMMON.][SYSEXE] ...scanned PCSI$ROOT.PCSI$DATABASE;1 ...scanned PCSI$FILE_SYSTEM.PCSI$DATABASE;1 ...scanned PCSI$PROCESSOR.PCSI$DATABASE;1 ...scanned DEC-AXPVMS-DECNET_OSI-V0703-2.PCSI$DATABASE;1 ... ...scanned DEC-AXPVMS-VMS-V0803-2.PCSI$DATABASE;1 Completed product database analysis with no errors detected The command in this example verifies the active product database files in their usual location on the system disk in SYS$SYSTEM. 2.$ PRODUCT ANALYZE PDB /LOCATION=DKA300:[TEST] /PDB_TYPE=PRODUCT=TCPIP*) Analyzing product database files in DKA300:[TEST] ...scanned DEC-AXPVMS-TCPIP-V0504-15.PCSI$DATABASE;1 ...scanned DEC-AXPVMS-TCPIP_ECO-V0504-155.PCSI$DATABASE;1 ...scanned DEC-AXPVMS-TCPIP_ECO-V0504-154.PCSI$DATABASE;1 ...scanned DEC-AXPVMS-TCPIP_ECO-V0504-152.PCSI$DATABASE;1 Completed product database analysis with no errors detected The command in this example analyzes the database files in the DKA300:[TEST] directory for the TCP/IP product and all the patch kits that have been applied to it. The root database file PCSI$ROOT.PCSI$DATABASE must also be in this directory. 2 CONFIGURE Creates a product configuration file (PCF) for one or more products. Optionally uses the values in an existing PCF file to create the new PCF. Format PRODUCT CONFIGURE product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] 3 Parameter product-name Names the product, or list of products, for which product configuration files will be generated. 3 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=base-system-name Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. /CONFIGURATION /CONFIGURATION=(keyword[,...]) Specifies how the configuration choices are used. Keywords are: CURRENT Uses values from the product database. These values are the configuration choices made when the product was installed or reconfigured. PRODUCER Uses values specified by the software manufacturer of the product. INPUT=pcf-name Uses values from the specified product configuration file. OUTPUT=pcf-name Writes configuration choices to the specified product configuration file. If no file name is supplied, creates a file named DEFAULT.PCSI$CONFIGURATION in the current default directory. The keywords CURRENT, PRODUCER, and INPUT are mutually exclusive. (CURRENT is the default if none of these keywords is specified.) The OUTPUT keyword can be used with the CURRENT, PRODUCER, or INPUT keyword. If you specify only one keyword, you can omit the parentheses. /HELP /HELP /NOHELP (default) Controls whether detailed explanations of product options and informational text are displayed. The first time you install a product, these explanations can help you decide which options to select. When you perform subsequent installations or upgrades, you might choose the brief explanations to save time. When /NOHELP is selected, you can request a detailed explanation about a question by performing one of the following actions at the prompt: o Press the Help key or PF2 key o Type ? and press the Return key /KIT_ATTRIBUTES /KIT_ATTRIBUTES=keyword([,...]) Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are: FORMAT= Designates the format of the product kit as follows: format-type COMPRESSED Compressed format in which a data compression technique has been applied to a sequential kit. A compressed kit has a .PCSI$COMPRESSED file type. REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree. A .PCSI$DESCRIPTION file in the top level of the directory tree denotes a reference kit. SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in a container file. A file type of .PCSI indicates a sequential kit. TYPE= Specifies the type of product kit as follows: kit-type FULL Layered product (application) software. OPERATING_ Operating system software. SYSTEM MANDATORY_ A required correction to currently UPDATE installed software. Functionally, this type of kit is the same as a patch kit. PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product. PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product. PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (also called a product suite). /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specification of the configuration file that is created. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=keyword /NOOPTIONS (default) Specifies PRODUCT command options. The keywords are: NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the products that have been selected for the operation. The NOCONFIRM and NODEFAULT_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. NODEFAULT_KIT Directs the utility to query the user instead of choosing a default kit when more than one kit that matches the selection criteria for the product is found in the source directory path. The selection criteria include the producer, base system, product name, and product version strings that are embedded in the file name of a kit. If multiple kits are found for a selected product, and NODEFAULT_KIT is not specified, the utility determines the default kit to use by applying the following rules: 1. The last character of the kit's file name (1-7) is used to order the kits by kit type. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: full, operating system, partial, patch, platform, transition, and mandatory update. 2. The file type is used to order the kits by format. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: compressed (.PCSI$COMPRESSED), sequential (.PCSI), and reference (.PCSI$DESCRIPTION). 3. If multiple kits are found with the same file name and file type, but differ in their directory path names, the case of their file specifications, or their file versions, then the first file found by RMS search rules takes precedence. The NODEFAULT_KIT and NOCONFIRM keywords are mutually exclusive. NOVALIDATE_KIT Disables validation of software product kits that are signed and have a manifest file in the source directory. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=producer-name Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. /REMOTE /REMOTE /NOREMOTE (default) Selects the product database located on a privately mounted system disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for the product database. When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined: o PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command. o PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root: PCSI$SYSDEVICE:[SYSx.] /SOURCE /SOURCE=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location defined by the logical name PCSI$SOURCE. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, PCSI searches the current default directory. /SPAN_VERSIONS /SPAN_VERSIONS=keyword([,...]) Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are: ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS= (MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0. /VERSION /VERSION=version-number Selects software products that have the specified version. 3 Example $ PRODUCT CONFIGURE EDITOR - _$ /CONFIGURATION=(INPUT=EDITOR_REV1.PCF,OUTPUT=EDITOR_REV2.PCF) The command in this example reads an existing PCF file named EDITOR_REV1.PCF for a product named EDITOR to obtain default values for its configuration options. Then a configuration dialog allows the user to change and review all options. Finally, the modified configuration values are saved in EDITOR_REV2.PCF. 2 COPY Copies or converts one or more existing product kits that you specify to product kits in the format you request. For example, you can create a kit in reference format from a kit in sequential format, create a compressed kit from a kit in sequential format, or simply copy a kit to a new location without changing its format. Format PRODUCT COPY product-name /DESTINATION=device-name:[directory-name] [/qualifiers] 3 Description The PRODUCT COPY command allows you to compress a sequential kit. If you do not have a kit in sequential format, you must first use the PRODUCT PACKAGE command to create a sequential kit from the product materials. Then you can use the PRODUCT COPY command to convert it to compressed format. You cannot create a kit in compressed format directly from a kit in reference format. Use the /FORMAT qualifier to determine the format of the product kits that you create. Use the /KIT_ATTRIBUTES=FORMAT qualifier to select kits of a particular format to be copied or converted. If you copy a product kit that is signed and has an associated manifest file in the source directory, both the kit and its manifest are copied to the destination directory. A manifest file is used for product kit validation. It must have a file name and file type that match the file specification of the product kit, with _ESW appended to the file type. 3 Parameter product-name Names the product, or list of products, to copy. 3 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=base-system-name Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. /DESTINATION /DESTINATION=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the location where the utility will create the sequential or compressed kit. For a reference kit, specifies the top-level directory location where the utility will place files. If you do not provide a device name, the default is the user's default device. If you omit the directory name, the default is the user's default directory. The PRODUCT COPY command ignores the PCSI$DESTINATION logical name whether or not you use the /DESTINATION qualifier. The /DESTINATION qualifier can be used during the PRODUCT INSTALL. Most VSI products require they be installed on an OpenVMS system disk. /FORMAT /FORMAT=keyword Specifies the output format of the product kit. Keywords are: COMPRESSED Compressed format in which a data compression technique is applied to a sequential kit to produce a .PCSI$COMPRESSED file, which is the compressed form of a sequential kit. REFERENCE Reference format in which product files are placed in a directory tree for direct access. The utility creates a product description file, with a file type of .PCSI$DESCRIPTION, in the top level of the directory tree. SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in a container file having a .PCSI file type. The default is to preserve the format of the product kit. You must use this qualifier if you want to change the format of the product kit. /KIT_ATTRIBUTES /KIT_ATTRIBUTES=keyword([,...]) Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are: FORMAT= Designates the format of the product kit as follows: format-type COMPRESSED Compressed format in which a data compression technique has been applied to a sequential kit. A compressed kit has a .PCSI$COMPRESSED file type. REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree. A .PCSI$DESCRIPTION file in the top level of the directory tree denotes a reference kit. SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in a container file. A file type of .PCSI indicates a sequential kit. TYPE= Specifies the type of product kit as follows: kit-type FULL Layered product (application) software. OPERATING_ Operating system software. SYSTEM MANDATORY_ A required correction to currently UPDATE installed software. Functionally, this type of kit is the same as a patch kit. PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product. PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product. PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (also called a product suite). TRANSITION Used to register information about a product that is installed but not recorded in the product database (for example, a product installed by VMSINSTAL). This kit does not provide product material. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specification of the product kit file that is created and the files packaged in the kit. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=keyword /NOOPTIONS (default) Specifies PRODUCT command options. The keywords are: NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the products that have been selected for the operation. The NOCONFIRM and NODEFAULT_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. NODEFAULT_KIT Directs the utility to query the user instead of choosing a default kit when more than one kit that matches the selection criteria for the product is found in the source directory path. The selection criteria include the producer, base system, product name, and product version strings that are embedded in the file name of a kit. If multiple kits are found for a selected product, and NODEFAULT_KIT is not specified, the utility determines the default kit to use by applying the following rules: 1. The last character of the kit's file name (1-7) is used to order the kits by kit type. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: full, operating system, partial, patch, platform, transition, and mandatory update. 2. The file type is used to order the kits by format. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: compressed (.PCSI$COMPRESSED), sequential (.PCSI), and reference (.PCSI$DESCRIPTION). 3. If multiple kits are found with the same file name and file type, but differ in their directory path names, the case of their file specifications, or their file versions, then the first file found by RMS search rules takes precedence. The NODEFAULT_KIT and NOCONFIRM keywords are mutually exclusive. NOVALIDATE_KIT Disables validation of software product kits that are signed and have a manifest file in the source directory. /OWNER_UIC /OWNER_UIC=uic Specifies the owner user identification code (UIC) for files created during a copy operation. By default, the user executing the operation owns the software product files. For example, if you are logged in to your own account, you can use this qualifier during a copy operation to assign ownership of the product files to SYSTEM rather than to your own account. Specify the UIC in alphanumeric format (in the form [name]) or in octal group-member format (in the form [g,m]). UIC formats are described in the OpenVMS User's Manual. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=producer-name Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. /SOURCE /SOURCE=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location defined by the logical name PCSI$SOURCE. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, PCSI searches the current default directory. /SPAN_VERSIONS /SPAN_VERSIONS=keyword([,...]) Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are: ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS= (MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0. /VERSION /VERSION=version-number Selects software products that have the specified version. 3 Example $ PRODUCT COPY ABC /SOURCE=[SHERMAN.ABC] - _$ /DESTINATION=[KITS] /FORMAT=SEQUENTIAL The command in this example converts product kit ABC, located in the [SHERMAN.ABC] directory on the user's default device, to a sequential copy in the [KITS] directory on the user's default device. 2 DELETE 3 RECOVERY_DATA Deletes one or more patch recovery data sets in order of creation date, starting with the oldest one first. A recovery data set is created when a patch kit is successfully installed with the /SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA qualifier. Recovery data sets are used to uninstall patches when you use the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command. Note that once patch recovery data is deleted, you cannot uninstall any patch that is associated with this data. Installed patches are not affected when you use the PRODUCT DELETE RECOVERY_DATA command. Format PRODUCT DELETE RECOVERY_DATA [/qualifiers] 4 Parameters None. 4 Qualifiers /ALL /ALL (default) Selects all patch recovery data sets to be deleted. The recovery data is deleted in the order it was created, starting with the oldest set first. If you omit this qualifier from the command line, the effect is the same as if you specified it. /BEFORE /BEFORE=time Selects patch recovery data sets created before the specified date and time. You can specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default) TOMORROW YESTERDAY For information about specifying time values. see the OpenVMS User's Manual. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=keyword /NOOPTIONS (default) Specifies PRODUCT command options. The keyword is: NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the recovery data sets that have been selected for processing. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specifications of the files within the recovery data sets that are being deleted. /OLDEST /OLDEST=count Specifies the number of oldest recovery data sets that you want to delete. For example, if you specify /OLDEST=2, the PRODUCT DELETE RECOVERY_DATA command deletes the two oldest recovery data sets. If you do not specify a number with this qualifier, the default value is 1. /REMOTE /REMOTE /NOREMOTE (default) Selects recovery data sets located on a privately mounted system disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for recovery data sets. When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined: o PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command. o PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root: PCSI$SYSDEVICE:[SYSx.] 4 Example $ PRODUCT DELETE RECOVERY_DATA /OLDEST=2 The command in this example deletes the two oldest recovery data sets starting with the one that was created first, followed by next oldest recovery data set. If, for example, three patch recovery data sets are on the system disk, you still have one set preserved after this operation completes. Remember that once a patch recovery data set is deleted, you cannot uninstall the patch kit associated with the deleted recovery data. The installed patch kits, however, are not affected by this action. 2 EXTRACT Retrieves a specified file or files. 3 FILE Retrieves a user-specified file or files from a software product kit. The original name of the file is preserved when it is extracted. Format PRODUCT EXTRACT FILE product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] 4 Parameter product-name Names the product, or list of products, from whose kits the selected file or files are to be retrieved. This parameter is required. 4 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=base-system-name Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. /DESTINATION /DESTINATION=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the location where the utility will place all of the files that the user indicates are to be retrieved. If the device name is not provided, the default is the user's default device. If the directory name is omitted, or the /DESTINATION qualifier is not specified, the default is the user's default directory. The PRODUCT EXTRACT FILE command ignores the PCSI$DESTINATION logical name whether or not you use the /DESTINATION qualifier. /KIT_ATTRIBUTES /KIT_ATTRIBUTES=keyword([,...]) Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are: FORMAT= Designates the format of the product kit as follows: format-type COMPRESSED Compressed format in which a data compression technique has been applied to a sequential kit. A compressed kit has a .PCSI$COMPRESSED file type. REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree. A .PCSI$DESCRIPTION file in the top level of the directory tree denotes a reference kit. SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in a container file. A file type of .PCSI indicates a sequential kit. TYPE= Specifies the type of product kit as follows: kit-type FULL Layered product (application) software. OPERATING_ Operating system software. SYSTEM MANDATORY_ A required correction to currently UPDATE installed software. Functionally, this type of kit is the same as a patch kit. PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product. PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product. PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (also called a product suite). TRANSITION Used to register information about a product that is installed but not recorded in the product database (for example, a product installed by VMSINSTAL). This kit does not provide product material. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specifications of the files that are extracted from the kit. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=keyword /NOOPTIONS (default) Specifies PRODUCT command options. The keywords are: NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the products that have been selected for the operation. The NOCONFIRM and NODEFAULT_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. NODEFAULT_KIT Directs the utility to query the user instead of choosing a default kit when more than one kit that matches the selection criteria for the product is found in the source directory path. The selection criteria include the producer, base system, product name, and product version strings that are embedded in the file name of a kit. If multiple kits are found for a selected product, and NODEFAULT_KIT is not specified, the utility determines the default kit to use by applying the following rules: 1. The last character of the kit's file name (1-7) is used to order the kits by kit type. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: full, operating system, partial, patch, platform, transition, and mandatory update. 2. The file type is used to order the kits by format. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: compressed (.PCSI$COMPRESSED), sequential (.PCSI), and reference (.PCSI$DESCRIPTION). 3. If multiple kits are found with the same file name and file type, but differ in their directory path names, the case of their file specifications, or their file versions, then the first file found by RMS search rules takes precedence. The NODEFAULT_KIT and NOCONFIRM keywords are mutually exclusive. NOVALIDATE_KIT Disables validation of software product kits that are signed and have a manifest file in the source directory. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=producer-name Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. /SELECT /SELECT=filename[,...] Specifies the name of a file, or a list of files, to be extracted from the specified product kit. You can use the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters for all or part of the file name. The file name can contain a directory specification that includes an ellipsis (...). If you omit this qualifier, all files will be extracted from the specified kit or kits. /SOURCE /SOURCE=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location that the logical name PCSI$SOURCE defines. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, PCSI searches the current default directory. /SPAN_VERSIONS /SPAN_VERSIONS=keyword([,...]) Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are: ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS= (MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0. /VERSION /VERSION=version-number Selects software products that have the specified version. 4 Example $ PRODUCT EXTRACT FILE TEST /SELECT=TEST.EXE /SOURCE=[AL] In this example, PCSI extracts the file TEST.EXE from the kit of the product TEST that is in the [AL] directory on the user's default disk. The extracted file TEST.EXE is placed in the user's current default directory. 3 PDF Retrieves the product description file (PDF) from a software product. The file type of the extracted PDF file is .PCSI$DESCRIPTION. You can obtain the PDF from the software product kit or, if the product is already installed, from the product database. Format PRODUCT EXTRACT PDF product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] 4 Parameter product-name Names the product, or list of products, whose PDF file is to be retrieved from the kit. 4 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=base-system-name Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. /DESTINATION /DESTINATION=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the location where the utility will place the extracted product description file (PDF). If the device name is not provided, the default is the user's default device. If the directory name is omitted, or the /DESTINATION qualifier is not specified, the default is the user's default directory. The The PRODUCT EXTRACT PDF command ignores the PCSI$DESTINATION logical name whether or not you use the /DESTINATION qualifier. /FROM /FROM=keyword Specifies whether the PDF is to be extracted from a product kit or from the product database if the product is already installed. Keywords are the following: KIT Extract the PDF file from a product kit. This is the default. PDB Extract the PDF file of an installed product from the product database. The /FROM=PDB and /SOURCE qualifiers are mutually exclusive. /KIT_ATTRIBUTES /KIT_ATTRIBUTES=keyword([,...]) Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are: FORMAT= Designates the format of the product kit as follows: format-type COMPRESSED Compressed format in which a data compression technique has been applied to a sequential kit. A compressed kit has a .PCSI$COMPRESSED file type. REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree. A .PCSI$DESCRIPTION file in the top level of the directory tree denotes a reference kit. SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in a container file. A file type of .PCSI indicates a sequential kit. TYPE= Specifies the type of product kit as follows: kit-type FULL Layered product (application) software. OPERATING_ Operating system software. SYSTEM MANDATORY_ A required correction to currently UPDATE installed software. Functionally, this type of kit is the same as a patch kit. PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product. PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product. PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (also called a product suite). TRANSITION Used to register information about a product that is installed but not recorded in the product database (for example, a product installed by VMSINSTAL). This kit does not provide product material. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specification of the product description file that is created. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=keyword /NOOPTIONS (default) Specifies PRODUCT command options. The keywords are: NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the products that have been selected for the operation. The NOCONFIRM and NODEFAULT_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. NODEFAULT_KIT Directs the utility to query the user instead of choosing a default kit when more than one kit that matches the selection criteria for the product is found in the source directory path. The selection criteria include the producer, base system, product name, and product version strings that are embedded in the file name of a kit. If multiple kits are found for a selected product, and NODEFAULT_KIT is not specified, the utility determines the default kit to use by applying the following rules: 1. The last character of the kit's file name (1-7) is used to order the kits by kit type. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: full, operating system, partial, patch, platform, transition, and mandatory update. 2. The file type is used to order the kits by format. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: compressed (.PCSI$COMPRESSED), sequential (.PCSI), and reference (.PCSI$DESCRIPTION). 3. If multiple kits are found with the same file name and file type, but differ in their directory path names, the case of their file specifications, or their file versions, then the first file found by RMS search rules takes precedence. The NODEFAULT_KIT and NOCONFIRM keywords are mutually exclusive. NOVALIDATE_KIT Disables validation of software product kits that are signed and have a manifest file in the source directory. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=producer-name Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. /SOURCE /SOURCE=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location that the logical name PCSI$SOURCE defines. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, PCSI searches the current default directory. The /SOURCE and /FROM=PDB qualifiers are mutually exclusive. /SPAN_VERSIONS /SPAN_VERSIONS=keyword([,...]) Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are: ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS= (MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0. /VERSION /VERSION=version-number Selects software products that have the specified version. 4 Example $ PRODUCT EXTRACT PDF TEST /SOURCE=[AL] In this example, PCSI extracts the product description file (PDF) from the kit of the product TEST that is in the [AL] directory on the user's default disk and places it in the user's current default directory. 3 PTF Retrieves the product text file (PTF) from a software product kit. The PTF file is stored in a product kit as a text library file. The file type of the extracted PTF is .PCSI$TLB. In addition, a text file version of this text library file is created with a file type of .PCSI$TEXT. Format PRODUCT EXTRACT PTF product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] 4 Parameter product-name Names the product, or list of products, whose PTF file is to be retrieved from the kit. 4 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=base-system-name Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. /DESTINATION /DESTINATION=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the location where the utility will place the extracted product text file (PTF). If the device name is not provided, the default is the user's default device. If the directory name is omitted, or the /DESTINATION qualifier is not specified, the default is the user's default directory. The The PRODUCT EXTRACT PTF command ignores the PCSI$DESTINATION logical name whether or not you use the /DESTINATION qualifier. /KIT_ATTRIBUTES /KIT_ATTRIBUTES=keyword([,...]) Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are: FORMAT= Designates the format of the product kit as follows: format-type COMPRESSED Compressed format in which a data compression technique has been applied to a sequential kit. A compressed kit has a .PCSI$COMPRESSED file type. REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree. A .PCSI$DESCRIPTION file in the top level of the directory tree denotes a reference kit. SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in a container file. A file type of .PCSI indicates a sequential kit. TYPE= Specifies the type of product kit as follows: kit-type FULL Layered product (application) software. OPERATING_ Operating system software. SYSTEM MANDATORY_ A required correction to currently UPDATE installed software. Functionally, this type of kit is the same as a patch kit. PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product. PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product. PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (also called a product suite). TRANSITION Used to register information about a product that is installed but not recorded in the product database (for example, a product installed by VMSINSTAL). This kit does not provide product material. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specifications of the product text and product text library files that are created. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=keyword /NOOPTIONS (default) Specifies PRODUCT command options. The keywords are: NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the products that have been selected for the operation. The NOCONFIRM and NODEFAULT_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. NODEFAULT_KIT Directs the utility to query the user instead of choosing a default kit when more than one kit that matches the selection criteria for the product is found in the source directory path. The selection criteria include the producer, base system, product name, and product version strings that are embedded in the file name of a kit. If multiple kits are found for a selected product, and NODEFAULT_KIT is not specified, the utility determines the default kit to use by applying the following rules: 1. The last character of the kit's file name (1-7) is used to order the kits by kit type. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: full, operating system, partial, patch, platform, transition, and mandatory update. 2. The file type is used to order the kits by format. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: compressed (.PCSI$COMPRESSED), sequential (.PCSI), and reference (.PCSI$DESCRIPTION). 3. If multiple kits are found with the same file name and file type, but differ in their directory path names, the case of their file specifications, or their file versions, then the first file found by RMS search rules takes precedence. The NODEFAULT_KIT and NOCONFIRM keywords are mutually exclusive. NOVALIDATE_KIT Disables validation of software product kits that are signed and have a manifest file in the source directory. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=producer-name Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. /SOURCE /SOURCE=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location that the logical name PCSI$SOURCE defines. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, PCSI searches the current default directory. /SPAN_VERSIONS /SPAN_VERSIONS=keyword([,...]) Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are: ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS= (MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0. /VERSION /VERSION=version-number Selects software products that have the specified version. 4 Example $ PRODUCT EXTRACT PTF TEST /SOURCE=[AL] In this example, PCSI extracts the product text file (PTF) from the kit of the product TEST that is in the [AL] directory on the user's default disk and places two files in the user's current default directory: the extracted text library file (.PCSI$TLB) and a text file (.PCSI$TEXT) created from the library. 3 RELEASE_NOTES Retrieves the release notes for the selected product or group of products. The name of each release notes file is preserved unless you override it with the /FILE qualifier. Format PRODUCT EXTRACT RELEASE_NOTES product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] 4 Parameter product-name Names the product, or list of products, from which to extract release notes. 4 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=base-system-name Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. /DESTINATION /DESTINATION=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the location where the utility will place the extracted release notes files. If the device name is not provided, the default is the user's default device. If the directory name is omitted, or the /DESTINATION qualifier is not specified, the default is the user's default directory. The PRODUCT EXTRACT RELEASE_NOTES command ignores the PCSI$DESTINATION logical name whether or not you use the /DESTINATION qualifier. The /DESTINATION and /FILE qualifiers are mutually exclusive. /FILE /FILE=filespec Specifies the name of the output file that will contain the release notes. If no file name is given, the original name of the release notes file is preserved and the file is written to your default directory. The /FILE qualifier has been superseded by /DESTINATION. VSI recommends that you use /DESTINATION in command procedures and operator instructions. See the description of /DESTINATION for more information. The /FILE and /DESTINATION qualifiers are mutually exclusive. /KIT_ATTRIBUTES /KIT_ATTRIBUTES=keyword([,...]) Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are: FORMAT= Designates the format of the product kit as follows: format-type COMPRESSED Compressed format in which a data compression technique has been applied to a sequential kit. A compressed kit has a .PCSI$COMPRESSED file type. REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree. A .PCSI$DESCRIPTION file in the top level of the directory tree denotes a reference kit. SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in a container file. A file type of .PCSI indicates a sequential kit. TYPE= Specifies the type of product kit as follows: kit-type FULL Layered product (application) software. OPERATING_ Operating system software. SYSTEM MANDATORY_ A required correction to currently UPDATE installed software. Functionally, this type of kit is the same as a patch kit. PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product. PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product. PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (also called a product suite). /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specification of the release notes file that is created. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=keyword /NOOPTIONS (default) Specifies PRODUCT command options. The keywords are: NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the products that have been selected for the operation. The NOCONFIRM and NODEFAULT_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. NODEFAULT_KIT Directs the utility to query the user instead of choosing a default kit when more than one kit that matches the selection criteria for the product is found in the source directory path. The selection criteria include the producer, base system, product name, and product version strings that are embedded in the file name of a kit. If multiple kits are found for a selected product, and NODEFAULT_KIT is not specified, the utility determines the default kit to use by applying the following rules: 1. The last character of the kit's file name (1-7) is used to order the kits by kit type. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: full, operating system, partial, patch, platform, transition, and mandatory update. 2. The file type is used to order the kits by format. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: compressed (.PCSI$COMPRESSED), sequential (.PCSI), and reference (.PCSI$DESCRIPTION). 3. If multiple kits are found with the same file name and file type, but differ in their directory path names, the case of their file specifications, or their file versions, then the first file found by RMS search rules takes precedence. The NODEFAULT_KIT and NOCONFIRM keywords are mutually exclusive. NOVALIDATE_KIT Disables validation of software product kits that are signed and have a manifest file in the source directory. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=producer-name Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. /SOURCE /SOURCE=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location that the logical name PCSI$SOURCE defines. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, PCSI searches the current default directory. /SPAN_VERSIONS /SPAN_VERSIONS=keyword([,...]) Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are: ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS= (MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0. /VERSION /VERSION=version-number Selects software products that have the specified version. /WORK /WORK=device:[directory] Specifies the name of the device and directory acting as a temporary work area. By default, temporary files are created in subdirectories of the user's login directory. 4 Example $ PRODUCT EXTRACT RELEASE_NOTES XYZ /VERSION=2.3/FILE=[RN]XYZ.TXT The command in this example places the release notes for Version 2.3 of the product XYZ in a file named [RN]XYZ.TXT on your current default device. 2 FIND Displays the names of software product kits located in the specified directory, along with kit type and kit format information. Format PRODUCT FIND product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] 3 Parameter product-name Names the product, or list of products to find. 3 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=base-system-name Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. /FULL /FULL /NOFULL (default) Displays information in 132-column format. The /NOFULL qualifier displays a subset of available information in 80-column format. /KIT_ATTRIBUTES /KIT_ATTRIBUTES=keyword([,...]) Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are: FORMAT= Designates the format of the product kit as follows: format-type COMPRESSED Compressed format in which a data compression technique has been applied to a sequential kit. A compressed kit has a .PCSI$COMPRESSED file type. REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree. A .PCSI$DESCRIPTION file in the top level of the directory tree denotes a reference kit. SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in a container file. A file type of .PCSI indicates a sequential kit. TYPE= Specifies the type of product kit as follows: kit-type FULL Layered product (application) software. OPERATING_ Operating system software. SYSTEM MANDATORY_ A required correction to currently UPDATE installed software. Functionally, this type of kit is the same as a patch kit. PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product. PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product. PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (also called a product suite). TRANSITION Used to register information about a product that is installed but not recorded in the product database (for example, a product installed by VMSINSTAL). This kit does not provide product material. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=producer-name Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. /SOURCE /SOURCE=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location defined by the logical name PCSI$SOURCE. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, PCSI searches the current default directory. /SPAN_VERSIONS /SPAN_VERSIONS=keyword([,...]) Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are: ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS= (MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0. /VERSION /VERSION=version-number Selects software products that have the specified version. 3 Example $ PRODUCT FIND TEST* /BASE_SYSTEM=VAXVMS The command in this example searches for all software product kits located in the user's default directory and displays the names of all versions of products whose names begin with "TEST" and are intended to be installed on OpenVMS VAX. 2 INSTALL Installs one or more software products on your system and updates the product database. You can also use this command to install patch and mandatory update kits that modify previously installed products. Format PRODUCT INSTALL product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] 3 Parameter product-name Names the product, or list of products, to install. 3 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=base-system-name Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. /CONFIGURATION /CONFIGURATION=(keyword[,...]) Specifies how the configuration choices will be supplied. Keywords are: CURRENT Uses values from the product database. These values are the configuration choices made when the product was installed or reconfigured. PRODUCER Uses values specified by the software manufacturer of the product. INPUT=pcf-name Uses values from the specified product configuration file. OUTPUT=pcf-name Writes configuration choices to the specified product configuration file. If no file name is supplied, creates a file named DEFAULT.PCSI$CONFIGURATION in the current default directory. The keywords CURRENT, PRODUCER, and INPUT are mutually exclusive. (CURRENT is the default if none of these keywords is specified.) The OUTPUT keyword can be used with the CURRENT, PRODUCER, or INPUT keyword. If you specify only one keyword, you can omit the parentheses. /DEBUG /DEBUG /NODEBUG (default) Specifies options useful to the product kit developer during kit testing. Keywords are: CONFLICT_DATA Displays supplemental information about file and module conflict resolution. This includes the generation numbers used in the comparison, whether the object is retained or replaced, and the name of the product that supplies the object. Use /DEBUG=CONFLICT_DATA in conjunction with the /LOG qualifier to display all information about conflict resolution. For more information, see the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide. /DESTINATION /DESTINATION=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the top-level directory where the utility will install software product files. If you omit the device name, the utility uses your current default device. If you omit the directory name, the utility uses [VMS$COMMON] as the default directory. If you do not use this qualifier to specify a destination, the utility installs the software in the location defined by logical name PCSI$DESTINATION. If this logical name is not defined, the utility installs the software in SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VMS$COMMON], the default top-level directory for software product files. /HELP /HELP /NOHELP (default) Controls whether detailed explanations of product options and informational text are displayed. The first time you install a product, these explanations can help you decide which options to select. When you perform subsequent installations or upgrades, you might choose the brief explanations to save time. When /NOHELP is selected, you can request a detailed explanation about a question by performing one of the following actions at the prompt: o Press the Help key or PF2 key o Type ? and press the Return key /KIT_ATTRIBUTES /KIT_ATTRIBUTES=keyword([,...]) Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are: FORMAT= Designates the format of the product kit as follows: format-type COMPRESSED Compressed format in which a data compression technique has been applied to a sequential kit. A compressed kit has a .PCSI$COMPRESSED file type. REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree. A .PCSI$DESCRIPTION file in the top level of the directory tree denotes a reference kit. SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in a container file. A file type of .PCSI indicates a sequential kit. TYPE= Specifies the type of product kit as follows: kit-type FULL Layered product (application) software. OPERATING_ Operating system software. SYSTEM MANDATORY_ A required correction to currently UPDATE installed software. Functionally, this type of kit is the same as a patch kit. PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product. PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product. PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (also called a product suite). /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specification of each file processed. When logging is enabled, messages notify you whenever product files, libraries, directories, recovery data files, and product database files are created, deleted, or modified. Information about any file and module conflict resolution is also provided. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=(keyword[,...]) /NOOPTIONS (default) Specifies PRODUCT command options. The keywords are: NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the products that have been selected for the operation. The NOCONFIRM and NODEFAULT_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. NODEFAULT_KIT Directs the utility to query the user instead of choosing a default kit when more than one kit that matches the selection criteria for the product is found in the source directory path. The selection criteria include the producer, base system, product name, and product version strings that are embedded in the file name of a kit. If multiple kits are found for a selected product, and NODEFAULT_KIT is not specified, the utility determines the default kit to use by applying the following rules: 1. The last character of the kit's file name (1-7) is used to order the kits by kit type. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: full, operating system, partial, patch, platform, transition, and mandatory update. 2. The file type is used to order the kits by format. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: compressed (.PCSI$COMPRESSED), sequential (.PCSI), and reference (.PCSI$DESCRIPTION). 3. If multiple kits are found with the same file name and file type, but differ in their directory path names, the case of their file specifications, or their file versions, then the first file found by RMS search rules takes precedence. The NODEFAULT_KIT and NOCONFIRM keywords are mutually exclusive. NOVALIDATE_KIT Disables validation of software product kits that are signed and have a manifest file in the source directory. The NOVALIDATE_KIT and SIGNED_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. SHOW_DISK_USAGE Displays estimated disk block usage. Both peak utilization and net change are shown in addition to the amount of free space available before and after the operation. SIGNED_KIT Requires all software product kits selected for the operation to be signed kits that have passed validation; otherwise, the operation is not performed. The SIGNED_KIT and NOVALIDATE_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=producer-name Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. /RECOVERY_MODE /RECOVERY_MODE (default) /NORECOVERY_MODE Enables or disables product installation in recovery mode. The directories, files, and libraries that are modified or deleted in the installation process are saved in a directory tree on the system disk unless you specify /NORECOVERY_MODE. These files, along with a copy of the product database, comprise the recovery data set. The recovery data set is handled somewhat differently when an installation ends successfully or if it terminates unsuccessfully. o If an installation terminates in its execution phase, either voluntarily (by using Ctrl/Y or Ctrl/C) or involuntarily (because of a fatal error), the saved recovery data is used to roll back all the displaced objects in an attempt to reinstate the product environment prior to the interrupted operation. Then the recovery data set is deleted. o At the end of the successful installation of one or more full, platform, or partial kits, the recovery data set is deleted. o At the end of the successful installation of one or more patch or mandatory update kits, the recovery data set is automatically retained for possible future use with the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command unless you specify the /NOSAVE_ RECOVERY_DATA qualifier. /REMARK /REMARK=string Records a comment in the product database about the task you are performing. The PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY command displays the recorded comments. For each product, PCSI stores a chronological list of tasks you perform and the associated remarks. The default behavior is that no remark is recorded. /REMOTE /REMOTE /NOREMOTE (default) Selects the product database located on a privately mounted system disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for the product database. When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined: o PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command. o PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root: PCSI$SYSDEVICE:[SYSx.] /SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA /SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA (default) /NOSAVE_RECOVERY_DATA Enables or disables the retention of recovery data for the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command to use. This qualifier applies only to patch and mandatory update kits. It is ignored when full, operating system, platform, partial, or transition kits are installed. The directories, files, and libraries that are modified or deleted in the process of installation are saved in a directory tree on the system disk unless you specify /NOSAVE_RECOVERY_DATA. These files, along with a copy of the product database, comprise the recovery data set. This recovery data set can be used later to uninstall patch and mandatory update kits. /SOURCE /SOURCE=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location defined by the logical name PCSI$SOURCE. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, PCSI searches the current default directory. /SPAN_VERSIONS /SPAN_VERSIONS=keyword([,...]) Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are: ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS= (MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0. /TEST /TEST (default) /NOTEST Requests that PCSI run the installation verification procedure (IVP) for the product. /TRACE /TRACE /NOTRACE (default) Identifies the creation and deletion of subprocesses and the DCL commands and command procedures submitted to these subprocesses for execution during the processing of the PRODUCT command. Also shows the creation and deletion of scratch directories and temporary files that the PCSI utility provides for the subprocess environment. Any output that DCL produces is also displayed. This qualifier is primarily a debugging aid for product developers to trace the execution of command procedures included in their product kits. For more information, see the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide. /VERSION /VERSION=version-number Selects software products that have the specified version. /WORK /WORK=device:[directory] Specifies the name of the device and directory acting as a temporary work area. By default, temporary files are created in subdirectories of the user's login directory. 3 Example $ PRODUCT INSTALL POSIX/VERSION=3.0 /CONFIGURATION=OUTPUT=POSIX.PCF The command in this example installs POSIX Version 3.0 and creates a product configuration file. 2 LIST Lists the names of the files contained in a software product kit. All files are listed unless you use the /SELECT qualifier to specify a subset of the files. Format PRODUCT LIST product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] 3 Parameter product-name Names the product, or list of products, whose kit contents are to be listed. This parameter is required. 3 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=base-system-name Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. /FULL /FULL /NOFULL (default) Displays information about files contained in the kit in 132- column format. The /FULL qualifier shows the name of each file, gives its size in blocks, and provides a comment field that can provide additional information-for example, the file is a product description file, a temporary file, or a module file that updates a library file. The /NOFULL qualifier displays only the name of each file in the kit in 80-column format. /KIT_ATTRIBUTES /KIT_ATTRIBUTES=keyword([,...]) Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are: FORMAT= Designates the format of the product kit as follows: format-type COMPRESSED Compressed format in which a data compression technique has been applied to a sequential kit. A compressed kit has a .PCSI$COMPRESSED file type. REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree. A .PCSI$DESCRIPTION file in the top level of the directory tree denotes a reference kit. SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in a container file. A file type of .PCSI indicates a sequential kit. TYPE= Specifies the type of product kit as follows: kit-type FULL Layered product (application) software. OPERATING_ Operating system software. SYSTEM MANDATORY_ A required correction to currently UPDATE installed software. Functionally, this type of kit is the same as a patch kit. PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product. PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product. PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (also called a product suite). TRANSITION Used to register information about a product that is installed but not recorded in the product database (for example, a product installed by VMSINSTAL). This kit does not provide product material. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=keyword /NOOPTIONS (default) Specifies PRODUCT command options. The keywords are: NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the products that have been selected for the operation. The NOCONFIRM and NODEFAULT_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. NODEFAULT_KIT Directs the utility to query the user instead of choosing a default kit when more than one kit that matches the selection criteria for the product is found in the source directory path. The selection criteria include the producer, base system, product name, and product version strings that are embedded in the file name of a kit. If multiple kits are found for a selected product, and NODEFAULT_KIT is not specified, the utility determines the default kit to use by applying the following rules: 1. The last character of the kit's file name (1-7) is used to order the kits by kit type. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: full, operating system, partial, patch, platform, transition, and mandatory update. 2. The file type is used to order the kits by format. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: compressed (.PCSI$COMPRESSED), sequential (.PCSI), and reference (.PCSI$DESCRIPTION). 3. If multiple kits are found with the same file name and file type, but differ in their directory path names, the case of their file specifications, or their file versions, then the first file found by RMS search rules takes precedence. The NODEFAULT_KIT and NOCONFIRM keywords are mutually exclusive. NOVALIDATE_KIT Disables validation of software product kits that are signed and have a manifest file in the source directory. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=producer-name Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. /SELECT /SELECT=filename[,...] Specifies the name of a file, or a list of files; these files are in the specified product kit. You can use the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters for all or part of the file name. The file name can contain a directory specification that includes an ellipsis (...). /SOURCE /SOURCE=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location that the logical name PCSI$SOURCE defines. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, PCSI searches the current default directory. /SPAN_VERSIONS /SPAN_VERSIONS=keyword([,...]) Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are: ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS= (MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0. /VERSION /VERSION=version-number Selects software products that have the specified version. 3 Example $ PRODUCT LIST TEST /SELECT=TEST.* /SOURCE=[AL] In this example, PCSI lists all the files that match the selection criteria TEST.* from the kit of the product TEST that is in the [AL] directory on the user's default disk. 2 PACKAGE Creates a software product kit that can be installed by using the PRODUCT INSTALL command. Format PRODUCT PACKAGE product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] /SOURCE=file-specification /DESTINATION=device-name[:directory-name] /MATERIAL=(path-name[,...]) 3 Description The PRODUCT PACKAGE command collects input from the source and material directories and creates the product kit in the destination directory. The source directory contains the required product description file (PDF) and an optional product text file (PTF) that the kit developer provides. The material directories contain the executable images and other files that make up the product. In addition, any command procedures that the product developer supplies to perform product specific installation tasks are in the material directories. During a package operation, the PCSI utility stores the PDF and PTF in the kit in a modified format. Comments are removed from the PDF and information is added such as the size of each installed file. The PTF file is converted to text library format and given a file type of .PCSI$TLB. The PRODUCT PACKAGE command can create a product kit in either sequential or reference format. To create a kit in compressed format, first enter the PRODUCT PACKAGE command to create a kit in sequential format. Then enter the PRODUCT COPY command to convert this sequential kit to a kit in compressed format. The PRODUCT PACKAGE command requires the /SOURCE, /DESTINATION, and /MATERIAL qualifiers. 3 Parameter product-name Names the product or list of products to be packaged. 3 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=base-system-name Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. /COPY /COPY(default) /NOCOPY Specifies whether you want the product material files and associated directories included in the product kit when you are producing a kit in reference format. The /NOCOPY qualifier can save file processing time when you are debugging a PDF file and do not need to produce a complete product kit. The /NOCOPY and /FORMAT=SEQUENTIAL qualifiers are mutually exclusive. /DESTINATION /DESTINATION=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the location where the product kit will be created. If /FORMAT=SEQUENTIAL is used, /DESTINATION specifies the directory where the utility creates the sequential kit. A sequential kit is a container file that includes the PDF, PTF, and all the images and other materials that make up the product. The file type of the sequential kit file is .PCSI. If /FORMAT=REFERENCE is used (or defaulted), /DESTINATION specifies the directory where the utility creates the output PDF file and optional PTF file. The file types of the PDF and PTF files are .PCSI$DESCRIPTION and .PCSI$TLB, respectively. The images and other materials that make up the product are placed in a directory tree under this directory. If the device name is not provided, the command defaults to the user's default device. If the directory name is omitted, the command defaults to the user's default directory. The PRODUCT PACKAGE command ignores the PCSI$DESTINATION logical name whether or not you use the /DESTINATION qualifier. /FORMAT /FORMAT=keyword Specifies the output format of the product kit. Keywords are: REFERENCE Reference format in which product files are placed in a directory tree for direct access. The utility creates a product description file, with a file type of .PCSI$DESCRIPTION, in the top level of the directory tree. SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in a container file having a .PCSI file type. The default is /FORMAT=REFERENCE. You cannot use the PRODUCT PACKAGE command to create a kit in compressed format. Instead, use the PRODUCT COPY command to convert a kit in sequential format to a kit in compressed format. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specifications of the files that are packaged in the product kit and the name of the product kit file. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=keyword /NOOPTIONS (default) Specifies PRODUCT command options. The keyword is: NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the products that have been selected for the operation. /MATERIAL /MATERIAL=(path-name[,...]) Specifies one or more locations in which the utility can search for product material files to include in the software product kit. Material files represent the output of the producer's software engineering process, that is, all files that make up the software product, including any command procedures that might be used during installation. Note that the location of the PDF and PTF are not specified with the /MATERIAL qualifier. See the /SOURCE qualifier for more information. This is a required qualifier for the PRODUCT PACKAGE command. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single path name. They are required when you specify multiple path names. The format for path-name is: device-name:[directory-name] You can specify path-name as a: Specific Only one directory is searched. directory Wildcard The directory name includes one or more of the directory wildcard characters asterisk (*), percent sign (%), or ellipsis (...). All directories that satisfy the wildcard specification are searched. Root A period (.) following the directory name directory indicates a root directory specification. For example, TEST$:[ABC.FT2.] is combined with the relative file specification from the FILE statement in the PDF to locate the file during packaging. When the path-name contains a root directory, the utility appends the relative file specification from the FILE statement in the PDF to the root directory to determine where to find the file. However, when either a specific directory or a wildcard directory is used in the path-name, the relative file specification from the FILE statement is not used to find the file. Instead, the directory as specified in the /MATERIAL qualifier is used to search for the file. Note that when you use either a wildcard directory or a list of path names, if files in different directories have the same name, only the first file in the search path is packaged in the kit. As a result, the same file is packaged each time a FILE statement refers to the file name because the relative file specification is not used to identify the file uniquely. Therefore, if your product has different files with the same name in different directories, you must use the root directory form of the path- name to package these files correctly. In general, using a specific directory or a root directory is more efficient than a wildcard directory. When packaging a product that contains hundreds of files, you might notice a significant difference in processing time, depending on the method you use to specify the path name. The choice of material path name does not affect the time required to install the kit. /OWNER_UIC /OWNER_UIC=uic Specifies the owner user identification code (UIC) for files created during a copy operation. By default, the user executing the operation owns the software product files. For example, if you are logged in to your own account, you can use this qualifier during a copy operation to assign ownership of the product files to SYSTEM rather than to your own account. Specify the UIC in alphanumeric format (in the form [name]) or in octal group-member format (in the form [g,m]). UIC formats are described in the OpenVMS User's Manual. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=producer-name Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. /SOURCE /SOURCE=file-specification Specifies the location of the input PDF file. If the device name is omitted, it defaults to the user's default device. If the directory name is omitted, it defaults to the user's default directory. If the file name and file type components of the file specification are not provided, they default to .PCSI$DESCRIPTION. The optional PTF file, if used, must be in the same directory and have the same file name as the PDF with a .PCSI$TEXT file type. If a file named .PCSI$TEXT is not found, the package operation does not use a PTF file. This is a required qualifier for the PRODUCT PACKAGE command. The logical name PCSI$SOURCE is not used. /VERSION /VERSION=version-number Selects software products that have the specified version. 3 Example $ PRODUCT PACKAGE VIEWER - _$ /PRODUCER=ABC /BASE_SYSTEM=AXPVMS - _$ /FORMAT=SEQUENTIAL /LOG - _$ /SOURCE=BUILD$:[TEST.PDF] - _$ /DESTINATION=DKA200:[PCSI_KITS] - _$ /MATERIAL=BUILD$:[TEST.VIEWER0201] The directory [TEST.PDF] contains the PDF and PTF named ABC-AXPVMS-VIEWER-0201-1.PCSI$DESC and ABC-AXPVMS-VIEWER-0201-1.PCSI$TEXT, respectively. These files and the product material files from the BUILD$:[TEST.VIEWER0201] directory are used to create the kit for product VIEWER. When the PRODUCT PACKAGE command completes, a sequential kit named ABC-AXPVMS-VIEWER-0201-1.PCSI is created and placed in the DKA200:[PCSI_KITS] directory. The material path-name can be specified using a wildcard format such as the following: /MATERIAL=BUILD$:[TEST.VIEWER0201...] In this case, the entire directory tree is searched to find the product files to package. The material path-name can also be specified in root directory format such as the following: /MATERIAL=BUILD$:[TEST.VIEWER0201.] In this case, each FILE statement in the PDF refers to a specific subdirectory. For example, if the FILE statement contains the relative file specification [DOC]CHAPTER1.HTML, the package operation looks up the file in BUILD$:[TEST.VIEWER0201.DOC]CHAPTER1.HTML. Using a root directory in the path-name allows more than one file named CHAPTER1.HTML to be in different subdirectories. 2 RECONFIGURE Modifies the configuration of an installed product by allowing a user to change installation options. Format PRODUCT RECONFIGURE product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] 3 Description Reconfiguration of a product might result in the addition or deletion of files, or both, depending on the user's selection or deselection of options; that is, users can select options that were not selected when the product was installed, or they can deselect options that were selected when the product was installed. At the conclusion of the operation, the product database is updated to reflect the changes. Access to the original software product kit that was used to install the product is required to perform the reconfigure operation. 3 Parameter product-name Names the product, or list of products, to reconfigure. 3 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=base-system-name Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. /CONFIGURATION /CONFIGURATION=(keyword[,...]) Specifies how the configuration choices are used. Keywords are: CURRENT Uses values from the product database. These values are the configuration choices made when the product was installed or reconfigured. PRODUCER Uses values specified by the software manufacturer of the product. INPUT=pcf-name Uses values from the specified product configuration file. OUTPUT=pcf-name Writes configuration choices to the specified product configuration file. If no file name is supplied, creates a file named DEFAULT.PCSI$CONFIGURATION in the current default directory. The keywords CURRENT, PRODUCER, and INPUT are mutually exclusive. (CURRENT is the default if none of these keywords is specified.) The OUTPUT keyword can be used with the CURRENT, PRODUCER, or INPUT keyword. If you specify only one keyword, you can omit the parentheses. /DEBUG /DEBUG /NODEBUG (default) Specifies options useful to the product kit developer during kit testing. Keywords are: CONFLICT_DATA Displays supplemental information about file and module conflict resolution. This includes the generation numbers used in the comparison, whether the object is retained or replaced, and the name of the product that supplies the object. Use /DEBUG=CONFLICT_DATA in conjunction with the /LOG qualifier to display all information about conflict resolution. For more information, see the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide. /HELP /HELP /NOHELP (default) Controls whether detailed explanations of product options and informational text are displayed. The first time you install a product, these explanations can help you decide which options to select. When you perform subsequent installations or upgrades, you might choose the brief explanations to save time. When /NOHELP is selected, you can request a detailed explanation about a question by performing one of the following actions at the prompt: o Press the Help key or PF2 key o Type ? and press the Return key /KIT_ATTRIBUTES /KIT_ATTRIBUTES=keyword([,...]) Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are: FORMAT= Designates the format of the product kit as follows: format-type COMPRESSED Compressed format in which a data compression technique has been applied to a sequential kit. A compressed kit has a .PCSI$COMPRESSED file type. REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree. A .PCSI$DESCRIPTION file in the top level of the directory tree denotes a reference kit. SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in a container file. A file type of .PCSI indicates a sequential kit. TYPE= Specifies the type of product kit as follows: kit-type FULL Layered product (application) software. OPERATING_ Operating system software. SYSTEM PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product. PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (also called a product suite). /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specification of each file processed. When logging is enabled, messages notify you whenever product files, libraries, directories, recovery data files, and product database files are created, deleted, or modified. Information about any file and module conflict resolution is also provided. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=(keyword[,...]) /NOOPTIONS (default) Specifies PRODUCT command options. The keywords are: NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the products that have been selected for the operation. The NOCONFIRM and NODEFAULT_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. NODEFAULT_KIT Directs the utility to query the user instead of choosing a default kit when more than one kit that matches the selection criteria for the product is found in the source directory path. The selection criteria include the producer, base system, product name, and product version strings that are embedded in the file name of a kit. If multiple kits are found for a selected product, and NODEFAULT_KIT is not specified, the utility determines the default kit to use by applying the following rules: 1. The last character of the kit's file name (1-7) is used to order the kits by kit type. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: full, operating system, partial, patch, platform, transition, and mandatory update. 2. The file type is used to order the kits by format. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: compressed (.PCSI$COMPRESSED), sequential (.PCSI), and reference (.PCSI$DESCRIPTION). 3. If multiple kits are found with the same file name and file type, but differ in their directory path names, the case of their file specifications, or their file versions, then the first file found by RMS search rules takes precedence. The NODEFAULT_KIT and NOCONFIRM keywords are mutually exclusive. NOVALIDATE_KIT Disables validation of software product kits that are signed and have a manifest file in the source directory. The NOVALIDATE_KIT and SIGNED_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. SHOW_DISK_USAGE Displays estimated disk block usage. Both peak utilization and net change are shown in addition to the amount of free space available before and after the operation. SIGNED_KIT Requires all software product kits selected for the operation to be signed kits that have passed validation; otherwise, the operation is not performed. The SIGNED_KIT and NOVALIDATE_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=producer-name Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. /RECOVERY_MODE /RECOVERY_MODE (default) /NORECOVERY_MODE Enables or disables product reconfiguration in recovery mode. The directories, files, and libraries that are modified or deleted in the reconfiguration process are saved in a directory tree on the system disk unless you specify /NORECOVERY_MODE. These files, along with a copy of the product database, comprise the recovery data set. The recovery data set is handled somewhat differently when a reconfiguration ends successfully or if it terminates unsuccessfully. o If a reconfiguration terminates in its execution phase, either voluntarily (by using Ctrl/Y or Ctrl/C) or involuntarily (because of a fatal error), the saved recovery data is used to roll back all the displaced objects in an attempt to reinstate the product environment prior to the interrupted operation. Then the recovery data set is deleted. o At the end of a successful reconfiguration, the recovery data set is deleted. /REMARK /REMARK=string Records a comment in the product database about the task you are performing. The PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY command displays the recorded comments. For each product, PCSI stores a chronological list of tasks you perform and the associated remarks. The default behavior is that no remark is recorded. /REMOTE /REMOTE /NOREMOTE (default) Selects the product database located on a privately mounted system disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for the product database. When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined: o PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command. o PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root: PCSI$SYSDEVICE:[SYSx.] /SOURCE /SOURCE=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location defined by the logical name PCSI$SOURCE. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, PCSI searches the current default directory. /SPAN_VERSIONS /SPAN_VERSIONS=keyword([,...]) Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are: ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS= (MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0. /TRACE /TRACE /NOTRACE (default) Identifies the creation and deletion of subprocesses and the DCL commands and command procedures submitted to these subprocesses for execution during the processing of the PRODUCT command. Also shows the creation and deletion of scratch directories and temporary files that the PCSI utility provides for the subprocess environment. Any output that DCL produces is also displayed. This qualifier is primarily a debugging aid for product developers to trace the execution of command procedures included in their product kits. See the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide for more information. /VERSION /VERSION=version-number Selects software products that have the specified version. /WORK /WORK=device:[directory] Specifies the name of the device and directory acting as a temporary work area. By default, temporary files are created in subdirectories of the user's login directory. 3 Example $ DEFINE PCSI$SOURCE DKA500:[DWMOTIF.KIT] $ PRODUCT RECONFIGURE DWMOTIF /VERSION=V1.2-3 The command in this example enters into a dialog with the user to change the configuration options for the product DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-3. 2 REGISTER Either records product information in the product database (REGISTER PRODUCT) or records a volume label change of the volume containing the installed products (REGISTER VOLUME). 3 PRODUCT Records information in the product database about one or more installed products that are not yet registered in the database. Format PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] 4 Description The PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT command only updates the product database; it does not copy any files ' to your system. You can use this command to add information to the product database about products that have been installed by a mechanism other than PCSI, such as VMSINSTAL. You can also use this command to store information about products previously installed by the PCSI utility if the product database needs to be rebuilt due to file corruption or deleted database files. To register a product, you need to have a file in the source directory to supply details about the product being registered. This file can be one of the following: o A complete product kit o The product description file (PDF) extracted from the product kit or database o A special transition kit that identifies files installed by a mechanism other than the PCSI utility. If you do not have a kit available to provide detailed information about a product, you can use the command procedure SYS$UPDATE:PCSI$REGISTER_PRODUCT.COM to register the name of the product and its version, producer, and base system in the product database. After you register a product using the command procedure, other products can reference it, and the PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT command displays it as an installed product. 4 Parameter product-name Names the product, or list of products, to register. 4 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=base-system-name Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. /CHECK_ONLY Concludes the action of the command after performing file conflict detection, searching the destination device for all files listed in the product description file, and displaying file lookup summary data. This option allows you to perform a "dry run" of the registration operation without modifying the product database. /DESTINATION /DESTINATION=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the top-level directory where the product to be registered resides. If you omit the device name, the utility uses your current default device. If you omit the directory name, the utility uses [VMS$COMMON] as the default directory. If you do not use this qualifier to specify a destination, the utility uses the location defined by logical name PCSI$DESTINATION. If this logical name is not defined, the utility registers the software in SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VMS$COMMON], the default top-level directory for software product files. /KIT_ATTRIBUTES /KIT_ATTRIBUTES=keyword([,...]) Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are: FORMAT= Designates the format of the product kit as follows: format-type COMPRESSED Compressed format in which a data compression technique has been applied to a sequential kit. A compressed kit has a .PCSI$COMPRESSED file type. REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree. A .PCSI$DESCRIPTION file in the top level of the directory tree denotes a reference kit. SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in a container file. A file type of .PCSI indicates a sequential kit. TYPE= Specifies the type of product kit as follows: kit-type FULL Layered product (application) software. OPERATING_ Operating system software. SYSTEM PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product. PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (also called a product suite). TRANSITION Used to register information about a product that is installed but not recorded in the product database (for example, a product installed by VMSINSTAL). This kit does not provide product material. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specifications of the product files and directories that are registered in the product database. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=keyword /NOOPTIONS (default) Specifies PRODUCT command options. The keywords are: NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the products that have been selected for the operation. The NOCONFIRM and NODEFAULT_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. NODEFAULT_KIT Directs the utility to query the user instead of choosing a default kit when more than one kit that matches the selection criteria for the product is found in the source directory path. The selection criteria include the producer, base system, product name, and product version strings that are embedded in the file name of a kit. If multiple kits are found for a selected product, and NODEFAULT_KIT is not specified, the utility determines the default kit to use by applying the following rules: 1. The last character of the kit's file name (1-7) is used to order the kits by kit type. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: full, operating system, partial, patch, platform, transition, and mandatory update. 2. The file type is used to order the kits by format. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: compressed (.PCSI$COMPRESSED), sequential (.PCSI), and reference (.PCSI$DESCRIPTION). 3. If multiple kits are found with the same file name and file type, but differ in their directory path names, the case of their file specifications, or their file versions, then the first file found by RMS search rules takes precedence. The NODEFAULT_KIT and NOCONFIRM keywords are mutually exclusive. NOVALIDATE_KIT Disables validation of software product kits that are signed and have a manifest file in the source directory. The NOVALIDATE_KIT and SIGNED_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. REGISTER_ALL_ Registers all files listed in the product FILES description file of the kit, even if they are not currently present on the destination device. SIGNED_KIT Requires all software product kits selected for the operation to be signed kits that have passed validation; otherwise, the operation is not performed. The SIGNED_KIT and NOVALIDATE_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=producer-name Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. /REMARK /REMARK=string Records a comment in the product database about the task you are performing. The PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY command displays the recorded comments. For each product, PCSI stores a chronological list of tasks you perform and the associated remarks. The default behavior is that no remark is recorded. /REMOTE /REMOTE /NOREMOTE (default) Selects the product database located on a privately mounted system disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for the product database. When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined: o PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command. o PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root: PCSI$SYSDEVICE:[SYSx.] /SOURCE /SOURCE=device-name:[directory-name] Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location defined by the logical name PCSI$SOURCE. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, PCSI searches the current default directory. /SPAN_VERSIONS /SPAN_VERSIONS=keyword([,...]) Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are: ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS= (MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0. /VERSION /VERSION=version-number Selects software products that have the specified version. 4 Example $ PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT TOOLCHEST /SOURCE=DKB500:[TOOLCHEST.KIT] The command in this example registers the product TOOLCHEST in the product database. TOOLCHEST was installed by VMSINSTAL, and a special transition kit is in the source directory to supply details about the product. 3 VOLUME For a volume containing installed products, records a change in volume label in the product database. For device independence, the product database identifies the destination device of an installed product by its logical volume name, not by its physical device name. The logical volume name (usually in the form DISK$labelname) is defined by the MOUNT command and associated with the device. Format PRODUCT REGISTER VOLUME old-volume-label device-name [/qualifiers] 4 Description You can check the logical volume name of a mounted device by issuing a command in the following format: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETDVI("device","LOGVOLNAM") When you use the SET VOLUME command to change the volume label of a nonsystem device that contains installed products, you must also use the PRODUCT REGISTER VOLUME command to update the product database with this information. Register the new volume label after you dismount and remount the volume so that the new logical volume name (DISK$labelname) is defined. If you change the volume label of the system device, you do not need to use the PRODUCT REGISTER VOLUME command because PCSI automatically detects the change after the volume is remounted following a system reboot. 4 Parameters old-volume-label Names the old (existing) volume label. device-name Names the device for which the volume label is to be changed in the product database. 4 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specifications of the product database files that are created or modified. /REMOTE /REMOTE /NOREMOTE (default) Selects the product database located on a privately mounted system disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for the product database. When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined: o PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command. o PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root: PCSI$SYSDEVICE:[SYSx.] 4 Example $ PRODUCT REGISTER VOLUME AXPVMSV62 DKA0: The command in this example replaces all occurrences of the old volume label in the PCSI database with the current volume label of the specified disk. 2 REMOVE Uninstalls one or more software products from your system and updates the product database. This command operates on complete products. Any patches or mandatory updates that might have been applied to complete products are also removed. To uninstall patches or mandatory updates while still retaining the original product that was installed, use the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command. Format PRODUCT REMOVE product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] 3 Parameter product-name Names the installed product or list of installed products to remove. Specify only the names of complete products, not the names of patches or mandatory updates applied to products. 3 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=base-system-name Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specification of each file processed. When logging is enabled, messages notify you whenever product files, libraries, directories, and product database files are created, deleted, or modified. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=(keyword[,...]) /NOOPTIONS (default) Specifies PRODUCT command options. Keywords are: NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the products that have been selected for the operation. SHOW_DISK_USAGE Displays estimated disk block usage. Both peak utilization and net change are shown in addition to the amount of free space available before and after the operation. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=producer-name Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. /REMARK /REMARK=string Records a comment in the product database about the task you are performing. The PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY command displays the recorded comments. For each product, PCSI stores a chronological list of tasks you perform and the associated remarks. The default behavior is that no remark is recorded. /REMOTE /REMOTE /NOREMOTE (default) Selects the product database located on a privately mounted system disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for the product database. When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined: o PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command. o PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root: PCSI$SYSDEVICE:[SYSx.] /TRACE /TRACE /NOTRACE (default) Identifies the creation and deletion of subprocesses and the DCL commands and command procedures submitted to these subprocesses for execution during the processing of the PRODUCT command. Also shows the creation and deletion of scratch directories and temporary files that the PCSI utility provides for the subprocess environment. Any output that DCL produces is also displayed. This qualifier is primarily a debugging aid for product developers to trace the execution of command procedures included in their product kits. See the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide for more information. /VERSION /VERSION=version-number Selects software products that have the specified version. /WORK /WORK=device:[directory] Specifies the name of the device and directory acting as a temporary work area. By default, temporary files are created in subdirectories of the the user's login directory. 3 Example $ PRODUCT REMOVE FTAM The command in this example uninstalls the product named FTAM and updates the product database to remove all information about the product. 2 SHOW Displays one of the following: o A chronological log of operations performed on software products (SHOW HISTORY) o Information about objects created during a software product installation (SHOW OBJECT) o Information about installed products (SHOW PRODUCT) o Information about installed patches that can be uninstalled using the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command (SHOW RECOVERY_DATA) o Information about PCSI (SHOW UTILITY) 3 HISTORY Displays a chronological log of operations performed on the specified products. Format PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] 4 Description For each operation performed, the following information is displayed: o Name of the product o Type of product kit: full LP, operating system, mandatory update, partial, patch, platform, or transition o Kit validation status o Date of the operation If you specify /FULL, the following additional information is also included: o Complete date and time of the operation o Number of times the user chose to continue from an error o Account name from which the operation was performed o Any text found in the remark field The kit validation status field (VAL) codes are the following: Code Meaning Val Kit was successfully validated. Sys Kit was not validated, but it was installed from OS media as part of an OpenVMS installation or upgrade. (U) Kit was not validated because it was an unsigned kit and therefore it did not have a manifest file created for it. (M) Kit was not validated because its manifest file was not found in the source directory. (D) Kit was not validated because the validation feature was explicitly disabled by the user. (C) Kit was not validated because CDSA was not operational. - Not applicable for the operation (such as product removal). A blank entry indicates that the version of PCSI used to perform the operation did not support the kit validation feature or was running on a pre-V8.3 OpenVMS system. 4 Parameter product-name Names the product or list of products to include in the display. This is an optional parameter. If you omit it, operations performed on all products will be shown. 4 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=(base-system-name[,...]) Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single base system name. They are required when you specify multiple base system names. /BEFORE /BEFORE=time Selects entries that were created before the specified date and time. You can specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default) TOMORROW YESTERDAY For information about specifying time values, see the OpenVMS User's Manual. /FULL /FULL /NOFULL (default) Displays information in 132-column format. The /NOFULL qualifier displays a subset of available information in 80-column format. /OPERATION /OPERATION=(keyword[,...]) Specifies one or more of the following operations as the value for keyword: INSTALL RECONFIGURE REGISTER_PRODUCT REGISTER_VOLUME REMOVE Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single keyword. They are required when you specify multiple keywords. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=(producer-name[,...]) Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single producer name. They are required when you specify multiple producer names. /REMOTE /REMOTE /NOREMOTE (default) Selects the product database located on a privately mounted system disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for the product database. When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined: o PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command. o PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root: PCSI$SYSDEVICE:[SYSx.] /SINCE /SINCE=time Selects entries that were created on or after the specified date and time. You can specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default) YESTERDAY For information about specifying time values, the OpenVMS User's Manual. /USER /USER=(username[,...]) Displays information about the products installed, configured, or removed by the specified user. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single user name. They are required when you specify multiple user names. /VERSION /VERSION=(version-number[,...]) Selects software products that have the specified version. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify one version number. They are required when you specify more than one version number. 4 Example $ PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY * /OPERATION=INSTALL /BEFORE=22-MAY-2002 The command in this example lists all the products that were installed before May 22, 2002. 3 OBJECT Displays information about objects created during a software product installation. Examples of software objects are files, directories, and modules in libraries. Format PRODUCT SHOW OBJECT object-name [/qualifiers] 4 Description The standard display lists the name, type, generation number, and status of each object. The expanded display, which you request by using the /FULL qualifier, includes the destination root directory and the product that owns the object. Each file and library module object has an associated generation number, either explicit or implied. A generation number is an integer value in which the largest value in a comparison of generation numbers denotes the object that supersedes the others. The product developer specifies generation numbers to aid PCSI in resolving conflict on installation when two or more products or patch kits supply the same object. An explicit or implicit value of zero means no generation information has been supplied. A tie of non-zero generation numbers means the objects are identical and that an object from a product kit should replace a previously installed object. If all generation numbers in a comparison are zero, the conflict cannot be resolved. Each object has an installation status. A status of "OK" means that the object is currently installed. A status of "Conflict" indicates that the object lost a generation comparison with an object of the same name supplied by another product or patch. This is not an error condition. "OK/Adopt" indicates that a product inherited the object from another product. This happens only when a product loses an object conflict to another product, and, subsequently, the other product is removed, causing the file or module on the system to be adopted by the surviving product. 4 Parameter object-name Names the object or list of objects to include in the display. This is an optional parameter. If you omit it, all objects for the selected products will be shown. You can use the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters to specify the object-name. The name of a file object includes its directory specification relative to the destination root directory for the installed product. For example, a file placed in DISK$ALPHA:[VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE]TEST.EXE is identified in the product database as the file object [SYSEXE]TEST.EXE. 4 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=(base-system-name[,...]) Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single base system name. They are required when you specify multiple base system names. /FULL /FULL /NOFULL (default) Displays information in 132-column format. The /NOFULL qualifier displays a subset of available information in 80-column format. /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=(producer-name[,...]) Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. Note that the PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY command allows you to specify both the /PRODUCER and /PRODUCT qualifiers, which you need to spell out because they are not unique within the first four characters. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single producer name. They are required when you specify multiple producer names. /PRODUCT /PRODUCT=(product-name[,...]) Selects products with the specified product name. Note that the PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY command allows you to specify both the /PRODUCER and /PRODUCT qualifiers, which you need to spell out because they are not unique within the first four characters. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single product name. They are required when you specify multiple product names. /REMOTE /REMOTE /NOREMOTE (default) Selects the product database located on a privately mounted system disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for the product database. When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined: o PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command. o PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root: PCSI$SYSDEVICE:[SYSx.] /TYPE /TYPE=(object-type[,...]) Selects one or more class of objects to display. Keywords are: ACCOUNT Selects account objects. DIRECTORY Selects directory objects. FILE Selects file objects. IMAGE_LIBRARY Selects image library objects. LOADABLE_IMAGE Selects loadable image objects. MODULE Selects module objects, including command definition, help, macro, object, and text library modules. NETWORK Selects network objects. RIGHTS_IDENTIFIER Selects rights identifier objects. /VERSION /VERSION=(version-number[,...]) Selects software products that have the specified version. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify one version number. They are required when you specify more than one version number. 4 Example $ PRODUCT SHOW OBJECT * /PRODUCT=ABC /FULL The command in this example lists all objects such as files, directories, library modules, and other objects that were created when the product ABC was installed. 3 PRODUCT Displays a list of software products installed on your system. Use the /FULL qualifier to display additional information such as kit type, maintenance activity, and software dependencies. Format PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] 4 Parameter product-name Names the product or list of products to include in the display. This is an optional parameter. If you omit it, the names of all installed products will be shown. 4 Qualifiers /BASE_SYSTEM /BASE_SYSTEM=(base-system-name[,...]) Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are: Name Description AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product. I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product. X86VMS Denotes an OpenVMS X86 product. VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single base system name. They are required when you specify multiple base system names. /FULL /FULL /NOFULL (default) Displays information in 132-column format. The /NOFULL qualifier displays a subset of available information in 80-column format. /MAINTENANCE /MAINTENANCE=(product-name[,...]) Displays the products to which the named maintenance products have been applied. A maintenance product is either a patch kit or a mandatory update kit. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single product name. They are required when you specify multiple product names. To list all maintenance products that have been applied to a particular product, use the following command: PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT product-name /FULL /PRODUCER /PRODUCER=(producer-name[,...]) Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single producer name. They are required when you specify multiple producer names. /REFERENCED_BY /REFERENCED_BY=(product-name[,...]) Displays products that are referenced by the named product. Use this qualifier to show if the product, specified in the /REFERENCED_BY qualifier, has a software dependency on the product or products specified in the product-name parameter of the SHOW PRODUCT command. If you specify an asterisk (*) as the product name, all referenced products are listed for the product named in the /REFERENCED_BY qualifier. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single product name. They are required when you specify multiple product names. To list all products that require a specified product to be installed, use the command: PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT product-name /FULL /REFERENCED_BY=* To list all products that are referenced by (that is, required by) a particular product, use the command: PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT * /REFERENCED_BY=product-name To list all products that are referenced by (that is, required by) other products, use the command: PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT * /REFERENCED_BY=* /REMOTE /REMOTE /NOREMOTE (default) Selects the product database located on a privately mounted system disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for the product database. When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined: o PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command. o PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root: PCSI$SYSDEVICE:[SYSx.] /SPAN_VERSIONS /SPAN_VERSIONS=keyword([,...]) Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are: ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS= (MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0. /VERSION /VERSION=(version-number[,...]) Selects software products that have the specified version. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify one version number. They are required when you specify more than one version number. 4 Example $ PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT * /REFERENCED_BY=DECNET_OSI The command in this example lists all products on which the DECnet-Plus product is dependent. 3 RECOVERY_DATA Displays patch recovery data sets in chronological order, starting with the set created most recently and ending with the oldest one. Each recovery data set identifies one or more patches that can be uninstalled. Format PRODUCT SHOW RECOVERY_DATA [/qualifiers] 4 Parameters None. 4 Qualifiers /BEFORE /BEFORE=time Selects recovery data sets created before the specified date and time. You can specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default) TOMORROW YESTERDAY For information about specifying time values, see the OpenVMS User's Manual. /FULL /FULL /NOFULL (default) Displays information in 132-column format. The /NOFULL qualifier displays a subset of available information in 80-column format. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specifications of recovery data set files as they are accessed. /NEWEST /NEWEST=count Displays the most recently created patch recovery data sets. For example, if you specify /NEWEST=2, the SHOW RECOVERY_DATA command displays the two newest recovery data sets. If you do not specify a number with this qualifier, the default value is 1. /OLDEST /OLDEST=count Displays the oldest recovery data sets. For example, if you specify /OLDEST=2, the SHOW RECOVERY_DATA command displays the two oldest recovery data sets. If you do not specify a number with this qualifier, the default value is 1. /REMOTE /REMOTE /NOREMOTE (default) Selects recovery data sets located on a privately mounted system disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for recovery data sets. When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined: o PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command. o PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root: PCSI$SYSDEVICE:[SYSx.] /SINCE /SINCE=time Selects recovery data sets that were created on or after the specified date and time. You can specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default) YESTERDAY For information about specifying time values, see the OpenVMS User's Manual. 4 Example $ PRODUCT SHOW RECOVERY_DATA /SINCE=10-DEC-2002 The command in this example displays the recovery data sets created on or after December 10, 2002, starting with the one created most recently. 3 UTILITY Displays the version of PCSI that you are using. Format PRODUCT SHOW UTILITY 4 Parameters None. 4 Qualifiers None. 4 Example $ PRODUCT SHOW UTILITY POLYCENTER Software Installation utility version: V8.3-134 Product Configuration File (PCF) support level: 1 Product Description File (PDF) support level: 10 Product Text File (PTF) support level: 2 Image Name: DISK$V83SYS:[SYS0.][SYSEXE]PCSI$MAIN.EXE;1 The command in this example shows the version of the PCSI utility, its component support levels, and the full file specification of the PCSI image that is executing the command. 2 UNDO 3 PATCH Uninstalls patches or mandatory updates from your system. This command uses the recovery data sets that were created by the PRODUCT INSTALL command when these patches were installed. The associated recovery data sets are deleted at the conclusion of the operation. Format PRODUCT UNDO PATCH [/qualifiers] 4 Description You can "undo" patches only in reverse chronological order of the creation dates of their recovery data sets. Thus, if you install patches A, B, and C with separate PRODUCT INSTALL commands, and you want to "undo" patch B, the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command requires that patch C be removed along with patch B. To remove complete products, including any patches or mandatory updates that have been applied to them, use the PRODUCT REMOVE command instead. A recovery data set contains a copy of the directories, files, and libraries that were modified or deleted by the execution of a PRODUCT INSTALL command. In addition, a snapshot of the product database is included, along with other information needed to restore the software environment. Each recovery data set is stored in a directory tree on the system device in [PCSI$UNDO_ nnn...], where nnn is a number from 001 to 999. The most recent data set is number 001; all data sets are renumbered when a new data set is added or deleted from the stack. The PRODUCT INSTALL command creates a recovery data set when patches (also known as remedial kits or ECOs) are installed unless you disable this feature with the /NOSAVE_RECOVERY_ DATA qualifier. A recovery data set contains information about all patches that are installed concurrently. The PRODUCT UNDO command removes all the patches that are in the selected recovery data sets. Therefore, if multiple patches are installed in one operation, they can be removed only as a group. You can use the PRODUCT SHOW RECOVERY_DATA command to list all recovery data sets and find out which patches can be removed. To delete unwanted recovery data sets, use the DELETE RECOVERY_DATA command. 4 Parameters None. 4 Qualifiers /ALL Uninstalls all patch and mandatory updates for which recovery data has been saved. Once the operation completes, all the recovery data sets are deleted and cannot be reused. If you do not specify the /ALL, /NEWEST, or /SINCE qualifier, only the most recently created recovery data set is used to select patches and mandatory updates to remove. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG (default) Displays the file specifications of files as they are accessed; also provides other information related to file activity. For example, when logging is enabled, messages notify you when product files, libraries, directories, and product database files are created, deleted, or modified. /NEWEST /NEWEST=count Selects the most recently created patch recovery data sets. For example, if you specify /NEWEST=3, the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command uninstalls patches using data from the three newest recovery data sets. If you do not specify a number with this qualifier, the default value is 1. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=keyword /NOOPTIONS (default) Specifies PRODUCT command options. The keyword is: NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the recovery data sets that have been selected for processing. /REMOTE /REMOTE /NOREMOTE (default) Selects recovery data sets located on a privately mounted system disk and restores the product database to this disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for recovery data sets. When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined: o PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command. o PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root: PCSI$SYSDEVICE:[SYSx.] /SINCE /SINCE=time Selects recovery data sets that were created on or after the specified date and time. You can specify time as an absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: TODAY (default) YESTERDAY For information about specifying time values, see the OpenVMS User's Manual. /TRACE /TRACE /NOTRACE (default) Identifies the creation and deletion of subprocesses and the DCL commands and command procedures submitted to these subprocesses for execution during the processing of the PRODUCT command. Messages log the creation and deletion of scratch directories and temporary files that the PCSI utility provides for the subprocess environment. Any output that DCL produces is also displayed. This qualifier is primarily a debugging aid for product developers to trace the execution of command procedures included in their product kits. See the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide for more information. 4 Example $ PRODUCT UNDO PATCH The command in this example uninstalls all patch and mandatory update kits that were installed in the last INSTALL operation performed with the /SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA qualifier. The recovery data set used in this operation is deleted at the end of the operation and cannot be reused.