VMS Help  —  SHOW
    Displays information about the current status of a process, the
    system, or devices in the system.


      SHOW  option

1  –  Description

    The following table lists all the SHOW command options.

    Option                      Displays

    ACCOUNTING                  Resources the current accounting file is

    AUDIT                       Security auditing characteristics in effect
                                on the system

    BROADCAST                   Message classes for which broadcast is

    CLUSTER                     OpenVMS Cluster activity and performance

    CPU                         Current state of the attached processor

    DEFAULT                     Current default device and directory

    DEVICES                     Status of devices in the system

    DEVICES/SERVED              Status of devices served by the MSCP server
                                on an OpenVMS Cluster system

    DISPLAY                     Node where the output from a DECwindows
                                application running on the current node
                                will be displayed

    DUMP_OPTIONS                The currently defined list of alternate
    (x86-64 only)               devices where system crash dumps can be

    ENTROPY                     Information about entropy services.

    ENTRY                       Information about a user's batch and print
                                jobs or about specific job entries

    ERROR                       Error count for the CPU, memory, and
                                physical devices

    FASTPATH                    Displays fastpath port assignment and
    (Alpha/Integrity            usage.
    servers only)

    IMAGE (Alpha/Integrity      Displays information about an ELF format
    servers/x86 systems only)   image file.

    INTRUSION                   Contents of the intrusion database

    KEY                         Key definitions created by the DEFINE/KEY

    LICENSE                     Software product licenses active on the
                                current node as well as list of the names
                                attached to a license (known as the RESERVE

    LOGICAL                     Current logical name assignments

    MEMORY                      Availability and usage of memory resources

    NETWORK                     Information about network services
                                registered on a node

    PRINTER                     Printer characteristics

    PROCESS                     Attributes of the current process,
                                including privileges, resource quotas,
                                memory usage, priority, and accounting

    PROTECTION                  Current default protection applied to files

    QUEUE                       Names and types of queues that are
                                available on the system as well as any
                                current jobs belonging to your process

    QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS       Characteristic names and numbers that have
                                been defined for system queues

    QUEUE/FORM                  Form names and numbers that have been
                                defined for system queues

    QUEUE/MANAGERS              Information about the queue manager(s) on
                                the system or OpenVMS Cluster

    QUOTA                       Current disk quota authorized for and used
                                by a specific user on a specific disk

    RMS_DEFAULT                 Current default multiblock and multibuffer
                                counts used by OpenVMS Record Management
                                Services (RMS) for file operations

    SECURITY                    Name, class, and profile of a security

    SERVER ACME                 Information about the ACME server
    servers only)

    SERVER REGISTRY             Information about the Registry server
    servers only)

    SHADOW (Alpha/Integrity     Status of a specified shadow set on the
    servers only)               system.

    STATUS                      Status of the current job, including
                                accumulated CPU time, open file count, and
                                count of I/O operations

    SYMBOL                      Current symbol definitions

    SYSTEM                      List of all processes in the system

    TERMINAL                    Device characteristics of a terminal

    [DAY]TIME                   Current date and time

    TRANSLATION                 Current logical name assignment

    USERS                       Information about users currently on the

    WORKING_SET                 CURRENT working set size limit and quota

    ZONE                        Current state of a VAXft system


    Shows what resources the current accounting file is tracking.



2.1  –  Qualifier

2.1.1    /OUTPUT


    Requires read (R) and write (W) access to the directory in which
    the specified file is created.

    Controls the output destination of the command. By default, the
    output is the current SYS$OUTPUT device. To send the output
    to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by the file

    If the file specification does not include the file name or file
    type, the defaults SHOW and .LIS are used respectively.

2.2  –  Example


  Accounting is currently enabled to log the following activities:

        PROCESS        any process termination
        IMAGE          image execution
        INTERACTIVE    interactive job termination
        LOGIN_FAILURE  login failures
        NETWORK        network job termination
        PRINT          all print jobs

      The keywords in this example show that the local node is
      tracking the resources used by each:

      o  Interactive and network process

      o  Image running in an interactive or network process

      o  Login failure

      o  Print job

3  –  ACL

    The SHOW ACL command is obsolete. Use the SHOW SECURITY command.

4  –  AUDIT

    Displays the security auditing characteristics in effect on the

    Requires the SECURITY privilege.



4.1  –  Qualifiers

4.1.1    /ALL

    Displays all available auditing information including the

    o  Location of the system security audit log file

    o  Security events enabled for auditing

    o  Location of the security archive file

    o  Audit server characteristics, such as the action taken if the
       audit server runs out of memory.

4.1.2    /ALARM

    Displays the categories of events that are currently enabled;
    these events will generate messages on any operator's terminal
    accepting security class messages.

4.1.3    /ARCHIVE

    Displays the name and location of the security archive file (if
    archiving is enabled).

4.1.4    /AUDIT

    Displays the categories of events that are currently enabled to
    write messages to the system security audit log file.

4.1.5    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

4.1.6    /HIGHLIGHT


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.

4.1.7    /JOURNAL

    Displays characteristics of the system audit journal.

4.1.8    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do not
    enter the /OUTPUT qualifier or if you enter it without a file
    specification, the output is sent to the default output stream
    or device for the current process, which is identified by the
    logical name SYS$OUTPUT.

    If you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file
    specification (for example, only a directory name), SET AUDIT
    assigns the file name SHOW with the default file type of .LIS.
    The file specification cannot include the asterisk (*)  and the
    percent sign (%)  wildcard characters.

4.1.9    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

4.1.10    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

4.1.11    /SERVER

    Displays audit server characteristics.

4.1.12    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.

4.2  –  Example

  List of audit journals:
   Journal name:           SECURITY
   Journal owner:          (system audit journal)
   Monitoring:             enabled
     Warning thresholds,   Block count:    100   Duration:    2 00:00:00.0
     Action thresholds,    Block count:     25   Duration:    0 00:30:00.0

  Security auditing server characteristics:
   Database version:       4.4
   Backlog (total):        100, 200, 300
   Backlog (process):      5, 2
   Server processing intervals:
     Archive flush:        0 00:01:00:00
     Journal flush:        0 00:05:00:00
     Resource scan:        0 00:05:00:00
   Final resource action:  purge oldest audit events

  Security archiving information:
   Archiving events:       none
   Archive destination:

  System security alarms currently enabled for:
   Audit:      illformed
   Breakin:    dialup,local,remote,network,detached
   Login:      batch,dialup,local,remote,network,subprocess,detached
   Logfailure: batch,dialup,local,remote,network,subprocess,detached,server

  System security audits currently enabled for:
   Audit:      illformed
   Breakin:    dialup,local,remote,network,detached
   Login:      batch,dialup,local,remote,network,subprocess,detached,server
   Logfailure: batch,dialup,local,remote,network,subprocess,detached,server
   Logout:     batch,dialup,local,remote,network,subprocess,detached,server
   FILE access:
     Failure:  read,write,execute,delete,control

      The SHOW AUDIT command in this example displays the auditing
      settings after a system installation. See the SET AUDIT/ENABLE
      command for descriptions of the individual audit items.


    Displays the message classes that are currently affected by the
    SET BROADCAST command.



5.1  –  Qualifier

5.1.1    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do
    not enter the qualifier, or if you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier
    without a file specification, the output is sent to the current
    process default output stream or device, identified by the
    logical name SYS$OUTPUT.

    If you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file
    specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW
    is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type. The
    asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are
    not allowed.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

5.2  –  Examples

      Broadcasts are enabled for all classes
      Terminal is set "No Broadcast", no broadcast messages
      will be displayed.

      The display in this example shows that all message classes
      are enabled for broadcast, but that these messages will not be
      received because the terminal is set NO BROADCAST.

      Broadcasts are currently disabled for:

      The SHOW BROADCAST display in this example indicates that SET
      BROADCAST=NOMAIL is in effect.

      Broadcasts are currently disabled for:
      Terminal is set "No Broadcast", no broadcast messages
      will be displayed.

      This example shows the display you see when messages from USER1
      are enabled, but will not be received, because the terminal is
      set NO BROADCAST.

      Broadcasts are disabled for all classes

      This example shows the display you see when SET BROADCAST=NONE
      is in effect.


    Invokes the Show Cluster utility to monitor and display cluster
    activity and performance.

    For more information about the Show Cluster utility, see the VSI
    OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.



    If you specify the command without any qualifiers, SHOW CLUSTER
    displays a single cluster report and then returns control to the
    DCL level.

    To invoke a continuous SHOW CLUSTER display, enter the following


    SHOW CLUSTER requires no special privileges because it is
    installed with the CMKRNL privilege.

    In a continuous display, you can control report output with SHOW
    CLUSTER commands. For information about SHOW CLUSTER commands,
    invoke a continuous SHOW CLUSTER display, enter Return to get to
    the Command> prompt, and then enter HELP.

6.1  –  Qualifiers

6.1.1    /BEGINNING


    Specifies the time that the SHOW CLUSTER session is to begin. You
    can specify absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of the
    two. Observe the syntax rules for time values described in the
    OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.

    If you specify a future time, your process is placed in a state
    of hibernation until the specified time. Use this qualifier with
    the /OUTPUT and /ENDING qualifiers to run SHOW CLUSTER without
    direct user intervention.

    You can specify time as absolute time expressed as
    [dd-mmm-yyyy[:]] [hh:mm:ss.cc], or a delta time expressed as
    [dddd-][hh:mm:ss.cc], or a combination of the two. Observe the
    syntax rules for time values described in the OpenVMS User's
    Manual or the online help topic Date.

6.1.2    /CONTINUOUS

    Specifies a continuously updating display. If you omit the
    qualifier, SHOW CLUSTER produces a single display and returns
    control to the DCL command level.

    Running SHOW CLUSTER in the continuous mode allows you to use
    SHOW CLUSTER commands to control the display. In a continuous
    display, you can control report output with SHOW CLUSTER
    commands. For information about the SHOW CLUSTER commands, invoke
    a continuous SHOW CLUSTER display and type HELP at the Command>

    SHOW CLUSTER has commands that allow you to customize the
    display. You can add and remove fields and classes, rearrange
    the position of windows, scroll their contents, or create
    an initialization or command procedure that can recreate a
    particular window setup.

    To exit from a continuous display and return to the DCL level,
    type the EXIT command or press Ctrl/Z.

    To exit from SHOW CLUSTER without erasing the screen, press

    To interrupt SHOW CLUSTER, press Ctrl/Y.

    For a complete description of the Show Cluster utility and
    commands, see the VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for overview
    information and the VSI OpenVMS System Management Utilities
    Reference Manual for reference information.

6.1.3    /ENDING


    Specifies the time that the SHOW CLUSTER session is to end. You
    can specify an absolute time, a delta time, or a combination of
    the two. Observe the syntax rules for time values described in
    the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.

    Use this qualifier with the /BEGINNING and /OUTPUT qualifiers to
    run SHOW CLUSTER without direct user intervention.

    You can specify time as absolute time expressed as [dd-mmm-
    yyyy[:]][hh:mm:ss.cc], or a delta time expressed as [dddd-
    ][hh:mm:s.cc], or a combination of the two. Observe the syntax
    rules for time values described in the OpenVMS User's Manual or
    the online help topic Date.

6.1.4    /INTERVAL


    Specifies the number of seconds that display information remains
    on the screen before it is updated. By default, the interval time
    is 15 seconds.

    If you use an initialization file in noncontinuous mode and the
    initialization file contains a SET SCREEN command that changes
    the screen size, SHOW CLUSTER sets the screen to the specified
    size for one update interval and then sets the screen to the
    original size.

6.1.5    /OUTPUT


    Directs the output from SHOW CLUSTER to the specified file
    instead of the current SYS$OUTPUT device.

    SHOW CLUSTER output is always in printable file format,
    regardless of the file or device type specified. Output can be
    up to 132 columns wide and can be sent to any file, terminal, or
    print device.

    You can also direct output to a file with the WRITE command.

    The filespec is the name of the file or device to which SHOW
    CLUSTER output is directed. The default file name is SHOW_

    You can direct output to a device other than SYS$OUTPUT, by
    specifying a valid device name.

7  –  CPU

    Displays the current state of the processors in an OpenVMS


      SHOW CPU  [cpu-id[,...]]

7.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies a decimal value representing the identity of a
    processor in a OpenVMS multiprocessing system. On an Alpha 7000
    system, the CPU ID is the backplane slot number of the processor.

7.2  –  Qualifiers

7.2.1    /ACTIVE_SET

    Selects as the subject of the display only those processors that
    are members of the system's active set.

7.2.2    /ALL

    Selects all configured processors, active and inactive, as the
    subject of the display.

7.2.3    /BRIEF

    Produces information from the summary display and also lists the
    current CPU state and current process (if any) for each processor
    in the configuration.


       /CONFIGURE_SET (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Selects as the subject of the display only those processors
    that are members of the system's configure set - those that are
    actively owned and controlled by the current instance.

7.2.5    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

7.2.6    /FULL

    Produces information from the summary display. The /FULL
    qualifier also lists the current CPU state, the current process
    (if any), the revision levels, and the capabilities for each
    configured processor. It indicates which processes can execute
    only on certain processors in the configuration. In addition, if
    one or more uniprocessing drivers are present in the system, the
    /FULL qualifier lists them by name.

    The SHOW CPU/FULL command lists the current process on each
    configured processor without stopping other activity on the
    system. The current process may change while the data is
    displayed. As a result, there may be apparent inconsistencies in
    the display. For example, a process may be listed as the current
    process on more than one CPU.

    This qualifier also displays whether the CPU is enabled or
    disabled for use as a Fast Path preferred CPU, then lists the
    Fast Path ports assigned to it, and shows whether or not the
    ports are user-assigned.

    For more information about using Fast Path features to improve
    I/O performance, see the VSI OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual.

7.2.7    /HIGHLIGHT


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.

7.2.8    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do
    not enter the qualifier, or if you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier
    without a file specification, the output is sent to the current
    process default output stream or device, identified by the
    logical name SYS$OUTPUT.

    If you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file
    specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW
    is the default file name and .LIS the default file type. If you
    enter a file specification, it may not include the asterisk (*)
    and the percent sign (%)  wildcard characters.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

7.2.9    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of device information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

7.2.10    /POTENTIAL_SET

       /POTENTIAL_SET (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Selects as the subject of the display only those processors that
    are members of the system's potential set - those CPUs in the
    hard partition that meet the current instance's requirements to
    join its active set.

    Inclusion in this set does not imply that the CPU is (or ever
    will be) owned by the current instance. The potential set
    only describes those physically existing CPUs that currently
    meet the instance-specific hardware and software compatibility
    constraints, should they ever become available.

7.2.11    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

7.2.12    /STANDBY_SET

       /STANDBY_SET (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Selects as the subject of the display only those processors that
    are members of the system's standby set - those CPUs in the hard
    partition that are not currently owned by soft partitions.

    Supported only on AlphaServer systems that support partitioning.

7.2.13    /SUMMARY

    Produces a display listing the processors in the OpenVMS
    multiprocessing or single-CPU system, indicating which is the
    primary processor, which processors are configured, and which
    processors are active.

    The /SUMMARY qualifier also indicates the minimum revision
    levels required for processors in the system, which OpenVMS
    synchronization image has been loaded into the operating system,
    and whether multiprocessing is enabled. If the presence of one or
    more uniprocessing drivers in the system prohibits the enabling
    of multiprocessing, the SHOW CPU command displays a warning

7.2.14    /SYSTEM

       /SYSTEM (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Displays platform-specific hardware information relating to the
    current instance.

7.2.15    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.

7.3  –  Examples

    1.$ SHOW CPU

      System: LOWFAT, COMPAQ AlphaServer DS20E 666 MHz
      Integrity servers:
      System: EUROS, VSI rx2600  (900MHz/1.5MB)

      CPU ownership sets:
         Active               0,1
         Configure            0,1

      CPU state sets:
         Potential            0,1
         Autostart            0,1
         Powered Down         None
         Not Present          None
         Hard Excluded        None
         Failover             None

      The SHOW CPU command in this example produces a configuration
      summary of all configured processors in the Alpha (LOWFAT) and
      Integrity server (EUROS) systems. The primary processor is CPU
      01, and all configured processors are active.

      System: LOWFAT, COMPAQ AlphaServer DS20E 666 MHz
       CPU 0    State: RUN             CPUDB: 81C1A000  Handle: * None *
             Process: DAVIS                   PID: 20400EB2

      CPU 1    State: RUN             CPUDB: 81D03680   Handle: * None *

      Integrity servers:
      System: EUROS, VSI rx2600  (900MHz/1.5MB)
       CPU 0    State: RUN            CPUDB: 8901C000  Handle: 00005D70
               Owner: 000004C8      Current: 000004C8  Partition 0 (EUROS)

      CPU 1    State: RUN            CPUDB: 89163480  Handle: 00005E80
               Owner: 000004C8       Current: 000004C8  Partition 0 (EUROS)
             Process: DAVIS            PID: 20201192

      The SHOW CPU/BRIEF command in this example produces a
      configuration summary of the Alpha (LOWFAT) and Integrity
      server (EUROS) systems. It also indicates that its two
      processors are in the RUN state. Only CPU 00 has a current


      System: WFGLXD, AlphaServer GS320 6/731

        SMP execlet   = 2 : Enabled : Full checking.
        Config tree   = Version 6
        Primary CPU   = 0
        HWRPB CPUs    = 32
        Page Size     = 8192
        Revision Code =
        Serial Number = BUDATEST
        Default CPU Capabilities:
              System: QUORUM RUN
        Default Process Capabilities:
              System: QUORUM RUN

      CPU 0    State: RUN            CPUDB: 81416000   Handle: 00003200
               Owner: 000006C0      Current: 000006C0  Partition 0 (WFGLXA)
              ChgCnt:        1      State: Present, Primary, Hotswap
             Process: SHADOW_SERVER        PID: 00000434
              System: PRIMARY QUORUM RUN RAD0
        Slot Context: 8F5BA180
           CPU     -  State..........: RC, PA, PP, CV, PV, PMV, PL
                      Type...........: EV67, Pass 2.3
                      Speed..........: 730 Mhz
                      Variation......: VAX FP, IEEE FP, Primary Eligible
                      Serial Number..: SM00700054
                      Halt Request...: 0
                      Software Comp..: 8.4
           PALCODE -  Revision Code..: 1.96-01
                      Compatibility..: 6
                      Max Shared CPUs: 32
                    Memory  Space..: Physical = 00000000.00000000 Length = 0
                    Scratch Space..: Physical = 00000000.00000000 Length = 0
           NETACP           PID = 0000041A  Reason: PRIMARY Capability
        Fastpath:     * None *
           Autostart - Enabled.
           Fastpath  - Selection enabled as Preferred CPU.

      CPU 1    State: RUN           CPUDB: 81456880  Handle: 00003500
               Owner: 000006C0      Current: 000006C0  Partition 0 (WFGLXA)
              ChgCnt:        1      State: Present, Hotswap, Reassignable
             Process: SYSTEM               PID: 00000428
              System: QUORUM RUN RAD0
        Slot Context: 8F5BA400
           CPU     -  State..........: RC, PA, PP, CV, PV, PMV, PL
                      Type...........: EV67, Pass 2.3
                      Speed..........: 730 Mhz
                      Variation......: VAX FP, IEEE FP, Primary Eligible
                      Serial Number..: NI94370773
                      Halt Request...: 0
                      Software Comp..: 8.4
           PALCODE -  Revision Code..: 1.96-01
                      Compatibility..: 6
                      Max Shared CPUs: 32
                    Memory  Space..: Physical = 00000000.00000000 Length =0
                    Scratch Space..: Physical = 00000000.00000000 Length =0
        Bindings:     * None *
        Fastpath:     * None *
           Autostart - Enabled.
           Fastpath  - Selection enabled as Preferred CPU.

      The SHOW CPU/FULL command in this example produces a
      configuration summary of the AlphaServer GS320 system, WFGLXD.
      All are in the RUN state and all have a current process.

      Note that NETACP can only run on CPU 0, because only CPU 0 has
      primary capability. Note also that CPUs 0 and 1 have Fastpath

    4.$ SHOW CPU 2/BRIEF

      System: WFGLXA, AlphaServer GS320 6/731

      CPU 2    State: RUN           CPUDB: 81457680  Handle: 00003800
               Owner: 000006C0  Current: 000006C0  Partition 0 (WFGLXA)
             Process: SHADOW_SERVER        PID: 00000429

      The SHOW CPU/BRIEF command in this example produces a brief
      configuration summary of CPU 2. CPU 2 is currently running
      under instance WFGLXA in partition 0.

    5.$ SHOW CPU 11

      System: WFGLXA, AlphaServer GS320 6/731

      CPU 11   State: NOT_CONFIGURED  CPUDB: 81470E00  Handle: 000125C0
               Owner: 00000440       Current: 00000440 Hard Partition 0

      This SHOW CPU command produces a configuration summary of
      CPU 11 on instance WFGLXA. CPU 11 is not configured in this
      instance and is currently assigned to hard partition 0.

    6.$ SHOW CPU 8/FU

      System: WFGLXA, AlphaServer GS320 6/731

      CPU 8    State: POWERED_DOWN  CPUDB: 81459280 Handle: 00011CC0
               Owner: 000006C0    Current: 000006C0  Partition 0 (WFGLXA)
              ChgCnt:        3    State: Present, In-Console, Powered Down,
                                              Hotswap, Reassignable
            Process: * None *
              System: QUORUM RAD0
        Slot Context: 8F5BB580
           CPU     -  State..........: BIP, CV, PV, PMV, PL
        Bindings:     * None *
        Fastpath:     * None *
           Autostart - Enabled.
           Fastpath  - Selection enabled as Preferred CPU.

      This SHOW CPU command produces a summary of CPU 8. CPU 8 is
      currently powered down, but a CPU module is present in the
      backplane slot.

    7.$ SHO CPU

      System: WFGLXA, AlphaServer GS320 6/731

      CPU ownership sets:
         Active               0-3,9,10
         Configure            0-3,8-10
         Standby              11
           Hard Partition     11

      CPU state sets:
         Potential            0-7,9-15
         Autostart            0-31
         Powered Down         8
         Not Present          16-31
         Failover             None

      The SHOW CPU command shows the configuration characteristics of
      the instance.

    8.$ SHOW CPU/SYS

      System: WFGLXA, AlphaServer GS320 6/731

        SMP execlet   = 2 : Enabled : Full checking.
        Config tree   = Version 6
        Primary CPU   = 0
        HWRPB CPUs    = 32
        Page Size     = 8192
        Revision Code =
        Serial Number = BUDATEST
        Default CPU Capabilities:
              System: QUORUM RUN
        Default Process Capabilities:
              System: QUORUM RUN

      CPU ownership sets:
         Active               0-3,9,10
         Configure            0-3,8-10
         Standby              11
           Hard Partition     11

      CPU state sets:
         Potential            0-7,9-15
         Autostart            0-31
         Powered Down         8
         Not Present          16-31
         Failover             None

      This SHOW CPU/SYSTEM command shows the platform-specific
      hardware information relating to instance WFGXLA.

      $ SHOW CPU 3/FULL

      System: WFGLXD, AlphaServer GS320 6/731

      CPU 3    State: RUN            CPUDB: 81416000  Handle: 00003200
               Owner: 000006C0      Current: 000006C0  Partition 0 (WFGLXA)
              ChgCnt:        1           State: Present, Primary, Hotswap
             Process: SHADOW_SERVER        PID: 00000434
              System: PRIMARY QUORUM RUN RAD0
        Slot Context: 8F5BA180
           CPU     -  State..........: RC, PA, PP, CV, PV, PMV, PL
                      Type...........: EV67, Pass 2.3
                      Speed..........: 730 Mhz
                      Variation......: VAX FP, IEEE FP, Primary Eligible
                      Serial Number..: SM00700054
                      Halt Request...: 0
                      Software Comp..: 8.4
           PALCODE -  Revision Code..: 1.96-01
                      Compatibility..: 6
                      Max Shared CPUs: 32
                    Memory  Space..: Physical = 00000000.00000000 Length = 0
                    Scratch Space..: Physical = 00000000.00000000 Length = 0
           SYSTEM           PID = 00000434  Reason: Affinitized to this CPU
           Autostart - Enabled.
           Fastpath  - Selection enabled as Preferred CPU.

      In this example, the SYSTEM process has its affinity set
      permanently to CPU3. The SHOW CPU command indicates this is
      the BINDINGS list.

      The port PNA0 was assigned to CPU 3 by a user when CPU 3 was
      enabled as a Fast Path preferred CPU. Subsequent to that
      operation, CPU 3's bit was cleared in the IO_PREFER_CPUS
      system parameter. This disabled CPU 3 for use as a Fast Path
      preferred CPU. Normally this is a transient condition, as
      changing IO_PREFER_CPUS results in the FASTPATH_SERVER process
      redistributing the Fast Path ports across the set of usable

      However, if there is no FASTPATH_SERVER process, PNA0 remains
      assigned to this CPU until any of the following actions occur:

      1. The user tries to move the port to another CPU by using the
         SET DEVICE/PREFERRED_CPU command, $QIO, or the $IO_FASTPATH
         system service.

      2. The CPU is stopped.

      System: LOWFAT, COMPAQ AlphaServer DS20E 666 MHz
      SMP execlet   = 3 : Enabled : Streamlined.
      Config tree   = None
        Primary CPU   = 0
        HWRPB CPUs    = 2
        Page Size     = 8192
        Revision Code =
        Serial Number = 4033DZ2Z1023
        Default CPU Capabilities:
              System: QUORUM RUN
        Default Process Capabilities:
              System: QUORUM RUN

      CPU 0    State: RUN             CPUDB: 81C1A000     Handle: * None *
             Process: DAVIS              PID: 20400EB2
              System: PRIMARY QUORUM RUN RAD0
                User: Usr1 Usr2
        Slot Context: 857F6180
           CPU     -  State..........: RC, PA, PP, CV, PV, PMV, PL
                      Type...........: EV67, Pass 2.2.3 & Pass 2.2.5
                      Speed..........: 667 Mhz
                      Variation......: VAX FP, IEEE FP, Primary Eligible
                      Serial Number..:
                      Halt Request...: 0
                      Software Comp..: 8.4
           PALCODE -  Revision Code..: 1.98-01
                      Compatibility..: 79
                      Max Shared CPUs: 2
                    Memory  Space..: Physical = 00000000.00000000 Length = 0
                    Scratch Space..: Physical = 00000000.00000000 Length = 0
        Bindings:     * None *
           Autostart - Enabled.
           Fastpath  - Selection enabled as Preferred CPU.

      CPU 1    State: RUN             CPUDB: 81D03680  Handle: * None *
             Process: * None *
              System: QUORUM RUN RAD0
        Slot Context: 857F6400
           CPU     -  State..........: RC, PA, PP, CV, PV, PMV, PL
                      Type...........: EV67, Pass 2.2.3 & Pass 2.2.5
                      Speed..........: 667 Mhz
                      Variation......: VAX FP, IEEE FP, Primary Eligible
                      Serial Number..:
                      Halt Request...: 0
                      Software Comp..: 8.4
           PALCODE -  Revision Code..: 1.98-01
                      Compatibility..: 79
                      Max Shared CPUs: 2
                    Memory  Space..: Physical = 00000000.00000000 Length = 0
                    Scratch Space..: Physical = 00000000.00000000 Length = 0
        Bindings:     * None *
           Autostart - Enabled.
           Fastpath  - Selection enabled as Preferred CPU.

      The SHOW CPU/FULL command in this example produces a
      configuration summary of the Alpha DS20E 666 MHz system LOWFAT,
      indicating that only CPU 02, the primary CPU, is active and
      in the RUN state. It also shows that there is a uniprocessing
      driver loaded in the system, thus preventing the system from
      being enabled as a multiprocessor.


    Displays the current default device and directory.



8.1  –  Examples


      The SHOW DEFAULT command in this example displays the current
      default device and directory names. The SET DEFAULT command
      changes these defaults, and the next SHOW DEFAULT command
      displays the new default device and directory.

       %DCL-I-INVDEF, NOSUCH:[NOWAY] does not exist

      In this example, the default has been set to a nonexistent
      device and directory. An error message is displayed.


      In this example, a logical name, XYZ, is defined to represent
      qualifier tells the system not to display the translation of
      XYZ in file specifications. Thus, the SHOW DEFAULT command
      displays the logical name XYZ and not its translation.


      In this example, the logical name KUDOS is defined as a search
      list containing the directories [SCHENKENBERGER.TEMP1] and
      [SCHENKENBERGER.TEMP2] on device WRK. The SET DEFAULT command
      equates this search list logical name with the logical name
      SYS$DISK. The subsequent SHOW DEFAULT command displays the
      search list logical name along with its equivalence strings.

      Because the directory field has not been explicitly specified,
      the original [SCHENKENBERGER] directory remains in effect as
      the current default directory; however, unless the current
      default directory syntax ([]) is explicitly used, all file
      references are to those directories contained in the search


    Displays the status of a device on the system.

    See the qualifier descriptions for restrictions.

    To display information about devices served by the mass storage
    control protocol (MSCP) server on an OpenVMS Cluster system, use


      SHOW DEVICES  [device-name[:]]

9.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of a device for which information is to be
    displayed. The device name displayed by the system uses the
    format ddcu where dd is the device code, c is the controller
    designation, and u is the unit number. If the system is part
    of an OpenVMS Cluster that is running with HSC controllers, the
    device name must include the node name using the format node$ddcu
    (where node is the node name).

    You can specify a complete device name or only a portion of
    a device name. The SHOW DEVICES command provides defaults for
    nonspecified portions of device names, as follows:

    o  If you truncate a device name (for example, if you specify D),
       the command lists information about all devices whose device
       names begin with what you entered (in this case, D). However,
       if you specify a device in an OpenVMS Cluster that is running
       with HSC controllers, you must include the entire node portion
       of the device name.

    o  If you omit a controller designation, the SHOW DEVICES command
       lists all devices on all controllers with the specified unit

    o  If you omit a unit number, the SHOW DEVICES command lists all
       devices on the specified controller.

    Note that the /FILES qualifier does not support defaults for
    nonspecified portions of device names; you must supply a complete
    device specification.

9.2  –  Qualifiers

9.2.1    /ALLOCATED

    Displays all devices currently allocated to processes.

    If you specify a device name, the characteristics of only that
    device are displayed. If the device is not currently allocated,
    the command displays a message indicating that there is no such
    device. If you specify a generic device name, the characteristics
    of all allocated devices of that type are displayed.

9.2.2    /BRIEF

       /BRIEF (default)

    Displays brief information about the specified devices.

9.2.3    /BITMAP

       /BITMAP ddcu:

    Displays information regarding minicopy or HBMM (Host-Based
    Minimerge) bitmaps for the given shadow set;

    Note that the SHOW DEVICES/FULL ddcu: display also displays
    status to indicate that bitmaps are active on the device.

9.2.4    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

9.2.5    /FILES

    Requires SYSPRV (system privilege) or BYPASS privileges to list
    read-protected files.

    Displays a list of the names of all files open on a volume and
    their associated process name and process identification (PID).
    The specified device must be a mounted Files-11 volume. If the
    specified volume is a multivolume set, the files on each volume
    in the set are listed.


       The SHOW DEVICES/FILES command does not support defaults
       for nonspecified portions of device names. You must supply
       a complete device specification when using the /FILES

    If the /SYSTEM qualifier is also specified, only the names of
    installed files and files opened by the system are displayed.
    Files opened by the system are those that have been opened
    without the use of an ancillary control process (ACP), such
    as INDEXF.SYS and QUOTA.SYS, as well as system files such as

    If the /NOSYSTEM qualifier is specified, only those files opened
    by processes are displayed. To list files opened by a process in
    your group, your process must have at least GROUP privilege. If
    the process is not in your group, you need WORLD privilege.

    If neither the /SYSTEM nor the /NOSYSTEM qualifier is specified,
    the names of all files currently opened on the system are

    If a file is read-protected from your user identification code
    (UIC), the "No privilege" message is displayed instead of the
    file name. You must have SYSPRV (system privilege) privilege or
    BYPASS privilege to display the file name.

    A space in place of a file name represents a work file (such as
    a temporary edit file) not entered in any directory. To display
    temporary file names, you must have BYPASS privilege in addition
    to GROUP or WORLD privilege.

    Do not use the /FILES qualifier with the /ALLOCATED, /BRIEF,
    /FULL, or /MOUNTED qualifier. The functions of the /FILES
    qualifier and these qualifiers are mutually exclusive.

9.2.6    /FULL

    Displays a complete list of information about the devices,
    as appropriate, except for rebuild status. You must use the
    /REBUILD_STATUS qualifier to get that information.

    Note that you cannot use the /UNITS or /SIZE qualifier with the
    /FULL qualifier.

    The display will be in blocks or bytes, depending on the current
    system default setting. You can use SHOW PROCESS/UNITS to display
    the current default. To change the default, execute the DCL

    For more information about fields related to Dissimilar Device
    Shadowing (DDS) or Dynamic Volume Expansion (DVE) in the display,
    see the discussion of these topics in the VSI OpenVMS System
    Manager's Manual.

9.2.7    /HIGHLIGHT


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.

9.2.8    /MOUNTED

    Displays all devices that currently have volumes mounted on them.

    If you specify a device name, only the characteristics of that
    device are displayed; however, if the device is not currently
    mounted, the command issues a message indicating there is no such
    device. If you specify a generic device name, the characteristics
    of all such devices that currently have volumes mounted are

9.2.9    /MULTIPATH

    Displays all devices that are currently multipath sets.

    If you specify a device name, only the characteristics of that
    device are displayed; however, if the device is not a multipath
    set, the command issues a message indicating there is no such
    device. If you specify a generic device name, the characteristics
    of all such devices that are currently multipath sets are

9.2.10    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do
    not enter the qualifier, or if you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier
    without a file specification, the output is sent to the current
    process default output stream or device, identified by the
    logical name SYS$OUTPUT.

    If you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file
    specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW
    is the default file name and .LIS the default file type. If you
    enter a file specification, it may not include the asterisk (*)
    and the percent sign (%)  wildcard characters.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

9.2.11    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of device information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.


    Tells you whether volumes need rebuilding.

    You may need to rebuild a volume if the volume was improperly
    dismounted. Volumes are improperly dismounted when, for example,
    the system crashes.

    For each volume, SHOW DEVICES/REBUILD_STATUS returns one of these

    Value              Meaning

    Yes                Rebuild needed.
    No                 Rebuild not needed.
    Not applicable     You cannot rebuild this volume. This value is
                       returned if, for example, the volume is not a
                       disk, or the volume is write-locked.
    Information        Rebuild information is unavailable. This value
    unavailable        is returned when, for example, the volume is
                       not mounted, or mount verification is taking

    To rebuild a volume, either:


    o  Dismount the volume, then mount the volume again using

    You cannot use the /REBUILD_STATUS qualifier with any other SHOW
    DEVICES qualifiers, except /OUTPUT.

9.2.13    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

9.2.14    /SIZE


    Allows you to override the current default specified by SET
    PROCESS/UNITS so that you can display disk free space in your
    choice of blocks or bytes. (/SIZE is functionally equivalent to

    The following keywords are valid with the /SIZE qualifier:

    If you specify /SIZE with no keyword, the default value is not

    Note that you cannot use the /SIZE qualifier with the /FULL

9.2.15    /SYSTEM


    Controls whether the names of installed files and files opened
    by the system are displayed. Files opened by the system are those
    that have been opened without the use of an ancillary control
    process (ACP), such as INDEXF.SYS and QUOTA.SYS.

    If you specify the /NOSYSTEM qualifier with the /FILES qualifier,
    only files opened by processes are displayed. If you omit both
    the /SYSTEM and /NOSYSTEM qualifiers and specify the /FILES
    qualifier, the names of all files currently open on the system
    are displayed.

    You can use this qualifier only with the /FILES qualifier. See
    the description of the /FILES qualifier for more details.

9.2.16    /UNITS


    Allows you to override the current default specified by SET
    PROCESS/UNITS so that you can display disk free space in your
    choice of blocks or bytes. (/UNITS is functionally equivalent to

    The following keywords are valid with the /UNITS qualifier:

    If you specify /UNITS with no keyword, the default value is not

    Note that you cannot use the /UNITS qualifier with the /FULL

9.2.17    /WINDOWS

    Displays the window count and total size of all windows for files
    open on a volume. The file name and related process name and
    process identification (PID) are also displayed. The letter C
    in a display indicates that the file is open with "cathedral
    windows" (segmented windows).

9.2.18    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.

9.3  –  Examples

      Device         Device      Err.    Volume        Free  Trans Mount
       Name          Status     Count     Label       Blocks Count Count
      DKA0:          Online mnt     0  VMS             47088   115     1
      DKA1:          Online mnt     0  USERPACK1       45216     2     1
      DKA2:          Online mnt     3  DOCUMENT         8068    20     1
      DKA5:          Online mnt     0  MASTERP         28668     1     1
      DKA6:          Online         0
      DKA7:          Online mnt     0  PROJECT        110547     1     1
      DMA0:          Online         0
      DLA0:          Online         0
      DYA0:          Online         0
      DYA1:          Online         0
      DRA3:          Online mnt     0  RES26APR        29317     1     1

      In this example, the SHOW DEVICES command displays the
      following information for each device on the system:

      o  Device name

      o  Device status and characteristics (status indicates whether
         the device is on line; characteristics indicate whether the
         device is allocated, is spooled, has a volume mounted on it,
         or has a foreign volume mounted on it)

      o  Error count

      o  Volume label (for disk and tape volumes only)

      o  Number of free blocks on the volume

      o  Transaction count

      o  Number of mount requests issued for the volume (disk devices

    2.$ SHOW DEVICES /FULL $1$dga30
       Disk $1$DGA100: (EUROS), device type HP MSA VOLUME,
       is online, mounted, file  oriented device, shareable,
       available to cluster, error logging is enabled.

          Error count                    0  Operations completed    17299
          Owner process                 ""  Owner UIC             [SYSTEM]
          Owner process ID        00000000  Dev Prot      S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
          Reference count                3  Default buffer size       512
          Current preferred CPU Id       0  Fastpath                1
          Total blocks           488327805  Sectors per track       96
          Total cylinders            52987  Tracks per cylinder     96
          Logical Volume Size    488327805  Expansion Size Limit    941752320
          Host name                "EUROS"  Host type, avail HP rx2600 (
 							900MHz/1.5MB), yes
          Allocation class               1

          Volume label       "DEBUG-DISK1" Relative volume number    0
          Cluster size          480 	    Transaction count         2
          Free blocks           16558560     Maximum files allowed     507617
          Extend quantity        5  	    Mount count               2
          Mount status           System 	    Cache name   "_$7$DKD100:XQPCACHE"
          Extent cache size        64 	Maximum blocks in extent cache 1655856
          File ID cache size       64    Blocks in extent cache       581760
          Quota cache size           0    Maximum buffers in FCP cache   314
          Volume owner UIC        [SYSTEM] Vol Prot  S:RWCD,O:RWCDG:RWCD,

        Volume Status:  ODS-2, subject to mount verification,
        file high-water marking, write-back caching enabled.
        Volume is also mounted on EUROS.

      In this example, the SHOW DEVICES command requests a full
      listing of the status of the multipath device $1$DGA30. This
      device has four local Fibre Channel paths and one remote (MSCP-
      served) path.

      Disk $DKB0:, device type RZ56, is online, mounted, file-oriented
          device, shareable, error logging is enabled.

      Error count               0  Operations completed            392750
      Owner process            ""  Owner UIC                        [1,4]
      Owner process ID   00000000  Dev Prot           S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
      Reference count         317  Default buffer size                512
      Total blocks        1299174  Sectors per track                   54
      Total cylinders        1604  Tracks per cylinder                 15

      Volume label  "SYSTEM_DISK"  Relative volume number               0
      Cluster size              3  Transaction count                  278
      Free blocks          367632  Maximum files allowed           162396
      Extend quantity           5  Mount count                          1
      Mount status         System  Cache name      "$DKB0:XQPCACHE"
      Extent cache size        64  Maximum blocks in extent cache   36763
      File ID cache size       64  Blocks currently in extent cache 36258
      Quota cache size          0  Maximum buffers in FCP cache       210
      Volume owner UIC      [1,1]  Vol Prot   S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD

      Volume status:  ODS-2, subject to mount verification, protected
      subsystems enabled, file high-water marking, write-through
      XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled.

      In this example, the SHOW DEVICES command requests a full
      listing of the status of the RZ56 device DKB0.


      Device Name             Rebuild needed?

      ADU15$DKA300:           Information unavailable
      EDIV$DKA300:            Information unavailable
      EMUL$DKB200:            No
      EMUL$DKB300:            No
      EMUL$DKB500:            Yes
      FTA0:                   Not applicable
      OPA0:                   Not applicable

      In this example, the volume mounted on device EMUL$DKB500 needs

      Disk NODE2$DUA0:, device type RA81, is online, mounted,
      error logging enabled
       Error count                 0  Operations completed            24195
       Owner process name             Owner UIC                    [11,177]
       Owner process ID     20200000  Dev Prot  S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:RWPL,W:RWPL
       Reference count            16  Default buffer size               512
       Volume label        VMSDOCLIB  Relative volume no.                 0
       Cluster size                3  Transaction count                  17
       Free blocks            525447  Maximum files allowed          111384
       Extend quantity             5  Mount count                         1
       Volume status          System  ACP process name
       Caching disabled
      Volume is subject to mount verification, file high-water marking

      Disk NODE2$DUA1:, device type RA81, is online, error logging enabled
       Error count                 0  Operations completed                0
       Owner UIC               [0,0]  Owner process name
       Owner process ID     20200000  Dev Prot  S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RWED,W:RWED
       Reference count             0  Default buffer size               512

      In this example, the user requested a full display of
      information about each device on NODE2 in the OpenVMS Cluster.
      Information is shown here only for the first two devices: a
      mounted device and a device that is not mounted.


      Magtape $4$MUA1: (HSC70), device type TA79, is online, device is
       equipped with a stacker/loader, file-oriented device, available
       to cluster, error logging is enabled.

       Error count               0  Operations completed                  0
       Owner process            ""  Owner UIC                      [SYSTEM]
       Owner process ID   00000000  Dev Prot            S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
       Reference count           0  Default buffer size                2048
       Density                1600  Format                        Normal-11
       Host name           "HSC70"  Host type, avail              HS70, yes
       Allocation class          4

      Volume status:  no-unload on dismount, odd parity.

      In this example, the user requested a full display of the tape
      device MUA1.

    7.$ SHOW DEVICE/FULL $1$DKA221

      Disk $1$DKA221: (HSC952), device type RZ29, is online, mounted,
          file-oriented device, shareable, available to cluster, error
          logging is enabled.

       Error count               0  Operations completed               6509
       Owner process            ""  Owner UIC                      [SYSTEM]
       Owner process ID   00000000  Dev Prot            S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
       Reference count         108  Default buffer size                 512
       Current preferred CPU Id  1  FastPath                              1
       Total blocks        8380080  Sectors per track                     4
       Total cylinders       65470  Tracks per cylinder                  32
       Host name          "HSC952"  Host type, avail              HS95, yes
       Allocation class          1

       Volume label  "GALAXY_X6L5"  Relative volume number                0
       Cluster size              4  Transaction count                   302
       Free blocks         4691760  Maximum files allowed            838008
       Extend quantity           5  Mount count                           2
       Mount status         System  Cache name        "_$1$DKA221:XQPCACHE"
       Extent cache size        64  Maximum blocks in extent cache   469176
       File ID cache size       64  Blocks currently in extent cache 237504
       Quota cache size          0  Maximum buffers in FCP cache       1734
       Volume owner UIC      [1,1]  Vol Prot    S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD

      Volume Status:  ODS-2, subject to mount verification, protected
      subsystems enabled, file high-water marking, write-through
      XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching enabled.
      Volume is also mounted on MEAD.

      This disk is a device that performs its I/O through the Fast
      Path port PNA0. Fast Path is enabled for this disk, and its
      I/O will be processed on the preferred CPU, CPU 1, which is
      associated with its Fast Path port PNA0.

      The /FULL qualifier also displays additional information about
      Fast Path devices. A Fast Path device may be either a class
      device or a port device. An example of a class device is an
      HSC disk, and an example of a port device is the CI. For both
      Fast Path class devices and ports, the display indicates that
      Fast Path is enabled and lists the current CPU ID to which that
      device is assigned. Additionally, for a Fast Path port, the
      display indicates the port's user-established CPU preference
      (if any).

      The current preferred CPU and the User Preferred CPU can be
      set by using the DCL command, SET DEVICE/PREFERRED_CPU, or by
      issuing a $QIO.

      For more information about using Fast Path features to improve
      I/O performance, see the VSI OpenVMS I/O User's Reference


      Device PNA0:, device type CIXCD, is online, shareable, error logging
          is enabled.

       Error count                 0  Operations completed              0
       Owner process              ""  Owner UIC                  [SYSTEM]
       Owner process ID     00000000  Dev Prot          S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
       Reference count             0  Default buffer size               0
       Current preferred CPU Id    1  FastPath                          1

      The above display shows that port PNA0 is assigned to CPU 1 and
      that Fast Path is enabled.


      Device PNA0:, device type CIXCD, is online, shareable, error logging
      is enabled.

       Error count                   0  Operations completed             0
       Owner process                ""  Owner UIC                 [SYSTEM]
       Owner process ID       00000000  Dev Prot         S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
       Reference count               0  Default buffer size              0
       Current preferred CPU Id      1  FastPath                         1
       User preferred CPU Id         2

      This example shows a Fast Path assignment made by a user.

      Normally, the User Preferred CPU ID matches the current
      preferred CPU ID. The reason for the mismatch in the above
      display is because CPU 2 was stopped. The port was previously
      assigned to CPU 2. But when CPU 2 was stopped, the operating
      system moved the port assignment from CPU 2 to CPU 1.

      If CPU 2 were started, the operating system would assign the
      device to the User Preferred CPU.


      Disk DSA0:, device type RAM Disk, is online, mounted, file-oriented
        device, shareable, available to cluster, error logging is enabled,
        device supports bitmaps (no bitmaps active).

       Error count                 0  Operations completed               47
       Owner process              ""  Owner UIC                    [SYSTEM]
       Owner process ID     00000000  Dev Prot          S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
       Reference count             2  Default buffer size               512
       Total blocks             1000  Sectors per track                  64
       Total cylinders             1  Tracks per cylinder                32
      Volume label           "TST0"  Relative volume number              0
       Cluster size                1  Transaction count                   1
       Free blocks               969  Maximum files allowed             250
       Extend quantity             5  Mount count                         1
       Mount status           System  Cache name    "_$252$DUA721:XQPCACHE"
       Extent cache size          64  Maximum blocks in extent cache     96
       File ID cache size         64  Blocks currently in extent cache    0
       Quota cache size            0  Maximum buffers in FCP cache      404
       Volume owner UIC     [SYSTEM]  Vol Prot  S:RWCD,O:RWCD,G:RWCD,W:RWCD

       Volume Status:  ODS-2, subject to mount verification, file high-water
       marking, write-back XQP caching enabled, write-through XFC caching

      Disk $252$MDA0:, device type RAM Disk, is online,
      member of shadow set DSA0:.

       Error count                 0  Shadow member operation count    128
       Allocation class          252

      Disk $252$MDA1:, device type RAM Disk, is online,
      member of shadow set DSA0:.

       Error count                 0  Shadow member operation count    157
       Allocation class          252

      This example shows that a write bitmap exists for a shadow set,
      and that no write bitmap is active. If a shadow set supports
      write bitmaps, "device supports bitmaps" is displayed along
      with either "bitmaps active" or "no bitmaps active". If the
      device does not support write bitmaps, no message pertaining to
      write bitmaps is displayed.

      Device         BitMap     Size      Percent     Type of Master Active
      Name            ID       (Bytes)    Populated   Bitmap  Node
      DSA13:        00010007      8248        0.01%   Minimerge  IPA Yes

      This example shows a SHOW DEVICE/BITMAP display. In this
      example, the bitmap is an HBMM bitmap that is active on node

      The /BITMAP qualifier is similar to the /REBUILD qualifier
      in that neither can be combined with most other SHOW DEVICE
      qualifiers. The SHOW DEVICE/BITMAP display can be brief or
      full; brief is the default. Use the /FULL qualifier to view the
      entire display.

      If no bitmap is active (or the device is not mounted), no
      bitmap file ID is displayed. The phrase "no bitmaps active"
      is displayed.

      Device EWA0:, device type DEGXA, is online, network device, error lo
      logging is enabled, device is a template only.

               Error count                    1    Operations completed    0
          Owner process                 ""    Owner UIC             [SYSTEM]
          Owner process ID         00000000    Dev Prot    S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
          Reference count                0    Default buffer size       2
          Current preferred CPU ID       0    Fastpath                  1
          Current Interrupt CPU ID       0

      Operating characteristics: Link up, Full duplex, Autonegotiation,
      Jumbo frames.
          Speed (Mbits/sec)           1000
          Def. MAC addr 00-D0-59-61-6A-B2 Current MAC addr  00-D0-59-61-6A-B2

      This example shows information regarding the LAN template
      device EWA0. Only the template device displays the state of
      the link. In this example, the link is up.

      Device EIA4:, device type i82559, is online, network device,
 error logging is enabled.

          Error count                    0    Operations completed   375225
          Owner process           "NETACP"    Owner UIC            [SYSTEM]
          Owner process ID        39800425    Dev Prot    S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
          Reference count                2    Default buffer size      1498

      Operating characteristics: Full duplex, Autonegotiation.
          Speed (Mbits/sec)            100
          Def. MAC addr 00-08-02-AF-EC-D4 Current MAC addr AA-00-04-00-CD-4D
          Protocol name             DECNET    Protocol type           60-03

      This example show information regarding the LAN device EIA4.
      As this device is specific to a particular LAN protocol,
      information regarding that protocol is displayed; this
      information is not displayed for the template device in the
      previous example, as there is no protocol associated with the
      template service.

9.4    /SERVED

    Displays information on devices served by the mass storage
    control protocol (MSCP) server on this node. The /SERVED
    qualifier is required.



9.4.1  –  Qualifiers    /ALL

    This qualifier displays the information displayed by all of the
    qualifiers listed below except the /OUTPUT qualifier.    /COUNT

    Displays the number of transfer operations completed, sorted by
    the size of the transfers, and the number of MSCP operations that
    have taken place since the MSCP server was started.    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.    /HIGHLIGHT


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.    /HOST

    Displays the names of the processors that have MSCP served
    devices on line. The System Generation utility (SYSGEN) command
    MSCP/HOST determines how many hosts in the OpenVMS Cluster can
    connect to the MSCP server at one time.    /OUTPUT


    Redirects output from your terminal to the specified file. If
    you do not specify a file, or if you do not use this qualifier,
    output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of device information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.    /RESOURCE

    Displays information about the resources available to the MSCP
    server for use in processing I/O requests for the devices it

    You make these resources available by using the following system

    See the VSI OpenVMS Cluster Systems or SYSGEN online help for more
    information.    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

9.4.2  –  Examples

             MSCP-Served Devices on BIAK 28-MAY-2001 13:48:01.32

                                                   Queue Requests
      Device:           Status     Total Size     Current    Max    Hosts
         $11$DUA8       Online        2376153           0      2        6
         $11$DUA9        Avail        2376153           0      0        0
         $11$DUA10      Online        2376153           0      2        8
         $11$DUA11      Online        2376153           0      2        7
         $11$DUA13      Online        2376153           0      2        7
         $11$DUA14       Avail        2376153           0      0        0
         $11$DUA16       Avail        2376153           0      0        0
         $11$DUA17       Avail        2376153           0      0        0
         $11$DUA18      Online        2376153           0      1        4
         $11$DUA19      Online        2376153           0      4        7
         $11$DUA20      Online        2376153           0      1        7
         $11$DUA21      Online        2376153           0     17       12

      This example shows the output generated by the command
      SHOW DEVICES/SERVED. The first column in the display shows
      the names of the devices that are served by the MSCP server.
      The second column shows the status of the devices. The third
      column shows the size, in blocks, of the device.

      The Queue Requests columns show the number of I/O requests
      currently awaiting processing by that device and the maximum
      number of I/O requests that have ever been concurrently
      awaiting processing by that device. The last column in the
      display shows the number of hosts that have the device on line.

             MSCP-Served Devices on BIAK 28-MAY-2001 13:49:52.41
      Request Count:
           0-7:   951154        32-39:     2168        88-103:     1618
          8-15:   197224        40-55:     2543       104-127:      189
         16-23:   137707        56-71:     8343
         24-31:      982        72-87:      141

      Operations Count:
         ABORT             0   ERASE          22772   READ        1042206
         ACCESS            0   FLUSH              0   REPLACE           0
         AVAILABLE       611   GET COM STS        0   SET CTL CHR     176
         CMP CTL DAT       0   GET UNT STS  4026024   SET UNT CHR    3630
         CMP HST DAT       0   ONLINE           427   WRITE        259953
         Total       5355799

      This example shows the information displayed by the SHOW
      DEVICES/SERVED/COUNT command. The numbers to the left of the
      colon (:),  separated by a hyphen (-), are the size, in pages,
      of the requests. The numbers to the right of the colon are the
      number of requests of that size that have been processed by the
      MSCP server.

      The section of the display headed by the label Operations Count
      shows the number of times the MSCP server has performed the
      MSCP operations listed. In the example, this MSCP server has
      performed 176 set-controller-characteristics (SET CTL CHR)
      operations, and has performed 3630 set-unit-characteristics
      (SET UNT CHR) operations.

             MSCP-Served Devices on BIAK 28-MAY-2001 13:51:32.01
      Resources:         Total      Free      In Use
          Buffer Area:     400       400           0
          I/O Packets:       0         0

                       Current   Maximum
          Buffer Wait:       0         0

      This example shows the information displayed by the SHOW
      DEVICES/SERVED/RESOURCE command. The Total column shows the
      total number of pages in the buffer area and in the number of
      I/O-request packets set aside for use by the MSCP server. The
      Free column shows the number of pages in the buffer and the
      number of I/O-request packets that are available for use.

      The In Use column shows the number of pages within the buffer
      area that are in use.

      The line labeled Buffer Wait shows the number of I/O requests
      that are currently waiting for buffer space to become available
      for their use, and the maximum number of I/O requests that have
      waited concurrently to obtain a buffer.

             MSCP-Served Devices on BIAK 28-NOV-2001 13:54:41.99
                                                 Queue Requests
      Host:              Time of Connection      Current    Max   Devices
          IPL31       25-MAY-2001 21:44:06.44          0      1         0
          DELAND      25-MAY-2001 21:44:09.98          0      1         0
          HEAVEN      25-MAY-2001 22:03:15.67          0      7        10
          VIVA        26-MAY-2001 09:44:11.96          0      1         0

      This example shows the information displayed by the SHOW
      DEVICES/SERVED/HOST command. The first column contains the
      names of the hosts that have class drivers connected to the
      MSCP server. The next column contains the times at which these
      connections were made.

      The columns under the heading Queue Requests show the number
      of requests the MSCP server currently has outstanding for I/O
      activity on the devices it serves, the maximum number of such
      requests that have been outstanding at one time, and the number
      of MSCP server devices that the listed hosts have on line.

             MSCP-Served Devices on HEN  3-DEC-2001 09:09:08.49
                                               Queue Requests
      Device:          Status    Total Size    Current   Max  Hosts
         254$DJB1       Avail             0          0     0      0
         254$DUA2      Online       1216665          0     0      1
         254$DUA4006    Avail             0          0     0      0

            TMSCP-Served Devices on HEN  3-DEC-2001 09:09:08.74
                                               Queue Requests
      Device:          Status     Position     Current   Max  Hosts
         90$MUA7        Avail             0          0     0      0
         90$MUA8        Avail             0          0     0      0
         90$MUA50      Online          3804          0     0      0

      This example displays the output of the SHOW DEVICES/SERVED
      command from a node that has both MSCP server and TMSCP server
      devices. In the display, the third column for MSCP server disk
      devices shows the size of the disk device. The same column
      for TMSCP server device shows the location where each tape is
      currently positioned.

10  –  DISPLAY

    Indicates the node where output from a DECwindows application
    will be displayed.


      SHOW DISPLAY  [display-device]

10.1  –  Parameter


    Refers to the display-device parameter specified with the SET
    DISPLAY command. If you are directing application output to
    multiple workstations in the same session, you can use logical
    names to point to each workstation. Using the SHOW DISPLAY
    command, you can specify this logical name as the display-device
    parameter to see where application output will be displayed.

    If you do not specify a display-device string, the logical name
    DECW$DISPLAY is used.

10.2  –  Qualifiers

10.2.1    /ALL

       /ALL (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Displays all named properties and their values related to the
    current display device.

10.2.2    /EXTRACT

       /EXTRACT (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Obtains the authorization data for the display device and writes
    that data to SYS$OUTPUT. The authorization data is obtained from
    the current X authority file and is in the format expected by the
    X Authority utility (xauth).

    Note that when using an LBX proxy server, the extracted
    authorization information references the address of the proxy
    server and not the X display server.

    Do not use the /EXTRACT qualifier with any other SHOW DISPLAY

    See the description of the SET DISPLAY command for more

10.2.3    /QUOTA

       /QUOTA (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Displays the current name count and data space quota values for
    the display device. This display includes the set limit and the
    amount of space currently available for use.

10.2.4    /SYMBOLS

       /SYMBOLS (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Defines one or more global DCL symbols for each property
    displayed by the SHOW DISPLAY command. You can then use these
    property symbols in DCL command procedures.

    Each global symbol name follows the form:


    The following are the symbols for predefined properties:


    Note that symbols for user-defined properties have a double
    underscore in the name. For example, the user-defined symbol
    for the value DISK$USER:[JONES] would be defined as follows:



    If a symbol name or value exceeds or violates any DCL limits or
    naming conventions, the symbol is not set and an error message is

    If the display device uses a proxy server, the symbols
    SERVER reflect values associated with the proxy server and not
    the X display server.

10.2.5    /VALUES

       /VALUES=(property-name[,...]) (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Displays the value for the specified property. If the value
    consists of one or more items, they are displayed as a comma-
    delimited list.

10.3  –  Examples

        Device:     WSA1:  [super]
        Node:       0
        Transport:  LOCAL
        Server:     0
        Screen:     0

        Device:     WSA2:  [super]
        Node:       ZEPHYR
        Transport:  DECNET
        Server:     0
        Screen:     0

      In this example, you are logged in to your workstation, here
      referred to as node 0. (0 is the standard shorthand notation
      for representing your node.) You want to run the DECwindows
      Clock on your workstation and display it on another node,

      Assuming you are authorized to display applications on ZEPHYR,
      you redirect the application's output to ZEPHYR with the SET
      DISPLAY command and enter the SHOW DISPLAY command to verify
      the location of the redirected display. You then run Clock.
      Note that a new workstation display device, WSA2, is created
      when you enter the SET DISPLAY/CREATE command.

      _$ SET="tcpip/zephyr:9510")
          Device:    WSA23:  [super]
          Node:      0
          Transport: DECNET
          Server:    0
          Screen:    0

        User-defined values:

          "DECW$SESSION_MANAGER" = "tcpip/zephyr:9510"

        DECW$DISPLAY__DECW$SESSION_MANAGER == "tcpip/zephyr:9510"

      In this example, you create a display device, and set the
      DECW$SESSION_MANAGER property to the network address of a
      session manager on remote node ZEPHYR using port number 9510.
      The SHOW DISPLAY/SYMBOLS command then defines a DCL symbol for
      the port value.


    Valid for x86-64 systems only.

    Displays the currently defined list of alternate devices where
    system crash dumps can be written.



11.1  –  Example

    Dump configuration data is:

12  –  ENTROPY

    Valid for x86-64 systems only.

    Displays information about derived entropy sources and the status of
    hardware entropy sources.

    Not all listed sources of entropy may be implemented.  In particular,
    hardware sources of entropy may vary by host hardware and hypervisor.



12.1  –  Qualifiers

12.1.1    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the SHOW ENTROPY command is sent.
    By default, the output is sent to the current SYS$OUTPUT device
    (usually your terminal). To send the output to a file, use the
    /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file specification.

    The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter a partial
    file specification (for example, specifying only a directory),
    SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

12.1.2    /SYMBOLS

       /NOSYMBOLS (default)

   Define symbols to hold information about the availability of hardware
   sources of entropy. The symbol names are as follows:

   SHOW$RDRAND_IN_HARDWARE       "TRUE" if the host hardware supports the
                                 RDRAND instruction as determined by the
                                 results of the CPUID instruction.
                                 Otherwise the symbol will be set to

   SHOW$RDRAND_AVAILABLE         "TRUE" if the host hardware supports the
                                 RDRAND instruction, and an attempt to
                                 execute the instruction returned
                                 success.  Otherwise the symbol will be
                                 set to "FALSE".  Not all hypervisor
                                 configurations support the RDRAND
                                 instruction even if the host does.
                                 Consult the documentation for your
 				hypervisor regarding support.

12.2  –  Examples

    Enabled Sources:    000007FF
    Disabled Sources:   FFFFF800

    Sources enabled by RANDOM_SOURCES:

    Bit  Description
    ---  -----------------
     0   Cached Random Data
     1   Device Attachment
     2   Per-CPU counters
     3   Lock Manager
     4   Cluster events
     5   Tunnel sources
     6   Ethernet Packets
     7   Device Interrupts
     8   Software Interrupts
     9   File System
    10   Pool Packet Deallocation
    16   RDRAND Instruction (disabled)
    17   VIRTIO Random Device (disabled)

    System hardware supports the RDRAND instruction.
    The hypervisor does not support the RDRAND instruction.


13  –  ENTRY

    Displays information about a user's batch and print jobs or about
    specific job entries.

    Requires read (R) access to the queue.


      SHOW ENTRY  [entry-number[,...]],[job-name[,...]]

13.1  –  Parameters


    Specifies the entry number of the job you want displayed. If
    no entry number or job name is specified, all your own jobs (or
    those owned by the user specified with the /USER_NAME qualifier)
    are displayed.


    Specifies the name of the jobs you want displayed. The asterisk
    (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed. If
    no job name or entry number is specified, all your own jobs (or
    those owned by the user specified with the /USER_NAME qualifier)
    are displayed.

13.2  –  Qualifiers

13.2.1    /BATCH

    Selects batch jobs for display.

13.2.2    /BRIEF

       /BRIEF (default)

    Displays the following information for each job: entry number,
    job name, user name, job size in blocks (for print jobs), job
    status, queue name, queue status, and queue type. The /FULL and
    /FILES qualifiers override the /BRIEF qualifier.

    Specify the /FULL qualifier to obtain more job information.

13.2.3    /BY_JOB_STATUS


    Selects for display only those jobs with the specified status.
    Specify the status with one or more of the following keywords:

    EXECUTING     Requests the display of jobs in any of the
                  following states:

                     ABORTING       STALLED
                     EXECUTING      STARTING
                     PRINTING       SUSPENDED

                  ABORTING means that the job is halting prior to
                  normal completion and will not continue processing.
                  A SUSPENDED state means that the job stopped during
                  processing, but should continue when the cause
                  of the SUSPENDED state is resolved. A STALLED or
                  SUSPENDED state means that the job stopped during
                  processing, but should continue when the cause
                  of the STALLED or SUSPENDED state is resolved.
                  PROCESSING is the executing state for server
                  queues. PRINTING is the executing state for printer
                  and terminal queues. STARTING means the job is
                  beginning to be processed.

    HOLDING       Requests the display of jobs on hold. Holding
                  status indicates that the job is being held in
                  the queue indefinitely.

    PENDING       Requests the display of jobs with pending status.
                  Pending status indicates that the job is waiting
                  its turn to execute.

    RETAINED      Requests the display of jobs retained in the queue
                  after execution. Retained status indicates that the
                  job has completed but remains in the queue.

    TIMED_        Requests the display of jobs on hold until a
    RELEASE       specified time. Timed-release status indicates that
                  the job is being held in the queue for execution at
                  a specified time.

    If no keyword is specified, the /BY_JOB_STATUS qualifier displays
    the status of all jobs.

13.2.4    /DEVICE


    Selects for display only those print jobs in the queue types
    specified. Specify the queue type with one or more of the
    following keywords:

    PRINTER       Requests the display of jobs in print queues.
    SERVER        Requests the display of jobs in server queues.
    TERMINAL      Requests the display of jobs in terminal queues.

    If no keyword is specified, the /DEVICE qualifier displays all
    jobs in printer, terminal, or server queues.

13.2.5    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

13.2.6    /FILES

    Adds to the default display the list of full file specifications
    for each file in each job. The /FILES qualifier overrides the
    default /BRIEF qualifier.

13.2.7    /FULL

    Displays the following information for each job: entry number,
    job name, user name, job status, full file specification
    associated with each job, date and time of submission, settings
    specified for the job, queue name, queue status, and queue type.

    The /FULL qualifier overrides the default /BRIEF qualifier.

13.2.8    /GENERIC

    Selects for display only those jobs contained in generic queues.
    A generic queue holds jobs of a particular type (for example,
    batch or line printer jobs) and directs them to execution queues
    for processing.

13.2.9    /HIGHLIGHT


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.

13.2.10    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the SHOW ENTRY command is sent.
    By default, the output is sent to the current SYS$OUTPUT device
    (usually your terminal). To send the output to a file, use the
    /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file specification.

    The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter a partial
    file specification (for example, specifying only a directory),
    SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

13.2.11    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

13.2.12    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

13.2.13    /USER_NAME


    Selects for display those jobs owned by the specified user. If
    the /USER_NAME qualifier is not specified, information about
    your own jobs is displayed. The name must be 1 to 12 alphanumeric

13.2.14    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.

13.3  –  Examples

      Entry    Jobname       Username    Blocks      Status
      -----    -------       --------    ------      ------
        422    FORECAST      JONES                   Retained on completion
               On stopped generic batch queue CLUSTER_BATCH
               Completed 21-DEC-2001 16:18 on queue NODE_BATCH

      In this example, the SHOW ENTRY command displays a job entry
      that was retained on completion.

      Entry     Jobname      Username    Blocks     Status
      -----     -------      --------    ------     ------
        625     STAFF        ESTES          112     Pending (queue stopped)
                On stopped printer queue LN01$PRINT
                Submitted 19-DEC-2001 12:14 /FORM=LN01$PORTRAIT
                (stock=DEFAULT) /NOTIFY /PRIORITY=100
                File: _DKA1:[ESTES]STAFF.DIS;3

        629     SEARCH         ESTES          94      Printing
                On printer queue LINE$PRINT
                Submitted  19-DEC-2001 12:16 /FORM=DEFAULT /NOTIFY
                /PRIORITY=100 /COPIES=2 /NOFEED /PASSALL
                File: _DKA1:[ESTES.DAILY]SEARCH.TXT;2 (printing copy 2)

      In this example, the SHOW ENTRY command displays the current
      jobname entries beginning with the letter "S" owned by ESTES
      on all queues. The /FULL qualifier lists the submission
      information, the full file specification, and the current
      settings for the job.

      Note that entry 629 specified the /COPIES, /NOFEED, and
      /PASSALL qualifiers to the PRINT command. The /NOFEED qualifier
      suppresses automatic form feeds. The /PASSALL qualifier
      suppresses formatting (including form feeds and carriage return
      characters) performed by the print symbiont.

      Job ASSIGNMENTS.COM (queue SYS$BATCH, entry 199) pending
      $ SHOW ENTRY 199/FULL
      Entry    Jobname       Username     Status
      -----    -------       --------     ------
        199    ASSIGNMENTS   JONES        Executing
               Submitted 19-DEC-2001 08:36 /KEEP /NOLOG/ NOPRINT
               File: DUA2:[JONES]ASSIGNMENTS.COM;34

      In this example, JONES submits ASSIGNMENTS.COM for batch
      processing. Because JONES does not specify a specific queue,
      the job is entered into the generic SYS$BATCH queue to await
      processing. After performing other tasks, JONES checks the job
      status and sees that the file is now executing. Note that the
      job entry migrated from a generic to an execution batch queue
      and that JONES was able to check the job status without knowing
      the specific batch queue name. If the user did not specify an
      entry number, all jobs would have been displayed.

14  –  ERROR

    Displays the error count for all devices with error counts
    greater than zero.



14.1  –  Qualifiers

14.1.1    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

14.1.2    /FULL

    Displays the error count for all devices, including those with no
    errors. (The error count is either zero or a number greater than

14.1.3    /HIGHLIGHT


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.

14.1.4    /OUTPUT

       /OUTPUT=SYS$OUTPUT (default)

    Specifies the file to which the display is written. By default,
    the display is written to the current SYS$OUTPUT device.

    If you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file
    specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW
    is the default file name and .LIS the default file type. The
    asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are
    not allowed in the file specification.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

14.1.5    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of error information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

14.1.6    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

14.1.7    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.

14.2  –  Example

  Device                          Error Count
  PNA0:                                   2
  $1$DGA22: (AJAM PGA, ALPHAB)            1
  $11$DUA1915: (HSJ018, HSJ019)          14

      The SHOW ERROR command displays the error count for all devices
      with error counts greater than zero.


    Valid for Alpha and Integrity server systems only.

    Displays fastpath port assignment and usage. SHOW FASTPATH is
    useful for evaluating the distribution of interrupts among the
    various CPUs in complex configurations.



15.1  –  Qualifiers

15.1.1    /CPU


    Requests fastpath information for one or more specific CPUs. By
    default, information is displayed for all CPUs.

15.1.2    /OUTPUT


    Controls where output from the command is sent. If you omit
    the /OUTPUT qualifier or omit the file specification with the
    qualifier, the display is written to the current SYS$OUTPUT
    device by default. If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output
    is suppressed.

15.2  –  Examples

      Fast Path preferred CPUs on NODE1 23-MAY-2004 16:47:58.10
      HP rx2600  (900MHz/1.5MB) with 2 CPUs

      Device:           Fastpath CPU:
      PKA0                     1
      PEA0                     0
      PKB0                     0
      EIA0                     0
      EWA0                     1

      OpenVMS TCP/IP is currently running on CPU 1

      This example shows all the devices on NODE1 and the CPUs to
      which they are assigned.

    2.$ SHOW FASTPATH/CPU=(5,7,9)
      Fast Path preferred CPUs on NODE2 23-MAY-2004 09:50:55.85
      Compaq AlphaServer GS140 6/525 with 6 CPUs

      Device:           Fastpath CPU:
      PKB0                     7
      PKD0                     5
      EBA0                     7
      EWB0                     7
      EWD0                     5
      PGA0                     9

      OpenVMS Lock Manager is currently running on CPU 5

      This example shows all the devices on NODE2 that are assigned
      to CPUs 5, 7, and 9.

16  –  IMAGE

    Valid on Alpha, Integrity and x86 systems only.

    Displays information about the specified Integrity or x86 image


       This command can be executed on an Alpha, Integrity or x86
       system, but it is designed only to display attributes of
       Integrity or x86 images. These attributes can be modified
       using the SET IMAGE command.


      SHOW IMAGE  image-filespec

16.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of an OpenVMS Integrity or x86 image file
    whose attributes you want to display. The asterisk (*)  and
    percent sign (%)  wildcard characters are allowed in the file
    specification. If you omit the file type extension, the default
    file type .EXE is applied.

16.2  –  Description

    Displays information about an Integrity or x86 image file. The
    information displayed includes the image identification, the
    linker identification, and information indicating whether the
    image has been modified since the original link.

16.3  –  Qualifier

16.3.1    /OUTPUT


    Writes the SHOW IMAGE output to a specified file rather than
    to the current SYS$OUTPUT device. If you specify the /OUTPUT
    qualifier without a file specification, the output is directed to
    SYS$OUTPUT. If you omit the file type in the file specification,
    the default file type is .LIS. If you specify a file type and
    omit the file name, the default file name is SHOW. No wildcard
    characters are allowed in the file specification.

16.3.2    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of SHOW IMAGE information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    Keyword        Description

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.
    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.
    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier can store up to 5
    screens of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the
    /PAGE=SAVE qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate
    through the output:

    Key Sequence         Description

    Up arrow key,        Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key       Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key       Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key      Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)            Specify a string to find when the
                         information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)     Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)          Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)          Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)     Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),    Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter,       Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Space, F10, and      differently.)
    Help (F15)           Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)             Toggle the display to oldest/newest page.
    Ctrl/W               Refresh the display.

16.4  –  Examples

      Show Image Version 1.2                   29-SEP-2004 07:52:08.41
      This is an OpenVMS IA64 (Elf format) executable image file

      Image Identification Information

                        Image name: PATCH
          Global Symbol Table name: PATCH
         Image file identification: X-6
        Image build identification: <unavailable>
               Link identification: Linker T02-14
                    Link Date/Time: 28-SEP-2004 07:49:17.57
                   Patch Date/Time: Never
            Manipulation Date/Time: 29-SEP-2004 07:51:58.73
        Image Dynamic Data Version: 1.1

      Image Completion Code Value: SUCCESS  State: Original

      Image Link Flags state: Manipulated

           Current Image Flags        Original Link Flags
           -------------------        -------------------
           IMGSTA                     CALL_DEBUG
           MAIN                       IMGSTA
           TBK_IN_IMG                 MAIN
           DBG_IN_IMG                 TBK_IN_IMG

           Image Link Flag   Description
           ---------------   -------------------------------------
           CALL_DEBUG      : Call debugger
           IMGSTA          : Call SYS$IMGSTA
           MAIN            : Image has main transfer
           TBK_IN_IMG      : Traceback records in image file
           DBG_IN_IMG      : Debug records in image file

      In this example, the SHOW IMAGE command displays the attributes
      of the file PATCH.EXE located in the current working directory.
      The image was modified from the original attributes on 29-SEP-

      The image link flags output indicates the image was changed to
      not call the debugger at image startup. The output also shows
      that the traceback symbols and the debugger symbols are present
      in the image file.

      The first line of output displays the version of SHOW IMAGE
      installed on the system. The line titled "Image Dynamic Data
      Version" shows the version of SHOW IMAGE that was available
      when the image was linked. Future updates to the x86 or
      Integrity ELF image format might cause the image dynamic data
      version to increase. When the image version does not match the
      SHOW IMAGE version, a new version of SHOW IMAGE might be
      required to display the new ELF format data.

      Show Image Version 1.2                   29-SEP-2004 07:59:48.07
      This is an OpenVMS IA64 (Elf format) executable image file

      Image Identification Information

                        Image name: DCLTABLES
          Global Symbol Table name: DCLTABLES
         Image file identification: 0-0
        Image build identification: XAAU-BL1-0000
               Link identification: Linker T02-02
                    Link Date/Time: 12-MAY-2004 14:39:38.30
                   Patch Date/Time: Never
            Manipulation Date/Time: Never
        Image Dynamic Data Version: <unavailable>

      Image Completion Code Value: SUCCESS  State: Original

      Image Link Flags state: <unavailable>

      This example lists the image information for the DCLTABLES.EXE
      file in SYS$LIBRARY. The <unavailable> string in the image
      dynamic data version line indicates that this image cannot be
      manipulated with the SET IMAGE command.


    Displays the contents of the intrusion database.

    Requires SECURITY privilege.



17.1  –  Qualifiers

17.1.1    /NODE


    The /NODE qualifier displays each intrusion record with the
    supporting node information.

    If you specify individual nodes, the supporting node information
    is displayed only for the nodes listed.

17.1.2    /OUTPUT


    Directs the output from the SHOW INTRUSION command to the file
    specified with the qualifier. By default, output from the command
    is displayed to SYS$OUTPUT.

17.1.3    /TYPE


    Selects the type of information from the intrusion database that
    is displayed. The valid keywords are as follows:

    ALL        All entries. By default, all entries are displayed.

    SUSPECT    Entries for login failures that have occurred but have
               not yet passed the threshold necessary to be identified
               as intruders.

    INTRUDER   Entries for which the login failure rate was high
               enough to warrant evasive action.

17.2  –  Examples


      The SHOW INTRUSION command in this example writes all the
      entries currently in the intrusion database to the file


      Intrusion   Type      Count    Expiration    Source
      TERMINAL    INTRUDER    9      10:29:39.16   AV34C2/LC-1-15:
      NETWORK     INTRUDER    7      10:47:53.12   NODE22::RONNING

      In this example, the SHOW INTRUSION command displays all
      intruder entries currently in the intrusion database.

       NETWORK      SUSPECT       5   26-JUL-2001 08:51:25.66  POPEYE::WONG
          Node: TSAVO      Count:    2
          Node: FROGGY     Count:    2
          Node: KITTY      Count:    1

      This command displays each intrusion record for all nodes.

       NETWORK      SUSPECT      5  26-JUL-2001 08:51:25.66 POPEYE::HAMMER
          Node: FROGGY     Count:    2
          Node: KITTY      Count:    2

      This command displays intrusion record information for nodes
      FROGGY and KITTY.


      This command shows that there are no intrusion records for node

18  –  KEY

    Displays the key definitions created with the DEFINE/KEY command.


      SHOW KEY  [key-name]

18.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the key whose definition you want
    displayed. For a list of valid key names, see the DEFINE/KEY

18.2  –  Qualifiers

18.2.1    /ALL

    Displays all key definitions in the current state (or the
    state specified with the /STATE qualifier). If you use the /ALL
    qualifier, do not specify a key name.

18.2.2    /BRIEF

       /BRIEF (default)

    Displays only the key definition and state. The /BRIEF and
    /NOFULL qualifiers are equivalent.

18.2.3    /DIRECTORY

    Displays the names of all states for which keys have been
    defined. If you have not specified a state with a key definition,
    the SHOW KEY/DIRECTORY command displays DEFAULT for the state.

    You cannot use the /DIRECTORY qualifier with any of the other
    SHOW KEY qualifiers.

18.2.4    /FULL

       /NOFULL (default)

    Displays all qualifiers associated with a definition. By default,
    only the state of the definition and the definition itself are
    displayed. The /FULL and /NOBRIEF qualifiers are equivalent.

18.2.5    /STATE


    Displays the key definitions for the specified state. If you
    specify only one state name, you can omit the parentheses. State
    names can be any appropriate alphanumeric string. State names are
    created with the DEFINE/KEY command.

    If you omit the /STATE qualifier or use the /NOSTATE qualifier,
    key definitions in the current state are displayed.

18.3  –  Example

  %DCL-I-DEFKEY, DEFAULT key PF1 has been defined
  DEFAULT keypad definitions:
    PF1 = "ATTACH BOB"
  DEFAULT keypad definitions:
    PF1 = "ATTACH BOB"  (noecho,terminate,noerase,nolock)

      The SHOW KEY command in this example displays both the
      definition and the state for the PF1 key. This is the default
      display. The SHOW KEY/FULL command displays all qualifiers
      associated with the key definition.

19  –  LICENSE

    Displays software product licenses active on the current node
    and lists the names attached to a license (known as the RESERVE
    list). The SHOW LICENSE command displays the license database
    information currently in your system's memory. Use the License
    Management utility command, LICENSE LIST, when you want to view
    the license database information that is on disk.


      SHOW LICENSE  [product-name [,...]]

19.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name or names of activated software product
    licenses to display. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%)
    wildcard characters are allowed. If you do not specify a product
    name, information is displayed about all active product name
    licenses. The product-name parameter is incompatible with the
    /UNIT_REQUIREMENTS qualifier.

19.2  –  Description

    The DCL command SHOW LICENSE displays software product licenses
    active on the current node. An active license is one that has
    been registered in the LICENSE database and has been loaded
    into system memory. To register and activate software product
    licenses, use the License Management utility (LICENSE) or
    VMSLICENSE.COM. Some licenses are registered automatically during
    product installation.

    For a complete description of this utility, see the VSI OpenVMS
    License Management Utility Manual.

    To display licenses registered in the LICENSE database, use the
    LICENSE LIST command.

19.3  –  Qualifiers

19.3.1    /BEFORE

    Use with /TERMINATION_DATE and /RELEASE_DATE qualifiers. Selects
    only those licenses whose times are before the time specified
    with the other qualifiers.

    The /BEFORE qualifier cannot be used with the /SINCE qualifier.

19.3.2    /BRIEF

       /BRIEF (default)

    Displays a summary of information about the specified active
    product licenses. Use the /FULL qualifier to obtain a complete
    product license listing.

19.3.3    /CHARGE_TABLE

    Synonym for the /UNIT_REQUIREMENTS qualifier.

19.3.4    /CLUSTER

    Use with the /UNIT_REQUIREMENTS qualifier to display the license
    unit requirements for every node in an OpenVMS Cluster.

19.3.5    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

19.3.6    /FULL

    Displays a summary of information about the specified active
    product licenses, including Product Authorization Key (PAK)
    options and the reserve list (if any). On Integrity server
    systems, lists the products included in the operating environment
    currently active on the system.

19.3.7    /HIERARCHY

       /HIERARCHY (Integrity servers only)

    Displays the hierarchy of licenses for operating environments
    active on the current node.

19.3.8    /HIGHLIGHT


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.

19.3.9    /OE

       /OE[=OE name] (Integrity servers only)

    When OE name is specified, displays the settings for the named
    operating environment currently active on the node. Valid OE
    names are FOE, BOE, EOE, MCOE, and HAOE. When no OE name is
    specified, displays the operating environment currently active
    on the node.

19.3.10    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the SHOW LICENSE command is sent.
    By default, the output of the SHOW LICENSE command is sent to the
    current SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the
    output to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file

    The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter a partial
    file specification (for example, specifying only a directory),
    SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

19.3.11    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of license information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.
    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.
    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence         Description

    Up arrow key,        Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key       Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key       Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key      Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)            Specify a string to find when the
                         information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)     Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)          Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)          Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)     Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),    Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter,
    F10, Ctrl/Z          Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)           Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)             Toggle the display to oldest/newest page.
    Ctrl/W               Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

19.3.12    /PRODUCER


    Displays software product licenses active on the current node
    and supplied by the specified producer. The asterisk (*) and
    the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed for the
    producer-name parameter. You cannot use the /PRODUCER qualifier
    with the /UNIT_REQUIREMENTS qualifier.


       On OpenVMS Alpha systems, the producer is shown as DEC. On
       OpenVMS Integrity server systems, the producer displays as

19.3.13    /RELEASE_DATE


    Allows listing licenses using release dates as selection

19.3.14    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

19.3.15    /SINCE

       /SINCE (default)

    Use with the /TERMINATION_DATE and /RELEASE_DATE qualifiers.
    Selects only those licenses whose times are on or after the time
    specified with the other qualifiers.

    The /SINCE qualifier cannot be used with the /BEFORE qualifier.



    Allows listing licenses using termination dates as selection


    On Alpha systems, displays information in the License Unit
    Requirement Table (LURT). On Integrity server systems, displays
    information about the type of system, the number of active cores,
    and the number of sockets. The /UNIT_REQUIREMENTS qualifier is
    incompatible with the product-name parameter and with the /BRIEF
    and /PRODUCER qualifiers.

19.3.18    /USAGE

    Tells you how many license units are loaded, how many are
    currently allocated, and how many are currently available, as
    well as the license type for each product on the system. Use with
    the /FULL qualifier to display complete information-including the
    PID, process name, node, or user name-for each instance of use
    of the product. You need group privilege to see the list of users
    in your group who have allocated license units; you need world
    privilege to see the list of users in all groups.

    In an OpenVMS Cluster, if you own multiple license types for a
    single product, you are limited to viewing the usage information
    for the license type loaded on the node from which you are
    executing the SHOW LICENSE/USAGE command. To find out the usage
    of the other license type loaded on another node, issue the
    command on that node. You can also use the System Management
    (SYSMAN) utility to do this.

    In an OpenVMS Cluster, usage information is limited to the local
    license type. For example, VAX and Alpha availability licenses
    are considered by LMF to be different license types. If you
    are running both VAX and Alpha systems in a cluster, usage
    information for availability licenses is limited to the local
    system type. For example, if you have DEC C installed on all
    nodes in your OpenVMS Cluster, you can display DEC C license
    allocation on all the VAX nodes in the cluster from any VAX node
    with DEC C installed, but you cannot display the DEC C license
    allocation on the Alpha nodes.

    Usage information is not available for unlimited licenses (a
    license with 0 units). Clusterwide usage information is not
    available for personal use or NO_SHARE licenses. see the VSI
    OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for more information
    on license types.



    Displays a warning stating the number of licenses that will
    terminate in n days. The default is 30 days.

19.3.20    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.

19.4  –  Examples


      Active licenses on node WTPOOH:
              Producer: DEC
              Units: 0
              Version: 0.0
              Release Date: (none)
              Termination Date: 31-DEC-2012
              Availability: 0
              Activity: 100
              Product Token:

              Producer: DEC
              Units: 0
              Version: 0.0
              Release Date: (none)
              Termination Date: 31-DEC-2012
              Availability: 0
              Activity: 100
              Product Token:

      The SHOW LICENSE command in this example displays all the
      active licenses on the current Alpha node, WTPOOH.


      Active licenses on node MACCHU:
              Producer: VSI
              Units: 3
              Version: 0.0
              Release Date: (none)
              Termination Date: 31-DEC-2012
              Availability: 0
              Activity: 1
              Product Token:

              Producer: VSI
              Units: 4
              Version: 0.0
              Release Date: (none)
              Termination Date: 31-DEC-2012
              Per Core License
              Activity: 0
              Product Token:

              Producer: VSI
              Units: 4
              Version: 0.0
              Release Date: (none)
              Termination Date: 31-DEC-2012
              Per Core License
              Activity: 0
              Product Token:

      The SHOW LICENSE command in this example displays all the
      active licenses on the current Integrity server node, MACCHU.


      Active licenses on node WTPOOH:

      --- Product ID ----   ---- Rating ----- -- Version --
      Product   Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release Termination
      DVNETEND  DEC         0  0     100    0.0    (none)   (none)
      VAX-VMS   DEC         0  0     100    0.0    (none)   (none)

      The SHOW LICENSE command in this example displays a summary of
      all the active licenses on the current VAX node, WTPOOH.


      The SHOW LICENSE command in this example writes all the active
      licenses to the file named SYS$LOGIN:ACTIVE_LICENSES_OCT30.DAT.


      Active licenses on node PICCHU:

             Producer: DEC
             Units: 100
             Version: 0.0
             Release Date: (none)
             Termination Date: (none)
             Availability: 0
             Activity: 100
             Reserve: RANCE

      The SHOW LICENSE command in this example displays information
      about the product PERSONAL, as well as the name RANCE attached
      to the product license (known as the RESERVE list).

    6.$ SHOW LICENSE/TERM=10-JAN-2014 test0%

      Active licenses on node PICCHU:

      --- Product ID ----  ---- Rating ----- -- Version --
      Product Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release    Termination
      TEST01  VSI          0  A     0      0.0  (none)      (none)
      TEST02  VSI          0  B     0      0.0  10-JAN-2014 12-NOV-2014
      TEST03  VSI          0  C     0      0.0  30-DEC-2014 (none)
      TEST04  VSI          0  D     0      0.0  (none)      25-AUG-2015
      TEST05  VSI          0  E     0      0.0  14-NOV-2016 14-AUG-2016

      $ SHOW LICENSE/RELEASE=10-JAN-2014/SINCE test0%

      Active licenses on node PICCHU:

      --- Product ID ----  ---- Rating ----- -- Version --
      Product Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release    Termination
      TEST02  VSI         0  B     0      0.0  10-JAN-2014 12-NOV-2014
      TEST03  VSI         0  C     0      0.0  30-DEC-2014 (none)
      TEST05  VSI         0  E     0      0.0  14-NOV-2016 14-AUG-2016

      $ SHOW LICENSE/RELEASE=10-JAN-2014/BEFORE test0%

      Active licenses on node PICCHU:

      --- Product ID ----  ---- Rating ----- -- Version --
      Product Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release    Termination
      TEST01  VSI         0   A     0      0.0  (none)      (none)
      TEST04  VSI         0   D     0      0.0  (none)      25-AUG-2015

      In these examples, the SHOW LICENSE command uses the /TERM,
      /RELEASE, /SINCE and /BEFORE qualifiers.


      VMS/LMF Charge Information for node PICCHU
      This is a AlphaServer 8400 5/440, hardware model type 1567

      Type: A, Units Required: 2700 (VAX/VMS Capacity or OpenVMS
                                         Unlimited or Base)
      Type: B, * Not Permitted *    (VAX/VMS F&A Server)
      Type: C, * Not Permitted *    (VAX/VMS Concurrent User)
      Type: D, * Not Permitted *    (VAX/VMS Workstation)
      Type: E, * Not Permitted *    (VAX/VMS System Integrated Products)
      Type: F, * Not Permitted *    (VAX Layered Products)
      Type: G, * Not Permitted *    (Reserved)
      Type: H, Units Required: 1150 (Alpha Layered Products)
      Type: I, Units Required: 1150 (Layered Products)

      In this example, the /UNIT_REQUIREMENTS qualifier displays
      information in the License Unit Requirement Table (LURT) for
      the Alpha node PICCHU.

      OpenVMS I64/LMF Charge Information for node MACCHU

      This is an HP rx2600(900MHz/1.5MB), with 2 CPUs active, 2 socket(s)
      Type: PPL,   Units Required: 2  (I64 Per Processor)
      Type: PCL,   Units Required: 2  (I64 Per Core)

      This example displays the CHARGE_TABLE information for an
      Integrity server node MACCHU with two active processor cores.


      VMS/LMF Cluster License Unit Requirements Information 14-MAR-2010

      Node         A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I  PCL

      FISH        20     -     -     -     -     -     -  1050  1050    -
      SWORD       15     -     -     -     -     -     -  1050  1050    -
      SALMON      12     -     -     -     -     -     -  1050  1050    -
      MONGER      12     -     -     -     -     -     -  1050  1050    -
      GORDON      15     -     -     -     -     -     -  1050  1050    -
      ARTIST       -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -    2
      PAINTS       -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -    1

      Total Cluster Unit Requirements
      Type: A, Units Required: 74 (VAX/VMS Capacity or OpenVMS
                                                Unlimited or Base)
      Type: B, * Not Permitted *    (VAX/VMS F&A Server)
      Type: C, * Not Permitted *    (VAX/VMS Concurrent User)
      Type: D, * Not Permitted *    (VAX/VMS Workstation)
      Type: E, * Not Permitted *    (VAX/VMS System Integrated Products)
      Type: F, * Not Permitted *    (VAX Layered Products)
      Type: G, * Not Permitted *    (Reserved)
      Type: H, Units Required: 5250 (Alpha Layered Products)
      Type: I, Units Required: 5250 (Layered Products)

      Type: PPL, Units Required: 3  (I64 Per Processor)
      Type: PCL, Units Required: 3  (I64 Per Core)

      In this example, the display shows how many license units are
      required for each license type (A, B, etc. on Alpha and VAX
      and PCL on Integrity servers) on each node in the cluster. If a
      row of three asterisks (***)  is displayed for a node, it means
      that the node is in the process of booting.


      Current Operating Environment on node MACCHU at 8-MAR-2010

      --------- Operating Environment ---------- ------ Units ------
      Name     Description            Type Level   Loaded      Total
      HAOE     High Availability        H    5          4          4

      This example shows the currently operating environment (HAOE)
      on an Integrity server node MACCHU.


                         Operating Environment Hierarchy
      --------- Operating Environment ---------- ------ Units ------

      Name     Description            Type Level   Loaded      Total
      HAOE     High Availability        H    5          2          2
      MCOE     Mission Critical         H    4          -          2
      EOE      Enterprise               H    3          -          2
      BOE      Base                     H    2          -          2
      FOE      Foundation               H    1          -          2

      This example displays information about the available operating
      environments, the hierarchy among them, and the products
      contained in each OE on an Integrity servers system.


      --------- Operating Environment ---------- ------ Units ------
      Name     Description            Type Level   Loaded      Total
      BOE      Base                    H      2         4          7

      This example shows all the products included in the Base
      Operating Environment (BOE) on an Integrity server node.

      Active licenses on node MACCHU:

      ------- Product ID --------    ---- Rating ----- -- Version --
      Product        Producer Units PCL Activ Version Release Termination
      OPENVMS-I64-HAOE VSI     4     1   0      0.0  (none)   10-MAR-2011

      This example shows licensing information for the HA-OE
      environment currently active on an Integrity server node

      Active licenses on node PICCHU:

      --- Product ID ----  ---- Rating ----- -- Version --
      Product  Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release    Termination
      TEST01   VSI          0  A     0      0.0  (none)      (none)
      TEST02   VSI          0  B     0      0.0  10-JAN-2014 12-NOV-2014
      TEST03   VSI          0  C     0      0.0  30-DEC-2014 (none)
      TEST04   VSI          0  D     0      0.0  (none)      25-AUG-2015
      TEST05   VSI          0  E     0      0.0  14-NOV-2016 14-AUG-2016
      %SHOW-I-TERMIMM, 3 licenses will terminate in 8000 days

      The /WARNING_INTERVAL qualifier in this example displays three
      licenses that will terminate in 8000 days.


      View of loaded licenses from node SLTG24 29-DEC-2001 13:36:22.23

      ACTIVITY license DECWRITE-USER usage information:

      Pid        Process Name      Units   Username        Node
      416000E6   MACAHAY             100   MACAHAY         SLTG24
      416000E7   MACAHIGH            100   MACAHIGH        SLTG24
      416000E8   ALICE               100   ALICE           SLTG24
      416000E9   MORGEN              100   MORGEN          SLTG24
      416000F1   ANGEL               100   ANGEL           SLTG24
      416000F2   ANGEL_1             100   ANGEL           SLTG24

      Units loaded: 2000    Units allocated: 600    Units available: 1400

      The SHOW LICENSE command in this example lists the current
      users of the activity license for the product DECwrite. For
      each instance of use of the product, the process identification
      (PID), process name, node, and user name are identified. The
      units column shows the number of units allocated for each
      particular invocation of the product. The last line displays
      the units loaded when the LICENSE LOAD command was given, the
      total number of units currently allocated, and the total of
      unused (available for others to use) units.


      View of loaded licenses from node: SLTG24   30-DEC-2001 15:45:59

      PERSONAL USE license VSI TEST_PER usage information:
      Units   Reserved for:
        100   UNCLE
        100   AUNT
        100   NEPHEW
        100   NIECE

      Units loaded: 600    Units reserved: 400 Units available: 200

      This example shows a personal use license. The VSI TEST_PER
      product has enough units for six reservations with 100 units
      for each reservation. The license database (LDB) only has
      a total of four names in the reserve list attached to this
      product. If the license administrator (usually the system
      manager) wants to take full advantage of this license and adds
      2 more names to the reserve list, he should use the following
      commands to update the product information:


      If this product is used in a cluster environment, you may use
      the SYSMAN utility to unload and load the license.


      View of loaded licenses from node: SLTG24 30-DEC-2001 15:45:59

      Availability license VSI TEST_CAP usage information:
      Units   Node
         10   SLTG24
         10   SLTG43
        600   TORN8O
        600   LTNUP

      Units loaded: 620    Units allocated: 1220    Units available: ***

      In this example, the number of units allocated appears to be
      greater than the total units loaded and the units available
      value is three asterisks (***).

      When you see three asterisks (***)  as the number of units
      available, it is generally not a cause for alarm. This
      situation might arise when the license database (LDB) has
      been updated on disk, but the new information has not been
      propagated to the license database in memory on all nodes in
      the cluster. This node, SLTG24, happens to be one of the nodes
      that has not received the latest LDB information.

      To update the information in the license database in memory for
      the TEST_CAP product, enter the following commands:


      The next time you issue the SHOW LICENSE/USAGE command the
      three asterisks (***)  in display should disappear. If,
      however, you are using multiple LDB files in a cluster, you
      should read the section on the license database in the VSI
      OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual.


      VMS/LMF Cluster License Unit Requirements Information 24-DEC-2001

      Node        A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I
      KARBO       -     -     -   100    50    10    -     -     10
      JENJON      -     -     -   100    50    10    -     -     10
      HELENA    143     -     -     -   600  2400    -     -   2400
      SHAKTI      -     -     -   100    50    10    -     -     10
      Total Cluster Unit Requirements
      Type: A, Units Required: 143     (VMS Capacity)
      Type: B, * Not Permitted *       (VMS Server)
      Type: C, * Not Permitted *       (VMS Concurrent User)
      Type: D, Units Required: 300     (VMS Workstation)
      Type: E, Units Required: 750     (System Integrated Products)
      Type: F, Units Required: 2430    (Layered Products)
      Type: G, * Not Permitted *       (VMS Reserved)
      Type: H, * Not Permitted *       (Alpha Layered Products)
      Type: I, Units Required: 2430    (Layered Products)

      In this example, the display shows how many license units are
      required for each license type (A, B, etc.) on each node in the
      cluster. If a row of three asterisks (***)  is displayed for a
      node, it means that the node is in the process of booting.


      View of loaded licenses from node REDSOX    8-MAR-2010 16:20:11.14

      ------- Product ID ---- ---- Unit usage information ------
      Product          Producer Loaded Allocated Available Compliance
      C                VSI         250        0       250   Yes
      DVNETEXT         VSI           4        3         1   Yes
      OPENVMS-I64-BOE  VSI           2        2         0   Yes
      OPENVMS-I64-HAOE VSI          20        8        12   Yes
      VAXSET           VSI          10        8         2   Yes

      This example shows how many license units are loaded, how many
      are currently allocated, and how many are available on REDSOX,
      an Integrity servers system. The last column in the display
      shows that are products are in compliance with their license
      unit requirements.


      View of loaded licenses from node HOVMS2   8-MAR-2010 08:38:17.13
      ------- Product ID -------- ---- Unit usage information --------
      Product          Producer Loaded  Allocated  Available  Compliance
      OPENVMS-I64-HAOE VSI   Virtual Machine guest, no usage information

      Issuing the SHOW LICENSE/USAGE command from an OpenVMS guest
      cluster member displays the text "Virtual Machine guest, no
      usage information" for PCL licenses loaded on the system. There
      is essentially no usage charge against the license units for
      OpenVMS guest nodes since multiple guests can run on the same
      host using the same license units.

20  –  LOGICAL

    Displays translations, the level of translation, and the logical
    name table for a specified logical name. The SHOW LOGICAL command
    performs iterative translations.

    Requires read (R)  access to the table in which a logical name is
    cataloged to display information about the logical name.


      SHOW LOGICAL  [logical-name[:][,...]]

20.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies one or more logical names whose translations you want
    to display. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard
    characters are allowed; however, if a wildcard character is used,
    iterative translation is not done.

    The logical name is translated iteratively up to a number
    of times determined by the system (from 9 to 11). That is,
    translations are examined to see if they are also logical names.

20.2  –  Qualifiers

20.2.1    /ACCESS_MODE


    Displays names defined in the specified access mode and any inner
    access modes. You can specify one of the following keywords to
    indicate the access mode: USER_MODE, SUPERVISOR_MODE, EXECUTIVE_

    The default value for this qualifier is USER_MODE; by default any
    definitions in all four access modes are displayed.

20.2.2    /ALL

       /ALL (default)

    Indicates that all logical names in the specified logical name
    tables are to be displayed. If you do not enter the /PROCESS,
    /JOB, /GROUP, /SYSTEM, or /TABLE qualifier, all logical names
    in the tables specified by the logical name LNM$DCL_LOGICAL are

20.2.3    /CLUSTER

    Displays all the logical names in all clusterwide tables (for
    example, the LNM$CLUSTER and LNM$SYSCLUSTER tables).

20.2.4    /DESCENDANTS

       /NODESCENDANTS (default)

    Controls whether the system displays names from the specified
    logical name table and any descendant tables. A descendant table
    is created by the CREATE/NAME_TABLE command, with the /PARENT_
    TABLE qualifier specifying its parent table. If you use the
    /DESCENDANTS qualifier, you must also use the /TABLE qualifier.

20.2.5    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

20.2.6    /FULL

    Displays more detailed information for the specified logical
    name. The information includes the access mode, attributes, the
    translation, and the logical name table.

20.2.7    /GROUP

    Indicates that only the group logical name table is to
    be searched. The /GROUP qualifier is synonymous with the
    /TABLE=LNM$GROUP qualifier. If you specify the /GROUP qualifier
    and you do not also specify a logical name, all names in the
    group table are displayed.

20.2.8    /HIGHLIGHT


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.

20.2.9    /JOB

    Indicates that only the job logical name table is to be searched.
    The /JOB qualifier is synonymous with the /TABLE=LNM$JOB
    qualifier. If you specify the /JOB qualifier and you do not also
    specify a logical name, all names in the job logical name table
    are displayed.

20.2.10    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the SHOW LOGICAL command is sent.
    By default, the output of the SHOW LOGICAL command is sent to the
    current SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the
    output to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file

    The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter a partial
    file specification (for example, specifying only a directory),
    SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

20.2.11    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

20.2.12    /PROCESS

    Indicates that only the process logical name table is to
    be searched. The /PROCESS qualifier is synonymous with the
    /TABLE=LNM$PROCESS qualifier. If you specify the /PROCESS
    qualifier and you do not also specify a logical name, all names
    in the process table are displayed.

20.2.13    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

20.2.14    /STRUCTURE

       /NOSTRUCTURE (default)

    Controls whether the system displays the "family tree" of all
    accessible logical name tables. The display includes the two
    logical name directory tables (process and system) and all
    logical name tables cataloged in these directory tables. Any
    descendant logical name tables are shown under their parent

    If you specify the /STRUCTURE qualifier, you cannot use any other
    qualifiers except /ACCESS_MODE, /FULL, and /OUTPUT.

20.2.15    /SYSTEM

    Indicates that only the system logical name table is to
    be searched. The /SYSTEM qualifier is synonymous with the
    /TABLE=LNM$SYSTEM qualifier. If you specify the /SYSTEM qualifier
    and you do not also specify a logical name, all names in the
    system table are displayed.

20.2.16    /TABLE


    Specifies the tables you want to search. If you specify only one
    table, you can omit the parentheses. The asterisk (*)  and the
    percent sign (%)  wildcard characters are allowed. Names with
    wildcards are used to match table names. Names without wildcard
    characters are treated both as table names and table search lists
    (whichever is appropriate).

    You can use the /TABLE qualifier to specify the following:

    o  A user-defined logical name table (created with the
       CREATE/NAME_TABLE command)

    o  The process, group, or system logical name tables

    o  The process or system directory tables

    If you specify the table name by using a logical name that
    translates to more than one table, then each table is searched
    in the order specified. For example, if you specify SHOW
    process, job, group, and system tables are searched, in that

    If you do not specify the /TABLE qualifier, the default is

20.2.17    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.

20.3  –  Examples

        "SYS$COMMAND" = "_TTB4:"
        "SYS$DISK" = "WORK6:"
        "SYS$DISK" = "WORK6:"
        "SYS$ERROR" = "_TTB4:"
        "SYS$INPUT" = "_TTB4:"
        "SYS$LOGIN" = "WORK6:[ODONNELL]"
        "SYS$LOGIN_DEVICE" = "WORK6:"
        "SYS$OUTPUT" = "_TTB4:"
        "SYS$OUTPUT" = "DKA2:"

      The SHOW LOGICAL command in this example displays all
      process logical names and their translations. (Note that
      /TABLE=LNM$PROCESS would produce the same display as /PROCESS.)


      The SHOW LOGICAL command in this example displays the
      translation for the logical name INFILE. The response indicates
      that the logical name was found in the process logical name


      The SHOW LOGICAL command in this example displays all
      group logical names and their translations. (Note that
      /TABLE=LNM$GROUP would produce the same display as /GROUP.)


      The SHOW LOGICAL command in this example displays the
      translation of the logical name SYS$LIBRARY in the system
      table. The response indicates that SYS$LIBRARY is defined
      in the system table, and that the logical name has two


      The SHOW LOGICAL command in this example is qualified by both
      the /TABLE=LNM$GROUP and /TABLE=LNM$SYSTEM qualifiers. The
      response indicates that the logical name SYS$DISK was found in
      the system logical name table. When you enter two conflicting
      qualifiers, as in this example, only the last qualifier you
      specify is used.


      The SHOW LOGICAL command in this example displays the logical
      names in the process directory table. Each name is either a
      table name, or a name that translates iteratively to a table.

21  –  MEMORY

    Displays the availability and usage of those system resources
    that are related to memory.



21.1  –  Qualifiers

21.1.1    /ALL

       /ALL (default)

    Displays all available information, that is, information
    displayed by the /FILES, /PHYSICAL_PAGES, /POOL, and /SLOTS

21.1.2    /BITMAP

       /BITMAP (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Displays information about memory use by write bitmaps (WBM) used
    with Host-Based Volume Shadowing (HBVS). If the system parameter
    SHADOWING is set to 0, no information about bitmaps is displayed
    because WBM is used only with HBVS.

    Note that the memory consumption displayed by SHOW MEMORY is
    often greater than that displayed by SHOW DEVICE /BITMAP, which
    displays the exact size (in bytes) of the bitmap. The memory used
    by a bitmap is allocated in units of pages; if a bitmap uses part
    of a page of memory, the rest of that page is unavailable for


       /BUFFER_OBJECTS (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Displays information about system resources used by buffer

21.1.4    /CACHE


    Displays information about the Virtual I/O Cache facility or
    the Extended File Cache facility, depending on which is loaded.
    The Cache facility information is displayed as part of the SHOW

    If the Extended File Cache is loaded, you can specify the
    following keywords and options:

    VOLUME[=device] Requests display of volume-level statistics
                    for the specified volume(s). If no device
                    is specified, defaults to SYS$DISK. Device
                    specifications may be wildcarded; if so, the
                    device specification must be based on the
                    physical device name. Specify VOLUME=* to see
                    statistics for all volumes in cache.
    FILE=filespec   Requests display of file-level statistics for
                    the specified file(s) in cache. The filespec
                    must contain an explicit or implicit device
                    specification. The filespec may be wildcarded
                    according to RMS rules. Specify FILE=dev:*.*
                    to see statistics for all files in cache for a
                    device. Partially wild file specifications that
                    are satisfied by large numbers of files on disk
                    may incur significant processing overhead during
                    display. By default, both open and closed files
                    are displayed (use the OPEN and CLOSED keywords
                    to further restrict which files are displayed).

                    Note that this command may fail if you select a
                    large number of files for display. If you receive
                    an error message, reduce the number of selected
                    files and reissue the command.
    TOPQIO[=n]      Requests display of file-level statistics for
                    the n files in cache with the highest overall QIO
                    count (n defaults to 10).
    TOPHITRATE[=n]  Requests display of file-level statistics for the
                    n files in cache with the highest overall cache
                    hit rate (n defaults to 10).
                    OPEN      Include only open files in the display
                              (default for TOPQIO and TOPHITRATE).
                    CLOSED    Include only closed files in the

21.1.5    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

21.1.6    /FILES

    Displays information about the use of each paging and swapping
    file currently installed.

21.1.7    /FULL

    When used with /POOL, displays additional information about pool

    When used with /CACHE, displays additional information about the
    file data cache that is loaded (either VIOC or XFC).

    This qualifier is ignored unless the /CACHE or /POOL qualifier is
    specified explicitly.

21.1.8    /GH_REGIONS

    On Alpha, displays information about the granularity hint regions
    (GHR) that have been established. For each of these regions,
    information is displayed about the size of the region, the amount
    of free memory, the amount of memory in use, and the amount of
    memory released to OpenVMS from the region. The granularity hint
    regions information is also displayed as part of SHOW MEMORY,

21.1.9    /HIGHLIGHT


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.

21.1.10    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do
    not enter the qualifier, or if you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier
    without a file specification, the output is sent to the current
    process default output stream or device, identified by the
    logical name SYS$OUTPUT.

    If you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file
    specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW
    is the default file name and .LIS the default file type. If you
    enter a file specification, it cannot include asterisk (*)  and
    the percent sign (%)  wildcard characters.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

21.1.11    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of memory information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

21.1.12    /PHYSICAL_PAGES

    Displays information about the amount of physical memory and the
    number of free and modified pages.

21.1.13    /POOL

    Displays information about the usage of each dynamic memory
    (pool) area, including the amount of free space and the size
    of the largest contiguous block in each area.

21.1.14    /RESERVED

       /RESERVED (Alpha/Integrity servers only)

    Displays information about memory reservations.

21.1.15    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

21.1.16    /SLOTS

    Displays information about the availability of partition control
    block (PCB) vector slots and balance slots.

21.1.17    /UNITS


    Allows you to override the current default specified by SET
    PROCESS/UNITS so that you can display memory in your choice of
    blocks or bytes.

    Keyword options are:

    Option       Description

    BLOCKS       Displays memory in blocks (equivalent to PAGES).

    BYTES        Displays memory in bytes.

    PAGES        Displays memory in page format (equivalent to

21.1.18    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.

21.2  –  Examples


             System Memory Resources on 20-JAN-2001 15:22:04.11
      Physical Memory Usage (pages):   Total      Free     In Use  Modified
       Main Memory (2.00Gb)           262144    201249      60162       733
      Extended File Cache  (Time of last reset: 18-JAN-2001 17:15:14.33)
        Allocated (Mbytes)         370.00  Maximum size (Mbytes)    1024.00
        Free (Mbytes)              317.79  Minimum size (Mbytes)     370.00
        In use (Mbytes)             52.20  Percentage Read I/Os       72%
        Read hit rate                  96% Write hit rate              0%
        Read I/O count             119363  Write I/O count            46259
        Read hit count             115283  Write hit count                0
        Reads bypassing cache          45  Writes bypassing cache         0
        Files cached open             372  Files cached closed          392
        Vols in Full XFC mode           0  Vols in VIOC Compatible mode   3
        Vols in No Caching mode         0  Vols in Perm. No Caching mode  0
      Granularity Hint Regions (pages): Total    Free     In Use   Released
       Execlet code region               1024       0        586        438
       Execlet data region                256       0        256          0
       S0/S1 Executive data region        576       0        576          0
       Resident image code region        1024       0        830        194
      Slot Usage (slots):               Total    Free   Resident    Swapped
       Process Entry Slots                647     614         33          0
       Balance Set Slots                  645     614         31          0
      Dynamic Memory Usage:             Total    Free     In Use    Largest
       Nonpaged Dynamic Memory (Mb)      4.28    2.38       1.89       2.25
       Bus Addressable Memory  (Kb)    168.00  128.00      40.00     128.00
       Paged Dynamic Memory    (Mb)      5.68    3.42       2.26       3.41
       Lock Manager Dyn Memory (Mb)      1.13    0.00       1.12
       S2 Dynamic Memory Usage (MB)      4.00        2.32        1.67        2.25  (X86 only)

      Buffer Object Usage (pages):             In Use       Peak
       32-bit System Space Windows (S0/S1)          3          3
       64-bit System Space Windows (S2)             0          0
       Physical pages locked by buffer objects      3          3
      Memory Reservations (pages):     Group  Reserved    In Use       Type
       VCC$MIN_CACHE_SIZE                ---     47360     47360  Allocated
       Total (370.00 Mbytes reserved)            47360     47360
      Swap File Usage (8KB pages):               Index      Free       Size
                                                     1      5168       5168
      Paging File Usage (8KB pages):             Index      Free       Size
                                                   254    215288     215288
       Total committed paging file usage:                              7418
      Of the physical pages in use, 4951 pages are permanently allocated to

      This example shows reservable pages. If the reservable pages
      are a negative value, this indicates that you may want
      to consider adding to the fixed amount of pagefile space


                  System Memory Resources on 3-NOV-2001 18:36:12.79

      Extended File Cache  (Time of last reset: 31-OCT-2001 10:18:07.39)
      Allocated (Mbytes)     1370.00   Maximum size (Mbytes)   91024.00
      Free (Mbytes)          2319.75   Minimum size (Mbytes)   10  370.0
      In use (Mbytes)        3 50.25   Percentage Read I/Os    11     98%
      Read hit rate          4    79%  Write hit rate          12      0%
      Read I/O count         5 18110   Write I/O count         13    310
      Read hit count         6 14343   Write hit count         14      0
      Reads bypassing cache  7    37   Writes bypassing cache  15      0
      Files cached open      8   351   Files cached closed     16    307
      Vols in Full XFC mode  17     0   Vols in VIOC Compatible mode 17 0
      Vols in No Caching mode17     0   Vols in Perm No Caching mode 17 0

      I/O Statistics 18 - Distributions (MAX_IO_SIZE: 127 19)
      Transfer Size:      Reads    Read Hits     Writes
         1 Block IO:      35053 20     34553 21      87 22
         2 Block IO:        469          284          9
         3 Block IO:      26516        26346         24
         4 Block IO:        348          205          6
         5 Block IO:      13205        13160          0
         6 Block IO:        161          111          0
         7 Block IO:        185          152          0
       114 Block IO:          1            0          0
       116 Block IO:          2            1          0
       121 Block IO:          1            0          0

      >127<256 Block IO:     12                       0
      >255     Block IO:     14                       0
      Totals:             84411        80535        630


       This example shows the output for the SHOW MEMORY/CACHE/FULL
       command on an Alpha system with the Extended File Cache
       loaded. The SHOW MEMORY/CACHE/FULL command will display
       different fields on an Alpha system with the Virtual I/O
       Cache loaded.

 Extended File Cache Usage

      Shows the use of the Extended File Cache facility on an Alpha

      1 Allocated        Total amount of system memory in megabytes
                         allocated to the Extended File Cache.

      2 Free             Number of allocated megabytes not currently
                         in use by the cache.

      3 In use           Number of allocated megabytes that contain
                         valid cached data.

      4 Read hit rate    Shows cache read hits as a percentage of
                         read I/Os.

      5 Read I/O count   Total number of read I/Os that have been
                         seen by the cache since the last statistics

      6 Read hit count   Total number of read I/Os that did not
                         perform a physical I/O, because the data
                         for these was found in the cache since the
                         prior statistics reset.

      7 Reads bypassing  Total number of reads that bypassed the
      cache              cache and went directly to disk since the
                         last statistics reset.

      8 Files cached     Total number of open files in cache.

      9 Maximum size     Maximum size of the cache in megabytes.

      10 Minimum size    Minimum size of the cache in megabytes.
      (Mbytes)           This displays the value of the memory
                         reservation, VCC$MIN_CACHE_SIZE. See the
                         VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for
                         additional information.

      11 Percentage      Percentage of read I/Os that occur. For
      Read I/Os          example, a read/write I/O ratio of 100%
                         implies that all were read I/Os.

      12 Write hit rate  (Always zero for Extended File Cache,
                         Version 1.)

      13 Write I/O       Total number of write I/Os that have been
      count              seen by the cache since the last statistics

      14 Write hit       (Always zero for Extended File Cache,
      count              Version 1.)

      15 Writes          Total number of writes that bypassed the
      bypassing cache    cache and went directly to disk since the
                         last statistics reset.

      16 Files cached    Total number of closed files in cache.

      17 Volume modes    Total number of volumes in each caching
                         state. Note that the initial release of XFC
                         only supports VIOC compatible mode. Future
                         releases will support full mode.

      18 I/O Statistics  Systemwide distribution of I/O sizes
                         (rounded up).

      19 MAX_IO_SIZE     Current setting of the system parameter VCC_
                         MAX_IO_SIZE in blocks. The extended file
                         cache (XFC) will only cache files up to this

      20 Reads           Number of reads for the entire system.

      21 Read Hits       Number of reads satisfied from the cache.

      22 Writes          Number of writes for the entire system.


                   System Memory Resources on 20-JAN-2001 15:35:32.51

      Extended File Cache Volume Statistics:

      _$7$DKA200: (DISK$X6XV_BRAHMA), Caching mode is VIOC Compatible
      Open files        1    372      Closed files        9    395
      Files ever opened 2   1007      Files ever deposed  10    240
      Allocated pages   3   6405      Locks acquired      11    736
      Total QIOs        4 166552      Read hits           12 115984
      Virtual reads     5 120068      Virtual writes      13  46484
      Hit rate          6     69 %    Read aheads         14  11766
      Read throughs     7 120021      Write throughs      15  46484
      Read arounds      8     47      Write arounds       16      0
      Ave Disk I/O Resp Time incl cache hits (microseconds)17   3497

      Total of 1 volumes in cache

 Extended File Cache Usage

      Shows the use of the Extended File Cache facility on an Alpha

      1 Open files   Number of files that are currently open and
                     cached by the extended file cache on this volume
                     at the instant the SHOW command was issued.

      2 Files ever   Number of times the extended file cache has been
      opened         requested to open a file on this volume.

      3 Allocated    Number of main memory data pages currently
      pages          being used by the extended file cache to contain
                     actual file data, for this volume.

      4 Total QIOs   Total number of QIO and PAGE I/O calls received
                     by the extended file cache on this volume.

      5 Virtual      Cumulative number of Virtual Read requests
      reads          received by the extended file cache on this

      6 Hit rate     Percentage of Total QIOs that were completed
                     by copying data from cache, rather than issuing
                     real I/O to a volume.

      7 Read         Number of Virtual Reads that are capable of
      throughs       being satisfied by the extended file cache.

      8 Read         Number of Virtual Reads that cannot be satisfied
      arounds        by the extended file cache. Reasons for this
                     include the presence of a non-XFC compliant node
                     in an OpenVMS cluster, and the receipt of an I/O
                     that is larger than VCC_MAX_IO_SIZE.

      9 Closed       Number of closed files the extended file cache
      files          has in memory. If a subsequent file access
                     occurs, data will be accessible from main memory
                     rather than having to issue I/O to the real

      10 Files       Files removed from memory. Reasons the extended
      ever deposed   file cache may remove a file from its memory
                     include requests for memory from the rest of
                     the system, and conflicting access modes in a

      11 Locks       Current number of file access locks that are in
      acquired       use on this volume.

      12 Read hits   Cumulative number of times a read has been
                     satisfied from the data cache.

      13 Virtual     Cumulative number of virtual write I/Os received
      writes         on this volume by the cache.

      14 Read        Cumulative number of times the extended file
      aheads         cache issued read ahead I/Os on this volume
                     after detecting sequential file I/O virtual

      15 Write       Cumulative number of times a virtual write has
      throughs       been capable of modifying cached data.

      16 Write       Cumulative number of times a virtual write has
      arounds        been detected that cannot update data in cache

      17 Average     Average disk I/O response time, including cache
      Disk I/O       hits, in microseconds. Note that on a symmetric
      Response       multiprocessing (SMP) system, the response time
      Time           only includes that of I/Os starting or finishing
                     on the same CPU. Any physical I/Os are ignored.


      System Memory Resources on 3-NOV-2001 18:36:12.79

      Extended File Cache Top QIO File Statistics:

      _$7$DKA200: (DISK$X6Y0_RESD), Caching mode is VIOC Compatible

      _$7$DKA200:[SYS0.SYSEXE]SYSDUMP.DMP;2 (open)
      Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
      Allocated pages   1  334      Total QIOs      6 1712
      Read hits         2 1559      Virtual reads   7 1712
      Virtual writes    3    0      Hit rate        8   91 %
      Read aheads       4    0      Read throughs   9    0
      Write throughs    5    0      Read arounds    10    0
                                     Write arounds   11    0

      Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
      Allocated pages       931      Total QIOs         1057
      Read hits               5      Virtual reads      1044
      Virtual writes         13      Hit rate              0 %
      Read aheads             2      Read throughs      1044
      Write throughs         13      Read arounds          0
                                     Write arounds         0

      _$7$DKA200:[VMS$COMMON.SYSLIB]DECC$SHR.EXE;1 (open)
      Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
      Allocated pages       135      Total QIOs          730
      Read hits             673      Virtual reads       730
      Virtual writes          0      Hit rate              0 %
      Read aheads             2      Read throughs         0
      Write throughs          0      Read arounds          0
                                     Write arounds         0

      Total of 3 files for this volume

 Extended File Cache Top QIO File Statistics Usage

      Shows the use of the Extended File Cache Top QIO File
      Statistics facility on an Alpha system.

      1 Allocated pages  Number of main memory data pages currently
                         being used by the extended file cache to
                         contain actual file data, for this volume

      2 Read hits        Cumulative number of times a read has been
                         satisfied from the data cache.

      3 Virtual writes   Cumulative number of virtual write I/Os
                         received on this volume by the cache.

      4 Read aheads      Cumulative number of times the extended file
                         cache issued read ahead I/Os on this volume
                         after detecting sequential file I/O virtual

      5 Write throughs   Cumulative number of times a virtual write
                         has been capable of modifying cached data.

      6 Total QIOs       Total number of QIO and PAGE I/O calls
                         received by the extended file cache on this

      7 Virtual reads    Cumulative number of Virtual Read requests
                         received by the extended file cache on this

      8 Hit rate         Percentage of Total QIOs that were completed
                         by copying data from cache, rather than
                         issuing real I/O to a volume.

      9 Read throughs    Number of Virtual Reads that are capable of
                         being satisfied by the extended file cache.

      10 Read arounds    Number of Virtual Reads that cannot be
                         satisfied by the extended file cache.
                         Reasons for this include the presence of
                         a non-XFC compliant node in an OpenVMS
                         cluster, and the receipt of an I/O that
                         is larger than VCC_MAX_IO_SIZE.

      11 Write arounds   Cumulative number of times a virtual write
                         has been detected that cannot update data in
                         cache memory.


      System Memory Resources on 3-NOV-2001 18:36:12.79

      Extended File Cache Top Hitrate File Statistics:

      _$7$DKA200: (DISK$X6Y0_RESD), Caching mode is VIOC Compatible

      _$7$DKA200:[VMS$COMMON.SYSLIB]SMGSHR.EXE;1 (open)
      Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
      Allocated pages   1   16      Total QIOs      6  277
      Read hits         2  267      Virtual reads   7  277
      Virtual writes    3    0      Hit rate        8   96 %
      Read aheads       4    0      Read throughs   9  277
      Write throughs    5    0      Read arounds    10    0
                                     Write arounds   11    0

      Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
      Allocated pages         8      Total QIOs          185
      Read hits             178      Virtual reads       185
      Virtual writes          0      Hit rate             96 %
      Read aheads             1      Read throughs       185
      Write throughs          0      Read arounds          0
                                     Write arounds         0

      _$7$DKA200:[VMS$COMMON.SYSLIB]CMA$TIS_SHR.EXE;1 (open)
      Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
      Allocated pages         6      Total QIOs          165
      Read hits             159      Virtual reads       165
      Virtual writes          0      Hit rate             96 %
      Read aheads             2      Read throughs       165
      Write throughs          0      Read arounds          0
                                     Write arounds         0

      Total of 3 files for this volume

 Extended File Cache Top Hitrate File Statistics Usage

      Shows the use of the Extended File Cache Top Hitrate File
      Statistics facility on an Alpha system.

      1 Allocated pages  .Number of main memory data pages currently
                         being used by the extended file cache to
                         contain actual file data, for this volume

      2 Read hits        Cumulative number of times a read has been
                         satisfied from the data cache.

      3 Virtual writes   Cumulative number of virtual write I/Os
                         received on this volume by the cache.

      4 Read aheads      Cumulative number of times the extended file
                         cache issued read ahead I/Os on this volume
                         after detecting sequential file I/O virtual

      5 Write throughs   Cumulative number of times a virtual write
                         has been capable of modifying cached data.

      6 Total QIOs       Total number of QIO and PAGE I/O calls
                         received by the extended file cache on this

      7 Virtual reads    Cumulative number of Virtual Read requests
                         received by the extended file cache on this

      8 Hit rate         Percentage of Total QIOs that were completed
                         by copying data from cache, rather than
                         issuing real I/O to a volume.

      9 Read throughs    Number of Virtual Reads that are capable of
                         being satisfied by the extended file cache.

      10 Read arounds    Number of Virtual Reads that cannot be
                         satisfied by the extended file cache.
                         Reasons for this include the presence of
                         a non-XFC compliant node in an OpenVMS
                         cluster, and the receipt of an I/O that
                         is larger than VCC_MAX_IO_SIZE.

      11 Write arounds   Cumulative number of times a virtual write
                         has been detected that cannot update data in
                         cache memory.


      System Memory Resources on 3-NOV-2001 18:36:12.79

      Extended File Cache Statistics:

      _$7$DKA200:[SYS0.SYSMGR]ACCOUNTNG.DAT;1 (open)
      Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
      Allocated pages   1    1      Total QIOs      6   17
      Read hits         2    0      Virtual reads   7    1
      Virtual writes    3   16      Hit rate        8    0 %
      Read aheads       4    0      Read throughs   9    0
      Write throughs    5   16      Read arounds    10    0
                                     Write arounds   11    0

      _$7$DKA200:[SYS0.SYSMGR]ACME$SERVER.LOG;129 (open)
      Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
      Allocated pages         1      Total QIOs            2
      Read hits               0      Virtual reads         1
      Virtual writes          1      Hit rate              0 %
      Read aheads             0      Read throughs         1
      Write throughs          1      Read arounds          0
                                     Write arounds         0

      _$7$DKA200:[SYS0.SYSMGR]CLUE$STARTUP_BRAHMA.LOG;935 (closed)
      Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
      Allocated pages         2      Total QIOs           32
      Read hits               0      Virtual reads         0
      Virtual writes         32      Hit rate              0 %
      Read aheads             0      Read throughs         0
      Write throughs         32      Read arounds          0
                                     Write arounds         0

      Caching is enabled, active caching mode is Write Through
      Allocated pages         1      Total QIOs            8
      Read hits               3      Virtual reads         8
      Virtual writes          0      Hit rate              37 %
      Read aheads             1      Read throughs         8
      Write throughs          0      Read arounds          0
                                     Write arounds         0

      Total of 50 files for this volume

 Extended File Cache Statistics Usage

      Shows the use of the Extended File Cache Statistics facility on
      an Alpha system.

      1 Allocated pages  .Number of main memory data pages currently
                         being used by the extended file cache to
                         contain actual file data, for this volume

      2 Read hits        Cumulative number of times a read has been
                         satisfied from the data cache.

      3 Virtual writes   Cumulative number of virtual write I/Os
                         received on this volume by the cache.

      4 Read aheads      Cumulative number of times the extended file
                         cache issued read ahead I/Os on this volume
                         after detecting sequential file I/O virtual

      5 Write throughs   Cumulative number of times a virtual write
                         has been capable of modifying cached data.

      6 Total QIOs       Total number of QIO and PAGE I/O calls
                         received by the extended file cache on this

      7 Virtual reads    Cumulative number of Virtual Read requests
                         received by the extended file cache on this

      8 Hit rate         Percentage of Total QIOs that were completed
                         by copying data from cache, rather than
                         issuing real I/O to a volume.

      9 Read throughs    Number of Virtual Reads that are capable of
                         being satisfied by the extended file cache.

      10 Read arounds    Number of Virtual Reads that cannot be
                         satisfied by the extended file cache.
                         Reasons for this include the presence of
                         a non-XFC compliant node in an OpenVMS
                         cluster, and the receipt of an I/O that
                         is larger than VCC_MAX_IO_SIZE.

      11 Write arounds   Cumulative number of times a virtual write
                         has been detected that cannot update data in
                         cache memory.


                    System Memory Resources on  3-NOV-2001 16:11:30.76
      Physical Memory Usage (pages): Total 1  Free 2   In Use 3  Modified 4
      Main Memory (32.00Mb)          65536   44233      20955         308

      Of the physical pages in use, 10970 pages are permanently allocated
      to VMS.

 Physical Memory Usage

      Shows the use of physical memory.

      1 Total      Number of physical memory pages available for
                   general system use. Multiport memory pages used
                   for shared memory global sections, mailboxes,
                   and common event blocks are not included in this

      2 Free       Number of pages on the free page list.

      3 In Use     Number of pages currently being used. This number
                   is calculated by adding the number of pages on the
                   free, modified, and bad lists and then subtracting
                   that sum from the total number of available pages.

      4 Modified   Number of pages on the modified page list.

 Bad Page List

      Shows the contents of the bad page list.


       This display is written only when there are pages on the bad
       page list.

      Total        Number of pages on the bad page list.

      Dynamic      Number of memory errors detected after the system
                   was booted.

      I/O Errors   Number of errors detected during page fault

      Static       Number of memory errors detected during boot-time

      By default, either single-bit or double-bit errors cause the
      pages to be removed during the boot-time scan.

 Pages Allocated to OpenVMS

      Any SHOW MEMORY display that includes the physical memory
      display concludes with the number of pages permanently
      allocated to the OpenVMS system. These pages include nonpaged
      executive code and data, the PFN database, nonpaged dynamic
      memory, the interrupt stack, and the system page table.

    8.     $ SHOW MEMORY/SLOTS

                    System Memory Resources on 3-NOV-2001 16:11:35.31
      Slot Usage (slots):       Total 1   Free 2  Resident 3  Swapped 4
      Process Entry Slots          75       28          46          1
      Balance Set Slots            70       26          44          0

 Slot Usage (slots)

      Displays the use of process entry slots and balance set slots.

      1 Total      Number of process entry slots (the value of the
                   system parameter MAXPROCESSCNT) and balance
                   set slots (the value of the system parameter
                   BALSETCNT) permanently allocated when the system
                   was bootstrapped.

      2 Free       Number of slots currently available.

      3 Resident   Number of slots currently used by memory-resident
                   processes. The number of balance set slots in use
                   can never be any larger than the number of process
                   entry slots in use because the SWAPPER and NULL
                   processes have process entry slots but do not
                   require balance set slots.

      4 Swapped    Number of slots used by outswapped processes.
                   For process entry slots, this number includes all
                   processes that have been partially outswapped. For
                   balance set slots, this number includes those
                   processes that have had their process bodies
                   outswapped but have process headers that are still

    9.     $ SHOW MEMORY/POOL

                System Memory Resources on  6-SEP-2022 14:18:01.45

      Dynamic Memory Usage:              Total        Free      In Use     Largest
       Nonpaged Dynamic Memory (MB)     16.00       13.67        2.31       13.33
       USB Addressable Memory  (KB)   1024.00     1022.87        1.12     1022.87
       Paged Dynamic Memory    (MB)     11.17        6.42        4.74        6.26
       Lock Manager Dyn Memory (KB)    592.00      262.03      329.96
       S2 Dynamic Memory Usage (MB)      4.00        2.32        1.67        2.25  (X86 only)

 Dynamic Memory Usage (in bytes)

      Shows the use of the nonpaged and paged pool areas that
      allocate variably sized blocks.

      1 Total      Total number of bytes set aside for each area.

      2 Free       Total amount of free space in each dynamic memory

      3 In Use     Amount of space currently allocated from each
                   area. This number is the total size minus the
                   number of free bytes.

      4 Largest    Size of the largest contiguous block in each area.
                   For the paged pool, this number represents the
                   largest block that can be allocated. For the
                   nonpaged pool, an allocation request larger
                   than this number will cause the nonpaged pool
                   to grow (if other constraints allow growth). This
                   attribute does not apply to the lock manager, as
                   all items for the lock manager are the same size.


             System Memory Resources on  6-SEP-2022 14:22:40.09

      Nonpaged Dynamic Memory      (Lists + Variable)
        Current Size (MB)                16.00   Current Size (Pagelets)     32768
        Initial Size (MB)                16.00   Initial Size (Pagelets)     32768
        Maximum Size (MB)                84.00   Maximum Size (Pagelets)    172032
        Free Space (MB)                  13.67   Space in Use (MB)            2.32
        Largest Var Block (MB)           13.33   Smallest Var Block (bytes)     64
        Number of Free Blocks              268   Free Blocks LEQU 64 bytes      70
        Free Blocks on Lookasides           85   Lookaside Space (KB)       139.00

      USB Addressable Memory       (Lists + Variable)
        Current Size (KB)              1024.00   Current Size (Pagelets)      2048
        Initial Size (KB)                 0.00   Initial Size (Pagelets)         0
        Free Space (KB)                1022.87   Space in Use (KB)            1.12
        Largest Var Block (KB)         1022.87   Smallest Var Block (KB)   1022.87
        Number of Free Blocks                1   Free Blocks LEQU 64 bytes       0
        Free Blocks on Lookasides            0   Lookaside Space (bytes)         0

      Paged Dynamic Memory         (Lists + Variable)
        Current Size (MB)                11.17   Current Size (Pagelets)     22896
        Free Space (MB)                   6.42   Space in Use (MB)            4.75
        Largest Var Block (MB)            6.10   Smallest Var Block (KB)      1.04
        Number of Free Blocks               28   Free Blocks LEQU 64 bytes       3
        Free Blocks on Lookasides           23   Lookaside Space (KB)         2.35

      Lock Manager Dynamic Memory
        Current Size (KB)               592.00   Current Size (Pages)           74
        Free Space (KB)                 262.03   Hits                         1280
        Space in Use (KB)               329.96   Misses                          0
        Number of Empty Pages               33   Expansions                     74
        Number of Free Packets             885   Packet Size (bytes)             0

      S2 Nonpaged Dynamic Memory      (Lists + Variable)    (X86 ONLY)
        Current Size (MB)                 4.00   Current Size (Pagelets)      8192
        Initial Size (MB)                 2.00   Initial Size (Pagelets)      4096
        Maximum Size (MB)                 4.00   Maximum Size (Pagelets)      8192
        Free Space (MB)                   2.32   Space in Use (MB)            1.67
        Largest Var Block (MB)            2.25   Smallest Var Block (bytes)    256
        Number of Free Blocks               35   Free Blocks LEQU 256 byte       5
        Free Blocks on Lookasides           30   Lookaside Space (KB)        75.00

 Dynamic Memory

      Shows the use of dynamic memory areas consisting of variably
      sized blocks.

      1 Current Size     Current size (in 512-byte pagelets on Alpha
                         ) of each dynamic memory area. For the lock
                         manager display, the unit of measurement is

      2 Initial Size     Initial size of nonpaged dynamic memory and
                         the name of the system parameter (NPAGEDYN)
                         that controls this size.

      3 Maximum Size     Maximum size to which nonpaged dynamic
                         memory can grow and the name of the system
                         parameter (NPAGEVIR) that controls this

      4 Free Space       Amount of free space in each dynamic memory

      5 Space in Use     Amount of space currently allocated from
                         each area.

      6 Largest Block    Size of the largest contiguous area in each
                         pool area.

      7 Smallest Block   Size of the smallest hole (free block) in
                         each pool area.

      8 Free Blocks      Total number of free blocks in each pool
                         area. The size of this number is a measure
                         of pool fragmentation.

      9 Blocks LEQU 64   Number of free blocks that are 64 bytes
                         long or shorter. This number is another
                         measure of pool fragmentation because
                         while allocation of these small blocks is
                         unlikely, they contribute to the allocation
                         time whenever an allocation request is made.

      10 Empty Pages     Number of pages that do not have any packets

      11 Free Packets    Total number of packets not in use. This
                         number is the sum of free packets from
                         partially used pages and the packets of
                         all Empty Pages.

      12 Hits            Total number of packet allocations.

      13 Misses          Total number of packet allocation requests
                         that could not be satisfied because the
                         number of packets requested were not
                         available. A miss causes dynamic memory
                         to expand by one page to satisfy the packet
                         allocation request.

      14 Expansions      Total number of times that dynamic memory
                         increased by a page to satisfy packet
                         allocation requests.

      15 Packet Size     Packet size of 256 bytes, which is used by
                         the lock manager to hold either a lock block
                         data structure or a resource block data

      16 Lookasides      Total number of memory packets placed
      Free Blocks        on "lookaside lists". If a packet of the
                         correct size is on a lookaside list, it can
                         be allocated very quickly and efficiently,
                         however, it cannot then be used as part of
                         any other size packet. An excess of packets
                         on the lookaside list can be a cause for the
                         inability to allocate other sizes.

      17 Over-limit      Total number of memory packets that exist
      Lookaside Blocks   on "lookaside lists" that are no longer
                         actively used because the SYSGEN parameter
                         PAGED_LAL_SIZE was lowered. These packets
                         will be available for use again if the
                         SYSGEN parameter is increased to include
                         them, or if there was a paged pool shortage
                         and they are reclaimed. If there are no
                         lookaside list packets on these "over-limit"
                         lists then this line will not appear.

    11.    $ SHOW MEMORY/FILES

              System Memory Resources on 22-MAY-2001 19:04:19.67
      Swap File Usage (8KB pages):              Index 1     Free     Size
      DISK$ALPHASYS:[SYS48.SYSEXE]SWAPFILE.SYS      1         904      904
      DISK$SWAP:[SYS48.SYSEXE]SWAPFILE.SYS;1        2        1048     1048

        Total size of all swap files:                                 1952

      Paging File Usage (8KB pages):            Index 2     Free     Size
      DISK$PAGE:[SYS48.SYSEXE]PAGEFILE.SYS;1      253       16888    16888
      DISK$ALPHASYS:[SYS48.SYSEXE]PAGEFILE.SYS    254       16888    16888

        Total size of all paging files:                              33776
        Total committed paging file usage:  3                        1964

 Paging File Usage (in blocks)

      Shows the usage of paging and swapping files.

      1 Swap File Usage  Number of swap files. Begins with an index
                         value of 1 and increases in count.

      2 Paging File      Number of page files. Begins with an index
      Usage              value of 254 and decreases in count.

      3 Total Paging     Total committed page file usage. As in
      File Usage         previous releases, more pages can reside
                         in page-file sections systemwide than would
                         fit into installed page files.

22  –  NETWORK

    Displays information about network services registered on a node.


      SHOW NETWORK  [network-service]

22.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies a network service for which you want to display

    If you do not specify a service, the SHOW NETWORK command
    displays information about all services that are currently
    registered on the local node.

22.2  –  Description

    The SHOW NETWORK command displays information about network
    services available on an OpenVMS system.

22.3  –  Qualifiers

22.3.1    /FULL

    Displays all the information for the specified network service.

22.3.2    /OLD

    If you are running DECnet Phase IV, retains the behavior of
    the SHOW NETWORK command prior to OpenVMS Version 7.0. If the
    local node is a routing node, the /OLD qualifier provides routing

22.3.3    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. By default,
    the output of the SHOW NETWORK command is sent to the current
    SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal).

    The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    are not allowed in the file specification.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

22.4  –  Examples


      Product:  DECNET Node:  VADIR             Address(es):  24.365
      Product:  TCP/IP Node:  vadir.lkr.dec.com Address(es):

      This command was executed on a system running DECnet Phase V
      and TCP/IP. It indicates that the DECNET and "TCP/IP" network-
      service parameters are valid for this system.


      Product: TCP/IP  Node: vadir.lkr.dec.com  Address(es):

      When the TCP/IP network-service parameter is used, it must be
      enclosed in enclosed in quotes because it contains a slash.

      Product:  DECNET          Manufacturer:  VMS Sofware, Inc.
      Node:  TARPON                   Address(es):  17.51
      Network Type:  DNA IV           Interface(s):  net 0

      Node Volatile Characteristics as of  8-OCT-2009 09:15:12

      Executor node = 17.51 (TARPON)

      Identification           = VSI DECnet for OpenVMS I64
      Management version       = V4.0.0
      Incoming timer           = 45
      Outgoing timer           = 60
      Incoming Proxy           = Enabled
      Outgoing Proxy           = Enabled
      NSP version              = V4.1.0
      Maximum links            = 32
      Delay factor             = 80
      Delay weight             = 5
      Inactivity timer         = 60
      Retransmit factor        = 10
      Routing version          = V2.0.0
      Type                     = nonrouting IV
      Routing timer            = 600
      Broadcast routing timer  = 180
      Maximum address          = 1023
      Maximum circuits         = 16
      Maximum cost             = 1022
      Maximum hops             = 30
      Maximum visits           = 63
      Maximum area             = 63
      Max broadcast nonrouters = 64
      Max broadcast routers    = 32
      Maximum path splits      = 1
      Area maximum cost        = 1022
      Area maximum hops        = 30
      Maximum buffers          = 100
      Buffer size              = 576
      Default access           = incoming and outgoing
      Pipeline quota           = 4032
      Alias maximum links      = 32
      Path split policy        = Normal
      Maximum Declared Objects = 31

      Known Link Volatile Summary as of  8-OCT-2009 09:15:12

      No information in database

      Node Counters as of  8-OCT-2009 09:15:12

      Executor node = 17.51 (TARPON)

               856  Seconds since last zeroed
               471  Bytes received
               468  Bytes sent
                27  Messages received
                28  Messages sent
                 1  Connects received
                 1  Connects sent
                 0  Response timeouts
                 0  Received connect resource errors
                 2  Maximum logical links active
                 0  Aged packet loss
                 0  Node unreachable packet loss
                 0  Node out-of-range packet loss
                 0  Oversized packet loss
                 0  Packet format error
                 0  Partial routing update loss
                 0  Verification reject

      The DECNET network-service parameter is used to signify either
      DECnet Phase IV or DECnet Phase V. Use the /FULL qualifier to
      determine the DECnet phase on the node. This is an example from
      a system running DECnet Phase IV.


      Product:  DECNET      Manufacturer:  VMS Software, Inc.
      Node:  VADIR          Address(es):  24.365
      Network Type:  DNA V  Interface(s):  net 0

      Node 0
      at 2002-01-16-12:50:30.528-05:00Iinf


        Name                          = DEC:.XPR.VADIR
        Address                       =
          [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,
          [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number = 19 ] ,
          [ DNA_OSItransportV1 , 'DEC0'H ] ,
          [ DNA_OSInetwork , 49::00-18:AA-00-04-00-6D-61:21 ]
          ) ,
          [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,
          [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number = 19 ] ,
          [ DNA_OSItransportV1 , 'DEC0'H ] ,
          [ DNA_OSInetwork, 49::00-18:AA-00-04-00-12-60:21
          ) ,
          [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,
          [ DNA_SessionControlV2 , number = 19 ] ,
          [ DNA_OSItransportV1 , 'DEC0'H ] ,
          [ DNA_IP , ]
          ) ,
          [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,
          [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number = 19 ] ,
          [ DNA_NSP ] ,
          [ DNA_OSInetwork , 49::00-18:AA-00-04-00-6D-61:20 ]
          ) ,
          [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,
          [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number = 19 ] ,
          [ DNA_NSP ] ,
          [ DNA_OSInetwork , 49::00-18:AA-00-04-00-12-60:20 (DEC:.XPR.BULEAA) ]


       UID                        = 562B4000-43CF-11CF-8001-AA0004007E10
       State                      = On
       Functions Enabled          =
          Address Watcher ,
          CMIP Listener
       ID                         = 00-00-F8-01-FD-62


       Version                    = T5.0.3
       Implementation             =
          Name = OpenVMS AXP ,
          Version = "V7.2-1  "
          ] ,
          Name = VSI DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS ,
          Version = "V7.2-1 ECO03 31-MAY-2001 16:54:53.36"
        Script Location            = <Default value>
        Maximum Listeners          = 0
        Listener Template          = <Default value>
        Secondary Names            =

      This example is from a system running DECnet Phase V.


      OpenVMS Network status for local node 12.378 EMARET on 16-JAN-2002

      This is a nonrouting node, and does not have any network information.
      The designated router for EMARET is node 12.1023 A12LKR.

      The /OLD qualifier can be used only on a system running DECnet
      Phase IV.

23  –  PRINTER

    Displays the current settings for a printer.


      SHOW PRINTER  device-name[:]

23.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the printer for which settings are to be

23.2  –  Qualifiers

23.2.1    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. By default,
    the output of the SHOW PRINTER command is sent to the current
    SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output
    to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file

    The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter a partial
    file specification (for example, specifying only a directory),
    SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

23.2.2    /IDSTRING

    Returns the USB printer ID string as a text string and displays
    it on your screen. This information appears at the end of the
    typical SHOW PRINTER command display.

23.2.3    /SERIALNUM

    Returns the USB printer serial number as a text string and
    displays to the screen. The USB printer returns the serial number
    in Unicode format, and this is converted to ASCII text before
    being displayed.

23.3  –  Examples

       Printer LPA0:, device type LP11, is online, allocated, spooled
       Error count                  0  Operations completed              880
       Owner process  "SYMBIONT_0001"  Owner UIC                       [0,0]
       Owner process ID      21C0008D  Dev Prot  S:RWLP,O:RWLP,G:RWLP,W:RWLP
       Reference count              2  Default buffer size               132
       Page width                 132  Page Length                        66
       No Carriage_return     Formfeed        Lowercase
       No Passall             No Wrap         Printall
       No Fallback            No Tab          Truncate
       No Sixels              No Bitmapped            No Polled
       Intermediate device: STAR$DUA1:
       Associated queue: LN01$PRINT

      The SHOW PRINTER command in this example displays the settings
      for the printer LPA0.

       Printer LPA0:, device type PC printer, is online, record-oriented device,
      carriage control.
       Error count                0    Operations completed              0
       Owner process             ""    Owner UIC                  [SYSTEM]
       Owner process ID    00000000    Dev Prot          S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
       Reference count            0    Default buffer size             132
       Page width               132    Page Length                      66
       No Carriage_return  Formfeed        Uppercase
       No Passall          No Wrap         No Printall
       No Fallback         No Tab          Truncate
       No Sixels           No Bitmapped            Polled
           MFG:            HEWLETT-PACKARD;
           MDL:            DESKJET 895C;
           CMD:            MLC,PCL,PML;
           CLASS:          PRINTER;
           DESCRIPTION:    Hewlett-Packard DeskJet 895C;
           SERN:           MX88P2V0VWGO;
           VSTATUS:                $HB0$FC0,ff,DN,IDLE,CUT;

      The SHOW PRINTER/IDSTRING command in this example displays the
      ID string for the printer LPA0.

       Printer LRA0:, device type LP11, is online, record-oriented device,
      carriage control.
       Error count                0    Operations completed              0
       Owner process             ""    Owner UIC                  [SYSTEM]
       Owner process ID    00000000    Dev Prot          S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
       Reference count            0    Default buffer size             132
       Page width               132    Page Length                      66
       No Carriage_return  Formfeed        Uppercase
       No Passall          No Wrap         No Printall
       No Fallback         No Tab          Truncate
       No Sixels           No Bitmapped            No Polled
       %SYSTEM-F-DEVOFFLINE, device is not in configuration or not available

      If the device has been disconnected and marked offline, the
      SHOW PRINTER/IDSTRING command displays this information.

      If the attempt to read the ID string should fail (for an
      unknown reason other than device disconnection), the reference
      to the ID string appears as:

        %SHOW-W-NOIDSTRING, ID String could not be retrieved

       Printer LPA0:, device type PC printer, is online, record-oriented device,
      carriage control.
       Error count                0    Operations completed              0
       Owner process             ""    Owner UIC                  [SYSTEM]
       Owner process ID    00000000    Dev Prot          S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G,W
       Reference count            0    Default buffer size             132
       Page width               132    Page Length                      66
       No Carriage_return  Formfeed        Uppercase
       No Passall          No Wrap         No Printall
       No Fallback         No Tab          Truncate
       No Sixels           No Bitmapped            Polled
       Serial Number:      MX88P2V0VWGO

      The SHOW PRINTER/SERIALNUM command in this example displays the
      serial number for the printer LPA0.

      If the device has been disconnected and marked offline, the
      SHOW PRINTER/SERIALNUM command replaces the reference to the
      serial number with the following message:

        %SYSTEM-F-DEVOFFLINE, device is not in configuration or not available

      If the ID string is not supported by the USB printer in
      question, the reference to the ID string will appear as:

        %SHOW-W-NOSERIALNUM, Serial number could not be retrieved

24  –  PROCESS

    Displays information about a process and its subprocesses.

    Requires GROUP privilege to show other processes in the same
    group. Requires WORLD privilege to show processes outside your
    group. You must use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier to look at
    processes outside of your group.


      SHOW PROCESS  [[node-name::]process-name]

24.1  –  Parameters


    The name of the node on which the specified process is running.

    You must specify a node name on the same OpenVMS Cluster on which
    the current process is running.


    The name of the process about which information is to be
    displayed. The process name can have up to 15 alphanumeric

    The specified process name must be in the same group as the
    current process. You must use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier to
    look at processes outside of your group.

24.2  –  Qualifiers

24.2.1    /ACCOUNTING

    Shows the resources used by the process.

24.2.2    /ALL

    Displays the basic subset of information as well as information

       Dynamic memory use
       Wildcard status

24.2.3    /CASE_LOOKUP

    Lists the active case sensitivity setting in your process (either

    VSI strongly recommends that you use caution when enabling case
    sensitivity in your processes.

    See the Guide to OpenVMS File Applications for additional

24.2.4    /CONTINUOUS

    Displays continuously updated information about the local
    process in an OpenVMS environment. You cannot use the /CONTINUOUS
    qualifier to display information about a process on another node
    in a cluster environment.

    While the continuous display is running, you can press the
    following keys to customize the output display:

    Key        Action

    E          Exits the continuous display.
    Q          Dynamically displays process quotas.
    T          Displays information for threads in the process. Press
               the T key repeatedly to cycle through multiple threads.
    V          Displays a map of the pages in the virtual address
               space of the process.

               Each character displayed in the map represents the type
               of page. If the current program counter is in the page,
               the page type is indicated by an at sign (@). Pages
               locked in the working set are indicated by the letter
               L. Global pages are indicated by the letter G. Other
               valid pages in the working set are indicated by an
               asterisk (*).
    Space      Returns to the default display.

    The /CONTINUOUS qualifier cannot be used with the /OUTPUT

24.2.5    /DUMP

    Displays the image dump setting which is set or cleared by the
    SET PROCESS/DUMP command.

24.2.6    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

24.2.7    /HIGHLIGHT


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.



    Requires GROUP or WORLD privilege to access processes other than
    your own.

    Displays information about the process with the specified process
    identification (PID). The PID is assigned by the system when
    the process is created. When you specify a PID, you can omit the
    leading zeros.

    If you specify the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, it overrides the
    process-name parameter. If, in addition, you specify the /MEMORY
    qualifier, the PID value must be that of the current process.

24.2.9    /INTERVAL


    Use with the /CONTINUOUS qualifier to update the information at
    the specified number of seconds.

24.2.10    /MEMORY

    Displays the process's use of dynamic memory areas. The /MEMORY
    qualifier is allowed only for the current process.

24.2.11    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. By default,
    the output of the SHOW PROCESS command is sent to the current
    SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output
    to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file

    The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter a partial
    file specification (for example, specifying only a directory),
    SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

    The /OUTPUT qualifier is incompatible with the /CONTINUOUS

24.2.12    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of process information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

24.2.13    /PRIVILEGES

    Displays current privileges and rights for the process. To
    display only privileges, also specify the /NORIGHTS qualifier.
    Use the SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGES command to enable process
    privileges on a system.

    Use the SHOW PROCESS/PRIVILEGES command to determine what
    authorized privileges are enabled on an OpenVMS system:

    ACNT        ALLSPOOL     ALTPRI      AUDIT
    GROUP       GRPNAM       GRPPRV      IMPORT
    LOG_IO      MOUNT        NETMBX      OPER
    PFNMAP      PHY_IO       PRMCEB      PRMGBL
    SETPRV      SHARE        SHMEM       SYSGBL

24.2.14    /QUOTAS

    Displays, for each resource, either a quota or a limit. The
    values displayed for quotas reflect any quota reductions
    resulting from subprocess creation. The values displayed for
    limits reflect the resources available to a process at creation.

24.2.15    /RAD

    Displays home resource affinity domain (RAD).

    OpenVMS support for RADs is available on the Alpha GS series
    systems and Integrity server NUMA capable systems.

24.2.16    /RIGHTS

       /RIGHTS (default)

    Displays the current rights for the specified process. Use the
    /NORIGHTS qualifier with the /PRIVILEGES qualifier to suppress
    the rights display.


    Displays the scheduling class of the specified process.

24.2.18    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

24.2.19    /SHELVING

    Displays whether the process automatically unshelves files.

24.2.20    /SUBPROCESSES

    Displays the current subprocesses in hierarchical order.

24.2.21    /SYMLINK

    The SHOW PROCESS/ALL and SHOW PROCESS/SYMLINK commands display
    the status of the symlink wildcard search mode.

24.2.22    /TOKEN

       /TOKEN (Alpha/Integrity servers Only)

    Displays the current token size as either Traditional (255 bytes)
    or Extended (4000 bytes). (A token is any element in a command
    line that is bounded by spaces. For example, the command COPY
    X.TXT Y.TXT contains three tokens.) The token size is determined
    by the setting of bit 1 in the DCL_CTLFLAGS system parameter. You
    can use the SET PROCESS/TOKEN command to change the token size.

24.2.23    /UNITS

    Displays whether the process currently reports disk space
    in bytes or blocks. You can change this setting using SET

24.2.24    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.

24.3  –  Examples


       14-DEC-2001 15:35:19.39  User: MALIK   Process ID: 28200364
                                Node: OCALA   Process name: MALIK
      Terminal:        RTA5:
      User identifier: [VMS,MALIK]
      Base  priority:   4
      Default file spec: WORK5:[MALIK]
      Devices allocated: RTA5:

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example is entered by the
      user MALIK. The system displays the subset of information for
      the owned process on node OCALA. The information includes the

         Date and time the SHOW PROCESS command is entered
         User name
         Process identification (PID) number
         Node name
         Process name
         Device name of the current SYS$INPUT device
         User identification code (UIC)
         Base execution priority
         Default device (only for processes on the same node)
         Default directory (only for current processes)
         Devices allocated to the process and volumes mounted, if any

       14-DEC-2001 14:48:01.31   User: MALIK  Process ID:   28200364
                                 Node: OCALA  Process name: "MALIK"

       Accounting information:
        Buffered I/O count:      4878  Peak working set size:      844
        Direct I/O count:        1284  Peak virtual size:         1176
        Page faults:             6100  Mounted volumes:              0
        Images activated:          22
        Elapsed CPU time:      0 00:01:20.51
        Connect time:          0 04:06:03.75

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example displays the
      accounting statistics for the process. The values under Peak
      working set size and Peak virtual size are rendered and in
      pagelets on Alpha.


       14-DEC-2001 14:59:28.53  User: MALIK   Process ID:    28200364
                                Node: OCALA   Process name: "MALIK"

       Process privileges:
        GROUP                may affect other processes in same group
        TMPMBX               may create temporary mailbox
        NETMBX               may create network device

       Process rights identifiers:

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example displays the current
      privileges for the process.


       14-DEC-2001 15:00:28.79   User: MALIK  Process ID:    28200364
                                 Node: OCALA  Process name:  "MALIK"

       Process Quotas:
       Account name: VMS
        CPU limit:                      Infinite  Direct I/O limit:       6
        Buffered I/O byte count quota:     17904  Buffered I/O limit:     6
        Timer queue entry quota:              10  Open file quota:       31
        Paging file quota:                 24945  Subprocess quota:       8
        Default page fault cluster:           64  AST limit:             14
        Enqueue quota:                        30  Shared file limit:      9
        Max detached processes:               11  Max active jobs:       14

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example displays the available
      quotas and limits. The value under Paging file quota is
      rendered in pagelets on Alpha.


       14-DEC-2001 15:44:59.39  User: MALIK  Process ID:   28200364
                                Node: OCALA  Process name: "MALIK_1"

       Processes in this tree:

         MALIK_1 (*)

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example shows the current
      process tree. The current process is indicated by the asterisk
      (*).  Processes both below and above the current process are


                                 Process BOB                       12:26:53

          State               CUR              Working set              269

          Cur/base priority   8/4              Virtual memory          1713

          Current PC          7FFEE07E         CPU time         00:00:13.82

          Current PSL         03C00000         Direct I/O               246

          Current user SP     7FF785A4         Buffered I/O             646

          PID                 226006C0         Page faults             3417

          UIC                 [VMS,BOB]        Event flags         C8000007

      In this example, the /CONTINUOUS qualifier causes the display
      of information about process BOB to be updated continuously.
      Note that the Virtual pages heading appears on Alpha indicating
      the virtual memory used as a number of CPU-specific pages.
      The value displayed for Working set is also a number of CPU-
      specific pages.


                                Process CIMSERVER              07:38:02

          State               LEF                 Working set          2599

          Cur/base priority   9/4                 Virtual pages       15135

          Current PC          8065BDC0            CPU time    0 00:00:14.33

          Current PSL         00000000            Direct I/O          5889

          Current user SP     7ACE6680            Buffered I/O        88641

          PID                 20200822            Page faults         1487

          UIC                 [SYSTEM]            Event flags       C0000001


      [Press Q key]

                                   Process CIMSERVER              07:38:18

          State               LEF                 Working set        2599

          PID                 20200822            Page faults        1487

          UIC                 [SYSTEM]            Event flags     C0000001

          # open files remaining               125/128             ( 97%)
          Direct I/O count/limit               100/100             (100%)
          Buffered I/O count/limit              99/100             ( 99%)
          BUFIO byte count/limit            251840/251840          (100%)
          ASTs remaining                        98/100             ( 98%)
          Timer entries remaining               15/16              ( 93%)
          PGFL quota count/limit             42408/43750           ( 96%)
          ENQ quota count/limit               2048/2048            (100%)


      In this example, the standard continuous display is interrupted
      when the Q key is pressed. The display then dynamically changes
      to show the quotas in two columns: one column with the actual
      counts and another with percentages.


       14-DEC-2001 14:59:04.48   User: MALIK  Process ID:   28200364
                                 Node: OCALA  Process Name: "MALIK"

       Process Dynamic Memory Area
           Current Size (bytes)    25600   Current Total Size (pages)    50
           Free Space (bytes)      22698   Space in Use (bytes)        2902
           Size of Largest Block   22496   Size of Smallest Block        15
           Number of Free Blocks       7   Free Blocks LEQU 32 Bytes      3

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example displays the use of
      dynamic memory areas for the current process, MALIK. These
      areas are described as follows:

      Current size       Displays the current size in bytes and
                         pagelets on Alpha of each dynamic memory
      Free space         Displays the amount of free space in each
                         dynamic memory area.
      Space in use       Displays the amount of space currently
                         allocated from each area.
      Largest block      Displays the size of the largest contiguous
                         area in each pool area.
      Smallest block     Displays the size of the smallest free block
                         in each pool area.
      Free blocks        Displays the total number of free blocks in
                         each pool area. The size of this number is a
                         measure of pool fragmentation.
      Blocks LEQU 32     Displays the number of free blocks that are
      Blocks LEQU 64     32 bytes or 64 bytes or shorter on Alpha.
      (Alpha)            This number is another measure of pool
                         fragmentation, because while allocation
                         of these small blocks is unlikely, they
                         contribute to the allocation time whenever
                         an allocation request is made.

       27-OCT-2004 23:40:20.04  User: RAMIREZ   Process ID: 19182004
                                Node: REDSOX    Process name: RAMIREZ
      Terminal:          RTA5:
      User identifier:   [VMS,RAMIREZ]
      Base  priority:    4
      Default file spec: WORK5:[RAMIREZ]
      Devices allocated: RTA5:

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example displays the basic
      subset of information for the process RAMIREZ on node REDSOX.


      15-JUNE-2001  10:07:25.11   User: LYONS       Process ID:  20206A50
                                  Node: BANANA      Process name: "LYONS"

      Auto-unshelve: on

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example shows that the LYONS
      process automatically unshelves files.


      31-DEC-2001 10:38:32.48   User: RALSTON       Process ID:   20C0011B
                                Node: AAAAAA        Process name: "_RTA1:"

      Image Dump: on

      The SHOW PROCESS command in this example shows that the image
      dump capability for the RALSTON process is enabled. This causes
      the contents of the address space to be written to the file
      named SYS$LOGIN:(image-name).DMP (where the image name is
      the same as the file name) when an image terminates due to
      an unhandled error.

      See the SET PROCESS/DUMP command for additional information.


      $17-SEP-2009 05:31:34.92   User: SYSTEM     Process ID:   20A0045C
                                Node: LENOX1     Process name: "SYSTEM"

      Symlink search mode: No wildcard

      This example shows that wildcard is not used for symlink


    Displays the current default process protection to be applied to
    all new files created during the terminal session or batch job.



25.1  –  Example


      The SHOW PROTECTION command in this example requests a display
      of the current protection defaults and the user identifiers;
      the SET PROTECTION/DEFAULT command changes the file access
      allowed to other users in the same group and to miscellaneous
      system users. The next SHOW PROTECTION command shows the
      modified protection defaults.

26  –  QUEUE

    Displays information about queues and the jobs that are currently
    in queues.

    Requires read (R) access to the job.

    o  Displays characteristic names and numbers that are available
       on queues (see /CHARACTERISTICS).

    o  Displays form names and numbers that are available on queues
       (see /FORM).

    o  Provides information about the queue manager(s) on the system
       or OpenVMS Cluster (see /MANAGERS).


      SHOW QUEUE  [queue-name]

26.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the queue for which you want information
    displayed. The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard
    characters are allowed. The default value for the queue-name
    parameter is the asterisk (*)  wildcard character. If no queue
    name is specified, information on all queues is displayed.

26.2  –  Qualifiers

26.2.1    /ALL_JOBS

    Displays all the jobs in the specified queues. You must have read
    (R) access to the job to show information about any jobs.

26.2.2    /BATCH

    Displays only batch queues and jobs in those queues.

26.2.3    /BRIEF

       /BRIEF (default)

    Displays a one-line description of each queue and jobs that are
    in it. This information includes the name, type, and status of
    each queue. It also includes the entry number, the job name,
    the user name, and the status for each job shown. The /FULL and
    /FILES qualifiers override the /BRIEF qualifier.

26.2.4    /BY_JOB_STATUS


    Displays queues that contain jobs that match the specified
    status. By default, jobs owned by the user are displayed. Specify
    the status with one or more of the following keywords:

    EXECUTING     Requests the display of jobs in any of the
                  following states:

                     ABORTING    STALLED
                     EXECUTING   STARTING
                     PRINTING    SUSPENDED

                  ABORTING means that the job is halting prior to
                  normal completion and will not continue processing.
                  A SUSPENDED state means that the job stopped during
                  processing, but should continue when the cause of
                  the SUSPENDED state is resolved. PROCESSING is the
                  executing state for server queues. PRINTING is the
                  executing state for printer and terminal queues.
                  STARTING means the job is beginning to be processed
                  or printed. A STALLED or SUSPENDED state means
                  that the job stopped during processing, but should
                  continue when the cause of the STALLED or SUSPENDED
                  state is resolved.

    HOLDING       Requests the display of jobs on hold. Holding
                  status indicates that the job is being held in
                  the queue indefinitely.

    PENDING       Requests the display of jobs with pending status.
                  Pending status indicates that the job is waiting
                  its turn to execute.

    RETAINED      Requests the display of jobs retained in the queue
                  after execution. Retained status indicates that the
                  job has completed, but it remains in the queue.

    TIMED_        Requests the display of jobs on hold until a
    RELEASE       specified time. Timed release status indicates that
                  the job is being held in the queue for execution at
                  a specified time.

    Note that if you specify the qualifier without a keyword, the
    system will only display queues that actually contain jobs.

26.2.5    /DEVICE


    Displays a particular type of queue and jobs in that queue.

    Specify the type of device queue with one or more of the
    following keywords:

    PRINTER       Requests the display of print queues.
    SERVER        Requests the display of server queues.
    TERMINAL      Requests the display of terminal queues.

    You can specify more than one keyword. If you do not specify a
    keyword with the /DEVICE qualifier, all printer, terminal, and
    server queues are displayed.

26.2.6    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

26.2.7    /FILES

    Adds to the display the list of files associated with each job.
    The /FILES qualifier overrides the /BRIEF qualifier.

26.2.8    /FULL

    Displays complete information about queues, jobs contained
    in queues, and the files associated with the jobs. The /FULL
    qualifier overrides the /BRIEF qualifier.

26.2.9    /GENERIC

    Displays only generic queues and jobs in those queues. A generic
    queue is not an execution queue. Its function is to hold jobs
    of a particular type (line printer jobs, for example) and direct
    them to execution queues for processing.

26.2.10    /HIGHLIGHT


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.

26.2.11    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. By default,
    the output of the SHOW QUEUE command is sent to the current
    SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output
    to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file

    The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter a partial
    file specification (for example, specifying only a directory),
    SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

26.2.12    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

26.2.13    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

26.2.14    /SUMMARY

    Displays the total number of executing jobs, pending jobs,
    holding jobs, retained jobs, and timed release jobs for each
    queue. For output queues, the total block count for pending jobs
    is also shown.

26.2.15    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.

26.3  –  Examples


      Printer queue KLEE$LCA0, stopped, mounted form DEFAULT

        Entry     Jobname         Username        Blocks  Status
        -----     -------         --------        ------  ------
         2045     APPLICA         MARTIN             102  Pending

      Batch queue SYS_TEX, available, on NODE22::

        Entry     Jobname         Username                Status
        -----     -------         --------                ------
         1388     CHAPTER1.JOB    MARTIN                  Pending

      Generic batch queue CLUSTER_BATCH

        Entry     Jobname         Username                Status
        -----     -------         --------                ------
          936     no privilege                            Pending

      The SHOW QUEUE command in this example displays only the
      queues in which jobs are currently pending. The /ALL qualifier
      requests the display of all pending jobs. Notice that you
      cannot see job information for entry 936. You must have GROUP
      privilege to show all jobs in your group or OPER privilege to
      show all jobs in all groups.


      Batch queue ARMADA_BATCH, idle, on ARMADA::

      Printer queue ARMADA$PRINT, stopped, on ARMADA::LPA0,
       mounted form DEFAULT

        Entry  Jobname         Username     Blocks  Status
        -----  -------         --------     ------  ------
          605  SET             DUDSON          140  Pending (queue stopped)
               Submitted 21-DEC-2001 16:14 /FORM=ELITE (stock=DEFAULT)
               File: _$5$DUA1:[DUDSON]SET.CLD;5

          606  CLOSE           DUDSON          140  Pending (queue stopped)
               Submitted 21-DEC-2001 16:16 /FORM=DEFAULT /PRIORITY=200
               File: _$5$DUA1:[DUDSON]CLOSE.TXT;2

      Printer queue ARMADA$PRINTER_1, idle, on ARMADA::TTA3,
       mounted form DEFAULT
        <Printer queue on node ARMADA for a LN03R printer>

      The SHOW QUEUE command in this example lists information on
      all of your current job entries. Complete information about
      the queues, the jobs contained in those queues, and the files
      associated with the jobs is displayed.


      Batch queue HMSCMS_BATCH, available, on HMSCMS::

          Job summary:  1 executing,  5 holding

      Server queue NM$QUE01, available, on NODE22::, mounted form DEFAULT

          Job summary:  2 executing

      Generic server queue NM$QUEUE

          Job summary:  1 timed release

      Batch queue PIZZA_BATCH, idle, on PIZZA::

          Job summary:  queue is empty

      Batch queue NODE22_BATCH, available, on NODE22::

          Job summary:  1 executing,  1 timed release

      Printer queue ARMADA$PRINT, stopped, on ARMADA::LPA0, mounted
        form DEFAULT

          Job summary:  8 pending (565 blocks)

      Terminal queue ALLBQ, stopped, on KATYA::TTA2, mounted form DEFAULT

          Job summary:  2 pending (445 blocks)

      The SHOW QUEUE command in this example lists all queues and
      displays the total number of jobs on the queues.


      Server queue DOC$LN03, stopped, on NEWTON::, mounted form DEFAULT

       Entry  Jobname   Username  Blocks  Status
       -----  -------   --------  ------  ------
         436  DOCPLAN   HERSHEY        8  Retained until 11-JAN-2001 16:56
            %JBC-F-JOBABORT, job aborted during execution
              Completed  11-JAN-2001 15:56 on queue DOC$LN03

      This SHOW QUEUE display includes the date and time at which a
      retained job completed and the queue on which it executed. You
      can specify the /RETAIN qualifier with the PRINT, SUBMIT, or
      SET ENTRY command to specify the circumstances under which you
      want your job to be retained in a queue. In this example, the
      user set job retention to be one hour after job completion.
      Depending on the queue's job retention policy, the job might be
      deleted from the queue at 16:56. (See the PRINT, SUBMIT, or SET
      ENTRY command descriptions for more information on the /RETAIN


    Displays information about queue characteristics defined for the
    system. A characteristic is a user-defined attribute of a batch
    or output queue, such as ink color.




26.4.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of a characteristic. The asterisk (*) and the
    percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed. The default
    value for the characteristic-name parameter is the asterisk
    wildcard (*).  Thus, information about all characteristics is
    displayed when you do not specify a characteristic name.

    You create a characteristic name with the DEFINE/CHARACTERISTIC
    command. You can then assign it to a queue by using the
    with the /CHARACTERISTICS qualifier. You can also specify
    characteristics for a job by using the /CHARACTERISTICS qualifier
    with the PRINT, the SUBMIT, or the SET ENTRY command.

26.4.2  –  Qualifier    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. By default the
    output of the SHOW QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS command is sent to the
    current SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the
    output to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file

    The file specification may not include any wildcard characters.
    If you enter a partial file specification (for example,
    specifying only a directory), SHOW is the default file name and
    .LIS is the default file type.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

26.4.3  –  Examples

      Characteristic name                  Number
      -------------------                  ------
      BLUEINK                                   6
      BROWNINK                                 25
      COLOR_CHART                               1
      REDINK                                    0
      TEXMAC_JOB                                2

      The SHOW QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS command in this example displays
      all the characteristics that have been defined for this system.

      Characteristic name                  Number
      -------------------                  ------
      BLUEINK                                   6
      BROWNINK                                 25
      REDINK                                    0

      The SHOW QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS command in this example displays
      the name and number of all characteristics that end with INK.

26.5    /FORM

    Displays information about forms defined for the system. Forms
    define the size and type paper and the layout of text that are
    used for print jobs.


      SHOW QUEUE/FORM  [form-name]

26.5.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the form. The asterisk (*)  and the percent
    sign (%)  wildcard characters are allowed. The default value for
    the form-name parameter is an asterisk (*),  which means that the
    names of all forms on the system are displayed.

26.5.2  –  Qualifiers    /BRIEF

       /BRIEF (default)

    Displays a brief description (form names, numbers, and
    descriptions) about the forms on the system.    /FULL

    Displays a full description (including paper size and margin
    settings) about the forms on the system.    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. By default
    the output of the SHOW QUEUE/FORM command is sent to the
    current SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the
    output to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file

    The file specification cannot include the asterisk (*)  and the
    percent sign (%)  wildcard characters. If you enter a partial
    file specification (for example, specifying only a directory),
    SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

26.5.3  –  Examples

      Form name                         Number   Description
      ---------                         ------   -----------
      DEFAULT                                0   System-defined default

      The SHOW QUEUE/FORM command in this example displays only the
      default form.

      Form name                            Number   Description
      ---------                            ------   -----------
      LN01_LANDSCAPE (stock=DEFAULT)          105   132 by 66 (landscape)
                                              107   132 by 65 (landscape)
      LN01_PORTRAIT (stock=DEFAULT)           106   80 by 60 (portrait)

      The SHOW QUEUE/FORM command in this example displays the names
      of all forms, including the stock, that begin with LN01. The
      display includes the names, stock for each form, numbers, and
      brief descriptions of those forms.

      Form name                       Number   Description
      ---------                       ------   -----------
      132_51_STD (stock=DEFAULT)         102   132 by 51 (standard short)
      40_66_STD (stock=DEFAULT)          103   40 by 66 (standard labels)
                                       22222 blue paper, XYZ order# 22222
          /TRUNCATE  /WIDTH=80
      DEFAULT                              0   System-defined default
      LN01_LANDSCAPE (stock=DEFAULT)     105   132 by 66 (landscape)
          /LENGTH=66 /STOCK=DEFAULT /WIDTH=132
                                         107   132 by 65 (landscape)
      LN01_PORTRAIT (stock=DEFAULT)      106   80 by 60 (portrait)

      MEMO (stock=DEFAULT)               110   LN03 indented memo format

      This SHOW QUEUE/FORM command also displays the names of all
      form types and stock for the system. By using the /FULL
      qualifier, you can see what image size has been set for each
      form type.

26.6    /MANAGERS

    Provides information about the queue manager(s) on the system or
    OpenVMS Cluster.


      SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS  [queue-manager-name]

26.6.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the queue manager for which you want
    information displayed. The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%)
    wildcard characters are allowed. The default value for the queue-
    manager-name parameter is the asterisk (*)  wildcard character.
    If no queue manager name is specified, information on all queue
    managers is displayed.

26.6.2  –  Qualifiers    /BRIEF

    Displays a one-line description of queue manager(s) on the system
    or cluster. The information displayed includes the name and
    status of the queue manager and the node on which its process
    is running. The /BRIEF qualifier is present by default.    /FULL

    Displays complete information about queue manager(s) on the
    system or cluster. The /FULL qualifier overrides the /BRIEF

26.6.3  –  Examples



      Queue manager BATCHQ_MANAGER, running, on BBBBBB::
        Database location:  DISK1:[QUEUES]

      Queue manager PRINTQ_MANAGER, starting, on AAAAAA::
        Database location:  DISK2:[QUEUES]

      Queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER, running, on FFFFFF::
        Database location:  DISK1:[QUEUES]

      Queue manager TRANSFER_MANAGER, stopped
        Database location:  DISK1:[TRANSFER]

      The SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS/FULL command displays complete
      information about a queue manager on a system or cluster.


      Queue manager BATCHQ_MANAGER, running, on BBBBBB::

      Queue manager PRINTQ_MANAGER, starting, on AAAAAA::

      Queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER, running, on FFFFFF::

      Queue manager TRANSFER_MANAGER, stopped

      The SHOW QUEUE/MANAGERS command in this example shows
      information about the queue manager in brief format. The /BRIEF
      qualifier is the default and does not need to be specified.



      Queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER, running, on FFFFFF::
        Database location:  DISK1:[QUEUES]

      this example shows a request for a specific queue manager by

27  –  QUOTA

    Displays the current disk quota that is authorized for a specific
    user on a specific disk. This display includes a calculation of
    the amount of space available and the amount of overdraft that is

    Requires read (R) access to the quota file in order to display
    the quotas of other users.



27.1  –  Qualifiers

27.1.1    /DISK


    Specifies the disk whose quotas are to be examined. By default,
    the current default disk (defined by the logical name SYS$DISK)
    is examined.

27.1.2    /USER

       /USER=uic or identifier

    Specifies which user's quotas are to be displayed. By default,
    the current user's quotas are displayed.

27.2  –  Examples

    1.$ SHOW QUOTA
      User [360,010] has 2780 blocks used, 7220 available,
      of 10000 authorized and permitted overdraft of 500 blocks on DISK$

      The SHOW QUOTA command in this example displays the amount of
      disk space authorized, used, and still available on the current
      default disk for the present user. The permitted overdraft in
      this example is 500 blocks.

    2.$ SHOW QUOTA /USER=[360,007]/DISK=XXX1:
      %SYSTEM-F-NODISKQUOTA, no disk quota entry for this UIC

      The SHOW QUOTA command in this example displays the fact that
      the user with user identification code (UIC) [360,007] has no
      disk quota allocation on device XXX1.

    3.$ SHOW QUOTA /USER=[360,111]
      User [360,111] has 27305 blocks used, 2305 OVERDRAWN,
      of 25000 authorized and permitted overdraft of 4000 blocks on DISK$

      The SHOW QUOTA command in this example illustrates a user with
      an overdrawn quota.


    Displays the current default values for the multiblock count, the
    multibuffer count, the network transfer size, the prolog level,
    the extend quantity, and the query lock option.



28.1  –  Qualifier

28.1.1    /OUTPUT


    Specifies the file to which the display is written (default is
    SYS$OUTPUT). The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard
    characters are not allowed in the file specification. If you
    enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file specification
    (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW is the default
    output file name and .LIS the default output file type.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

28.2  –  Example

          MULTI- |            MULTIBUFFER COUNTS            | NETWORK
          BLOCK  | Indexed Relative        Sequential       | BLOCK
          COUNT  |                 Disk Magtape Unit Record | COUNT
  Process   0    |    0        0     0     0        0       |   0
  System   32    |    0        0     0     0        0       |   8

           Prolog    Extend Quantity       QUERY_LOCK
  Process    0              0              System
  System     0              0              Enabled

  Process      System
  System       Never

      The SHOW RMS_DEFAULT command in this example shows a system
      multiblock count of 32 and a network block count of 8. These
      are typical values.

29  –  ROOT

    Displays the current value of the system root and, if defined,
    the process root.



29.1  –  Example



      The SHOW ROOT command in this example displays the current root
      path. The SET ROOT command changes these defaults, and the next
      SHOW ROOT command displays the new default root.


    Displays the name, class, and profile of a protected object.


      SHOW SECURITY  object-name

30.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of an object whose security profile is to
    be displayed. If the object class is SECURITY_CLASS, you can
    specify an asterisk (*) as object-name to see a display of
    all security class objects. An object name of the FILE class
    (explicitly or implicitly specified) can include the asterisk
    (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters; however,
    wildcard characters are not allowed in any class other than FILE

30.2  –  Qualifiers

30.2.1    /BACKUP

    Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
    qualifier. The /BACKUP qualifier selects files according to the
    dates of their most recent backups (rather than by the creation,
    expiration, or modification date). By default, SHOW SECURITY
    selects files according to their creation date.

30.2.2    /BEFORE


    Selects only those files dated prior to the specified time.
    You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of
    absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords:
    BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify
    the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate the time
    attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The /CREATED
    qualifier is the default.

    For complete information on specifying time values, see the
    OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.

30.2.3    /BY_OWNER


    Selects files whose owner's UIC matches the UIC specified with
    uic. The default UIC is that of the current process.

    Specify the UIC by using the standard format described in the VSI
    OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

30.2.4    /CLASS


    Specifies the class of the object whose profile is to be
    displayed. By default, the command assumes the object class is
    FILE. Object class keywords are as follows:

       CAPABILITY                      LOGICAL_NAME_TABLE
       DEVICE                          RESOURCE_DOMAIN
       FILE                            SECURITY_CLASS
       ICC_ASSOCIATION                 VOLUME

30.2.5    /CREATED

    Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
    qualifier. The /CREATED qualifier selects files according to the
    date they were created (rather than by the backup, expiration,
    or modification date). By default, SHOW SECURITY selects files
    according to their creation date.

30.2.6    /EXCLUDE


    Excludes the specified files from the SHOW SECURITY operation.
    You can include a directory, but not a device, in the file
    specification. You cannot use relative version numbers to exclude
    a specific version.

30.2.7    /EXPIRED

    Modifies the time specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
    qualifier. The /EXPIRED qualifier selects files according to
    their expiration dates rather than by the backup, creation,
    or modification date. (The expiration date is set with the SET
    FILE/EXPIRATION_DATE command.) By default, files are selected
    according to their creation date.

30.2.8    /MODIFIED

    Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
    qualifier. The /MODIFIED qualifier selects files according to
    the dates on which they were last modified, rather than by the
    backup, creation, or expiration date. By default, files are
    selected according to their creation date.

30.2.9    /SINCE


    Selects only those files dated on or after the specified time.
    You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of
    absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords:
    Specify the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate
    the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The
    /CREATED qualifier is the default.

    For complete information on specifying time values, see the
    OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.

30.2.10    /SYMLINK


    The valid keywords for this qualifier are [NO]WILDCARD,
    [NO]ELLIPSIS, and [NO]TARGET. Descriptions are as follows:

    Keyword     Explanation

    NOWILDCARD  Indicates that symlinks are disabled during directory
                wildcard searches.
    WILDCARD    Indicates that symlinks are enabled during wildcard
    NOELLIPSIS  Indicates that symlinks are matched for all wildcard
                fields except for ellipsis.
    ELLIPSIS    Equivalent to WILDCARD (included for command
    TARGET      Indicates that if the target file of the file
                specification is a symlink, then the target file
                is followed.
    NOTARGET    Indicates that the command operates on the target
                file even if it is a symlink.

    If the file named in the SHOW SECURITY command is a symlink, the
    command by default operates on the symlink itself.

30.3  –  Examples



           Owner: [SYSTEM]
           Protection: (System: RWC, Owner: RWC, Group: R, World: R)
           Access Control List:

      This example shows a typical request to display the security
      elements of an object. The logical name table LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE
      is displayed with the settings of the security elements owner,
      protection, and ACL.


      _$99$DUA22: object of class DEVICE
          Owner: [SALES,TSUTTER]
          Protection: (System: RWPL, Owner: RWPL, Group: R, World)
          Access Control List: <empty>

      RES17SEP object of class VOLUME
          Owner: [FEAST,FY93]
          Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: RWCD, Group: RWCD, World: RWCD)
          Access Control List: <empty>

      $ SHOW DEVICE $99$DUA22

      Device               Device      Error    Volume      Free  Trans Mnt
       Name                Status      Count     Label     Blocks Count Cnt
      $99$DUA22:  (KUDOS)  Mounted         0  RES17SEP     649904     1   2

      This example shows a request for the security profile of a disk
      device. The resulting display provides both the profiles of the
      disk $99$DUA22 and the volume RES17SEP that is mounted on it.
      The subsequent SHOW DEVICE command confirms that the volume is
      mounted on the device $99$DUA22.



           Owner: [SYSTEM]
           Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: RWCD, Group: R, World: R)
           Access Control List: <empty>

        Template: GROUP

           Owner: [SYSTEM]
           Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: R, Group: R, World: R)
           Access Control List: <empty>

        Template: JOB

           Owner: [SYSTEM]
           Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: RWCD, Group, World)
           Access Control List: <empty>

        Template: DEFAULT

           Owner: [SYSTEM]
           Protection: (System: RW, Owner: RW, Group: R, World: R)
           Access Control List: <empty>

      This example shows the output for the special case of a
      security class object. The security class object LOGICAL_NAME_
      TABLE is displayed with the security profile. In addition,
      three templates are displayed.


           Owner: [SYSTEM]
           Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: RWCD, Group: R, World: R)
           Access Control List:  <empty>

           Owner: [SYSTEM]
           Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: RWCD, Group: R, World: R)
           Access Control List:  <empty>


      This example shows the output for the special case of showing
      all the security classes currently registered. The asterisk
      (*) wildcard character is used; any other form of wildcard
      characters is not accepted. Security profiles are shown for
      each security class. Note that template information is not

31  –  SERVER

31.1  –  ACME_SERVER

    Valid for Alpha and Integrity server systems only.

    Displays information about the ACME server and ACME agent.

    Requires the SYSPRV privilege.



31.1.1  –  Qualifiers    /AGENT

       /AGENT[=(agent,...agent)] (default)

    Specifies whether to display ACME agent information.    /BRIEF

       /BRIEF (default)

    Displays summary information.    /CLUSTER

    Executes the command on all cluster members.    /FULL

    Displays complete information.    /NODE


    Specifies the cluster member or members for which information is
    to be displayed.    /OUTPUT


    Sends the output information to the specified file.    /PAGE

    Displays information one screen at a time.    /SERVER

       /SERVER (default)

    Specifies whether to display ACME server information.

31.1.2  –  Example


      This example shows the output for SHOW SERVER ACME/BRIEF on an
      Alpha system.

 ACME Information on node TSINOD  29-JUN-2004 10:08:12.32  Uptime 000:05:45

 ACME Server id: 5  State: Processing New Requests [1]
    Agents Loaded:        2   Active:      2 [2]
    Thread Maximum:       4   Count:       4
    Request Maximum:      8   Count:       0

 ACME Agent id: 1  State: Active [3]
    Name: "VMS" [4]
    Identification: "VMS ACME built  3-JUN-1999" [6]
    Information: "No requests completed since the last startup" [7]
    Domain of Interpretation: Yes [8]
    Execution Order:      1 [9]

 ACME Agent id: 2  State: Active
    Name: "MSV1_0"
    Identification: "MSV1_0 ACME X-22"
    Information: "MSV1_0 ready to process requests."
    Domain of Interpretation: Yes
    Execution Order:      2

      The following are the item descriptions keyed to the numbers in
      brackets in the example output:

         1 Server state
         2 Server agent/thread/request-slot statistics
         3 Agent state
         4 Agent name
         5 Agent file-specification
         6 Agent-defined identification string (static)
         7 Agent-defined information string (dynamic)
         8 Domain-of-interpretation (DOI) indicator
         9 Execution order (the order in which agents are called for
         each request)


      This example shows the output for SHOW SERVER ACME/FULL on an
      Alpha system.

 ACME Information on node AUTUMN 25-SEP-2009 04:15:37.34
 Uptime 0 22:19:26

 ACME Server id: 255  State: Processing New Requests
    Agents Loaded:        2   Active:      2
    Thread Maximum:       1   Count:       1
    Request Maximum:    700   Count:       0  [1]
    Requests awaiting service:             0  [2]
    Requests awaiting dialogue:            0  [3]
    Requests awaiting AST:                 0  [4]
    Requests awaiting resource:            0  [5]
    Logging status: Active
    Tracing status: Inactive

 ACME Agent id: 1  State: Active
    Name: "VMS"
    Identification: "VMS ACME built  20-SEP-2006"
    Information: "Unused max 1: 0u 0r 0a 1a 1w 0m 0o 0c 1h 1d" [6]
    Domain of Interpretation: Yes
    Execution Order:      1
    Credentials Type:     1   Name: "VMS"
    Resource wait count:                   0  [7]

 ACME Agent id: 2  State: Active
    Name: "LDAP-STD"
    Identification: "LDAP ACME Standard V1.5"
    Information: "ACME_LDAP_DOI Agent is initialized"
    Domain of Interpretation: Yes
    Execution Order:      2
    Credentials Type:     3   Name: "LDAP"
    Resource wait count:                   0 [8]

      The following are the item descriptions keyed to the numbers in
      brackets in the example output:

         1 Number of requests currently handled by the ACME agent.
         2 Number of requests waiting to get serviced.
         3 Number of requests waiting for user dialogue/inputs.
         4 Number of requests waiting for system services to send
         5 Total number of requests waiting for the availability of
         ACME agents such as the VMS ACME and LDAP ACME agents.
         6 Internal counter values of VMS ACME agent.
         7 Number of requests waiting for the availability of
         resources such as the SYSUAF file from the VMS ACME agent.
         8 Number of requests waiting for the availability of
         resources such as the SYSUAF file from the LDAP ACME agent.


    Valid for Alpha and Integrity server systems only.

    Displays information about the Registry server.

    Requires the SYSPRV privilege.



31.2.1  –  Qualifiers    /CLUSTER

    Displays information about each server in the cluster.

    Cannot be used with the /MASTER or /NODE qualifiers.    /MASTER

    Requires the SYSLCK privilege.

    Displays information about the Registry master server only.

    Cannot be used with the /CLUSTER or /NODE qualifiers.    /NODE


    Displays information about the Registry servers on the specified
    nodes in the order in which the nodes are listed. The specified
    nodes must be in the current cluster.

    Cannot be used with the /CLUSTER or /MASTER qualifiers.    /OUTPUT


    Sends the output information to the specified file.

31.2.2  –  Examples


      This command displays information about the node you are on.
      For example:

 Registry Information on node OPNEYE  29-JUN-2004 16:37:26.52  Uptime 20 04:10:55


      This command displays information about the Registry master
      server. For example:

        Registry Master Server is running on OPNEYE, Pid: 20A0021A

32  –  SHADOW

    Valid for Alpha and Integrity server systems only.

    Displays the status of a specified shadow set on the system.

    If no qualifiers are specified, displays a summary of the device.


      SHOW SHADOW  [DSAn[:]]

32.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the virtual unit name of the shadow set for which
    information is to be displayed.

    If no virtual unit is specified, information is displayed for all
    mounted shadow sets.

32.2  –  Qualifiers

32.2.1    /ACTIVE

    Displays one of three possible states:

    o  Merge or Copy is not required

    o  Copy is in progress on node node-name, n% completed

    o  Merge is in progress on node node-name, n% completed

32.2.2    /BY_PRIORITY


    Displays a list of shadow sets on the system, sorted in the order
    in which a recovery operation (copy, full merge, or minimerge)
    is scheduled to occur. If a copy or merge is active, the display
    shows on which system it is occurring. This list is specific to
    the system on which the command is executed, so the list might
    vary across systems in a cluster. Higher numbers indicate a
    higher priority.

    Tip: When the command specifies a virtual unit (DSAn:), the
    display shows the current priority and status of just this
    virtual unit. If any copy or merge operations are in progress,
    the system on which the operation is occurring is also displayed,
    along with the operation's progress.

32.2.3    /COPY

    Displays one of three possible states:

    o  Copy is not required

    o  Copy is pending

    o  Copy is in progress on node node-name, n% completed

32.2.4    /FULL

    Displays complete information about the specified devices (or all
    devices if no device is specified). The only other qualifier that
    can be specified with /FULL is /OUTPUT.

32.2.5    /MERGE

    Displays one of three possible states:

    o  Merge is not required

    o  Merge is pending

    o  Merge is in progress on node node-name, n% completed

32.2.6    /NAME


    Used with /POLICY=HBMM to display the characteristics of a
    specific, named host-based minimerge (HBMM) policy or, if no
    policy name is specified, all named HBMM policies on the cluster.

32.2.7    /OUTPUT


    Outputs any messages to the specified file.

32.2.8    /POLICY


    Displays the host-based minimerge (HBMM) policy associated with
    the specified devices.

    HBMM is the only value supported for /POLICY, and it must be

    If the command is issued with no device specification,
    information is output for all devices. There might be a
    noticeable delay between the output of device information or
    before returning to the DCL command prompt. This delay is normal.

32.2.9    /SITE


    Displays every shadow set member device (and the virtual device
    of which it is a member) that has the site value specified by n.

32.3  –  Examples

    1.$ SHOW SHADOW DSA112:
      _DSA112:  Volume Label: DSA112
        Virtual Unit State:   Steady State
        No Enhanced Shadowing Features in use

        VU Timeout Value      1200    VU Site Value          0
        Copy/Merge Priority   5000    Mini Merge      Disabled
        Served Path Delay     30

        Device $1$DGA112              Master Member
          Read Cost             2     Site 0
          Member Timeout        180

        Device $1$DGA113
          Read Cost             2     Site 0
          Member Timeout        180

      This display is for a shadow set that is in a steady state.
      That is, there are no active or pending merges or copy
      operations for this shadow set and HBMM has not been enabled.

    2.$ SHOW SHADOW DSA112:
      _DSA112:  Volume Label: DSA112
      Virtual Unit State: MiniMerge Active (5%),Copy Pending (32%) on NODE1
        Enhanced Shadowing Features in use:
            Host-Based Minimerge (HBMM)

        VU Timeout Value      1200    VU Site Value          0
        Copy/Merge Priority   5000    Mini Merge       Enabled
        Served Path Delay     30

        HBMM Policy
          HBMM Reset Threshold: 50000
          HBMM Master lists:
            Up to any 6 nodes in the cluster
          HBMM bitmaps are active on NODE1,NODE2
          Modified blocks since bitmap creation: 137033

        Device $1$DGA112              Master Member, Merging (5%)
          Read Cost             2     Site 0
          Member Timeout        180

        Device $1$DGA113              Copy Target (32%)
          Read Cost             2     Site 0
          Member Timeout        180

      This display is for a shadow set that is enabled for HBMM. A
      shadow set member copy and a shadow set merge are required for
      this shadow set. The shadow member copy was 32% complete when a
      merge became necessary. Because the merge was a minimerge, it
      preempted the copy and the status of the copy now displays as


      _DSA12:   Volume Label: DGA12
        Virtual Unit State: Merge Active (23%), Copy Pending (3%) on NODE1
        Enhanced Shadowing Features in use:
            Host-Based Minimerge (HBMM)

        VU Timeout Value      300     VU Site Value          5
        Copy/Merge Priority   5000    Mini Merge       Enabled
        Served Path Delay     0

        HBMM Policy
          HBMM Reset Threshold: 50000
          HBMM Master lists:
            Up to any 2 of the nodes: NODE1,NODE2
          HBMM bitmaps are active on the following nodes: NODE2,NODE1
        Modified blocks since bitmap creation: 254

        Device $1$DGA12               Master Member, Merging (23%)
          Read Cost             2     Site 5
          Member Timeout        180

        Device $1$DGA22               Copy Target (3%)
          Read Cost             2     Site 0
          Member Timeout        180

        Device $1$DGA32               Merging (23%)
          Read Cost             2     Site 0
          Member Timeout        180

      This example displays status information for shadow set DSA12.
      A minimerge operation takes precedence over a copy operation,
      so the copy has been stopped at 3 percent and the merge is now
      active and 23 percent completed.

      Note that the VU site value and the site value for device
      $1$DGA12 are both 5. Therefore, read I/O to DSA12 on this
      system is directed to $1$DGA12.

      Device    Mbr                                        Active
       Name     Cnt  Priority Virtual Unit State          on Node
      _DSA30:    2     5000   Steady State
      _DSA12:    3     4000   Steady State
      _DSA234:         3000   Not Mounted on this node
      Total of 2 Operational shadow sets; 0 in Mount Verification;
      1 not mounted

      The display resulting from this command shows that device DSA30
      (with a priority of 5) will start a copy or merge operation
      on this system before DSA12 (with a priority of 4). It also
      shows that DSA30 is a two-member shadow set and that DSA12: is
      a three-member shadow set.

      The last line of the display summarizes all the shadow sets and
      their states, including shadow sets that have exceeded their
      mount verification timeout limits. Operational shadow sets are
      shadow sets that are mounted with one or more members and that
      may or may not have copy or merge operations in progress. These
      shadow sets are available to applications for reads and writes.

      Device  Mbr                                               Active
       Name   Cnt Priority Virtual Unit State                  on Node
      _DSA30: 2+1   5000   Merge Pending (23%), Copy Active (5%) NODE1
      _DSA12:  2    4000   Steady State
      _DSA234:      3000   Not Mounted on this node
      Total of 2 Operational shadow sets; 0 in Mount Verification;
      1 not mounted

      This display shows that a copy is being performed on system
      NODE1 and is 5 percent done. The member count (Mbr Cnt) of 2+1
      indicates that there are two source members in the shadow set
      and another member is being added. The shadow set had completed
      23 percent of a merge when the third member was added. When
      the copy operation is complete, the merge will resume from that

      Device    Mbr                                           Active
       Name     Cnt  Priority  Virtual Unit State            on Node
      _DSA11:    3     5000    Merge Active (29%)              NODE3

      This command displays the status of only DSA11, which is 29
      percent through a merge operation on NODE3.


      Device    Volume Name Status

      _DSA1010: FOOBAR      Merge Pending (23%), Copy Active (77%) on NODE1

      This command requests the status of a merge operation. The
      display provides the status of the merge, but also reveals that
      a copy operation is currently active.


      Device     Volume Name   Status

      _DSA1010:  FOOBAR        Merge Active (25%) on NODE1

      The copy shown to be in progress in the previous example has
      completed; now the merge has resumed and is 25 percent done.
      NODE1 is doing the merge.

    9.$ SHOW SHADOW DSA1010

      _DSA1010: Volume Label: FOOBAR
        Virtual Unit State:   Merge Pending (0%)
        Enhanced Shadowing Features in use:
            Host-Based Minimerge (HBMM)

        VU Timeout Value      3600    VU Site Value          0
        Copy/Merge Priority   5000    Mini Merge      Disabled
        Served Path Delay     30

        Device $252$DUA610            Master Member Merging (0%)
          Read Cost             2     Site 0
          Member Timeout        10

        Device $252$DUA1010     Merging (0%)
          Read Cost             2     Site 0
          Member Timeout        10

        Device $252$DUA716      Merging (0%)
          Read Cost             2     Site 0
          Member Timeout        10

      In this example, another event has caused the set to go into a
      merge state. However, this set is not currently being acted on
      - perhaps because the system does not have any more SHADOW_MAX_
      COPY threads or because the relative priority of this shadow
      set is lower, causing other merges to be completed first. When
      a system is able to perform the merge, the word Active appears
      in the display and the Merging percent begins to increase.)


        HBMM Policy for device _DSA12:
          HBMM Reset Threshold: 50000
          HBMM Master lists:
            Up to any 2 of the nodes: NODE1,NODE2,NODE3
          HBMM bitmaps are active on the following nodes: NODE2,NODE1
        HBMM Reset Count      4      Last Reset  9-JAN-2004 13:40:11.45
        Modified blocks since last bitmap reset: 142367

      This command displays host-based minimerge (HBMM) information
      for device DSA12.

      In this example, an HBMM policy has been defined for DSA12. No
      more than two of the systems NODE1 and NODE2 can have master
      bitmaps for DSA12 at any time. The bitmap is reset when the
      bitmap has bits set to represent a total of 50000 blocks
      written to DSA12. When this command was entered, both NODE1
      and NODE2 had master bitmaps.

      Note that the "modified blocks" value exceeds that of the
      reset threshold. This can happen because the bitmap is not
      reset immediately upon crossing the reset threshold. The
      reset threshold is checked periodically, and the interval
      for checking the reset threshold is controlled by the system
      parameter SHADOW_HBMM_RTC; the default is 150 seconds.


         HBMM Policy PEAKS_ISLAND
           HBMM Reset Threshold: 50000
           HBMM Master lists:
             Up to any 2 of the nodes: NODE1,NODE2,NODE3
             Any 1 of the nodes: NODE4,NODE5
             Up to any 2 of the nodes: NODE6,NODE7,NODE8

      This command displays the HBMM named policy PEAKS_ISLAND.


         HBMM Policy for device _DSA12:
           HBMM Reset Threshold: 50000
           HBMM Master lists:
             Up to any 2 of the nodes: NODE1,NODE2
           HBMM bitmaps are active on NODE1,NODE2
         Modified blocks since bitmap creation: 254

         HBMM Policy for device _DSA30:
           HBMM Reset Threshold: 50000
           HBMM Master lists:
             Up to any 2 of the nodes: FLURRY,FREEZE,HOTTUB

         HBMM Policy for device _DSA99:
           HBMM Reset Threshold: 50000
           HBMM Master lists:
             Up to any 2 of the nodes: NODE1,NODE2,NODE3
             Any 1 of the nodes: NODE4,NODE5
             Up to any 2 of the nodes: ICEBAR,SWEDEN,MILANO

         HBMM Policy for device _DSA999:
           HBMM Reset Threshold: 50000
           HBMM Master lists:
             Up to any 2 of the nodes: NODE1,NODE2,NODE3
             Any 1 of the nodes: NODE4,NODE5
             Up to any 2 of the nodes: ICEBAR,SWEDEN,MILANO

      The command in this example displays a list of all shadow sets
      that have HBMM policies.


        HBMM Policy PEAKS_ISLAND
          HBMM Reset Threshold: 50000
          HBMM Master lists:
            Up to any 2 of the nodes: NODE1,NODE2,NODE3
            Any 1 of the nodes: NODE4,NODE5
            Up to any 2 of the nodes: NODE6,NODE7,NODE8

        HBMM Policy POLICY_1
          HBMM Reset Threshold: 50000
          HBMM Master lists:
            Up to any 2 of the nodes: NODE1,NODE2,NODE3
            Any 1 of the nodes: NODE4,NODE5

        HBMM Policy ICE_HOTELS
          HBMM Reset Threshold: 50000
            Up to any 2 of the nodes: QUEBEC,SWEDEN,FINLND
            Any 1 of the nodes: ALASKA,GRNLND

      The command in this example displays a list of all named HBMM
      policies on the cluster.


      The output of this SHOW SHADOW command is directed to the file
      named DSA12_OUTPUT.LIS.


      _DSA12:   VolumeLabel: DGA12
        Virtual Unit State:  Steady State
        Enhanced Shadowing Features in use:
            Host-Based Minimerge (HBMM)

        Cluster Virtual Unit Status: 0001 - normal
        Local Virtual Unit Status: 00000110 - Local Read,Policy Active

        Total Devices         2       VU_UCB          81435180
        Source Members        2       SCB LBN         003FEB5F
        Act Copy Target       0       Generation      00A2BA31
        Act Merge Target      0        Number         441DA800
        Last Read Index       0       Master Mbr Index       0
        Copy Hotblocks        0       Copy Collisions        0
        SCP Merge Repair Cnt  0       APP Merge Repair Cnt   0
        VU Timeout Value      300     VU Site Value          0
        Copy/Merge Priority   5000    Mini Merge       Enabled
        Served Path Delay     0

        HBMM Policy
          HBMM Reset Threshold: 50000
          HBMM Master lists:
            Up to any 2 of the nodes: XYZ100,XYZ200
          HBMM bitmaps are active on the following nodes: XYZ200,XYZ100
        Modified blocks since bitmap creation: 254

        Device $1$DGA12               Master Member
          Index 0 Status  000000A0    src,valid
          Ext. Member Status    00
          Read Cost             2     Site 0
          Member Timeout        180   UCB  81643840

        Device $1$DGA22
          Index 1 Status  000000A0    src,valid
          Ext. Member Status    00
          Read Cost             2     Site 0
          Member Timeout        180   UCB  81642840

        Device $1$DGA32
          Index 1 Status 000000A0     src,valid
          Ext. Member Status    00
          Read Cost             2     Site  0
          Member Timeout        180   UCB  81641840

      This example shows a full information display for device DSA12.


      _DSA0:    Volume Label: TOPAZ_XA7V
        Virtual Unit State:   Steady State
        Cluster Virtual Unit Status: 0001 - normal
        Local Virtual Unit Status: 00000110 - enforce_local_read,

        Enhanced Shadowing Features in use:
              Dissimilar Device Shadowing (DDS)
              Host-Based Minimerge (HBMM)

        Total Devices            2    VU_UCB          817AFD80
        Source Members           2    SCB LBN         001F5C50
        Act Copy Target          0    Generation      00A31141
        Act Merge Target         0     Number         C6925F29
        Last Read Index          0    Master Mbr Index       0
        Copy Hotblocks           0    Copy Collisions        0
        SCP Merge Repair Cnt     0    APP Merge Repair Cnt   0
        VU Timeout Value      3600    VU Site Value          0
        Copy/Merge Priority   5000    Mini Merge       Enabled
        Served Path Delay       30

        HBMM Policy
          HBMM Reset Threshold: 50000
          HBMM Master lists:
            Up to any 6 nodes in the cluster
          HBMM bitmaps are active on ABCD2,ABCD1
          Modified blocks since bitmap creation: 254

        Device $252$DKA0              Master Member
          Index 0 Status  000000A0    mbr_src,mbr_valid
          Ext. Member Status    00
          Read Cost              2    Site 0
          Member Timeout       120    UCB  8163D880

        Device $252$DKA100
          Index 1 Status  000000A0    mbr_src,mbr_valid
          Ext. Member Status    00
          Read Cost              2    Site 0
          Member Timeout       120    UCB  8163E880

      This example shows sample output when both HBMM and Dissimilar
      Device Shadowing are in use.

33  –  STATUS

    Displays the current status of your process.



33.1  –  Example

  Status on 14-DEC-2001 12:56:48.68    Elapsed CPU :   0 00:00:55.02
  Buff. I/O :    5117    Cur. ws. :    300        Open files :     1
  Dir. I/O :      458    Phys. Mem. :  162        Page Faults : 8323

      The SHOW STATUS command in this example displays the current
      status of your process.

34  –  SYMBOL

    Displays the value of the specified symbol.


      SHOW SYMBOL  [symbol-name]

34.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the symbol whose value you want to display.
    You must specify a symbol name unless you use the /ALL qualifier.
    The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    are allowed in the symbol-name parameter.


       When you specify a wildcard character, the command searches
       only the local symbol table of the current command level
       and the global symbol table (as if you had specified
       /LOCAL/GLOBAL). You can search symbol tables of preceding
       command levels by symbol name, but not by wildcard.

34.2  –  Qualifiers

34.2.1    /ALL

    Displays the current values of all symbols in the specified
    symbol table (/LOCAL or /GLOBAL). If you specify the /ALL
    qualifier and do not specify either the /LOCAL or the /GLOBAL
    qualifier, the SHOW SYMBOL command displays the contents of the
    local symbol table for the current command level.

34.2.2    /GLOBAL

    Searches only the global symbol table for the specified symbol
    name. If you specify both the /ALL and /GLOBAL qualifiers, all
    names in the global symbol table are displayed.

34.2.3    /LOCAL

    Searches only the local symbol table for the current command
    level for the specified symbol name. If you specify both the /ALL
    and /LOCAL qualifiers, all names in the local symbol table for
    the current command level are displayed.

34.2.4    /LOG

       /LOG (default)

    Controls whether the system generates an informational message if
    the symbol value has been truncated. The value is truncated if it
    exceeds 255 characters.

34.3  –  Examples

        PURGE = "PURGE/KEEP=2"

      The SHOW SYMBOL command in this example displays the current
      value of the symbol name PURGE. The command interpreter first
      searches the local symbol table for the current command level,
      then local symbol tables for preceding command levels, and
      finally the global symbol table. The single equal sign (=)
      following PURGE means it is a local symbol.

          $FACILITY == "%X00000000"
          $IDENT == "%X00000000"
          $RESTART == "FALSE"
          $SEVERITY == "1"
          $STATUS == "%X10000001"
          LOG == "@LOG"
          TIME == "SHOW TIME"

      The SHOW SYMBOL command in this example displays all the
      symbols defined in the global symbol table. Note that the
      which are maintained by the system, are also displayed.

      %DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol

      The SHOW SYMBOL command in this example searches only the local
      symbol table for the symbol TIME. The response indicates that
      TIME currently has no value.

35  –  SYSTEM

    Displays status information about current processes.



35.1  –  Qualifiers

35.1.1    /BATCH

       /BATCH (default)

    Displays all batch jobs for the local system. When used with the
    /CLUSTER qualifier, the /BATCH qualifier displays all batch jobs
    in the OpenVMS Cluster environment. When you use the /NOBATCH
    qualifier, all batch jobs are excluded from the display.

35.1.2    /CLUSTER

    Displays the specified processes on all nodes in an OpenVMS

35.1.3    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

35.1.4    /FULL

    Displays the user identification code (UIC), the processor type,
    and the process size, in addition to the default information. The
    UIC is displayed below the process name.

35.1.5    /GRAND_TOTAL

       /NOGRAND_TOTAL (default)

    Displays a trailing line with the total of all processes matching
    the selection criteria and the total number of all processes on
    all systems displayed by the command. (See also /TOTAL.)

35.1.6    /HEADING


    Displays a heading line above the system output. When you use
    the /NOHEADING qualifier, the heading line is excluded from the

35.1.7    /IMAGE

    Lists all processes with their current image. (Requires WORLD

35.1.8    /HIGHLIGHT


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.

35.1.9    /IDENT


    Displays all processes on the system that have the specified
    process identification (PID) code number.

35.1.10    /INTERACTIVE


    Displays all interactive processes on the system. When you use
    the /NOINTERACTIVE qualifier, all interactive processes are
    excluded from the display.

35.1.11    /MULTITHREAD

    Displays all multithreaded processes for the local system.
    When used with the /FULL qualifier, the /MULTITHREAD qualifier
    displays information about each kernel thread in a multithreaded

    For more information on kernel threads, see the VSI OpenVMS
    Programming Concepts Manual.

35.1.12    /NETWORK


    Displays all network processes on the system. When you use the
    /NONETWORK qualifier, all network processes are excluded from the

35.1.13    /NODE


    Displays all the processes on the specified node or nodes. If
    you enter the /NODE qualifier without a value, the qualifier
    displays all the processes on the local node of an OpenVMS
    Cluster environment.

35.1.14    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. By default,
    the output of the SHOW SYSTEM command is sent to the current
    SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output
    to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file

    The file specification may not include the asterisk (*)  and the
    percent sign (%)  wildcard characters. If you enter a partial
    file specification (for example, specifying only a directory),
    SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

35.1.15    /OWNER_UIC


    Displays all processes on the system that have the specified user
    identification code (UIC) number.

35.1.16    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of system information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

35.1.17    /PROCESS

       /PROCESS[=name] (default)

    Displays all specified processes on the system. If you do not
    specify a process name with the /PROCESS qualifier, all processes
    are displayed.

    When you use the /NOPROCESS qualifier with the /CLUSTER
    qualifier, only the node or nodes available on the cluster are
    displayed with their respective uptimes and operating system

    You can include the asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%)
    wildcard characters in the process name.



    Displays processes that belong to a specific scheduling class
    (class_name). If the class name is not specified, all class
    scheduled processes are displayed along with the name of their
    scheduling class.

35.1.19    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

35.1.20    /STATE


    Displays all processes with the specified process state. You
    can include the asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard
    characters in the process-state name. The following process
    states are available:

    CEF        COLPG     COM        COMO
    CUR        FPG       HIB        HIBO
    LEF        LEFO      MUTEX      PFW
    PSXFR      RWAST     RWBRK      RWCAP
    RWCLU      RWCSV     RWIMG      RWLCK
    RWMBX      RWMPB     RWMPE      RWNPG
    RWPAG      RWPFF     RWQUO      RWSCS
    RWSWP      SUSP      SUSPO

35.1.21    /SUBPROCESS


    Displays all subprocesses on the system. When you use the
    /NOSUBPROCESS qualifier, all subprocesses are excluded from the

35.1.22    /TOTAL

       /NOTOTAL (default)

    Displays a trailer after the system process list containing the
    total number of processes matching the selection criteria and the
    total number of processes on a system.

35.1.23    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.

35.2  –  Examples

      OpenVMS 7.3 on node KRYPTN 14-DEC-2001 17:45:47:78 Uptime 2 21:53:59
         Pid    Process Name State  Pri    I/O       CPU   Page flts Pages
       27400201 SWAPPER        HIB   16      0  0 00:29:52.05      0    0
       27401E03 DOCBUILD       LEF    4  37530  0 00:05:47.62  96421  601
       27402604 BATCH_789      LEF    4   3106  0 00:00:48.67   4909 2636 B
       27401C05 BATCH_60       LEF    6    248  0 00:00:06.83   1439 1556 B
       27400207 ERRFMT         HIB    8   6332  0 00:00:41.83     89  229
       27400208 CACHE_SERVER   HIB   16   2235  0 00:00:05.85     67  202
       27400209 CLUSTER_SERVER HIB    8   4625  0 00:22:13.28    157  448
       2740020C JOB_CONTROL    HIB   10 270920  0 01:07:47.88   5163 1384
       2740020D CONFIGURE      HIB    9    125  0 00:00:00.53    104  264

       27400E8D Sir Lancelot   LEF    5    226  0 00:00:07.87   4560  697
       2740049A Guenevere      LEF    4    160  0 00:00:02.69    534  477
       27401EA0 BATCH_523      CUR 4  4  17470  0 03:25:49.67   8128 5616 B
       274026AF KING           CUR 6  4  14045  0 00:02:03.24  20032  397
       274016D5 DAVIS          LEF    6    427  0 00:00:09.28   5275 1384
       27401ED6 deGroot        HIB    5    935  0 00:00:10.17   3029 2204 S
       274012D7 BATCH_689      LEF    4  49216  0 00:14:18.36   7021 3470 B
       274032D9 DECW$MAIL      LEF    4   2626  0 00:00:51.19   4328 3087 B
       274018E3 SERVER_0021    LEF    6    519  0 00:00:07.07   1500  389 N
       274016E8 NMAIL_0008     HIB    4  10955  0 00:00:55.73   5652  151
       274034EA DOERING        LEF    4   2132  0 00:00:23.85   5318  452
       274022EB KERR           CUR 6  4    492  0 00:00:12.15   5181  459
       274018EF DUFRESNE       LEF    5 121386  0 00:28:00.97   7233 4094
       27401AF0 EMACS$RTA43    LEF    4  14727  0 00:03:56.54   8411 4224 S
       27400CF4 EAGAN          HIB    5  25104  0 00:06:07.76  37407 1923
       274020F5 TAN            LEF    7  14726  0 00:02:10.74  34262 1669
       27400CF6 KELLEY         LEF    9  40637  0 00:05:15.63  18454  463
      The SHOW SYSTEM command in this example was issued from a VAX system
      and shows all processes on the node EON.

      The SHOW SYSTEM command in this example displays all processes
      on the system.

      The information in this example includes the following:

      o  Process identification (PID) code-A 32-bit binary value that
         uniquely identifies a process.

      o  Process name-A 1 to 15-character string used to identify a

      o  Process state-The activity level of the process, such as COM
         (computing), HIB (hibernation), LEF (local event flag) wait,
         or CUR (if the process is current). If a multiprocessing
         environment exists, the display shows the CPU ID of the
         processor on which any current process is executing.

         Note that the SHOW SYSTEM command examines the processes on
         the system without stopping activity on the system. In this
         example, process information changed during the time that
         the SHOW SYSTEM command collected the data to be displayed.
         As a result, this display includes two processes, named
         KING and KERR, with the state CUR on the same CPU,
         CPU ID 6 in the example.

      o  Current priority -The priority level assigned to the process
         (the higher the number, the higher the priority).

      o  Total process I/O count-The number of I/O operations the
         process has used thus far. This consists of both the direct
         I/O count and the buffered I/O count.

      o  Charged CPU time-The amount of CPU time that a process has
         used so far.

      o  Number of page faults-The number of exceptions generated by
         references to pages that are not in the process's working

      o  Pages-The number of CPU-specific pages in physical memory
         that the process is currently occupying.

      o  Process indicator-Letter B indicates a Batch Job; letter
         S indicates a Sub Process; letter N indicates a Network
         Process. If the letter M precedes B, S, or N, it indicates
         that it is a multithreaded process.

      o  User identification code (UIC)-An 8-digit octal number
         assigned to a process. This number is displayed only if
         the /FULL qualifier is specified.

      OpenVMS V7.3 on node ALPES 14-DEC-2001 09:09:58.61  Uptime 2 2:27:11
      Pid       Process Name   State  Pri I/O    CPU  Page    flts  Pages
      31E00041  SWAPPER        HIB    16    0  0 00:00:02.42       0     0
      31E00047  CACHE_SERVER   HIB    16   58  0 00:00:00.26      80    36
      31E00048  CLUSTER_SERVER CUR     9  156  0 00:00:58.15    1168    90
      31E00049  OPCOM          HIB     7 8007  0 00:00:33.46    5506   305
      31E0004A  AUDIT_SERVER   HIB     9  651  0 00:00:21.17    2267    22
      31E0004B  JOB_CONTROL    HIB    10 1030  0 00:00:11.02     795   202

      The SHOW SYSTEM command in this example is taken from an Alpha
      system and shows all processes on all nodes of the cluster.

    OpenVMS V7.3-2 on node ALTOS 15-SEP-2009 10:26:49.59 Uptime 73 13:53:35
    Pid    Process Name    State  Pri      I/O       CPU   Page flts  Pages
    24200201 SWAPPER         HIB     16        0   0 00:02:41.09   0   0
      24200207 CLUSTER_SERVER  CUR  7  13    19735   0 01:21:54.29 95  115
      24200208 SHADOW_SERVER   HIB      6  5445809   0 00:04:53.18 68  122
      24200209 CONFIGURE       HIB     10       23   0 00:04:20.35 42   30
      2420020A USB$UCM_SERVER  HIB      6      165   0 00:00:02.72 164  225
      2420020B LANACP          HIB     12       79   0 00:00:00.01 108  138
      2420020D FASTPATH_SERVER HIB     10        9   0 00:00:00.01 76    96
      2420020E IPCACP          HIB     10       11   0 00:00:06.88 35    51
      2420020F ERRFMT          HIB      7   210219   0 00:00:49.99 113   138
      24200210 CACHE_SERVER    HIB     16    18716   0 00:00:01.33  31    46

      The SHOW SYSTEM command in this example is taken from an Alpha
      system and shows all processes on the node ALTOS.

   OpenVMS V7.3-2 on node ALTOS 6-AUG-2009 14:31:26.31 Uptime 33 17:58:12
              hp AlphaServer GS1280 7/1150

   OpenVMS V7.3-2 on node ARUSHA 6-AUG-2009 14:31:26.32 Uptime 32 21:42:11
              hp AlphaServer GS1280 7/1150

   OpenVMS V8.3-1H1 on node BANFF 6-AUG-2009 14:31:26.33 Uptime 33 17:44:02
              HP rx2600  (1.30GHz/3.0MB)

   OpenVMS V7.3-2 on node CHOBE 6-AUG-2009 14:31:26.33 Uptime 32 21:14:00
              hp AlphaServer GS1280 7/1150

      This example displays only the nodes available on the cluster
      with their respective uptimes and operating system versions
      because the /NOPROCESS qualifier suppresses the display of
      processes. The /FULL qualifier also displays the type of
      hardware on which the system is running.

      OpenVMS V7.3 on node AAAAAA 12-MAY-2001 10:30 AM  Uptime 3 12:43:55
        Pid    Process Name  State   Pri  I/O      CPU      Page flts Pages
      20C00101 SWAPPER         HIB    16    0  0 00:00:00.05        0     0
      20C0010E SHADOW_SERVER   HIB     6    7  0 00:00:00.03       32     4
      20C0010F SECURITY_SERVER HIB    10   35  0 00:00:02.16      292   323
      20C00110 SMISERVER       HIB     9   67  0 00:00:00.20      152   131
      20C0011A STEFANELLI      CUR 0   4   63  0 00:00:00.29      538    55

      This example displays only the processes on the system that
      begin with the letter S.

      20C00101 SWAPPER         HIB    16    0  0 00:00:00.05        0     0
      20C00105 CONFIGURE       HIB    10   24  0 00:02:00.86       41    21
      20C00107 IPCACP          HIB    10    9  0 00:00:00.04       33    43
      20C00108 ERRFMT          HIB     7 3583  0 00:00:04.31       50    61
      20C00109 CACHE_SERVER    HIB    16    3  0 00:00:00.02       27    35
      20C0010A CLUSTER_SERVER  HIB    10   11  0 00:00:00.10       59    75

      This example places the display of system processes into the
      SYSPROC.DAT file without the heading information using the
      /OUTPUT qualifier. In this way, you can create a data file
      for processing because the heading is suppressed using the
      /NOHEADING qualifier.

      OpenVMS V7.3 on node AAAAAA 12-MAY-2001 10:35 AM  Uptime 3 12:48:19
              DEC 4000 Model 610
        Pid    Process Name State  Pri   I/O      CPU      Page flts  Pages
      20C0010D JOB_CONTROL   HIB    10    41  0 00:00:00.25       51     66
               [SYSTEM]                                               528Kb

      This example displays a system process by PID number.

      OpenVMS V7.3 on node AAAAAA 12-MAY-2001 10:34 AM  Uptime 3 12:47:37
        Pid    Process Name State  Pri   I/O      CPU      Page flts  Pages
      20C00119 DECW$TE_0119  LEF     6   334  0 00:00:01.00      975    657
      20C0011A TIMMER        LEF     8    63  0 00:00:00.29      538     55
      20C0011B _RTA1:        CUR 0   4   554  0 00:00:01.72     1771     70

      This example displays the system processes belonging to user

      OpenVMS V7.3 on node AAAAAA 12-MAY-2001 10:36 AM  Uptime 3 12:49:46
        Pid    Process Name State  Pri   I/O      CPU      Page flts  Pages
      20C00119 DECW$TE_0119  LEF     6   334  0 00:00:01.00      975    657
      20C0011A STADLER       LEF     8    63  0 00:00:00.29      538     55

      This example displays the system processes with process states
      that begin with the letter L.

      OpenVMS V7.3 on node ZIMBER 30-OCT-2001 11:34:11.51 Uptim  8 20:21:31
        Pid    Process Name    State Pri  I/O      CPU    Page flts  Pages
      0000008C SECURITY_SERVER HIB    11  131  0 00:55:25.25   4370   194 M

      OpenVMS V7.3 on node ZIMBER 30-OCT-2001 11:34:13.98 Uptime 8 20:21:34
              AlphaStation 400 4/233
        Pid    Process Name    State Pri  I/O      CPU    Page flts Pages
      0000008C SECURITY_SERVER HIB    11  131  0 00:55:25.26   4370   194 M
      0000010C                 HIB    11
               [SYSTEM]                                              1552Kb

      These examples show the results of the /MULTITHREAD qualifier
      and the combination results of the /MULTITHREAD and /FULL

    OpenVMS V7.2-2 on node CHEER 27-JAN-2003 16:09:26.94 Uptime 3 23:20:43
    Pid    Process Name State  Pri   I/O    CPU     Page flts  Pages
    262000AC DTGREET      LEF   4  757  0 00:00:06.76  476 493  S

      Total of 1/31 total processes.

    OpenVMS V7.3-2 on node GATOR 27-JAN-2003 16:09:26.95 Uptime1 14:41:58
    Pid    Process Name State  Pri     I/O      CPU       Page flts  Pages
    27000428 DTWM         LEF      4   26422  0 00:00:11.61 715  846  S
    270004B9 SYSTEM_141   HIB      1     155  0 00:00:00.12 351  393  S

      Total of 2/37 total processes.

    OpenVMS V7.3-1  on node FISHER 27-JAN-2003 16:09:26.97 Uptime 5 02:16:57
    Pid    Process Name State  Pri     I/O       CPU    Page flts  Pages
    25A00149 DTWM         LEF  4  395380  0 00:12:51.27  712    837  S
    25A010AE SYSTEM_76    HIB  1     209  0 00:00:00.66  339    381  S

      Total of 2/34 total processes.

  OpenVMS V7.1-2 on node MONKEY 27-JAN-2003 16:09:27.05 Uptime 1 14:56:02
    Pid    Process Name State  Pri     I/O      CPU       Page flts Pages
    26C00130 DTWM   LEF      6    5868  0 00:00:11.84       642    777  S

      Total of 1/31 total processes.

   OpenVMS V7.3-2 on node QUERY 27-JAN-2003 16:09:27.10 Uptime 3 22:16:23
   Pid    Process Name State  Pri     I/O      CPU       Page flts  Pages
   26601139 SYSTEM_203   HIB      2     157  0 00:00:00.68 346    387  S
   2660013A DTWM         LEF      4  275709  0 00:10:24.99 728    852  S

      Total of 2/37 total processes.

      Grand total of 8/183 processes on 6 nodes.

      The SHOW SYSTEM command in this example displays the total
      count of subprocesses and processes on each node of a cluster.
      The last line lists the grand total of all subprocesses in the
      cluster (8) followed by the grand total of all processes in the
      cluster (183).


    Displays the current characteristics of a specific terminal.
    Each characteristic corresponds to an option of the SET TERMINAL


      SHOW TERMINAL  [device-name[:]]

36.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the name of the terminal for which you want the
    characteristics displayed. The default is your terminal

36.2  –  Qualifiers

36.2.1    /BRIEF

    Displays a subset of more commonly used terminal characteristics.

36.2.2    /FULL

       /FULL (default)

    Displays all terminal characteristics.

36.2.3    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do
    not enter the qualifier, or if you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier
    without a file specification, the output is sent to the current
    process default output stream or device, identified by the
    logical name SYS$OUTPUT.

    If you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file
    specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW
    is the default file name and .LIS the default file type. If you
    enter a file specification, it cannot include the asterisk (*)
    and the percent sign (%)  wildcard characters.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

36.2.4    /PERMANENT

    Requires LOG_IO (logical I/O) or PHY_IO (physical I/O) privilege.

    Displays the permanent characteristics of the terminal.

36.3  –  Examples

      Terminal: _RTA1:      Device_Type: VT300_Series  Owner: _RTA1:
                                                    Username: REHOR

      Terminal Characteristics:
         Speed:   9600      Page:  62          Width: 80
         No Remote          Hostsync           TTsync
         No Modem           Broadcast          Wrap
         No Hangup          No Disconnect      Overstrike editing
         No Dialup          Application keypad Line Editing

      In this example, the SHOW TERMINAL command displays a subset of
      the more commonly used terminal characteristics.

      Terminal: _TTE4:       Device_Type: VT102         Owner: FRANKLIN
      Physical Terminal: _LTA49
         Input:   9600      LFfill:  0      Width:  80      Parity: None
         Output:  9600      CRfill:  0      Page:   24
      Terminal Characteristics:
       Interactive        Echo               Type_ahead    No Escape
       No Hostsync        TTsync             Lowercase     Tab
       Wrap               Scope              No Remote     Eightbit
       Broadcast          No Readsync        No Form       Fulldup
       No Modem           No Local_echo      No Autobaud   Hangup
       No Brdcstmbx       No DMA             No Altypeahd  Set_speed
       Line Editing       Overstrike editing No Fallback   No Dialup
       No Secure server   No Disconnect      No Pasthru    No Syspassword
       No SIXEL Graphics  Soft Characters    Printer port  Numeric Keypad
       ANSI_CRT           No Regis           No Block_mode Advanced_video
       Edit_mode          DEC_CRT            DEC_CRT2      No DEC_CRT3

      In this example, the SHOW TERMINAL command displays the
      characteristics of this specific terminal. If you are
      displaying statistics about a terminal allocated to another
      user, the input, output, LFfill, CRfill, width, page, and
      parity statistics are not shown (see the next example).

      Terminal: _RTA1:      Device_Type: VT300_Series  Owner: _RTA1:
                                                    Username: VILLA
      Remote Port Info: NODE12::VILLA

         Input:    9600     LFfill:  0      Width:  80      Parity: None
         Output:   9600     CRfill:  0      Page:   62

      Terminal Characteristics:
       Interactive        Echo             Type_ahead         No Escape
       Hostsync           TTsync           Lowercase          Tab
       Wrap               Scope            No Remote          Eightbit
       Broadcast          No Readsync      No Form            Fulldup
       No Modem           No Local_echo    No Autobaud        No Hangup
       No Brdcstmbx       No DMA           No Altypeahd       Set_speed
       No Commsync        Line Editing     Overstrike editing No Fallback
       No Dialup          No Secure server No Disconnect      No Pasthru
       No Syspassword     SIXEL Graphics   No Soft Characters Printer port
       Application keypad ANSI_CRT         Regis              No Block_mode
       Advanced_video     Edit_mode        DEC_CRT            DEC_CRT2
       DEC_CRT3           No DEC_CRT4      No DEC_CRT5        Ansi_Color
       VMS Style Input    <CTRL-H> Delete

      In this example, the SHOW TERMINAL command displays the full
      terminal characteristics.

37  –  TIME

    Displays the current date and time.



37.1  –  Example

     3-NOV-2001 00:02:00

      The SHOW TIME command in this example displays the current date
      and time.


    Displays the first translation found for the specified logical
    name. You can specify the tables that are searched.

    Requires read (R) access to a logical name table to display
    information about any logical name cataloged in that table.


      SHOW TRANSLATION  logical-name

38.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the logical name whose translation you want to display.

38.2  –  Qualifier

38.2.1    /TABLE


    Searches the specified table. The default value for the name
    parameter is LNM$DCL_LOGICAL.

    If you specify the table name by using a logical name that
    translates to more than one table, then each table is searched
    in the order specified until a match is found.

38.3  –  Examples


      The SHOW TRANSLATION command in this example displays the
      translation for the logical name PAYROLL and also displays
      the name of the table where the logical name was found. In this
      example, PAYROLL was found in LNM$PROCESS_TABLE, the process
      logical name table.

    2.$ DEFINE DISK  DKA1:

      The DEFINE commands in this example place entries for the
      logical name DISK in both the process and group logical
      name tables. Then, the SHOW TRANSLATION command shows the
      translation associated with the logical name DISK. By default,
      the process, job, group, and system tables are searched (in
      that order). The first match found is displayed. The logical
      name DISK from the process table (LNM$PROCESS_TABLE) is
      displayed because it is found before the name DISK in the group

    3.$ RUN ORION

      $ CONTINUE

      The RUN command in this example executes the image ORION.EXE.
      After the Ctrl/Y function interrupts the image, the SHOW
      TRANSLATION command displays a logical name assignment. The
      CONTINUE command resumes the execution of the image.

        USER = "DKA2:"  (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE)

      The SHOW TRANSLATION command in this example displays the
      translation for the logical name USER. Because a table name
      is specified, the SHOW TRANSLATION command does not use the
      default search order. Only the specified table, LNM$SYSTEM, is
      searched. LNM$SYSTEM is the system logical name table.


      In this example, MYPROC defines a list of logical name
      tables that you want searched. It asks the system to first
      search TEST_TABLE (a user-defined table) and then to search
      LNM$PROCESS (the process logical name table). MYPROC is stored
      in LNM$PROCESS_DIRECTORY, the process directory table. When you
      enter the SHOW TRANSLATION command to find FILER in the MYPROC
      table, the tables TEST_TABLE and LNM$PROCESS are searched, in
      that order. The first match found is displayed.

39  –  USERS

    Displays the user name and node name (in an OpenVMS Cluster
    environment) of interactive, subprocess, and batch users on the


      SHOW USERS  [username]

39.1  –  Parameter


    Specifies the user about whom you want information. The asterisk
    (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed.
    If you specify a string, all users whose user names begin with
    the string are displayed. For example, if you specify the string
    MAR, all user names that begin with MAR are displayed. If no user
    exists whose name matches the specified string, an informational
    message tells you that no processes were found.

    If you omit the username parameter, a list of all interactive,
    subprocess, and batch users is displayed.

39.2  –  Qualifiers

39.2.1    /BATCH


    Displays all batch users in the OpenVMS Cluster environment. To
    restrict the display to users on specific nodes, use the /BATCH
    qualifier with the /NODE qualifier. When you use the /NOBATCH
    qualifier, all batch users are excluded from the display.

39.2.2    /CLUSTER

    Displays the specified user names on all nodes in an OpenVMS
    Cluster environment.

39.2.3    /EXACT

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a
    search string that must match the search string exactly and must
    be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

    If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH
    qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search
    string with the Find (E1) key.

39.2.4    /FULL

    Displays the user name, the node name, the process name,
    the process identification (PID) code, terminal names (both
    virtual and physical), and port information of all interactive,
    subprocess, and batch users on the system.

39.2.5    /HEADING

       /HEADING (default)

    Displays a heading line above the system output. When you use
    the /NOHEADING qualifier, the heading line is excluded from the

39.2.6    /HIGHLIGHT


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the
    type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When
    a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use
    the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD
    is the default highlighting.

39.2.7    /INTERACTIVE


    Displays all interactive processes held by users in the OpenVMS
    Cluster environment. To restrict the display to users on specific
    nodes, use the /INTERACTIVE qualifier with the /NODE qualifier.
    When you use the /NOINTERACTIVE qualifier, all interactive
    processes held by users in the OpenVMS Cluster environment are
    excluded from the display.

39.2.8    /NETWORK


    Displays all network users in the OpenVMS Cluster environment. To
    restrict the display to users on specific nodes, use the /NETWORK
    qualifier with the /NODE qualifier. When you use the /NONETWORK
    qualifier, all network users in the OpenVMS Cluster environment
    are excluded from the display.

39.2.9    /NODE


    Displays all interactive, subprocess, and batch users on the
    specified node or nodes. If you enter the /NODE qualifier without
    a value, the qualifier displays all the interactive, subprocess,
    and batch users on the local node.

39.2.10    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. By default,
    the output of the SHOW USERS command is sent to the current
    SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output
    to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file

    The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
    are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter a partial
    file specification (for example, specifying only a directory),
    SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

39.2.11    /PAGE

       /NOPAGE (default)

    Controls the display of user information on the screen.

    You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

    CLEAR_SCREEN   Clears the screen before each page is displayed.

    SCROLL         Displays information one line at a time.

    SAVE[=n]       Enables screen navigation of information, where n
                   is the number of pages to store.

    The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens
    of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens
    of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE
    qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the

    Key Sequence              Description

    Up arrow key, Ctrl/B      Scroll up one line.
    Down arrow key            Scroll down one line.
    Left arrow key            Scroll left one column.
    Right arrow key           Scroll right one column.
    Find (E1)                 Specify a string to find when the
                              information is displayed.
    Insert Here (E2)          Scroll right one half screen.
    Remove (E3)               Scroll left one half screen.
    Select (E4)               Toggle 80/132 column mode.
    Prev Screen (E5)          Get the previous page of information.
    Next Screen (E6),         Get the next page of information.
    Return, Enter, Space
    F10, Ctrl/Z               Exit. (Some utilities define these
    Help (F15)                Display utility help text.
    Do (F16)                  Toggle the display to oldest/newest
    Ctrl/W                    Refresh the display.

    The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.

39.2.12    /SEARCH


    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you
    want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks
    are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in
    the text string.

    You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the
    Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation
    marks are not required for a dynamic search.

39.2.13    /SUBPROCESS


    Displays all subprocess users in the OpenVMS Cluster environment.
    To restrict the display to users on specific nodes, use the
    /SUBPROCESS qualifier with the /NODE qualifier. When you use
    the /NOSUBPROCESS qualifier, all subprocess users in the OpenVMS
    Cluster environment are excluded from the output.

39.2.14    /WRAP

       /NOWRAP (default)

    Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns
    to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond
    the width of the screen to the next line.

    The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the
    screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and
    right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.

39.3  –  Examples

    1.$ SHOW USERS
            OpenVMS User Processes at 12-MAY-2001 10:37 AM
          Total number of users = 4,  number of processes = 14

       Username     Node     Interactive  Subprocess   Batch
       S_SKONETSKI BBBBBB            1
       WISNIEWSKI  XXXXXX            4         2
       HIBBITS     AAAAAA            1         4
       VAXMAN      AAAAAA            2

      The SHOW USERS command in this example displays the user names
      and node names of all current interactive, subprocess, and
      batch users on the system.

       S_SKONETSKI BBBBBB            1
       WISNIEWSKI  XXXXXX            4         2
       HIBBITS     AAAAAA            1         4
       VAXMAN      AAAAAA            2

      The SHOW USERS command in this example displays the user names
      and node names of all current interactive, subprocess, and
      batch users on the system without the heading text using the
      /NOHEADING qualifier. Using the /OUTPUT qualifier, you can
      write the output to a file for processing or later review.

    3.$ SHOW USERS *LES*
            OpenVMS User Processes at 12-MAY-2001 10:41 AM
          Total number of users = 3,  number of processes = 10

       Username     Node     Interactive  Subprocess   Batch
       THALES      MILETS            -         -          1
       PRAXITELES  LESBOS            5         2
       PERICLES    ISLAND            1

      The SHOW USERS command in this example displays the user name
      and node names of all users whose user names contain the string

            OpenVMS User Processes at 9-JUN-2001 02:23 PM
          Total number of users = 3,  number of processes = 3

       Username    Node   Process Name    PID     Terminal
       DJONES     AAAAAA  Aaaaaa_fta2:  2180012D  FTA2:
       DYSLI      AAAAAA  DYSLI         2180011A  FTA1:
       SINDBY     AAAAAA  SINDBY        2180011E  RTA1:   (JJJJJ::SINDBY)
      <LOGIN> B4B4    _WSA1         3100009F

      The SHOW USERS command in this example displays the user name,
      the local node, the process name, the process identification
      (PID) number, the terminal names (both virtual and physical),
      and port information for all interactive, subprocess, and batch
      users on system AAAAAA. A user name of <LOGIN> indicates that
      someone is in the process of logging in.

            OpenVMS User Processes at 9-JUN-2001 02:23 PM
          Total number of users = 5,  number of processes = 7

       Username    Node   Process Name    PID     Terminal
       DCLDCT     MMMMMM  Mmmmmm_rta1:  2020015D  RTA1:  (MMMMMM::DJOHNSON)
       SMITH      AAAAAA  Aaaaaa_fta2:  2180012D  FTA2:
       PETERSON   MMMMMM  Mmmmmm_fta1:  2020013E  FTA1:
       PRESTON    MMMMMM  Mmmmmm_rta3:  20200184  RTA3:  (DDRSND::PRESTON)
       PRUSS      AAAAAA  PRUSS         2180011E  RTA1:  (IVOK::PRUSS)
       RABAHY     AAAAAA  RABAHY        2180011A  FTA1:

      The SHOW USERS command in this example displays the user name
      and node name for all interactive, batch, and subprocess users
      on the nodes AAAAAA, BBBBBB, and MMMMMM.


    Displays the working set limit, quota, and extent (in pagelets
    and CPU-specific pages) assigned to the current process.
    This information also can be output in bytes.



40.1  –  Qualifier

40.1.1    /OUTPUT


    Controls where the output of the command is sent. If you do
    not enter the qualifier, or if you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier
    without a file specification, the output is sent to the current
    process default output stream or device, identified by the
    logical name SYS$OUTPUT.

    If you enter the /OUTPUT qualifier with a partial file
    specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW
    is the default file name and .LIS the default file type. The
    asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are
    not allowed in the file specification.

    If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.

40.2  –  Examples

      Working Set (pagelets)  /Limit= 2000  /Quota= 4000 /Extent= 6000
      Adjustment enabled  Authorized Quota= 4000  Authorized Extent= 6000

      Working Set (8Kb pages) /Limit= 125   /Quota= 250  /Extent= 375
                          Authorized Quota= 250  Authorized Extent= 375

      This example shows the SHOW WORKING_SET command on Alpha. The
      process has a working set limit of 2000 pagelets (125 pages)
      and a quota of 4000 pagelets (250 pages), and the current quota
      is equal to the authorized limit (4000 pagelets; 250 pages). It
      also shows that the current process has a working set extent of
      6000 pagelets (375 pages) and that the current extent is equal
      to the authorized limit (6000 pagelets; 375 pages). A pagelet
      is 512 bytes.

        Working Set (pagelets)  /Limit=3632  /Quota=8192  /Extent=524288
        Adjustment enabled  Authorized Quota=8192 Authorized Extent=524288

        Working Set (8Kb pages) /Limit=227  /Quota=512  /Extent=32768
                              Authorized Quota=512 Authorized Extent=32768
        Working Set (bytes)     /Limit=1.77MB  /Quota=4MB  /Extent=256MB
        Adjustment enabled    Authorized Quota=4MB Authorized Extent=256MB

      This example shows the same display, first in bits and then in

      Working Set      /Limit= 180   /Quota= 350           /Extent=1200
      Adjustment enabled  Authorized Quota= 350  Authorized Extent=1200

      This example shows the SHOW WORKING_SET command . The process
      has a working set limit of 180 pages, a quota of 350 pages, and
      the quota is equal to the authorized limit (350 pages). It also
      shows that the current process has a working set extent of 1200
      and that the current extent is equal to the authorized limit

41  –  ZONE

    Displays the current state of a VAXft system. For more
    information on the SHOW ZONE command, see the VAXft systems

    Applies only to a VAXft system.


      SHOW ZONE  [zone-id]
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