Loads licenses, making them available for product authorization
    on the current node. The product licenses must be registered and
    current in the License Database. That is, they must not have been
    disabled or issued.

    If the license is already loaded, LMF returns an informational
    message, unloads the license, and then loads the license.

    To use this command, you need CMKRNL, SYSNAM, and SYSPRV


      LICENSE LOAD  [product-name][,...]

1  –  Parameter


    Name or names of products with a license to be loaded. You can
    load only licenses that are currently registered and enabled
    in the License Database. Enter the product name exactly as it
    appears on your Product Authorization Key (PAK). If you do not
    specify a product name, LICENSE LOAD loads all of the products
    that are registered and enabled.

    You cannot use wildcard characters for product-name.

2  –  Qualifiers



    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to
    register. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it
    appears on your PAK. This qualifier affects only the product name
    that immediately precedes it in the command string.

2.2    /DATABASE


    Location of the License Database. The default file specification
    is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which points to
    system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not use the
    default License Database name and location.

2.3    /ISSUER


    Positional qualifier.

    Name of the company (for example, DEC) that issued the PAK for
    the product. Use this optional qualifier only if you need it to
    identify the license.

    This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately
    precedes it in the command string.

2.4    /LOG

       /LOG (default)

    Controls whether or not LICENSE LOAD displays a message to
    acknowledge the loading of each license.

2.5    /OEDB

       /OEDB - Integrity servers only

    Using this qualifier refreshes the contents of the OE database.
    The contents of the OE database are described in a datafile
    (LMF$OE.DAT). If new variants of operating environments become
    available, VSI will provide a new datafile with information on the
    new or changed operating environments. Using LICENSE LOAD/OEDB
    updates your OE database without having to reboot the system.

2.6    /PRODUCER


    Positional qualifier.

    Name of the company that owns the product for which you have
    a license. Use this optional qualifier only if you need it to
    identify the license. This qualifier affects only the product
    name that immediately precedes it in the command string.

2.7    /UNLOAD

       /UNLOAD (default)

    When requested to load a license that is currently loaded, LMF
    first automatically unloads it and then loads the latest license.

    You can specify /NOUNLOAD to verify whether or not there is
    already a license loaded; LMF issues the warning LICENSE-W-
    ALREADYLOADED and does not load the license. To then load the
    license, follow these steps:

    1. Manually unload the current license with the LICENSE UNLOAD

    2. Reissue the LICENSE LOAD command.

3  –  Description

    The LICENSE LOAD command loads licenses registered in the License
    Database. To use a licensed product, ensure that the system
    loads the registered license. When you register a license with
    VMSLICENSE.COM, you can confirm an option to load the license,
    whereas if you register a license with LICENSE REGISTER, you must
    also load it with LICENSE LOAD.

    Use LICENSE LOAD only after you register a new license; LMF
    automatically loads all registered licenses at each subsequent
    system startup. You can enter LICENSE LOAD at other times to load
    modifications made with other LICENSE commands.

    You can enter one LICENSE LOAD command without product-name to
    load all the available registered licenses.


       Registered licenses are enabled for loading by default.
       You can, however, disable a registered license to prevent

    A LICENSE START command entered interactively or when the system
    reboots also loads all licenses that are registered and enabled.

    If you register multiple licenses for a single product, LICENSE
    LOAD loads all of the matching licenses. You do not typically
    load individual licenses, and you cannot unload individual
    licenses for a product. The Availability, Activity, Personal Use,
    and User license units of the multiple licenses work in concert
    to provide more product availability.

    In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, each system loads licenses
    when it reboots. If you need to load a license for all assigned
    nodes of a running cluster, you can do one of the following:

    o  Log in to each OpenVMS Cluster node, and enter LICENSE LOAD.

    o  Invoke the OpenVMS SYSMAN utility to execute the LICENSE
       LOAD command on the desired OpenVMS Cluster nodes. See the
       VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for details on defining
       your management environment and executing commands on a list
       of nodes.

    A LICENSE LOAD command can fail, sending a message to the
    operator communication manager (OPCOM) for any of the following

    o  Insufficient license units are registered for the current

    o  The current date is later than the license termination date.

    o  A license checksum does not match the rest of the license
       data. Check for data corruption in the License Database.

    If you attempt to load a disabled license or a license modified
    to exclude the current node in an OpenVMS Cluster environment,
    OPCOM does not display an error message.

    If licenses for more than one product are being loaded, LICENSE
    LOAD continues with the next license following a failure.

4  –  Examples


      The commands in this example illustrate a situation in which
      you enter a LICENSE LOAD command interactively. LICENSE LOAD
      loads the product Fortran on the node MUSIC. Data in the
      License Database determines whether the license is successfully
      loaded on the specified node.

      %LICENSE-W-NOLOAD, license was not loaded for BASIC
      -LICENSE-F-EXCEEDED, attempted usage exceeds active license limits

      This command attempts to load the product BASIC, but LICENSE
      LOAD fails because too few license units are registered to
      authorize use on the current processor.
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