VMS Help  —  DSR  DSR Commands, .STYLE HEADERS
    The .STYLE HEADERS command changes the format and placement of
    the text portion of section heads (that is, the .HEADER LEVEL n


      .STYLE HEADERS  [n1] [,n2]...[,n9]

    Abreviated format

      .STHL  [n1] [,n2]...[,n9]

1  –  Parameters

 n1 (The default is 3.)

    Specifies the lowest-numbered header level to have the section
    title run-in to the paragraph that it heads. The text immediately
    follows the header title on the same line instead of beginning
    a new paragraph. All higher-numbered levels also have run-in
    formats. If n1=4, then .HEADER LEVEL 4, 5, and 6 titles are
    run into the main text. All lower levels will have the title
    separated from the text by blank lines (see parameter n7 for
    number of blank lines).

 n2 (The default is 1.)

    Specifies the highest-numbered header level to have its title
    printed entirely in uppercase. All lower-numbered levels will
    also have titles entirely in uppercase. If n2=4, then .HEADER
    LEVEL 1, 2, 3, and 4 will have titles in uppercase.

 n3 (The default is 6.)

    Specifies the highest-numbered header level to have only the
    first letter of each word capitalized in the title. All lower-
    numbered levels will also have titles in mixed format. If n3=6,
    all levels will have this case format. All uppercase takes
    precedence over initial capital letters, if there is a conflict.

 n4 (The default is 7.)

    Specifies the lowest-numbered header level not to have a
    section number to the left of its title. All higher-numbered
    levels will also not have section numbers to the left of their
    titles. Because there are only 6 header levels, the default of 7
    indicates that all headers numbered.

 n5 (The default is 7.)

    Specifies the lowest numbered non-run-in header level to have
    its title centered. All higher-numbered non-run-in levels will
    also have their titles centered. Because there are only 6 header
    levels, the default value of 7 indicates that no header titles
    are centered.

 n6 (The default is 3.)

    Specifies the number of blank lines you want before section

 n7 (The default is 1.)

    Specifies the number of blank lines you want after non-run-in
    section heads before the text is printed.

 n8 (The default is 9.)

    Specifies the number of lines you want to have available on the
    current page for the test page issued by .HEADER LEVEL. Note that
    n8 takes into account any blank lines that .SPACING routinely
    inserts after each line of text (unlike .TEST PAGE). (See also

 n9 (The default is 2.)

    Specifies the number of spaces you want between the section
    number and the section title. The maximum value is 75.

2  –  Defaults

    If you do not specify a value for any given n, DSR supplies the
    following default values:

    n1=3  Run-in titles for header levels 3 to 6.
    n2=1  Titles in all uppercase for header level 1 only.
    n3=6  Titles with only the first letter of every word in
          uppercase for header level 2 to header level 6.
    n4=7  A sequence of numbers (or letters) preceding the section
          title. (See .DISPLAY LEVELS.)
    n5=7  Titles printed starting at the left margin (flush left),
          not centered.
    n6=3  Three blank lines before each header.
    n7=1  One blank line after each header.
    n8=9  Seven more than the test-page value of the most recent
          .PARAGRAPH or .SET PARAGRAPH command you have entered. If
          you have not specified such a value, you get 7 plus the
          .PARAGRAPH default of 2. (See the description of n8 for
          note on .SPACING adjustment.)
    n9=2  Two spaces between the section number of the header and the
          header itself (section title).
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