VMS Help  —  CREATE  /TERMINAL  Qualifiers


    Sets the APPLICATION_KEYPAD terminal characteristic in the
    created terminal window. If the /APPLICATION_KEYPAD or the
    /NUMERIC_KEYPAD qualifier is not specified, the default is to
    inherit the characteristic from the parent. (See also /NUMERIC_

2    /BIG_FONT

    Specifies that the big font (as specified in resource files) be
    selected when the created terminal window is initialized. It is
    an error to specify the /BIG_FONT qualifier in combination with
    the /LITTLE_FONT qualifier. If you do not specify either the
    /BIG_FONT or the /LITTLE_FONT qualifier, the initial font is the
    big font.



    Determines whether the terminal window is created with broadcast
    messages enabled. If neither qualifier is specified, the created
    terminal window inherits the broadcast characteristic of the



    Determines whether carriage-return and line-feed characters
    are prefixed to the subprocess's prompt string. By default, the
    CREATE/TERMINAL command copies the current setting of the parent
    process. The CARRIAGE_CONTROL qualifier is used only with the
    /NODETACH qualifier.

5    /CLI


    Specifies the name of a command language interpreter (CLI) to be
    used by the subprocess. The default CLI is the same as that of
    the parent process (defined in SYSUAF). If you specify the /CLI
    qualifier, the attributes of the parent process are copied to
    the subprocess. The CLI you specify must be located in SYS$SYSTEM
    and have the file type .EXE. This qualifier is used only with the
    /NODETACH qualifier.



    Specifies the name of the terminal window controller image.
    This name allows the CREATE/TERMINAL command to create a window
    on a variant controller, such as for a language not supported
    by the base product. For a DECterm window, the default is
    SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$TERMINAL.EXE. The device and directory default
    to SYS$SYSTEM and the file type defaults to .EXE.


       The "name" field of the file name as returned by $PARSE
       is used to form the mailbox logical name. For example,
       if the file "name" is DECW$TERMINAL, the mailbox logical
       name will be DECW$TERMINAL_MAILBOX_node::0.0. For backward
       compatibility, the controller also defines a logical name
       DECW$DECTERM_MAILBOX_host::0.0 to point to the same mailbox.


       /DEFINE_LOGICAL=({logname, TABLE=tablename} [,...])

    Specifies one or more logical names that are set to the name of
    the created pseudo terminal device. Each element in the list is
    either a logical name or TABLE= followed by the name of a logical
    name table in which all subsequent logical names will be entered.
    The default is the process logical name table.

8    /DETACH

       /NODETACH (default)

    Determines whether the created terminal process is detached or a
    subprocess of the current process. The /DETACH qualifier cannot
    be used with the command-string parameter.



    Specifies the name of the display on which to create the terminal
    window. If this parameter is omitted, the DECW$DISPLAY logical
    name is used.

10    /ESCAPE


    Sets or clears the ESCAPE characteristic of the created terminal
    window. The default is to inherit the characteristic of the



    Sets or clears the FALLBACK characteristic of the created
    terminal window. The default is to inherit the characteristic
    of the parent.


       /HOSTSYNC (default)

    Sets or clears the HOSTSYNC characteristic of the created
    terminal window. The default is to inherit the characteristic
    of the parent.

13    /INPUT


    Specifies an alternate input file or device to use as SYS$INPUT
    for the new process. The default is to use the created terminal
    window for input. This qualifier can be used with or without the
    /DETACH qualifier.

14    /INSERT

    Creates the terminal window with insert mode as the default for
    line editing. If the /INSERT or the /OVERSTRIKE qualifier is not
    specified, the default is to inherit the characteristic from the
    parent. (See also /OVERSTRIKE.)

15    /KEYPAD

       /KEYPAD (default)

    Determines whether keypad definitions and the current keypad
    state are copied from the parent process. This qualifier is used
    only with the /NODETACH qualifier.



    Determines whether the terminal window is created with line
    editing enabled. If neither qualifier is specified, the created
    terminal window inherits the line editing characteristic of the


    Specifies that the little font (as specified in resource files)
    be selected when the created terminal window is initialized. It
    is an error to specify the /LITTLE_FONT qualifier in combination
    with the /BIG_FONT qualifier. If you do not specify either the
    /BIG_FONT or the /LITTLE_FONT qualifier, the initial font is the
    big font.

18    /LOGGED_IN

       /LOGGED_IN (default)

    Determines whether a prompt for a user name and password are
    supplied (/NOLOGGED_IN) or the created terminal window is logged
    in automatically (/LOGGED_IN). This qualifier is used only with
    the /DETACH qualifier.


       /LOGICAL_NAMES (default)

    Determines whether the created terminal window inherits the
    parent's logical names. This qualifier is used only with the
    /NODETACH qualifier.

20    /NOTIFY

       /NONOTIFY (default)

    Determines whether a notification message is broadcast to the
    parent when the created terminal window exits. This qualifier is
    used only with the /NODETACH qualifier.


    Sets the NUMERIC_KEYPAD terminal characteristic in the created
    terminal window. If the /NUMERIC_KEYPAD or the /APPLICATION_
    KEYPAD qualifier is not specified, the default is to inherit the
    characteristic from the parent. (See also /APPLICATION_KEYPAD.)


    Creates the terminal window with overstrike mode as the default
    for line editing. If the /OVERSTRIKE or the /INSERT qualifier is
    not specified, the default is to inherit the characteristic from
    the parent. (See also /INSERT.)

23    /PASTHRU


    Sets or clears the PASTHRU characteristic in the created terminal
    window. The default is to inherit the characteristic of the

24    /PROCESS

       /PROCESS (default)

    Specifies the name of the process or subprocess to be created.
    The /NOPROCESS qualifier causes a window to be created without a
    process. You can log in from this window.

    If you specify the /PROCESS qualifier without a process name, a
    unique process name is assigned with the same base name as the
    parent process and a unique number. The default process name
    format is username_n. If you specify a process name that already
    exists, an error message is displayed. This qualifier is used
    with either the /DETACH or the /NODETACH qualifier.

25    /PROMPT


    Specifies the prompt string of the created terminal window. This
    qualifier is used only with the /NODETACH qualifier.



    Sets or clears the READSYNC terminal characteristic in the
    created terminal window. The default is to inherit the
    characteristic from the parent.



    Specifies that the created terminal window use the resource
    file "filespec" instead of the default resource file, DECW$USER_

28    /SYMBOLS

       /SYMBOLS (default)

    Determines whether the subprocess inherits the parent's DCL
    symbols. This qualifier is used only with the /NODETACH

29    /TABLE


    Specifies the name of an alternate command table to be used by
    the subprocess. This qualifier is used only with the /NODETACH

30    /TTSYNC


    Sets or clears the TTSYNC terminal characteristic in the created
    terminal window; the default is to inherit the characteristic of
    the parent.



    Sets or clears the TYPE_AHEAD terminal characteristic in
    the created terminal window. The default is to inherit the
    characteristic of the parent.

32    /WAIT

       /NOWAIT (default)

    Requires that you wait for the subprocess to terminate before
    you enter another DCL command. The /NOWAIT qualifier allows
    you to enter new commands while the subprocess is running. This
    qualifier is used only with the /NODETACH qualifier.


       /WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES=(parameter [,...])

    Specifies initial attributes for the created terminal window
    to override the defaults read from the resource file. These
    parameters include:

    Parameter        Description

    BACKGROUND       The background color.

    FOREGROUND       The foreground color.

    WIDTH            The width, in pixels.

    HEIGHT           The height, in pixels.

    X_POSITION       The x-position, in pixels.

    Y_POSITION       The y-position, in pixels.

    ROWS             The number of rows in the window, in character
                     cells. If the Auto Resize Window option is
                     enabled, the ROWS and COLUMNS parameters
                     override the size specified by the WIDTH and
                     HEIGHT parameters.

    COLUMNS          The number of columns in the window, in
                     character cells. If the Auto Resize Window
                     option is enabled, the ROWS and COLUMNS
                     parameters override the size specified by the
                     WIDTH and HEIGHT parameters.

    INITIAL_STATE    The initial state of the window, either ICON or

    TITLE            A character string specifying the window title.

    ICON_NAME        A character string specifying the window icon

    FONT             The name of the font to be used in the window.
                     If you specify the /LITTLE_FONT qualifier,
                     or omit both the /LITTLE_FONT and /BIG_FONT
                     qualifiers, this overrides the name of the
                     little font that is set in the resource files;
                     otherwise it overrides the name of the big font.
                     The font name can be a logical name, and it can
                     be (but does not have to be) the base font in a
                     complete font set.
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