VMS Help  —  CC  Language topics, Statements
  Statements are the executable instructions performed by the
  program.  Statements produce values and control program flow.  A
  group of statements enclosed in braces makes up a block.

  Any valid expression or declaration terminated by a semicolon is
  considered a statement.  The statements that control program flow
  are described in further HELP frames.


1  –  break

  The break statement terminates the immediately enclosing while, do,
  for, or switch statement.  Control passes to the statement
  following the terminated statement.

       break ;

2  –  continue

  The continue statement passes control to the test portion of the
  immediately enclosing while, do, or for statement.

       continue ;

  In each of the following statements, a continue statement is
  equivalent to "goto label;":

    while (expression) { statement ... label: ; }

    do { statement ... label: ; } while (expression);

    for (expression; expression; expression)
        { statement ... label: ; }

  The continue statement is not intended for switches.  A continue
  statement inside a switch statement inside a loop causes
  reiteration of the loop.

3  –  do

  The do statement executes a statement one or more times, as long as
  a stated condition expression is true.

       do statement while ( expression ) ;

  The do statement is executed at least once.  The expression is
  evaluated after each execution of the statement.  If the expression
  is not 0, the statement is executed again.  The statement following
  the do statement (the body of the do statement) is not optional;
  the null statement (a lone semicolon) is provided for specifying a
  do statement with an empty body.

4  –  for

  The for statement executes a statement zero or more times, with
  three specified control expressions.  Expression-1 is evaluated
  only once, before the first iteration; expression-2 is evaluated
  before every iteration; expression-3 is evaluated after every
  iteration.  The for loop terminates if, on evaluation, expression-2
  is 0.

       for ( [expression-1] ; [expression-2] ; [expression-3] )

  The for statement is equivalent to the following format:

       while ( expression-2 ) { statement expression-3; }

  You can omit any of the three expressions.  If expression-2 is
  omitted, the while condition is true.

5  –  goto

  The goto statement transfers control unconditionally to a labeled

       goto identifier ;

  The identifier must be a label located in the current function.
  You may use goto to branch into a block, but no initializations are
  performed on variables declared in the block.

6  –  if

  The if statement is a conditional statement.  It can be written
  with or without an else clause as follows:

       if ( expression ) statement
       if ( expression ) statement else statement

  In both cases, the expression is evaluated, and if it is not 0, the
  first statement is executed.  If the else clause is included and
  the expression is 0, the statement following else is executed
  instead.  In a series of if-else clauses, the else matches the most
  recent else-less if.

7  –  Labeled

  Any statement can be preceded by a label prefix of the following


  This declares the identifier as a label.  The scope of such a
  declaration is the current function.  Labels are used only as the
  targets of goto statements.

8  –  Null

  A null statement is a semicolon:


  The null statement provides a null action -- for example, the body
  of a for loop that takes no action:

       for(i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE && x[i] == 5; i++)

9  –  return

   The return statement causes a return from a function, with or
   without a  return value.

       return ;
       return expression ;

  The return value is undefined if not specified in a return
  statement.  If an expression is specified in the return statement,
  it is evaluated and the value is returned to the calling function;
  the value is converted, if necessary, to the type with which the
  called function was declared.  If a function does not have a return
  statement, the effect (on reaching the end of the function) is the
  same as with a return statement that does not specify an
  expression.  Functions declared as void may not contain return
  statements specifying an expression.

10  –  switch

  The switch statement executes one or more of a series of cases,
  based on the value of an integer expression.

       switch ( expression ) body

  The switch's body typically is a block, within which any statement
  can be prefixed with one or more case labels as follows:

       case constant-expression :

  At most one statement in the body may have the label as follows:

       default :

  The switch expression is evaluated and compared to the cases.  If
  there is a case matching the expression's value, it is executed; if
  not, the default case is executed.  The switch is normally
  terminated by a break, return, or goto statement in one of the
  cases.  If there is no matching case and no default, the body of
  the switch statement is skipped.

11  –  while

  The while statement executes a statement 0 or more times, as long
  as a stated condition is true.

       while ( expression ) statement

  The expression is evaluated before each execution, and the
  statement is executed if the expression is not 0.  The statement
  following the parentheses (the body of the while statement) is not
  optional; the null statement (a lone semicolon) is provided for
  specifying a while statement with an empty body.
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