HELPLIB.HLB  —  MACRO  MACRO Compiler Built-Ins
    On OpenVMS x86-64 systems, the compiler provides three sets of built-

    o  Alpha instruction built-ins that are used to generate x86-64
       instructions for the corresponding Alpha instruction.

    o  Itanium instruction built-ins that are used to generate x86-64
       instructions for the correspoinding Itanium instruction.

    o  x86-64 instruction built-ins that are used to generate the
       specified instruction.

    On OpenVMS x88-64  systems, all of the Alpha PALcode built-ins are
    emulated by means of macros provided by the system.

    The sets of built-ins are presented in tables. The second column
    of each table specifies the operands the built-in expects, where:

       WL = write longword
       ML = modify longword
       AL = address of longword
       WQ = write quadword
       RQ = read quadword
       MQ = modify quadword
       AQ = address of quadword
       AB = address of byte
       AW = address of word
       WB = write byte
       WW = write word


       Be careful when mixing built-ins with VAX MACRO instructions
       on the same registers. The code generated by the compiler
       expects registers to contain 32-bit sign-extended values,
       but it is possible to create 64-bit register values that are
       not in this format. Subsequent longword operations on these
       registers could produce incorrect results.

       Therefore, make sure to return registers to 32-bit sign-
       extended format before using them in VAX MACRO instructions
       as source operands. Note that loading the register with
       a new value using a VAX MACRO instruction (such as MOVL)
       returns it to this format.

1  –  Alpha Instruction Built-Ins

    Ported VAX MACRO code sometimes requires access to Alpha
    native instructions to deal directly with a 64-bit quantity
    or to include an Alpha instruction that has no VAX equivalent.
    The compiler provides built-ins to allow you access to these
    instructions. On OpenVMS I64 systems, the compiler generates
    equivalent Itanium instructions.  On OpenVMS x86-64 systems,
    the compiler generates equivalent x86-64 instructions.

    The following byte and word built-ins are included in the MACRO

    o  EVAX_LDBU

    o  EVAX_LDWU

    o  EVAX_STB

    o  EVAX_STW



    You use these built-ins in the same way that you use native VAX
    instructions, using any VAX operand mode. For example, EVAX_
    ADDQ 8(R0),(SP)+,R1 is legal. The only exception is that the
    first operand of any Alpha load/store built-in (EVAX_LD*, EVAX_
    ST*) must be a register.

    The following table summarizes the Alpha built-ins supported by
    the compiler. The built-ins that are Alpha-only (cannot be used
    to generate or access Itanium instructions) are noted in the

                                                  Functional on
    Built-in      Operands   Description      OpenVMS I64 or x86-64

    EVAX_SEXTB    <RQ,WB>    Sign-extend byte        Yes
    EVAX_SEXTW    <RQ,WW>    Sign-extend word        Yes
    EVAX_SEXTL    <RQ,WL>    Sign-extend longword    Yes

    EVAX_LDBU     <WQ,AB>    Load zero-extended      Yes
                             byte from memory
    EVAX_LDWU     <WQ,AQ>    Load zero-extended      Yes
                             word from memory
    EVAX_LDLL     <WL,AL>    Load longword locked    Yes
    EVAX_LDAQ     <WQ,AQ>    Load address of         Yes
    EVAX_LDQ      <WQ,AQ>    Load quadword           Yes
    EVAX_LDQL     <WQ,AQ>    Load quadword locked    Yes
    EVAX_LDQU     <WQ,AQ>    Load unaligned          Yes

    EVAX_STB      <RQ,AB>    Store byte from         Yes
                             register to memory
    EVAX_STW      <RQ,AW>    Store word from         Yes
                             register to memory
    EVAX_STLC     <ML,AL>    Store longword          Yes
    EVAX_STQ      <RQ,AQ>    Store quadword          Yes
    EVAX_STQC     <MQ,AQ>    Store quadword          Yes
    EVAX_STQU     <RQ,AQ>    Store unaligned         Yes

    EVAX_ADDQ     <RQ,RQ,WQ> Quadword add            Yes
    EVAX_SUBQ     <RQ,RQ,WQ> Quadword subtract       Yes
    EVAX_MULQ     <RQ,RQ,WQ> Quadword multiply       Yes
    EVAX_UMULH    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Unsigned quadword       Yes
                             multiply high

    EVAX_AND      <RQ,RQ,WQ> Logical product         Yes
    EVAX_OR       <RQ,RQ,WQ> Logical sum             Yes
    EVAX_XOR      <RQ,RQ,WQ> Logical difference      Yes
    EVAX_BIC      <RQ,RQ,WQ> Bit clear               Yes
    EVAX_ORNOT    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Logical sum with        Yes
    EVAX_EQV      <RQ,RQ,WQ> Logical equivalence     Yes
    EVAX_SLL      <RQ,RQ,WQ> Shift left logical      Yes
    EVAX_SRL      <RQ,RQ,WQ> Shift right logical     Yes
    EVAX_SRA      <RQ,RQ,WQ> Shift right             Yes

    EVAX_EXTBL    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Extract byte low        Yes
    EVAX_EXTWL    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Extract word low        Yes
    EVAX_EXTLL    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Extract longword low    Yes
    EVAX_EXTQL    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Extract quadword low    Yes
    EVAX_EXTBH    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Extract byte high       Yes
    EVAX_EXTWH    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Extract word high       Yes
    EVAX_EXTLH    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Extract longword high   Yes
    EVAX_EXTQH    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Extract quadword high   Yes

    EVAX_INSBL    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Insert byte low         Yes
    EVAX_INSWL    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Insert word low         Yes
    EVAX_INSLL    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Insert longword low     Yes
    EVAX_INSQL    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Insert quadword low     Yes
    EVAX_INSBH    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Insert byte high        Yes
    EVAX_INSWH    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Insert word high        Yes
    EVAX_INSLH    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Insert longword high    Yes
    EVAX_INSQH    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Insert quadword high    Yes

    EVAX_TRAPB    <>         Trap barrier            No
    EVAX_MB       <>         Memory barrier          Yes
    EVAX_RPCC     <WQ>       Read process cycle      No

    EVAX_CMPEQ    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Integer signed          Yes
                             compare, equal
    EVAX_CMPLT    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Integer signed          Yes
                             compare, less than
    EVAX_CMPLE    <RQ,RQ,WQ> Integer signed          Yes
                             compare, less equal
    EVAX_CMPULT   <RQ,RQ,WQ> Integer unsigned        Yes
                             compare, less than
    EVAX_CMPULE   <RQ,RQ,WQ> Integer unsigned        Yes
                             compare, less equal

    EVAX_BEQ      <RQ,AQ>    Branch equal            Yes
    EVAX_BLT      <RQ,AQ>    Branch less than        Yes
    EVAX_BNE      <RQ,AQ>    Branch not equal        Yes

    EVAX_CMOVEQ   <RQ,RQ,WQ> Conditional             Yes
    EVAX_CMOVNE   <RQ,RQ,WQ> Conditional move/not    Yes
    EVAX_CMOVLT   <RQ,RQ,WQ> Conditional move/less   Yes
    EVAX_CMOVLE   <RQ,RQ,WQ> Conditional move/less   Yes
                             or equal
    EVAX_CMOVGT   <RQ,RQ,WQ> Conditional             Yes
                             move/greater than
    EVAX_CMOVGE   <RQ,RQ,WQ> Conditional             Yes
                             move/greater or equal
    EVAX_CMOVLBC  <RQ,RQ,WQ> Conditional move/low    Yes
                             bit clear
    EVAX_CMOVLBS  <RQ,RQ,WQ> Conditional move/low    Yes
                             bit set

    EVAX_MF_FPCR  <WQ>       Move from floating-     No
                             point control
    EVAX_MT_FPCR  <WQ,RQ>    Move to floating-       No
                             point control
    EVAX_ZAP      <RQ,RQ,WQ> Zero bytes              Yes
    EVAX_ZAPNOT   <RQ,RQ,WQ> Zero bytes with NOT     Yes

2  –  Itanium[R] Instruction Built-Ins

    Built-in        Operands  Description

    IA64_BREAK      <RQ>      Generate a break instruction fault with
                              the immediate operand provided
    IA64_          <WQ,RQ,RQ> Generate a move-from-indirect-register
    GETINDREG                 instruction with the first operand as
                              the destination, the second operand
                              as a literal specifying which indirect
                              register file to access, and the third
                              operand as the index into the register
    IA64_GETREG     <WQ,RQ>   Generate a move-from-application-
                              register or move-from-control-register
                              instruction with the first operand
                              as the destination and the second
                              operand as a literal specifying which
                              application or control register to read

    IA64_LFETCH      <RQ,RQ>  Generate a line prefetch (LFETCH) or
    IA64_LFETCH_EXCL <RQ,RQ>  exclusive line prefetch (LFETCH.EXCL)
                              instruction using the first operand as
                              the address to prefetch and the second
                              operand for either the reg-base-update-
                              form or the imm-base-update-form. If
                              the operand is the literal zero, the
                              no-base-update-form will be used

    IA64_PROBER    <WQ,RQ,RQ> Generate a probe.r instruction with the
                              first argument as the destination, the
                              second argument as the virtual address
                              to probe, and the third operand as the
                              privilege level
    IA64_PROBEW    <WQ,RQ,RQ> Generate a probe.w instruction with the
                              first argument as the destination, the
                              second argument as the virtual address
                              to probe, and the third operand as the
                              privilege level
    IA64_RSM        <RQ>      Generate a reset system mask ('RSM')
                              instruction with the specified mask
    IA64_RUM        <RQ>      Generate a reset user mask ('RUM')
                              instruction with the specified mask
    IA64_SETREG     <RQ,RQ>   Generate a move-to-application-register
                              or move-to-control-register instruction
                              with the first operand as a literal
                              specifying which application or control
                              register to write and the second
                              operand as the value to write into
                              the register
    IA64_SRLZD      <>        Generate a serialize data ('SRLZD')
    IA64_SRLZI      <>        Generate a serialize instruction
                              ('SRLZI') instruction
    IA64_SSM        <RQ>      Generate a set system mask ('SSM')
                              instruction with the specified mask
    IA64_SUM        <RQ>      Generate a set user mask ('SUM')
                              instruction with the specified mask
    IA64_TAK        <WK,RQ>   Generate a read translation access key
                              ('TAK') instruction
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