DBG$HELP.HLB  —  DEBUG  TYPE  Parameters

    Specifies the module that contains the source lines to be
    displayed. If you specify a module name along with the line
    numbers, use standard pathname notation: insert a backslash (\)
    between the module name and the line numbers.

    If you do not specify a module name, the debugger uses the
    current scope (as established by a previous SET SCOPE command,
    or the PC scope if you did not enter a SET SCOPE command) to find
    source lines for display. If you specify a scope search list with
    the SET SCOPE command, the debugger searches for source lines
    only in the module associated with the first named scope.


    Specifies a compiler-generated line number (a number used to
    label a source language statement or statements).

    If you specify a single line number, the debugger displays the
    source code corresponding to that line number.

    If you specify a list of line numbers, separating each with a
    comma, the debugger displays the source code corresponding to
    each of the line numbers.

    If you specify a range of line numbers, separating the beginning
    and ending line numbers in the range with a colon (:),  the
    debugger displays the source code corresponding to that range
    of line numbers.

    You can display all the source lines of a module by specifying
    a range of line numbers starting from 1 and ending at a number
    equal to or greater than the largest line number in the module.

    After displaying a single line of source code, you can display
    the next line of that module by entering a TYPE command without
    a line number (that is, by entering TYPE and then pressing the
    Return key). You can then display the next line and successive
    lines by repeating this sequence, in effect, reading through your
    source program one line at a time.
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