VMS Help  —  System Services, $CRMPSC
    Allows a process to associate (map) a section of its address
    space with either a specified section of a file (a disk file
    section) or specified physical addresses represented by page
    frame numbers (a page frame section). This service also allows
    the process to create either type of section and to specify that
    the section be available only to the creating process (private
    section) or to all processes that map to it (global section).


      SYS$CRMPSC  [inadr] ,[retadr] ,[acmode] ,[flags] ,[gsdnam]

                  ,[ident] ,[relpag] ,[chan] ,[pagcnt] ,[vbn] ,[prot]


    C Prototype

      int sys$crmpsc  (struct _va_range *inadr, struct _va_range

                      *retadr, unsigned int acmode, unsigned int

                      flags, void *gsdnam, unsigned int relpag,

                      unsigned short int chan, unsigned int pagcnt,

                      unsigned int vbn, unsigned int prot,unsigned

                      int pfc);

1  –  Arguments


    OpenVMS usage:address_range
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference
    Starting and ending virtual addresses into which the section is
    to be mapped. The inadr argument is the address of a 2-longword
    array containing, in order, the starting and ending process
    virtual addresses. Only the virtual page number portion of each
    virtual address is used to specify which pages are to be mapped;
    the low-order byte-within-page bits are ignored for this purpose.

    The interpretation of the inadr argument depends on the setting
    of SEC$M_EXPREG in the flags argument and whether you are
    using an Alpha or an Integrity server system. For a complete
    description of these differences, see the VSI OpenVMS System
    Services Reference Manual.


    OpenVMS usage:address_range
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       write only
    mechanism:    by reference-array reference
    Starting and ending process virtual addresses into which the
    section was actually mapped by $CRMPSC. The retadr argument
    is the address of a 2-longword array containing, in order, the
    starting and ending process virtual addresses.

    On Alpha and Integrity server systems, the retadr argument
    returns starting and ending addresses of the usable range of
    addresses. This might differ from the total amount mapped.
    The retadr argument is required when the relpag argument is
    specified. If the section being mapped does not completely
    fill the last page used to map the section, the retadr argument
    indicates the highest address that actually maps the section.
    If the relpag argument is used to specify an offset into the
    section, the retadr argument reflects the offset.


    OpenVMS usage:access_mode
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Access mode that is to be the owner of the pages created during
    the mapping. The acmode argument is a longword containing the
    access mode.

    The $PSLDEF macro defines the following symbols for the four
    access modes:

    Symbol         Access Mode

    PSL$C_KERNEL   Kernel
    PSL$C_EXEC     Executive
    PSL$C_SUPER    Supervisor
    PSL$C_USER     User

    The most privileged access mode used is the access mode of the


    OpenVMS usage:mask_longword
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Flag mask specifying the type of section to be created or mapped
    to, as well as its characteristics. The flags argument is a
    longword bit vector wherein each bit corresponds to a flag.
    The $SECDEF macro defines a symbolic name for each flag. You
    construct the flags argument by performing a logical OR operation
    on the symbol names for all desired flags.

    The following table describes each flag and the default value
    that it supersedes:

    Flag             Description

    SEC$M_CRF        Pages are copy-on-reference. By default, pages
                     are shared.
    SEC$M_DZRO       Pages are demand-zero pages. By default, they
                     are not zeroed when copied.
    SEC$M_EXECUTE    Pages are mapped if the caller has execute
                     access. This flag takes effect only (1)  when
                     specified from executive or kernel mode, (2)
                     when the SEC$M_GBL flag is also specified, and
                     (3)  when SEC$M_WRT is not specified. By default
                     $CRMPSC performs a read access check against the
    SEC$M_EXPREG     Pages are mapped into the first available space.
                     By default, pages are mapped into the range
                     specified by the inadr argument.

                     See the inadr argument description for a
                     complete explanation of how to set the SEC$M_
                     EXPREG flag.
    SEC$M_GBL        Pages form a global section. The default is
                     private section.
    SEC$M_NO_        Pages cannot overmap existing address space.
    OVERMAP          Note that, by default, pages can overmap
                     existing address space.
    SEC$M_PAGFIL     Pages form a global page file section. By
                     default, pages form a disk file section. SEC$M_
                     PAGFIL also implies SEC$M_WRT and SEC$M_DZRO.
    SEC$M_PERM       Global section is permanent. By default, global
                     sections are temporary.
    SEC$M_PFNMAP     Pages form a page frame section. By default,
                     pages form a disk file section. Pages mapped
                     by SEC$M_PFNMAP are not included in or charged
                     against the process's working set; they are
                     always valid. Do not lock these pages in the
                     working set by using $LKWSET; this can result in
                     a machine check if they are in I/O space.

                     On Alpha and Integrity server systems, when the
                     SEC$M_PFNMAP flag is set, the pagcnt and relpag
                     arguments are interpreted in CPU-specific pages,
                     not as pagelets.
    SEC$M_SYSGBL     Pages form a system global section. By default,
                     pages form a group global section.
    SEC$M_UNCACHED   Flag that must be set when a PFN-mapped section
                     is created if this section is to be treated
                     as uncached memory. Flag is ignored on Alpha
                     systems; it applies only to Integrity server
    SEC$M_WRT        Pages form a read/write section. By default,
                     pages form a read-only section.


    OpenVMS usage:section_name
    type:         character-coded text string
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by descriptor-fixed-length string descriptor
    Name of the global section. The gsdnam argument is the address of
    a character string descriptor pointing to this name string.

    For group global sections, the operating system interprets the
    UIC group as part of the global section name; thus, the names of
    global sections are unique to UIC groups.

    You can specify any name from 1 to 43 characters. All processes
    mapping to the same global section must specify the same name.
    Note that the name is case sensitive.

    Use of characters valid in logical names is strongly encouraged.
    Valid values include alphanumeric characters, the dollar sign
    ($), and the underscore (_). If the name string begins with an
    underscore (_), the underscore is stripped and the resultant
    string is considered to be the actual name. Use of the colon (:)
    is not permitted.

    Names are first subject to a logical name translation, after
    the application of the prefix GBL$ to the name. If the result
    translates, it is used as the name of the section. If the
    resulting name does not translate, the name specified by the
    caller is used as the name of the section.

    Additional information on logical name translations and
    on section name processing is available in the VSI OpenVMS
    Programming Concepts Manual.


    OpenVMS usage:section_id
    type:         quadword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference
    Identification value specifying the version number of a global
    section and, for processes mapping to an existing global section,
    the criteria for matching the identification. The ident argument
    is the address of a quadword structure containing three fields.

    The version number is in the second longword. The version number
    contains two fields: a minor identification in the low-order 24
    bits and a major identification in the high-order 8 bits. You
    can assign values for these fields by installation convention to
    differentiate versions of global sections. If no version number
    is specified when a section is created, processes that specify a
    version number when mapping cannot access the global section.

    The first longword specifies, in its low-order two bits, the
    matching criteria. The valid values, symbolic names by which they
    can be specified, and their meanings are as follows:

    Value/Name       Match Criteria

    0 SEC$K_MATALL   Match all versions of the section.
    1 SEC$K_MATEQU   Match only if major and minor identifications
    2 SEC$K_MATLEQ   Match if the major identifications are equal and
                     the minor identification of the mapper is less
                     than or equal to the minor identification of the
                     global section.

    When a section is mapped at creation time, the match control
    field is ignored.

    If you do not specify the ident argument or specify it as 0 (the
    default), the version number and match control fields default to


    OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Relative page number within the global section of the first page
    in the section to be mapped. The relpag argument is a longword
    containing this page number.

    On Alpha and Integrity server systems, the relpag argument
    is interpreted as an index into the section file, measured in
    pagelets for a file-backed section or in CPU-specific pages for a
    PFN-mapped section.

    On Alpha or Integrity servers, you use this argument only for
    global sections. If you do not specify the relpag argument or
    specify it as 0 (the default), the global section is mapped
    beginning with the first virtual block in the file.


    OpenVMS usage:channel
    type:         word (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Number of the channel on which the file has been accessed. The
    chan argument is a word containing this number.

    The file must have been accessed with the OpenVMS RMS macro
    $OPEN; the file options parameter (FOP) in the FAB must indicate
    a user file open (UFO keyword). The access mode at which the
    channel was opened must be equal to or less privileged than the
    access mode of the caller.


    OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Number of pagelets in the section. The pagcnt argument is a
    longword containing this number.

    On Alpha and Integrity server systems, the smallest allocation
    is an Alpha or Integrity servers page, which is 8192 bytes. When
    requesting pagelets, the size requested is a multiple of 512
    bytes, but the actual allocation is rounded to 8192. For example,
    when requesting 17 pagelets, the allocation is for two Alpha or
    Integrity servers pages, 16384 bytes.

    On Alpha and Integrity server systems, if the SEC$M_PFNMAP flag
    bit is set, the pagcnt argument is interpreted as CPU-specific
    pages, not as pagelets.

    On Alpha or Integrity server systems , the specified page count
    is compared with the number of blocks in the section file;
    if they are different, the lower value is used. If you do not
    specify the page count or specify it as 0 (the default), the size
    of the section file is used. However, for physical page frame
    sections, this argument must not be 0.


    OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Virtual block number in the file that marks the beginning of the
    section. The vbn argument is a longword containing this number.
    If you do not specify the vbn argument or specify it as 0 (the
    default), the section is created beginning with the first virtual
    block in the file.

    If you specified page frame number mapping (by setting the SEC$M_
    PFNMAP flag), the vbn argument specifies the CPU-specific page
    frame number where the section begins in memory.

    To view which arguments are required and which are optional for
    three different uses of the $CRMPSC service, see the VSI OpenVMS
    System Services Reference Manual.


    OpenVMS usage:file_protection
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Protection to be applied to the global page file and PFN
    sections. For file-backed sections, the protection is taken from
    the backing file and the prot argument is ignored.

    The mask contains four 4-bit fields. Bits are read from right to
    left in each field.

    To view the diagram depicting the mask, see the VSI OpenVMS System
    Services Reference Manual.

    Cleared bits indicate that read, write, execute, and delete
    access, in that order, are granted to the particular category
    of user.

    Only read, write, and execute access are meaningful for section
    protection. Delete access bits are ignored. Read access also
    grants execute access for those situations where execute access

    Protection is taken from the system or group global section
    template for page file or PFN global sections if the prot
    argument is not specified.


    OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    Page fault cluster size indicating how many pagelets are to be
    brought into memory when a page fault occurs for a single page.

    On Alpha and Integrity server systems, this argument is not used
    for page file sections or physical page frame sections. The pfc
    argument is rounded up to CPU-specific pages. That is, at least
    16 pagelets (on an Alpha or Integrity servers system with an
    8KB page size) will be mapped for each physical page. The system
    cannot map less than one physical page.
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