The Create a Barrier routine creates and initializes a barrier,
    and returns the barrier identifier. You use the barrier
    identifier to perform all operations on that barrier.


      PPL$CREATE_BARRIER  barrier-id [,barrier-name] [,quorum]

1  –  Arguments


    OpenVMS usage identifier
    type          longword (unsigned)
    access        write only
    mechanism     by reference
    Identifier of the barrier. The barrier-id argument is the address
    of an unsigned longword containing the identifier. Barrier-id
    must be used in calls to the other barrier routines (listed in
    the Description section) to identify the barrier.


    OpenVMS usage char_string
    type          character string
    access        read only
    mechanism     by descriptor
    Name of the barrier. The optional barrier-name argument is the
    address of a descriptor pointing to a character string containing
    the barrier name. The name of the barrier is arbitrary. If you
    do not specify this argument, or if you specify 0, an unnamed
    barrier is created. An arbitrary number of unnamed barriers may
    be created by a given application.


    OpenVMS usage word_signed
    type          word (signed)
    access        read only
    mechanism     by reference
    Number of participants required to terminate an active wait for
    this barrier. The quorum argument is the address of a signed
    word containing the quorum number. For example, a quorum value
    of 3 indicates that the first two callers of PPL$WAIT_AT_BARRIER
    specifying this barrier-id are blocked until a third caller calls
    PPL$WAIT_AT_BARRIER. At that point, all three participants are
    released for further processing. If you do not specify a value
    for quorum, a default value of 1 is assigned.
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