VMS Help  —  ANALYZE  /OBJECT  Qualifiers


       /DISASSEMBLE (I64 only)

    Positional qualifier.

    Displays all sections of type SHT_PROGBITS where the executable
    flag is set (SHDR$M_SHF_EXECINSTR in the section header). The
    section data will be displayed as machine instructions with
    symbolization of labels, branch targets, and so on. All local and
    global symbols from the symbol table are used for symbolization.
    The output is similar to compiler generated machine code


       This qualifier is accepted only for objects. I64 images
       contain only global symbols, if any at all. In addition,
       output produced with this qualifier differs from output
       produced by ANALYZE/OBJECT/SECTIONS=CODE, which provides
       machine code output for the same sections, although without

2    /DBG

       /DBG (VAX and Alpha only)

    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies that the analysis should include all debugger
    information records. If you want the analysis to include debugger
    information for all files in the parameter list, insert the /DBG
    qualifier immediately following the /OBJECT qualifier. If you
    want the analysis to include debugger information selectively,
    insert the /DBG qualifier immediately following each of the
    selected file specifications.

3    /EOM

       /EOM (VAX and Alpha only)

    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies that the analysis should be limited to MHD records, EOM
    records, and records explicitly specified by the command. If you
    want this to apply to all files in the parameter list, insert the
    /EOM qualifier immediately following the /OBJECT qualifier.

    To make the /EOM qualifier applicable selectively, insert it
    immediately following each of the selected file specifications.


       End-of-module records can be EOM or EOMW records. Refer to
       the VSI OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual for more information.


       /FLAGVALUES (I64 only)

    Several fields in an ELF module represent bit flags. Where
    possible, these bit-flag values are examined and displayed
    individually. By default, only the flag values that are set to
    1 (ON) are displayed.

    The keywords are as follows:

    Keyword    Description

    ON         The keyword ON displays all flags whose value is 1.
    OFF        The keyword OFF displays all flags whose value is 0.
    ALL        The keyword ALL displays all flag values. The keywords
               ON and OFF, in contrast, indicate the value of each
               specific flag bit.

5    /GSD

       /GSD (VAX and Alpha only)

    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies that the analysis should include all global symbol
    directory (GSD) records.

    If you want the analysis to include GSD records for each file
    in the parameter list, specify the /GSD qualifier immediately
    following the /OBJECT qualifier.

    If you want the analysis to include GSD records selectively,
    insert the /GSD qualifier immediately following each of the
    selected file specifications.


       /INCLUDE [=(module[,...])]

    When the specified file is an object module library, use this
    qualifier to list selected object modules within the library for
    analysis. If you omit the list or specify an asterisk (*),  all
    modules are analyzed. If you specify only one module, you can
    omit the parentheses.


       /NOINTERACTIVE (default)

    Controls whether the analysis occurs interactively. In
    interactive mode, as each record is analyzed, the results are
    displayed on the screen, and you are asked whether you want to

8    /LNK

       /LNK (VAX and Alpha only)

    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies that the analysis should include all link option
    specification (LNK) records.

    If you want the analysis to include LNK records for each file
    in the parameter list, specify the /LNK qualifier immediately
    following the /OBJECT qualifier.

    If you want the analysis to include LNK records selectively,
    insert the /LNK qualifier immediately following each of the
    selected file specifications.

9    /MHD

       /MHD (VAX and Alpha only)

    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies that the analysis should be limited to MHD records,
    EOM records, and records explicitly specified by the command.
    If you want this analysis to apply to all files in the parameter
    list, insert the /MHD qualifier immediately following the /OBJECT

    To make the /MHD qualifier applicable selectively, insert
    immediately following each of the selected file specifications.


       /PAGE_BREAK=keyword (I64 only)

    Specifies if and where page breaks (form feeds) are inserted in
    the report file. This qualifier is only useful if /OUTPUT is used
    to write a report file. It is ignored if /INTERACTIVE is used to
    specify an interactive analysis.

    Keywords include NONE, which sets no page breaks; PRINTABLE_
    REPORT, which creates page breaks as in listing files, and
    SEPARATE_INFORMATION, which sets page breaks between section

11    /OUTPUT

       /OUTPUT [=filespec]

    Directs the output of the object analysis (the default is
    SYS$OUTPUT). If you specify a file type and omit the file name,
    the default file name ANALYZE is used. The default file type is

    The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are
    not allowed in the file specification.


       /SECTIONS [=(keyword[,...])] (I64 only)

    Selects individual program sections or section types to display.


       This qualifier and its keywords can only be used to form an
       inclusion list of sections to be displayed. This qualifier
       is not negatable and cannot be used to form an exclusion
       list. If no values are specified, the default keyword is

    The keywords are as follows:

    Keyword            Description

    ALL                Displays a detailed analysis of every section
                       in the module. Note that this keyword can
                       generate a large amount of output.
    CODE               Displays all sections of type SHT_PROGBITS
                       where the executable flag is set (SHDR$M_
                       SHF_EXECINSTR in the section header). The
                       section data will be displayed as machine
    DEBUG              Analyzes and displays sections consisting
    [=(suffix[,...])]  of debug formatted debug information. In
                       addition, you can use a list of debug section
                       name suffixes to selectively format DEBUG
                       information. The suffix can be specified as

                       o  ABBREV-Formats DEBUG abbreviations

                       o  ARANGES-Formats DEBUG address lookup tables

                       o  FRAME-Formats DEBUG frame descriptors for

                       o  INFO-Formats DEBUG symbols

                       o  LINE-Formats DEBUG source line info

                       o  PUBNAMES-Formats DEBUG name lookup tables

                       o  PUBTYPES-Formats DEBUG type lookup tables

    EXTENSIONS         Analyzes and displays sections of type SHT_
                       IA64_EXT. The data is displayed in hexadecimal
    GROUP              Analyzes and displays sections of type SHT_
                       GROUP. Sections of this type consist of a list
                       of the section numbers of sections belonging
                       to that group.
    HEADERS            The default keyword. Displays the ELF header
                       and the section header details.
    LINKAGES           Analyzes and displays sections of type SHT_
                       VMS_LINKAGES.The data is displayed as a list
                       of linkage descriptors.
    NOBITS             Analyzes and displays sections of type SHT_
                       NOBITS. There is no module data associated
                       with sections of this type.
    NOTE               Analyzes and displays sections of type SHT_
                       NOTE. The data for this section is displayed
                       as a list of formatted OpenVMS note entries.
    NULL               Displays all sections of type PT_NULL. No a
                       data will be displayed for segments of this
    NUMBERS= (number   Displays individual sections, as follows:
                       o  The selected sections will have a detailed
                          display of their header and their contents.
                          An informational message is displayed for
                          section numbers that do not exist in the

                       o  One or more numeric values may be

                       o  Section numbers may be specified in
                          decimal, octal (using the %O prefix), or
                          hexadecimal (using the %X prefix).

    PROGBITS           Displays all sections of type SHT_PROGBITS,
                       except unwind sections.

                       Formatting for the sections of type SHT_
                       PROGBITS depends on the EXECINSTR flag
                       (SHDR$M_SHF_EXECINSTR) in its section header.
                       If this bit set, the section data will be
                       displayed as machine instructions. Otherwise
                       it will be displayed as hexadecimal data.

                       Unwind sections will be displayed if
                       /SECTIONS=UNWIND is specified.
    RELOCATIONS        Analyzes and displays sections of type SHT_
                       RELA. The data for this section is displayed
                       as table of relocation entries.
    STRTAB             Analyzes and displays sections of type SHT_
                       STRTAB. The data for this section is displayed
                       as a string table.
    SYMTAB             Displays sections of type SHT_SYMTAB. The
                       data for this section is displayed as a symbol
    TRACE              Analyzes and displays sections consisting of
    [=(suffix[,...])]  traceback information.

                       In addition, you can use a list of trace
                       section name suffixes to selectively format
                       TRACE information. The trace section names,
                       which appear as ".trace_suffix", can be
                       viewed in the summary table. The suffix can be
                       specified as shown below. In addition, because
                       there is one common debug and traceback
                       section, ".debug_line", the suffix "line"
                       can be specified as shown below as well:

                       o  ABBREV-Formats TRACE abbreviations

                       o  ARANGES-Formats TRACE address lookup tables

                       o  INFO-Formats TRACE symbols

                       o  LINE-Formats TRACE source line info

    UNWIND             Analyzes and displays sections of type SHT_
                       IA64_UNWIND. Each section of this type has an
                       associated Unwind Information section of type
                       SHT_PROGBITS. This associated section is also

13    /SELECT


    Allows for the collection of specific object file information and
    displays the selected keyword items in the order specified.


       The /SELECT qualifier can be used on object and image
       files. The same keywords are valid selections. However,
       some information can not be in an object, such as the link
       date and time. Therfore, for some keywords the Analyze
       utility returns "Unknown.". In the following table, only
       the keywords (which are useful for object files) and their
       return values are listed.

    Analyze creates DCL symbols for all selectable information with
    the /SELECT qualifier. The symbol names consist of the prefix
    ANALYZE$ and a descriptive name of the information they hold.
    The symbol value is the selected information, usually printed
    to SYS$OUTPUT. Effectively, all of the printed information
    is duplicated in the symbols. For unselected information, the
    corresponding symbols will contain the null string.

    The keywords are as follows:

    Keyword         Description

    ARCHITECTURE    Writes the architecture information into the DCL
                    symbol ANALYZE$ARCHITECTURE. Returns "OpenVMS
                    IA64" if the file is an OpenVMS I64 object file.
                    Returns "OpenVMS Alpha" if the file an OpenVMS
                    Alpha object file. Returns "OpenVMS VAX" if the
                    file is an OpenVMS VAX object file.
    FILE_TYPE       Writes file type information into the DCL symbol
                    ANALYZE$FILE_TYPE. Returns "Object" if the file
                    is an OpenVMS I64, Alpha, or VAX object file.

14    /TBT

       /TBT (VAX and Alpha only)

    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies that the analysis should include all module traceback
    (TBT) records.

    If you want the analysis to include TBT records for each file
    in the parameter list, specify the /TBT qualifier immediately
    following the /OBJECT qualifier.

    If you want the analysis to include TBT records selectively,
    insert the /TBT qualifier immediately following each of the
    selected file specifications.

15    /TIR

       /TIR (VAX and Alpha only)

    Positional qualifier.

    Specifies that the analysis should include all text information
    and relocation (TIR) records.

    If you want the analysis to include TIR records for each file
    in the parameter list, specify the /TIR qualifier immediately
    following the /OBJECT qualifier.

    If you want the analysis to include TIR records selectively,
    insert the /TIR qualifier immediately following the selected file
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