! ! File name: TCPIP$SMTP.CONF ! Product: VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS ! Version: V6.0-24 ! ! Copyright 2015, 2024 VMS Software, Inc. and Hewlett Packard ! Enterprise Development L.P. ! ! SMTP server configuration file ! ! ! DESCRIPTION: ! ! This is a template for the TCPIP$SMTP.CONF file. The TCPIP$SMTP.CONF ! file holds SMTP configurable fields. The real TCPIP$SMTP.CONF file ! must reside in TCPIP$SMTP_COMMON directory (SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$SMTP] ! if you don't define the TCPIP$SMTP_COMMON logical name yourself). ! ! TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 5.7 onwards, all the SMTP ! configurable fields, except the SMTP tracing logical names, supported ! in TCPIP$SMTP.CONF file. The TCPIP$SMTP.CONF will support configurable ! fields for anti-SPAM features, all configuration information stored in ! TCPIP$CONFIGURATION data file (i.e pre V5.7) from the TCPIP SET/SHOW ! CONFIGURATION SMTP command along with the SMTP configuration logical ! names. The logical names (other than tracing logical names) and ! TCPIP SET/SHOW CONFIGURATION SMTP will be obsolete. ! ! ! NOTES: ! ! 1. Do not modify this file. It exists for documentation purposes and ! will be updated periodically in the TCP/IP Services kit. ! ! 2. The field names for each supported field are listed below. Each one ! is preceded by three exclamation points. If you want to create an ! initial TCPIP$SMTP.CONF without the comments from this file do: ! ! $ SEARCH /OUT=TCPIP$SMTP_COMMON:TCPIP$SMTP.CONF - ! $_ TCPIP$SMTP_COMMON:TCPIP$SMTP_CONF.TEMPLATE ! ! Search for three !'s ! ! 3. This template file contains examples of each supported field; it ! does not document the purpose of the fields, their defaults, their ! syntax or the way they interact. ! ! 4. Regarding defaults note that all fields that require a default have ! one built into SMTP which means that configurations which require ! all the defaults need not even have an TCPIP$SMTP.CONF file. ! ! Refer to the VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide for more ! information on the SMTP configurable fields. ! ! ! CONFIGURATION: ! ! Examples for supported fields: ! !!!Good-Clients: relay.dec.com,, !! A list of the IP addresses, IP nets, DNS hostnames, and DNS MX domains of !! known good SMTP clients. If not defined, SMTP will not check IP address of !! SMTP client against this list. ! !!!Bad-Clients:, !! A list of the IP addresses, IP nets, DNS hostnames, and DNS MX domains of !! known bad SMTP clients. If not defined, SMTP will not check IP address of !! SMTP client against this list. ! !!!Relay-Zones: dec.com, digital.com, compaq.com, hp.com, hpe.com !! A list of the SMTP domains to which the system will relay mail even if it !! is from an unknown client. If not defined, SMTP will not check recipient !! address of mail against this list. ! !!!RBLs: blackholes.mail-abuse.org, dialups.mail-abuse.org !! The Internet community maintains a list of IP addresses of senders of spam. !! This is called the Real-time Blackhole List (RBL) and contains DNS A records. !! If the SMTP server matches the IP address of the client with an entry in any !! of the RBLs in the list, the server sends a failure message to the client and !! disconnects the link. If a client IP address matches one in the Good-Clients !! list, the message is accepted; the SMTP server does not check the RBLs. !! If not defined, SMTP will not check IP address of SMTP client !! against any RBL lists. ! !!!Relay-Based-On-Mx: TRUE !! If TRUE, the SMTP server accepts relays from unknown clients to recipients !! where the recipient's domain has an MX record naming the local host as a !! gateway. The default value is FALSE. ! !!!Reject-Unbacktranslatable-IP: TRUE !! If TRUE, the SMTP server rejects any mail from an SMTP client whose IP !! address cannot be backtranslated to a hostname. The default value is FALSE. ! !!!Accept-Unqualified-Senders: TRUE !! If TRUE, the SMTP server accepts mail for which the sender address (the address !! from the MAIL FROM command) has no domain or an unqualified domain. The default !! value is FALSE. ! !!!Accept-Unresolvable-Domains: TRUE !! If TRUE, the SMTP server accepts mail for which the sender address (the address !! from the MAIL FROM command) has a domain that cannot be resolved using MX lookup. !! The default value is FALSE. ! !!!Reject-Mail-From: *.xyz.com, known.spammer@*, *the_internet* !! A list of wildcarded patterns that are matched against the sender address. !! If a match occurs, the MAIL FROM command is rejected and the link is disconnected. !! If not defined, SMTP will not check the sender address of the mail against the list. ! !!!Accept-Mail-From: *@notabadguy.xyz.com, the_internet_news@somehwere.com !! A list of wildcarded patterns that are matched against the sender address if !! the sender address has matched one of the entries in the Reject-Mail-From list. !! If the sender address matches the Accept-Mail-From list, the message is sent on. !! If not defined, SMTP will not check the sender address of the mail against the list. ! !!!SPAM-Action: NONE, OPCOM, ACCOUNTING !! Allows you to configure the way SMTP reports a spam event. The default is OPCOM. ! !!!Security: FRIENDLY or SECURE !! This value specifies the type of error text sent to the SMTP client when !! disconnecting a link because of a spam event. A value of SECURE means to send !! purposely unhelpful error text. A value of FRIENDLY means to send helpful error !! text. The default is SECURE. ! ! Legal values NEVER, ALWAYS or LOCALLY !!!Allow-EXPN: NEVER !! Controls whether the EXPN command can be used. Specify one of the following: !! NEVER to prevent use of the EXPN command regardless of the whether the client !! is in the Good-Clients list. !! ALWAYS to allow use of the EXPN command regardless of the whether the client !! is in the Good-Clients list. !! LOCALLY to allow use of the EXPN command only if the remote SMTP client's IP !! address matches the Good-Clients list. ! ! Legal values NEVER, ALWAYS or LOCALLY !!!Allow-VRFY: LOCALLY !! Controls whether the VRFY command can be used. Specify one of the following: !! NEVER to prevent use of the VRFY command regardless of the whether the client !! is in the Good-Clients list. !! ALWAYS to allow use of the VRFY command regardless of the whether the client !! is in the Good-Clients list. !! LOCALLY to allow use of the VRFY command only if the remote SMTP client's IP !! address matches the Good-Clients list. ! !!!Unbacktranslatable-IP-Text: Your IP address is unbacktranslatable. SPAMMER! !!!Bad-Clients-Text: You dirty SPAMmer. !!!Client-In-RBL-Text: I Spotted you in an RBL. SPAMBREATH! !!!Reject-Mail-From-Text: Haven't you SPAMmed me before? !!!Unqualified-Sender-Text: MAIL FROM who? You've got to be kidding. !!!Unresolvable-Domain-Text: MAIL FROM where? Yeah right. !!!SPAM-Relay-Text: Trying to launch your SPAM from my site will get you nowhere. !!!EXPN-Used-Text: Trying to mine my email lists, eh? Shame! !!!VRFY-Used-Text: Usernames on my system are none of your business. ! !!The above individual fields (one for each type of SPAM event) hold the error text !!to be sent to the SMTP client. These override values set in the Security field. ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Fields below are not strictly anti-SPAM fields. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! If Symbiont-Checks-Deliverability is set to TRUE, the SMTP receiver will not ! check the deliverability of incoming email, passing it to the symbiont to ! check. If Symbiont-Checks-Deliverability is set to FALSE, the SMTP receiver ! will check the deliverability of incoming email and reject it. The default is ! FALSE to allow the receiver to check deliverability. ! !!!Symbiont-Checks-Deliverability: FALSE ! ! The symbiont will always try to relay outbound mail using the SMTP gateways ! specified in MX records. As an added measure it can also try to relay to hosts ! specified in A records. This switch tells the symbiont when it should try to ! relay an outbound mail using A records. Note that MX records are always used ! and they are always used before A records. The symbiont can be configured ! always to try A records, never to try A records or only to try them if it can ! find no MX records for the recipient's domain. The default is ALWAYS to remain ! consistent with past behavior but a setting of IFNOMX is recommended for ! new installations. ! ! Legal values NEVER, ALWAYS or IFNOMX ! !!!Try-A-Records: ALWAYS !! A new Try-A-Records switch is added to the SMTP.CONFIG file to govern the !! SMTP symbiont's use of A records for outbound mail relay, should attempts to !! relay to MX gateways fail or should no MX records be present. The values are !! as follows: !! NEVER : The SMTP symbiont will never try to relay mail using A records, !! even if no MX records are found. !! ALWAYS : The SMTP symbiont will always try to relay mail using A records. !! Note that gateways specified in MX records are still tried first. !! A records are used only if attempts to contact MX gateway(s) fail !! or when no MX records are found. !! IFNOMX : The SMTP symbiont will try to relay mail using A records only if !! no MX records are found. The default value of the configuration !! field for Try-A-records is IFNOMX. ! !!!Initial-Interval : 0 00:30:00.00 !! The amount of time that SMTP waits before making a second attempt to !! deliver. After the second attempt retry interval is used. ! ! !!!Retry-Interval : 0 01:00:00.00 !! The time SMTP waits between retries, starting with the second attempt. !! (Recommended time: twice the initial interval.) ! ! !!!Retry-Maximum : 3 00:00:00.00 !! The maximum elapsed time that SMTP retries delivery. ! ! !!!Zone : dec.com,hpe.com !! Domain for your environment (probably a superset of your local domain). !! With no value, /ZONE defaults to one level higher than your local domain. !! Mail for delivery outside of your zone is sent to its destination !! by the alternate gateway. ! ! !!!Receive-Timeout : 5 !! Maximum time in minutes between socket receipts of a message for a !! particular dialog. !! !! If a message is not received within this interval, the connection !! is broken and the mail control file is deleted. ! ! !!!Retry-Address : 16 !! Maximum number of different addresses to which SMTP will send !! as it tries to deliver mail. If unsuccessfull, the message is treated as !! undeliverable. !! !! A message is also undeliverable if SMTP fails to deliver after it !! attempts all the possible addresses from an MX lookup. ! ! !!!Hop-Count : 16 !! Maximum number of relays (hops) between routers until SMTP !! considers the mail undeliverable. ! ! !! Send-Timeout parameters in minutes: !!!Send-Timeout-Init : 5 !!!Send-Timeout-Mail : 5 !!!Send-Timeout-Rcpt : 5 !!!Send-Timeout-Data : 3 !!!Send-Timeout-Term : 10 !! !! Maximum time between remote host acknowledgments of a particular !! SMTP command. !! !! If an acknowledgment is not received within the specified time, !! it is assumed that there are communication problems with the !! remote host. If the next delivery attempt takes place before the !! mail's delivery date, the mail is rescheduled for later delivery. ! ! !!!Header-Placement : TOP !! Header control. Specify one of the following: !! BOTTOM Headers are printed at bottom of messages. !! NONE Headers are omitted. !! TOP Headers are printed at top of messages. ! ! !!!Eightbit : TRUE !! All characters must have the eighth bit clear. Allows the !! transmission of 8-bit characters. ! ! !!!Relay : FALSE !! Controls relay function. Set as TRUE to relay mail to other hosts by !! functioning as an end node. ! ! !!!Alternate-Gateway : MY.ALT.MYZONE.COM !! Alternate host or domain to which delivery is attempted. !! Used by ZONE, if a zone is defined, as the last chance for delivery. ! ! !!!General-Gateway : !! Gateway to handle non-SMTP mail, for example, UUCP addresses. ! ! !!!Substitute-Domain : VMS.ZKO.HP.COM !! By default, the "From:" and "Return-Path:" fields display the !! sender's name and fully qualified domain. !! If you specify a fully qualified domain name, that specified domain name !! is displayed as the sender's domain name. ! ! !!!Queue-Name : TCPIP$SMTP !! SMTP provided by TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is cluster aware. !! It exploits the high availability and load balancing features of a !! cluster. The name of the generic queue is TCPIP$SMTP. This is a common !! SMTP generic queue for all nodes in the cluster. ! ! !!!Number-Of-Queues-Per-Node :1 !! Specifies the number of SMTP execution queues created on each node of !! a cluster. The default value is 1. The execution queue will have the name !! format as follows: !! TCPIP$SMTP_(_) ! ! !!!Postmaster-Alias : Postmaster !! Component: Symbiont !! !! Enables mail bounced by the local host to appear to be from a user name !! other than TCPIP$SMTP@node.domain. Specify the user name portion of !! the address, not including the host name. !! !! For example: !! Postmaster-Alias : Postmaster !! In this example, bounced mail sent from the local host appears to be !! from Postmaster@node.domain rather than from TCPIP$SMTP@node.domain. !! Be sure to set up a forwarding entry for the user name you specify ! ! !!!Receiver-Debug : 0 !! Component: Receiver !! Logs full diagnostics, similar to the Log-Level parameter. ! ! !!!Receiver-Trace : 0 !! Component: Receiver !! Logs all messages received from and transmitted to remote SMTP clients. !! Used to trace the SMTP application layer protocol. !! The same conventions for logging nonprinting characters or control !! characters are used. ! ! !!!Symbiont-Debug : 0 ! ! !!!Symbiont-Trace : 0 !! Component: Symbiont !! Logs all messages received from and transmitted to remote SMTP servers. !! Used to trace the SMTP application layer protocol. Any nonprinting !! characters or control characters that are sent or received are !! printed as \n, where n is the hexadecimal value of the character. !! For example, command lines and replies are terminated with a !! that appear in the log file as follows: !! send buf=MAIL FROM:\d\a !! recv buf=250 ... !! Sender OK\d\a !! !! In this message, \d\a is the . ! ! !!!Utilities-Debug : 0 ! ! !!!Utilities-Trace : 0 ! ! !!!Log-Level : 0 !! Component: Symbiont !! !! Sets the log level, according to the value you supply: !! !! 2---Enables logging of all information when the symbiont starts up. !! The Next Open File message is printed, giving the name of each control !! file before processing begins. All mail headers and mail recipients in !! a control file are logged after control file processing is complete. !! !! 3---Provides additional information about symbiont initialization !! and activity during control file processing. !! !! 5---Enables full symbiont diagnostics. !! For use only under the advice of VSI customer support. ! ! !!!EF-Debug-Level : 0 ! !!!Channel-Debug-Level : 0 ! ! !!!Symbiont-Snapshot-Blocks : 0 !! Component: Symbiont !! Enables snapshot logging for the symbiont. !! The value you assign to this parameter specifies the size of the !! snapshot buffer in OpenVMS blocks (1 block = 512 bytes). !! In addition to enabling snapshot logging, you must also specify the type !! of logging using the Log-Level parameter. !! !! When you enable snapshot buffering for the symbiont, it takes some time !! for the symbiont process to stop when you enter the STOP MAIL command !! or when you stop the queue. The delay depends on the size of the !! snapshot buffer and the speed of the system and its disks. !! !! For example, the following command lines set the log level to 5 and !! enable snapshot logging for the SMTP symbiont with a snapshot buffer !! of 200 blocks: !! Log-Level : 5 !! Symbiont-Snapshot-Blocks : 200 ! ! !!!Receiver-Snapshot-Blocks : 0 !! Component: Receiver !! !! Enables snapshot logging for the receiver. The value you assign to this !! parameter specifies the size of the snapshot buffer in OpenVMS blocks !! (1 block = 512 bytes). !! When you enable snapshot buffering, you must also specify the type of !! logging, using Receiver-Debug and Receiver-Trace parameters. !! !! For example, the following command line sets all of the receiver !! diagnostics on and enables snapshot logging for the receiver with a !! snapshot buffer of 200 blocks: !! Receiver-Debug : 1 !! Receiver-Trace : 1 !! Receiver-Snapshot-Blocks : 200 ! ! !!!Utilities-Snapshot-Blocks : 0 ! !!!Log-Line-Numbers : TRUE !! Component: Symbiont, Receiver, MAIL$PROTOCOL !! Writes line numbers to SMTP logs. ! ! !!!Memory-Debug : TRUE ! ! !!!Mail$Protocol-Debug : TRUE ! ! !!!CF-Debug : TRUE ! ! !!!Parse-Debug : TRUE ! ! !!!Altgate-Always : TRUE !! Component: Symbiont !! !! Sends all mail that is destined for another system (nonlocal mail) to !! the alternate gateway. A zone check is not performed. ! ! !!!Mx-If-Noaltgate : TRUE !! Component: Symbiont !! !! Use MX records to connect to a host if the alternate gateway cannot be !! reached. ! ! !!!No-Mx : TRUE !! Component: Symbiont !! !! Does not use MX records to route mail. Attempts to translate the domain !! part of each SMTP address into a host name and send the mail directly !! to that address. !! If the host name does not translate to an address, the mail is returned. !! If the host is not available, the mail is queued again. ! ! !!!No-Subs-Domain-Inbound : TRUE !! Component: Symbiont, Receiver, MAIL$PROTOCOL !! !! Instructs SMTP, not to consider mail, that is sent to the substitute !! domain as local mail. !! By default (FALSE), SMTP recognizes mail that is addressed to the !! substitute domain as local mail. To change this default, set this !! parameter to TRUE. ! ! !!!Smtp-Jacket-Local : TRUE !! Component: Symbiont !! !! Puts the SMTP jacket on local mail to provide sufficient information to !! the POP server. ! ! !!!Cent-Sign-Hack : FALSE ! ! !!!Nosey : TRUE !! Component: Symbiont !! Used with Log-Level parameter to print the full subject RFC headers !! information. !! If not defined, the header is logged as SUBJECT:. ! ! !!!Deliver-NoXVMS : TRUE !! Component: Symbiont !! !! Disables use of the the RFC X-VMS-To header as the text of the OpenVMS !! "Mail To:" header and the X-VMS-CC header as the text of the "CC:" line. !! Instead, the RFC "To:" and "CC:" headers are used. !! If the Deliver-NoXVMS option is not defined (or set to FALSE), the !! X-VMS-To and X-VMS-CC headers (if present) are used for the mail !! header lines. ! ! !!!Deliver-VMS-Def-To : TRUE !! Component: Symbiont !! !! Causes OpenVMS callable mail to use the default text for the !! "To:" field (the user name). Overrides the Deliver-NoXVMS !! option for the "To:" field. ! ! !!!MTS-From-Hack : TRUE ! ! !!!Rewrite-MTS-From : TRUE !! Component: Symbiont !! !! If you have most or all of your users' mail forwarded to ALL-IN-1, use !! this parameter to instruct the symbiont to parse the user name out of !! the complex MTS address and append the local host name instead. As a !! result, only a simple address is sent to the Internet and any replies !! are relayed correctly to MTS. ! ! !!!Local-Alias-Only : TRUE !! Component: Symbiont !! !! Uses only the contents of the local alias file for determining whether a !! mail message is local. ! ! !!!SFF-Requires-Priv : TRUE !! Component: MAIL$PROTOCOL !! !! Requires users to set either SYSPRV, BYPASS or OPER privileges before !! using the Send From File (SFF) feature. ! ! !!!8BitMIME-Hack : TRUE !! Component: Receiver !! !! Enables SMTP to accept 8BITMIME requests from SMTP clients, preventing !! remote clients from converting the message into a 7-bit format before !! sending the mail message to the SMTP server. On some displays, such as !! that used by OpenVMS Mail (a character-cell based mailer), certain 8-bit !! strings, such as accented characters, are converted and displayed in !! coded sequences. !! To prevent this behavior, set this parameter to TRUE. ! ! !!!Suppress-Version-Info : TRUE !! Component: Symbiont, Receiver !! !! Prevents SMTP from revealing TCP/IP Services version information. ! ! !!!Foreign-Transport-Synonyms : FALSE ! ! !!!Postmaster-Forwards-To : FALSE ! ! !!!Persistent-Server : OFF !! Enables the persistence of the SMTP receiver if set to ON. !! The default value is OFF. ! ! !!!Idle-Timeout : 0 00:01:00.00 !! Specifies the time that the SMTP receiver waits for an incoming SMTP !! connection, in OpenVMS delta time format. The default is 5 minutes. !! This behavior requires the Persistent-Server option be specified ! ! !!!Loop-Max : 10 !! Specifies the maximum number of times the SMTP receiver must retry a !! connection. The default is no maximum (the same as setting this option to !! 0). This behavior requires the Persistent-Server option to be specified. !