aios_icc;value)S_OBJECT MESB ALLG to call this service with 32-bit arguments.DMLYS$ACMWrib]ER_3 ng descriptorMapping record to Mapping databaseAL_OBJECT METER_1 ARAMETER_2 NDITIONAL_OBJECT INITIAL_POINTER_SIZEte Device_1 o ASCII. If 0, use current time.TER_2 ED ter_size __shorte bufer. The return. The cvtflg argument isAL nnel $ASSIGN operation_LONGWORD sEAPLIYS$AUDIT_EVENTW ring descriptor for ASCII time stringng IM C.TE_TIME descriptor is 0, send message to all allocatedHRUW) [carcon], [flags], [reqid], [timout], timout = address of timeout valueH"ONGWORD_UNSIGNEDANAL_OBJECT canceledLONGWORD_UNSIGNED CONDITIONAL_OBJECT evtnam = address of descriptor of event nameRINGAhandler eqidt] ,[acmode]BJECT BJECT canceledthe objnam parameternel modeITIONAL_OBJECT R_STRINGobjnam = address of an object name descriptorM CACCESS_MODEfor UAI contextR_STRINGTRANHAR_STRINGRIVILEGE[W] [efn] ,prvadr ,[altprv] ,[flags] ,[itmlst] ,[audsts] ,[astadr] ,[astprm]all on service completionTER_4 RAMETER_3DITIONAL_OBJECT LEGE CTIONAL_OBJECT  T ied for x86 port - Hartmut Becker 3DITIONAL_OBJECT BLISSFCLOSE routineT T pragma __required_pointer_size __longAter_size __shortJECT @Lto call this service with 32-bit arguments.ECT ONAL_OBJECT NNECTalCT OBJECT ied operationSELECT_MASK SDITIONAL_OBJECT &CII descriptor name equivalent to node ID9BERAE L_OBJECT CT NGWORD_SIGNEDCREATECT UE mode of owner of buffer objectPARAMETER_1 ONAL_OBJECT return_va_64, return_length_64, CBO_M_SVA_32 Create buffer object window in 32-bit (S0/S1) system spaceDAAS d containing version id and match controlRead/write sectionECTION_NAMEAL_OBJECT METER_3__shortof section to createONAL_OBJECT ONLLG to call this service with 32-bit arguments.DMLDWORD_UNSIGNED (32-bit or 64-bit descriptor)INTER_SIZETIONAL_OBJECT ON_NAMEnent Global Page Frame Section= Access mode for sectionOBJECT _PFN ess of the quadword system identifierECT  createdDT JECT LAGS reate a user security profile.BJECT L_OBJECT ONAL_OBJECT TEM_LIST leongiptor,chan ,[maxmsg] ,[bufquo] ,[promsk] ,[acmode] ,[lognam], [flags]r for mailboxoutput = address of string descriptor for SYS$OUTPUTflag bitset kernel thread limit for the process0T _IDRD_UNSIGNED be created_OBJECT @@SYS$CRETVA_64 QUADWORD_UNSIGNEDISSD __INITIAL_POINTER_SIZEay to receive addressesglobal section of beginning of sectionD CT GNEDpage_prot]]] pagesL_OBJECT LENGTH_64 AL_OBJECT ILE_OFFSET_64 R_11, map_length_64[, page_prot]]]] Relative byte within global section to start mappingonER_6R_13 ot = Protection maskPERM Permanent sectionTER_2 ETER_9macro to call this service with 64-bit arguments. Or, use CALLS orAL_OBJECT EDtart_va_64[, map_length_64[, page_prot]]]ss mode for the new pagesace to createTION_IDDRESStODE rot = Protection maskassed as 64-bits= Desired page protection (optional)TER_10 ID_64 IONAL_OBJECT e number of first page in sectiontionJECT mber of channel to be deassignedER_SIZE_3 ECT CLCMH addres ,[prvhnd] ,[type]METER_2ARSEm, [rcvacl], [evtfac], [acmode], [flags]-----------+L_OBJECT user error completion routineTIONAL_OBJECT escriptorECT L_OBJECT e descriptor/or Tablee numberons receive starting andOBJECT __required_pointer_size __longR_5JECT 64 nter_size __shortNAL_OBJECT OBJECT GENERIC_64 -bit arguments are always returned.ONAL_OBJECT d_pointer_size __short_SIZEONDITIONAL_OBJECT SYS$DEQevnam, retlen, [search_devnam], [itmlst], [contxt]FAN address of global section name string descriptorARAMETER_1 BLSC DIAG$SETAFF or DIAG$_ACTVCPUSSABLE_VP_USE = address of longword to receive previous flagser success completion routineCONDITIONAL_OBJECT ting options for the dismountAL_OBJECT t string lengthsODE Delete Common Event Flag ClustermedDERAMETER_4DITIONAL_OBJECT NSB PRM eceive current flagsat disabled vector use@@@Kr = address of entry mask of AST routineER_SIZET LONGWORD_UNSIGNEDIDABJECT EDUREALL_OBJECT AMETER_2 _UNSIGNED_1NAL_OBJECT AALUE SFVALUE ddresses&_64 rned.AL_OBJECT IONAL_OBJECT DITIONAL_OBJECT riptorJECT ITERALING address of word to receive output string lengthAOL IONAL_OBJECT R_4s of a list of quadword parameters@nter_size __shortCBLISSF4 K_LONGWORDGNED CEDUREODCNAL_OBJECT contxt = address of a longword containing the record streamDgword containing the record streamze __shortAME+ address of the maximum line width RAMETER_7matted event messageHONAL_OBJECT itmlst = address of a list of item descriptorsBJECT LASS D_VALUE EDURE cell with requested cap number to releaseRDTIONAL_OBJECT RD_UNSIGNED T ONDITIONAL_OBJECT AMETER_1CT METER_2DEVICE_NAMENITIAL_POINTER_SIZERD_UNSIGNED Region summary, by IDARAMETER_3it arguments.ONDITIONAL_OBJECT SIGNED tion routineCONDITIONAL_OBJECT of the exception@4 s of secondary buffer descriptor$GETDTIW) search, itmlstDITIONAL_OBJECT ARAMETER_6CUREt completionname = optional address of a path name descriptorCEDURENAL_OBJECT F_NUMBERMETER_1 EVI itmlst ,[nullarg]T METER_2dress of entry mask of AST routineLST R_1 efn] ,lkidadr ,itmlst ,[iosb], [astadr], [astprm],ERVED G CT ] ,[outadr] 0 Do not include identifierED BJECT AL [inadr],[retadr],[acmode],[mask],[pagcnt]OBJECT @ RG IONAL_OBJECT OBJECT IWmlst ,[iosb] ,[astadr] ,[astprm]T r],[nodename],itmlst ,[iosb] ,[astadr], The second and third arguments in the $GETSYI argument list arePROCESS_NAMEBJECT TER_1 pTERAL ter_size __longCONDITIONAL_OBJECT AL_POINTER_SIZEdress of cell with requested cap number_VALUE RESS_OBJECT NDITIONAL_OBJECT OBJECT TERAL= event flag to be set at completionT UILn needed by WBEM providers parameter buffer.of a 32-bit longword into which the_VALUE RALDDRESSTIONAL_OBJECT valuelicensed software product.NGONAL_OBJECT M_LIST_3 H_PASSWORD 4ifier longword to convert, or zero toally should be zero, value outputSID mask to clearR_3 ITIONAL_OBJECT adr], [ident], [acmode]image section matchITIONAL_OBJECT IONAL_OBJECT ONDITIONAL_OBJECT JECT -1 wildcard or pointer to longwordONAL_OBJECT NC_CODEe and bufferMETER_56ECT $ddress of (vector of 2 ints))LL64OCEDUREUNSIGNEDNAL_OBJECT &AL_OBJECT NCTION_CODEBJECT SAETER_1 NAL_OBJECT METER_4L_OBJECT PAG_64 $LFSJECT _2 and ing address of address space to lockNDITIONAL_OBJECT cro is produced for this service. Use the $CALL64BJECT VA_64 tion1 DITIONAL_OBJECT MEuadword containing version id and match control overmap existing address spaceOFFSET_64 DITIONAL_OBJECT CONDITIONAL_OBJECT RAMETER_3it descriptor)t available spaceT TION ONDITIONAL_OBJECT DENT_64 RAMETER_11CONDITIONAL_OBJECT SS64IONAL_OBJECT AL_OBJECT Holder Record In Rights Database_name = address of the new identifier name character@IONAL_OBJECT sion number For output of labels only.R_1RD_UNSIGNEDCONDITIONAL_OBJECT UMUTC timbuf ,[utcadr] +---------------+---------------+COND_VALUE ECT T T _PROCEDUREharacters actually processed by the service.RINGPITEM_LISTAOBJECT ?TER_2 INT suming personaNA_DELETE _IMPORT_ARB [level]ion containing the persona ID to cloneies specified in select_mask0 BJECT _4 ragma __required_pointer_size __longabilitiesBJECT AL_OBJECT ECT ue ECT ECT ONDITIONAL_OBJECT APARSEdress of user success completion routineSICDITIONAL_OBJECT facnam = address of facility name string descriptor2 R_STRINGIONAL_OBJECT @sk of AST routineBERARYING_ARGARAMETER_6NUMBERG_ARGG_ARGAL_OBJECT 6BLOCKAZEFORTV3uadword in which to return theONAL_OBJECT astadr = address of entry mask of AST routine NC quired_pointer_size __shortECT OBJECT B ANESS_OBJECT EXT JECT ASE_VP_INT METER_2 _OBJECT ITIONAL_OBJECT L_OBJECT R_1 DITIONAL_OBJECT TIONAL_OBJECT Restore Mainline Vector StateCESS_NAME CJECT DITIONAL_OBJECT s and halts I/O activity. excid ,[flags]@, [parent_id], [flags] of a list of item descriptors for the operationNAL_OBJECT JECT s of quadword containing time to wakeALs of fabBJECT RESS_OBJECT CONDITIONAL_OBJECT 2return_type], return_valueTERAL is to indicate whether the notification ITIONAL_OBJECT TER_4 o be assigned to initially ECT medNDITIONAL_OBJECT BASICONDITIONAL_OBJECT ble (UT) information handler procedure value must add up to the process virtual addressECT NSIGNED@IONAL_OBJECT IONAL_OBJECT ST reqid = user provided identification of this requestCRD BJECT NAL_OBJECT STPRM ARAMETER_7erOCEDUREONAL_OBJECT MODE fault_flag = New fault characteristic (FLT$M_EXECUTABLE or FLT$M_NO_EXECUTE)4 ITIONAL_OBJECT return_va_64, return_length_64URN_VA_64 BAS quired_pointer_size __short ONAL_OBJECT ONAL_OBJECT _4ers allocated is stored.IONAL_OBJECT BJECT ESS_OBJECT processntaining starting andADDRESS_RANGEccess mode of requestSIGNEDONDITIONAL_OBJECT TART_VA_64 _pointer_size __short receive previous privilegesAL_OBJECT ECT yIONAL_OBJECT ECT idadr = address of process id of processV ending virtual address of stack limits to set k limitsERALONAL_OBJECT A_64 ETSWMonF_NUMBER$SETDTIWationST routineECT on service flagsONTEXT T dress of message buffer string descriptorfn], func, [nullarg], [itmlst],mpletesCT JECT OBJECT SS_OBJECT file changes with the storage device for a file that as argument (64-bit value)HANNELACT ared Stream I/O (SSIO) access. Similar to UNIX fcntl withe as argument (64-bit value)CHANNELAECT tream I/O (SSIO) access.SIO$C_SEEK_CUR: Resultant offset is current valueONAL_OBJECT PARAMETER_3 MACPARAMETER_5 buffer = address of data buffer to receive data (64-bit address)AL_POINTER_SIZEA DITIONAL_OBJECT _6LW)CT ACONDITIONAL_OBJECT rtfile that has been opened for Sharedastprm = value to be passed to AST routine as argument (64-bit value)ND_VALUE ILE_LENGTH IONAL_OBJECT buffer to receive data (64-bit address)R_4WORD_UNSIGNED_PROCEDUREy used. If bit 0 is set, then this a quadword I/O status blockONAL_OBJECT F_NUMBERm, utctim, cvtflgth the converted timeED [attr], tabnam, [lognam], [acmode], [itemlist]CAL slate Logical Names table only)R_3 IGNEDAMETER_1NDITIONAL_OBJECT OBJECT e = access mode to check against the owner of the pagesCT o lockG_64 th 64-bit arguments. Or, use CALLS orONAL_OBJECT NSIGNED o receive starting and CAL@JECT _OBJECT CCESS_MODE(depth) to unwind call stackCT RD_UNSIGNEDEFNDITIONAL_OBJECT in the first I/Ouadword I/O status blockRANGE  US_BLOCKABLOCKAbehalf of which the service isqueued in the first_OBJECT EDT JECT SS_MODEER_ARG ional proposed user descriptorTRING ICITIONAL_OBJECT = address of name string descriptor of process to bef __INITIAL_POINTER_SIZERerr = address of user error completion routine contains theess of entry mask of AST routine ML,[astadr] ,[astprm]TV3SAPARSE@JECT ($ABORT_TRANSW) [tid], [reason], [bid]]ECT N IONAL_OBJECT DNSACTION_ID veto vote)flags = operation flagsEROBJECT tprm = value to be passed to AST routine as an argumentIMOUT ONDITIONAL_OBJECT ECT BLOCKAvttyp, srcstr, inflags, outbuf, outlen, outflagsibingONAL_OBJECT GNEDed to AST routine_OBJECT ER CT DRESS_OBJECT W DDRESS_OBJECT TIONAL_OBJECT SB CEDURE routineER_5BJECT PARAMETER_6 LOCKT UILE ss of entry mask of AST routineRESS_OBJECT ER_ARGPASCALR_6 LT_TRANS tid_longT _UNSIGNEDt flag to set upon completionNAL_OBJECT ASTPRM IONAL_OBJECT NGWORDTIME  routinets = value of maximum number of events to be queued concurrentlyAMETER_5BLISS64EFN OCTAWORD_UNSIGNED s default transactionS_OBJECT AMETER_4 T DONAL_OBJECT ECT d = address of branch identifier AMETER_9 _OBJECT  valueDDRESS_OBJECT OBJECT NAL_OBJECT LUE T_TRANSW STRING  = identifier of transaction just startedAADDRESS_OBJECT TRER ndleCONDITIONAL_OBJECT D_VALUE ddress of a quadword I/O status blockER_ARGe = address of resource manager name descriptorATUS_BLOCKAsb, [astadr], [astprm], rm_id,participant idSER_ARGNGWORDDent = address of parent node name descriptorN, [ACMODE], [CHARBUFF], [BUFLEN], [HANGUP_AST],ST routineBJECT NDITIONAL_OBJECT HANNELAARGONAL_OBJECT COND_VALUE Word containing number of channel on which I/O is to be performedDITIONAL_OBJECT ITIONAL_OBJECT n ASTsSET_EVENT_NOTIFICATION T AMETER_3DITIONAL_OBJECT NEL Uf terminal NAL_OBJECT R_1ONDITIONAL_OBJECT ONAL_OBJECT -bits. */ONDITIONAL_OBJECT ULT_REPORTufferDITIONAL_OBJECT AULT_REPORT _INITIAL_POINTER_SIZE T_REPORTuser buffer_1NED SE 0ONAL_OBJECT ECT is written. ONDITIONAL_OBJECT _AVOID_PREEMPT enbflgept_Buf = Address of user Accept dataCAL Close an ICC associationf] ,[conn_buf_len] Remote_Assoc = Pointer to a descriptor describing the remote Retlen_Addr = Address to receive the actual length of anyER_12ONAL_OBJECT REMOTE_ASSOC ICC_CONNECTW nn_Handle = Handle representing the Connection to terminateONDITIONAL_OBJECT $ICC_DISCONNECTW f_Len]describing a logicaln for association AONAL_OBJECT GWORD_UNSIGNEDRD_UNSIGNED' completion ASTADDRESS_OBJECT OS_ICC ACAEPLY layout)ICC UWLS_OBJECT 20-byte ICCETER_1Aansferred overR_1ISSFRANSMIT S_ICC criptorsAL_OBJECT A_FINDIONAL_OBJECT $PERSONA_RESERVE clientPID, personaONAL_OBJECT input_id = address of longword holding persona identifier to delegateTIONAL_OBJECT GATE 3D_TYPE  flags longwordNDITIONAL_OBJECT L_OBJECT CT ITIONAL_OBJECT  = A constant that selects which property to setL_OBJECT PARAMETER_6N_CODEMBZ1 _PROCESS_PROPERTIESW D GLOCK handle - size of lockER_3ITIONAL_OBJECT ection; 16 bytes. ASCIZ or DescriptorOCK_TABLELOCK lock_handleANOCK_TABLE flags from lockBJECT XY_LOCK_INFOSIZETIONAL_OBJECT _OBJECT of lockL_OBJECT ry region where the locks resideREG_PHYS_SIZE CT D L_OBJECT CT al address of lockBJECT COND_VALUE JECT ONAL_OBJECT _2 be performed&CT @ONAL_OBJECT _LISTAMETER_6 descriptorsR_2 LUE @;NDITIONAL_OBJECT T S!ONAL_OBJECT SFCEW fdef __INITIAL_POINTER_SIZE - CPU ID of processor to affectedONAL_OBJECT CONDITIONAL_OBJECT BJECT NAL_OBJECT ALUE JECT ss of a longword Process Group ID (also a PID) to have target join_OBJECT etDITIONAL_OBJECT RAMETER_2 status of service being loggedVICE_STATUS NDITIONAL_OBJECT _1&y descriptor. May be used for nodename in the future. (optional, by descriptor)ONDITIONAL_OBJECT ATUS_BLOCKA by reference)ECT STADR JECT _LISThe address of a longword which will receive theONDITIONAL_OBJECT e_mask, access_maskg endif