Webb Scaleshreads package is DECthreads or not. This is especiallyNAL_OBJECT ˆ || defined(__clang__))).h> /* Bring in exception services */if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(__cplusplus)an LITERAL€c_prio_rr_minˆlow_midˆplatform is either "VMS" or "UNIX-ish". Others out.cma$t_once CMA$T_MUTEX;ypedef cma$t_handle cma$t_stack_np; d3d_inheritˆdefaultITERAL€pedef enum _CMA$T_SCHED_INHERIT {icy constantsefinitionsAL€_OBJECT ˆp GIOTˆ,Œxˆ* ˆŽ(a$e_fltdiv cma$e_in_use _signal_q_fullˆŽ( cma$e_illinstr;e_SIGSYS;ITERAL€rpro;_CMA_IMPORT_ cma$t_exception cma$e_nopriv;PORT_ cma$t_exception cma$e_aritherr;t_exception cma$e_fltdiv;ption cma$e_exit_thread;_ cma$t_exception cma$e_unimp;th the "message file" MESSAGE_VMS.MSG€@TDIV_STATUS NAL_OBJECT of exceptionsLITERAL€STR_ERROR, CODE => 1084); exception;OR : exception;L€_ERROR : exception;ERAL€ pragma IMPORT_EXCEPTIONOR, CODE => DEFER_Q_FULL_STATUS);bjects that will be created.le thread, a routine must be specifiedRAMETER_3et or obtain the default thread priority.tr_set_sched@Ž riority nterval in whether mutex locks can nest.Ž cma$lock_globalndition variable.Jssed as parameters.unique per-thread context key can be obtained for the process@alert delivery.$t_alert_state ˆ$stack_call_routine_np$stack_create_np CT ˆrary definitionsT ect is created to specify the attributes of other CMAT ˆhandle cma$lib_t_queue;_queue_delete e_try_enqueue UEUESIZE TERAL€