For an overview of the GET_INFO built-in, see the HELP topic GET_INFO.
  The following strings can be used for parameter2 when parameter1 is the
  keyword SCREEN:

  Parameter 2      | Return Value     (Parameter 1 is keyword SCREEN)
  "active_area"    | Array    - An array containing information on the
                   |   or       location and dimensions of the application's
                   | Integer    active area, or 0 if there is no active
                   |            area.  The structure of the array is
                   |            as follows:
                   |            array {1} - Window containing active area
                   |            array {2} - Leftmost column of active area
                   |            array {3} - Top row of active area
                   |            array {4} - Width of active area
                   |            array {5} - Height of active area
  "ansi_crt"       | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the terminal is an ANSI_CRT.
  "auto_repeat"    | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether auto repeat feature is on.
  "avo"            | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the terminal has the
                   |            advanced video option (AVO).
  "client_message" | Keyword  - Returns the keyword KILL_SELECTION or
                   |            STUFF_SELECTION indicating if TPU has
                   |            received the corresponding client message.
                   |            Returns 0 if there is no current client
                   |            message.  Invalid if called outside a client
                   |            message action routine.
  "client_message  | Program  - Returns the current client message action
   routine"        |  or 0      routine.  Returns 0 if no such routine is set.
  "cross_window_   | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the CURSOR_VERTICAL built-in
  bounds"          |            crosses a window boundary when the cursor is
                   |            moved beyond the top or bottom of a window.
  "current_column" | Integer  - Returns the column number of the current
                   |            column as of the most recent screen update.
  "current_row"    | Integer  - Returns the screen line number of the current
                   |            row as of the most recent screen update.
  "dec_crt"        | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the terminal is a DEC_CRT.
  "dec_crt2"       | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the terminal is a DEC_CRT2.
  "dec_crt3"       | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the terminal is a DEC_CRT3.
  "dec_crt4"       | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the terminal is a DEC_CRT4.
  "decwindows"     | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the DECwindows environment
                   |            is available.
  "default_file"   | String   - The name of the X resource file merged into
                   |            the display's database during editor
                   |            initialization or by SET (DEFAULT_FILE).
  "detached_action"| Program  - Returns the current detached action routine.
                   |   or       If no such routine is designated, returns
                   | Unspeci-   the type UNSPECIFIED.
                   | fied
  "detached_reason"| Integer  - Returns a bit-encoded integer indicating
                   |            which of the five possible detached states
                   |            the cursor is in.  VSI recommends
                   |            that you use TPU's predefined constants,
                   |            rather than the actual integers, to refer
                   |            to the reasons for detachment.  The
                   |            correspondence of constants, integers,
                   |            and reasons is as follows:
                   |            Constant        Value    Reason
                   |            --------        -----    ------
                   |            TPU$K_OFF_LEFT    1      Cursor is off
                   |                                     the left side of
                   |                                     the current window.
                   |            TPU$K_OFF_RIGHT   2      Cursor is off
                   |                                     the right side of
                   |                                     the current window.
                   |            TPU$K_INVISIBLE   4      Cursor is on an
                   |                                     invisible record in
                   |                                     the current window.
                   |            TPU$K_DISJOINT    8      The current buffer
                   |                                     is not mapped to the
                   |                                     current window.
                   |            TPU$K_UNMAPPED   16      No current window
                   |                                     exists.
                   |            TPU$K_NO_UPDATE  32      Current window cannot
                   !                                     be updated.
  "edit_mode"      | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the terminal is set to
                   |            edit mode.
  "eightbit"       | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the terminal uses eightbit
                   |            characters.
  "event"          | Array    - If used in a routine providing information
                   |  or        about a global selection, returns a two-element
                   | Keyword    array.  Array {1} contains a keyword or string
                   |  or        identifying which global selection is
                   | String     the subject of the information request.
                   |  or        Array {2} contains a string naming the global
                   | 0          selection property (such as STRING)
                   |            that is the subject of the information
                   |            request.  If called from within a
                   |            global selection grab or ungrab routine,
                   |            returns the keyword PRIMARY or SECONDARY,
                   |            or a string naming the global selection
                   |            grabbed or lost.  Returns 0 if the
                   |            call has been used in the wrong context.
                   |            You must specify the keyword GLOBAL_SELECT
                   |            as the third parameter with this call.
  "first_input"    | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether or not TPU has received a
                   |            key or button event during this editing session.
  "first_input_    | Program  - Returns the program or learn sequence
  routine"         | or Learn   implementing the application's first input
                   | or 0       action routine. If no such routine is designated,
                   |            returns 0.
  "global_select"  | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether TPU currently owns
                   |            the specified global selection.  When
                   |            you use this request string for Parameter2,
                   |            use a third parameter to specify the
                   |            global selection about which you want
                   |            information.  The values for Parameter3
                   |            are the keyword PRIMARY, the keyword
                   |            SECONDARY, or a string naming the
                   |            global selection.
  "grab_routine"   | Program  - The program or learn sequence implementing
                   |  or        the application's global selection or
                   | Learn      input focus grab routine. When you use this
                   |  or 0      request string for Parameter2, use a third
                   |            parameter to specify which grab routine
                   |            you want.  The values for Parameter3 are
                   |            the keyword GLOBAL_SELECT or the
                   |            keyword INPUT_FOCUS.  This call returns
                   |            0 if the specified grab routine does not
                   |            exist.
  "icon_name"      | String   - The string used as the layered application's
                   |            name in the DECwindows icon box.
  "input_focus"    | 1 or 0   - Indicates whether TPU owns the
                   |            input focus.
  "jump_scroll"    | 1 or 0   - Indicates whether the SET (SCROLLING, JUMP)
                   |            statement has been used to direct TPU
                   |            to use the JUMP mode of scrolling (that is,
                   |            to perform all currently specified
                   |            scrolling before repainting the screen).
  "length"         | Integer  - The current length of the screen (measured
                   |            in rows).
  "line_editing"   | Keyword  - Current method of line editing (insert or
                   | or 0       overstrike); 0 if none.  In the DECwindows
                   |            version of TPU, this call always returns
                   |            0.
  "motif"          | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the Motif DECwindows
                   |            environment is available.
  "mouse"          | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether TPU's mouse support
                   |            capability is turned on.
  "new_length"     | Integer  - The number of rows that the screen will
                   |            have after the resize action routine has
                   |            been executed.  Resize action routines
                   |            should use this length, not the current
                   |            length of the screen, to determine the
                   |            length of windows.  If used outside
                   |            a resize action routine, this length
                   |            is the same as the current length of the
                   |            screen.   This call is not valid in the
                   |            CCT version of TPU.
  "new_width"      | Integer -  The number of columns that the screen will
                   |            have after the the resize action routine has
                   |            been executed.  Resize action routines
                   |            should use this length, not the current
                   |            length of the screen, to determine the
                   |            length of windows.  If used outside
                   |            a resize action routine, this length
                   |            is the same as the current length of the
                   |            screen.  This call is not valid in the
                   |            CCT version of TPU.
  "old_length"     | Integer  - The length of the screen (measured in
                   |            rows) before the most recent resize
                   |            event.  This call is not valid in the
                   |            CCT version of TPU.
  "old_width"      | Integer  - The width of the screen (measured in
                   |            columns) before the most recent resize
                   |            event.  This call is not valid in the
                   |            CCT version of TPU.
  "original_       | Integer  - The length (measured in rows) that the
  length"          |            screen had when TPU was invoked.
  "original_width" | Integer  - The width (measured in columns) that the
                   |            screen had when TPU was invoked.
  "pixel_length"   | Integer  - The length (height) in pixels of the current
                   |            DECwindows display.
  "pixel_width"    | Integer  - The width in pixels of the current
                   |            DECwindows display.
  "pop_up_parent_  | Widget   - The parent widget for Motif popup widgets
  widget"          |            for use with the CREATE_WIDGET built-in.
  "prompt_length"  | Integer  - Number of lines in the prompt area.
  "prompt_row"     | Integer  - Screen line number at which the prompt area
                   |            begins.
  "read_routine"   | Program    The program or learn sequence that TPU
                   |   or       executes when it owns a global selection and
                   | Learn      another DECwindows application has requested
                   |   or       information about that selection.  Returns
                   | 0          0 if no read routine exists.  When you use
                   |            this request string, use the keyword
                   |            GLOBAL_SELECT as the third parameter.
  "screen_limits"  | Array    - An integer-indexed array specifying the
                   |            minimum and maximum screen length and width.
                   |            This call signals an error in the CCT version
                   |            of TPU.
  "screen_update"  | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether screen updating is turned on.
  "scroll"         | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the terminal has scrolling
                   |            regions.
  "time"           | String   - The amount of time (in delta format)
                   |            TPU will wait after requesting
                   |            information about a global selection
                   |            before assuming that the request
                   |            will not be answered.
  "ungrab_routine" | Program  - The program or learn sequence implementing
                   |   or       the application's global selection or
                   | Learn      input focus ungrab routine. When you use this
                   |   or       request string for Parameter2, use a third
                   | 0          parameter to specify which ungrab routine
                   |            you want.  The values for Parameter3 are
                   |            the keyword GLOBAL_SELECT or the
                   |            keyword INPUT_FOCUS.  This call returns
                   |            0 if the specified ungrab routine does not
                   |            exist.
  "visible_length" | Integer  - Page length of the terminal.
  "vk100"          | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the terminal is a GIGI.
  "vt100"          | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the terminal a VT100-series.
  "vt200"          | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the terminal a VT200-series.
  "vt300"          | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the terminal a VT300-series.
  "vt400"          | (1 or 0) - Indicates whether the terminal a VT400-series.
  "widget"         | Widget   - TPU's top level widget in the Motif
                   |            environment.
  "width"          | Integer  - Current physical width of the screen.
  "xui"            | 0        - Indicates that the XUI DECwindows environment
                   |            is no longer supported by TPU.
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