/sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  TBK Routines, TBK$ALPHA_SYMBOLIZE, Argument

    OpenVMS usage:TBK_API_PARAM
    type:         structure
    access:       modify
    mechanism:    by reference

    The values for TBK_API_PARAM (defined in TBKDEF) are defined as:

    Field              Size      Description

    TBK$W_LENGTH       Word      Input by value, structure length,
                                 must be TBK$K_LENGTH
    TBK$B_TYPE         Byte      Input, MBZ
    TBK$B_VERSION      Byte      Input by value, must be TBK$K_
    TBK$L_RESERVEDA    Longword  Reserved for future use, MBZ
    TBK$Q_FAULTING_PC  Quadword  Input by value, call stack frame PC
    TBK$Q_FAULTING_FP  Quadword  Input by value, call stack Frame
    TBK$PQ_IMAGE_DESC  64-bit    Optional output, pointer (if
                       pointer   not requested, MBZ) to a fixed-
                                 length string text descriptor.
                                 The descriptor must be set up
                                 with preallocated adequate buffer
                                 space. The descriptor is filled in
                                 with the image name. This can be
                                 a dynamic descriptor (rather than
                                 fixed length) but only if the caller
                                 is in user mode.
    TBK$PQ_MODULE_     64-bit    Optional output, pointer (if
    DESC               pointer   not requested, MBZ) to a fixed-
                                 length string text descriptor.
                                 The descriptor must be set up with
                                 preallocated adequate buffer space.
                                 The descriptor is filled in with the
                                 module name.
    TBK$PQ_ROUTINE_    64-bit    Optional output, pointer (if
    DESC               pointer   not requested, MBZ) to a fixed-
                                 length string text descriptor.
                                 The descriptor must be set up with
                                 preallocated adequate buffer space.
                                 The descriptor is filled in with the
                                 routine name.
    TBK$PQ_            64-bit    Optional output, pointer (if not
    LISTING_LINENO     pointer   requested, MBZ) to longword to be
                                 filled in with the line number (as
                                 show in the modules LIS file).
    TBK$PQ_REL_PC      64-bit    Optional output, pointer (if not
                       pointer   requested, MBZ) to quadword to be
                                 filled in with the relative PC. This
                                 may be an image or module relative
    TBK$PQ_            64-bit    Optional output, pointer (if not
    IMAGE_BASE_ADDR    pointer   requested, MBZ) to quadword to
                                 be filled in with the image base
    TBK$PQ_            64-bit    Optional output pointer (if not
    MODULE_BASE_ADDR   pointer   requested, MBZ) to quadword to
                                 be filled in with the module base
    TBK$PQ_ MALLOC_    64-bit    Optional input, pointer (if not
    RTN                pointer   supplied, MBZ) address to a user-
                                 supplied malloc routine. Must be
                                 supplied when called from supervisor
                                 or executive mode (kernel mode is
                                 not supported).
    TBK$PQ_FREE_RTN    64-bit    Optional input, pointer (if not
                       pointer   supplied, MBZ) address to a user-
                                 supplied free routine. Must be
                                 supplied when called from supervisor
                                 or executive mode (kernel mode not
    TBK$PQ_            64-bit    Optional input and output,
    SYMBOLIZE_FLAGS    pointer   pointer (if not supplied, MBZ)
                                 to TBK_SYMBOLIZE_FLAGS (quadword,
                                 see below). Used to control
                                 symbolization options and to return
                                 additional status.
    TBK$Q_RESERVED0    Quadword  Reserved for future use, MBZ.
    TBK$Q_RESERVED1    Quadword  Reserved for future use, MBZ.
    TBK$Q_RESERVED2    Quadword  Reserved for future use, MBZ.
    TBK$V_             0         Adjusts the PC value used for
    EXCEPTION_IS_                symbolization for target frames
    FAULT                        that suffered a fault exception.
                       All re-   Reserved. Must be initialized to
                       maining   zero.
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