Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  EDIT  /TPU  /SECTION
  /SECTION[=section-file] (default)

  Determines the section file you want to use, if any.  A section file
  contains, in binary form, key definitions, compiled procedures, and
  other extensions.  Effectively, the section file is the TPU
  application you run---whether a customized version of EVE or an
  application you have created.

  TPU assumes the section file is in SYS$SHARE.  If your section
  file is stored elsewhere, specify the device (disk) and directory of
  that file.  You cannot use wildcards to specify the section file.
  You use only one section file at a time.  Default file type is

  The default section file is defined system-wide by the logical name
  TPU$SECTION, which specifies the standard EVE section file---

  There are two ways to specify the section file you want to use:

  o  Define the TPU$SECTION logical name to specify the section file.

     This lets you use that section file for all editing sessions---
     including when you invoke TPU within MAIL or other utilities.
     Your definition overrides the system-wide default.  You can put
     the definition in your LOGIN.COM file.  For example, the following
     commands define the default section file as MYSECTION.TPU$SECTION
     in your top-level, login directory and invoke TPU using that
     section file instead of the standard EVE section file:

        $ DEFINE TPU$SECTION sys$login:mysection
        $ EDIT/TPU

  o  Use /SECTION= and specify the section file on the command line.

     This overrides any definition of the TPU$SECTION logical name,
     whether a definition of your own or the system-wide default.  For
     example, the following command invokes TPU, using a section
     file named MYSECTION.TPU$SECTION in your top-level, login

        $ EDIT/TPU /SECTION=sys$login:mysection

  If you do not want TPU to use any section file, use /NOSECTION.
  This prevents even the default EVE interface from being used.  TPU
  will be unusable unless you specify a command file with TPU
  procedures and executable statements that set up a text-processing
  environment.  Use /NOSECTION when you are creating your own
  application without using EVE as a base or if you are using
  /NODISPLAY for batch editing.  For example, the following command
  invokes TPU without a section file, using a command file named


  At startup, TPU first loads a section file, if one is being used,
  before compiling and executing a command file (if any) and before EVE
  executes an initialization file (if any).  Thus, procedures,
  settings, and key definitions in a command file (.TPU) or
  initialization file (.EVE) override those in a section file.

  To create a section file, do either of the following:

  o  In EVE, use the SAVE EXTENDED EVE command.  For example, the
     following command creates a section file named
     MYSECTION.TPU$SECTION in your current, default directory:

        Command: SAVE EXTENDED EVE mysection
        903 procedures, 1168 variables, 621 keys saved

  o  In a TPU command file, use the SAVE built-in, usually at the
     end of the command file.  For example, the following statements
     create a section file named MYSECTION.TPU$SECTION in your top-
     level, login directory:

        SAVE ("sys$login:mysection"); ! Create the section file
        EXIT;                         ! Done---end of command file

  A section file is cumulative; it saves the current key definitions
  and other customizations---and those already in the section file you
  are using.  In EVE, the section file saves the following:

     *  Compiled procedures (your own and EVE's)
     *  Global settings ("attributes")
     *  Key definitions and LEARN sequences
     *  Menu definitions for the DECwindows interface

  A section file usually does NOT save the following:

     *  Margins, tab stops, and other buffer settings
     *  Width or number of windows
     *  Contents of EVE system buffers, such as the Insert Here buffer

  A section file created with the DECwindows interface will work on
  character-cell terminals and conversely.  However, some DECwindows
  features are not available on character-cell terminals (such as
  shifted function keys and the clipboard).

  +-----------------------------  NOTE  -----------------------------+
  | A section file created on OpenVMS will work on ULTRIX and        |
  | conversely so long as the procedures and statements saved do not |
  | involve system-specific features and differences, such as file   |
  | names, directories, and so on.                                   |

  For more information, see the VSI Text Processing Utility Reference
  Manual or Extensible Versatile Editor Reference Manual, or use the
  online help in EVE and read the topic called Section Files.
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