/sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  EDIT  /EDT  Examples
          1       This is the first line of the file OLDFILE.TXT.

    This EDIT command invokes EDT to edit the file OLDFILE.TXT.
    EDT looks for the EDTSYS logical name assignment. If EDTSYS
    is not defined, EDT processes the systemwide startup command
    file SYS$LIBRARY:EDTSYS.EDT. If this file does not exist, EDT
    looks for the EDTINI logical name assignment. If EDTINI is not
    defined, EDT looks for the file named EDTINI.EDT in your default
    directory. If none of these files exists, EDT begins your editing
    session in the default state. When the session ends, the edited
    file has the name NEWFILE.TXT.


    This EDIT command invokes EDT to recover from an abnormal
    exit during a previous editing session. EDT opens the file
    OLDFILE.TXT, and then processes the journal OLDFILE.JOU. Once
    the journal has been processed, the user can resume interactive
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