/sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  ANALYZE  /DISK_STRUCTURE, Qualifiers
    Qualifier          Description

    /CONFIRM           Determines whether ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE
                       prompts you to confirm each repair

    /EXTENTS           Reports on the fragmentation of free space
                       on a volume

    /HOMEBLOCKS        Erases damaged home blocks on an initialized

    /LIST[=filespec]   Determines whether ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE
                       produces a listing of the index file

    /LOCK_VOLUME       (Alpha/I64 only) Prevents updates to a
                       volume while you are analyzing it

    /OUTPUT[=filespec] Specifies the output file to which
                       ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE writes the disk
                       structure errors

    /READ_CHECK        Determines whether ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE
                       performs a read check of all allocated blocks
                       on the specified disk

    /RECORD_           Determines whether ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE
    ATTRIBUTES         repairs files containing erroneous settings
                       in the record attributes section of their
                       associated file attribute block (FAT)

    /REPAIR            Determines whether ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE
                       repairs errors that are detected in the file
                       structure of the specified device

    /SHADOW            Causes the entire contents of a shadow set or
                       a specified range of blocks in a shadow set to
                       be checked for discrepancies.

    /STATISTICS        Produces statistical information about the
                       volume under verification and creates a
                       file, STATS.DAT, which contains per-volume

    /USAGE[=filespec]  Specifies that a disk usage accounting file
                       should be produced, in addition to the other
                       specified functions of ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE
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