Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  TCPIP Services, Remote Commands
    The Remote (R) commands provided by TCP/IP Services allow you to
    work in user accounts on remote systems that support the Remote
    (R) protocols. You can also use commands, shell scripts, and
    command procedures on these remote host systems without logging
    in to the hosts. The R commands include

    o  RCP (Remote Copy)

    o  RLOGIN (Remote Login)

    o  RSH (Remote Shell)

    o  REXEC (Remote Execute, invoked by RSH).

    You enter these commands at your system command-line prompt.

    To use the Remote (R) commands, you need access to a user account
    on the remote host. Access is granted by either of the following:

    o  An entry in the remote host's authentication or proxy files

    o  Knowledge of a valid remote account and its password

1  –  User Guidelines

    To use a remote command on your OpenVMS system, remote hosts need
    to know the user name that you want to use on the host. You can
    provide the user name in either of two ways:

    o  Automatically: You do not need to take any action if your
       user name is the same on the remote host as it is on the local
       host. The remote commands automatically supply your local user
       name as the requested user name on the remote system.

    o  Using the /USER_NAME qualifier: Specify the user name with the
       /USER_NAME qualifier if your user name is:

       -  Different on the remote host

       -  In mixed case (only for remote hosts that support case-
          sensitive user names)

       -  The same on the remote host but you want to access the
          remote host using another user name

       By default, the R commands send all user names in lowercase
       letters. If you access a host that supports case-sensitive
       user names, and the user name you specify has uppercase
       letters, you can use the /NOLOWERCASE qualifier to maintain
       these letters as uppercase, or you can specify the /USER_NAME
       qualifier and enclose the user name within quotation marks.

    The remote host must also know your password or know you as
    a trusted user on your local system through a proxy or by

    o  Accessing remote hosts by providing your password:

       -  Certain systems have case-sensitive passwords. To send your
          lowercase or mixed-case password to these hosts, enclose
          it within quotation marks ( " " ). On systems that are not
          case sensitive, you do not need to enclose your password
          within quotation marks.

       -  You can specify the password on the command line, as

          $ RSH WOODS /PASSWORD="Downy" LS

          You can specify the password when the remote system
          prompts, as follows:

          REXEC password:        (password not echoed)

    o  Accessing remote hosts as a trusted user:

       Most systems use authentication files or proxy accounts that
       allow trusted users on trusted hosts to access the system
       by specifying only the user name they want to use. To access
       a host without specifying the corresponding password, your
       originating host and user name must have an entry in these
       authentication files.

       The authentication file entries contain your originating user
       name. The R commands convert your originating user name to
       lowercase unless you use the /NOLOWERCASE qualifier. You may
       have to contact the system manager of the remote system to
       determine whether the system is case sensitive and, if so,
       what case is used in the authentication files.


       o  To use the REXEC feature, you must always use the
          /PASSWORD qualifier.

       o  The RLOGIN command does not recognize the /PASSWORD
          qualifier. If you are a trusted user, you are
          automatically logged in to the remote system.

       o  If you are not a trusted user, the remote host (REXEC)
          prompts you to enter a user name and password on the
          remote system.

2  –  Command Syntax

    o  Quotation Marks

       Use quotation marks (" ") for UNIX host path names that
       include slashes (/), such as user/simms/offers, and for
       user/host specifications that include the username@hostname

       If the remote host uses case-sensitive user names and
       passwords, use quotation marks in the following situations:

       o  User names and passwords are mixed case.

       o  Passwords are lowercase.

       o  User names are uppercase, unless you use the /NOLOWERCASE

    o  Qualifiers

       You can specify R command qualifiers in either of two ways:

       o  Enter the qualifiers on the command line, as follows:


       o  Add the same information to your LOGIN.COM file, as shown
          in the following example:

          $ ! To customize my R commands:
          $ !
          $ RCP :== RCP /LOG
          $ !

3  –  RCP

    The RCP (Remote Copy) command copies a file between your local
    host and a remote internet host. You can also use RCP to copy a
    file between two remote internet hosts. You specify the source
    and destination file names, each in the format appropriate for
    the source or destination system. For copying files from one
    remote host to another, the following rules apply:

    o  If you do not have proxy login accounts (or authentication
       file entries) for both the source and remote hosts, you
       must have the same user name and password on both source
       and destination hosts. Use the /PASSWORD qualifier and,
       if necessary, the /USER_NAME qualifier, to specify the
       authentication information for the remote hosts.

    o  If you have a proxy login account (or authentication file
       entry) on one of the remote hosts only, use the /PASSWORD
       qualifier and, if necessary, the /USER_NAME qualifier to
       specify the authentication information for the other host.

    To recursively copy every file and subdirectory in a directory,
    use the /RECURSIVE qualifier with the RCP command.

    To preserve file format and other attributes when copying files
    between two OpenVMS systems, use the /VMS qualifier (UNIX format:
    -v option). For more information, see File_Formats.

    You can also use the COPY/RCP command to copy files across
    the network. For more information on this command, enter HELP
    COPY/RCP at the DCL prompt.

    Note that you can also use FTP to transfer files.

3.1  –  File Formats

    RCP on OpenVMS is best used for transferring text files. By
    default, RCP converts any type of OpenVMS file that is not
    STREAM_LF, FIXED, or UNDEFINED to STREAM_LF format, using the
    standard OpenVMS CONVERT utility. RCP specifies the files in the
    following way:


    Options available for changing the default behavior for file copy
    operations include the following:

    o  Convert FIXED and UNDEFINED format files to STREAM_LF

       You can change the behavior of RCP to convert FIXED and
       UNDEFINED format files to STREAM_LF format by using the
       following logical name:


       If this logical name is set to the value 1, RCP converts FIXED
       and UNDEFINED files to STREAM_LF format. If this logical name
       is set to a value other than 1, RCP will not convert those
       files that have a fixed-length record size that matches the
       value of the logical name; RCP will convert all other FIXED
       and UNDEFINED files.

       For example, if you set this logical name to 512, RCP will not
       convert FIXED or UNDEFINED files with a fixed-length record
       size of 512 (such as OpenVMS executable image files); RCP will
       convert all other FIXED and UNDEFINED files.

    o  Preserve File Attributes in OpenVMS-to-OpenVMS File Transfer

       In an OpenVMS-to-OpenVMS transfer, the receiving peer creates
       the file as a STREAM_LF file by default. You can preserve the
       file type and other attributes of a file transferred between
       two OpenVMS systems by using the /VMS qualifier (UNIX format:
       use the -v option) with the RCP command.


          Specify this qualifier only for file copy operations
          between two OpenVMS systems; otherwise, the operation
          will fail.

3.2  –  File Size

    When transferring files, the RCP protocol requires that the
    length of the file be sent as part of the protocol. The length
    is interpreted as a signed 32-bit integer. Therefore, files
    transferred using RCP must be less than 4 GB minus 1 byte.

3.3  –  Examples

    The following examples show how to use RCP commands to copy files
    from one host to another host:

    1. User BEST has the account best on the UNIX host haven. User
       BEST's password for that account is IMusici, which must be
       enclosed in quotation marks because it is mixed case. The
       following command copies the file /symph/nine on haven to
       the local directory on the OpenVMS system (the UNIX file
       specification also must be enclosed in quotation marks):

       $ RCP /PASSWORD="IMusici" "haven:/symph/nine"

    2. User BEST has a proxy account on the remote UNIX host musicx.
       The following command copies the file /symph/pastoral from
       host musicx to the directory [SYMPH6] on the device DKA300: on
       BEST's local OpenVMS system:

       $ RCP "musicx:/symph/pastoral" ":DKA300:[SYMPH6]"

    3. With the following command, user BEST copies each subtree
       rooted at the /symph directory to the directory [SYMPHS] on
       the device DKA300: on BEST's local OpenVMS system.

       $ RCP/RECURSIVE "haven:/symph" ":DKA300:[SYMPHS]"

    4. With the following command, user BEST copies all files
       from the directory /symphonies on remote host musicx to the
       directory /symph on remote host haven:

       $ RCP /PASSWORD="IMusici" "musicx:/symphonies/*" "haven:/symph/*"

    5. In the following example, user BEST uses the DCL command
       COPY/RCP to transfer the complete subdirectory tree /symph
       from remote UNIX host haven to remote OpenVMS host FRAM.
       Both hosts require a password. (When using the RCP command
       to transfer files between two remote hosts, you need a proxy
       account or an entry in the authentication file for at least
       one of the two remote hosts.) User BEST has an account under
       the same name on both hosts.

       $ COPY/RCP haven"BEST IMusici"::"/symph/*"
       To: FRAM"VAUGHN MYLES"::[classic.compositions]*"

4  –  RLOGIN

    The RLOGIN (Remote Login) command connects your terminal to the
    remote host you specify and requests a login. If the remote host
    has an entry in its authentication files for your host and user
    name, it may bypass its login and password prompts.

    Note that you can also use TELNET to log in to remote internet

    End your remote login session in one of the following ways:

    o  Log out from the remote host.

    o  On a new line, enter the escape character and a period.

    The default escape character is a tilde ( ~ ). To set another
    escape character, use the /ESCAPE_CHARACTER qualifier on the
    RLOGIN command line.

4.1  –  Examples

    The following examples show how to use the RLOGIN command.

    1. The following command logs in to node CONDO:

       CONDO - Unauthorized access is prohibited
       Username: KING
       Password: (password not echoed)
          Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V7.3 on node CONDO
              Last interactive login on Thursday, 24-SEP-2001 15:20:29.60
                  Last non-interactive login on Wednesday, 23-SEP-2001 14:25:04.12

       $ RUN ...
       $ ~. (characters not echoed)

       %RLOGIN-S-LCLCLOSED, Local connection closed

    2. The following command logs in to host petrel and changes the
       character used to close the RLOGIN session:


       Last login: Mon Mar 14 18:34:27 from
       UNIX System petrel:  Fri Mar 19 11:02:20 EST 2002
       Mon Jun 28 18:44:42 EST 2002

       % ls ...
       % +. (characters not echoed)

       %RLOGIN-S-REMCLOSED, Remote connection closed

5  –  RSH

    The RSH (Remote Shell) command connects your terminal to a
    remote host and requests it to execute the command, script, or
    command procedure that you specify. If the command generates
    output, you see it as if it were produced locally. If you omit a
    remote command when you enter an RSH command line, RSH initiates
    an RLOGIN session. However, if the command line includes the
    /PASSWORD qualifier, the remote login attempt fails. Using the
    /PASSWORD qualifier invokes REXEC.

    Syntax rules require that you enter your RSH command line so that
    the remote command is the last word.

    Quotation Marks

    If the remote command is one or more lowercase words, you do not
    need to enclose them in double quotation marks on the RSH command
    line. However, double quotation marks ( " " ) are required for
    the following:

    o  Mixed-case UNIX commands

    o  Uppercase UNIX commands

    In addition, RSH handles one double quotation mark ( " ) and
    two consecutive double quotation marks ( " " ) in the following

    o  If you enter one double quotation mark on a command line, RSH
       removes it.

    o  If you enter two consecutive double quotation marks on the
       command line, RSH removes the first quotation mark and leaves
       the second.

    o  If you enclose text within double quotation marks on a command
       line, RSH disables the default conversion of characters to
       lowercase and removes the quotation marks.

    Note that, as a general rule, if you are uncertain about whether
    or not to use quotation marks, you should use them.

    Interrupting Commands

    To stop remote execution of a command, press either Ctrl/C or

5.1  –  Examples

    The following examples show how to use the RSH command.

    1. In the first example, the remote system manager previously
       created an entry in the authentication files for remote user
       STAN on host oster, giving STAN permission to access user

       From the local OpenVMS host, user STAN views rolly's
       directory, which resides on UNIX system oster. No quotation
       marks are required around the user name and host name because
       RSH by default sends them in lowercase.


    2. On the following RSH command line, the uppercase UNIX
       qualifier -R is entered within quotation marks to preserve the
       uppercase R. This example assumes that the user's originating
       host and user name are in the authentication files on the
       remote host debts.

       $ RSH DEBTS LS "-R"

    3. The following commands show how RSH sends quotation marks to
       a remote UNIX host and how quotation marks affect case. All
       examples assume that the user's originating host and user name
       are in the authentication files on the remote host.

       test message

       $ RSH DEBTS ECHO "\""test\"" message"
       "test" message

       TEST message

       $ RSH DEBTS "echo '""test"" message'"
       "test" message

    4. Because a remote command is not specified on the RSH command
       line, TCP/IP Services executes RLOGIN.

       $ RSH MOON01

       Password:     <Return>(password not echoed)

       Last successful login for jjones: Fri Sep 25 10:58:31 2003 from nebula
           Last unsuccessful login for jjones: Fri Sep 25 11:59:43 2003 on ttyp5

           Tru64 UNIX V5.0  (Rev. 148); Tue Apr  7 18:32:54 EST 2003

                               Compaq Computer Corporation
                                    Internal Use Only

    5. In this example, the OpenVMS system manager of host WR2
       previously created an entry in the authentication files for
       remote user SIMMS on host WR1.

       From OpenVMS host WR1, user SIMMS enters the DIRECTORY command
       to execute at host WR2.


    6. In this example, the OpenVMS system manager of host WR2
       previously created an entry in the authentication files for
       remote user SIMMS on host WR1, allowing user SIMMS access to
       the user name ROGERS.

       User SIMMS enters the DIRECTORY command from host WR1 to
       execute at host WR2 in user account ROGERS.


6  –  REXEC

    Use the REXEC feature to send a command to execute on a remote
    host that does not have, or might not have, the authentication
    information that RSH requires. The remote system's authentication
    files are not used.

    Along with the remote command, REXEC sends the password you
    specify on the command line to the remote host. This password
    is used for security checking.

    The Remote Shell program (RSH) invokes REXEC. To use REXEC, enter
    RSH /PASSWORD. REXEC then functions like the RSH command.

6.1  –  Examples

    The following example shows how to provide password information
    for the RSH command, thereby invoking the REXEC feature on the
    remote host.

    From host GRANT, user STANTON enters the file that
    resides on UNIX host oster. Because STANTON is not listed in
    oster's authentication files, user STANTON must use the REXEC
    feature and supply the /USER_NAME and /PASSWORD qualifiers.
    Quotation marks are required around the password because it
    contains uppercase letters.

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