FTP - the File Transfer Protocol - allows you to connect to a
    remote host and perform the following actions:

    o  Transfer files between your local host and the connected
       remote host

    o  Append local files to remote host files

    o  Delete and rename files on the remote host

    o  Create, delete, and rename directories on the remote host

    o  View the contents of directories and files on the remote host

    FTP also allows you to set and display the default working
    directory on the remote host as well as on your local host, and
    to customize FTP command processing.

    You can also use RCP to copy files. For more information on RCP,
    see Remote_Commands.

    To use FTP, you need the following:

    o  A user account on the OpenVMS system with access to TCP/IP
       Services for OpenVMS

    o  One of the following:

       -  A user account on the remote FTP host

       -  Access to the remote host's ANONYMOUS user account

1  –  Command Summary

    To use FTP, enter the commands summarized below. For complete
    descriptions (including UNIX equivalents) of each command, type
    the following command:

    $ FTP


    Command               Description

    Starting and Exiting (At the DCL Prompt)

    FTP                   Invokes FTP.
    FTP remote_host       Invokes FTP and establishes a connection to
                          a remote host.

    Starting and Exiting (At the FTP> Prompt)

    CONNECT               Establishes a connection to a remote host.
    DISCONNECT            Closes the connection with the remote host.
    EXIT                  Closes the connection with the remote host
    Ctrl/Z                and exits FTP.

    Sending Commands to the Remote Host

    APPEND                Appends a local file to a remote file.
    CREATE/DIRECTORY      Creates a remote directory.
    DELETE                Deletes remote files.
    DIRECTORY             Lists remote file names and related
    GET                   Copies files from the remote host to the
                          local host.
    LOGIN                 Logs you in to a remote host.
    PUT                   Copies files from the local host to the
                          remote host.
    RENAME                Renames remote files.
    SET DEFAULT           Sets the remote working directory or the
                          local working directory.
    SHOW DEFAULT          Displays the name of the current working
    VIEW                  Displays the contents of a file on the
                          current output device.

    Suspending FTP to Return to DCL Prompt

    SPAWN                 Suspends FTP to create a subprocess at the
                          local DCL prompt.

    Customizing Your Session's Environment

    DISABLE LOG           Disables the display of all the protocol
                          commands sent to the remote host.
    DISABLE PARSE         Disables the expansion of file names.
    DISABLE               Disables the sending of the FTP protocol
    PORT_COMMAND          PORT command.
    DISABLE REPLY         Disables the display of all responses from
                          the remote host.
    DISABLE               Disables the display of # for each 1K bytes
    TRANSFER_VERIFICATION of data transferred.
    DISABLE               Disables the special OpenVMS-to-OpenVMS
    VMS_PLUS              transfer mode.
    ENABLE LOG            Enables the display of all protocol
                          commands sent to the remote host.
    ENABLE PARSE          Enables the expansion of file names.
    ENABLE                Enables the sending of the FTP protocol
    PORT_COMMAND          PORT command.
    ENABLE REPLY          Enables the display of all responses from
                          the remote host.
    ENABLE                Enables the display of the pound sign (#)
    TRANSFER_             for each 1K bytes of data transferred.
    ENABLE                Enables the OpenVMS-to-OpenVMS transfer
    VMS_PLUS              mode.
    HELP                  Invokes help.
    QUOTE                 Sends FTP commands to the remote host
                          without local interpretation.
    SET TYPE              Defines the data representation for file
    SHOW STATUS           Displays the current FTP parameter settings
                          and, if you have an open connection, the
                          name of the connected host.
    SPAWN                 Starts a subprocess at the DCL prompt.

2  –  FTP Conventions

    Use the following rules for command syntax, quotation marks, and
    wildcard characters when you type FTP command lines.

    o  Command syntax

       With the FTP command and most of the commands at the FTP
       prompt, you can use either DCL or UNIX command syntax. For
       example, the DCL DIRECTORY and the UNIX ls commands produce
       the same results

    o  Quotation marks

       When you communicate with a non-OpenVMS host, you might need
       to enclose the following within quotation marks:

       o  UNIX path names

       o  UNIX file names with slashes

       o  Lowercase or mixed-case host names, user names, passwords,
          file names, and command lines

       As shown in the following example, enclose UNIX path names
       with quotation marks:

       FTP> put MY.DOC "/usr/users/evt/my.doc"
       200 PORT command successful.
       150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /usr/users/evt/mydoc
       226 Transfer complete.
       local: WORK1$:[VANA]MY.DOC;2  remote: /usr/users/evt/my.doc
       289 bytes sent in 00:00:00.01 seconds (20.15 Kbytes/s)

    o  Wildcards

       You can use wildcards in the following FTP commands: DELETE,

       The wildcard characters recognized by FTP include the

       o  The percent sign (%) to represent an individual character

       o  The question mark (?) to represent an individual character

       o  The asterisk (*) to represent multiple characters

       If any of these characters are part of a file name but are
       not used as a wildcard, you can disable recognition of these
       characters as wildcards by either enclosing the file name in
       quotation marks or using the DISABLE PARSE command.

    o  Qualifiers

       In DCL command lines, you can place a command qualifier
       anywhere on the command line. It is a good practice to follow
       the OpenVMS recommendation of placing the qualifier after the
       command name.

3  –  Starting FTP

    You can start an FTP session in any of the following ways:

    o  At the DCL prompt, enter the FTP command and specify a remote

    o  At the DCL prompt, enter the FTP command with no parameters.
       At the FTP prompt, enter the CONNECT or open command,
       specifying a remote host.

    o  By using the /FTP qualifier on the DCL commands COPY and

    o  Invoke and use FTP from a command procedure

    You must connect to a remote host before you can enter an FTP
    command that affects or displays files on the remote host. You
    can invoke FTP and, without first connecting to a remote host,
    enter the FTP commands that customize the FTP environment.

    When you establish an FTP connection, the remote user name
    defaults to your user name on the local system.

    If you have a different user name on the remote system, do one of
    the following:

    o  On the FTP command line, enter the /USERNAME qualifier.

    o  At the user name prompt, type your remote user name. For

       $ FTP SITE1

       220 FTP server (Version 5.0) ready
       Connected to
       Name (SITE1:antel): crowe <Return>
       331 Username CROWE requires a Password
       Password:         <Return>
       230 User logged in

    If your connection is with another OpenVMS host, it executes your
    LOGIN.COM procedure. You can use your LOGIN.COM command procedure
    to customize the environment for your FTP sessions.

3.1  –  Examples

    The following example connects to host XENO using the FTP

    $ FTP XENO /USER="bennings" /PASSWORD="keysimpl"<Return>
    220 xeno FTP Server (UNIX Version 5.60) ready
    Connected to
    230 User logged in

    In the following example, user dave invokes FTP and connects to
    UNIX host sanfran using the CONNECT command:

    $ FTP <Return>
    220 FTP server (UNIX Version 5.60) ready
    Connected to
    Name (sanfran:dave): <Return>
    331 Password required for dave
    Password:            <Return>
    230 User logged in

4  –  Anonymous FTP

    Anonymous user access, also called Anonymous FTP, lets you
    make an FTP connection to a remote host by specifying the name
    ANONYMOUS (or another name defined by the system manager). With
    Anonymous FTP, you do not need:

    o  A registered user account on the remote host

    o  To use your own user account, if you have one

    o  To supply a password

    With Anonymous FTP, you can perform the following actions:

    o  View remote directories

       -  View the guest and public directories with the FTP command

       -  If set up, the public directory called GUEST$PUBLIC has
          general bulletin-board information. It contains files of
          interest to FTP users.

    o  Copy files

       -  Enter GET and PUT commands to copy files to and from

       -  The public area is read-only. You can enter the GET command
          to copy files from the remote host to your local system.

       Optionally, there may be an ANONYMOUS$USER directory where you
       can perform the following actions:

       -  Delete files

       -  Create directories

       -  Delete directories

       -  Rename files

       -  Rename directories

       The system manager sets up the access restrictions for
       Anonymous FTP that determine the availability of features.


       GUEST$PUBLIC and ANONYMOUS$USER are devices names for
       directories that may be set up by the system manager. See
       the VSI TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual for
       more information.

4.1  –  Examples

    In the following example, UNIX user williams uses Anonymous FTP
    to connect to the ANONYMOUS account on OpenVMS host TRACTPLAN.
    Rather than prompt for a password, TRACTPLAN asks for the user

    % ftp tractplan
    Connected to
    220 tractplan FTP Server (Version 5.1) ready
    Name (tractplan:williams): anonymous
    331 Guest login ok, send ident as password
    230  Guest login ok, access restrictions apply

5  –  Exiting FTP

    You can end an FTP session and return to the DCL prompt by
    entering the EXIT, quit, or bye commands or by pressing Ctrl/Z.
    The following examples close a connection with the remote host
    and exit FTP.

    221 Goodbye.

    FTP> quit
    221 Goodbye.

    To close a connection and remain at the FTP prompt, use the
    DISCONNECT or close command.

5.1  –  Examples

    The following examples show how to close a connection, if one is
    open, and remain at the FTP prompt for you to continue using FTP.

    221 Goodbye.

    221 Goodbye.

6  –  Viewing Remote Directories

    Use the DIRECTORY command to list the files and associated
    information in remote directories. For example, the following
    command lists the files in the default directory on a remote
    UNIX host (assuming the user already has connected to the remote

    200 PORT command successful
    150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (,1312)
    total 6303
    -rw-rw-r--   1 milgrom  users          1 Jan  9  2002 #UNTITLED#
    -rw-------   1 milgrom  users          4 Apr 11  2002 .Xauthority
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 milgrom  users       1499 Feb  3  2002 .cshrc
    drwxr-xr-x  11 milgrom  users       8192 Jan  9  2002 .dt
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 milgrom  users       3970 Dec 13  2002 .dtprofile)

7  –  Default Directory

    During an FTP session, you can display or change the current
    default directory either on the remote host or on your local

    To display the default (working) directory on the remote host,
    use the SHOW DEFAULT command, as in the following example:

    257 "/usr/users" is the current directory.

    To display the working directory on the local host, use the SHOW
    DEFAULT command with the /LOCAL qualifier, as in the following

    Local directory is DISK$6:[MANAGER].

    To change the default directory on the remote host, use the SET
    DEFAULT command. The following example shows how to change the
    default directory on a remote UNIX host to /usr/users/robert:

    FTP> SET DEFAULT "/usr/users/robert"
    250 CWD command successful.


    FTP> SET DEFAULT "~robert"

    To change back to your login default directory, specify a tilde
    (~) alone, as follows:

    250 CWD command successful.
    FTP> pwd
    257 "/usr/users/robert" is current directory.

8  –  Creating and Deleting Directories

    To create a directory on a connected remote host, use the
    CREATE/DIRECTORY command. The following example creates a
    subdirectory LOCAL_ACCTS in the current working directory on
    the connected remote OpenVMS host.


    To delete a directory, use the DELETE/DIRECTORY command as in the
    following example. The command deletes the directory created in
    the preceding example.


9  –  Copying Files

    To copy files from a remote host to your local host, use the GET
    command. To copy files from your local host to a remote host,
    use the PUT command. To use these commands, you must have an
    active FTP session with a remote host. You can enter any number
    of commands during the session. You can also use the COPY/FTP
    command to copy files across the network using TCP/IP. For
    more information on this command, type HELP COPY/FTP at the DCL

    FTP resolves the differences between UNIX file systems and
    OpenVMS file systems automatically. By default, the PUT command
    copies files to UNIX systems using lowercase file names without
    version numbers. If you use a wildcard to copy all versions of a
    file and do not specify an output file, the following occurs:

    o  The version numbers become the last element of the copied

    o  Semicolons are converted to periods.

9.1  –  Store Unique Feature

    The Store Unique (STOU) feature allows you to control how file
    version numbers are treated when you copy (PUT) files from
    local to remote hosts. After connecting to the remote host, you
    toggle the Store Unique feature on and off by issuing the sunique
    command at the FTP prompt, as follows:

     FTP> sunique
     Store unique on.
     FTP> sunique
     Store unique off.
     FTP> sunique
     Store unique on.

    The Store Unique feature behaves differently when copying files
    between OpenVMS and UNIX. It also behaves differently if you use
    wildcards or specify version numbers.

    The following table shows the results when you copy the file
    text.txt from OpenVMS to UNIX.

                  Exists     Store
                  on UNIX    Unique
    FTP Command   System     On        Store Unique Off

    FTP> PUT      No         text.txt  text.txt
    FTP> PUT      Yes        text.txt.1 text.txt

    The next table shows the results when you copy the file
    text.txt;* from OpenVMS to UNIX.

                  Exist on   Store
                  UNIX       Unique
    FTP Command   System     On        Store Unique Off

    FTP> PUT      No         text.txt.2 text.txt.2
    text.txt;*                         text.txt.1

    FTP> PUT      Yes        text.txt.2text.txt.2
    text.txt;*                         text.txt.1

9.2  –  VMS Plus Mode

    FTP performs fast file transfers between two OpenVMS systems by
    using VMS Plus Mode.

    When FTP identifies file transfers between two OpenVMS hosts
    running TCP/IP Services, it transfers files in large blocks
    rather than in small records. VMS Plus Mode greatly increases
    the transfer speed and preserves all Record Management Services
    (RMS) file attributes.

    FTP automatically disables VMS Plus Mode when your session is
    with a UNIX host or with an OpenVMS host not running TCP/IP

9.3  –  Preserving File Attributes

    When you transfer OpenVMS files to a UNIX system and back again,
    some record attributes might be lost. To preserve all RMS file
    attributes, use the /FDL qualifier (File Definition Language)
    with the GET and PUT commands.

    You might also need to use the SET TYPE command to determine the
    type of file transfer:

    o  Specifying SET TYPE ASCII results in a sequential file with
       variable records. Select this type when transferring ASCII
       text files.

    o  Specifying SET TYPE IMAGE results in a sequential file with
       fixed records of 512 bytes. Select this type when transferring
       non-ASCII files, such as binary files or executable image

    For example, to transfer an executable image to a remote UNIX
    host, follow these steps:

    1. Specify the IMAGE data type:


    2. Transfer the file to the remote host. At the same time, create
       and transfer a secondary file with the file's OpenVMS record

       FTP> PUT/FDL file

    To retrieve the file from a remote UNIX host, follow these steps:

    1. Specify the IMAGE data type:


    2. Retrieve the file from the remote host after retrieving and
       using the secondary file containing the file's OpenVMS record

       FTP> GET/FDL file.dat

9.4  –  Examples

    1. In the following example, the PUT/FDL command does the

       o  Creates the FDL file cygnet.bckfdl on the remote host with
          the RMS attributes of file STAT.BCK.

       o  Transfers the data in STAT.BCK and puts it in to
          cygnet.bckfdl on the remote host.

          200 TYPE set to ASCII
          200 PORT command successful
          150 Opening data connection for cygnet.bckfdl (,1028)
          226 Transfer complete
          local: cygnet.bckfdl   remote: cygnet.bckfdl
          846 bytes sent in 00:00:00.03 seconds
          200 TYPE set to IMAGE
          200 PORT command successful
          150 Opening data connection for cygnet.bck (,1029)
          226 Transfer complete
          local: STAT.BCK  remote: cygnet.bck
          8152 bytes sent in 00:00:00.12 seconds

 In the following example, the GET/FDL command performs the following

       o  Transfers the FDL file cygnet.bckfdl from the remote host
          to the local host.

       o  Uses this file to re-create the file STAT.BCK, with all of
          its original RMS attributes, on the local host.

       o  Transfers the data in cygnet.bck to the new local file

          200 TYPE set to ASCII
          200 PORT command successful
          150 Opening data connection for cygnet.bckfdl (,1028)
          226 Transfer complete
          local: cygnet.bckfdl   remote: cygnet.bckfdl
          846 bytes sent in 00:00:00.03 seconds
          200 TYPE set to IMAGE
          200 PORT command successful
          150 Opening data connection for cygnet.bck (,1029)
          226 Transfer complete
          local: STAT.BCK  remote: cygnet.bck
          8152 bytes sent in 00:00:00.12 seconds

9.5  –  Transfer Mode

    TCP/IP Services supports only STREAM mode for data transfer.
    STREAM mode transmits the data as a stream of bytes.

9.6  –  File Structure

    TCP/IP Services supports transfers of ASCII (stream, records with
    variable length) and IMAGE (binary, records fixed at 512 bytes)

10  –  Renaming and Deleting Files

    To change the name of a remote file, use the FTP command RENAME.
    The following command renames file YEAR.DAT to YEAR96.DAT on the
    connected remote host:


    To remove a remote file, use the FTP command DELETE. The
    following command deletes all versions of file YEAR.DAT on the
    connected remote VMS host:


11  –  Viewing File Contents

    To display the contents of a file on a connected remote host, use
    the FTP command VIEW and specify the file name. If the file is
    not in your current working directory, include the directory name
    in the file specification.

    The following example shows how to display the contents of file
    ENG.DIS located in the remote working directory:



12  –  Appending Files

    The FTP command APPEND allows you to concatenate a local file to
    a file on a connected remote host. The following command appends
    local file JUL_DEC.DAT to file YEAR.DAT on the connected remote
    host KALI.

    200 PORT command successful
    150 Opening data connection for year.dat. (,1108)
    226 Append transfer complete
    local:large.txt   remote:remote.dat
    15596 bytes sent in 00:00:00.10 seconds (152.30 Kbytes/s)

13  –  Customizing FTP

    You can modify the way FTP transfers files, depending on the
    following criteria:

    o  The operating system of the remote host

    o  The applications you use

    o  Whether you want wildcard name expansion

    o  The information you want displayed during processing

    The following are a few of the FTP commands that control FTP
    command processing:


       Enables or disables the display of FTP commands sent to the
       remote host.


       Enables or disables the expansion of file name specifications.


       Enables or disables the display of all responses from the
       remote host.

    o  QUOTE

       Sends FTP commands directly to the remote host without local

    The preceding commands control the way FTP displays command
    processing information and status. The SHOW STATUS command
    displays the current status of the FTP client (your local host)
    and, if you have a connection, of the remote host.

    By default, FTP returns multiple lines of error messages
    (MULTILINE is enabled). The first line explains the general
    problem, while subsequent lines provide details to help you
    diagnose the source of the problem. These lines may include
    operating system as well as FTP messages. Applications that use
    FTP to transfer files under program control often do not need the
    extra messages returned. To disable the MULTILINE feature, when
    you supply a password to connect to a remote host, precede the
    password with a hyphen (-password), as in the following example:


    Use the FTP command SHOW STATUS to determine whether the
    MULTILINE feature is enabled.

    You can modify the way FTP reacts to errors by using the SET
    ERROR_LEVEL command. By default, the error level setting is
    SUCCESS, which means that when FTP is running in batch mode, a
    warning or error message will cause FTP to exit. (FTP runs in
    batch mode when FTP commands are executed by a command procedure
    rather than interactively.) If you do not want FTP to exit upon a
    warning or error message, you can set the error level to ERROR.

    For example, in the following command, if the default error level
    (SUCCESS) is in effect and directory [MILLER.USERS] does not
    exist, the resulting error would cause FTP to exit.

    DEL *.*;*

    If the error level had been set to ERROR, FTP would not exit,
    and the DELETE command in the command procedure would delete all
    files in your current working directory. Note that you can also
    set the error level to WARNING, which causes FTP to tolerate
    warning messages (but not error messages).

14  –  Command Procedures

    You can use either OpenVMS or UNIX command syntax in DCL command
    procedures that use FTP. You can use command procedures to invoke
    FTP tasks, connecting to a remote host and performing assorted
    file operations with the remote host and you can use command
    procedures to customize the FTP environment.

14.1  –  Initialization Command Files

    Initialization command files can customize your FTP sessions
    with the SET, ENABLE, and DISABLE commands. These command files
    are optional. They eliminate the need to enter individual FTP
    commands, and they run automatically when you invoke FTP.

    Initialization command files have the following characteristics:

    o  Contain only OpenVMS commands.

    o  Contain only one command per line.

    o  Are generally named SYS$LOGIN:FTPINIT.INI.

14.2  –  Examples

    The following example shows an FTP initialization command

    ! This file, FTPINIT.INI, sets my FTP parameters
    ! the way I like them.

    When you invoke FTP, the initialization file generates output
    such as the following, which displays environment status:

    $ FTP
    Reply on.
    Verbose mode on.
    Bell off.
    Hash mark printing on (1024/hash mark).
    Local directory now SYS$LOGIN_DEVICE:[MILLER.WORK]

14.3  –  Setting Error Level

    To change the error level, enter the following command, where x


    o  If x is SUCCESS, then WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL cause FTP to

    o  If x is WARNING, then ERROR and FATAL cause FTP to exit.

    o  If x is ERROR, then only FATAL causes FTP to exit.

    Fatal errors always cause FTP to exit.

15  –  DECnet Operations

    To copy files to and from a DECnet node, use the standard GET and
    PUT commands

    You can copy files to and from DECnet nodes and get remote
    directory information, if your host and the DECnet node are
    connected through a host running TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.
    Use the full file specification, including the node, device,
    directory, and file name.

15.1  –  Examples

    1. The following PUT command copies local file FAX.TXT to DECnet
       node CURTAIL and renames the file to CURRENT.TXT:


    2. The following GET command copies remote OpenVMS file
       HOUSING.TXT from DECnet node HABTAT and renames the file to

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