/sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  FINGER
    Displays the following information about users on a host:

    o  Brief listings of all users on a host

    o  Detailed listings about specific users

    o  Listing of users on a cluster

    Specifying the FINGER command without a user or host
    specification displays information about users logged in on your
    local system.


      FINGER  [/ALL | /CLUSTER | /FULL] [username][@hostname]

1  –  Parameters


    Optional. Required for detailed information about a user.

    Specify the user login name. For information about a user
    on your local system, do not include the @hostname. For
    information about a user on a remote system, include the host
    name (username@hostname).


    Optional. Required for information about users on a remote

    For information about a specific user on a remote host, include
    the user name with the host name (username@hostname). For
    information about all users on the remote host, specify the host
    name only (@hostname). Omit the host name to display information
    about users on your local host.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /ALL

    Optional. Use when specifying a local user name. The /ALL
    qualifier immediately follows the FINGER command.

    Displays a brief listing of all users in addition to detailed
    information about any specified users. Use this qualifier
    primarily for displaying information about users on the local
    host. The /ALL qualifier is ignored by most remote FINGER servers
    when you specify a remote host name in the command line. To
    display brief information about all users on a remote host in
    addition to detailed information about specific users, specify
    the user@hostname format for each user, along with @hostname
    (to list brief information about all users). Separate each
    user@hostname and @hostname specification with a space.

2.2    /CLUSTER

    Optional. The /CLUSTER qualifier must immediately follow the
    FINGER command. Do not specify a remote host name with this

    Displays information about all users logged in to the local
    OpenVMS Cluster system.

2.3    /FULL

    Optional. The /FULL qualifier must immediately follow the FINGER

    Displays detailed information, such as the user's real name and
    all the user's logins. (Without /FULL, the display includes the
    last login only.) Use this qualifier primarily for displaying
    information about users on the local host.

3  –  Examples


      Username        Program      Login      Term/Location
      FRANKEL         $            Mon 15:10  KCRA::FRANKEL

      Login name:  frankel         In real Life:  Sam Frankel
      Account:  CC_Y9M             Directory:  WORK1$:[FRANKEL]
      Last login:  Mon 30-MAR-1998 13:10:22
      No unread mail
      No plan

      Displays detailed information about user FRANKEL at host KCRA.


      Username     Program      Login     Term/Location
      BARD         $            Mon 17:00
      CASON        LSEDIT       Thu 14:57
      CORR         $            Tue 13:30 24151::CORR
      DUDLEY       $            Mon 15:02 24646::DUDLEY
      GRAND        $            Thu 07:50 NITROGEN::GRAND
      KURT         $            Mon 16:57 22556::KURT
      KYLIE        MAIL         Thu 14:12 ELEMENT::KYLIE
      MYRA         $            Wed 16:04 BIGVAX::MYRA
      NASON        $            Tue 09:23 24200::NASON
      PHILLIPS     $            Tue 02:42 BIGALP::PHILLIPS
      RAWLINGS     $            Mon 18:50 24042::RAWLINGS

      Displays brief information about users logged in to host


      Username    Real Name           Program     Login     Term/Location
      BAIRD       Randall Baird       $           Mon 17:00
      CARR        Rich Carr           LSEDIT      Thu 14:57
                                      SHWCLSTR    Mon 17:01
      CORTEZ      Julia Cortez        $           Tue 13:30 23441::CORTEZ
      DANBOY      Dan Keller          $           Thu 16:12 ogrady.ucsb.edu
      GANDHI      T.J. Gandhi         TPU         Mon 16:57 12556::GANDHI
                                      TPU         Tue 15:27 12556::GANDHI
      LIMO        Michael Limorley    MAIL        Thu 14:12 TOPDAY::LIMO
                                      LSEDIT      Thu 19:03 TOPDAY::LIMO
      MENNING     Mark Menning        $           Wed 16:04 TOPDAY::MENNING
                                      $           Mon 18:58 HAPDAY::MENNING
      NELSON      Anne Nelson         $           Tue 09:23 22200::NELSON
      ROBERTS     Michael Roberts     $           Mon 18:50 22042::ROBERTS
                                      $           Mon 18:34 HAPDAY::ROBERTS

      Displays the real name and all logins for each user.


      Username     Node   Program      Login     Term/Location
      SMITH        MOUNTB TPU          Fri 09:47 MOUNTB::SMITH
      JONES        MOUNTC $            Tue 18:02
      BROWN        MOUNTC $            Mon 17:04
      TAYLOR       MOUNTB EDT          Thu 15:59
      CROSBY       MOUNTC RTPAD        Thu 14:59
      CARPENTER    MOUNTB $            Wed 17:23 MOUNTB::SYSTEM
      BLACK        MOUNTC $            Tue 10:42 MOUNTC::BLACK

      Displays information about all users on all members of the
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