/sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  EDIT  /SUM
   Invokes the SUMSLP batch-oriented editor to update source files.
   You enter text changes and editing commands in update files.  SUMSLP
   merges the update files containing the changes with the source file
   that you specify, and gives you a record of the changes in the form
   of an audit trail.

   For more information, see the VMS SUMSLP Utility Manual.


   EDIT/SUM  file-spec

1  –  Parameter


   Specifies the source file to be edited.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /LISTING


   Determines whether a sequence-numbered listing file, showing the
   original and inserted lines and an audit trail, is produced during
   the editing process. If you do not include a file specification,
   the listing file takes the same name as the input file, with a file
   type of LIS. By default, no listing file is produced.

2.2    /OUTPUT


   Specifies the output file to be used in the editing session.  If you
   do not include a file specification, the output file has the same
   name and type as the input file, with a version number one higher
   than the highest existing version.

2.3    /HEADER


   Determines whether the output file is created as a VFC format
   sequential file with the line insert number and audit trail
   information in the record header block (RHB) for the records.

2.4    /UPDATE


   Indicates the file or files containing the editing commands and
   changes to be applied to the input source file.   The default file
   type of these files is UPD.

3  –  Example


   The input source file FILE1.MAR is updated with the merged contents
   of SUMSLP update files UPD1A.UPD and UPD1B.ENH.
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