/sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  EDIT  /FDL
    Invokes the Edit/FDL utility (EDIT/FDL) to create and modify File
    Definition Language (FDL) files. The /FDL qualifier is required.
    For a complete description of the Edit/FDL utility, including
    more information about the EDIT/FDL command and its qualifiers,
    see the OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference Manual.


      EDIT/FDL  file-name

1  –  Parameter


    Use this parameter to specify the FDL file to be created,
    modified, or optimized during this session. If you specify an
    existing FDL file for modification or for optimization, the
    output file is the next higher version of the file being modified
    or optimized. In all cases, you have the option of using the
    /OUTPUT qualifier to specify the output FDL file. The default
    file type is .FDL.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /ANALYSIS


    This qualifier specifies an FDL file obtained from a file



    This command begins an interactive session in which the analysis
    information in the file Q1_SALES.FDL is used, together with the
    input FDL file Q2_SALES.FDL, to obtain an optimized output file,
    which the system designates as the next higher version of Q2_

2.2    /CREATE

    This qualifier allows you to create an output file without an
    existing input file.

    Using the /CREATE qualifier, you can create an output file
    directly without the Edit/FDL utility notifying you that the
    file is to be created.



    This command begins a session in which SALES_DATA.FDL is created.
    The Edit/FDL utility does not issue the informational message
    stating that the new file SALES_DATA.FDL will be created.

2.3    /DISPLAY


    This qualifier specifies the type of graph you want displayed.

    LINE     Plots bucket size against index depth.

    FILL     Plots bucket size by the percentage of load fill by
             index depth.

    KEY      Plots bucket size by key length by index depth.

    RECORD   Plots bucket size by record size by index depth.

    INIT     Plots bucket size by initial load record count by index

    ADD      Plots bucket size by additional record count by index

    The default is LINE.



    This command begins an interactive session in which the default
    value for the type of graph to be displayed has been changed from
    LINE to KEY. TEMP_DATA is the name of the FDL file to be created.

2.4    /EMPHASIS


    This qualifier provides you with a choice between smaller
    buffers and flatter files. You can use /EMPHASIS with the
    /NOINTERACTIVE qualifier if you want EDIT/FDL to be executed
    without an interactive terminal dialogue.

    FLATTER_FILES    Generally increases bucket size. The bucket
                     size, in turn, controls the number of levels
                     in the index structure. If a larger bucket size
                     eliminates one level, then you should use this
                     option. At some point, however, the benefit of
                     having fewer levels will be offset by the cost
                     of scanning through the larger buckets.

    SMALLER_BUFFERS  Generally decreases the amount of memory you
                     have to use.



    This command begins an interactive session in which the default
    value for the bucket size emphasis has been changed from FLATTER_
    FILES to SMALLER_BUFFERS. TEMP_DATA is the name of the FDL file
    to be created.



    This qualifier specifies the number of key-associated areas in
    an indexed file. A file can contain from 1 to 255 key-associated
    areas and each area can contain one or more index levels from one
    or more keys.

    Each key definition contains the following area designations:

    o  DATA_AREA



    During input processing, the optimization and redesign functions
    assign two areas per key, one for data and one for both indexes.
    During output processing, the area designators are adjusted
    according to the granularity specified. Checks are made to
    exclude areas that have no key indexes and to create new key
    indexed areas where none previously existed.

    To assign more than two areas per key (DOUBLE) or to assign
    nonstandard key and area associations, you must invoke an
    interactive session. With the granularity qualifier configured
    as GRANULARITY=DOUBLE, create new areas and set the corresponding
    area designators to reference the new areas on a per-key basis.



    This command begins an interactive session in which the output
    granularity will be two (2). TEMP_DATA.FDL is the name of the FDL
    file being processed.


    This qualifier causes the Edit/FDL utility to execute the
    Optimize script without a terminal dialogue.

    The /NOINTERACTIVE qualifier allows you to optimize an existing
    FDL file with the Edit/FDL utility but without an interactive
    terminal dialogue. You must have previously entered the ANALYZE
    /RMS_FILE/FDL command, specifying your existing RMS data file
    as the target file. The Edit/FDL utility then uses the data
    from the analysis FDL file while the Optimize script proceeds
    noninteractively. If data is missing, the Edit/FDL utility uses
    the defaults. However, if critical data items are not found in
    the analysis file, the Edit/FDL utility exits without producing
    an output file.



    This command begins a noninteractive session in which the
    FDL file TEMP_DATA;2 is created from the analysis FDL file



    This qualifier allows you to specify the number of keys in your
    indexed file.



    This command begins an interactive session in which the default
    value for the number of keys in an indexed file is changed from
    1 key to 3 keys. TEMP_DATA is the name of the FDL file to be

2.8    /OUTPUT


    This qualifier specifies the FDL file in which to place the
    definition from the current session.

    If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, the output FDL file will have
    the same name and file type as the input file, with a version
    number that is one higher than the highest existing version of
    the file.

    The default file type is .FDL.



    Begins a session in which the contents of INDEX.FDL are read into
    the FDL editor and can then be modified. NEWINDEX.FDL is created;
    INDEX.FDL is not changed.



    Specifies the level of prompting to be used during the terminal

    By default, the Edit/FDL utility chooses either BRIEF or FULL,
    depending on the terminal type and the line speed. High-speed
    CRT terminals are set to FULL; nonscope terminals and terminals
    operating at less than 2400 baud are set to BRIEF.



    This command begins an interactive session in which the value of
    the prompting level for the the Edit/FDL utility menus is set to

2.10    /RESPONSES


    This qualifier allows you to select how you want to respond to
    script questions.

    AUTOMATIC  Indicates that you want all script default responses
               to be used automatically. This option speeds the
               progress of the question and answer session. Once
               you have entered the design phase, you can modify most
               of the answers you took by default.

    MANUAL     Indicates that you want to provide all script



    This command begins an interactive session in which the type of
    script response is MANUAL.

2.11    /SCRIPT


    This qualifier controls whether the Edit/FDL utility begins the
    session by asking a logically grouped sequence of questions to
    aid you in creating the FDL file.

    ADD_KEY      Allows you to model or add to the attributes of a
                 new index.

    DELETE_KEY   Allows you to remove attributes from the highest
                 index of your file.

    INDEXED      Begins a dialogue in which you are prompted for
                 information about the indexed data file to be
                 created from the FDL file. the Edit/FDL utility
                 supplies values for certain attributes.

    OPTIMIZE     Requires that you use the analysis information from
                 an FDL file that was created with the Analyze/RMS_
                 File utility (ANALYZE/RMS_FILE). The FDL file itself
                 is one of the inputs to the Edit/FDL utility (EDIT
                 /FDL). In other words, you can tune the parameters
                 of all your indexes using the file statistics
                 gathered from a file analysis.

    RELATIVE     Begins a dialogue in which you are prompted for
                 information about the relative data file to be
                 created from the FDL file. the Edit/FDL utility
                 supplies values for certain attributes.

    SEQUENTIAL   Begins a dialogue in which you are prompted for
                 information about the sequential data file to be
                 created from the FDL file. the Edit/FDL utility
                 supplies values for certain attributes.

    TOUCHUP      Begins a dialogue in which you are prompted for
                 information about the changes you want to make to an
                 existing index.



    This command begins an interactive session in which both the
    main menu and the script menu are bypassed. Instead, the Indexed
    script is generated immediately.
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