HELPLIB.HLB  —  DECdts  utc_abstime
    Computes the absolute value of a relative binary timestamp.


      #include <utc.h>

      int utc_abstime(result, *utc1)

         utc_t result;
         const utc_t *utc1;

1  –  Parameters



    Relative binary timestamp.



    Absolute value of the input relative binary timestamp.

2  –  Description

    The Absolute Time routine computes the absolute value of a
    relative binary timestamp. The input timestamp represents a
    relative (delta) time.

3  –  Returns

     0   Indicates that the routine executed successfully.
    -1   Indicates an invalid time parameter or invalid results.

4  –  Example

    The following example scales a relative time, computes its
    absolute value, and prints the result.

    utc_t       relutc, scaledutc;
    char        timstr[UTC_MAX_STR_LEN];

     *   Make sure relative timestamp represents a positive interval...

    utc_abstime(&relutc,            /* Out: Abs-value of rel time  */
                &relutc);           /* In:  Relative time to scale */

     *   Scale it by a factor of 17...

    utc_multime(&scaledutc,         /* Out: Scaled relative time   */
                &relutc,            /* In:  Relative time to scale */
                17L);               /* In:  Scale factor           */

    utc_ascreltime(timstr,          /* Out: ASCII relative time    */
                   UTC_MAX_STR_LEN, /* In:  Length of input string */
                   &scaledutc);     /* In:  Relative time to       */
                                    /*      convert                */


     *   Scale it by a factor of 17.65...

    utc_mulftime(&scaledutc,        /* Out: Scaled relative time   */
                 &relutc,           /* In:  Relative time to scale */
                 17.65);            /* In:  Scale factor           */

    utc_ascreltime(timstr,          /* Out: ASCII relative time    */
                   UTC_MAX_STR_LEN, /* In:  Length of input string */
                   &scaledutc);     /* In:  Relative time to       */
                                    /*      convert                */

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