Phase          Description

    SAVPARAMS      Saves dynamic feedback from the running system.
    GETDATA        Collects all data to be used in AUTOGEN
    GENPARAMS      Generates new system parameters; creates the
                   installed image list.
    TESTFILES      Displays the system page, swap, and dump file
                   sizes calculated by AUTOGEN (cannot be used as a
                   start phase).
    GENFILES       Generates new system page, swap, and dump files if
                   appropriate (cannot be used as a start phase).
    SETPARAMS      Runs SYSMAN to set the new system parameters in
                   the default parameter file, saves the original
                   parameters, and generates a new parameter file,
    SHUTDOWN       Prepares the system to await a manual reboot.
    REBOOT         Automatically shuts down and reboots the system.
    HELP           Displays help information to the screen.


    The SAVPARAMS phase records feedback in the file
    AGEN$FEEDBACK.DAT, which can be used in subsequent AUTOGEN
    phases. If you specify NOFEEDBACK as the execution-mode
    parameter, the information collected is not used.

    The SAVPARAMS phase is valid as a start phase and end phase.
    SAVPARAMS requires the SYSPRV and CMKRNL privileges.


       You can specify the SAVE_FEEDBACK option during an
       interactive orderly shutdown with SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN.COM.
       Entering this option in response to the prompt "Shutdown
       options:" records feedback collected since the system was
       last booted. Using the SAVE_FEEDBACK option creates a new
       version of SYS$SYSTEM:AGEN$FEEDBACK.DAT. Run AUTOGEN from
       the GETDATA phase after the system reboots to use this new
       version of the feedback.


    The GETDATA phase collects the following information required for
    AUTOGEN calculations and places it in the file PARAMS.DAT:

    o  Hardware configuration data

    o  VSI-supplied data from CLU$PARAMS.DAT

    o  Feedback from AGEN$FEEDBACK.DAT (if run in feedback mode)

    o  User-supplied data from MODPARAMS.DAT

    The GETDATA phase also attempts to configure devices on the
    system, by executing the following procedure and command:

    o  The command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYCONFIG.COM. (For more
       information about this procedure, refer to the chapter on
       managing devices in the VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.)

    o  The SYSGEN command AUTOCONFIGURE ALL (unless the symbol

    The GETDATA phase is valid as a start phase and an end phase.
    GETDATA requires the SYSPRV and CMKRNL privileges.


    In the GENPARAMS phase, AUTOGEN calculates the parameter values
    based on data stored in PARAMS.DAT and produces SETPARAMS.DAT as
    output. AUTOGEN checks to see if feedback is included, and if so,
    uses it in the calculations unless the NOFEEDBACK execution mode
    was specified when AUTOGEN was invoked. Also during this phase,
    AUTOGEN generates the known image file list (VMSIMAGES.DAT).

    The GENPARAMS phase is valid as a start phase and an end phase.
    GENPARAMS requires the SYSPRV and OPER privileges.


    The TESTFILES phase displays system page, swap, and dump file
    sizes calculated by AUTOGEN. (This phase does not change the file

    File sizes for all currently installed primary and secondary
    page and swap files are displayed. The information is directed to
    SYS$OUTPUT and the AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT file by default.

    Specify the TESTFILES phase to display AUTOGEN's file size
    calculations; to generate new sized files, specify the GENFILES
    phase. You cannot specify both of these phases when invoking
    AUTOGEN. VSI recommends that you use TESTFILES to display the
    file size changes before actually generating new sized files on
    your system.

    The TESTFILES phase is valid only as an end phase. TESTFILES
    requires the SYSPRV privilege.


    The GENFILES phase generates the new page, swap, and dump
    files on the system. This phase changes the file sizes based
    on AUTOGEN's calculations.

    The GENFILES phase does not modify a file if the calculated
    size change is within ten percent of the existing file size.
    The following files are affected: PAGEFILE.SYS, SWAPFILE.SYS,
    SYSDUMP.DMP, and all other currently installed page and swap
    files. For more information, refer to the chapter on managing
    page, swap and dump files in the VSI OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

    GENFILES is valid only as an end phase. GENFILES requires the
    SYSPRV privilege.


    The SETPARAMS phase uses as its input the SETPARAMS.DAT file
    created during the GENPARAMS phase. In this phase, AUTOGEN runs
    SYSMAN to update the system parameter values in the default
    parameter file.

    On Alpha systems, SYS$SYSTEM:ALPHAVMSSYS.PAR is the default
    parameter file. AUTOGEN saves the current system parameters
    in the file SYS$SYSTEM:ALPHAVMSSYS.OLD before updating these
    parameters in SYS$SYSTEM:ALPHAVMSSYS.PAR. The new values are also

    On I64 systems, SYS$SYSTEM:IA64VMSSYS.PAR is the default
    parameter file. AUTOGEN saves the current system parameters
    in the file SYS$SYSTEM:IA64VMSSYS.OLD before updating these
    parameters in SYS$SYSTEM:IA64VMSSYS.PAR. The new values are
    also saved in SYS$SYSTEM:AUTOGEN.PAR.

    On X86 systems, SYS$SYSTEM:X86_64VMSSYS.PAR is the default
    parameter file. AUTOGEN saves the current system parameters
    in the file SYS$SYSTEM:X86_64VMSSYS.OLD before updating these
    parameters in SYS$SYSTEM:X86_64VMSSYS.PAR. The new values are
    also saved in SYS$SYSTEM:AUTOGEN.PAR.

    The SETPARAMS phase is valid as a start phase and an end phase.
    SETPARAMS requires the SYSPRV and OPER privileges.


    SHUTDOWN shuts down the system and awaits a manual reboot. To
    use the new system parameter values generated in the SETPARAMS
    phase, specify either SHUTDOWN or REBOOT as the end phase. You
    can define the logical name AGEN$SHUTDOWN_TIME (using the DCL
    command DEFINE) to specify the number of minutes before shutdown

    SHUTDOWN requires the SETPRV privilege.

8  –  REBOOT

    REBOOT automatically shuts down and reboots the system, thus
    installing the new parameter values. To install the new system
    parameter values generated in the SETPARAMS phase, specify either
    SHUTDOWN or REBOOT as the end phase. You can define the logical
    name AGEN$SHUTDOWN_TIME (using the DCL command DEFINE) to specify
    the number of minutes before shutdown occurs.

    REBOOT requires the SETPRV privilege.

9  –  HELP

    HELP displays help information about AUTOGEN to the screen.
    The HELP phase is only valid as the start phase command line
    parameter. When you specify HELP for the start phase, the end
    phase and execution mode parameters are ignored.
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