/sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb  —  ANALYZE  /MEDIA
   Invokes the Bad Block Locator utility (BAD), which analyzes
   block-addressable devices and records the location of blocks that
   cannot reliably store data. The /MEDIA qualifier is required. For
   a complete description of BAD, including information about the
   ANALYZE/MEDIA command and its qualifiers, see the OpenVMS Bad Block
   Locator Utility Manual. This manual is posted with other archived
   manuals on the OpenVMS Documentation website.


     ANALYZE/MEDIA device


   Specifies the device that BAD will analyze. The device has the form:

        ddcu: or logical-name

1  –  Qualifiers

1.1    /BAD_BLOCKS


   Adds the specified bad blocks to the detected bad block file
   (DBBF). If the /BAD_BLOCK qualifier is specified along with the
   /EXERCISE qualifier, the medium is tested once the bad blocks are
   added to the DBBF.

   If you do not specify a value for the /BAD_BLOCK qualifier, you are
   prompted as follows:

        BAD_BLOCKS =

   In prompt mode, BAD reports any duplicate bad blocks.

   Qualifier Value


        Specifies the bad block locations to be added to the DBBF. Valid
        codes for specifying bad block locations are:

        Code                  Meaning

        LBN                   Specifies the logical block number (LBN)
                              of a single bad block.

        LBN:count             Specifies a range of contiguous bad blocks
                              starting at the logical block number (LBN)
                              and continuing for "count" blocks.

        SEC.TRK.CYL           Specifies the physical disk address (sector,
                              track, and cylinder) of a single bad
                              sector. This code is valid only for last
                              track devices.

        SEC.TRK.CYL:count     Specifies a range of bad sectors starting
                              at the specified physical disk address
                              (sector, track, and cylinder) and
                              continuing for "count" sectors. This code
                              is valid only for last track devices.

                              You can specify these formats in any
                              integer combination or radix combination.


           The term "block" denotes a standard unit of 512
           bytes, whereas the term "sector" denotes the
           physical size of the device sector, which is not
           always the same for all devices. For example, an
           RL02 has a sector size of 256 bytes, while an RK07
           has a standard sector size of 512 bytes.

1.2    /EXERCISE

  /NOEXERCISE (default)

   Controls whether the media should actually be tested. You can
   update the DBBF without erasing the contents of the volume by
   using the /NOEXERCISE qualifier along with the /BAD_BLOCKS

   Qualifier Keywords


        Causes BAD to test the media using three test patterns (0s,
        1s, and "worst case") instead of the default single "worst
        case" pattern. The FULL keyword can be used only with
        /EXERCISE.  Note that the "worst case" test pattern always
        remains on media tested with the /EXERCISE qualifier.


        Ensures the preservation of the current software detected bad
        block file (SDBBF). The keep keyword is the default when
        /NOEXERCISE is specified.


        Causes BAD to create a new SDBBF. The NOKEEP keyword is the
        default when /EXERCISE is specified. This keyword cannot be
        used with the /NOEXERCISE qualifier.


        Allows users to specify the value of a test pattern to be
        used as "worst case". Up to an octaword of test pattern
        data may be specified in decimal (%D), hexadecimal (%X),
        or octal (%O) radixes. The default radix is decimal.

        The pattern is specified in longwords. If two or more
        longwords are specified, they must be enclosed in
        parentheses and separated by commas.

1.3    /LOG

  /NOLOG (default)

   Specifies whether a message is sent to the current SYS$OUTPUT
   device and SYS$ERROR, indicating the total number of bad blocks
   detected by BAD.

1.4    /OUTPUT


   Specifies whether the contents of the DBBF are written to the
   specified file.  If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, no output
   is generated.

   If you specify /OUTPUT but omit the filespec, the contents of
   the DBBF are written to the current SYS$OUTPUT device.

   When you specify /OUTPUT, the /SHOW=AFTER qualifier is implied.

   Qualifier Value


        Identifies the output file for storing the results of the
        medium analysis. If you specify a file type and omit the
        file name, the default file name ANALYZE is used. The default
        file type is ANL. If you omit the filespec, the results are
        output to the current SYS$OUTPUT device.

        No wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification.

1.5    /RETRY

  /NORETRY (default)

   Enables the device driver to retry soft errors.

1.6    /SHOW


   Lists the contents of the DBBF before or after (or both) the
   medium is exercised or modified.

   Qualifier Keywords


       Specifies whether the contents of the DBBF are listed before or
       after (or both) the medium is exercised. After is the default.

2  –  Examples

   In examples 1 and 2, the contents of the data region on the medium
   are not altered or destroyed; in examples 3, 4, and 5, all the data
   on the medium is destroyed.

   1.   $ ANALYZE/MEDIA/BAD_BLOCKS=(4.4.4:3) DBA1:

   The /BAD_BLOCKS qualifier in this example specifies a range of 3
   bad blocks beginning at the physical disk address sector 4, track
   4, cylinder 4.  This range is added to the DBBF.


   The command in this example requests BAD to report the total
   number of bad blocks recorded in DBBFs for the disk mounted on
   DBB1:. The medium is not exercised or altered in any way.


   The command in this example adds the bad block specification to
   the DBBF and then tests the media. The bad block in this example
   is located at logical block number (LBN) 2.


   This command tests the media while preserving the current SDBBF.


   The command in this example directs the device driver to retry soft
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