Creates a service for a specified device or partition.

    Usage Rules:

    o  All devices must be mounted systemwide to prevent them from
       being dismounted when a process logs out.

    o  A device that has read/write service must be mounted /FOREIGN
       so that it is not visible to OpenVMS.

    o  A device that has read-only service must be mounted either
       /NOWRITE or /FOREIGN to OpenVMS so that no one can change it

    o  A partition can be served off a disk mounted for either read-
       only or read/write access to OpenVMS.

    o  Support for partitions is limited in this release.

    Privileges Required



      CREATE SERVICE  serviceName device-or-partitionName

1.1  –  Parameters


    The name by which the service is known to the local area network.
    The service name can consist of alphanumeric characters and
    dollar signs ($). It can be 255 characters or fewer in length.


    The device or partition name is the name of the OpenVMS disk
    device or partition being served to the local area network.
    The name of the device or partition must have been created

    Explanations of device and partition names follow.

    o  Device names

       Devices served to the local area network are OpenVMS disk
       devices; use OpenVMS device names when you specify an
       InfoServer device name.

       A disk specification must end with a colon.

    o  Partition names

       Partitions are container files that are served to the network.
       As such, they have OpenVMS file names with a default file type
       of ".ESS$PARTITION". Partition names, including the device,
       directory, and file name, can be no more than 242 characters
       in length.

       Support for partitions is limited in this version. VSI strongly
       suggests that you use LD devices to support partitioned hard
       drives. See the DCL command LD HELP for more information.

1.2  –  Qualifiers

1.2.1    /CLASS


    Specifies a subset of the complete LASTport Disk (LAD) name

    The purpose of class names is to subdivide name spaces so that
    clients see only those names that are meaningful to them. The use
    of class names also allows two services to have the same name and
    not conflict with one another.

    You can, for example, use different class names for different
    on-disk structures that several client systems use. You
    might use SERVICEA/CLASS=ODS-2 for some client systems and
    SERVICEA/CLASS=ISO_9660 for other client systems. The service
    has the same name, SERVICEA, but the class names are different.

    The class name you use depends upon the client systems that will
    connect to the service being created. The default class name
    is ODS_2. For example, OpenVMS systems use the ODS_2 name space
    when attempting to mount an InfoServer device. Note that OpenVMS
    clients can solicit only those services that are in the ODS_2
    service class.

    Valid class names are the following:

               V2.0           Names understood by PCSA MS-DOS Clients
               Unformatted    Virtual disk has no format
               MSDOS          MSDOS virtual disks
               ODS_2          VMS virtual disks
               UNIX           UNIX virtual disks
               ISO_9660       ISO 9660 CD format
               HIGH_SIERRA    MS-DOS CD format
               APPLE          Macintosh HFS format
               SUN            Sun format



    The SAVE command creates this qualifier. Because passwords are
    not stored in plain text, the hashed password value is written
    out as part of the SAVE operation so that the service can be
    recreated without revealing the password.

    Note that if you edit the command procedure that the SAVE command
    creates and change the service name, the encoded password value
    is no longer valid. You need to set another password on the
    service using the /PASSWORD qualifer.

1.2.3    /PASSWORD

       /NOPASSWORD (default)

    Specifies an optional access control password for the service.
    The client system must specify the password to access the

    The password string can be up to and including 39 alphanumeric
    ASCII characters in length. If no password is specified, the
    client system is not required to provide a password to access the

    The text password is hashed and stored in encrypted form in
    memory with the other service information.

1.2.4    /RATING


    Clients use the service rating to select a service in the case of
    multiple matching services. The service with the highest service
    rating is selected.

    The system adjusts the dynamic service rating based on load. You
    can also set a static rating between 0 and 65535. The system does
    not adjust static ratings.

    One use of static ratings is to migrate clients from one copy
    of a service to another. If you set a static rating of 0 on
    services you want to migrate clients away from, no new clients
    will connect to a 0-rated service; instead, they will connect to
    higher-rated services. When all current clients have disconnected
    from a service, you can safely delete it.

1.2.5    /READAHEAD

       /READAHEAD (Default)

    When a disk read is required to fill a cache block, /READAHEAD
    specifies that the read is to be from the first block requested
    to the end of the bucket boundary. Readahead can speed up
    sequential operations by pre-loading disk blocks that are needed
    into the cache.

    If you specify both /READAHEAD and /READBEHIND, any block
    requested within a cache bucket causes the entire bucket range
    of blocks to be read into the cache.

1.2.6    /READBEHIND

       /NOREADBEHIND (default)

    When a disk read is required to fill a cache block, /READBEHIND
    specifies that the read is to include all blocks from the
    beginning of the cache bucket boundary up to and including the
    requested blocks.

    If you specify both /READAHEAD and /READBEHIND, any block
    requested within a cache bucket causes the entire bucket range
    of blocks to be read into the cache.

1.2.7    /READERS

       /READERS=number (default READERS 1000)

    Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous client connections
    allowed for read access. The default is 1000 readers. A value of
    0 indicates write-only access.

    If a client requests read-only or read/write access to a service,
    the system counts this as one reader.

1.2.8    /WRITERS

       /NOWRITERS (default)

    Specifies that the service is to allow access to a single writer.

1.3  –  Examples


 Disk MOVMAN$DQA0:, device type Compaq  CRD-8322B, is online, file-oriented
     device, shareable, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is

  Error count                 0    Operations completed
  Owner process              ""    Owner UIC                  [SYSTEM]
  Owner process ID     00000000    Dev Prot        S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W
  Reference count             0    Default buffer size             512
  Total blocks         16515072    Sectors per track                63
  Total cylinders         16384    Tracks per cylinder              16


        Volume is write locked
        OVMSIPS11 mounted on _MOVMAN$DQA0:

      $ InfoServer

        %INFOSRVR-I-CRESERV, service VMS_SIPS_V11 [ODS-2] created for

      This example shows commands you might enter to create a service
      for a CD device:

      o  The SHOW DEVICE . . . /FULL command displays a complete list
         of information about the _MOVMAN$DQA0 CD.

      o  The MOUNT/SYSTEM mounts the OVMSIPS11 volume on the
         _MOVMAN$DQA0: CD.

      o  The InfoServer CREATE SERVICE command creates the VMS_SIPS_
         V11 service on the _MOVMAN$DQA0 CD.

    2. $LD CREATE KIT1/SIZE-100000

        Directory DKB0:[DISKS]

        KIT1.DSK;1       100000/100008   29-APR-2005 14:14:43.49

        Total of 1 file, 100000/100008 blocks.


        %LD-I-UNIT, Allocated device is MOVMAN$LDA1:


        %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, KIT1 mounted on _MOVMAN$LDA1:


        %INFOSRVR-I-CRESERV, service TEST_KIT_1 [ODS-2] created for

      This example shows commands you might enter to create a service
      for a logical disk (LD) device:

      o  The LD CREATE KIT1 command creates a contiguous file, KIT1,
         that can be used as a logical disk.

      o  The DIRECTORY KIT1 command provides information about KIT1.

      o  The LD CONNECT KIT1 connects the logical disk file, KIT1, to
         the logical disk device MOVMAN$LDA1:.

      o  The INITIALIZE command formats the MOVMAN$LDA1: LD device.

      o  The MOUNT command makes the LD device available for

      o  The CREATE SERVICE command creates the TEST_KIT_1 service on
         the _MOVMAN$LDA1 LD device.
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