1 cgui =TITLE DECset Environment Manager window This is the primary help frame for the incredible DECset Environment Manager. 2 ok_Btn =TITLE OK button Push the OK button to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the current context. The current changes are not written to the context file until after you either Apply or Save these changes. Changes are written to the current context in memory only. 2 cancel_Btn =TITLE Cancel button Push the Cancel button to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes made. 2 context_help_Btn =TITLE Help button Push the Help button to display overall help about the current dialog box. 2 file_selection_Box =TITLE File Selection Dialog Box A file selection box is used to traverse through directories, display the files and subdirectories in them, and then to select either a file or subdirectory for the value to return from the box. File Selection Boxes have five main areas: o A text field for specifying and editing a directory filter mask to select the files or subdirectories to be displayed. o A scrollable list of subdirectory names. o A scrollable list of file or subdirectory names that match filter value. o A text input field for displaying and editing the selection value to be return from the box. o A group of buttons labeled OK, Filter, Cancel and Help. - The OK button is used to accept the value in the selection text field and to return that value from the file selection box. - The Filter button is used to filter the directory and file mask specified in the filter text field. - The Cancel button is used to dismiss the file selection box without returning a selected value. - The Help button is used to display this help text. 2 Overview_frame =TITLE Overview of the DECset Environment Manager The DECset Environment Manager for OpenVMS provides a single mechanism for tailoring the execution environment for a set of DECset tools. The tailoring factor is known simply as a context. Using the DECwindows user interface, a context may be applied to all tools displaying on a particular DECwindows display. Using the command line interface, a context may be applied to a particular process and all subprocesses subsequently created by that process. Context A context is defined as a named set of values that tailors the DECset tools to a specific software development activity (for example, fixing bugs or implementing enhancements). The supported attributes for which these values are supplied are: logical name definitions; symbol definitions; MMS macro definitions; MMS build options; linker options file specifications; library settings; a source directory specification; output directory specifications; and a default directory specification. Each context has a unique name. The context name is limited to a length of 16 characters. There can be only one context in a particular context database with that name. At any given time, the named context most recently applied to a tool is known as the tool's current context. If no context has been applied, the tool has no current context. A tool's execution environment is not fully defined by the values associated with a named context. Rather, a tool's execution environment is constructed from the following sources: 1. the parent process 2. the X Windows resource file (if applicable) 3. the named context (if applicable) 4. the command line qualifiers used to invoke the tool A specification retrieved from a higher-numbered source always supersedes any specification of the same object retrieved from a lower-numbered source. Context Hierarchy A project context is one that is associated with a development project. A project context is typically used by all persons working on the particular project. A user-specific context may be based upon a project context, thereby tailoring the project context to a particular user. In this case, the project context becomes a parent context. A context that is based upon another context is said to be a child context. Each child context inherits all the information associated with its parent context. If the same attribute in both a child and its parent have different values, the child's value overrides that of the parent. Any context may be based upon another context, which (in turn) may itself be based upon yet another context. A child context inherits information from its entire `chain' of parent contexts. The term context object refers to a context that includes all of this inherited information. Context File A context file is used to store information that is specific to a particular named context. The context file is specified by an OpenVMS file specification, which is stored in the context database entry associated with the named context. The default context file type is .DECSET_CONTEXT. The context file is a sequential ASCII text file. In a context file, a continuation line must be terminated by a hyphen character. Trailing comments are not allowed on a continuation line. The context file specification must exist in the format: disk:[directory.subdirectory]*.decset_context. If you specify a node name in the File menu New Context... Context File field- even if the node name is part of a local cluster-the node specification is invalid at the time of context file retrieval from the context database. Context Database A context is defined in a context database. This database is stored as a sequential ASCII text file. Each record of this file has the following format: context-name context-file-spec [parent-context] ["context-description"] A context database entry must include a complete file specification; for example, DISK12:[USER.DIRECTORY]context_ database_file.DECSET_CONTEXT_DB. For more information about managing windows, or using the mouse, double click on an item from the list of additional topics below. For information about using help, choose Help from the Help menu above. =INCLUDE cgui DECbasics_frame 2 DECbasics_frame =TITLE VMS DECwindows Basics Information about using DECwindows, such as how to use windows, dialog boxes, and scroll bars, is available from Session Manager help. A glossary of DECwindows terms is also available. To get Session Manager help: 1. Move the pointer to the Session Manager icon (the icon with your user name and the name of your system) in the Icon Box. 2. Press mouse button 1 (MB1) twice quickly to display the Session Manager window. 3. Move the pointer to the Help menu; press and hold MB1 to pull down this menu. 4. Move the pointer to the Overview menu item and release MB1 to display information about using DECwindows. 2 mwin_MnWind =TITLE DECset Environment Manager main window The DECset Context window is the main window of the Environment Manager's graphical user interface. Select the Context option from the DECset tool selection pull-down menu to bring up the DECset Context window. The DECset context window consists of the following working areas: o menu bar o context specification area o dialog buttons area By default, the DECset Environment Manager tries to load a context database. The default context database is specified by the translation of the DECSET$CONTEXT_DB logical name; if this logical name is undefined, SYS$LOGIN:DECSET$KNOWN_ CONTEXTS.DECSET_CONTEXT_DB is used as the default database if that file exists. The default context is specified by the translation of the DECSET$CONTEXT logical name; if this logical name is undefined, SAMPLE is used as the default context if a database entry exists for the SAMPLE context. 3 MenuBar_1 =TITLE DECset Environment Manager Menu Bar The Menu bar contains some standard pull-down menus of other DECset tools: File, View, Settings, Options and Help. 4 File_Casc =TITLE Using the File Pull-Down Menu The menu items in this pull-down are used to control the contents of the DECset Context, Context File, and Context Database fields. o Apply Context - used to apply the context shown in the DECset Context field. This menu item has the same function as the Apply button. o Delete - used to delete the context entry, the context file, or the context database. Click on Context Entry to delete the context entry shown in the Context field from the Context Database Entries field and to delete the selected context entry from the context database. The DECset Environment Manager checks to ensure that the context to be deleted is not a parent of another context. Click on Context File... to delete the context file shown in the Context File field. The DECset Environment Manager updates the window to reflect the deletion. Click on Database... to delete the currently-opened context database. o Modify Database Entry... - to modify any of the fields in a selected database entry. The DECset Environment Manager brings up a dialog box with fields filled in with information from the selected context. o New - to create a context or database. o Open Database - to select a context database file to open o Print - to print the context, the context file, the context including attributes from the parents, or the context database. Click on Context to print the information associated with the context that would that would be the result of applying the select context. Click on Context File to print the context file. Click on Context Including Inheritance to print the information associated with the context that would be the result of applying the selected context and its inherited context. Click on Database to print the contents of the context database. o Save Context File - to save the contents of the selected context file. The Save Context File menu item performs the same operation as the Save button. o Exit - to exit the DECset Context window. 4 View_Casc =TITLE Using the View Pull-Down Menu View menu - the menu items in this pull-down are used to review the contents of the context, the context file, and the context including inheritance. Click on Context to bring up in a scrollable window the information associated with the current selected context, without its inherited information but including any modifications made to the context that may not have been saved to the associated context file. Click on Context File to bring up the context file associated with the current selected context in a scrollable window. This context file may or may not be the same as the result of View Context depending on whether you have made modifications to the current selected context and have saved the modifications to the associated context file. Click on Context Including Inheritance to display the current context in a scrollable window. This is the context that would be the result of applying the selected context with its inherited information. 4 Settings_Casc =TITLE Using the Settings Pull-Down Menu The Settings pull-down menu items are used to specify and/or modify the definitions and settings that define a particular context. The Settings menu is disabled until a context has been selected. The Settings pull-down menu items include o CMS Library... - a directory search list to specify a CMS library. o Default Directory... - to specify a default directory associated with the current context. o DTM Library... - to specify a directory as the DTM library. o Logical Names... - to specify logical name definitions that are specific to the current context. o MMS Options... - to specify the following MMS build command options - Linker Object Libraries... - a directory search list to specify the object library to be included as input to the linking operation. - Linker Options... - a directory search list to specify user-written options files to be included in the LINK command in the MMS description file. - Input/Output... - to set the input and output qualifiers that could go on the MMS command line. - Definition/Directive... - to specify definitions and directives for the MMS build command. - MMS Macros... - to direct MMS to add to or to override the macro definitions in the MMS description file. - Generate Options... - to set qualifiers for MMS to add to the creation of the MMS description file. - Object Library... - to specify into which library the object files from the compilations are to be inserted. o SCA Library... - a directory search list to specify an SCA library. o Source Directory... - a directory search list to specify a directory from which source files will be retrieved. o Symbols... - to add DCL symbol definitions to the specified context. 5 cmsLib_Btn =TITLE CMS Library... button The CMS Library... menu item brings up a dialog box. Enter a directory specification into the Library field and click on either of the Append or Add Before Selected buttons to add the directory in the appropriate place in the Library List field. The Library List field contains a search list of directory specifications, one directory specification per line. If CMS library information exists for the current context, that information is shown in the Library List field when the dialog box is displayed. Delete items from the Library list by selecting the appropriate item(s) in the Library List field and clicking on the Delete Selected button. The OK button accepts the Library list and dismisses the dialog box. The Cancel button dismisses the dialog box without changing the CMS library. Click on the Select... button to browse for a particular directory. 5 defDir_Btn =TITLE Default Directory... button The Default Directory... menu item brings up a file selection widget that allows you to specify a default directory associated with the current context. If the default directory specification is available for the currently-selected context, the input fields of the file selection widget are filled in with the appropriate file specification. 5 dtmLib_Btn =TITLE DTM Library... button The DTM Library... menu item brings up a file selection widget that allows you to specify a DTM library (directory specification) to be associated with the current context. If the currently-selected context already includes a DTM library specification, the input fields of the file selection widget are filled in with the appropriate file specification. 5 logNames_Btn =TITLE Logical Names... button The Logical Names... menu item brings up a dialog box for defining logical names and their equivalence strings. 5 mmsOptions_Casc =TITLE MMS Options Pull-Down Menu The MMS Options allows for selecting options that are to be used when MMS is invoked. These options are: o Input/Output - This selection sets options for the MMS command and these options correspond to MMS command line qualifiers. o Definition/Directive - This selection sets options for the MMS command and these options correspond to MMS command line qualifiers. o MMS Macros - This selection sets options that direct MMS to add to or override definitions in the description file. o Generator Options - This selection sets options for the MMS Generate command and these options correspond to MMS Generate command line qualifiers. o Linker Object Library - Allows for setting of a Link object library o Linker Options - Allows for setting of a Link Options File o Object Library - Allows for setting of a Object library 6 lnklib_Btn =TITLE Linker Object Libraries... button The Linker Object Libraries... menu item brings up a dialog box. Enter a directory specification into the Directory field and click on either of the Append or Add Before Selected buttons to add the directory in the appropriate place in the Directory List field. The Directory List field contains a search list of directory specifications, one directory specification per line. If Linker Object library information exists for the current context, that information is shown in the Directory List field when the dialog box is managed. Delete items from the directory list by selecting the appropriate item(s) in the Directory List field and clicking on the Delete Selected button. The OK button accepts the directory list and dismisses the dialog box. The Cancel button dismisses the dialog box without changing the linker object library. Click on the Select... button to specify the directory. 6 lnkOptions_Btn =TITLE Linker Options... button The MMS Linker Options... menu item from the MMS Options... menu brings up a dialog box. Click on the Select... button to bring up a file selection widget that allows you to choose an options file. Enter a linker options file specification into the Options File field and clicks on either of the Append or Add Before Selected buttons to add the options file specification in the appropriate place in the Options File List field. The Options File List field contains an ordered list of options file specifications, one file specification per line. Delete items from the options file list by selecting the appropriate item(s) in the Options File List field and clicking on the Delete Selected button. The OK button accepts the options file list and dismisses the dialog box. The Cancel button dismisses the dialog box without changing the current options file list. Press Select... to specify the options file. 6 gen_options_Btn =TITLE Generate Options... button The MMS Generator Options... menu item from the MMS Options... menu brings up a dialog box. Click on the Scan_Include button to enable or disable the use of C include file during the creation of an MMS description file. Click on the Builtin_Rules to enable or disable the use of the built-in rules during the creation of an MMS description file. The Additional Compile Switches allows for entering of additional compiler switches to be addwd to the command Line when creating a an MMS description file. The Additional Linker Switches allows for entering of additional Link switches to be addwd to the command Line when creating a an MMS description file. 6 mmsBldOptions_Casc =TITLE Input/Output... Pull-Down Menu The Input/Output... menu item from the MMS Options... menu brings up a dialog box. Use this dialog box to set options for the MMS command-these options correspond to MMS command line qualifiers. If the currently-selected context already includes any of these MMS option settings, this dialog box reflects that information; otherwise, the default settings are represented. The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows: o Input label - Click on the buttons and use the text fields following this label to specify input files for any subsequent build. - Description File push button-click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the MMS description file. + Description file toggle button-click on this button to specify an MMS description file for any subsequent build. + Description file text field-enter the file specification of the MMS description file. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the selected file. - Regard as Changed toggle button-click on this button to direct MMS to treat only the specified sources as having been changed, regardless of their actual modification times. No date checking is performed at all; that is MMS simply rebuilds any targets that depend on one or more of the specified sources. + Changed Source text field-enter the file specifications of the source files to be regarded as changed. If more than one source is indicated, use a comma-separated list. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the selected file. o Output label - The buttons and text fields following this label are implemented as toggle buttons, although some require additional information. If an additional file specification needs to be specified, a file selection widget is used. o OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the current context. o Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes made. o Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing the dialog box. 7 cg_dd_options_Btn =TITLE Definition/Directive... button The Definition/Directive... menu item from the MMS Options... menu brings up a dialog box. Use this dialog box to set options for the MMS command-these options correspond to MMS command line qualifiers. If the currently-selected context already includes any of these MMS settings, this dialog box reflects that information; otherwise, the default settings are represented. The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows: o Definitions label - Click on the buttons and use the text fields following this label to specify definition files for any subsequent build. - Macro Definitions toggle button-click on this button to direct MMS to add to or override the macro definitions in the description file. + Macro Definitions file push button-click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the Macro definitions file. + Macro Definitions file text field-enter the file specification of the Macro definitions file. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the selected file. - Rules toggle button-click on this button to direct MMS to apply user-defined built-in rules and a suffixes precedence list when it builds a system. + Rules file push button-click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the Rules file. + Rules file text field-enter the file specification of the Rules file. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the selected file. - Override Macros toggle button-click on this button to control the order in which MMS applies definitions when it processes macros. o Directives label - The buttons and text fields following this label are implemented as toggle buttons, although some require additional information. If an additional file specification needs to be specified, a file selection widget is used. o OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the current context. o Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes made. o Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing the dialog box. 6 mmsMacros_Btn =TITLE MMS Macros... button The MMS Macros... menu item from the MMS Options... menu brings up the Macro Definitions dialog box. 6 objlib_Btn =TITLE Object Library... button Sets the directory specification for the Library to be used that contains the object files 5 scaLib_Btn =TITLE SCA Library... button The SCA Library... menu item brings up a dialog box indicating that an SCA library is being set. Enter a directory specification into the Directory field and click on either of the Append or Add Before Selected buttons to add the directory in the appropriate place in the Directory List field. The Directory List field contains a search list of directory specifications, one directory specification per line. If SCA library information exists for the current context, that information is shown in the Directory List field when the dialog box is managed. Delete items from the directory list by selecting the appropriate item(s) in the Directory List field and clicking on the Delete Selected button. The OK button accepts the directory list and dismisses the dialog box. The Cancel button dismisses the dialog box without changing the SCA library. Click on the Select... button to specify the directory. 5 srcDir_Btn =TITLE Source Directory... button The Source Directory... menu item brings up a dialog box indicating that a source directory is being set. Enter a directory specification into the Directory field and click on either of the Append or Add Before Selected buttons to add the directory in the appropriate place in the Directory List field. The Directory List field contains a search list of directory specifications, one directory specification per line. If Source Directory information exists for the current context, that information is shown in the Directory List field when the dialog box is managed. Delete items from the directory list by selecting the appropriate item(s) in the Directory List field and clicking on the Delete Selected button. The OK button accepts the directory list and dismisses the dialog box. The Cancel button dismisses the dialog box without changing the source directory. Click on the Select... button to specify the directory. 5 symbols_Btn =TITLE Symbols... button The Symbols... menu item brings up the Symbol Definitions dialog box. 4 Options_Casc =TITLE Using the Options Pull-Down Menu The menu items in this pull-down are used to apply, save, or confirm context entry information. o Apply Context on Save - to automatically apply the selected context (i.e., that context shown in the Context field). The Apply Context on Save toggle button, when turned on, applies the context object after saving the context. By default, the Apply Context on Save toggle button is turned off. o Save Context on Apply - to automatically save the context shown in the Context File field. The Save Context on Apply toggle button, when turned on, saves the context file prior to applying the context. A context must be saved before it can be applied. By default, the Save Context on Apply toggle button is turned off. o Confirm Apply - to bring up a Yes/No confirmation message box as part of the apply operation. By default, the Confirm Apply toggle button is turned on. o Confirm Delete Context Entry - to bring up a Yes/No confirmation message box on the Delete Context Entry operation. By default, the Confirm Delete Context Entry toggle button is turned on. o Confirm Delete Context File - to bring up a Yes/No confirmation message box on the Delete Context File operation. By default, the Confirm Delete Context File toggle button is turned on. o Confirm Delete Database - to bring up a Yes/No confirmation message box on the Delete Database operation. By default, the Confirm Delete Database toggle button is turned on. o Confirm Save - to bring up a Yes/No confirmation message box on the Save Context File operation. By default, the Confirm Save toggle button item is turned on. Save Options writes the current options settings to a user- profile file. If this file exists, the settings in the user- profile file override the default settings. 4 Help_Casc =TITLE Using the Help Pull-Down Menu This menu provides access to help screens. It contains the items that are usually present in DECset tool Help pull-down menus: - On Context - to bring up information about an object in a window or dialog box. - On Window - to display an overview. - On Help - to bring up information on how to use the help system. - On Version - to display copyright and version information. 5 onContext_Btn =TITLE Obtaining Context-Sensitive Help When you click on On Context in the Help menu, the Environment Manager provides a fast way to obtain context-sensitive help on any object you click on in the DECset Environment Manager window. Note that when you click on On Context, the arrow pointer converts to a question mark, indicating you are in Context-Sensitive Help mode. After the Help Widget is displayed for the window object you clicked on, the arrow pointer reappears. 5 onHelp_Btn =TITLE Help on Using the DECset Environment Manager To get help on using the Environment Manager, you can use one of two methods: o Choose On Context from the Help menu. Then click on any object in the Environment Manager window on which you want help. o Press and hold MB1 on any object in the MMS main window on which you want help, and press the Help key on your keyboard. =INCLUDE cgui Overview_frame 5 onWind_Btn =TITLE DECset Environment Manager Main Window The DECset Environment Manager provides a single mechanism for tailoring the execution environment for a set of DECset tools. For more information about the DECset Environment Manager, double click on Overview of the DECset Environment Manager from the additional topics below. =INCLUDE cgui Overview_frame 5 OnVers_Btn =TITLE DECset Environment Manager for OpenVMS HP CONFIDENTIAL. This software is confidential proprietary software licensed by Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P., and is not authorized to be used, duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the prior written permission of HP. © 2022 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. VMS SOFTWARE, INC. CONFIDENTIAL. This software is confidential proprietary software licensed by VMS Software, Inc., and is not authorized to be used, duplicated or disclosed to anyone without the prior written permission of VMS Software, Inc. © 2022 Copyright VMS Software, Inc. Software Version: DECset Environment Manager for OpenVMS, version V1.9-5 For more information about the DECset Environment Manager for OpenVMS, double click on Overview of the DECset Environment Manager from the additional topics below. =INCLUDE cgui Overview_frame 3 wkarea_Form =TITLE Context specification area The context specification area is used to display information about contexts, and consists of the following fields: o context o parent o context file o context database entries The context specification area consists of read-only fields. Use the menu bar functions to make changes to any of these fields. Context Field You can display a context name in the Context field by single- clicking on a line in the Context Database Entries field or by selecting the New menu item from the File menu. Parent Field The DECset Environment Manager does not allow a circular ancestral chain. If a circular chain is detected, the DECset Environment Manager displays an error message dialog box, and aborts the operation on that context. Context File Field If you select an existing context file from the Context Database Entries field, the name of the context and the associated information is displayed in the read-only Context, Parent, and Context File fields. For a new context, or one for which you are modifying the associated context file specification, you may use the Modify Database Entry... menu item from the File menu to bring up a file selection widget. If any part of the file specification is not supplied; for example, the disk name, the corresponding component of your current default directory specification is used. If the name or the file type is not specified, the name of the currently- specified context is used as the file name and .DECSET_CONTEXT is used as the file type. Context Database Entries Field The context names (and some associated information) are retrieved from the context database listed in the Context Database Entries field of the DECset context window. 4 ctxt_TxtF =TITLE Context text field You can display a context name in the Context field by single- clicking on a line in the Context Database Entries field or by selecting the New menu item from the File menu. 4 parnt_TxtF =TITLE Parent text field The DECset Environment Manager does not allow a circular ancestral chain. If a circular chain is detected, the DECset Environment Manager displays an error message dialog box, and aborts the operation on that context. 4 ctxtFil_TxtF =TITLE Context File text field If you select an existing context file from the Context Database Entries field, the name of the context and the associated information is displayed in the read-only Context, Parent, and Context File fields. For a new context, or one for which you are modifying the associated context file specification, you may use the Modify Database Entry... menu item from the File menu to bring up a file selection widget. If any part of the file specification is not supplied; for example, the disk name, the corresponding component of your current default directory specification is used. If the name or the file type is not specified, the name of the currently- specified context is used as the file name and .DECSET_CONTEXT is used as the file type. 4 knownCtxts_Form =TITLE Context Database entries The context names (and some associated information) are retrieved from the context database listed in the Context Database Entries field of the DECset context window. 5 knCtxtsFrm_ScrLst =TITLE Context Database entries The context names (and some associated information) are retrieved from the context database listed in the Context Database Entries field of the DECset context window. 4 apply_Btn =TITLE Apply button The Apply button causes the selected context object to be applied to any DECset tools displaying on the same DECwindows display as is the Context window. You may also double-click on the context in the Context Database Entries field to apply the context. In addition to applying this context, any command line qualifiers that are in effect are then re-applied to the tool. A named context must be saved before a context apply operation is initiated. 4 save_Btn =TITLE Save button The Save button saves the context file shown in the Context File field. This action saves the current definitions/settings (possibly modified via the Settings menu) to the context file indicated in the Context File field of the main window. If the value in the Context File field has changed since the last Save operation for the current context, the DECset Environment Manager writes the new file specification to the context database. For a new context, the Save menu item ensures that the context is known by adding the specified context name and associated context file specification to the context database. The DECset Environment Manager displays a confirmation dialog box for final approval before saving new information in an existing context database entry and/or an existing context file. The saving of a context will affect other DECset tools displaying on the DECwindows display only when that context is subsequently applied. 2 io_options_PopForm =TITLE MMS Input/Output Options dialog box This dialog box is used to specifiy input/output options for any subsequent build 3 desc_Tgl =TITLE Description file toggle button Click on the button to specify an MMS description file for any subsequent build. 3 desc_file_Btn =TITLE Description File push button Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the MMS description file. 3 desc_PopForm =TITLE Description File dialog box Use the Description File selection dialog box to select the Description file. 4 desc_FilSelB =TITLE Description File Selection Box Enter the name of the Description file. 3 desc_file_Txt =TITLE Description file text field Enter the file specification of the MMS description file. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen file. 3 changed_Tgl =TITLE Regard as Changed toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to treat only the specified sources as having been changed, regardless of their actual modification times. No date checking is performed at all; MMS simply rebuilds any targets that depend on one or more of the specified sources. 3 changed_sources_Btn =TITLE Regard as Changed Source push button Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the source file to be regarded as changed. 3 changed_PopForm =TITLE Regard as Changed Source dialog box Use the Regard as Changed Source selection dialog box to select a source file to regard as changed. 4 changed_FilSelB =TITLE Regard as Changed Source File Selection Box Enter the name of the source file to regard as changed. 3 changed_sources_Txt =TITLE Regard as Changed Sources text field Enter the file specifications of the source files to be regarded as changed. If more than one source indicated, use comma-separated list. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen file. 3 list_Tgl =TITLE List toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to write dependencies and action lines to an output file as it processes the description file. 3 list_file_Btn =TITLE List File push button Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the list file. 3 list_PopForm =TITLE List file dialog box Use the List File selection dialog box to select the List file. 4 list_FilSelB =TITLE List File Selection Box Enter the name of the List file. 3 list_file_Txt =TITLE List File text field Enter the file specification of the List file. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen file. 3 output_Tgl =TITLE Output toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to write action lines and output to the specified file. 3 output_file_Btn =TITLE Output File push button Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the Output file. 3 output_PopForm =TITLE Output file dialog box Use the Output File selection dialog box to select the Output file. 4 output_FilSelB =TITLE Output File Selection Box Enter the name of the Output file. 3 output_file_Txt =TITLE Output File text field Enter the file specification of the Output file. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen file. 3 log_Tgl =TITLE Log Informational Messages toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to display intormational messages as it processes the description file. 3 io_options_help_Btn =TITLE Input/Output Options dialog box Use the Input/Output Options dialog box to define options for any subsequent build. The default values of the options will be reflected when the dialog box comes up. If there are Input/Output Options settings defined for the current context, they will be reflected when the dialog box come up, and they will take precedence over the default settings. If qualifiers have been specified when invoking MMS, the Input/Output Options settings will reflect the qualifier values, and they will take precedence over the context settings. 2 dd_options_PopForm =TITLE MMS Definitions/Directives Options dialog box This dialog box is used to specifiy definitions and directives for any subsequent build 3 macro_Tgl =TITLE Macro Definitions toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to add to or override the macro definitions in the decription file. 3 macro_file_Btn =TITLE Macro Definitions file push button Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the Macro definitions file. 3 macro_PopForm =TITLE Macro File selection dialog box Use the Macro File selection dialog box to select the Macro Definitions file. 4 macro_FilSelB =TITLE Macro File Selection Box Enter the name of the Macro Definitions file. 3 macro_file_Txt =TITLE Macro Definitions file text field Enter the file specification of the Macro definitions file. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen file. 3 rules_Tgl =TITLE Rules toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to apply user-defined built-in rules and a suffixes precedence list when it builds a system. 3 rules_file_Btn =TITLE Rules file push button Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the Rules file. 3 rules_PopForm =TITLE Rules file dialog box Use the Rules File selection dialog box to select the Rules file. 4 rules_FilSelB =TITLE Rules File Selection Box Enter the name of the Rules Definitions file. 3 rules_file_Txt =TITLE Rules file text field Enter the file specification of the Rules file. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen file. 3 override_Tgl =TITLE Override Macros toggle button Click on the button to control the order in which MMS applies definitions when it process macros. 3 sca_Tgl =TITLE Generate SCA Library toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to generate an SCA library during the build process. 3 sca_library_Btn =TITLE SCA Library push button Click on this button to bring up a file selection dialog box to specify the SCA library directory. 3 sca_PopForm =TITLE SCA Library dialog box Use the SCA Library selection dialog box to select the SCA library directory. 4 sca_FilSelB =TITLE Sca Library Selection Box Enter the directory for the SCA library. 3 sca_library_Txt =TITLE SCA Library text field Enter the directory specification of the SCA Library. If the file selection box is used, this field will be filled in with the chosen directory. When you specify a library name, MMS defines the macro $(SCA_LIBRARY) to be that library name. 3 ignore_Tgl =TITLE Ignore Severity Level toggle button Click on the button to indicate that MMS should ignore certain severity levels of errors when it executes action lines. The radio buttons to the right correspond to the DCL severity levels W, E, and F. 3 severity_Radio =TITLE Severity Level radio box Click on one of the severity levels in the Severity radio box to specify the severity levels of errors that MMS should ignore when it executes action lines. The radio buttons correspond to the DCL severity levels W, E, and F. You cannot click on more than one severity level at a time. 3 warning_Tgl =TITLE Warning toggle button Click on this button to indicate that errors of the warning level should be ignored by MMS when it executes action lines. 3 error_Tgl =TITLE Error toggle button Click on this button to indicate that errors of the warning and error levels should be ignored by MMS when it executes action lines. 3 fatal_Tgl =TITLE Fatal toggle button Click on this button to indicate that errors of the warning, error and fatal levels should be ignored by MMS when it executes action lines. 3 cms_Tgl =TITLE Use CMS toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to look for source files, description files and included files in the current default CMS library as well as the specified directories. When you specify Use CMS, and the source in the CMS library is newer, MMS fetches it from the CMS library. If the source in the CMS library is older, MMS instead used the source in the specified directory. CMS must be installed on your system. 3 cms_class_Txt =TITLE CMS Class Text Field Specify the CMS class to direct MMS to use the macro definition "CMSFLAGS=GENERATION=class-name". By specifying a CMS class, MMS still uses the CMS elements as the sources but it uses the designated class of generations, not necessarily the current generations. 3 display_Tgl =TITLE Display Action Lines toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to display action lines before executing them. 3 execute_Tgl =TITLE Execute Action Lines toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to execute the action lines in the description file. 3 fromsources_Tgl =TITLE Build From Sources toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to build a target from its sources, regardless of whether the target is already up-to-date. 3 force_Tgl =TITLE Force Target Update toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to execute the action lines necessary to update one specific target. 3 check_Tgl =TITLE Check Status toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to return a value in the symbol MMS$STATUS instead of updating a target. This symbol contains the status of the last action line executed by MMS. 3 revise_Tgl =TITLE Revise Date toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to only change the revision dates of all the targets that need updating, instead of performing the update. 3 skip_Tgl =TITLE Skip Intermediate toggle button Click on the button to indicate that MMS should not build intermediate source/target files. 3 list_switch_Tgl =TITLE Enable LIST macro toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to use the macro definition "LIST=1". Automatically generated description files will contain the following lines: .IFDEF LIST LST = /LIST .ELSE LST = /NOLIST .ENDIF and every compilation command will include the $(LST) macro. If this toggle button is clicked on, then every compilation in the build will produce a listing file. If this toggle button is off, no listings will be produced. Users can use the same mechanism in their own hand-written description files. 3 debug_switch_Tgl =TITLE Enable DEBUG macro toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to use the macro definition "DEBUG=1". Automatically generated description files will contain the following lines: .IFDEF DEBUG DBG = /DEBUG DBGOPT = /NOOPTIMIZE/DEBUG .ELSE DBG = /NODEBUG DBGOPT = /OPTIMIZE/NODEBUG .ENDIF and every compilation command will include the $(DBG) or the $(DBGOPT) macro. If this toggle button is clicked on, then every compilation in the build will be compiled with information to be included in the object module for use with the VAX Symbolic Debugger. Also the linker will be directed to generate a debugger symbol table and to give the debugger control when the image is run. Users can use the same mechanism in their own hand-written description files. 3 diag_switch_Tgl =TITLE Enable DIAG macro toggle button Click on the button to direct MMS to use the macro definition "DIAG=1". Automatically generated description files will contain the following lines: .IFDEF DIAG DIA = /DIAGNOSTICS .ELSE DIA = /NODIAGNOSTICS .ENDIF and every compilation command will include the $(DIA) macro. If this toggle button is clicked on, then every compilation in the build will produce an diagnostics file. If diagnostics files are produced during a build, and LSE is running, the user is able to do a REVIEW of each compilation from MMS. If this toggle button is off, no diagnostics files will be produced. Users can use the same mechanism in their own hand-written description files. 3 dd_options_help_Btn =TITLE Definitions/Directives Options dialog box Use the Definitions/Directives Options dialog box to define options for any subsequent build. The default values of the options will be reflected when the dialog box comes up. If there are Definitions/Directives Options settings defined for the current context, they will be reflected when the dialog box come up, and they will take precedence over the default settings. If qualifiers have been specified when invoking MMS, the Definitions/Directives Options settings will reflect the qualifier values, and they will take precedence over the context settings. 2 gen_options_PopForm =TITLE MMS Generate Options... button The MMS Generate Options ... menu item from the MMS Options... menu brings up a dialog box. Use this dialog box to set options for the MMS Generate command-these options correspond to the MMS Generate command line qualifiers. If the currently-selected context already includes any of these MMS settings, this dialog box reflects that information; otherwise, the default settings are represented. The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows: 3 scan_Tgl =TITLE Scan Include files toggle button Click on the button to set the options for the MMS command to indicate that C include files should be scanned for dependencies when generating the description file. 3 built_rules_Tgl =TITLE Builtin Rules Toggle button Click on the button to indicate to MMS that built-in rules are to be used; no compilation action lines will be included when generating the description file. 3 compiler_switches_TxtF =TITLE Additional Compilation Switches text field Enter any compilation switches that should be added to every compile command in the generated description file. These must be exactly what would be added to the command; i. e. they should include the slash (/) character. No checking is done to ensure the proper command 3 linker_switches_TxtF =TILES Additional Linker Switches text field Enter any switches that should be added to the LINK command in the generated description file. These must be exactly what would be added to the command; i. e. they should include the slash (/) character. No checking is done to Ensure the proper command is created. o OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the current context. o Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes made. o Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing the dialog box. 3 gen_options_help_Btn =TITLE MMS Generate Options dialog box Use the Generate Options dialog box to define options for the MMS command- Create MMS file The default values of the options will be reflected when the dialog box comes up. If there are Generate Options settings defined for the current context, they will be reflected when the dialog box come up, and they will take precedence over the default settings. If the Additional Link or Compile settings have been specified when invoking MMS, these Generate Options settings will reflect the current values and they will take precedence over the context settings. =INCLUDE cgui Overview_frame 2 lndlg_PopForm =TITLE Logical names dialog box The logical name definitions retrieved from the context file specified in the Context File field of the main window are displayed in the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings field of this dialog box. The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows: o Conceal Translation - to specify that the translation(s) of the logical name are `concealed'. o Enter Definition - to add the logical name and corresponding equivalence strings specified in the Logical Name and Equivalences fields to the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings list shown in the dialog box. Use this feature to supersede a definition from a parent context. o Enter Deassign - to enter a deassign logical name specified in the logical name field to the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings list. The contents of the Equivalence string field are ignored. Use this feature in a context to supersede a definition from a parent context. The DECset Environment Manager does not allow duplicate definitions of a logical name in the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings field. o Remove - to remove the selected logical name definition or the DEASSIGN from the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings list. o Add Table - to specify an option menu containing the options system, group, job, the default setting, process, or other user defined tables. The value indicates the logical name table into which the logical name is inserted or from which the logical name is deassigned. o OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the current context. The current changes are not written to the context file until after you either Apply or Save these changes. Changes are written to the current context in memory only. o Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes made. o Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing the dialog box. The Logical Names/Equivalence Strings field places equivalence strings on separate lines in order to distinguish between logicals defined; for example: DEFINE FOO BAR DEFINE MOO A,B,C DEASSIGN ZOO The Environment Manager does not accept logical name specifications that include quotation marks. 3 lnequiv_ScrLst =TITLE Logical Names/Equivalences list Use Enter Definition button to add the logical name and corresponding equivalence strings specified in the Logical Name and Equivalences fields to the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings list. 3 lognam_TxtF =TITLE Logical Name text field Use this text field for specifying the desired logical name. 3 conctrans_Tgl =TITLE Conceal Translation toggle button Toggle Conceal Translation button to specify that the translation(s) of the logical name are `concealed'. 3 equiv_TxtF =TITLE Equivalence string text field Use this text field for specifying the equivalence string for the specified logical name. 3 lnaddtab_Bth_key =TITLE Add Table button Push the Add Table button to display a dialog box that allows a user defined table to be added to the logical name table menu list. 3 table_OptMenu =TITLE Table Menu Use this radio button to display an option menu containing the options system, group, job, the default setting, process, or other user defined tables. The value indicates the logical name table into which the logical name is inserted or from which the logical name is deassigned. 3 tabnam_TxtF =TITLE Table name text field TBS 3 lnentdef_Btn =TITLE Enter Definition button Push the Enter Definition button to add the logical name and corresponding equivalence strings specified in the Logical Name and Equivalences fields to the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings list. 3 lnreplace_Btn =TITLE Replace button Push the Replace button to replace the equivalence string for the selected logical name. 3 lnentdeas_Btn =TITLE Enter Deassign button Push the Enter Deassign button to enter a deassign logical name specified in the logical name field to the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings list. The contents of the Equivalence string field are ignored. 3 lnremove_Btn =TITLE Remove button Push the Remove button to remove the selected logical name definition or the DEASSIGN from the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings list. 3 lnedt_equiv_Btn =TITLE Edit Equivalence String... button The Edit Equivalence String... menu item brings up a dialog box indicating that an equivalence string is being set. Enter a string into the Equivalence String field and click on either of the Append or Add Before Selected buttons to add the string in the appropriate place in the Equivalence String List field. The Equivalence String List field contains a list of equivalence strings, one string per line. If equivalence information exists for the current context, that information is shown in the Equivalence String List field when the dialog box is managed. Delete items from the string list by selecting the appropriate item(s) in the Equivalence String List field and clicking on the Delete Selected button. The OK button accepts the string list and dismisses the dialog box. The Cancel button dismisses the dialog box without changing the equivalence string. Click on the Select... button to specify the string. 3 lnshwctxtLogs_Btn =TITLE Show Context Logicals button Click on this button to display the logical names currently defined in the context file for the current context. Only the logical names defined in the context file will be displayed by this action. 3 lninclInher_Tgl =TITLE Include Inheritance toggle button This toggle button specifies if inherited logical names from the parent contexts are display along with the logical names defined for the current context. 3 help_Btn =TITLE Logical names dialog box help button The logical name definitions retrieved from the context file specified in the Context File field of the main window are displayed in the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings field of this dialog box. The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows: o Conceal Translation - to specify that the translation(s) of the logical name are `concealed'. o Enter Definition - to add the logical name and corresponding equivalence strings specified in the Logical Name and Equivalences fields to the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings list shown in the dialog box. Use this feature to supersede a definition from a parent context. o Enter Deassign - to enter a deassign logical name specified in the logical name field to the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings list. The contents of the Equivalence string field are ignored. Use this feature in a context to supersede a definition from a parent context. The DECset Environment Manager does not allow duplicate definitions of a logical name in the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings field. o Remove - to remove the selected logical name definition or the DEASSIGN from the Logical Names/Equivalence Strings list. o Add Table - to specify an option menu containing the options system, group, job, the default setting, process, or other user defined tables. The value indicates the logical name table into which the logical name is inserted or from which the logical name is deassigned. o OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the current context. The current changes are not written to the context file until after you either Apply or Save these changes. Changes are written to the current context in memory only. o Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes made. o Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing the dialog box. The Logical Names/Equivalence Strings field places equivalence strings on separate lines in order to distinguish between logicals defined; for example: DEFINE FOO BAR DEFINE MOO A,B,C DEASSIGN ZOO The Environment Manager does not accept logical name specifications that include quotation marks. =INCLUDE cgui Overview_frame 2 cmslib_PopForm =TITLE Search list or string list dialog box This dialog box is used for specified a search list or a string list. 3 cmslb_dir_TxtF =TITLE Selection text field Enter a string into this field and click on either of the Append or Add Before Selected buttons to add the string in the appropriate place in the search list or string list. 3 cmslb_select_Btn =TITLE Select... button Click on the Select... button to specify the directory or file or string (depending on which dialog box is being used). 3 cmslb_dirlst_Scrlst =TITLE Search list / string list The Search list/string list is the display of the currently defined ordered list. 3 cmslb_upar_Arro =TITLE Search list / string list Up arrow Click on the search list up arrow to move the selected item toward the beginning of the list. 3 cmslb_dnar_Arro =TITLE Search list / string list Down arrow Click on the search list down arrow to move the selected item toward the end of the list. 3 cmslb_append_Btn =TITLE Append button Click on the Append button to add the string to the end of the string list. 3 cmslb_addbef_Btn =TITLE Add Before Selected button Click on the Add Before Selected button to add the string before the selected string in the string list. 3 cmslb_delsel_Btn =TITLE Delete Selected button Click on the Delete Selected button to remove the string from the string list. 3 cmslb_help_Btn =TITLE Search list or string list dialog box Help button This dialog box is used for specified a search list or a string list. Enter a string into the String field and click on either of the Append or Add Before Selected buttons to add the string in the appropriate place in the String List field. The String List field contains a list of strings, one string per line. Delete items from the string list by selecting the appropriate item(s) in the String List field and clicking on the Delete Selected button. The OK button accepts the string list and dismisses the dialog box. The Cancel button dismisses the dialog box without changing the string. Click on the Select... button to specify the string. 2 editctx_PopForm =TITLE Edit Context dialog box This dialog box is used to specify information about a context. Context information is: o Context Name - The context name can be up to 16 letters long. o Context Parent - The context parent must be a context in the current context database. o Context File - The file that is to contain all context specific information. o Comment - Comment to be displayed about the context in the main window context list. 3 edctx_ctxt_TxtF =TITLE Context text field The context name text specifies the name for the context. The context name can be up to 16 letters long. 3 edctx_parnt_TxtF =TITLE Parent text field The context parent text specifies the parent for the context. The parent context must be a context in the current database. 3 edctxSelect_Btn =TITLE Select... button The context parent select button will display a dialog box containing all the contexts in the current database. A context may be selected from this dialog box to be used as the context parent. 3 SelCtxtFil_Btn =TITLE Select... button The context file select button will display a file selection box that may be used to specify the file to contain all the context specific settings and definitions. 3 edctx_ctxtFil_TxtF =TITLE Context file text field The context file text specifies the name of the file that will contain all the settings and definitions for the context. 3 edctx_cmnt_TxtF =TITLE Comment text field The context comment text specifies the comment to be displayed with a context in the main window context list. 3 edctxhelp_Btn =TITLE Edit Context dialog box Help button This dialog box is used to specify information about a context. Context information is: o Context Name - The context name can be up to 16 letters long. o Context Parent - The context parent must be a context in the current context database. o Context File - The file that is to contain all context specific information. o Comment - Comment to be displayed about the context in the main window context list. 2 symdef_PopForm =TITLE Symbol Definitions dialog box The symbol definitions retrieved from the context file specified in the Context File field of the main window are displayed in the Symbol Definitions field of this dialog box. Use this dialog box to add DCL symbol definitions to the specified context. The Environment Manager stores symbols only as global symbols. The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows: o Enter Define - to add a new symbol definition to the Symbol Definitions list shown in the dialog box. Use this in a context to supersede a definition from a parent context. o Remove - to remove the selected symbol definition or the DELETE SYMBOL entry from the Symbol Definitions list. o Enter Delete - to add a DELETE SYMBOL entry to the Symbol Definitions list shown in the dialog box. Use this feature in a context to supersede a definition from a parent context. o OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the current context. o Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes made. o Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing the dialog box. 3 symdef_ScrLst =TITLE Symbol Definitions list The symbol definitions retrieved from the context file specified in the Context File field of the main window are displayed in this list. 3 symbol_TxtF =TITLE Symbol text field Type a new (or edit an existing) symbol name in this field. The symbol name associated with the selected symbol definition is displayed in this field. Use this field in conjunction with the Enter Define and Replace Define buttons to add or change symbol definitions in the Symbol Definitions list. Use this field in conjunction with the Enter Delete button to add a symbol deletion to the Symbol Definitions list. 3 def_TxtF =TITLE Definition text field Type a new (or edit an existing) symbol assignment in this field. The assignment associated with the selected symbol definition is displayed in this field. Use this field in conjunction with the Enter Define and Replace Define buttons to add or change symbol definitions in the Symbol Definitions list. 3 symentdef_Btn =TITLE Enter Define button This button adds a new symbol definition to the Symbol Definitions list. The new symbol definition is described in the Symbol and Definition fields. 3 symreplace_Btn =TITLE Replace button This button replaces the selected symbol definition in the Symbol Definitions list with a new symbol definition from the Symbol and Definition fields. 3 symentdel_Btn =TITLE Enter Delete button This button adds a new symbol deletion to the Symbol Definitions list. The new symbol deletion is named in the Symbol field. 3 symremove_Btn =TITLE Remove button This button removes the selected symbol definition or deletion from the Symbol Definitions list. !3 symok_Btn !=TITLE OK button ! TBS ! !3 symcancel_Btn !=TITLE Cancel button ! TBS ! !************** End of Conflict 1 ******************************************* 3 symhelp_Btn =TITLE Symbol Definitions dialog box The symbol definitions retrieved from the context file specified in the Context File field of the main window are displayed in the Symbol Definitions field of this dialog box. Use this dialog box to add DCL symbol definitions to the specified context. The Environment Manager stores symbols only as global symbols. The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows: o Enter Define - to add a new symbol definition to the Symbol Definitions list shown in the dialog box. Use this in a context to supersede a definition from a parent context. o Remove - to remove the selected symbol definition or the DELETE SYMBOL entry from the Symbol Definitions list. o Enter Delete - to add a DELETE SYMBOL entry to the Symbol Definitions list shown in the dialog box. Use this feature in a context to supersede a definition from a parent context. o OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the current context. o Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes made. o Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing the dialog box. 2 macdef_PopForm =TITLE MMS Macro Definitions dialog box The macro definitions retrieved from the context file specified in the Context File field of the main window are displayed in the Macro Definitions field of this dialog box. The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows: o Enter - to add a new macro definition to the Macro Definitions list shown in the dialog box. o Replace - to replace the selected macro definition in the Macro Definitions list. o Remove - to remove the selected macro definition from the Macro Definitions list. o OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the current context. o Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes made. o Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing the dialog box. 3 macdef_ScrLst =TITLE MMS Macro Definitions list The macro definitions retrieved from the context file specified in the Context File field of the main window are displayed in this list. 3 macname_TxtF =TITLE Macro name text field Type a new (or edit an existing) macro name in this field. The macro name associated with the selected macro definition is displayed in this field. Use this field in conjunction with the Enter and Replace buttons to add or change macro definitions in the Macro Definitions list. 3 macexp_TxtF =TITLE Expansion text field Type a new (or edit an existing) macro expansion string in this field. The expansion string associated with the selected macro definition is displayed in this field. Use this field in conjunction with the Enter and Replace buttons to add or change macro definitions in the Macro Definitions list. 3 macentassgn_Btn =TITLE Enter button This button adds a new macro definition to the Macro Definitions list. The new macro definition is described in the Macro Name and Expansion fields. 3 macreplace_Btn =TITLE Replace button This button replaces the selected macro definition in the Macro Definitions list with a new macro definition from the Macro Name and Expansion fields. 3 macremove_Btn =TITLE Remove button This button removes the selected macro definition from the Macro Definitions list. !3 macok_Btn !=TITLE OK button ! TBS ! !3 maccancel_Btn !=TITLE Cancel button ! TBS ! !************** End of Conflict 2 ******************************************* 3 machelp_Btn =TITLE MMS Macro Definitions dialog box The macro definitions retrieved from the context file specified in the Context File field of the main window are displayed in the Macro Definitions field of this dialog box. The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows: o Enter - to add a new macro definition to the Macro Definitions list shown in the dialog box. o Replace - to replace the selected macro definition in the Macro Definitions list. o Remove - to remove the selected macro definition from the Macro Definitions list. o OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the current context. o Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes made. o Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing the dialog box. 2 defdir_FileSel =TITLE Default Directory selection box TBS 2 DelCtxtFil_FileSel =TITLE Delete Context File selection box TBS 2 DelDatbs_FileSel =TITLE Delete Database File selection box TBS 2 NewDatbs_FileSel =TITLE New Database File selection box TBS 2 OpenDatbs_FileSel =TITLE Open Database File selection box TBS 2 SelCtxtFil_FileSel =TITLE Select Context File selection box TBS 2 dtmlib_FileSel =TITLE DTM Library File selection box TBS 2 objlib_FileSel =TITLE Object Library selection box TBS 2 selcmslib_FileSel =TITLE CMS Library selection box TBS 2 selscalib_FileSel =TITLE SCA Library selection box TBS 2 sellnklib_FileSel =TITLE Link Library selection box TBS 2 sellnkopt_FileSel =TITLE Link Option File selection box TBS 2 selsrcdir_FileSel =TITLE Source Directory selection box TBS 2 View_PopForm =TITLE View Context window This window displays a complete description of the specified context. o Cancel - to dismiss the window o Help - to bring up this help window 3 View_ScrolledWindow =TITLE View Context Scrolled window A complete description of the specified context is displayed in this window. If the text is too large to fit in the window, scroll bars will be created to permit scrolling through the text. 4 View_Text =TITLE View Context Text A complete description of the specified context is displayed in this area. 3 View_HelpBtn =TITLE View Context window This window displays a complete description of the specified context. o Cancel - to dismiss the window o Help - to bring up this help window 2 Glossary_frame =TITLE DECset Environment Manager Glossary Context - A context is defined as a named set of values that tailors the DECset tools to a specific software development activity (for example, fixing bugs or implementing enhancements). The supported attributes for which these values are supplied are: logical name definitions; symbol definitions; MMS macro definitions; MMS build options; linker options file specifications; library settings; a source directory specification; output directory specifications; and a default directory specification. Each context has a unique name within a particular context database (see Context Database). The length of the context name is limited to 16 characters. Context Database - A context is defined in a context database. This database is stored as a sequential ASCII text file. Each record of this file has the following format: context-name file-spec [parent-context] ["description"] A context database entry must include a fully-qualified file specification (e.g.,DISK:[directory]file.DECSET_CONTEXT_DB). Context File - A context file is used to store information that is specific to a particular named context. The context file is specified by an OpenVMS file specification, which is stored in the context database entry (see Context Database) associated with the named context. The default context file type is .DECSET_CONTEXT. The context file is a sequential ASCII text file. In a context file, a continuation line must be terminated by a hyphen character. Trailing comments are not allowed on a continuation line. Context Including Inheritance - Any context may be based upon another context, which (in turn) may itself be based upon yet another context. A child context inherits information from its entire `chain' of parent contexts. The term context object refers to a context that includes all of this inherited information. DECset Environment Manager - The DECset Environment Manager provides a single mechanism for tailoring the execution environment for a set of DECset tools. The tailoring factor is known simply as a context. Using the DECwindows user interface, a context may be applied to all tools displaying on a particular DECwindows display. Parent/Child Context - A context that is based upon another context is said to be a child context. Each child context inherits all the information associated with its parent context. If the same attribute in both a child and its parent have different values, the child's value overrides that of the parent. 2 listmanager_PopForm 3 listmanager_help_Btn =TITLE List Manager Dialog Box This dialog box has several uses within the Environment Manager. In general, it is used to specify and manipulate lists of directories or file specifications. Enter a string into the Library/String field and click on either of the Append or Add Before Selected buttons to add the string in the appropriate place in the Library/String List field. The Library/String List field contains a list of strings, one string per line. Delete items from the Library/String list by selecting the appropriate item(s) in the Library/String List field and clicking on the Delete Selected button. The OK button accepts the Library/String List and dismisses the dialog box. The Cancel button dismisses the dialog box without changing the Library/String. In some cases a Select... button appears to the right of the Library/String field. If present it may be used to browse. When more than one item is shown in the Library/String List, up and down-arrow buttons are displayed to move the selected item up or down in the list. 2 edit_context_PopForm 3 edit_contexthelp_Btn =TITLE Edit Context dialog box This dialog box is used to specify information about a context. Context information is: o Context Name - The context name can be up to 16 letters long. o Context Parent - The context parent must be a context in the current context database. o Context File - The file that is to contain all context specific information. o Comment - Comment to be displayed about the context in the main window context list.