DECSET$ENVMGR.HLB  —  cgui  gen options PopForm
    The MMS Generate Options ... menu item from the MMS Options...
    menu brings up a dialog box.

    Use this dialog box to set options for the MMS Generate command-these
    options correspond to the MMS Generate command line qualifiers. If the
    currently-selected context already includes any of these MMS
    settings, this dialog box reflects that information; otherwise,
    the default settings are represented.

    The effects of clicking on the dialog buttons are as follows:

1  –  scan Tgl

 Click on the button to set the options for the MMS command to indicate that
 C include files should be scanned for dependencies when generating the
 description file.

2  –  built rules Tgl

 Click on the button to indicate to MMS that built-in rules are to be used;
 no compilation action lines will be included when generating the description

3  –  compiler switches TxtF

 Enter any compilation switches that should be added to every compile command
 in the generated description file. These must be exactly what would be added
 to the command; i. e. they should include the slash (/) character. No checking
 is done to ensure the proper command

4  –  linker switches TxtF

 Enter any switches that should be added to the LINK command in the generated
 description file. These must be exactly what would be added to the command;
  i. e. they should include the slash (/) character. No checking is done to
 Ensure the proper command is created.

    o  OK - to dismiss the dialog box and write changes made to the
       current context.

    o  Cancel - to dismiss the dialog box, discarding current changes

    o  Help - to bring up a help window containing text describing
       the dialog box.

5  –  gen options help Btn

 Use the Generate Options dialog box to define options for the MMS command-
 Create MMS file

 The default values of the options will be reflected when the dialog box comes

 If there are Generate Options settings defined for the current context,
 they will be reflected when the dialog box come up, and they will take
 precedence over the default settings.

 If the Additional Link or Compile settings have been specified when invoking
  MMS, these Generate Options settings will reflect the current values and they
  will take precedence over the context settings.
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