/sys$common/syshlp/TPUHELP.HLB  —  STR

  This built-in has two variants.  One variant returns a string equivalent
  for an integer, keyword, or string.  The other variant returns the string
  equivalent for the contents of a range or buffer.

  Syntax 1

     string1 := STR ({integer1 [, integer2]}
                     {string2} )

     Returns the string equivalent for the integer, keyword, or string you


     integer1             The integer you want converted to a string.

     integer2             The radix (base) you want TPU to use when
                          converting integer1 to a string.  Allowable values
                          are 8, 10, and 16.  The default radix is 10.  You
                          can use integer2 only if you specify an integer as
                          the first parameter.

     keyword              The keyword whose string representation you want.

     string2              A string you want returned.  This built-in allows
                          a parameter of type string.

  Syntax 2

     string1 := STR ({range | buffer} [ [,string2] {, ON | OFF}] )


     range                A range whose contents you want returned as a

     buffer               A buffer whose contents you want returned as a

     string2              Specifies how you want line breaks represented.
                          The default is the null character.  You can use
                          string2 only if you specify a range or buffer as
                          the first parameter.  Every line break in the
                          buffer or range is replaced by the string you
                          specify.  The end of the last line in the buffer
                          or range is not replaced by the string you

     ON                   A keyword directing TPU to insert spaces to
                          preserve the white space created by left margins
                          greater than one in the buffer or range.  No
                          spaces are inserted for lines that do not contain
                          characters.  Integer 1 is equivalent to the
                          keywork ON.

     OFF                  A keyword directing TPU to ignore left margins
                          when converting the buffer or range to a string.
                          Integer 0 is equivalent to the keywork OFF.


  1.  The following procedure converts two integer variables to strings so
      the current column and row can be displayed in the message area:

      PROCEDURE user_display_position
          what_col := GET_INFO (current_window, "current_column");
          what_row := GET_INFO (current_window, "current_row");
          MESSAGE ("Column " + STR (what_col) + ", Row " + STR (what_row));

  2.  The following statement forms a string using the text in the range
      "this_range"; in the string, each end of line is represented with the
      string "<CR><LF>":

         this_string := STR (this_range, "<CR><LF>");

      For example, if the text in "this_range" was the following:

         You make the best of
         What's still around

      then "this_string" would contain the following:

         You make the best of<CR><LF>What's still around

  Related topics

     ASCII    FAO    INT    SUBSTR
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