/sys$common/syshlp/TPUHELP.HLB  —  SET(WIDGET)

  Allows you to assign values to various resources of a widget.


     SET (WIDGET, widget, widget_arguments)


     WIDGET               A keyword directing TPU to set an attribute of
                          a widget.

     widget               The widget instance whose values you want to set.

     widget_arguments     A series of pairs of resource names and resource
                          values.  You can specify a pair as an array or as
                          a pair of separate parameters.  If you use an
                          array, you index the array with a string that is
                          the name of the resource you want to set.  The
                          array element contains the value you want to
                          assign to that resource.  If you use a pair of
                          separate parameters, specify the resource name as
                          a string, then the resource value.  Separate the
                          name from the value with a comma.  Arrays and
                          string/value pairs may be used together.  Each
                          array index and its corresponding element value,
                          or each string and its corresponding value, must
                          be valid widget arguments for the class of widget
                          you are creating.


     The following statements set the "Nvalue" resource of the current EVE
     window's scroll bar widget to 100.  This causes the scroll bar slider
     to be displayed as far toward the bottom of the scroll bar widget as

     scroll_bar_widget := SET (SCROLL_BAR, CURRENT_WINDOW, VERTICAL, ON);
     SET (WIDGET, scroll_bar_widget, eve$dwt$c_Nvalue, 100);
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